1100 Words Essay Samples

The westye group essay

This is usually the major factor for not adopting the custom route. It is preferred to have a business justification practice and have comparison of the expenses versus the potential outcomes and commercial advantages. That is why many times users ask for additions for already present options; the reason is the users do not know →

Functions of research to health and social care essay sample

The information which are being collected help the professional to make correct decisions about treatment or care to meet the individuals need. The main needs of an individual can be the same to those of others but, before a new treatment or care plane is being introduced for everyone, it is very important to →

Example of defining ethical terms essay

Consequentially, the action of the driver is right for sacrificing the life of one person to save the lives of many passengers in that vehicle. On the other hand, a non-consequentialist is the person who judges whether action is right or wrong depending on the intrinsic virtues and not the results of the action. Therefore, →

Enthymeme argumentative essay example

The philosophical and universal interpretation of an enthymeme should be such that it justifies the claim that tries to justify it. Thus philosophical thinking is so critical that one has to involve creative thinking in order to make a claim in this case syllogism and make it an enthymeme. Thus critics of the same should →

Evaluation of theo chocolate

They pride themselves on being the only Organic, Fair Trade, Fair for Life certified, Bean-to-Bar Chocolate Factory in North America. They are passionate about their product and about preserving the naturalenvironmentwhere the cacao bean grows in order to keep the industry strong and profitable, all the while making the customers healthy and →

Ethical framework in practice essay sample

These instances include: when the patient gives consent, sharing information with other medical staff to help in better management of the patient and in the case of a communicable disease where the doctor ought to report to the local authority. A medical professional may be required to inform the family members if the disease is →

Lehman brothers ethical reasoning

However, for an ethics code to be effective, the tone at the top executives needs to be set right so that the entire organisation can feel connected to the firm's ethical values and beliefs. The obviousfailurewe witness in Lehman's case was that the top management, led by Ruld and Erin →

American journalism past and present essay examples

The connection between the principle of objectivity and commitment to truth is the journalist's capacity for accountability. A journalist responsibility is to bring the truth to the people, but political views and partisans potentially affects the manner of delivering the news to the public.

Tesco annual report

S rival Wal-mart. Price Competition Given the currentenvironment, aggressive competition in the UK grocery market is the greatest headwind to continued growth. According to the company, all direct costs are fully charged, which is the cost of the pickers and the delivery.

Acc 541 accounting standards board paper

Presently, the Financial Accounting Standards Board and the International Accounting Standards Board are faced with some of the biggest challenges to date. To understand the significance of these two boards, it is necessary to understand their histories, relations between the boards, and the standards that they set. Also how the knowledge →

Wqdlovejia essay

When studied in my high school, was the captain of the basketball and football team of my class and lead our team to win the second prize and third prize respectively. The company also planed to hold a Christmas Chinese party and take the advantage of cheap party tickets to improve the sale of →

Combined analysis of financial ratios

The following table would help much in facilitating the analysis: The company's net operating margins showed 9%, 10%, 9%, 11%, and 12% for the years 2003, 2004, 2005 , 2006 and 2007 respectively or an average of 8% for the past five years. The debt to equity ratios are reflective of Marks and Spencer gearing →

Arthur andersen: questionable accounting practices

This is stated under Section 201 of Services outside the scope of auditors; Prohibited activities. Decisions and activities undertaken by the audit firm would therefore be independent of the interest of other services provided. Consequently, boards have the power to rectify and investigate audit reports. Investigation of the Arthur Andersen reports would have revealed financial →

Jc penney information systems

Penney is a franchise of American department shops that are located in Texas. The firm has over 1000 stores in all the fifty states in the USA. TAL Apparel uses bar coding and article numbers to identify the different products that are being produced. Hardware and software JC Penney has installed EDI solutions software that →

Concepts of global accounting

With the diversity on the cross-border regulations and business laws, the business law and concepts have been developed to provide a more lucrative system of approach which gives a more detailed activity within the global accounting. Conventionally, the similarity in the accounting concepts across the global imagery is a fundamental →

The line between science and humanity in the island of dr moreau essay examples

Moreau tells the tale of Edward Prendick, a man who becomes shipwrecked on an island run by the titular scientist, who uses the animals of the island to run his experiments. In this novel, the struggle between humanity and science is portrayed by the outlooks and events that surround the characters of Dr.

