1300 Words Essay Samples

Attrition in bpo industry: a survey report

Research Hypotheses * H1: Men are more intended to leave the organization.* H2: The intention to leave will not be the same for different educational levels of each group of employees.* H3: The intention to leave will not be the same for different age group levels of employees. H4: As fair remuneration decreases, intention to →

Victim of greed

In his novel, Madame Bovary, Flaubert follows the life of the namesake character, Madame Emma Bovary, in her pursuit of romantic and passionate love- with her endeavors being halted and eventually made deadly due to an unfulfilling marriage, societally dictated female subservience, and the destructive habits of the Bourgeois lifestyle. Charles Bovary is a victim →

Chemistry spec notes flashcard

Reduce waste + pollution Higher yield The work of the chemical Industry IA Jobs Fine Transport workers: Brings materials into the plant Research chemists: Investigate the best method Production chemists: " Scale up" the methods Analytical chemists: Test the purity of samples and see if it measure up to standards. Heat energy is produced as →

Audi hr practices essay

The responsibilities of the Human Resources and Organisational Development Team include: The organization and arrangement of trainings for our colleagues, the operation of the in-company vocational training programme and the coordination of the " Fair of ideas" programme. The promotion of Audi Hungaria Motor Kft, maintaining relationships with the institutions of higher education, provide for →

Swing vote

Such votes are usually sought after in elections, since they have such a large role in the outcome." Swing Vote" is the actual name of the movie we chose to write about since it pertains to much of what we have discussed in class, such as how citizens have the right to vote. The entire →

The viability of social and commercial entrepreneurships

The strategic purposes of the Grameen Bank of Bangladesh will be compared with those of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia to exemplify the similarities and differences of a commercial and societal entrepreneurship. By analyzing this facet of responsible leading, the reader will come to appreciate the grade of importance of viability to the entrepreneurship 's →

Short story sonny blues

For example, in the first paragraph of the story, Sonny's Blues Baldwin writes, " I stared at it in the swinging lights of the subway car, and in the faces and bodies of the people, and in my own face, trapped in the darkness which roared outside." This contrasts the lightness and the darkness. Another →

All the light we cannot see: the costs of war

The first symbol that the author uses to explain the results of war is a small model of the town of Saint-Malo built by Marie-Laure's father, Monsieur LeBlanc; elucidating the effects of war to cities and to the people. In the progress of World War II, occupied France is under direct Nazi German control, the →

An examination of “intimate revenge” in seamus heaney’s “punishment”

Throughout this first section of the poem, Heaney creates a very empathetic tone through the persona's description of the woman and the circumstances surrounding her death. In this line, the reader is informed for the first time of the reason for the girl's death.

Strategic management and internal analysis for healthcare

These strategies are essential to gain and sustain the competitiveness of an organization and will generate the needed changes in the strategies and work culture, which restricts the success of the business and strategies for removing the barriers. The internal analysis provides the base for the formulation of support strategies and is a significant part →

John smith tax issues assignment

The only problem that Jane and John have is that " to qualify for Section 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code, the properties exchanged must be held for productive use in a trade or business or for investment.c. According to the tax code Jane has a business and not a hobby.

Design of an intelligent and efficient light control system

If so then the system will check the intensity of light in the room and if it is low then it will switch on the light. This system is not going to check the intensity of light before switching on the lights.

Humbert humbert’s underlying misogyny in lolita

He also refers to Valeria as a " stock character" and says that she has a " poodle head," both of which add to his characterization of her as distinctly inhuman. It is only when Charlotte stops being an obstacle to him and becomes a way for him to get closer to Lolita that Humbert →

Erving goffman and the sociology of the face

For my study on the sociology of the face I will look specifically at the controversial issue of beauty and how this relates to the face and thereby the self; how perceptions of beauty affect social behaviour and conditioning; how they relate to insecurities, illusions and deceit; how they relate to character and emotions and →

Personal seat licenses

Stadium revenues come in a variety of ways, and in todays world of professional and collegiate sports, they are the key to profitable teams. In its simplest terms, a PSL is new terminology for what the school used to call a seat option.

Troubleshooting physical connectivity

You connect a single Cat6e cable to connect the wiring closet to the shipping building. Which tool should you use to test the drop cable and the connection to the network?

