1100 Words Essay Samples

The beautiful city of tashkent

The city of Tashkent is often referred to as the capital of the east because of its ancient places, historical monuments, mosques and minarets, old-world museums, theatres and bazaars. Another great idea for tourists is to visit the ancient district of Tashkent and plunge into the uzbek national culture and atmosphere." The Old Town" is β†’

Risks and benefits of international trade economics essay

Secondly, the demand conditions is a significant determinant of national competitive advantage, for it assists in upholding the maintenance of economic effectiveness and it empowers the business to possess the well-built local market, which eventually pave the company better way in advancing the goods and services quality for the international market. International Business: Strategy, Management β†’

Marbury v. madison case brief essay

The seal of the United States.affixed thereto by the Secretary of State.is conclusive testimony of the truth of the signature.and of the completion of the assignment. To see a authorities without the constituted policy of judicial reappraisal.


Though animal rights activists and other anti-vivissection organisations do not dispute the need for actual animals to be used in the study of Biology and Veterinary Medicine, they argue that the practise of studying and dissecting live animals is cruel and unnecessary. When trying to justify vivissection, pro-vivissection organisations always maintain that the animals, used β†’

Journalism test questions with answers assignment

How did a study about the impact of The War of the Worlds radio broadcast undermine the hypodermic-needle model? How did the movie industry respond to the formation of community eview boards and the deteriorating economic conditions of the Great Depression?

Literature reflection paper

I really liked this poem a lot because it was the type of poem that really stood out to you and you would never forget it. In conclusion, I really liked this Literature class and I am really happy that I got the chance to take it with Prof.

Development of controlled drug delivery for animals

June 5, 2014 [veterinary drug delivery INDUDTRIAL CHALLENGES : – The production of, controlled release drug delivery technologies are same, both in, humans and animals, but, the reasons for developing them are not same. In humans and animals, the controlled drug delivery permits safe, effective and easy handling for the...

Oppression both unaccepted. it happens in some

According to one of the authors in the book Feminist Frontiers IV, Marilyn Frye says: The root of the word oppression is the element press. This goes to show that there is a lack of support programs for women and their children and that those women are oppressed.

Construct development, scale creation, and process analysis

The goal of the test will help these leaders be more of a confident leader then an arrogant leader. The results of this test will help leaders realized if they are confident as far as having a normal self-pride or arrogant, to prideful.

The elephant essay

This is not saying that he does not analyse what his family is doing to him or what he is going through, but rather he presents his case simply and concisely so that the reader can naturally understand these feelings rather than having to engage in a long drawn out discussion of them, for example, β†’

Emily dickinson’s views on mortality

The theme of the poem being that death is natural and unstoppable for everybody, but at the same time giving comfort that it is not the end of a soul's journey. The way in which each stanza is written in a quatrain gives the poem unity and makes it easy to read." Because I Could β†’

The effect of globalisation on motorsport

In this report I will investigate the globalisation of motorsport and the effect it has on the teams and the fans. Formula One is a business that relies on cars that cost millions to race, in countries from the billionaires playground of Monte Carlo to the likes of the Baku Street Circuit in Azerbaijan.

Value engineering efforts to reduce the cost

There types of benefits associated with the VE exercise in the current case are First Cost Reduction: These reductions are attributed to the VE program only when required project functions or features can be delivered at the reduced cost. VE first cost reductions are counted as VE savings to the extent that dollars are withdrawn β†’

Evaluation of constructivism and behavioural learning theory

Three basic assumptions characterised this theory: that learning is manifested by a change in behaviour, that the environment shapes behaviour and that the principles of contiguity and reinforcement are central to explaining the learning process. Skinner the American psychologist, continued the work of Pavlov and is notorious for having demonstrated that the behaviour of rats β†’

Krispy kreme financial analysis case study

In this paper financial analysis is done between Krispy Kreme and average industry which is comprised of other companies in the restaurant industry for example the Starbucks and McDonalds. This is a very positive ratio for the firm because it indicates that the firm has a competitive advantage over the industry when it comes to β†’

The concept of the evils of society in the bluest eye by toni morrison, two kinds by amy tan, and i want to be miss america by julia alvarez

In " The Bluest Eye", Pecola desired to be accepted, but in the long run her interaction with people, such as Maureen and Junior, and the idea of beauty has negatively affected her self esteem thus degrading her idea of her own self worth. By judging her and touching upon a sensitive topic to Pecola, β†’

Imagery in ginsberg’s “a supermarket in california”

The vocabulary and literary techniques, especially the lack of rhyme, are an excellent display of the freedom of the poetry that characterizes the Beat movement. The supermarket at night is the metaphorical location of the poem's action; everything is happening in Ginsberg's mind.