Good book review on happy life learnt from mans best friend

Dogs are some of the happiest animals in the world and there is a secret to their happiness that we can learn from to attain a happier life like dogs. Criticism is very healthy if people are to grow and achieve a life of happiness and thus it should be taken positively in the same →

Wild at home

If do not believe me, by the end of this speech I will have hopefully convinced you that: Preview your main points: wild animals should not be kept as a pets, by first discussing why it is bad for the animals. Then why it is bad for the owner, and finally why →

Research paper review why people stop watching cat videos

The importance of this improvement is that the fewer playback events happen, the more viewers tend to watch videos until the end. Start-up latency First, they tried to measure the playback events. The result of studying this playback event shows that 99% of the cases a pre-roll ad is the reason behind the start-up →

Report on lion through centuries and cultures

It is true that each epoch and culture had its own interpretation of the lion symbol, but attitude to this animal had always showed the human perception of the animal world in general and its place in the surrounding environment. Thus, the main aim of the current paper is to explain what kind of animal →

Good research question research proposal example

In this regard, this research seeks to address the question of the success, reliability, consistency and success of social learning in the transmission of foraging skills from the adults to the subsequent generations amongst the banded mongooses. The following are some of the methods to be used in this research: Population Sampling Since the →

Creatures of habit

These actions by the nuns demonstrates clearly that those who are more developed as human beings and have a sense of character and morals are not moved by fear and do not resort back to self seeking behaviors. Humans do not have to be taught or need demonstration of these behaviors in order to act →

Example of alternative therapy via electronic channels research paper

Many studies were held to test the validity of therapy and counseling sessions held over the phone or online video sessions versus traditional face-to-face sessions in order to test whether this method would work or not. This would make it easy for the patient to be coached when they are talking, making a script or →

Free essay on the blue wall of silence and police ethical culture

In most cases, it describes the behavior and beliefs in the police department. Undeniably, the Blue Wall of Silence has led to police perjury and inhumane form of brutality on the public, yet the police continue to facilitate as well as protect these behaviors. In fact, the existence of Blue Wall of Silence is believed →

Electronic re ordering of medication computer science essay

The solution to this job will be to plan, develop and implement package that enables the re-ordering of medicine electronically Project- Brief description The purpose of this undertaking is develop package that will ease the re-ordering of medicine electronically. An electronic medicine disposal record sheet ' s database will be implemented which will →

Example of essay on psychological analysis of offenders

The discussion will strive to analyze the behavior of these offenders and their justification for their behavior from the available details regarding the incidents. Girl who shot herself in leg at Grady High out of jail The details of the incident can be found at http://waga.m0bl.net/r/1fa2kd. Morgan Tukes a senior at Gradys High School →

Cystic diabetes, osteoporosis and liver problems. cf is

The gene in question is the CFTRgene which codes for the CFTR protein. Cystic Fibrosis develops when a mutatedversion of the CFTR gene is inheritedfrom both the mother and the farther. Aswe compare a healthy cell to the cell of someone with CF we will immediately beable to tell the differences in chloride concentration and →

Good example of essay on understanding the concept of evil and self-loathing

Examining the thematic utilization of evil transition in each story, this presentation will entail to make a distinct observation on how the concept of psychology does present a determinable pattern of explanation as to why people respond to pressure with evilness. Comparison of Characters William Wilson [from the story William Wilson] and the narrator →

Example of case study on data warehousing

That is, the garbage in garbage out philosophy. The need for the data warehouse system was created by the long hours consumed in computing information in the mortgage sector. This necessitates the knowledge by the group members of interpretation of output of the system.

Wal-mart’s positive effect on a community

Although many people believe Wal-Mart shuts down and overruns small businesses, what Wal-Mart brings to the table is that it employs a vast amount of jobs. Instead of trying to battle with them, they claim that Wal-Mart is bad for communities and small businesses.

