1300 Words Essay Samples

Unemployment in japan

Our aim is to exam the causes of Japan's long term unemployment in recent years in general and to understand about the measurement that the Japanese government has taken to minimise the high unemployment rate. According to Trading Economics' report on unemployment rate in Japan from 2010 to October 2011, below data shows that Japan →

The effects of thc, spice, and opiates on the human body

As the THC enters the brain, it causes the brain to release a chemical called dopamine, which in turns gives the user the high feeling. The smoke of marijuana contains of a toxic mixture of gases and other particulates that are harmful to the lungs.

Sugar cane alley assignment

The effort he put in to his schoolwork says a lot about who he is and how he was raised. The system in which Jose lives is a system of total control, similar to the compound system.

Artificial posterior teeth denture prosthodontics health and social care essay

McCord et Al.reveal that the choice of posterior dentitions is a important portion of the line of intervention that nevertheless may non be considered by many tooth doctors and that this determination is chiefly left to the technicians. Deepak Nallaswamy Veeraiyan et Al.point out that from the patient 's position the unreal dental plate dentitions →

Pros and cons of the quebec separation issue

Others, mainly those from other parts of the country, but still some from Quebec believe that Quebec should stay, that Quebec is a big part of Canada and would not be the same without it. Others do not want Quebec to separate from Canada because they believe that it is a very important part of →

Matrix design

Greenery Bank that will not only meet the business's technological needs, but also be reliable for years to come; Success Objectives; In order to successfully meet the business goals and needs of Greenery Bank, Matrix Design will provide the following services,'perform the following tasks; Schedule delivery dates for equipment and components in order to complete →

Case study indian television industry marketing essay

There are few players who sell the content to the channels and form the TV Channels indicated a healthy trend, not only the number of channels went up in 2009, but also, there was an increase in advertisement volume inventory which resulted in a growth of 31% in advertisement volumes in the same year. We →

Hitler; the intentionalist and the functionalist

This can be seen through the following quote by Adolf Hitler; " If at the beginning of the War and during the War, twelve or fifteen thousand of these Hebrew corrupters of the people had been held under the poison gas, as happened to hundreds of thousands of our very best German workers in the →

Declaration of independence rhetorical analysis essay sample

The authors of the Declaration of Independence effectively convinces their audience that is was now time to abolish the current government and put a better one in place through great use of logos, ethos, and pathos to appeal to the masses of the British colonies' population". Continuing, the authors are sure to show that the →

Movie critique: gangs of new york assignment

The film begins in the winter of 1847, with a battle in the snow-covered streets of the Five Points between the Dead Rabbits and the Natives. In reality, the gang referred to in the film as " the Natives" was actually called " The Bowery Boys".

Defamation in law

In order for the imputing of a crime to be actionable per SE the offense must be one punishable by imprisonment in the first instance. An expression of mere suspicion is not sufficient therefore to say the plaintiff is a murder would be actionable per SE.

Fuller’s anti-“isms” in pickup on south street

As The Red Scare infiltrated American culture and consciousness in the 1940's and 50's, few prominent players within the Hollywood film industry dared to challenge the accusations of the House Committee on Un-American Activities; the fear of losing credibility and being blacklisted even ruffled the feathers of Bogey, arguably one of the most powerful presences →

Comparing old and new technologies and their impact on the world business essay

It also relies on incremental improvements to an already established technology.[2] Disruptive technology means a new technology that unexpectedly displaces an established technology and lacks refinement and performance problem because it's new technology.[3] A new technology that has a serious impact on the status quo and changes the way people have been dealing with something. →

Tsunami in japan essay sample

Earthquake Causes Nuclear Disaster What's more, cooling systems in one of the reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station in the Fukushima prefecture on the east coast of Japan failed shortly after the earthquake, causing a nuclear crisis. At a news conference on March 13, Prime Minister Naoto Kan, who later gave the disaster →

An avant garde critique assignment

The symbolism that Craig, a puppeteer, happens to find a portal which he eventually manipulates is clever and it's nice that the writers decided to make it integral to the story and not shove it in our faces, which is how symbolism hooked be explored. Such storytelling is successfully represented in the films Being John →

Analysis of methods used to test hypotheses

Drawing on past research suggesting a slowing bias towards threatening events, this study asked the question of the extent to which Whites considered Blacks threatening affects how fast they are perceived to be moving compared to Whites. The experiment was similar to Experiment 1 except that it asked participants to focus inwards in order to →

Car report

You will provide A general overview of the market and identify and describe the major segments of this market. You will then select three models that are present in the Australian market and describe the mix of These models.