Tanglewood case 3

Referrals: it is a targeted method since allow employees from Tanglewood to promote and show the positions available to people who might meet the job requirements.* Kiosk: Is an open method since a large variety of people to apply for any position at the store, instead of writing on a piece of paper their personal β†’

Q1. over their lives in the most direct

Ans: The Gram Panchayat is the executive body of the village. Ans: The two functions of the Gram Panchayat are: i.

Planning and periodisation for training programmes

During the Learning to Train stage, females of eight to eleven years old and males of nine to twelve years, the players' programmes will include a single periodisation to allow more time to develop the needs of the sport and allocating more time in the Preparatory Phase, concentrating on having an eighty-to-twenty percent training to β†’

Martin luther king jr.: his life experience

Martin Luther King Jr, the leader of the Civil Rights Movement, believed in equal rights and freedom for African Americans. In the early 1929's, Alberta King and Martin Luther King Sr.gave birth to Martin Luther King Jr.on January 25, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia.

Real courts vs fictional courts essay

This essay will discuss the differences in the ' real' courtroom, versus the ' fictional' courtroom, which is the depiction most of us are exposed to. In the movies and on television lawyers often win in dramatic ways; they bring in surprise evidence near the end of the trial, or a spectator in the courtroom β†’


He also goes into the value of the horns of the creature in the black market, and how the high profitability rate of this illegal syndicate has led many parties to join in. He wrote about the main reason for rhino poaching and the worth of their horns.

Battle of the atlantic notes

In World War Two, after the escape atDunkirk and the inspiration of the Battle of Britain, the Battle of the Atlantic was Britain's next nightmare. The Battle of the Atlantic was the longest battle in World War 2, which was fought in period from 1939 until the german defeat in 1945.

What is socially believed to be beautiful

The women are entering the workplace side by side of men and the rules would change towards the believe of beauty is required to succeed in life. The majority of women believe men want them to be thinner, bustier and blonder than they are.

Aquarius food industry case study

In order to stay competitive especially when Alias poses a threat of grabbing the market share lead, IF can promote and strengthen its relationship and loyalty from TTS wholesalers by giving reasonable discount benefits such as volume discounts. By promoting and informing the market of Neptune distinct way of producing its bagging laming at the β†’

Public leadership essay sample

A public sector leader, for instance, acts as an experienced representative of a segment of the public who is passionately and skillfully able to articulate the concerns of the group. Similarities also exist in the hierarchies of both the public and private leadership sectors.

Current recommendation buruli ulcer health and social care essay

There have been reported cases of the disease throughout the tropical and subtropical regions in the world and the World Health Organisation states that at least 16 out of 46 African countries especially in West Africa and Eastern African report several cases. Buruli ulcer is presently the third most common mycobacterial disease of humans, after β†’

Editorial: effects of combined emf exposures and co-exposures

The papers in the Topic cover several parts of the EMF spectrum and different levels of biological organization. Combined biological and health effects of electromagnetic fields and other agents in the published literature.

Mcdonalds stock essay

In response McDonald's released the following statement, " Regarding the undercover videos, the behavior on tape is disturbing and completely unacceptable. Recommendation I recommend going long on McDonald's, given the strong history of dividend growth and its recent ability to increase market share in Europe and China.

