1100 Words Essay Samples

Gaas, gagas and pcaob auditing standards

For example, all auditing standards serve as a regulatory tool, prescribing the process to be followed by auditors, and determining what is to be scrutinized in the financial statements, internal control processes and management performances. The competency and sufficiency of evidence reviewed needs to be assured so that the auditor and others can form a β†’

How fair are the sats?

Today, more and more high schools are pushing students to go to college but how can one be expected to get a higher education if their SAT score is not good enough? It cannot determine how well students in a specific area are doing in school if they have not had enough tutoring to learn β†’

Nietzsche’s concept of overman essay sample

When Zarathustra decided to leave the mountain to preach his new-found gospel or idea to the mob of people below, he met a number of different types of people like the priests, the pitiful, the magician, the virtuous, the tarantulas, the last man, to name a few. He also claims that man is tied between β†’

Editorial: neuroprotection in brain hypoxia

Clarifying the specific mission of the brain cells involved in the damage/repair system in the examined animal models is important to define new therapeutic targets. Thus, a deeper understanding of the precise participation of neurons, glia, and endothelial cells by contrasting and comparing the outcome of studies using animal vs.cellular models might be expected to β†’

Psy410 historical perspectives in abnormal psychology

This paper will analyze the roots of unusual mindset as well as the problems to defining as well as classifying usual as well as unusual conduct. Challenges to Defining and Classifying Normal and Abnormal Behavior Unusual conduct has traditionally been regarded to as behavior that violates the expectations as well as ideals of a given β†’

Albert speer and the nazi party

In his memoirs he states that he did it for the sake of the German people to re-establish a country after the war, but historians such as Serene and Schmidt have Judged the reliability of this information. Speers motive for opposing the policy could be seen as he was " second in command" and was β†’

Analysis of abduction by shelagh delaney essay

Yet, when the brother falls in love and tries to break with the protective environment Ann continuously strives to keep him in, he is tragically unsuccessful and as a re-sult looses his desire to live. When he first agrees to come with her to London, he is a young naive teenager comple-tely unsure of what β†’

Substitution of it services and products economics essay

Domestic IT market increased revenues from Rs 886 bn in FY2008 to Rs 1, 475 bn in FY2012 registering a CAGR of 14%, with Software and Services contributing to 60% of domestic revenue and Hardware contributing to the balance 40% as the government emphasized on better technology for government projects. The top 4 Indian IT β†’

Intersections of war and rhetoric: a deconstruction of the melian dialogue

In the passage, the two opposing sides of the dialogue are cast as representatives of contrasting political ideologies: Athenian realism, driven by the forces of empire and conquest, is juxtaposed against Melian idealism, with its bulwarks of hope and honor. In the opening of the Melian Dialogue, both the Athenian and Melian representatives attempt to β†’

Back home college

I was standing in the middle of the train station of what a decade ago would be part of the China Sea. He was always talking to me and always said things like " be a good boy" and " you are the student I love the most" and " I miss you", but I β†’

The impact of nanotechnology in our lives

The Impact of Nanotechnology in Our Lives" Nanotechnology is science and engineering at the scale of atoms and molecules. The oil particles adhere to bacteria thriving in water, making the delivery of the bactericide more efficient and effective.

Dead white males & world of warcraft episode of south park

The follies of the digital world are intemperately exaggerated within the text to highlight and reinforce the absurdity of the social and physical sacrifices made by some people in the real world in order to be part of the World of Warcraft. A very visible example of this within the text of ' Make Love β†’

Communication devices 13823

With the invention of the printing press by Gutenburg in 1434, and subsequently the first book in print, he can be credited as the father of the information age. The problem with credit and debit cards is that they attach your personal information to every transaction, which seems an unwarranted invasion of privacy.