Obesity: who’s to blame? essay sample

In like manner, the article mentions that The National Obesity Foundation, states that Obesity is a medical condition that was recently recognized as a disease by The American Medical Association. Wong in the article The nation's obesity epidemic: Who's to blame?

Arcadia: split significance

Drawing into the theory of determinism, Stoppard proves the chaos that is to arise out of attempting to know what cannot truly be ever known, which in turn formulates an ingenious incorporation of irony into the play by allowing the audience to fall into the same trap as the characters. Time must run the full →

Being clean

The old and excellent definition that dirt is matter in the wrong place suggests that it should be removed; and when we remember that this dirt may consist of irritating particles of minerals in the form of dust, or of poisonous chemicals, and, more fatally, of disease germs, we will be greatly impressed with the →

Choice of major

Timon Igeria UNDERACHIEVEMENT IN THE UNIVERSITY IS AS A RESULT OF STUDENTS BASING THEIR CHOICE OF PROGRAM ON PRESTIGE. The problem is not only confined to America but also to Kenya and the rest of the world.

Using horizontal integration to find the best fast food restaurants

Some of the benefits are that when a company seeks to work on a deal of this type, they actually do it in a strategic way. The reason that you want to do this is because you want a wide selection of all your favorite fast food restaurants.

Abstract the important feature of sending only the

We have seen that even at the college level, at the time of admission various documents are required to submit to the colleges' authority to verify the authentication of student. So to safeguard the information to protect the documents from physical damage, so to protect the documents from this damage we are introducing our project →

Apush chapter 7 american pagent

S president, attended the 2nd Continental Congress as a delegate from GeorgiaCrispus AttucksAfrican American man who was the first to die during the Boston MassacreMarquis de LafayetteFrench aristocrat and military officer, general in the American Revolutionary War, loved glory and libertyKing George IIIKing of England 1760-1820, good man but not a good ruler, caused the →

Octavian augustus essay

Roman citizens enjoyed the spectacles of the gladiators in the coliseum and the comedies performed at the many theatres. Once in the position of power, he changed the government not only to benefit himself, but also to benefit the Empire and ultimately the people.

Comparative ananlysis on the effectiveness of commercial hand sanitizer

Coughing and sneezing of infected individuals propel respiratory droplets of infection through the air and deposit on the mouth or nose of people in the surrounding vicinity, spreading the ailment often without notice. The effectiveness of hand sanitizers depends on the number of issues, including the alcohol content of the product and how the product →

Poverty and inequality essay

The extent of poverty and inequality remains a topic of enduring interest in Australia and overseas. The main factors which contribute to poverty in Australia are inequity in the education system, the casualisation of the workforce, and reduced government spending on services which are of benefit to the community.

Poetry, post-1914 – literature coursework

Contrary to this, both " Anthem for Doomed Youth" and " Dulce Et Decorum Est" are written in third person, making the reader feel like the poems are more of a story than a person account of the war, even though Owen fought in the war. Both " Dulce Et Decorum Est" and " Anthem →

Dick faggot vagina assignment

A Study Of the Sun God in Ancient Egypt And Mesopotamia 3. Views Of The Afterworld In Ancient Egypt And Mesopotamia Lectures Wed.Sept.

Accounting ethics flashcard

Separation of duties is often described as the cornerstone of internal control for safeguarding assets because if one person of a small group of people have total control over transaction from the beginning to the end they can manipulate the books and steal from the organization. At the end of the day, the clerk counts →

Theology and religion: the rise of an african hermeneutics essay

Roberts Sr.'s words in his " Contextual Theology: Liberation and Indigenization", the study of religion is the key to a deeper understanding of a particular religion. Robb, " The Betrayal of the Church: Apostasy & Renewal in the Mainline Deniminations" retrieved 2 October 2008 from http://www.cmpage.org/betrayal/#table.6 J.D.

Intelligence definition and measurement

These are the visual-spatial intelligence, the verbal-linguistic intelligence, the bodily-kinetic intelligence, the logical-mathematical intelligence, the interpersonal, and the musical, intrapersonal and realistic intelligence. The normative process has to make with a choice of a good figure of people whom the trial is to be administered to.

Emergence of a two-party system 1789-1808 essay sample

An example of a two-party system is the United States of America, which has the Republicans and the Democrats. Hamilton was an active delegate for New York at the Constitutional Convention, the main author of the Federalist papers and the first Secretary of the Treasury for the United States.

