1300 Words Essay Samples

The scarlet letter essays

Dimmesdale had risen through the ranks of the church and had the utmost respect of the people of Boston. Hawthorne used Dimmesdale's sufferings and moral cowardice to illustrate the consequences of leading the impossible double life.


The objective of this project was to figure out ways by which Agastya can be effectively promoted, to make the Agastya website organized and user friendly, to figure out the areas of improvement in the training camp at Kuppam and to create templates and manuals which would increase the efficiency of work. Executive Summary The β†’

Good example of forms of business ownership and organizationstudents name case study

The recruitment of staff in the hall and the kitchen is made according to different criteria. Most often, the price is somewhere in the middle, and the task of the pricing process is to find the optimum point in the target field.

Racial stereotypes, cultural differences, & employment segregation research paper sample

We find that African-Americans and White-Americans tend to work in organizations in which a majority of the workers in similar jobs are from their respective race. In this case the lady is a victim of both gender discrimination and racial stereotype.

The themes of the lottery and the rocking horse winner

The Themes of The Lottery and The Rocking Horse Winner In D.H. He calls each family and the person chosen for that family goes to the front to draw a folded paper out of the box.

How does the director, gary ross, convey the corruption of society in his 1998 film pleasantville essay sample

His job is to challenge us through the film to consider whether society is being slowly corrupted.' Pleasantville' is a comic fantasy, aimed at teenagers and with the appeal of a family film, which poses a serious question about American society and values. The remote controller is similar to the rabbit-hole in ' Alice in β†’

Great expectations, opening paragraph question essay sample

Pip is the first character to be introduced and from this we can tell he is going to be the main character. Also the theme of power and powerlessness is hinted at.

Critically examine the contribution of jean piaget essay sample

Piaget's theory of cognitive development will bee discussed in this essay in light of its various processes and the four stages of cognitive development Sensorimotor stage, Preoperational stage, Concrete Operational stage and Formal Operational stage. The four stages in Piaget's theory of cognitive development are the sensorimotor stage, the preoperational stage, the concrete operational stage β†’

Significance of the travel agency in the philippines

It makes a direct and significant contribution to GDP and job creation, and provides crucial inputs for the rest of the economy, thus having a significant effect on the overall investment climate, which is an essential determinant of growth and development. The potential benefits of services trade liberalisation Trade in services can help create opportunities β†’

Why the driving age should be raised essay sample

I have also heard the arguments about the elderly and that they cause a lot of accidents. There is also a correlation between the number of a teenage driver's friends in the vehicle with them to the rate of increase that a wreck will occur and involve fatalities.

How was the pyramids of giza built research paper sample

The second theory is that the pyramids were built by paid workers who were loyal to the Pharaoh. With the use of other worldly technology, the " Teachers from Heaven" and humans were able to move the massive stones that were used in the pyramids.

Mucocutaneous buruli ulcer disease (caused by infection

In the mean time, theswelling of nose had spread to the adjoining face with development of ulceratedlesions on the mucosal surface of the nose and developed ulcerative lesions ininguinal and genital region as well. The organizing stage isseen in longstanding lesion, and is characterized by formation of granulomas.

Plato on women and the family essay sample

While Plato's main objective in the text was to examine and explain the nature of justice, it also invites the reader to consider a number of other philosophical and social concerns, not least that of feminism and the role of women and the family in Plato's ideal state. Here, we will consider the differing views β†’

Example of the nature of evil and iago essay

Interestingly, when the gang finds Othello, Iago who had instigated the " grand scheme" intervenes on Othello's behalf." Iago's redefinition of loveas ' a lust of the blood and a permission of the will'is [not] adequate to the complexity and variety of possibilities in love," because Iago has a difficult time reconciling the power of β†’

The young victoria movie review

Her comptroller, Sir John Conroy wanted William IV to die while Victoria was still under the age of 18, making her a minor and allowing him to become regent giving him the power behind the throne and control over Victoria. Victoria refuses to sign the regency over to him and when the king dies, who β†’


The future is here, with the help of microscopic organisms, toxic and nuclear waste can be process to remove the hazards to our environment. Once the bacteria eats the pollutant the byproduct is water and Carbon dioxide, which are not toxic to the environment.