Free case study on understanding research methods in education

The literature review likewise makes the researcher build on what has already been done. Specifying a purpose and developing research questions are the steps that enable the researcher to identify the boundaries of the study. The questions also dictate the kind of methods that will be carried out to collect data. Data-collection methods depend on →

Free critically analyze research in identifying strengths and weaknesses underlying assumptions essay sample

The underlying assumption is that the ordinary citizenry community movements are dead in the water before they begin to fight for not being mistreated, in terms of poisonous fumes and waste materials contaminating their living spaces. One other example of a research driven investigation had been conducted by Jacobsen and Raakj r who →

Man vs woman or rich vs poor essay example

Jesse Jackson relates the private companies creating indentured servants in the third world to provide us with our clothes in " Who Makes the Clothes We Wear?" In all of these instances, one group holds all the cards, and it is up to the agency of the lesser group to make the necessary changes in →

Example of definition of a group term paper

A group is a non empty set G with a binary operation, * defined on it and so that the following axioms hold. G1: a * = *c for all a, b, c in G G2: there is an element 1 in G such that 1*a = a*1 = a for →

Free ethnography-bushmen report example

The main job of the parent's is to provide food as well as nurture their kids. The children are usually the main concern of the parents. Since tis community is always in the bush, they are not able to go to classroom and attain knowledge.

Free house and home article review example

They believe they breathe music and that it is in the air, in the water, and for them music is everything. The residents feel that Musicians' Village is a creation of beauty. What are some of the ways in which the community of LeDroit Park has evolved over the past 140 years? Alice, a resident, →

Who made the mistake

The group did not tell him the specific woman involved. The whole group has acceptedresponsibilityof the event. The woman concerned tried to resign from work but her coworkers coax her back again, the groups is aware that she is new and they did not help her enough or look out for her or see that →

Case studies

The way to avoid discrimination to tailoring support to individual needs whatever the care and support setting, ensure that he has access to information, advocacy and advice, including peer support and mentoring , to make informed decision about their care and support, or personal budget management, recognising and supporting carers in the role, while enabling →

Is patriarchy the main cause of gender inequality?

This view is held by Radical feminists, they believe that patriarchy is society is the reason that women are oppressed and exploited by men, and Marxists for example hold the view that the capitalist system is the reason for the gender inequality. The Patriarchy ideology present in society enables women to →

Free literature review on literary analysis

Conflicts could also arise due to the unequal distribution of the resources that tend to go to the already affluent people. Social crimes could also increase as the poor people try to amass wealth to woo their admirers to marry them since it was the most prioritized requirement of marriage. Jack admits to Algernon to →

Good essay on affirmative action legislation have been motivated by discrimination based on sex

Affirmative action legislation is conceptualized as the treatment of all individuals equally regardless of race, sex, age, religion or any other form that may cause discrimination that is not appropriate in the eye of a civilized society. Racial discrimination is more rapid in the western world and especially in the sporting arena; this factor →

Example of essay on individual effects of incarceration

Moreover, it is worth noting that Wooldredge's findings show that a prisoner's ability to reduce his fear of the unknown and to control his environment contribute to their mental health. The study of Wooldredge further shows that visits from outsiders, safe environments, and participation in programs enhance the prisoner's psychological well-being. →

Atrocities: a gross asymmetry of power

Atrocities are thus also enabled by the prevailing judicial process the perpetrators operate on the assumption that, by virtue of their caste standing, the police investigation and the trial in court will be weighted in their favour the crime may indeed not even be deemed cognizable as an offence. Earlier, atrocities were committed in the →

Land of the free?

One of the many reason that the gay and lesbian group grabbed my attention, is the fact that they are discriminated every day of their lives, which is something that a lot of people identify themselves with, such as myself. Discrimination degrades people and makes them feel less of a person because they are not →

Supporting the pro-choice movement

Thinkprogress.org outlines 694 provisions that were proposed just in the first 3 months of 2013 that limit what a woman can do with her body, how she gets pregnant, and how she chooses to end that pregnancy. Many people who are against abortion are under the impression that making it illegal will end it when →

Cohabitation and its effects on relationships and marriage research proposal sample

Their analysis of these factors in evaluating relationship quality is taken from the 1987-1988 National Survey of Families and Households, and they restrict their analysis to " Black and White respondents under the age of 48 who are in marital or cohabiting relationships of no more than 5 years' duration". Their results showed that regardless →

The controversial issue of neurohacking

Now, that we have gotten the gist of what neurohacking is and what an ethical issue is, we will delve deeper into this theory looking into its history, how it is an ethical issue, and the problems that arise with it. Neurohacking was first founded in late 2011, referred to as the " do-it-yourself" →