The knowledge which are independent of our culture philosophy essay

Also, culture is divided into two, individual culture which is the way one " It's the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief".-Mohammed Ali[2] This is basically to say that once something is repeated to an individual over time especially by someone in authority over them, they begin to believe and practice the said affirmation. →

Development of and access to article 234 (indirect actions)

EU policies and legislation has to be interpreted and adhered to within the auspices of the law, a factor which the ECJ observes through Article 234 of the Treaty of Rome. According to Article 234 jurisdiction may be applied by the ECJ in matters of interpretation of policy issues, ' the validity and interpretation of →

Principle of marketing assignment

The Challenge Goals of our restaurant are Customer Loyalty we want our customers to be loyal to us and want them to come back to our restaurant every now and then. Our strengths will be of course our nutritional products we serve, Our new to the eye product that is not served in the area, →

Does gender affect optical illusions

The differences of male and female brains affect how boys and girls act and perceive the world. To answer the question, do boys and girls see optical illusions differently, the brain's relationship with the eyes, the differences between the male and female brain, the differences in the male and female visual system, and how optical →

Emergence of industrial relations in india

The academicians, industrial relations professionals, trade unionists and industrial relations policy framers are reviewing the outcome of the existing policies and for giving a new shape to the to the policies of the first century. The emergence of trade unions in India, particularly the formation of All India Trade Union Congress in 1920 and Employers' →

Bisexual rights

Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights." Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and the security of a person". Bisexuals should not be discriminated against because of something as simple as orientation, it is almost never the choice of the person, and they should not suffer limitations from it in varying activities.

Hyperinflation description causes and effects economics essay

The theory of neo-classical roots the cause of hyperinflation to the deterioration of monetary base and confidence is built on the basis that the store of value will be later commanded by the currency. This model makes the perceived risk of holding the currency to rise dramatically and make sellers to demand high premiums to →

Ps4 promotional strategy planning

Sony's two primary objectives are to convince existing PS3 owners to purchase the PS4 and to gain the majority of the market share in Brazil and the United Kingdom. It is important to educate the target market about the PS4's new features because we are hoping that this will encourage PS3 owners to switch to →

I. in particular, the creation of low paying

In the course of the 2008 financial crisis, the US government took the course on organizing work places in private sector for creating the semblance of low unemployment rates. This will also lead to aggravating the situation in the sphere of education, finance, and public administration.

Free scanning electron microscope (sem) and transmission electron microscope (tem) essay sample

Electron source is provided by an electron gun that functions by emitting a beam of electrons into the vacuum that accelerates between the anode and the cathode. Figure 1: Diagram showing the four major components of a transmission electron microscope Production of the electron beam used in TEM is done by an electron gun.

What into someone social stratification. i interviewed two

The differences in race, class, gender is what make the position of anindividual in society. The person I interviewed was a woman which isAfrican American in race and African in ethnicity.

Information systems

The following essay will discuss why it is essential for Jencos to become an electronic business, the technology or systems that could support good customer and supplier relations, what considerations there should be in relation to business continuity planning, the policies and procedures that need to be executed to ensure Jencos employees follow ethical guidelines →

The uniform application of community law

The Article provides:" The Court of Justice will have jurisdiction to give preliminary rulings concerning: the interpretation of this Treaty the validity and interpretation of acts of the institutions of the Community and of the ECB; the interpretation of the statues of bodies established by an act of Council, where those statutes so provide. As →

What are the implications of globalization for international business enterprises based in australia essay sample

Implications of Globalization for International Business Enterprises based in Australia Australia has embraced globalization and has been removing its trade barriers to accommodate international trade and higher levels of foreign direct investment. New Zealand and Australia has very close ties and its Closer Economic Relations Agreement is acknowledged by the World Trade Organization to be →

Futurescope – artificial intelligence

Scientists Cancer diagnosis - GoogLeGoogLeNet AI Diagnoses Cancer At 89% Accuracy Compared To 73% By Pathologists Technology used in self-driving cars was used to analyze 10MP slides & diagnose cancerous tissue GoogLeNet cannot recognize all irregularities; used in tandem with pathologists it can improve diagnoses Suicide PreventionFacebook AI Identifies Suicidal Habits; Offers Option To Report →

Supply chain management and fresh connections assignment

What factors are affecting the competitiveness of niche manufacturers such as Pininfarina compared to the volume manufacturers? -As Renato Bertrandi, what do you see as the most significant challenges facing Pininfarina over the next five years? Consider the advantages and disadvantages of the Solagen process from the point of view of Alex Blanchard; of Bolten; →

The battle of the alamo

In anticipation of the inevitable, messengers were sent in and out of The Alamo in search of support; but none came. The blockade of The Alamo lasted 13 days, and although the battle was lost, the war was not.