Notes on ethics and international human resource management

It is also about the rights and duties of people, the moral rules that people apply in decision making and the nature of relationships in a society. Businesses also should contribute to human rights, education, welfare, and vitalization of the countries in which they operate.

Children: a vulnerable population

When dealing with children it is important to look at things through the child's perspective and understand that children are capable of thinking, feeling, and creating, and that they learn by practicing these capabilities. Children ages 1 to 5 eat three to five more times food and the air intake of a resting infant is β†’

The role of women and african americans in of mice and men

It seems like in a strangely poignant way to show their loneliness, Crooks and Curley's wife are the only African American and women characters in the book. In an interesting way, the discrimination at the hands of white men is highlighted in the interaction between Lennie and Curley's wife.

Fact sheet on effects of marijuana on the body

However, the question remains open as to whether this impairment is due to a residue of drug in the brain, a withdrawal effect from the drug, or a frank neurotoxic effect of the drug.3. The daily use of 1 to 3 marijuana joints appears to produce approximately the same lung damage and potential cancer risk β†’

Honour killing essay sample

One may say that it is not worth taking someone's life away just because you would not be happy with their relationship and they should understand that it is up to the girl to make her decision on who to marry and that you should accept the true love of the daughter's life and that β†’

Race in othello research paper samples

With his play Othello, the eponymous figure is a tragic one, in which the fact that he is of a different race leads Iago and others to plot against him and bring about his downfall. Shakespeare's Othello is shown to be a heroic African figure adopted by the Romans, perpetually battling the prejudices of others β†’

Frankenstein blade runner

You are my creator, but I am your master;-obey! ' ii) the still of Roy holding Tyrell's face Through the relationship between the characters of Victor and his creature, Shelley challenges nineteenth century values about the role ofscience, the benefits of ambition and fame and the dominance of nature by man. In Shelley's novel, Victor's β†’

Β Β discrimination in a low-wage labor market article review examples

Herein, it should be noted that as per the analysis of the article, it came to the notice that the researchers have made use of the quantitative research method. Also, the audit methodology is used in the conduction of research when the researchers selected the matched pair of the testers who posed for the real β†’

Palm inc – from handhelds to smart phones

Palm had no clear vision - of what was the picture of the future that the company wanted to achieve. The Innovation Is the basic power of the company, but Palm does not have the strong impetus.

Effective marketing strategy

A marketing strategy is a plan of action in which Aston Martin Company will have to utilize in order counter the competition from its rivals and in the process attain a significant market share in the sports car market. Price Price is very important to the business in that it will determine the cost and β†’

Juicy couture advertising analysis.

The purse and the fur coat, the socks, and the black dress are all Juicy Couture. It's like they are a part of this beautiful world that only a few are able to see and to be like those in the picture it is necessary to be just as unrealistic as them." You can always β†’

World cup marketing opportunity

The World Cup is considered to be the biggest sporting event in the world today which is viewed by millions of people from every corner of the world. The World Cup event has given companies the opportunity to use the mobile phones to market their products through the mobile campaigns.

Analysis on the marketing strategies

This is the only commercialized magazine concerning hiking and natural environment in Hong Kong, as it is new and unique with less interested groups comparing with magazines of other genre, therefore, marketing strategies are especially important for them, in order to attract consumers attention, and many of the promotional tools it use is much different β†’

Motor auto repairs business plan

0 Business background The business will be a family venture between a husband and a wife; Jacob and Mary with the husband being the sole owner of the business. The equipment's that will be installed in the business premises will be top notch and this will help to keep the business ahead of competition.