A valediction forbidden mourning vs love poem

On the other hand, Elizabeth Jennings suggests that love is painful, involving uncertainty: " In all true feelings that we find and every shaking of the heart..." However, there is a line in every stanza, which imposes a celebration of love: " O love is kind, O love is kind". And, the fact that he β†’

How do beliefs about the world, and beliefs about what is valuable, influence the pursuit of knowledge? tok

Along the path of distribution of this knowledge, the influences of economics, morality and political beliefs can taint pure scientific knowledge discovered by the scientist. Once more information is discovered and scientists acknowledge the importance of that field, more funding is gradually provided, and more scientists, furthering the pursuit of knowledge, conduct more research in β†’

The hotel and tourism tourism law tourism essay

In problems with the Environmental Issues or Laws, with the cooperation of our tourism they develop awareness, concern and knowledge of the environment and its different importance and other things. Therefore, for any industry or in the hotel and tourism, it is helpful to be well known with the matter that given by our environmental β†’

Topic: creation

However, when the British introduced elected councils and assemblies in the twentieth century, a division of political priorities and interests emerged between the Muslims who lived in Punjab and Bengal, where they formed a majority of the population, and those who inhabited areas such as the U. The Pact granted the Muslims many of the β†’

Teachers have continuously used grades education essay

Some reasons why grades should get replaced are bad grades can hinder a student's performance, grades define who a student is within the classroom, and grades are not the best effective way to qualify a student's learned material. If a student is among the middle, for example a 'B' close to the top of the β†’

ο»Ώtraffic congestion in new york city essay sample

Traffic Congestion in New York City Over the past decade, the streets, highways, tunnels and bridges of New York City and the surrounding metropolitan region have become increasingly clogged with traffic. Traffic congestion affects the cost of doing business and cost of living in the entire region.

The impact of autonomous vehicles

As the sustainability of the current system is still vague, people might not consider to use the vehicle as the safety of the passengers which should be verified by the producers. In addition to that, it is unsure if the technology could be continued in the future as few experiments has been done and the β†’


The quality of Ursula Burns success to me is that is fearless in what she does and she has an open mind to diversity. She feels that failure and taking a chance are parts of the road to success.

Kings speech

Set in the 1930's, The King's Speech accurately conveys a believable setting and experience through the acting and camera work. The title of King George VI is Berty's and with Lionel's help, the two work to overcome the odds and live up to the standards that are king.

Hills like white elephants by ernest hemingway essay

It is critical to note that the given book gives a clear perspective on the issue of abortion. Consequently, abortion is a crime against the life of a human person.

Analysing deviance and its functions philosophy essay

No one considered that we did not want to get married yet, had no money to do so because we bought a house first, or that we were ecstatic to have a baby and not ashamed as everyone said we should be. We have progressed to what I think to be in the right direction β†’

Importance of sharing information in healthcare organizations

The effect of Technology Technological innovation is increasing in the health care industry and promoting effective communication channels in providing excellent health care to patients. The use of effective communication is essential in providing overall medical services and patient safety.

Phar mor inc case study

The other problem that Phar-Mor was suffering from unknown to most of the top staff at the company and investors was the President Michael J. During the time period that the Phar-Mor fraud took place it was one of the most elaborate frauds of the 1980's so could SOX prevented the fraud?

Judaism and character beowulf assignment

Many ask the question is Beowulf a Pagan or a Christian hero, but the real question to be asked is what is the true religion behind this English epic poem? He shows that God was the one who gave Beowulf the strength to rise and defeat Grendel's mother.

Give me liberty, or give me death challenge

There is one thing that he is most revered for and that is the speech he wrote " Give Me Liberty, Or Give Me Death", he inspired/persuaded most of the nation to fight back against Great Britain. In conclusion, " Give Me Liberty, Or Give Me Death" by Patrick Henry is a speech directed towards β†’

Gatsby college essay

At this party, the attitude of hedonism is evident in the high amounts of alcohol being consumed and in the empty conversations of the party. The actions of the people there, " l have been drunk Just twice in my life, and the second time was that afternoon", " l do not care what I β†’

Editorial: the art and science of heroism and heroic leadership

To acquire a full understanding all of the nuances of heroic action, a deeper trans-paradigmatic approach is needed that integrates the methods and approaches of the arts, the humanities, and the sciences. In doing so, the authors consider three aspects of heroism: the psychological typology of potential leaders, the basic characteristics of people's images of β†’

Comparison of night by elie weisel and cry of the beloved country by paton compare and contrast essay

Wiesel was brought up in the mountains of the present day Romania and in 1944, at fifteen years old, his family was captured as part of a mission by the Germans to torture the Jews. The novel Night, by Elie Wiesel, also portrays the theme of social breakdown and racial injustice in the society.