Victoria chemicals plc b merseyside and rotterdam projects

The difference in the cash flow is brought by the adjustment of the cannibalization effect that is experienced when erosion is done at the Rotterdam business to aid in improving the polypropylene line. The internal rate of return and the net present value are used to measure and compare the value of the investments and →

Study of genetics and developmental psychology

Genetics and developmental psychology in which Plomin accepts the important role of Nature and Nurture is the subject I will be presenting I will discuss past, present and future factors that emphasize that both nature and nurture are relevant and conclude that nature and nurture are complementary and work together, showing that both heredity and →

Metal works case study

The safety box capacity can be increased in the year 2011 however increasing the capacity in the Iowa facility is not enough to meet the demand in the year 2013. 2011, yielding a total cost of $62 million; however increasing the capacity in the Iowa facility is not enough to meet the demand in the →

Do genres change over time essay

Andrew Tudor view on this particular issue which is quoted in the ' History of genre critism' was as followed " To take a genre such as the ' western' and list principle characteristics...is to....solate the body of film which are ' westerns' But they can only be isolated on the principle characteristics which can →

Why businesses build a brand ambassador marketing essay

Quick means of brand differentiation: In a category where no brand is using a celebrity, the first that picks one up could use it to differentiate itself in the market. The Parker brand of pen, which by itself commands equity, used Amitabh Bachchan to revitalize the brand in India.

Mastery is maturity

In the beginning, Jem, Scout, and Dill are fascinated by Boo Radley and believe that he is a ghost-like person since he is never seen outside his house. Clearly, Jem evolves and matures as he starts to understand the adult world and begins to form his own opinions of what is right and wrong.

Irish declaration of independence

P E C: N 1 DATE: 14 de Noviembre 2012 This Document is a Historical Narrative type, it was established by the D il ireann the 21 of January of 1919, at its first meeting in the Mansion house in Dublin, its main objective was to declare the condition of complete freedom for the Irish →

Week 4 dis 1-2 psy 110

It is firmly believed by the parents and coaches of the disabled parents that this college experience will prove to be catalyst for these students just as it does for the normal college students to a fuller and prosperous life. ADHD or Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder is a disability in which a person lacks the ability to →

The legal criteria for a statehood politics essay

A document that is often quoted on the matter is the Montevideo Convention of 1933, Article 1 states: The State should, as a person of international law have the following qualifications: a permanent population, a defined territory, state and ability in relations with other states in force. In this tradition, the state differs from the →

Relationship between activity level and happiness

Discussion A negative correlation between the level of activity, and happiness was found, and this is similar with the results of some studies that show that old people are happier than the young. This contradicts the findings of other researchers, which have shown that there is considerable difference in the level of activity between men →

George fisher the first outsider ever to become ceo of kodak business essay

As a leader, Fisher has made himself more accessible than Kodak 's CEOs of the recent yesteryear to assist interrupt through the stiff bureaucratism and convey his message throughout the organisation He often visits the offices of research workers and has daily contact with employees to obtain information. Affair In the function of the affair, →

Marketing analysis assignment

For the purposes f this report we will be comparing and contrasting one of the most venerable representatives of the textile and apparel retailers Now, the industry is having to divine how to continue to meet the consumer demands of the " Baby Boom" generation, while at the same time enticing the " Millennial" generation. →

In prohibited to speak their own talking even

It will focus on the history of residential schools, the quality of life of the aboriginals attending these schools, their effect on the First Nations, cultivation & beliefs. In the novel we see that the children are like spies to their family and cannot be practicing their own religion due to mind control.

