1100 Words Essay Samples

Free international foundation year programme report example

These children are exposed to worst condition; they are beaten, work for long hours, they are not given sufficient for and denied education. - Definition Corporate social responsibility: which is defined as a model in which organizations include the social and environmental issues in their business processes and engagement with the company's stakeholders on a β†’

Research paper on zappos.com

The following selection offers a chance to all customers from different cultural backgrounds to get a chance of shopping at Zappos.com website. Organization culture, corporate values, and norms improve the performance of a business depending on the approach an organization uses to implement them. Zappos.com has maintained quality customer management values through the provision of β†’

Example of boeing e-enabled advantage case study

Background of Boeing Company The current paper related to the study of Boeing Company which was founded in 1916 by William Boeing. The weaknesses of the Company were as follows: a history of production delays and the need to retrofit existing fleet. Alternative Solutions Shift to e-enabled opportunity was a pivotal moment β†’

Boeing corporation

On the defense side of things, Boeing is the top firm in the Asia-pacific region with 13. Boeing is also a manufacturer of satellites, defense systems, and space exploration; they are the prime contractor for the International Space Station.

Financial analysis: dominoz pizza enterprise inc reports example

All such factors contributed in the rise of net profit margins during 2012. Later during 2013, although the proportion of COGS to Total Sales continued to fall, however decrease in proportion of the operating revenue from 38. During 2011, the proportion of total equity to the total liabilities was 65.

Example of case study on climbing mount sustainability

However, the use of plastic bottles in packaging its Dasani water products leaves one with so many questions of how far the company takes care of the environment.). Caltex, a leading oil and energy producing company in Australia has also embraced the TBL model of ensuring sustainability. Loss of relevance of the traditional models is β†’

Example of finance term sheets essay

Once the choice is made the final processes and procedures are made for the final contract formation and the final closing is made. The monitoring process starts after the investment is made which involves the VC participates in the company activities through board meetings, recruitments and maintaining a flow of advice. The venture capitalist is β†’

Work place health & safety report samples

It enumerates best practices in health and safety measure at the workplace that keep all workers safe. Adequacy of policies and procedures The policy is efficient enough to achieve the objectives of the company. There are no inconsistencies in the application of the policy between the management and the workers.

Company aytch: a confederate memoir of the civil war

Watkins & Inge, Introduction) However, it is important to appreciate that Sam Watkins was a survivor that has revealed his recollection of the battles as he has experienced them, and although some may believe his memory has some deficiencies he has a real life testimony that cannot be too farfetched from the reality of the β†’

Example of essay on jpmorgan

The main goal of this company is to be the best financial bank in the works they believe are within their reach. They want to cover the global regions and have rewards linked with it. Chase is a cultural leader as it gives their employees goals that they can believe in and are within reach.

Supervisory skills research paper example

In case of any decline in quality, the tests and done thoroughly and repeatedly. The auditing of process entails the reviewing of results handed in by the quality control personnel in order to determine whether the original tests were performed correctly. The directors of the various divisions in the Toyota organization should agree with the β†’

Example of essay on general purpose: convince the audience on the uniqueness of iphone over other phones

Topic justification: The features of a phone determine the functionality of the phone. Preview: Today I will focus on analyzing the features or the applications that make iPhone more appealing than other phones by analyzing the uniqueness of its features. Transition: In the beginning, it is wise to consider the features that other phones contain β†’

Essay on ethics and business finance

What key questions do managers need to ask as they perform a financial analysis of a project? Finance is one of the most important methods of any business practice and ethics is a crucial element of all this. However at the end of the day, the key question a manager needs to ask when performing β†’

Chemtech inc case case study

The problems aforementioned have hindered the ability of the company to market its goods because of insufficient stock to serve its customers. 2. First, the company should spend a great deal of its time in identifying strategies and tactics that can enable it to operate profitably in the market.