Maketing summary assignment

The first tutorial in Week 1 or 2 is especially important and during that class, you Will be informed about your individual assignment and you will be formed into your group for the group assignment. Once a session has commenced, the administrator for the research study may not allow you to join in the study β†’

Example of essay on marketing

Marketing/Business Plan It is important for the marketing strategies to provide the selection and analyses of target markets including the appropriate development and the variables to maintain the marketing decisions in terms of the products, promotion, distribution, and price to entice the specific target market. The other way to lessen the risk of failure β†’

Case study on marketing

Since the reputation of Annie's is a premium priced food company, the packaging will play an important role in brand recognition and authenticity as it should essentially communicate key features and benefits to consumers. The researcher would like to recommend the use of Natural and Grocery channels in the initial phase of launch of frozen β†’

Canon marketing recommendations

In July, predicting a pickup in China in the second half of the year, the company forecast operating profit would be 380 Lion yen, compared with 324 billion yen for 2012. Canon having cut its operating profit outlook for the second quarter in a row and the fact that sales of its signature high-end cameras β†’

Country notebook business plan example

It is the eighth biggest nation in the world and the second largest in Latin America with a main land of 2, 780, 400km2. Raising the children is for the mother and fathers are the providers.

Research paper on eiffel tower versus the opera house

The government of New South Wales provides the balance for maintenance of the Opera House. This income comes from the sale of tickets to tourists who visit the tower and the restaurants housed by the building.

Perceptual maps in marketing

Scenario 3 After a year of of implementing a new motorcycle, it is time to review the data to see if CruiserThorr has increased sales and regained the younger market crowd as anticipated. According to the RRoth data, lifestyle image, cool, price, and quality engineering were at the top of importance to the younger target β†’

Fashion forecasting term paper examples

A fashion forecaster is charged with the responsibility of predicting the colors, styles and fabrics to be presented on the runway or in the stores for upcoming seasons. However, in order for the fashion industry workers to be able to obtain credible information regarding new trends in the market, they need to involve the services β†’

Defining and enacting a corporate brand

In order to successfully implement a corporate brand to the properties of Rosewood it can be suggested to use Chernatony's model: Defining and enacting a corporate brand. The first four stages of the model have to do with creating the corporate brand concept: Vision The first of these is the brand vision, which consists of β†’

Quality management and customer satisfaction

Wal-Mart's Strategic Quality Management and Customer Satisfaction One organization that has become successful in many aspects of satisfaction and quality is Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart's vision is to uphold these values and principles to keep a large flow of customers into their stores throughout the country.

Measures infected machine. nowadays, cybercriminals are using

Some factors like employee mobility and the use of social networks are contributing to the increasing exposure of corporate networks to malware. To identify the vulnerability that allowed the malware to get there in the first place To identify the intruder that is responsible for installing the malware Static analysis TechniquesStatic analysis is generally safer β†’

Super bowl commercials 10643

The commercials they are watching are produced by the best and the brightest in the business using immense amounts of money. To millions of people, half the fun of watching the Super Bowl is the commercials.

Marketing techniques and research

It focuses on making many chocolate products as well as improving the quality of the chocolate products it has. It has used platforms supported by the National Trust to advertise its features and the designation by the UNESCO has promoted it thus a marketing strategy for the monasteries.

Red bull marketing analysis

Red Bull is the leader of the energy drink market. Red Bull is an energy drink that comes from the adaptation of the Thai energy drink " Krating Daeng", which means " Red Bull".

Intro to marketing

Also, if a customer has a dispute of a member of McDonald's about the calories of a burger, the customer would then be informed exactly how many calories are In a burger as they are stated on every bit of packaging for exactly what Is In the burger. If the seller fights their corner and β†’

Dumping (international trade) research paper samples

The theme of non-tariff methods of protectionism is still being actual nowadays with the methods of antidumping, subsidy and the methods of hidden protectionism because they obviously can protect the domestic markets from the unfair pricing of the trade with foreign suppliers, which can cause unsatisfactory impact on the domestic economy. We have to say β†’

QuαΊ£n trα»‹ học

As we notice from the life cycle of Nokia, In 2002 Nokia was at its top position in the market where it had the biggest market share and a fast growing business. This was at the beginning of Nokia when it has just entered the market and began to grow and make a market share.

Software marketing

A computer is a complex machine that uses directions like programs and software to operate, without it it" s useless. To understand the meaning of ownership, it" s important to known what ownership is, and how it" s acquired.

Introduction: avoid miscommunication, active listening is important. active

Placing focus on theinterviewer through active listening proves the person is interested inchallenges and successes of the organization and willing to help them to solveproblems. It ismandatory to overcome sales resistance for the growth of the product and theconcerned organization.