Environmental factors shaping pepsico’s marketing assignment

The author believes that the plan to invest in the Chinese market is optimistic and that the company faces the challenge Of slow growth in China, a decline in U.S. Reporting specifically in numbers the results of Pepsin's efforts to strive to be a company focused on citizenship, social responsible?/ and ethics help support the →

The soul can not be replaced

We can imagine someone waking up with a different body, as in the thought experiments where a mind is put in a new body; we say the body is now the person whose mind was transferred, not the person whose body was used. In such cases, the mind has been transferred to a different body, →

Nationalism is a modern form of consciousness

So I asked myself " What is nationalism? " and " How did it come about? " This led me to an essay stating that " Nationalism is a modern form of consciousness." It went on to say that " Nationalism is the constitutive element of modernity and it provides the foundational form of consciousness →

Macroeconomic variables in china

4 100.7 99. 8 101.

High frequency trading

Therefore, High Frequency Trading benefits a very few at the expense of the many. In order to solve the issue of High Frequency Trading, greater knowledge of their trade must be acquired and regulations must be put in place.

Hospitality as a form of theatre

In the main, the hospitality industry can be compared to various aspects of a theatre such as the genres, stagecraft, characters and terminology of acting. Thus, the type of genre allows the performer to dictate and create the type of service with varying stages for the performers to perform their scripts and roles for the →

This store called debenhams (figure 1) caught my

Connection to Engineering and Science The first connection to engineering and science is that the force, speed, direction, and energy of the wind is used to create the patterns of wind on the sculpture. Through this artwork, I wanted to develop a project that was inspired by the movement of fluids, physics, meteorology, and design →

To devise a volumetric procedure to determine the percentage of iron(ii) and iron(iii) in a mixture containing both

The approximate concentration of the iron solution is:- No.of Moles of Iron = Mass/RMM of iron = 1.2/55. 86 mol dm -3 The concentration of the second titration in which the Iron is reduced to Iron could be calculated using the approximate concentration of iron solution and the mole ratio found in the equation.

Application of positivist theory in criminology

The positivist tradition in criminology suggests that psychological, biological, and even social forces determine a person's criminal behavior, hence noting that the criminal act is beyond the control of the person. Considering that Holmes exhibited substantial signs and symptoms indicative of mental illness, prompt diagnosis and treatment might have prevented the fatal Aurora shooting; true →

One posh house. one day, during the firm’s

Valentine starts out in the movie as a con, pretending to be lame and riding on a makeshift wheelchair to attract the sympathies of passersby to get handouts. In a twist of fate, it was at the time he went to the men's room to smoke a joint that the Duke brothers walked in and →

Causes of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (als)

Motor neurons go from the brain to the spinal cord and to the muscles scattered throughout the body. In some people with ALS, the parts of the brain that allow us to think, remember, and learn also are affected by the disease.

Jamaica water properties case study

Having a leadership that Is open to those of their employees who are knowledgeable of the existence of fraud, without fear of retaliation, discrimination, or disciplinary action, come to them with perceived wrongdoing makes all the difference. One way to do that is to reduce the risk of personal relationships between the client personnel and →

Mass media studies assignment

Home access to the net is limited to a small minority of the upper middle class in Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities. The industrial revolution and the growth of capitalism, democracy and the public sphere provided the impetus and the support for rapid developments in the press.4.

Wines of spain essay

In the 8th century, the arrival of the Arabs slowed the winemaking development as the Koran prohibited the consumption of alcoholic and fermented drinks. The flavors in these wines are more complex, with lots of layers and more depth.

Gerontology aging simulation

I have never been a person to care how others feelabout me, but this one day in particular when I was put in the shoes of an elderly person my world was turned upside down by the words, looks, and thoughts of others. I did not really think of elders as individuals anymore, I did →

Order of reaction with respect to sodium thiosulphate biology essay

To study the effect of reactant concentration on the rate of the reaction between sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid AND to determine the order of sodium thiosulphate. I will be observing the rate of formation of sulphur particles from the reaction between sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid, which will cause the solution to go cloudy →

Designing business cards

I think that the most effective business card heading is my business card because I fell the font I have used is the most clear font to read and it also stands out because of the size of font I have used. In my opinion, the most effective use of font is on business card →

Risk factors in coronary artery bypass graft

The study attempted to find the association of some selected risk factors and the number of grafts of the patients who underwent CABG at Cardiothoracic unit of Sri Jayewardenepura General Hospital. D: The prevalence of obesity and other coronary risk factors in a suburban Sri Lankan community.