Federal government and supreme court assignment

The federal government and the Supreme court were responsible for some of the changes In the status of black African Americans, however this was mostly through pressure from other factors such as from presidents, mass action and civil rights leaders such as Martin Luther King, which had a far greater Impact than through their own β†’

Steps of the decision-making process in the cjs

Obviously, arrest, like investigation, lies under the Police subsystem of the CJS Following arrest a suspect is brought in for booking, the third step of the CJS. This is the final step of the CJS that falls under the Police subsystem.

Oil and economic change in texas

Texans in banking out of state banks could not do business in the state of Texas.i. Role of the government and emergingCulturek.

Behavioral effects of the subconscious mind

Subconscious Mind Obviously the conscious mind plays a significant role in the ability to function but the subconscious mind plays a crucial role in many of the mental facilities we prize as uniquely human. Thoughts and ideas that occupy the conscious mind are manifest, literally in the moment and have a direct influence on behavior.

Ict and health: breaking the access barrier

The Use of Information and Communication Technology in Family Planning, Reproductive Health, and Other Health Programs: A Review of Trends and Evidence. Information and communication technologies and health in low income countries: The potential and the constraints.

Antigon as a leader

Although she is arrested by the guards and taken to Creon, Antigone stands by her principles and in a courageous manner admits to burying Polynices. While King fought for the rights of the black community in the USA, Antigone struggled for the right of her brother to be given a decent burial.

Digestive system learning outcomes

90/PAGEOrder NowDifferentiate between the 2 layers of the peritoneummescentery: double layered & shaped like fan; the handle is attached to the posterior abdominal wall & the expanded long edge is attached to small intestine; the section of the peritoneum that extends from the colon to the posterior abdominal wall is the mesocolon greater omentum: lg β†’

Plagiarism: impact on academics assignment

While this may seem extreme and overly critical, to steal another's work and claim it as original material disdains the time and energy with regard to the research effort put forth by the original author and exhibits a lack of respect for research material in general. They range from pressure to meet an assignment deadline, β†’

Capital punishment: the death penalty

Therefore, this leads to the conclusion that people are deterred more by capital punishment than by imprisonment.' Though we cannot be certain if that is true, Pojman has a clear and thorough argument. Though the ignorance of some may lead to people believing capital punishment is morally justified, it clearly is not.

Political violence in sri lanka

All these incidents evidently show that the violence has been used as one of the major instruments to gain political power in the history of the world. The battle between the Tamil King Elara and the King Dutugemunu from Ruhunu South, the arrival of foreign invaders in the colonial periods and their aggressive dominance of β†’

External-internal factors paper

Amazon's initial desire was to prevent the average consumer from needing to leave the comfort of their own home to accomplish their normal and continual shopping needs. Developer services allow Amazon to use the new idea of incorporating human intelligence tasks into their company's services, now Amazon is better able to provide for their consumers β†’

Essays of pochury festival essay

An Indian transport plane trying to drop relief materials and ammunitions to the besieged post was shot down by the Naga Army on the 14th day of the siege and crash landed at Zathsii, a paddy field of Meluri village. In the process of the army operations to rescue the airmen many villages were burnt β†’

The various impacts of public expenditure economics essay

Public expenditure diverts economic resources into channels determined by thegovernment in accordance with national objecti4es and public policy.As a.consequence, the scale and direction of public expenditure may affect thepattern and levels of consumption of the communityvolume of productionallocation of resourcesdistribution of incomeslevels of prices and employment. By promoting the level of economic activity and a β†’

Scientific skills and develop the expertise required

Time constraint are socrucial that speakers are encouraged to be waiting in the room during presentationsprior to theirs and advance to the front of the room to be available a soon asthe preceding presentation is complete. It supplies a short explanation of the need, context, task and conclusion to prepare the audience for the body β†’

Hamilton county judges

The average number of cases appealed throughout the court was about 27 cases, and the average number of reversed was about 5 cases. To find the arability of reversal, I divided the number of cases that were reversed in each court by the total number of cases appealed.

How would you refute the claim that raskolnikov in dostoyevsky’s crime and punishment murders for financial gain

Citations such as " Raskolnikov lost his head", " He did not intend to say this" and " hardly conscious of what he was doing" 1 are to be found throughout the beginning of the novel and suggest that Raskolnikov himself is not yet certain of the motivation behind his actions. It is his craving β†’

The case against tipping

The focal point of the article highlights the negativity of tipping in the present times. Ironically, in other nations like Japan, the custom of tipping is regarded as impolite and a slap in the face to the server.

