1100 Words Essay Samples

Editorial: the physiological functions of the app gene family

Editorial on the Research Topic The Physiological Functions of the APP Gene Family The amyloid precursor protein APP plays a key role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease, as proteolytical cleavage of APP gives rise to the -amyloid peptide A , which is deposited in the brains of AD patients. Subsequent processing of the C-terminal β†’


The intention of this report is to analyze the following aspects: - Symbolism and Imagery - Irony - Tone and Mood - Point of View Analysis of the Book The Wizard of Oz by Lyman Frank Baum SYMBOLISM The road of yellow bricks = it represents destiny, hope, a path. The road that will guide β†’

Marketing mix critical

Bose Corporation has a private investigation team that constantly searches the Internet for sites that promote Bose products without the permission of Bose Corporation. The only place that is authorized to offer a discount on a Bose product is Bose Corporation itself.

Northwind traders essay sample

I have concluded in my analysis that there are some countries that are stronger, some that either need new guidance in sales and some that do not generate enough for the company in sales. ANALYSIS 2 Discounts modification Analysis My analysis consist of a probability of issuing more discounts to the leading countries that produce β†’

Carbon tetrachloride essay

They found that a leading cause of these medical conditions was the substance carbon tetrachloride found in the soil, the air, or even the water. After the realization of the danger that carbon tetrachloride proved many groups and organizations began to label restrictions, and petition for reductions in the production of this substance.

Business analysis of harley davidson motor company essay sample

A comparison of two direct competitors in the motorcycle market, Harley Davidson and Honda, a producer of cars and motorized vehicles, reveals through the analysis of the businesses that investment into Harley Davidson would benefit the investing person or group. The data shows conclusively that investing in the American company of HD is cost beneficial β†’

Hope paper

To the eyes of the State, the changes made to HOPE are very necessary and essential to prevent the state from spending more lottery money than it has. According to Fran Miller, the author of an article supporting the new changes, a large number of college freshmen who take learning support classes are recipients of β†’

The visual argument of the big lebowski

The camera moves along the dairy section before The Dude comes on screen and the cameras continued movement towards him establishes that The Dude is who the monologue states is " the man for his time and place, he fits right in there". Lebowski, the camera moves into the room similar to the way it β†’

ο»Ώwhat does scout learn about maycomb and its inhabitants during the trial?

Bob Ewell is the villain of the ' To Kill A Mockingbird' and, as a result of the trial, he attempts to get revenge on Atticus and hisfamily. It also suggests that the trial is taking a toll on Atticus and he is beginning to feel the strain of it.

How a group of ecommerce veterans launched hollar, an online dollar store, and hit $1 million in monthly sales after just 5 months

As big-box stores struggle to meet the lowest of earnings projections and shutter dozens of stores nationwide, one type of brick-and-mortar retailer is thriving: the dollar store. With a term sheet in hand, Yeom left his company after three-and-a-half years to build one of his own.

Different types of motorcycles

Then you have the times when you have not received a particular context, and your mind begins to wonder as to what kind of motorcycle it could be: a cruiser, dual purpose, or a sport bike. The downside to super sport motorcycles is that these bikes do not have the storage capacity or comfort of β†’

Life and death of archimedes

The Number 20 March Archimedes The life story of Archimedes takes a modern reader to an exciting journeyinto " the genius of Hellenic learning". My goal in this paper is to explore the biography of Archimedes and find out what the historical significance of his work is.

Knorr – college essay

Born in 1838 in Germany, Knorr derived its name from the founder Carl Heinrich Knorr who developed a preservation process for foods which became the basis for the creation of the product Soup. The positioning of the brand was very well done but it did not succeeded in India because the category of soups was β†’

The story of the faustian bargain: trading soul and salvation for vast power

He claims to be a criminal fugitive who escaped to live on an island, and he makes a bargain to sacrifice his soul to be with his love Faustine forever. As mentioned previously, the narrator is aware of his readers and worries how he is perceived.