5% indicated Havaianas as first brand of flip flops designed Find the right market segment considering the competitors Convey to consumers the important attributes, technical and emotional, of the product Targeting The product is suitable for everyone, but especially for consumers aged from 16 to 40 In this range we have identified three main consumers β†’

Free case study about cases

In the United States, where the company owns about two thirds of the outlets, the market is well known for the company's executives, so they can easily operate the business. And that is why, in my opinion, it is easier to pass on the rights to own and operate the business to people, who know β†’

Good case study on starbucks structure

In this regard, its summary and mission are well clear. It will be expected that the cleaner employees will work within the following parameters; they will be expected to work in a manner that upholds to honesty and commitment to their work. Due to the demands of the job, the β†’

Farewell speech

In my welcome speech I appeal to the parents and the teachers to value and uphold the importance of intrinsic motivation. Our goal is to help the poor in our city, help them to have a better life.

First day on the job

I was raised around some of the clients that were now in my care and responsibility. Some of the duties on my first day were preparing the girls for the next day and helping them with ADLs. Seeing the challenges they faced in one day, I very much appreciated my wellbeing and β†’

Evaluating google llc from a financial perspective

I will also analyse the annual report and the current market and the look at the significant impact it influences upon Google. Google is one of the biggest companies in the world and has a diverse portfolio of its revenue streams. Therefore it can be seen on how diverse the business model of Google is β†’

Essay on business entities laws and regulations

The nature of the business entity is necessary in the determination of return on income tax that the owners have to file. For the case above, Lou and Jose are the active partners in charge of the daily activities of the business.

Advanced psychology essays examples

The mission of this association is the advancement of the creation, application and communication of psychological knowledge for the benefit of society and the improvement of human life. The Association of Psychological Science is a non-profit organization geared towards the development of scientific psychology at the national as well as international level. Secondly, β†’

Endogenous entrepreneurial processes and sustained entrepreneurial growth

Acting in a superior ambidextrous manner refers to the idiosyncratic ability to effectively manage internal organisational exploration and exploitation activities that leads to aiding the likelihood of realising the successful enhancement of an enterprise's sustained entrepreneurial growth endeavours. This critical outcome could further be ascertained in the event that an enterprise possess the ability to β†’

Operations management in mtn essay example

The company is a subsidiary of the MTN Group and operates mobile cellular services in the United Arab Emirates. Operations in MTN MTN operates in the telecommunications sector where it offers cellular network access and business solutions. In addition, the company also operates a direct enquiries service. The Role of Operations function in MTN β†’

Cloud technology creative writing samples

There is also the hybrid deployment model, which involves the use of more than one cloud, which allows portability of data and different applications. The rise of cloud computing technology in the business world has been linked to various factors, one of them being an increase in computer use in the business world. Many businesses β†’

Cis 499 project deliverable 4: analytics, interfaces, and cloud technology term paper example

The availability of up-to date, quality-controlled data is changing decision making processes within the organization leading to gains in quality, warranty costs, customer satisfaction and profitability. The company obtains data from the web and integrates it with the operational data it obtains from its clients to arrive at a conclusion and forecast on the future. β†’

Essay on economics assignment

This is the consolidated target of Nike's business lines that include the Nike brand, Cole Haan, the Jordan brand, Nike Golf, Umbro, Converse and Hurley. In addition, the hit slogan " Just Do it" also maintained the reputation of the business that helped the company retain its market leadership through the current global economic slowdown. β†’

Strategic implementation: the intel case

0". As Paul Otellini sets out to sustain the momentum of the company's new pursuits it continues to bank on the company's overarching mission and vision, the essence of which has remained the same, notably to delight customers and other stakeholders by " using Intel technology to make life better, richer and more convenient for β†’

Good corporate social responsibility at google essay example

The company develops CSR programs throughout the world, striving to make the world a better place by improving the livelihood, education and sustainability in small and global communities. Google's involvement in the community implies active education for developing the conservation and sustainability of local resources through the use of technology. Wilson sees the β†’

Cisco systems implementing erp essay sample

The contributing factor to Cisco's dominating presence in the market is due to the company's primary product, the " router". Don Valentine, partner of Sequoia Capital and vice chairman of the board of Cisco, was the first to recognize the success and potential of Cisco.

Tender invitation for software companies to supply new order processing systems essay

In the event of failure of the fulfillment of the four major requisites as discussed below, the tender will be rejected. Management skills of the IT system The company has a specific criterion that is required for the IT software system which should represent essential requirements that implements management systems functions during the operation. β†’

Foreign news argumentative essay example

It is, therefore, important to examine why the media continues to give such biased reports about other foreign countries. There are a number of reasons why the media continues to give impartial news about foreign countries. For example, media house have become so intent on giving biased news about other foreign β†’

What are functional silos and how did they evolve essay sample

In this type of architectures, all the software, data and resources are located in the server. The fifth critical step in systems integration is the authentication and authorization step.