Catcher in the rye

The key to the success of The Catcher in the Rye is the maincharacter Holden Caulfield. Salingers novel The Catcher in the Rye is due in no small part to the main character and sole provider of information, the one and only Holden Caulfied.

Symbolism in albert camus’ the stranger

In order to convey this concept, many literary techniques were used, but in particular, Camus made great use of the sun and heat as symbols of belligerence and frustration and of darkness as a symbol of comfort and peace. Camus illustrates the sun as a representation of confinement and hostility, and uses darkness to represent →

Business ethics case study cutbacks

The role that Corporate social responsibility has in the approach to business is that they are a company the really gives back to the environment, costumers. With being an employee you need to realize that it is important that the show you put on for cutbacks is everything to the costumer.

Mktg 3000

In turn this has reshaped business distribution and marketing models requiring retailers to add value in retail stores to compete with the multiple retail channels and highlighted the need for businesses to adopt customer relationship oriented approach in order to create value in marketing. In evaluating this " paradigm shift", Gronroos refers to the fact →

Manangement accounting activity based costing abc engineering essay

These activities might include, for example:* Materials ordering* Materials storage* Setting up production runs* Testing the quality of production* Production schedulingEach activity can be identified with a cost driver e.g.the cost driver for materials ordering would be the number of orders placed, the cost driver for set-up costs would be the number of production runs →

A shot in the dark: the allegory of respect in “bullet in the brain”

While other readers might disregard the importance of this part of the story, the target audience sees this section of the story as a setup for what is to come later on in the progression of the story's events. Once Anders is shot in the head for being disrespectful to the robbers, target readers indicate →

The present business environment business essay

Analyzing the skills required for a particular job and searching through the multitude of resumes to find the perfect match is a challenge for any management. A major environmental change that has taken place in the last fifteen years is the globalization of business.

No bad dogs, only bad owners essay

In Texas, animal cruelty is when the owner neglects to take care of their animal, failing to give It food and shelter. With all of these cases and multiple others, there is evidence of animal cruelty that fits into the criteria that the Texas law gives, yet there was little to no Justice for these →

How successful was wilson in achieving his aimes in foreign policy in the years 1912 tot 1920

He believed that the underlying cause of the war, which would leave 14 million Europeans dead by 1917, was the militant nationalism of the major European powers, as well as the ethnic hatreds that existed in much of Central and Eastern Europe. In addition to this, Wilson kept the USA of out the war until →

The twilight world of babylon revisited

At first glance, " Babylon Revisited" seems to carry the same them as The Great Gatsby of the dangers of idealizing the past to the point of destroying the present. In the language of Alcoholic Anonymous and 12 Step Programs, Charlie is a man who is not willing to take that first step to admitting →

Desalination solution to the freshwater crisis environmental sciences essay

The chief cause of hungriness, disease and poorness is the deficiency of clean, safe imbibing H2O. The desalinization procedure is an expensive one and requires a batch of energy.

History of racial segregation and diversity in us schools

California became a free state in 1850, but in 1854, African Americans in San Francisco became the first children in the state to attend segregated public schools. There was a reluctant start for some of the school districts trying to orchestrate desegregation policies for their students to achieve racial balance and follow the Mendez and →

Queen’s transcendence

No one conveys this better than Frederick Douglass in his empowering autobiography, The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave." The songs of the slave represent the sorrows of his heart; and he is relieved by them, only as an aching heart is relieved by its tears".. Published in the album Innuendo, →

The pros and cons of charter school environment

The main goal of charter schools is to provide the students with the education they deserve. The teachers believe in the students; that they can succeed and charter schools have the capability to offer many services not offered in a public school setting.