Medication administration record system for patient safety nursing essay

Therefore, to maintain the quality of drug dose administration and to prevent medication administration errors, eMAR is found to be important. Few studies suggested that eMAR is a bedside medication administration recording tool providing new levels of recording medication administration activities by dropping error rates and making the administration of medications safer for patients.eMAR allows β†’

Blake v dpp, a summary of criminal case law

In particular section 5 states that a defendant has a lawful excuse, if: He believed that the person whom he believed entitled to consent to the destruction or damage of the property would have consented, had he known of the circumstances; or he acted ' in order to protect' the property of himself of another, β†’

Capacity management and international operations management commerce essay

In subdivision " A " the capacity of Fitness Plus will be measured and analysed to see whether there is sufficient capacity to cover with the immediate issues of overcrowding and non-availability of equipment. In one hr the entire figure of members able to utilize the equipment would be.

Scholarly article journal summary

One of the areas in which the effect of inequalities impacts on is in health status and access to health services. Examples of this lie in the position of African Americans in the U.S.A.and the Aboriginal people in Australia.

Speculations surrounding the meaning of the megaliths grouped in stonehenge

Perhaps the most common theory of Stonehenge's use is that the Ancient Britons believed that the Bluestones, the fabled vertical rocks that made up the inner circle of Stonehenge, had magical powers, due to the fact that when they become wet, they sparkle magically. The shortest route to Stonehenge from the Preseli Mountains was probably β†’

Platelet rich plasma-platelet concentrate (prp-pc) analysis

Their quality was assessed after 24 hours of preparation using the following parameters: volume of the platelet concentrate, platelet count, RBC contamination, morphology and pH. Conclusion During the storage of platelet concentrates there is progressive loss in capacity of survival and function of platelets.

Personal responsibilityconclusion

Personal responsibility is recognizing what you want to achieve in school, be aware that you need to manage your time sensibly between daily life and education and a skillful plan to best promote the information you are learning. The key to personal responsibility and college success is obtaining charge of your life.

History of motion

Prior to Copernicus' heliocentric model, the Ptolemaic system was, with the assistance of the Roman Catholic Church, the prevailing astronomical model of the universe in Europe leading up to the 16th Century. A geocentric model, it stated that Earth was the stationary centre of the universe, and used a system of epicycles and deferents were β†’

Do you have any confidence in the success of the marriages

Thus, Eustacia is incapable of understanding Diggory Venn's putatively unselfish desire to help Thomasin be happy even at the expense of his own happiness: she thinks, " What a strange sort of love, to be entirely free from that quality of selfishness which is frequently the chief constituent of the passion, and sometimes its only β†’

Case study: war at the helm of elicor

Why? Primarily, the board of directors is responsible for guiding, controlling and monitoring the company with the best interest of the company and its stakeholders in mind. The COED principle on the responsibility of the board states that the board should fulfill key functions such as guidance, governance and oversight of the company's management, operations, β†’

Outline and assess the view that vocational education simply

This would imply that it is not the cause of vocational education, solely, but more the individual interpretations and experiences- like most things, there will always be those trying to benefit from some kind of system. It plays a genuine role in at least attempting to do well for society, and not for those CEOs β†’

Pilot labor market in australia

Due to the duty of care to communities in aviation, Airlines had to consolidate with training schools to develop flight training courses such as cadetships to meet the industry wide demand. This may be because of the number of students who apply for these loans compared to the number of students who attain licenses in β†’

Webers law on visual perception

Impress among the students the values of honesty and integrity.5. One of the social problems in our society is a crime.

Fundamentals of macroeconomics assignment

As well as describing the effects of purchasing of groceries, massive layoff of employees, and decrease in taxes have on the government, households, and businesses. The most commonly used indicator of economic health of a nation is the GAP.

Andrew jacksons indian removal policy history essay

In the years 1838 and 1839 under the late president's, Andrew Jackson's Indian removal policy, my fellow Cherokee nation was obligated to surrender its lands on the east side of the Mississippi River and to migrate to an area in present day Oklahoma. Georgia in 1831, the Marshall court ruled that the Cherokees were not β†’

Highschool cliches

There are truly a monumental amount of groups in high school, maybe as many as a hundred, but then there are those utterly cliche groups, the ones that show up in all those bad movies, *cough cough highschool musical*, the ones that seem to always exist; theres the jocks, the cheerleaders, the dancers, the nerds, β†’

The life span of adolf hitler assignment

The Life Span of Adolf Hitler What were the factors that shaped the man who is view today as the symbol of pure evil; yet in the early 20th century was cheered by Germans and those who believed in his views and goals? Adolf Hitler did well in elementary school and was a choirboy.

