1300 Words Essay Samples

Health benefits of namaz or salah.

Namaz is one of the most important of the 5 pillars of Islam. It is the perfect combination of Ablution and Namaz that keeps our soul and body clean and healthy.

The to not be afraid to grow

This is an allusion because the narrator of the poem cannot remember the name of the river that is the river that makes you forget. Another poetic device used in this poem is personification in the line " As if, one by one, the memories you used to harbor decided to retire to the southern β†’

ο»Ώthe comparative analysis of simple staining essay sample

Moreover, the most important part of the experiment was the studying of being familiar to the two primary staining techniques, which were simple staining and gram staining. In this study of the lab experiment, the improvement of the knowledge of using simple staining and gram staining is beneficial in the study of microbiology in the β†’

A comparison between frida and pollock essay sample

In the last three decades she has gained admiration in Europe and the US resulting in the 2002 movie about her life starring Salma Hayek, which sparked even further interest in the life and arts of Frida Kahlo. Frida' s mother placed glass mirror in the canopy above the bed and she gave her paint β†’

Vision and mission of dialog telekom limited marketing essay

Value chain analysis divides an enterprise into a chain of activities and each element, or link, in the value chain delivers a part of the total value to the customer and contributes part of the total profit. The purpose of the value chain analysis is to measure the value delivered and the profit contributed by β†’

I am legend analysis narrative

After this, the aerial view is replaced by a long shot, which tracks a red car speeding through the empty streets which are overgrown with weeds and grass, which again makes the audience realise all over again that the city is empty and shows that it must have been like this for quite a while β†’

What is socio economic justice politics essay

Social and economic justice is the third principle of the Earth Charter which specifically focuses on: poverty eradication as an imperative to social justice; sustainable and equitable human development in economic activities and at the economic institutional levels; human rights; equity; gender equity; and universal access to economic opportunities, health care and education as requisites β†’

The role of immigration in shaping canadian national culture

Canadian educator and philosopher of popular culture Marshall McLuhan coined the famous expression " the medium is the message." Canada has become a medium to broadcast an urgent message to the whole wide world, which is a message of tolerance and understanding. The history of Canada is one of immigration and the gradual filling up β†’

Taiwan’s rampaging dragon essay

During the company began to mature, Stan Shih also faced a number of challenges which is the rapid expansion of international subsidiaries, competition of PC manufactures and personal management philosophy of having to adapt to the international environment in the different markets. Shih not only delegated substantial job to his employees but also trusted employees β†’

Explain the recruitment practises commerce essay

Besides, concerned direction for stimulate employees to make the highest degree of productiveness expeditiously and efficaciously by uniting the company and the employee in the way and contribute to accomplishing the aims of each of them, every bit good as lending to increased market portion and maintained. In the event of a excess in the β†’

How are bodies socially constructed

It is important to recognise that social construction of the body is a global phenomenon; however this essay will look at westernised social construction of the body in particular. By looking primarily at the social construction of femininity, a subject which has typically been theorised extensively when looking at the body, an attempt will then β†’

Religion can be both a conservative force essay

Marx states that religion is ' the opium of the people'- it provides consolation for the misery of their oppression by offering the false promise of eternal happiness in the next life. Whereas, Functionalists think that religion as a conservative force is a good thing- functionalists believe that everything in society performs a function, and β†’

Business essays – life in pakistan: careers

No affair how much you say you do not care about others and its your life; the ultimate truth is that you have to care about your household and those connected to you and hence be aftering a calling is non an person 's determination. So fundamentally a calling harmonizing to your personality and involvements β†’

Compare four types of leadership theory management essay

Firstly, according to the time sequence, it can be find that the research of trait theory began from 1950, the research of behaviour theory began from 1960, the research of contingency theory began from 1970 and the research of transformational leadership began from 1960. They concentrate on the environment situations of leadership and make the β†’

Reality shows are not educational media essay

In 2009, when I came to US and watched reality shows, I found out that the rule was the same, and big companies like Nike and Addidas had deep influence in reality shows because the producers had put banners of their colorful products in reality shows. In other words, I realized that the producers of β†’

Psychosocial characteristics of breast malignancy

All these observations, from studies held in 1990s, forced the members of psycho-oncology research group to change their focus of assessment to the mental status and personal satisfaction of women with breast cancer, and to the recognition of interventions that positively influence their mental and social functioning, instead of metastatic breast cancer survival and their β†’