Development and structure of the brain

It is a complex network of about 100 tiny nuclei that occupies the central core of the brain stem from the posterior boundary of the myelencephalon to the anterior boundary of the midbrain. The tegementum is the division of the mesencephalon ventral to the tectum.

Serial killers and the media

Criminal profiling involves the critical analysis of the crime scene by taking into account factors like: the execution details of the serial murder and the nature of the event itself. These are: evaluating the criminal activity itself; comprehensively evaluating specific details from the crime scene; comprehensively analyzing the victim in the murder case; evaluating the β†’

Book review: la paradoja de jugar en trΓ­ada. el juego motor en trΓ­ada

The second chapter is specifically dedicated to the analysis of the mathematical properties of motor team-triads, which I would rather call N-3 games after Parlebas' classification of the networks of motor communication of sports: the identification of three main properties of the networks of these tagging games, namely, " circulation," " transitivity," and " interactivity," β†’

Troy: iliad and pages helen assignment

The Movie Helen of Troy The movie Helen of Troy shows the important details before and inside the book Iliad. Like in the book, because Helen was taken by Paris, the Achaeans demanded to take her back Premium 490 Words 2 Pages Helen of Troy Iliad.

Investigating isotonic point of a potato essay sample

25 there will be little or no change in the mass of the potato because I am predicting that this will be the isotonic point. Variables: Independent- Concentration of the solution Dependent Change of the mass of the potato chip Controlled:- Mass and volume of the potato chip The size of the potato slice Volume β†’

Character of the story yellow wallpaper

The plot of the story revolves around the narrator's interactions with her husband and the sister that is absolutely loyal to him. The narrator's refusal to accept the patriarchal structure set in place is similar to Stetson's real views on men and the fact that Stetson attributed the ills of the world to the dominance β†’

The balance between freedom and truth- a dialogue

I presume, everyone here agrees with the statement that religion is concerned with truth and hence the true religion should be enforced by the state: those who do not believe or deviate in their beliefs, from what the state says is the religious Truth ought to be punished, as severely as necessary to convince them β†’

Site investigation for new primary school project construction essay

Aim OF SITE INVESTIGATION The intents of transporting a site probe are to analyze the general suitableness of the site for a building method and to enable a safe, practical and economical design to be prepared. The chief intent is to place the province of dirt at the site and in order to make that β†’

Thomas hobbes

In Leviathan and other works, Hobbes presented a bleak picture of violence and disorder as the inevitable condition of human in the state of nature. He had in mind a transfer of it by most in the state of nature to a few of to one in the state of nature, who would then decide β†’

Antigone college essay

Antigone is offended by this and tells her sister that she would not want her to come if that was the way she felt, even if she did want to join her. She believes that her crime is holy and that her death could only be joyous, as she is to be with her brother β†’

Prohibition in usa essay sample

The caption at the top of the cartoon says " The Poor Man's Club, The most expensive to belong to." This is a pun on the phrase " Gentleman's Club" in which men paid the dues, to belong to the club. Because of the image of the poor and hungry family in the corner, it β†’

Religion role in douglass narrative story expository essay

This discussion therefore is inclusive of role played by religion in depth as the Christianity of the white south contrast to that of the black slave. The Christianity practiced by the black slaves is represented as the Christianity that is inexistence of purity, complete in peace in it, and also it serves as the full β†’

The audacity of tattoos in the workplace communications essay

I disagree that employers are justified in firing or not hiring employees who have visible tattoos because I think it is a violation to people's right to have tattoos and display them if they want to. The issues of tattoos in the workplace threaten to violate people's right for employment equality and the threat of β†’

American media studies

It is considered to be a softimperialismwith the ambition of homogenizing the cultures of the world as it connects them through communications, information and entertainment. American media is the dominant medium which has influenced all the cultures of the world.