What factors do prime ministers take into account when choosing their cabinets essay

5Cabinet Government is the view that cabinet have the main power throughout the whole of government, rather than all the members and MPs within the government. It will also mean that if the PM wants a certain bit of legislation to be passed, and then the cabinet cannot stand in his way.

Case study amba

Employee A submitted a two week notice and the Director allowed Employee A to resend the resignation on the last day of the two week notice. The other employee was an employee with little to no complaints for regarding the Director and minimum regarding the organization or any co-workers since Employee A was located remotely β†’

Super size me analysis essay

After hearing the McDonald's Corporations defense against the lawsuit filed by two obese teenagers, who claimed that their overweight conditions were the cause of eating at the fast food establishment, filmmaker and director Morgan Spurious came up with the idea to start a similar experiment on himself, by eating McDonald's for 30 days for all β†’

Business entities assignment

This will allow Jose and Low to control the business and Miriam share in the business profits." A business must meet four criteria to qualify as a partnership under the PUPA [PUPA Section 6]. With Frank having a franchise her will still have percentage of the profit and still have royalty to the business.

Interview with the vampire: movie vs book

But the movie paints him much more grown up and not as emotional when they say the cause for his depression is the death of his wife and child he never had in the book. It makes sense on the screen, as the actors rush to the boat and show no remorse in leaving America, β†’

ο»Ώstrengths and weaknesses of self-report inventories essay sample

1 Samuel 16: 7 ESV All in all they are very I feel that I have worked in the past to be around other people, to make new friends and of course for the income, but I truly feel the income is not as important as rather you love your job or not. The type β†’

Sex: a study of power

In addition she is related to the motifs of poison and venom throughout the novel, relating her to a snake. By losing this sense of self, the narrator also surrenders to her power.

The social conflict theory sociology essay

The first would be the structural functional theory, then the social conflict theory, and finally the symbolic interaction theory. Once the sides are chosen and the revolt has begun, Marx will study the inner workings of the dominate class to see how they retain their status after the conflict has ended.

Socio cognitive approaches to creativity in learners

Most of the human creativity is contextualized in the socio cultural ethos where the interactions with people and artefacts are the essential contributors that embody collective knowledge. The focus is largely on considering the creative cognitive processes and structures in detail as they are the ones that are used to generate the items that actually β†’

Essay- great speeches

The allusions to the Declaration of Independence at the onset of the speech, with the direct quote of the iconic line " all men are created equal , immediately appeals to the human desire for Liberty, and a yearning for the values of freedom and equality to emerge in the world is immediately felt by β†’

Cumberland metal industries

00; therefore the value to the contractor of a CMI pad would be $240. The value of a CMI pad to this contractor would be $360.

The city as a space of multiple, infinite, relational possibilities in chungking express

As a result, Wong is able to differentiate between the private and the public space of the city the moment that is shared between Officer 633 brooding about his ex-girlfriend and Faye in a daydream is in slow motion, as it is a significant moment that captures both characters' state of mind. However, the resolution β†’

Good wind energy essay example

The truth of the matter is that yes, to utilize wind energy there needs to be a particular set of circumstances met in order for the wind turbines to be effective. In this instance, the wind turbines seemed to have a positive effect on the success rates of the nest.

Overview of sarcopenia

Background Sarcopenia is age related disease with symptoms of loss of muscle mass, strength and function. To sum up with information above, sarcopenia is becoming big challenge in public along with the rise of older population.

Biotechnology industry analysis assignment

Meanwhile, in the ASX Health Care and Biotechnology Sector Profile, the number of ASX listing company in the healthcare and biotechnology industry is 151, and the market capitalisation in March is around 52 billion dollars. ANALYSE 1 Value Chain Analysis In general, the primary sequence of producing in biotechnology industry can be divided in to β†’

Frauds, contracts and end of life issues in medicare

Frauds, Contracts and End of Life Issues in Medicare And their Implications This paper will describe different types of fraud, contracts and end of life issues and their impacts on individuals and organizations in the Medicare profession. Frauds, Contracts and End of Life Issues in the Medicare And their Implications A fraud is a deceitful β†’

Construct and support an argument

This was the icing on the cake for my decision; I knew at that moment that I wanted to be financial stable and that I need to peruse my MBA in order to achieve my goals. Overall the MBA degree is where my mind and heart felt I needed to journey on to.