The importance of diversity, equality and inclusion essay sample

Diversity therefore consists of visual and non-visual factors, which include personal characteristics such as background, culture, personality and work-style in addition to the characteristics that are protected under legislation in terms of race, disability, gender, religion and belief, sexual orientation and age. Equality Equality is about ' creating a fairer society, where everyone can participate →

Free essay about patient protection and affordable care act (ppaca)

Statement of the Problem During the passage into law of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in 2010, many of the Americans even the poorest citizens were given chances to avail of better health care services. Also, this contribution would act as a health care savings policy that would enable the →

Kinetics chemistry lab

Research Question: How does the surface area affect the rate of the reaction? Varaibles Independent: Surface Area Dependent: Rate of Reaction Controlled: Water temperature, Volume of water, Concentration, Still water, and One tablet. Hypothesis: Increasing the →

Chemistry: study guide

Answer| | | | | Selected Answer:| Cl2O| | | | | * Question 2 10 out of 10 points | | | According to the VSEPR theory, the molecular shape of SiCl4 isAnswer| | | | | Selected Answer:| tetrahedral.| | | | | * Question 3 10 out of 10 points | | →

Flow instability in an alumina precipitator fitted with a draft tube circulator

Using the Reynolds averaging the following equations are derived Continuity equation = 0 Momentum equation DP/ Dt= Pij+Dij- ij+ ij+ Where Rij is the transport term by convection, Pij is the rate of production, Dij is the transport by diffusion, it is the rate of diffusion, it →

Tin melting experiment – lab report example

Tin Melting Experiment Tin Melting Experiment 3-8-11 Group 6 Summary This experiment was conducted to identify the melting point of pure Tin. This experiment was conducted to determine the melting point of pure Tin from the Tin cooling curve.

Free research paper on evidence based practice on the effects of hand

In nursing the principle is based upon the fundamental notion that all decisions that are made should be based on studies that are research based, the research studies based on a set of specific norms as well as their interpretation. This essay paper considers the evidence based practices that are fundamental in hand washing as →

The marine pollution

This shows that the problem of ocean dumping is not a small one. The ocean is deserving of muchrespect.

2- why might a water pipe break if left full of water during extended frigid weather essay samples

In any language, water is the most abundant compound on the surface of the Earth". - Explain the term compound and also why water is not an element. Answer: Compound is a chemical entity made from combination of two or more different elements. Whereas, MgCl2 is a polar molecule as the geometry is bent structure. 13- →

Civilization in egypt research paper

The Chancellor led to the emergence of the world war in Egypt. Some of the famous recognizable symbols of Civilization in Egypt are the Great Sphinx and the Pyramids of Giza. The conditions along the Nile River Valley had a significant impact on the success of the ancient Egyptian Civilization.

Free vehicles essay sample

This leads to drying up of oil wells both inshore and offshore. There is also high use of electricity in the manufacture of the vehicles. When the ozone layer is damaged it leads to global warming, which in leads to change of climate and an increase in temperatures. There is also noise created by vehicles →

The new jim crow: is colorblindness this generation

It is important to note that The New Jim Crow does not seek to be a full analysis of the ways in which the criminal justice system affects people of color who are not black or how the system affects women of color. Alexander does acknowledge that the criminal justice system affects →

Today’s segregation and self segregating  

We all know the history of segregation the reason for segregation in place was to ensure the black Americans to lived apart from white Americans. The World & I Diversity in America states " the fusion of cultures here is so unique and so exceptional that citizens can be just as proud of their original →

The wind of what is occurring to

A remarkable point of view of a young lady's battles is chronicled in Anne Frank's: The Journal of a Young lady. It is a convincing case of a youthful Jewish young lady developing quickly in the two years between the ages of 13 and 15 while avoiding the Nazis amid World War II. Her deadness →

No cigarettes, no smoking

Smoking cigarettes may increase the risk of many health problems. According to the 1982 United States Surgeon General's report, " Cigarette smoking is the major single cause of cancer mortality [death] in the United States." Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of 90% of lung cancers which is one of the hardest cancers to treat →

King lear causes us to choose fools over knaves.