Sedalia engine plant case study review

By the means of what is known as lean production, you can continue to preserve the value in your product while increasing efficiency in the production process, making your employees happier resulting in more productivity and quality control, and hoping to save your company time andmoneyin the long run while not costing your employees, products β†’

Economies for native americans pre and post colonization

The Native American communities, prior to the arrival of the colonists were not homogenous, and as such there is no one set of factors that encompassed all of their different societal and economic structures. Contributing to these conditions were England's mercantilist policies, as prior to the Revolution these regulations casts a shadow on the output β†’

Impact of technology on childhood

In this essay the various stages of technology impact on childhood will be discussed and how more and more children influenced and affected by media such as TVs, video games to the internet, and computers. The other effect of the technology on childhood is the way how children response and react to other kids and β†’

Analysis of literary devices, themes, and structure of madeleine thien’s novel do not say we have nothing

The novel revolves around the idea that the power of the individual is lost in their bid to escape opposing forces and frictional resistances. She chooses not to surrender to the party's assault of her identity and resorts to what she feels is redemption: death.

Examine functionalism explanations of socialisation

Functionalists believe in the concept that of consensus and that that the family is at the heart of society, and is the key attribute in keeping society in an orderly and efficient manner. Functionalist therefore are of the belief that every institution contributes to the smooth running of society- in particular the family being the β†’

Privacy versus freedom of expression

We have caused immeasurable emotional pain, suffering and humiliation, not only to individuals but to families.and to entire communities" President of the International Automobile Federation, Max Mosley sued the News of the World for breach of confidence and was rewarded 60, 000 pounds as compensation on winning the case. There are certain parameters to the β†’

Perception of friendship among young adults: a qualitative study essay sample

Three young adults were interviewed using a semi-structured schedule focusing on the description and qualities of real friendship; the difference in friendship between males and females; the role of time; the importance of friends and how does someone prove to be a real friend. This study aims to explore the characteristics of close friendships in β†’

Character comparison for the fall of the house of usher and a rose for emily

Roderick Usher is the main character in " The Fall of the House of Usher" and Emily Grierson is the main character in " A Rose for Emily". In a thorough examination of both short stories, it is apparent that the similarities that are most embedded in both Roderick and Emily are the ideas of β†’

Being a freelancer may be hazardous to your health

As a bonus, I can use it with my hands at the end of the day to stretch them out. It will get you out of the house at least one day a month and gives you a chance to socialize with other people who are in a situation similar to yours.

Race and racism impact on society

In Omi and Winant's book " Racial Formation in the United States", they present how race and racism plays a crucial role in today's society by explaining the history behind the concepts and how individuals interact with each other in a social environment that is defined by race. Obama's speech supports Omi and Winant's view β†’

Sociological theories of love

According to Interactionism, " Everyday routines provide structure to form our lives", this theory pairs nicely with Gabb and Fink's 2015 ' Enduring Love?' study, in which they use a moments approach to " provide a lens through which to focus on couple's everyday experiences, meanings and cross cutting analytical themes whilst ensuring that feelings β†’

Music essays – mozarts piano sonata number 13

K333 is no exception and the Edexcel piece is helpful in providing a launching point for understanding Mozart's approach to K333: K333 is written in 4/4 time and is in the key of B-flat major; it specifically proceeds as follows, per the standard sonata conventions of the time: Exposition: bars 1-63. The significance of this β†’

The effects of digital technologies essay sample

In a time where, digital, wireless, broadband, and satellite technologies are expanding and accelerating the means of communicating; where coming of age in a world where computers, the Internet, video games, and mobile phones are common; and where expressing ideas through these tools is the norm, it is not hard to fathom that the social β†’

Benefits and challenges of technologies – cyber security and risk management

Risk assessment involves measuring potential risks, monitoring, and controlling the chances to meet the targets and objectives and to cause low risk in the dealings of the business. Risk Management and the Cybersecurity of the U.S.

The prince of darkness is a gentleman essay sample

He thought it had to be done so with the permission from the King, his father; he led the army to fight against them in the Highlands; it was one of the most beautiful places in the world. So, the prince of Darkness was a gentleman after all.

Synthesis of substituted quinazolinones

Absorption bands in the range 3210-3445 cm -1 and 1505-1590 cm -1 in the IR spectrum of the synthesized compounds indicated the presence of N-H and a thioureide group in the thioxoquinazolinone system. The results were given in fig 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.

Production systems and shift-reduce parsing assignment

This approach applies three types of operators: creating a new phrase structure in the stack, dropping a phrase structure from the stack into the buffer, and attaching a phrase structure in the buffer to one on the stack. Marking Guidelines for Assignment We will grade the answers that your provide for this assignment in terms β†’