External factors affecting the performance of a busies enterprise essay sample

The government always takes part in the making of laws that govern the business enterprises in that particular country. SOCIAL FACTORS: These are factors that cause changes in the trends can affect the demand of the firm's products and the motivation of the workers to work.

A critique of the instrumentalist view of international law essay sample

If you decide to rebel, the homeowner's association has the right to fine you and, if you do not pay the fines and (depending on the covenants of your association) do not remedy the problem, you could have a lien filed against your property and ultimately lose it to foreclosure. The problem with this is β†’

Free corporate social responsibility essay example

However, the framework of the company depends on the social and economic environment of the business location, the ethical framework of the enterprises, and the cost implications. According to Ismail , the managerial theory of CSR suggests that a firm has to consider everything hat is external to its operations in making decisions. In β†’

Free report on logistics team and the information system

The computerization of supply chain activities helps to provide certain advantages in the concept of supply chain.. Smith confirmed that, currently, a Logistics Supply Chain Management System is responsible for the management of the supply chain process. Supply Chain Management in the company The Logistics Supply Chain Management System also enhances the management process β†’

Good argumentative essay on bus499_case #1

However, the main focus of the organization is towards providing services that would benefit the people who come to the organization for help; thus, earning profits is not the core focus of the company. The example set by the Cattaraugus County Rehabilitation Center is noteworthy because they have proved successful in the implementation of the β†’

Example of marketing mix-distribution channels essay

Companies employ different distribution strategies to channel the products to the markets and serve the consumers efficiently. The producing company has a mandate to balance costs and customer ease while making sure that the product marketing is correct and consumers are receiving sufficient support. Although the manufacturer manages the distribution strategy, the decision on the β†’

Bonds essay

The subordinate bond is those bonds which are ranked junior to all of the senior bonds of the Conoco Philips. Therefore, according to the principle of subordination, the payments of any premium and interest on the bonds that are subordinates will only be done after the senior debts have been settled in full. The Intel β†’

The problems facing a company essay sample

When one of the principles is ignored or under used, the business is doomed to produce poor results. Planning The principle helps in the determination of the organization goals and objectives of a company that is in the change management process. The employees should be involved in the planning process to deliver the right β†’

Legal issue report

Lastly, the company failed to ensure that the walls of the construction were either slipped or supported. Explain what the employer did or failed to do that violated the OSH Act The first thing that Williams Construction Company violated was that, they failed to provide instructions to the employees as well as the managers β†’

Good use of marijuana and tobacco essay example

Appendix 1 suggests questions to help answer - : - Are marijuana users less, as, or more likely to use tobacco than marijuana non-users and vice versa? - Does using one of these substances decrease, not influence, or increase the chance of starting to use the other? - What attitude do users and non-users of each substance β†’

Free essay about human resource management

It is the duty of the human resource department to manage the transition process ensuring that all procedures are followed to the letter. In conclusion, the human resource department engages either directly or indirectly in the employee's life cycle to ensure that it is complete. It also entails a string of useful decisions that will β†’

Free case study on h&m choosing between global and regional free trade

The reason that makes it apply this model is for it to enjoy the large market share in the region. The firm is located at the central of Stockholm. It should ensure that revolution of the firms is in the process.

Audit enhancement bill 2012 case study examples

These measures recommended in the Bill include the extension of the frequency of rotating auditors by two years from the current duration of five years, the introduction of transparency reports to auditors with a large client base, and changes in the roles of the Financial Reporting Council by β†’

Company overview research paper samples

In the year 2013, it share price oscillated between a minimum of $ 16 and $ 30. Horizontal Analysis of Income Statement and Balance Sheet The purpose of conducting horizontal financial analysis is to get financial trends. In summary, the company has not had stable positive growth in revenue and profits. Hewlett Packard: Balance β†’

Example of essay on identifying potential malicious attacks

ICT systems and networks are very sensitive, and it is crucial for the ICT system and network of the firm to be well secured rom the various threats that exist. Thus, the security of the firm's network is central to perpetuity of the firm. Vulnerabilities and Threat to the Network When analyzing the β†’

Business analysis part i

The company's most admired hardware products are the Macintosh computers, the iphone, the ipod and the ipad. Apple is one of the most established and popular information technology brands in the World and has a very devoted set of passionate customers who promote the brand.