Lessons from kenya case studies

The Link Between Corruption and Poverty: Lessons from Kenya Case Studies INTRODUCTION " One thing can be said-the mere fact that corruption has become an item of national preoccupation is paradoxically the first real achievement by Kenyans over corruption" Since the end of the last decade the emphasis has moved from building public awareness on β†’

Department of mechanical engineering

15 MPH system 0 The main purpose of the Multi-Point Fuel Injection System is to supply a proper ratio of gasoline and air to the cylinders. L-MAPI system 0 The L-MAPI system is a port fuel- injection system.

Case study – grey advertising canada dry account assignment

We feel that before the research was conducted information on ABACI ' s, Co's and DE should have been collected in order to assess whether the information collected was easily transferable to the general population. However, the inclusion of teenagers in some of the study may have distorted the results; while it was appropriate to β†’

Management and leadership of walmart

It is the belief of Wal-Mart's management that in order to meet the needs of customers and associates, open communication is critical. It is important for leadership to step up and be the voice in each establishment of the company.

My idea of the ideal family

As life has progressed and so much has changed in the world around us all, so has my idea of the ideal family and several of my thoughts of what life for my family should be like; in hopes that someday this family will be a reality. Although, unconditional love for all people and things β†’

Chargemasters costing americans essay

In an e-mail to the Huffington Post, Robert Laszewski, a former health insurance executive, and President of Alexandria, Va.based Health Policy and Strategy Associates, pointed out, that hospitals began increasing their prices in expectation of having to negotiate prices with private insurance companies, and a desire to retain their revenue streams, he also indicated that β†’

Rhetorical analysis of a manual

In turn, the designers of the QSG have to display the functions of the MP10 without turning the guide into a complete owner's manual. Purpose The overall purpose of the QSG is to inform the reader how to use the MP10.

Absurd person singular essay sample

In the first act he times the arrival of the guests to the minute ' consulting his watch' and informing Jane that in ' seven minutes they will be here'. Sidney is very much towards of the attitude that a woman's place is in the kitchen.

East of scotland water

The initial hurdle for the authority was to integrate the disparate systems and culture of the five organisations. The EAM solution had to deliver the functionality to reduce, plan and control stock and extend the life of our assets".

Editorial: robotic assisted laparoscopic surgery (rals) in pediatric urology

Infantile robotic surgery has been a challenge due to the generic system and instruments of the current robotic surgical system. Authors from Dallas, TX, USA, reviewed the status and future directions of robotic-assisted surgery in Pediatric Urology.

Tips for student for exam

The Muslim student puts his trust in Allaah when facing the tests of this world, and he seeks His help while following the prescribed means, in accordance with the words of the Prophet, sallallaahu ' alayhi wa sallam: " The strong believer is better and is more beloved to Allaah than the weak believer, although β†’

Globalisation in the textiles industry essay

The result of her success in using international distribution is that oneteaspoon has now stocked in 32 countries worldwide.* Globalisation in Marketing * ATCFAI seeking new market place opportunities due to continual changes caused by globalization * Responding to change * Understand marketplace activity * Trends and opportunities * Appropriating stragtegies * Ensure that Australia β†’

Distinction and differentiation perception through communication the definition of design

Within the readings from Stroud, Bourdieu, and Johnson, an insight is provided into the art of design and aspects are brought together to convey the concept; Stroud for the wavering of opinion and experience from a subjective sense, Bourdieu further cements this theory of difference through taste and Johnson reiterates the variance between opinions of β†’

Creative ethnography assignment

Strange Place As I was coming flying to Hawaii in my beat up old space ship I saw the most beautiful flowing river and mountains and I knew I had to stop and explore. I was staring at one of these games when all of a sudden I was hit in the back of the β†’

The essence of mbo business essay

It can be defined as a process whereby the employees and the superiors come together to identify common goals, the employees set their goals to be achieved, the standards to be taken as the criteria for measurement of their performance and contribution and deciding the course of action to be followed. An important part of β†’

Flaws in the public education system

The American government and public are focusing on the wrong problems with the education system and thus are trying out all the wrong solutions. So the curriculum being arranged in such a way as to convey the impression of being more difficult than it really is lowers the ability of students to think and learn β†’