The aims, tactics and leaders of the opposition groups

Lutuli became president of the ANC in 1952, and was a strong supporter of the Freedom Charter. The PAC split from the ANC and was formed in 1959 with the aim of a government of South Africa by black Africans.

Running for california’s governorship

Having spent most of my life in California and the keen interest I have had in the issues rocking this state, not to mention that it is my birth place, cements my suitability as a candidate for the post. In analyzing the " swingness", factors in the last four elections ought to be considered, for →

‘doubt is the key to knowledge’ discuss.

The Persians had one of the most famous proverbs that are still used in our time; they used to say " doubt is the key to knowledge", but to what extent is this phrase true? We can generally say that doubt is the origin of obtaining knowledge as human beings started questioning the world and →

Governance codes at uk payment systems regulation

To get a clear understanding of the role of the corporate governance codes in public sector organizations and to identify the role of governance in public sector organisations I will be critically analysing the governance codes and governance of the UK's Payment Systems Regulators. 1 provision the annual report includes how the board is run, →

Oncogenic viruses in gastrointestinal cancer

With current therapeutic approaches the prognosis of gastric cancer is very poor, as gastric cancer accounts for the second most common cause of death in cancer related deaths. They observed the EBV in gastric cancer by using in situ hybridization with tissue microarray and reviewed the patients' chart to determine special characteristics of EBV associated →

Strategy – ryanair

RyanAir's goal is to offer the lowest ticket price and establish itself as a leader in the European low cost airline market by focussing on cost cutting and achieving operational efficiency. Now that Ryanair is a leader in low cost airlines industry, it can benefit from economies of scale, corporate infrastructure to achieve lower costs →

Cyberbullying essay

As the figure of instances rise.schools and provinces are go throughing more and more Torahs to protect the kids and citizens of their community. Schools demand to take Title IX more earnestly and utilize it to assist the households that are confronting issues with cyber intimidation.

Book review of sugar and slaves

The story Sugar and Slaves: The Rise of the Planter Class in the English West Indies paints a clear picture of the English life in the Caribbean about four centuries ago. The author brings to light the plight the natives of the Caribbean had to endure when the English invaded and conquered the islands.

Accounting: publicly traded company to and analyze

Q2: What is the size of the company Chevron Corporation is one of the world's largest corporations. This is in comparison to the industry average of.

Art history

Art History Islamic Art and the Art of the Ottomans Islam: " Submission to God's Will" Muhammed: " Messenger of God" Qur'an: " Recitations" Muslims: " Those who have submitted to God" The Dome of the Rock Jerusalem, Recognized by Jews and Christians Jews: Temple of Solomon, site where Adam was created Christians: Jesus chased →

Foundational complexities of organizational functioning within an educational setting

The four frames of managerial wisdom and social science knowledge are defined by Bolman, L.G.and Deal, T.E.as: " Structural, that focuses on establishment of rules, roles, goals and policies; Human Resource, sees the organization as an extended family with needs, feelings, skills, and limitations; Political, that sees organizations as competitive arenas of scarce resources, competing →

Okonkwo’s downfall in: things fall apart by chinua achebe essay sample

Okonkwo is so greatly ashamed of his father that he based many of his beliefs about how life should be lived by doing things exactly the opposite to that of his father. Okonkwo was fully aware that many of the actions that he took, solely to be more of a man, were wrong to do.

Stress and anxiety as predictors of road rage

In summary, contemporary studies have indicated that driver's level of stress and anxiety are contributing factors to the aggressive driving behaviour or road rage. This present study aims to investigate the correlation between level of stress and anxiety with level of road rage.

1920’s: the groundbreaking and progressive change in us essay sample

The 1920's was a period of groundbreaking and progressive change in the United States. As a direct result of the war, the number of women in the workforce rose and they moved into better, higher-paying jobs.

Explanation illegal omission the doing of that thing.

Explanation II: To constitute the offence of abetment it is not necessary that the abetment should be committed or that the effect necessary to constitute the offence should be caused. In either of the first two cases it is immaterial for the conviction of the abettor whether the person instigated commits the offence or not →

Public school uniforms: first step toward fascism?

The school district in Long Beach, CA was the first in the country to make uniforms mandatory for all students in its elementary and middle schools in 1994. Are uniforms, in fact, part of an attempt to control young people on the part of schools, the government or even adults as a whole?