Henry ford’s efficiency wages essay

Assignment 1 Table of Contents Introduction3 Brief History: Human Capital Crises at Ford, 1913-19143 The 5 Dollar-a-Day Wage Rate: Theoretical and Empirical Impact3 A Diminution in Absenteeism and Shirking3 Morale Increase, Turnover Decrease4 Conclusion4 Bibliography5 Introduction One of the major variables that can determine the rate of profit maximization for firms is the efficiency and →

Jorge luis borges: the blind man

Often the protagonist may be the hero who enjoys being the focal point of the narrative and engages the emotions of the audience. The first-person, " I" is telling about his relationship to " The other one, the one called Borges." The focus is on the consciousness of the " I" who is exploring his →

The critical contextual studies media essay

His first Popular book " the mechanical bride" looked at advertising and it was a ground breaking piece of writing as it was the first time that anyone had ever studied advertisments as a form of communication, from then McLuhan had the concept that the content of the media was irrelevant, but the form of →

Course project, notes to consolidated financial statements

Costs of Goods Sold Our Costs of goods sold is the cost of the motorcycles purchased, direct labor and depreciation expense. We have determined that the contingency is probable and the amount of the settlement is accurate.

Teva pharmaceutical: global strategy

The fact that many immigrants from Europe -In the beginning of twentieth century- with remarkable knowledge in the pharmaceutical Industry allowed many local physicians to acquire the know-how of the business and the specialized skills to develop a domestic market In Israel. The company emerged first: thanks to the knowledge taken from immigrants, and second, →

How to develop cognitive skills education essay

There are basically four cognitive skills students will need for successful learning and to work cooperatively in groups to help develop the language skills. The last of the four cognitive skills one needs to teach if a student is to be successful when working in groups is logical thinking.

A case study of j boats

Objective: The objective of this essay is to look at the issue of organizational tensions and basics for successful strategy via the case study of J Boats. This essay introduces the case study of J Boats and the key players, details the five forces analysis, looks at resources and capabilities, tensions, the 4 Ps of →

Children of men – long takes

It was the scene in which Kee gives birth to a child. And what made it more unbearable and tear-jerking was the way it had been shot in a long take of about six minutes.

Subjectivitiy in as i lay dying

Faulkner not only engages in the use of a wide variety of narrators, but he also utilizes stream-of-consciousness to heighten the inability to distinguish between fact and interpretation. The result is a blending of the past and the present and the inability to come to anything even close to an objective reality.

What makes jaws scary

Another technique used at the start of the party on the beach is laughter and softmusicto relax us, but never-the-less we hear sound of waves in the background to remind us of the shark. In the middle of the attack the shark suddenly stops, and the girl clings to the buoy as a nerve-racking silence →

Current trends in education

Several trends are innovative and are a result of the economy, while others are escalating as a result of new regulations, new types of degrees and education, and the type of people employed. The trends that seems the most critical to human resource management in education are the reduction of teachers, enhancing of job application →

Happy valentines day essay

Karen hung her coat in the dim hallway and opened the door to the living room. She darted her eyes to the door, and then slowly gazed back to what was in the closet.

Assignment example

The infant can walk between 9 to 12 months Sleeps for about 17 hours in a day, relates with maturation of brain and learning Infant becomes alert about the age of three months The first two years of life are a sensitive period of growth. Caressing and talking to the infant is encouraged to enhance →

Book siddhartha and movie the razors edge

When he and Govinda leave Govinda tells Siddhartha of Gotama and they go to see him. As he talks with the man he realizes he is wise, and they go to a temple in the mountains.

Passive euthanasia essay sample

But is it truly fair to a person or a family of someone who is and will be in a vegetative state for the rest of their life with no chance of full recovery? Patients suffering from long states of coma should be taken off life support once it foreseeable to the doctors that a →

Symbolism in a woman on the roof essay sample

A Woman's Power Struggle Of the symbolism in Doris Lessing's short story, " A Woman on the Roof", the most obvious symbols are the women, her roof and the three workmen. Doris Lessing's, " A Woman on the Roof", demonstrates that there is a definite inequality in power among men and women.

A specialized look at the role and the position essay

The following is a summary of CNS's roles, historical evolution, education and licensure requirements in differing states, as well as the future of the CNS in the healthcare system. The physician shortage in the 1960's increased the need for cost effective care and consequently lead to the advanced degree of the CNS.