Example of qatar airlines and qatar international airport research paper

Currently, the airport stands a capacity of 12 million passengers on an annual basis. Qatar International Airport is the core base of Qatar airlines; most Qatar airlines are maintained and parked in the airport as well as the collection of cargo and passengers to destinations around the world. This has β†’

Importance of social networking research paper example

Platforms like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn among others have shown a different face of social networking that was unperceivable earlier and is the reason for their continual success and popularity. The figure above depicts the popularity and daily usage of these platforms by people all over the world. Additionally, availability of study material and lectures β†’

Microsoft: swot analysis

The strong points of Microsoft are in operating systems, productivity software, gaming consoles, tablet PCs, and cloud computing. There is no doubt that Microsoft is one of the leadingtechnologygiants in the world. It involves specifying the objective of the business venture or project and identifying the internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable β†’

Research paper on strategies to implement change

On the other hand, management is where there is overseeing and controlling of businesses and organizations. According to my understanding regarding my leadership style model, The variation between leadership and management is that, leadership is doing right things and making good decisions on the actions to take while management is doing things right. Understanding the β†’

Free essay on eagle consulting group

To this end, Chipotle engaged the services of Eagle Consulting Group, with an express goal of researching, reporting and making recommendations on the specific issues raised by the company in the five possible destinations that had been identified in a preliminary strategic report by Chipotle. In a briefing meeting, Steve Ells, the company's chief executive β†’

Free case study on choices for the apple iphone

This also makes it easier for the competitors to challenge the progress of Iphone in the market. Companies offering cellular phone services have come up and offer high level of competition to apple's Iphone. It has banked on the principle of differentiation and coming up with mobile phone models that meet the needs of customers β†’

Free a swot analysis of general electric(g.e) essay example

On a scale of between 1 and 10 in terms of the least to the most important, enhanced research and development ranks at 9. Over half of G. On a scale of between 1 and 10 in terms of the least to the most important, over half of G.

Good example of case study on mergers and acquisitions

On the other hand, acquisition refers to the buying of an asset, for example, a division, a plant or even a whole company, with the form of payment being cash, the securities of the buyer, or other assets that are of value to the seller. The overall purpose of sealing β†’

Free research paper on mcdonalds vision and mission

This is through the provision of outstanding service which is of quality, value and cleanliness in order to ensure every customer in every restaurant holds a smile in their faces. Criteria for Evaluating McDonalds Corporation Mission Statement In order to evaluate the mission statement for McDonalds Corporation, we will use the following criteria which β†’

Trials and tribulations of writing le nozze di figaro

The Burgtheater in Vienna was currently home to an Italian Company whom Mozart thought would not last long however, now was doing excellent business. There were many members of the Opera Company who could not wait to get involved in the project Mozart had in mind. For what some record as one of the most β†’

Good example of case study on challenge the process

They are: challenge the process which is the main focus in this case, inspire a shared vision, model of the way, enable others to act and encourage the heart. In these initiatives, the company engages in sanitation which primarily means the provision of clean water, and professional development, support of economic empowerment. One of the β†’

Business organization and behavior case study example

Involving other employees in decentralizing the rules and regulations of the company will automate operations making employees feel contented, hence fulfilling their legal obligations effectively with minimal supervision. In order to implement the new drafted rules effectively, Jill will have to obtain all the suitable executive and legal approvals from β†’

Case study on managing organizations hr

A firm with human resource competence and good business strategy and flexible and have the advantage of moving in very fast in attacking new market and have a quick response to changing customer preference. This makes it easier to more faculties in and out enabling the use of outside market (Cappelli, & Crocker-Hefter 1996). In β†’

Free the cost of equity capital and the capm (scf module 3, case) essay example

The risk free rate is the factor for the time value of money. In this model, the cost of capital is applied in discounting dividends in order to determine the intrinsic value of a company.

Enterprise resource planning essay examples

The installation of the new system is expensive and time consuming. Theoretically BPR and ERP should exist as separate entities in an organization. An ERP replace an existing system and hence resulting in a delay, in the execution of the BPR.