Lifespan development of howard hughes essay sample

Howard Hughes, aviator, businessman, and film director, was born December 24, 1905 in Houston, Texas, to Howard Hughes Sr.and Allene Gano Hughes. Howard Hughes Sr.a successful million dollar drill manufacturer, and the owner of The Sharp-Hughes Tool Company, was an absentee father.

Abab design case study

Some ethical implications when selecting a reversal design such as ABA when working with the type of behavior problems that Sara exhibiting s " it may not be ethical to remove the treatment in the second baseline if the behavior is dangerous "." Second, you must be fairly certain that the level of the behavior β†’

Early american civilizations

The Mayas built large temples for the glory of the kings and sometimes the queens who ruled cities of tens of thousands. The Aztecs were the close rivals of the Mayas.

Marketing assignment

Suppurate Bose Executive Vice President and President, Asia-Pacific Suppurate Bose Suppurate Bose is Executive Vice President and President, Asia-Pacific for Boston Scientific and a member of Its Executive Committee. D, is Executive Vice President and Global Chief Medical Officer for Boston Scientific and a member of its Executive Committee.

Strategy of jurors for the oj simpson trial

Strategy of the Jurors for the OJ Simpson Trial No: Roll No: Strategy of the Jurors for the OJ Simpson Trial On 13 June 1994, a dog covered in blood was found by a man in Bundy Drive, West Los Angeles, a posh locality of Los Angeles. The physical proof consisted of a bloody Aris β†’

Child labour in the philippines

Money is one of the main reasons why children work in the Philippines. Children that work and contribute to the total income of their family, help the family survive.

The imposing of goods and services tax economics essay

Tax on sellers will increase the cost of production and hence decrease the supply of goods and services. Price control consists of two acts which is the ceiling price, the maximum price charged to the consumers and floor price, the minimum price producers sell.

Criminal procedure policy essay sample

The due process model and the crime control model are the two models of criminal justice. The Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Fourteenth Amendments ensure that with the Crime Control Model and the Due Process Model the rights of the citizens are upheld by the State and Federal Government.

Ovarian cysts signs and symptoms

The doctor suspected that the sudden weight gain was brought on by the start of taking the birth control pills. It is important that women get checked out by their doctor if they are experiencing any of the harmful symptoms ovarian cysts can cause.

Argumentative essay on true high school story

In a high school story, everyone is stress free and loves high school and life. A true high school story, love is created and broken in a time where we are growing the most.

Zero subsidies for sugar and flour in malaysia

After the gorvenment decide to remove the subsidy of sugar and flour, the local international food industry MASCELLENT RESOURES Sdn Bhd was trouble in competition's disadvantage due to cannot extend the market with the lower prices. Producer has to increase the price of bread in order to maintain their profits and cost to operate the β†’

Newspaper and electronic communications media assignment

As the future of Bhutan lies in the hands of our people, it is our responsibility to make sure that the future well-being of our country is secure in the hands of the Butane's people and that [they] can successfully shoulder this sacred responsibility with complete loyalty and dedication." His Majesty King Jimmie Single Wingback. β†’

Confidence assessment criteria in evidence-based medicine (ebm)

The judgment of the degree of heterogeneity depends on the likeness of point estimates, the degree of overlap of confidence intervals, and statistical criteria including tests of heterogeneity. GRADE guidelines: 5.rating the quality of evidence publication bias.

War for independence

I will explain some of the reasons colonists rebelled against the new reform programs, the roles African Americans played during the American Revolution, how the patriots achieved the unity needed to wage the War for Independence, and the impact the American Revolution had on the Native Americans. The patriots achieved the unity they needed to β†’

The dangers and benefits of emotion in 19th century american literature

The Dangers and Benefits of Emotion in 19th Century American Literatureby, Katie SkalskiNovember 8, 2004 Many of the popular texts found in 19th century American literature represent emotion, the effects of which can be perceived as both beneficial and dangerous to individuals and communities. Both texts present the effects of emotion and illustrate the 19th β†’

Depression: risk for suicide among post-secondary students

There has been evidence that depression can cause suicide, and, in some cases, depression can be cause by failed suicide." Depression is not the same as sadness, or upset, it is defined as a triggered heavy emotion that caused by a great loss, stress, or major life change. Suicide is increasing and the main cause β†’

Comparison and contrast

The evil mother, Silver Tree is the queen and thinks she is the fairest and most beautiful woman in the world. The stepmother was so envious of Snow White? s beauty that she hired a huntsman to kill her and to bring back her lungs and liver as a keepsake.