Fedex marketing case essay sample

This shows that it is definitely viable for Fed Ex to hit the goal of 6, 000 CP a day without going over its maximum volume capacity. The strongest competition for CP would be the in the overnight delivery sector which are mainly the air freight forwarders particularly, Emery who is a huge player in β†’

The impact of cultural capital on advertisement

After the 1990s, globalizationand technological revolution in the joint action, cultural issues in all areas of marketing, reflected in all directions, the impact of cultural capital onadvertisementjournals were seen everywhere." Advertising." The word of foreign origin, derived from the Latin word " Adteurture"; its basic meaning is the meaning of attention and induce the latter β†’

Bangkok: the paradise for tourists

One of the favorite shopping style in Bangkok is friendly bargain in most stores and markets. For tourists, Bangkok is one of the most challenging and exciting city in the Southeast Asia.

Topshop marketing plan

The weakness of the Topman Corporation is their international market, the company is global, but it has stores only in a few countries worldwide, the market share is poor in US and China which are the two biggest markets in the world. Our plan for the company is to build a world level website in β†’

Janmar coatings case analysis

Hiring a new sales representative would be the smartest decision right now because they will know every detail of the products and have the ability to market that properly to each of those consumer segments. Because our contribution margin is 35%, with the addition of a new representative costing $60, 000, about $171, 429 additional β†’

Customer eccentricity

To accomplish this, lean thinking changes the focus of management from optimizing separate technologies, assets, and vertical departments to optimizing the flow of products and services through entire value streams that flow horizontally across technologies, assets, and departments to customers. This system in essence shifted the focus of the manufacturing engineer from individual machines and β†’

Unit 1 – a managerial approach to marketing

The information presented in the marketing should so explanatory that it gives precise information to the consumer about the details of the product. However, in technology can provide a huge advantage and shorten the time of developing and marketing a product.


In order for the Qatar government to maintain a healthy and a stable economy in the future, it ought to expand revenue sources, utilize its assets to hedge against instability and create a legacy for the future in by measures mentioned below. In this case all the households should pay a given fraction of tax β†’

Speak better through love english language essay

Specifically, in the first text, the author tries to persuade adults not to force their children to speak Standard English but to encourage them to speak up in order to increase the confidence in speaking. Meanwhile, in the second text, the author convinces adults that the creation of a good English speaking environment is fundamental β†’

Crime as dark play

In the case of dark play, exaggeration is shown by the dancer becoming more psyched up by the pleas of both the father and the husband who visualizes her falling at the edge of the cliff. While he does this, he captures the attention of the audience and other spectators forcing them in the play.

The key issue in argument structure english language essay

It involves the type of the syntax, the number of arguments, and the hierarchical organization that is needed to map to the structure. The key issue in argument structure in syntax is in the amount and the nature of information presented in the lexical representations.

Essay summary of blood bananas

The case emphasizes Chiquita's focus on risk avoidance, cost control, andglobalization; the factors that contributed to the payment of protection money; and Chiquita'sfailureto respond quickly and appropriately. The case discusses decisions made as Chiquita grew from a small firm to become an industry giant; innovation, and continuous improvement as drivers of industry consolidation; and how β†’

The challenges of strategic management in business commerce essay

This essay will get down with a treatment about strategic theoretical accounts and how they can assist directors cover with challenges that face them in everyday concern life and how strategic theoretical accounts can assist directors with determination doing sketching the benefits associated with strategic theoretical accounts, a brief overview of the Industry Life Cycle, β†’


5 billion Lactobacillus casei Shirota strain in every 65ml bottle of Yakult If drinking Yakult for a long time, can the Yakult strain of bacteria become a permanent resident of the small intestine? No. There are a number of reasons why sugar is in Yakult: Some sugar is added prior to fermentation for the bacteria β†’

Leadership concepts and their relationship to business commerce essay

He knows the value of a good leader because the leader is the function theoretical account of the employees. As the leader of the organisation is really friendly and democratic, he loves to distribute that manner in his organisation.B ).

Automobiles: history and impact research paper examples

Contrary to popular belief, the concept of the modern car or automobiles came from the Europeans and not from the Americans. Sloan, introduced innovations such as Chevrolet, Pontiac, Oldsmobile, Buick and the new version of the Cadillac to give a selection of affordable to luxurious cars to the public.