The crucial scene in which this idea is presented in the play is act 2 scene 4 when the Fool talks to Kent after he has been put in the stocks, and more specifically his line " The knave turns fool that runs away;/ The fool no knave, perdy." On one level the Fool is →

Example of essay on shakespeare’s a midsummer night’s dream: the comedy aspect

In the reading of A Midsummer Night's Dream, in addition to in class, the researcher has been discovering the way that Shakespeare has been able to bring the subject of humor to his play. This essay will explain how A Midsummer Night's Dream is a performance that is mostly put together with a lot of →

Example of essay on the spirit that i have seen

He faces the dilemma: either to correspond to their standards of behavior and humiliate himself, or to remain true to his own ideals of strong moral and to oppose himself to the whole society. Hamlet was left in anguish that made him desire to fulfill the wishes of his own and his dead father's.

The second scene of “the tempest”: a scene study

It is often noted that The Tempest is an odd play in Shakespeare's canon; unlike any of his other works, with the exception of The Comedy of Errors, it observes classical unities of time and setting. Of all of Shakespeare's opening scenes, the one in The Tempest is probably the most dramatic, including as →

Theme in ‘shakespeare in love’

Through its two unfortunate protagonists, Will Shakespeare ' a lowly player' with writer's block and wealthy Viola De Lesseps whodreamsof ' love as there has never been in a play,' it explores the idea of ' the truth and nature of love' in the Elizabethan era. Madden portrays the harsh realities of →

The tragedy of romeo and juliet is simply bad luck essay sample

The choices that the two lovers make are not bad or lives end with horrible tragedy/death. Romeo's reckless decision to uninvitedly appear at the party of the Capulet house was the critical event that led to the series of tragic events in the text. Though the exact cause of the hatred is unknown, Romeo, →

The tempest: characters, theme, and personal opinion essay

A brief analysis of the story's plot, theme, and discussion of the main characters convey the idea of personal liberation through mercy. Shakespeare's play The Tempest is a story of the magical loss and restoration of the man's power, wherein actions develop in the unchronological order, simultaneously showing past and present events. As explained by →

Table top shakespeare: the tempest

Here, Atwood asserts how the same issues can pervade humanity, although our changing cultural and technological paradigms certainly can influence the ways in which this is true. Perhaps, a more recognisable " magic" that exists in both the play and the novel is the magic of art and the form of theatre. Theatre to shape →

Critical analysis

In this course the three poems that I related to the most was the ballad of a chocolate Mabbie by Gwendolyn Brooks , Bonny Barbara Allen by Anonymous , and The Sonnet 116 by William Shakespeare. One of the main reason's I found these poems the most interesting was because I →

Play within a play in a midsummer night’s dream

Shakespeare used the play Pyramus and Thisbe within the play A Midsummer Night's Dream to comment on the position of theater during his time, which was often subject to the will and whim of both church and state, and frequently threatened with censorship. Shakespeare introduces the actors of Pyramus and Thisbe early in A Midsummer →

Lakyn stewart

Her brother, Laertes, returns and hears that Hamlet is the cause of all this death; he plans to get revenge on Hamlet. Claudius uses Laertes to kill Hamlet in a fencing battle; he poisons the sword that will strike Hamlet and the glass of wine that was given to him.

The theme of fallen nation under the dead king in hamlet

Therefore, Claudius portrays the state of the nation as a diseased body, one that is on the verge of corruption and deceit brought onto it by its leaders. Special Vocabulary This theme is reinstated several times in the play through the use of vocabulary that focuses of diseases and illnesses which are symbolic because →

Hamlet’s strive for revenge and his insanity

Once Laertes learns that it was Hamlet who was responsible for his father's death he was in a blind rage, and he decides to kill Hamlet to get revenge for his father. As part of his plan for revenge, he challenges Hamlet to a duel to atone for the death of his father and sister.

What are the most important themes in king lear?

In my opinion theses three themes which are focused on through different interpretations of the play, are the most significant in King Lear In the 1974 Edwin Sherin production of King Lear, we see his directorial decisions on costume choice reflect the nature of the play, as well as the things that have taken place. →

Ronald takaki’s “the tempest in the wilderness” essay

Furthermore, the time when the play was written coincides with the important period in the history of America. According to Takaki, the time he considers in the essay as the reference to Indian expansion was as follows, " it came after the English invasion if Ireland but before the colonization on New England, after John →

The themes of the merchant of venice essay sample

This theme mainly involves two characters of the play, Antonio and Shylock. The character of Shylock seems to be the villain because he wants the pound of flesh of Antonio's, who seems to be a good Christian. It is understandable then that Shylock seeks revenge when he wants the pound of Antonio's flesh, even →

Suffering in crime and punishment

The motif of the need of suffering is used throughout the novel to produce the book's theme: great suffering leads to salvation and the expiation of man's sins. The charitable side of him is a sign of self-submissiveness and weakness that displeases him greatly due to his expectations of his own theory.