Free research paper on proffessor

More specifically, the term Ancient Greece refers to the civilization began to rise during the eighth century BC.e and the period that followed the fall of the Mycenaean civilization, and that developed in continental Greece, Asia Minor, the Mediterranean and the Black Sea all the way to 146 The p n.e when Greece conquered by β†’

Diversity and pluralistic approach in american history

The information from this course that will be the most memorable is that, in general, the people from the White race do not see themselves as have any ethnicity. Some days are just a shade darker or brighter in some people's eyes." I also believe thatillegal immigrationwill become more of a problem in the future β†’

Comparing two different styles of policing

Community policing is an oxymoron, for if the police could serve the whole community there would be little point in having a police force at all" fn 1 However for the purposes of this essay community policing will have the meaning which is ascribed to it by the Home Office. The aim is to build β†’

Analysis of great global warming swindle

Rather, it contends that modern climate scientists are at best seriously misguided in their collective opinion on the nature and causes of global warming, or are at worst guilty of lying to the rest of the community. In summary the documentary is not scientifically sound and presents a flawed and very misleading interpretation of the β†’

The expression of themes in winesburg

Anderson hated his father because of the lack of love shown to his mother and resented his father because of the humiliation and poverty that his father caused. Anderson sets the course for the theme of isolation in the first three chapters, excluding " The Book of the Grotesque." The first chapter is called " β†’

Lady macbeth’s breakdown in a particular scene

Early in the play she says:" Think of this, good peers, But as a thing of custom" This is from the dinner party scene, and is talking about the ghost of Banquo. This loss of control is clear in her tone, but also in the fact that at the beginning she addresses the people at β†’

Are we to trust narrator: the problem of reliability

Like Behn's female narrator, Robinson Crusoe, too, immediately makes known to the reader that "[he] was born in the year 1632, in the city of York, of a good family". While Behn's female narrator and Robinson Crusoe differ in the credibility of their respective narratives, their position as a first-person narrator is significant to each β†’

Porcelain and the economy of china

As a key contributor to the economy, we have to look at it history and how it has affected the economy in the past. The article mentions that this was in great demand from a very long time and became the embodiment of Chinese porcelain.

Impact of globalisation on international business

Expanding business from one country to other countries, the revenue from the foreign direct investment of the firm will increase the capital of the home country. On the other hand, globalisation also causes the international business to face cultures issues in term of attitudes, personal styles and communications.

Graduate study: challenges and strategies for personal success

It will explore my goals, the challenges and the strategies that I will implore to attain these goals. It will also touch some of the strengths, weaknesses, and the methods of improving my personal communications.

Correlational research

As with all types of studies we must choose a sample of people to take the survey. We have to first identify a population of people from which we are going to get the sample.

Developing profit with online sales promotions

The Purpose of my Dissertation is to provide understanding on the use of online sales promotions in today's competitive market. The purpose of my Dissertation is to enhance understanding on the use of online environment for sales promotions.

Streetcar named desire analysis essay

Within the play Streetcar Named Desire written by Tennessee Williams, the lives and relationship of Blanche DuBois and Stella Kowalski are plotted out in a scene of events that depicts astute betrayal and out of the ordinary family matters. Based on the time period of this play, that being of the Old South conservative dominated β†’

Planning of micro start-up business

Sales levels a monthly analysis will help our business to identify patterns in sales and show when we need to take action to boost sales.* The amount of new customers who visit the business f) Other external influences Government regulations All VAT will be paid over to the Government. Effective colour and wording helps to β†’

Media representation in lgbt

However, the vice is still rampant in some sections of the media." There are those who have a common tendency of thinking that the way people think and can be uniform across the globe". The media is a viable source of information in society such that televisions and films are very influential due to both β†’

Effectiveness of xpert mtb/rif on smear negative samples

Effectiveness of Xpert MTB/Rif on smear negative samples tested by LED Fluorescence microscopy for rapid diagnostics of TB cases in Bihar Pratik kumar, Prashant Goswami, Mukesh Kumar, Rashmi Kumari, Syed K Abstract The global priorities for tuberculosis control are to improve the case detection and to detect cases earlier. In the present study, we are β†’

Sense perception

For example, if we are in the middle of a forest and scared, we probably start to see and hear things that are not there. So can we really rely on our senses and trust our memory to remember each detail of the event perfectly?