Literature review on the things they carried literary analysis

However, O'Brien maintains that the story is a fictions account of what actually happened at Vietnam. O'Brien uses the Alpha Company as the focus of his story. The story opens up by literally describing the things members of the Alpha Group carried. The detached manner in which O'Brien gives an account β†’

Organizational structure of walmart essay sample

Walmart is a very large corporation in which they have a wide variety of geographic areas, products, customers, divisions, and departments to discuss, evaluate, research, and come to a resolution to the different matters at hand to ensure a strong and promising future for their corporation and employees. Walmart operates on a line of β†’

Informant movie quiz essay sample

Which of the following is not one of the reasons Mark is talking to the FBI out of the blue? -He is talking to them cuz he doesent approve of what theyre doing and making him do. Mark tells ADM that he is working with the FBI.-True 37.

Strategic management case study examples

The CEO recognized all this weaknesses and decided to change the face of the company in a process popularly recognized as the Pepsi regeneration. If this project would kick off and be successful in the United States, the company would expand it to all over the world.

Good cropco case study research paper example

The branding of the Fungikill name continues to make it the leading fertilizer on the market. In the past, CropCo has successfully conducted relationship marketing for Fungikill, focusing on the needs of the customer. In the fertilizer market, value is determined by the differences in function and the impact of the Fungikill brand name.

The forensic consultation corporation

According to the counter terrorism center, terrorism incidences against the US homeland have reduced considerably in the last three years.The primary threat has been and remains the Al Qaeda network, as well as other terrorism activities sanctioned by such countries as Cuba, North Korea, Syria and Iran. The government through intelligence agencies has doubled efforts β†’

Essay on cost of producing one pair of skis plus binding

The maximum purchase price acceptable to the Ski Pro Corporation for the bindings Maximum purchase price acceptable to the Ski Pro Corporation for the bindings is determined by working out the total of the variable costs The maximum purchase price = cost per ski made and bound times the expected volume = 64 β†’

Free how tesla will change the world argumentative essay sample

In this way, the hope of the company is that they will be a fundamental part of the changing energy landscape. This is one of the most important aspects of the company, that they, and others like them, are an essential part of the future if it is to become energy efficient and lower the β†’

Good example of essay on swot analysis

The company is considered to hold the 24% of the total dollar volume credit card transactions in the United States. The company is ranked 22nd in the most valued brand list of the world. The logo is presented on the products of the business (traveler's cheque, charge cards, and the credit cards). Strengths The β†’

Ipo’s and fluidigm case study sample

The financial crisis led to the decline of the value of a company's stock in the stock exchange market. The chief executive of the company intended to raise the additional capital from the issue of shares to the public.

Shoe insert for working women business plans example

Environmental Forces - Political /Legal - The state requires that all businesses make known chemicals and substances that are used in the manufacture of products The law demands that all the substances used in the manufacture of products be made known to the public. It must be shown to the public that these substances β†’

Troubleshooting report on the food and operations at the school cafeteria business plan examples

I identified one of the fairly clean tables and sat, waiting for a waiter to present me with the list of the available dishes. From the outside, the cafeteria looked very clean and tidy, and I believe this is one of the reasons why it attracts the passersby.

Case study on optical distortion harvard case study

The case analysis looks at the characteristics of the Optical Distortion Inc.innovative contact lens for chickens and why the product is appealing to chicken farmers. The crown of the lens had a distortion built within it as well to impair vision. In essence, the optical lens appealed to most chicken farmers because, over the β†’

Example of financial accounting reports essay

Depending on the returns on the shares and the firm's growth projections, a shareholder decides either to invest more in the firm or to divest from the firm Shareholders are most interested in the long-term viability of the firm as compared to other users. The information is also useful in determining the value of the β†’

Disneys marketing strategy essay examples

The Walt Disney Company mission is to become world leaders in providing and producing entertainment and information through which the company can develop the most creative, profitable and innovative entertainment experiences and associated products worldwide. The company lacks a published vision statement due to the diversity of the business since it is difficult to integrate β†’

Good example of technical description of pilot g-2 07 essay

The rubber extends down to the tip of the pen so that the users can make use of firm grip for most of the body of the pen. It is important to have this part because it has parts that are used to get the lead rod in and out of the barrel.