Blue archipelago berhad (bab) shrimp aquaculture

As BAB, they applied 100% no antibiotics and hormones to the shrimp. They also establish monitoring centre to monitor the condition of their shrimp farm and the activities performed by their workers.

Argumentative- affirmative action assignment

The first candidate graduated from a prestigious and highly academic university, had years of work experience in the field, and in the mind of the employer, had the potential to make a positive impact on the company's performance. Affirmative action is a product of the civil rights era, that time from the late 1950s through β†’

Iago’s soliloquies essay

Try also to demonstrate an understanding of the ways in which Shakespeare uses the soliloquies to present a character Of all the characters in Othello, Iago is the most complex and intriguing to the audience. By allowing the audience an insight into Iago's thought process regarding the ' web' he weaves, Shakespeare is able to β†’

Religion and drug use theology religion essay

Given these longstanding connections between religion and substance use, and the important roles of religious and spiritual perspective in shaping our moral understanding of addiction, researchers have long been fascinated in the relationship between religion, and drug use problems in populations. Social control theorist assumes that bonds to a religious organization and to others who β†’

Cloning research paper

Cloning humans is a bad idea and the world does not need to waste its money on this science. Reproductive cloning is the technique which is intended to produce a duplicate of the donor.

Learning accomplishment profile- three

That is now the Learning Accomplishment Profile- Three for the 3rd edition and this is an on-going appraisal tool. In decision the Learning Accomplishment Profile seems to be a really elaborate appraisal tool for immature kids, easy to administrate with step-by measure instructions and list of activities to assist you with administrating.

Whats the future for students education essay

The intellectual model of the mind stated that the real intellegent consist of capacity of deductive reasoning and knowledge of the classics, what we come to think as academic ability. Education is modeled based on the interest of industrialization and in the image of it.

Design and testing of a steam powered racing boat

The boiler is made of aluminium, with a volume of 0. The diameter of the straws is 6 x10^-3 m, with a length of 0.15 m.

Directness of americans

The directness, the openness and the honesty of Americans, began in the early days and has evolved into the actions and thoughts we have today. The Puritans were very direct with The Indians in saying that their religion is the only one that should be followed and they should be against the church of England.

Ambulances’ by philip larkin essay

By close examination of the ambulance and its literal movement it is possible to gain a greater understanding of how the ambulance serves as a metaphor of death and the idea that it is ubiquitous; it is indiscriminate; it is inevitable. Larkin develops the evocation of the ambulance's movement through the description of the patient β†’

The early twentieth century: paradox?

The early twentieth century, marked by Cubism's birth and the Great Depression's end, was the definitive turning point from traditional Arts to modern Commerce, from past to present. The Human Condition, a literal snapshot of the impossible, merged the image with the object and played with reality and fantasy.

Quant assignment essay sample

2% Vitamin C 12 mg per 100 g ' 12% 10 mg per 100 g ' 10% Q 1) Determine the amount of potatoes and green beans Maria should purchase each week for the casserole to minimize the ingredient costs while meeting nutritional, taste, and demand requirements. 2% Vitamin C 12 mg per 100 g β†’

Attitudes of multidisciplinary teams to the introduction of the edinburg depression scale

In the modern world where healthcare delivery is moving towards a disciplinary team structure, the attitudes of the team to the use of scales to measure depression is important to the outcome. H2: Attitudes towards the use of EDS in the measurement of post-partum depression in Saudi Arabia are negative.

Mate selection essay sample

A data analysis sheet was eventually compiled using the evaluations collected from willing subjects, and it provided the author of this survey with evidence enough to come to a conclusion about mate selection in the given age group. Method of Data collection: A total of twenty individuals, 10 Males and 10 Females, were requested to β†’

Commentary: gaba depolarizes immature neurons and inhibits network activity in the neonatal neocortex in vivo

A commentary on GABA depolarizes immature neurons and inhibits network activity in the neonatal neocortex in vivo by Kirmse, K, Kummer, M, Kovalchuk, Y, Witte, O. In vitro damage and metabolic insult: The ketone body and the traumatic explanation of the GABA sequence have been infirmed by many expert groups and not confirmed by a β†’

Hansson private label case essay sample

Under this situation, the subject of this report is to evaluate the potential investment of expanding production capacity at Hansson Private Label and make a recommendation to Tucker Hansson. However, the competition of this kind of products is fierce and the current capacity of HPL is getting close to full.