Pine imagery: a constant in a world of change

Within the work, pine serves as a constant shelter, base of relationship, and stimulant of Jordan becoming one with nature in a perpetual environment that is brought by discontinuity throughout the text. The consistency of pine throughout the text serves as a counterweight and reference point to Jordan's unity with nature.

Bias: stereotype and people

As the name indicates, the topic of the book goes around stereotype, and it provides the readers a better understanding of stereotypes: what the stereotypes are; how stereotypes impact people and business; and what to do when stereotypes happen. In business, the main inefficiency of stereotype is in management, which is always considered to be β†’

Recurring purposes within dickens’ novels

In his novels, these were primarily subjects like poverty and what he viewed as problems with the English government: Oliver Twist points out poverty and crime; Bleak House comments on the Court of Chancery and the social activism of the time; A Tale of Two Cities marginally focuses on both poverty and comparing and criticizing β†’

Guitar final assignment

To help keep track of your process and to share with your colleagues, you will be maintaining Billfolds online, which you will present at the end of the semester. 3) We will also be posting a selection of your responses and completed writings online to a Billfold that you will create to present at the β†’

Truman proclamation concerning us legal rights in the adjacent continental shelf

Policy of the United States with Respect to the Natural Resources of the Subsoil and Sea Bed of the Continental Shelf" is the other name for President Harry S. More specifically, the jurisdiction over the natural resources is determined by the government of the United States of America if the shores of the continental shelves β†’

Permanent sovereignty over natural resources

That resolution declares that ' the right of peoples and nation to permanent over their natural wealth and resources must be exercised in the interest of their national development and of the well-being of the people of the state concerned' Permanent sovereignty reflects the inherent and superseding right of a state to control exploitation and β†’

Federal reserve system assignment

As an academic specialist of the Great Depression, Brenan is aware that the US economy is still vulnerable to a significant policy tightening, even though the run of news on housing, sentiment and Jobs has been particularly positive. In the lesser depression that the US economy is emerging from now, thanks to the radical and β†’

Driving and instruction permit

The intermediate license is step two of the three-step process in TADRA, the intermediate license is Class D. A driving test is also a requirement in the process of obtaining an intermediate license.

The techniques used in final destination which contribute to its appeal to an audience essay sample

Before you start to make the film you have to think about a lot of things, such as who is your target audience, who you are going to try and get to play the characters, what music you are going to have playing at particular points to build up tension or such like and what β†’

Main purpose of security management flashcard

For a security plan to work you first have to compile the risk assessment elements Of the assessment may be captured within an introductory section of the contingency plan in order to define the nature of the risks facing a company or organization. For us as security managers to begin to dissect the threat we β†’

A postcolonial psychoanalysis of determinism in native son

Wright's narrative depicts the psychological and existential struggle of adolescent, black youth to feel any sense of agency in life because the institution of racial oppression impinges upon their psychological development; consequently, a strong-willed, black man may prove incapable of accepting a reality devoid of agency and dangerously struggle to create agency where there is β†’

Tri state telephone

Internal stakeholders of the Trim-State The employees of the company employees of the company allow the business to trade, as they are the ones who put the work In to promote and sell new products. The Trim-State external stakeholders * The customers Customers will be one of the most important groups of stakeholders in the β†’

What is the bystander effect

Their award-winning research was gathered to complete their essay " Why Do not People Help in a Crisis," they suggest the probability of a bystander helping is correlated to the number of bystanders present. First the bystander must be aware of the situation, second the bystander has to establish if the situation is an emergency, β†’

What dorgan amendment no. 990?

990 because of the following reasons: Americans unjustly pay up to 5 times more to fill their prescriptions than consumers in other countries; The United States is the largest market for pharmaceuticals in the world, yet American consumers pay the highest prices for brand pharmaceuticals in the world; A prescription drug is neither safe nor β†’

The ethical issues behind cosmetic surgery

The third is the belief that American popcultureand media have a role in affecting people's personal awareness and ideals of beauty, and this is making them much more willing to have unnecessary cosmetic plastic surgery performed. To thisI believeMill would still say that it is the patients responses that matter, for they are the ones β†’

The hawksbill turtle

The most important thing that can be done for this species is to make the public aware of their actions that harm the turtles and how they can change their ways. These balloons often float over the ocean before popping, and sea turtles can choke on the pieces of the balloon that fall into the β†’

Equiano’s travels

Although he left his home at a tender age, he still identifies himself as an African and he emphasizes his originality by writing his bibliography titled: The Life of Olaudah Equiano the African. In the other hand it shows that his originality was not in England as he had to learn the English language.