Discourse organization on asian fashion blogs

The growing interest in blobbing has aroused the interest of English as a Second Language and English as a Foreign Language fashion floggers who see blobbing as a simple and low cost way of giving traders an access to publishing, advertising and distributing their writings on the internet as a method of providing them with β†’

Maruti 800 car

There are many cars on the market that are exciting withrespectto power, interior design, overall execution & the vitality in the segment they play in but no other car is as close to what ALTO is in the entry level segment. Santro & Indica do have a strong hold on the upper level where Alto β†’

Vr choose their own adventure by interacting

Another thing is the space that is required inour households to be able to fully take advantage of its potential. It is a new type of technology; our bodies and minds are not used to it and can react differently.

Riordan manufacturing and china

In order to meet all of the forecasted sales which are predicted, the forecast is to be given to all local companies. Riordan needs to have the entire forecast for all required motors in order to be transmitting to the Chinese company and Riordan needs to have the correct deliveries which can be obtained from β†’

Singapore airlines essay test

A high percentage in the return on capital employed is constantly desirable since it implies that the profitability of the organization is considerably safe from unexpected movements in the externalenvironment, such as the adoption of new competitive measures, economic slowdown and more. Both elements fall outside the day-to-day operations of the organization but lead to β†’

Chick-fil-a company background

The company was established in 1946 and has gradually entrenched itself in the American food industry as a cultural icon in the Southern United States for its specialty in preparation of chicken sandwiches. Chick-Fil-A attained second position in the ranking of the largest private restaurant franchises in the United States for its quality services.

Free research paper on pearl diving-united arab emirates

However, according to Brenton, it is also necessary to note the fact that this practice and profession, which prior to the twentieth century was once the United Arab Emirates' major source of income, has been decreasing in terms of productivity and economic relevance, especially, since there has been much adoption of the same, which has β†’

Rosewood hotel and resort corporate branding

Employees might be concerned that the transformation to a corporate branding strategy will destroy the uniqueness and individuality of each property. The unwillingness to implement a corporate branding strategy from various guests can be seen as an effect of the success of emotional value that Rosewood has created for itself.

Banana plantations in central america

The United Fruit Company became the most prominent example of a foreign company influencing a sovereign government and the lives of its citizens. Accusations arose that the army was essentially under the direction of The United Fruit Company.

The impact of cybercrimes on the efficiency of banking sectors of pakistan

The purpose of this research is the same that how cybercrimes impact the efficiency of five banking sectors of Pakistan. A main question arises that what is the impact of cybercrimes on the efficiency of banks of Pakistan?

4,460. with weakened mental health is not uncommon.

Since the 21st century, the judicial and legislative systems of the United States have been busy with attempts to lower the impact of human trafficking, especially by implementing laws such as the US Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000. When thinking about sex trafficking, especially in the eyes of the law, the focus tends to β†’

Public private partnerships schemes in india construction essay

Acknowledging the significance of equal substructure, and the given bottlenecks on public budgets to finance these lifting substructure demands, authoritiess have sought to reassign portion of the load of new substructure investing to private sector. Theoretically for mensurating the public presentation of a PPP squad, individual hiting system can be used which facilitates transparence and β†’

Cowgirl chocolates

Personally, I believe the " hot and spicy truffles" are competing in the chocolate candy market because when one thinks of the name " Cowgirl Chocolates" the word " chocolate" comes to mind rather than hot and spicy. Cowgirl Chocolates thus seems more likely to be successful in the chocolate candy market rather than the β†’

The winchester model 1894 essay

The new model was announced in the November 1894 catalog as the Winchester repeating Rifle Model 1894. The Model 1894 is unquestionably the most successful center fire lever action model ever produced by Winchester and was followed by the Winchester Model 1895 model.