School shooting and its post traumatic stress

The war that started in 2001 demonstrated colossally difficult for many individuals over the world, particularly in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan, and the United States and each additional months and years of war adds to that toll. The war on dread, truth be told, demonstrated an extraordinary incident on the lives of its casualties. Mental →

Rehabilitation paper

When freedom is taken for prisoners they are not being able to see their families when they want to and not being able to do things freely is part of the rehabilitation and punishment process. Parole may be granted if the board feels that the prisoner is not a mince to society.

Capital punishment and human rights essay sample

According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, every human has the inalienable right to life and the right not to be tortured or subjected to any cruel, inhuman or degrading punishment. The death of a criminal is not for humans to decide, and will only serve as revenge for the victims, not justice. →

Price leadership

The rivals will keep their prices constant in order to increase their sales at the expense of the firm that raises the price. That is, for upward changes in price, a firms demand is expected to be higly elastic, in contrast when the firm lowers it price, it is most likely that its rivals will →

Leadership vs. management essay

Managers possess all kind of potential abilities, skills, academictheories of management, work experience which shapes managers into a diplomatic, situation-oriented individuals to act according to the breeze of atmosphere in an organization and to that effect, manager takes swing to that side. This does not mean that managers are very clever or uncomfortable individuals, whereas →

Animated politics essay examples

Currently the majority of the world is seen to be controlled by the influential Western countries such as the USA; this issue inspires much of the the dismay in many Arab caricatures. The steering wheel that is placed on the back of the head of the character in the cartoon is a symbol for the →

Servant leadership what is it?

A greatest strength of servant leaders is the potential to heal one's self and others.4. Servant leadership is a style that lays down a set of characteristics that all leaders are supposed to emulate to attain success, and tries to shape the character andpersonalityof the leader.

Fundamentals of beer and hop chemistry(photochem) report example

Besides, hops allow for the attainment of the bitter taste of beer, as well as the light struck flavor. Cooling is done and allows for the removal of spent hops leading to the formation of hopped wort that is pumped into the fermentation vessels. Temperature and the process of yeast collection after the completion of →

Because i could not stop for death by emily dickens

Syllabus: English Unit-I MODERN LITERATURE Poetry For Detailed Study Chaucer : Prologue to the Canterbury Tales Spenser : Faerie Queene - Book-I For Non-detailed Study Spenser : Prothalamion and Epithalamion Wyatt, Surrey: Selections in Peacock's English verse, Vol-I Ballads : Peacock - Vol-II Prose For Detailed Study Bacon - Essays - →

History of the english language

The first was by speakers of languages in the Scandinavian branch of the Germanic family, who colonised parts of Britain in the 8th and 9th centuries. The history of the language can be traced back to the arrival of three Germanic tribes to the British Isles during the 5th Century AD.

Free this is my land research paper sample

These conflict arose of many issues including the taking of the Indians land, the destruction of the Indians crop by the Englishmen's cattle, inequality of the law with regard to the Indians, and more. The article " Pequots and Puritans: The Causes of the war of 1637" discusses the events of the Pequot War.

Example of report on museum (natural resources canada library)author’s name:institutional affiliation

The main objective of the museum visit was to learn about the various rocks, the different minerals and the artifacts in the museum. One was to clearly understand on the History of the British Columbia in Canada. The Rock, the minerals and Interesting Artifacts in the Museum. The rock structure in the museum could be →

Example of explanations of terms essay

BBC A history of the world.n.d.Web. 17 Oct 2013 http://www.constitution.org/eng/magnacar.htm " William the Conqueror " BBC History.n.d..Web.

Whythe new england and chesapeake regions developed into distinct societies by 1700 essay sample

Although the colonies in the New England and Chesapeake regions of North America were settled mainly by the English, by the 1700s both developed into two distinct societies because of their environmental surroundings, their reasons for settlement, and their way of life. The regions had somewhat similar climates, but it was their surroundings that →