Analysis of the tempest

It is thought that the first known performances of the play were at the Court of James in 1611-13, and the presence of the Jacobean-era Masque further cements the play into this time frame. The betrothal Masque in Act might have been added for the 1613 performance, since the play was staged as part of β†’

North and south states in the us during the civil war

Throughout the underlying tension of the sectional divide between the country, it helped further the strife between the North and the South yet carrying on one fundamental theme of the concept of slavery which can be seen in primary documents. In 1820, Congress passed the Missouri Compromise, which created Missouri as a slave state and β†’


The species of the Brucella, Brucella abortus, is the main cause of brucellosis in cattle and bison. One is due to the build up of erythritol which promotes infections in the fetus and the placenta.

Editorial: double-edged swords: genetic factors that influence the pathogenesis of both metabolic disease and cancer

Editorial on the Research Topic Double-Edged Swords: Genetic Factors That Influence the Pathogenesis of Both Metabolic Disease and Cancer Our understanding of cancer development has been marked by milestone discoveries in genetics, including the identification and cloning of oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes. In the review article, Kung et al.conduct a comprehensive review of the β†’

Blinking hell essay

The title of the appeal ' Blinking Hell' is printed in a large font compared with the rest of the appeal mainly to highlight the importance of this fact and to catch the attention of the target audience. This is a rhetorical question and the use of the word ' you' in the sentence addresses β†’

18th century and romantic test

Plea for doing away with superficial trappings and the unity of all believers- clean up the religions Gullivers Travels " A Modest Proposal for Presents the Childern of Poor People in Ireland for Being a Burhen to Their Parents or the Country and for Making the Beneficial to the Publick" Alexander Pope* very short b/c β†’

Introduction to the pc house plc commerce essay

A With to the full fledged gross revenues mercantile establishments throughout the island, an extended merchandise portfolio & A; a strong presence in the local market, the Company is the preferable Information and communications engineering merchandise and service supplier for the bulk of the Corporate and Retail consumers across Sri Lanka. The Personal computer House β†’

Abnormal psychology and therapy paper final assignment

This method of treatment is directly related to behavior, and it uses an operant response and a reinforcement to change the probability of a behavior or response occurring to a specific event. Marital therapy is a variant of family therapy and souses on a couple or an individual of the couple.

Example of essay on explaining how you go about writing including details and when and where you

As a self-evaluation of the effectiveness of my composing process, it is effective for the simple reason that I can express myself the best that I could possibly would. On the other hand, some aspects of my composing process that I think are most likely not to change over the course of this semester are β†’

Hih case study

Then the cause of HI collapse is going to be discuss in the following part, mainly focused on the failure of financial risk management, the failure of auditor, the failure of regulation and the lack of independence for non-executive director. Two days later, the Royal Commission was established to investigate the reasons for and the β†’

Film and indian movies assignment

In Pakistan the Bollywood movies are very much famous and the real reason of Indian movies popularity is the gradually downward of our Pakistani showbiz industry. But there is great number of Indian Movies that which are responsible for the promotion of crimes in the society.

A comparison of the plays macbeth and antigone

Although Creon and Macbeth both share common aspects in tragedy; ultimately, Macbeth is more of a tragic hero than Creon because Macbeth was portrayed as a more respectable person than Creon was, however, unlike Creon, Macbeth never learned from his mistakes. Ultimately, Macbeth is more of a tragic hero compared to Creon despite their shared β†’

Evolution of event industry assignment

There are four areas of foundation in this research: an overview of Australian business and their desire operation, behaviors of Australian consumers awards this new virtual trend, Vehicles uses to access the technology, potential customers of MOMS. 7% of virtual businesses reported that their website is the main reason of increasing their sales in 2011 β†’

British colonialism and its linguistic consequences

Such impositions regarding language and life styles reflected and altered the identity of the colonized people and, according to T rkmen, played an important role essential to colonialism to be successful:" Identity is one of the indispensable components of colonialism, if we consider colonialism as a body; identity constitutes its spirit while the economic exploitation β†’

Analytical essay about a lifetime marriage pledge essay sample

In this case, the strength of the family and the secret of kin happiness lie in the plane of the woman's thoughts and her deep faith that the man she chose as her husband and with whom she now lives is the same man with whom she can build her own happiness. Conversely, the trigger β†’

Physical journeys analysis essay

The personas in the text continue to address the fact that physical journeys explore the concept of providing challenges and insights. Therefore, it is evident that Last Seen 12: 10am is a strong text that supports the fact that journeys offer numerous challenges and obstacles.