Writing and south african education assignment

Write an argumentative essay in which you address the following statement by answering the two questions that follow: While the Fractionation of South African education affords the social engineer with the opportunity to challenge the legacy of the apartheid system, it simultaneously calls for the unearthing, promoting and codification if indigenous knowledge systems in order β†’

Community policing defined

Community policing aims to decentralize, de-formalize, despecialize, and delayerize the policing tactics used in dealing with day-to-day crimes within the community to make the civilians feel more connected with the police. Community policing and POP allows the community to be its primary caretaker against crime through public criticism of police procedure.

An underrated power source

The various conveniences of nuclear energy as a power source outweigh the disadvantages and contribute to creating an efficient method of power with a reliable fuel source. Along with the positive principles of nuclear radiation and operating efficiency, a contributing factor to the benefits of nuclear energy has economic advantages that come with using it β†’

Comparison between utilitarianism and idealism essay sample

The way to get from the level of the " is" to the level of the " ought" of the Philosophers in these theories are the two bests. In this essay, it will be shown that the two theories are not so different in their relation between the level of the " is" and the β†’

Government as an enabler and regulator economics essay

The Government through the better use of its resources and oversight has to guard the consumers from the exploitation of market power. First, the private businesses have to assiduously and honestly apportion a part of their profits to the Government in shape of direct and indirect taxes.

Whole foods assignment

Is the strategy well matched to recent developments and conditions in the natural and organic foods segment of the food retailing industry? The motto to me is not two impressive it is just a play on words to somehow match the stores name " Whole Foods" the Motto Whole Foods, Whole People, Whole Planet.

Pure, per se and natural monopolies

As a policy maker concerned with correcting the effects of gases and particulates emitted by and local power plant, answer the following questions: * What two policies could you use to reduce the total amount of emissions?* Per our text book, the gases and particulates that are emitted by local power plants are a mixture β†’

Diet analysis paper

In some places I was consuming more than I should be and in some I was consuming less than I should be. Being an active male, it was most interesting of what I ate, what my average of the three days were, and the plan on how I would correct the way I eat to β†’

Herbalism throughout human history and the role in society’s evolution

Due to the fact that medicinal herbs are commonly believed to be safe, because they are natural, inexpensive, and accessible, without requiring prescription from a remote licensed professional, herbal medicine is vastly used and practiced since in the ancient time throughout the world." Over 80% of the world's population relies on herbs for health", stated β†’

Development of an understanding of feminism

The author indicates that this could be the result of a misunderstanding of the history and goals of feminism. The consequence of this misunderstanding has been the discrediting of the otherwise beneficial idea, and the adoption of the wrong approach in implementing feminism leading to a counter-productive impact.

Spina bifida

SPINA BIFIDA Spina Bifida Leteisha Lawson ESE 315 Nicole Luke February 5, 2012 Spina Bifida Spina bifida occurs when the bones of the spine do not form properly around part of the baby's spinal cord. The result is an opening in the midline of the upper part of the skull, the area between the forehead β†’

Linda and lenina comparison in brave new world

Lenina is a typical woman in the new world, and she has all the characteristics that describe her as pneumatic. Both Linda and Lenina are very emotional when it comes to certain people in the society.

Taken for granted and remorsefulness

Mary's other words and actions in this part of the novel reveal that she does not just want Tom because he is lively and gallant, but also because he is the eldest of the Bertram sons and will, therefore, inherit the estate. In a way, she is trying to rid Mary and Henry of their β†’

Franklin over economic as well as social barriers.

As a matter of fact, Roosevelt set up the Social Security Act to provide for these old and sick. The actions of Roosevelt and his staff represent the epitomy of the will to survive the Great Depression.

Dvelopment of grading and enrollment system assignment

The current problems of the company inspired the researchers to initiate a research study that will bring forth to the development of their system. A computer on a local area that is running software for controlling access to all or part of the network and its resources with client.