An analysis of colonialism

But after the coming of the whites, they brought the western education which after a long struggle and fights between the whites and the colonies, the colonies finally started sending their children to school which made a radical change for the colonies and as a result of that, there was organization and people started becoming →

Shakespeare’s use of magic

In the Midsummer night's Dream he uses magic to reinforce the idea of the absurdity of romantic love. Bottom is surprised to find that Titania has suddenly fallen in love with him prompting him to comment, " Reason and love keep little company together nowadays." The magical world of the enchanted moon-lit night in the →

Lesson observation

The lesson plan showed a logical flow from introduction of the session, to the practical exercises, collecting and interpreting the data and the final Q & A session that evaluated the success of planned learning activities. The fourth session enable students the knowledge to calculate arithmetic averages for their sets of data and the last →

Introduction the two as part of his analysis.

One of the keystrengths of this paper is the initial introduction that states quite clearlywhy the issue of jus cogens is perceived to be such a difficult concept basedon the growing complexities of international law. The very title suggests that the author has made the decisionthat the concept of jus cogens is one to be →

American beauty

The very nature of discontent among the members of the two different families in the movie is the cogent reason for the existence of two dysfunctional families of the Burnhams and the Fitts. Lester's strong character as a father and as a responsible adult is exposed in the face of Angela's eagerness to surrender her →

Learnings from individual and group behavior (igb) assignment

However, here at NINA I found it very difficult to achieve that sometimes, probably because of the large gap in the background and profile of myself compared to all other members of my group. When I tried to explain differently to them, on the basis of whatever I learned during y corporate experience of 3 →

Evaluation of jane elliott’s “blue-eyed brown-eyes”

Article summary The purpose of this article is to assess the effectiveness of Jane Elliot's Brown eyes/Blue eyes exercise. This critical review has analysed the content of the article with the strengths and limitations of it and this is also criticized.

Nationalist ideas in the middle east

The Nationalist ideals of each differ considering when the Ba' th party is about the nationalization of the Arabs through the revival of Arab thought, while much of the Zionism nationalist ideal is that of establishing a homeland and fleeing anti-Semitism. Palestine also represents the larger Arab nation to the Palestinians while the Jews find →

Mishaps of greed essay sample

Candide quickly learns that even though money and greed may seem to make a person happy and prosperous for a while, in the end people must work to be happy and content. Later on in the story he is caught and before he is hanged he tells the police officers that he stole them from →

Urinary tract infections

Type-1 fimbriae are one of the most imperative virulence factors involved in the pathogenesis of UPEC as it is through their adherence to the uroepithelial cells that achieves the establishment of UTI. In addition to Type-1 and P-fimbriae, there are a number of other fimbriae found to be albeit not as imperative, but nonetheless associated →

Unattainable hours of sleep

The amount of sleep may matter, but generally we look for the result of it, and this clearly shows how delaying the school call time helped contribute to reduction of students' malperformance in schools. 5 hours of sleep on school nights and that is mostly due to our heavy homework assignments and the immense pressure →

Distance versus intimacy in child raising

Although both the authors want the parents to focus on the emotional aspects of their children, they differ in the execution modality. Firestone's train of though for this idea is that children have a different way of expressing their emotions that may not be in any relation to the actual immediate circumstance.


John Bransford and Maria Johnson carried out an experiment by giving a group of participants a passage of writing to read and then asked them to recall it as best they could. In conclusion the evidence and experiments given show a good example of how mental images, concepts and schemas help improve memory.

Unit 307, outcome 1: support assessment for learning

In order to have a clear vision of the students ability and how they are progressing, the class teacher will monitor and assess students achievements, conduct reports of the achievements found for the department; other staff including year learning co-ordinators; and for the parents, they will also have meetings to share examples of pupil's progress →

Tartuffe by moliere analysis essay

Tartuffe is a satire of the religious fanaticism and hypocrisy and deception were the major ideas that Moliere was trying to point out. Although most of Orgon's family was able to see through Tartuffe and know who he truly is, Orgon was completely devoted to him, he was blinded and brainwashed by Tartuffe and his →

The possibilities of successfully creating a society essay sample

So I will be talking about the possibilities of successfully creating such a society, how it will affect countries and their people, what might change in a society without cash and if this monetary system would be more beneficial or harmful to society. For example, according to a test by the National Physical Laboratory's Centre →