The feudalism and manorialism unraveled

The emergence of the Medieval Feudal System of the Middle Ages affected all spheres of Medieval society: a land-based economy, the judicial system and the rights of the feudal lords under the feudal system and the lack of rights for the serfs and peasants. The goal of feudalism was to protect the land from invasion β†’

H&sc essay

The Activity Theory of Ageing On the other hand, The Activity Theory of Ageing is the total opposite of the idea of the Disengagement Theory. As elderly people come towards the end of their life span, if they take on the activity theory of ageing, they will likely want to produce a ' life review.

Effect of mno2 on the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide

Chemistry Catalyst Report Aim I am trying to investigate the effect of the mass of magnesium dioxide used on the speed of the reaction of 2H2O2? Independent Variable The mass of MnO2 used Dependent Variable The rate of decomposition through the amount of mass lost Controlled Variables Environment of the experimentStay in the same place β†’

The government of trinidad and tobago education essay

To meet this goal and, as a part of Trinidad and Tobago's response to rapid changes in both the global and local economic environment, there is need for significant changes in the landscape of tertiary education, technical and vocational education and training, and lifelong learning. The programme is accessible to citizens of Trinidad and Tobago β†’

People nowadays

Before the revolution the world was ran according to class; the people of the higher class tended to rule and " dictate" the poor. The base of this is the described as the economic system and the superstructure of it shows religion, language, and the ideas that props society.

Un and iraq: the weakest coalition essay

As the United Nations plans to reintroduce itself into the political landscape of Iraq, many realists argue that the United Nation's intervention, much like the intervention of the United States, will fail. The submission reveals the most important flaw in the United Nations' plan: Iraq has become overridden with violence ever since both the United β†’

British airways – a pr case study

Everybody should be assigned particular tasks and all the queries of the staff should be cleared. Also all necessary information should be conveyed to its customers and the media at the right point of time.

Poisonwood bible symbolism example #2

From the beginning, the attitudes of the five women cover a wide spectrum of events and happening of their time in the Congo. Using the name Methuselah to this image, Kingslover is stating that the African culture is far more ancient than the arriving colonizers, and inferring they should respect the culture of the Congo, β†’

Editorial: encoding visual features by parallel ganglion cell initiated pathways in the healthy, diseased and artificial retina

The injection induced a progressive degradation in RGC optic fibers that was followed by RGC degeneration and, finally, destruction of other retinal neurons. These results proved that S100B intraocular injection provides a potent model to examine the onset and progression of vision loss in glaucoma studies.

Reflective article review – sexual harassment

According to a survey by Crocker and Kalemba in " The Incidence and Impact Of Women's Experiences of Sexual Harassment in Canadian Workplaces", sexually harassed women in the workplace has been considered a contentious social dilemma as half women in the workforce went through incidence of varioustypes of sexual harassmentat work which made sexual harassment β†’

The confucian struggles of three brothers

As the " first son of the first son" he is the head of his household and as a result is forced to take on responsibilities he does not want and which his two younger brothers, Cheuh-min and Cheuh-hui, ridicule him for. Chueh-min is perhaps the wisest and most coolheaded of the three brothers, yet β†’

P emergency bail out

The sub prime mortgage crisis and the ensuing credit crunch is by all means a haunting reminder of Black Tuesday, when on October 29, 1929, the NYSE crashed as a result of panic selling and led to theGreat Depression. The original idea was that the purpose of the plan would be to purchase bad mortgage β†’

Creative writing-belonging essay

I remember how I came in here a lot in the middle of a thunderstorm at night to wake my mother up, as I was too scared to sleep by myself. I was in such a shock when Josh said that to my face, the next thing I know, I was in an empty room β†’