Labor and employment law essay example

The basis of taking a leave is valid as Employee's A spouse gave birth to premature twins thus need to take care of the newborn babies and the spouse. The maximum duration of leave that an employer can grant an employee is 12 weeks in a year , and since Employee A took an 11 β†’

Financial analysis of qantas and fly emirates essays examples

The high debt ratio indicates that the company has a weak ability to repay long-term debt. In the year ended 2014, Fly Emirates had a debt ratio of 0. The decrease in the debt ratio in 2014 shows an increase in the solvency of Fly Emirates.

Understanding organizational behavior in a criminal justice agency

The prediction of possible behavior responses may also be the key to gain control. In the analysis stage, it is vital that the needs of the employee as an individual and as a part of the organization be considered and that the social group behaviors which cause changes or create major impacts β†’

Big city trust company essay sample

After assessing the Financial Statements of Xerox Corporation and Polaroid Corporation, is Big City Trust Company going to finance and invest to Auto-Drive Company's latest product? Mr Cooper, a senior trust officer at the Big City Trust Company sees that this auto-drive as the next big thing in technology and sees this as β†’

Example of essay on sponge wars

The different improvements that have been made to the two products have been vital in the increase of the demand of the sponges in the previous year. Advertisement is a method that is used by companies in the creation of demand in the market.

Marketing plan research papers example

This presents a great challenge to Dell Corporation, which has to enhance the value of it tablets in order to increase its competitive advantage. As a result, there has been an increase in the demand for tablets in different regions of the world. The tablet has several special features such as the touch screen and β†’

A report on two options for david mackenzie & co

Both these options have their advantages and disadvantages. Advantages and Disadvantages of Floating the Companies in the Stock Exchange The major advantage of floating the Mackenzie group of companies in the stock exchange, which entails converting the hitherto private limited company into a public limited company , β†’

Mountain man brewing company

To the younger beer drinkers, the market the light beer appeals to, view Mountain Man beer as too strong and a " working man's" beer. Not only do the younger beer drinkers have their negative thoughts about Mountain Man developed, but the blue-collar customers account for a huge percentage of sales. A β†’

Research paper on stakeholders

Stakeholders are an important part of the firm and there is need to put them into consideration in the daily activities of the firm. The article will further look at the effects of involving internal and external stakeholders in the decision making process of the firm to ensure its sustainability. Many companies talk to some β†’

Example of case study on question2. how did the managers contribute to the situation

Combination of aforementioned factors together with two extra triggers (employees' feeling belittled by Diwali gift and impunity of Japanese manager on manufacturing) led to the breakdown of relationships between employees and company's management. Management's contribution to the situation can be viewed in terms of two different directions. Impunity of vice-president was an extra factor to β†’

Example of essay on is google making us stupid

The angle of vision is vivid as Carr tries to analyze the extent of this effect in the future. This is based on what is available at the moment and where the society is heading. Carr has also focused on the usage of ethos in his article.

Hyundai motors essay

S since 1986 and it did exceptionally well in its first year of operation in the country as it outdid all the other car makers in the number of sales made. In order to find out whether it is good to invest in Hyundai Motors, it is wise to look β†’

Netflix analysis as an streaming application competitor of netflix

The advent of the internet, in particular, has changed the way people live their daily lives, resulting in new habits. Advances in information and communication technology, especially the internet, can shift the old ways and systems that exist in the society. This is because Netflix is still adamant with the digital payment method and is β†’

Good example of finance case study

13th, November, 2013 Analysis of Electronic Arts: Ratio Analyis and Effect of Alternative Accounting Methods on Ratios Profitability Analysis: The ratio analysis reveals that over the years, the profitability of the company is improving. 6% over the years.This year the net profit margin of the company has surpassed industry benchmark of 2%. β†’

Allentown materials corporation

The analysis of the Allentown Materials Corporationcase studyreveals a number of issues mostly related to the untimely death of a respected leader, the subsequent change inleadership, and also the management style of the newly appointed upper-level managers. Additionally, radical changes are required to bring Allentown Materials Corporation into a new era of manufacturing and β†’

The impact of transnational corporations on less economically developed countries

The government will probably supplymoneyfor the transport links as well, due to the increasing amount of money coming into the country. The increased amount of money made by the country can also be used for many other things. The problem is most of this money will not stay within the country because the main branch β†’