Concepts in hr managements

Taking after parts assesses the arrangement of corporate procedure of Vodafone with the HR methodology which has been set up.a) Internal and outer condition in connection to the HR technique Vodafone is a gigantic association in the business and there are a few calculates the outside condition and also in the inward condition which posture →

To hypomania and back again

The atmosphere of the novel The Great Gatsby by F. Although Gatsby began a deep, loving attachment to Daisy Buchanan when he discovered she could fill the perpetual void inside him, his longing was augmented so greatly by his cerebral fluids that he forgot about Daisy herself and became transfixed on the idea that her →

Lowering the drinking age

Opponents of lowering the drinking age argue that teens have not yet reached an acceptable age where they can handle alcohol responsibly." The discrepancy between the MLDA and the age of majority - and its many responsibilities and authorities - along with continued incidents of alcohol abuse reported on college campuses have fueled debate that →

Characteristics of a failed state

In order to make this definition more precise, the following attributes, are often used to characterize a failed state: loss of physical control of its territory, or of the monopoly on the legitimate use of physical force therein, erosion of legitimate authority to make collective decisions, an inability to provide reasonable public services, and An →

Graduation day essay sample

But in my mind all I could think about was him and how I would react if he did show up, what I would say to express the past years of absence. This day was my day and I will make the most of it no matter what.

International management case study

Climate for Doing Business The term " climate" refers to the totality of all the factors which are external to and beyond the control of individual business enterprises and their managements. For example, the value system of society, the rules and regulations laid down by the Government, the monetary policies of the central bank, the →

High bypass ratio turbofan

Bypass ratio: It is defined as the mass flow rate of air bypassing the combustion chamber to the mass flow rate of air passing through the core of the engine. The bypass air flow is defined as the air entering the engine but not flowing through the compression stages, it flows out of the engine →

Theories and principles of learning

This essay aims to identify areas effecting learners and their learning, incorporating a selection of theories and principles to enhance diversity and inclusion drawing from my own subject specific area and teaching. Another theory which resonates highly from my specific coaching practice is that of Reinforcement; a theory I believe in and is echoed when →

Health and safety legislation essay sample

Two of the most important pieces of health and safety legislation affecting educational establishments across the UK are the Health and Safety at Work, etc Act 1974 and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999. The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 These regulations require employers to assess and prevent →

Rhetorical analysis of rachel carson’s “silent spring”

In September of 1962, Rachel Carson's Silent Spring was published directly to alarm the public of the harmfulness of chemical pesticides. She brings a very strong inquiry throughout the first half of the writing but is not afraid to get right into it with the question " What has already silenced the voices of spring →

Parker pen company the manufacturer of writing instruments marketing essay

In February 1985, the globalization experiment was ended, and most of the masterminds of the strategy either left the company or were fired. At that time, the company was struggling, and global marketing was one of the key measures to be used to revive the company.

He physical fitness and skill related fitness requirements in tennis

In tennis the faster you can get to a ball, the more time you have to prepare for and execute your shot. Basically The more endurance you have the longer you can keep going, the more ground you cover across the court during the course of a match, the less likely you are to lose →

Abraham lincoln, melungeon or myth?

Because of the geographical location of the Lincoln's family and outstanding questions of Lincoln's heritage, this leads to the theory of many researchers that Lincoln could possibly be a Melungeon himself. The question of his parentage generated much interest and because Lincoln himself was reluctant to comment on his father and mother.

Commentary on short story

When writing this story I was also very conscious of the reader not being able to relate to the plot or theme of the story. The main character who features continuously throughout the story is a child called Billy and I believed that by stating this fact from the outset of the story I would →

Law and politics

These do not, however, prevent the distortion of the will of the electorate in a ' flawed democracy'. The emergence of institutions such as constitutional law, the secret ballot, the referendum, political parties and legislature in the Philippines was a product of American colonialism.

Social interaction in child development

To see how important social interaction is for the development of a child in the first two years of its life, it is important to observe key areas of behaviour such as attachment to others, the child's temperament and their language acquisition. Research by Shaffer and Emerson, conducted in 1964, and suggested that there are →

Craniosacral therapy and occupational therapy assignment

The approach of doctor Still in relation to cranial sacral therapy was found on four basic tenets, which states that the body possesses self-healing and self-regulatory semantics, the body functions as a total biologic unit, the structures and functions of the body are interrelated, and that abnormal pressure in one part of the body will →

Global warming as a social problem assignment

Renewable resources could play a main role in the solutions to reducing global warming. Global warming is a social problem because of the public outcry that is already occurring.