Employee loyalty essay

If it means that people are expected to do their jobs at some acceptable level of competence or to do what their supervisors tell them to do, whether in terms of their job descriptions or day-to-day directives, then loyalty is a matter of moral obligation because these expectations are of the very essence of the β†’

Colorflex and temperature measurement in coffee production

The co-ordinate of L* describe the degree of brightness, a* is the colour strength of ruddy to green, and b* describe the strength of yellow to blue. The covariance matrix of an experimental information is defined as follows.where Ten is the matrix of the experimental informations with size of M x N, M is the β†’

1. create and their competitive advantage (marshall

Tounderstand how digital platforms are transforming competition in the sharingeconomy, the paper is going to focus on the following question: to what extent isNetflix influencing competition in its industry and in the U.S.sharing economy? To come up with an answer to this main theme, the research method will beliterature based and the structure of the β†’

Wind power and its industry in different countries

Wind power is the conversion of wind energy into a useful form of energy, such as using: wind turbines to make electricity, windmills for mechanical power, wind pumps for water pumping or drainage, or sails to propel ships. The intermittency of wind seldom creates problems when used to supply up to 20% of total electricity β†’

Business and management key terms ac essay

People responsible for the day-to-day running of the business or a department within the business. Martin Smiths joined The Imperial as a receptionist and was promoted to Head of Reception five years later.21.

Food security persuasive essay

For example: the physical availability of food, and economic access to food, and the sustainability of these aspects to deliver adequate levels of food security." In Sub-Saharan Africa today, almost 33 percent of the population of sub-Saharan Africa lack sufficient food security". Because of the unpredictable rain in the Sub-Saharan, the soil is compressed and β†’

Cough and airways inflammation biomarkers health and social care essay

Chronic cough is presented clinically as a titillating esthesis in the pharynx with fits of coughing induced by alterations in the temperature of the air, aromas, sprays and coffin nail fume. Purposes - To analyze the association between cough and the degree of lung inflammatory marker Nitric Oxide in patients with chronic cough.- The correlativity β†’

Catering operations

I will make sure that all front of the house staff that is going to serve the food should know all the dishes and the ingredients in them. Staff and facilities; to make the menu I have considered the Taft I will have to employ in order to cook the food.

Malaysian domestic airline industry essay sample

That's why today there is a tight competition between Air Asia and Malaysia airlines to serve the domestic flight market.2. The two domestic airlines, Air Asia and Malaysia airlines is compete in their pricing strategy to attain more customer and increasing their profit.3.

This competitiveness in the construction industry is

NBCC need to ensure theyrecruit the right people to meet the needs of the business plan. They need to communicate to others and convince them tobuy in and bring them into the vision of NBCC to continue to being a successfulconstruction company.


Capitalism Name: Course: Date: Capitalism The term capitalism refers to an economic structure based on manufacture of goods and services for profit and the personal acquiring of the means of production. However, capitalism was most dominant in the Western region of the world after the collapse of the feudalism system.

Practise essay montana 1948

It became vibrant to the reader, that in response to Wesley's actions that Montana was truly important to him and he would not accept anyone that held Montana responsible from the events the occurred within the summer of 1948. By clearly stating that Montana was not to blame, Sheriff Hayden means that it was the β†’

Doctor in the house essay sample

Then the narrator depicts the procedure of the exams which consists of two parts: written papers, after which one of the students gives a very specific theory of the way the tripos is marking at Cambridge; and the viva the oral examination, before which he characterizes different types of candidates' behavior anticipating it. Besides the β†’

Importance of memories in my antonia novel

Cather uses the words: lifting, dropping, and stiff to emphasize the motion of Antonia moving her shoulders after the hard work she has performed in the field all day. Her arm is brown because of all the time she spends outside.

The mirroring of the blind beggar to madame bovary

Because of Emma Bovary's immense amount of emotions, Flaubert uses the beggar to better express all of the emotions that she is feeling to the readers. The beggar is also used to have the readers experience the same general uneasiness that Emma is feeling, by stimulating the same emotions in the reader.

Common ideas in epic of beowulf and the ramayana

His courage is his passion and with it he rises to the top. He is even described to be " the truth and eternal,".

Delta international book wholesalers

It is essentially responsible for the service and repair of Vauxhall vehicles, and the sales of genuine parts and accessories. It has a commitment to meet the needs of Vauxhall customers and potential customers in the areas of Kingston, Richmond, Twickenham and Weydbridge.