Enduring love and wuthering heights

In Enduring Love, Joe is conveyed as a logical character, referring to emotions and events scientifically, " The force and the direction of the force define all consequent pathways" and he appreciates " mathematical grace". This is contrary to Clarissa, his wife, a romantic obsessed with Keats and love letters, " she has written me →

“catch” and “minefield” essay

The title " Minefield" has so many different meanings; it could mean that her life is like a minefield, or that the minefield was the significant event that shaped the lives of her father, herself and their family. Bilgere does not try to soften the blow in the same manner as Thiel does, because Bilgere →

Doctors’ arguments

Therefore, in examination of the arguments, the capacities of thinking and feeling are key to the presence of mental states. The firstdoctorposits that the patient in question is not capable of thinking and feeling, because of the absence of the soul.

Critically analyse the media’s role in shaping public perceptions of crime essay sample

What most people think crime is and the definition used by Treadwell is " behaviour that breaks the criminal law." This is a very broad definition, whereas Tappan describes crime to be " An intentional act in violation of the criminal law...committed without defence or excuse, and penalised by the state as a felony or →

Globalization and its impact on emplyment in india

The advent of a wide range of industrial sectors resulted in the economic growth of India on one hand and in the high demand for quality workforce on the other. Keeping pace with the positive impact of globalization on Indian employment, the Government of India has taken a number of initiatives to create sustainable employment →

Electronically mediated communication

We will begin with an examination of cell phone usage processes and then spend time on the role of communication in the formation, maintenance, and dissolution of relationships of al types. Sing a combination of personal Interviews, field studies, and observation, the study identified a variety of behaviors that demonstrate the dramatic impact cell phones →

Narrative of frederick douglass and invisible man

In the end, Douglass is the lucky one, because he escapes with his life and is not charged with striking a white man. None of the white men would testify against the aggressors and the testimony of African Americans is insufficient to arrest them even in the case of death.

How alaska was made

The North American Alaska also consists of the parts that were formed in North America though the geologists admit that those territories may be a little bit displaced from their original locations due to the movements of the North America Continental Plate and the Pacific Plate. It is proved that the earthquakes in those areas →

The presentation of the queen’s emotions in ‘i grieve, and dare not show my discontent’

The contrast between the speaker's two personalities is further sustained through the usage of the words ' mute' and ' prate' as an illustration of how her emotions were the polar opposite of her public reaction of indifferent silence.' I am and not' insinuates that the speaker feels like she is her own person, but →

Michael moore loves rhetoric assignment

From the beginning, " Sicko" relies heavily on ethos and pathos to show that the health care industry is not sympathetic to the medical needs of Americans. Through the use of ethos and pathos, Moore makes the audience feel mournful for Tracy, while making the American health care system seem out of touch with common →

Sande society and the sowei mask

The Sowei Mask of the Sande Society is a symbol for the Mende people of Sierra Leone representing the ideals of feminine beauty, but the Sande Society also plays a key role in the nurturing, livelihood, and induction of young women into adults. The mask is full of curves and the light catches off the →

Accounting strategic management

Contribution marginal is the amount of profit contribution to the activity in regard to the total profit.a) Total number of purchase boxes, 9000Price per unit of purchase, $68Selling price of each box $86Contribution marginal purchase box is =$18 after selling and distribution.b) Total manufactured boxes; 8000Price per unit sales, $86Total cost of manufacturing, $65. The →

Physics coursework- investigation on pendulums

Increase the width of displacement: I think this will cause the frequency to be increased, as the greater the angle of displacement, the more time the pendulum will have to gather speed, therefore, the period will be increase.4. Increase mass of pendulum: I will now investigate whether or not the change in weight of the →

Cash for clunkers

Was the argument valid having in mind that ' Cars for Clunkers' was to bring a number of recommendable advantages to Americans and to the economy at large? On the other hand, many critiques argued that Cars for Clunkers was not a thoroughly planned program that was to adversely affect the economy of Americans.