Chemical work to move or destroy the environment

Currently, explosives are widely used in military affairs and various sectorsof the economy, they are widely used in the mining industry, in construction, in irrigation and reclamation, in agriculture, in the fight against fires, theyfind application in cutting, stamping, welding, hardening metals and otherfields of technology. Thepressure in the front of the shock wave is β†’

Academic integrity assignment

A third reason leading to the increase in academic dishonesty is the pure and simple fact that once a student cheats on a paper or any type of homework assignment and does not get caught and reprimanded for their actions, the more that student believes that they can keep doing it without getting caught. They β†’

The boy in the striped pajamas

Newman offers enough information of Ralph's parents that allows the audience in, showing not only do they disapprove of this job, but by the end of the movie the mother is so disgusted she refuses to come to the family dinner. When Bruno's curiosity gets the best of him and after discovering a window open β†’

How far do you consider gatsby to be the epitome of the american dream and its failure essay sample

Gatsby is shown in ' The Great Gatsby' to be the personification of the American dream because he is the typical self made man, he had come from being a nobody into being the most wealthy man on the neighbourhood and able to buy what he wanted " champagne... The American dream is meant to β†’

Editorial: the earth–moon system as a dynamical laboratory

On the one hand, we can notice the high ratio between the mass of the Earth and the mass of the Moon, the lunar orbit itself, the proximity to the Sun and the chaotic behavior of the dynamics associated with small bodies. The role of the Sun is accounted in Biggs et al.and Heiligers in β†’


Handling concussions, as can be borrowed from the article, is a collective responsibility from the therapists and the players if the players have to receive the best care and perform for their teams. The article by Johnson is a compilation of the concussions that young players face; in this case, focus has been shed on β†’

The zapruder footage essay

It included interviews with the important faces of the story who tell the history of the film, whose hands it fell into, and what happened to it. Zapruder had vertigo, so he could not hold the camera still, he was startled at the gunshots, and that did not help him keep it steady, and the β†’

The criminal justice system in canada criminology essay

However, there has been little consideration of the role of cultural factors in the trial process for criminal defendants, particularly in the phase of trial. The law allows Gay practice in Canada and the United State of America but to some other countries around the world, they believe is abomination to their religion rules and β†’

Charged in kpmg insider trading case

At the direction of FBI agents, Shaw met with London on street corner in Engine, Cilia, and delivered a bag with $5, 000 cash as payment for non-public information about Herbalist's February 2012 earnings announcement, the complaint charged. Here in this news article, London and Shaw are charged with conspiracy to commit criminal securities fraud β†’

Sociology reflection paper essay sample

I have always been empathetic to the less fortunate, and reading and studying about the inequalities only reiterated the fact that the gap between the rich and the poor is getting worse. There are obvious cases of abuse and improper treatment of child laborers as there have been for years, and it is obvious that β†’

Anthony athanas

One of the items I wish the case would have divulged is the amount of money that Athanas had invested in the properties. This type of development requires parties that have time to ride the tide of the real estate market and who are able to abandon some, if not all, of their original visions β†’

The case for collaboration to foster global ocean literacy

The development of the definition of ocean literacy an understanding of the ocean's influence on you and your influence on the ocean and the Essential Principles and Fundamental Concepts, was a collaborative effort of formal and informal educators, scientists, government professionals, and others interested in defining what everyone should know about the ocean. This commentary β†’

Emerging trends in 19th century children’s literature: exploring didactic, entertaining and adventurous plot lines

D'Artagnan takes it and they decide, instead of one of them keeping the money, to give it to a coachmen " for you and your comrades". Because the view of children and childhood changed, children's literature grew as a genre to encompass many different aspects of societal standards.

Life span perspective

In this essay they will clarify the life span perspective of advancement, classify life span growth, explain the nature of the life span perspective, categorize the development of human periods, domains, and observe a least two modern day concerns associated with life span progress. Children who do not master this period lack confidence in themselves, β†’

Exploring the theme of social class within the novel β€˜the great gatsby’ by f. scott. fitzgerlard

In ' The Great Gatsby' the first instance of social class is when we find out that Nick is privileged.' have not had all the advantages that you have had.' Nick is telling us about advice that his father had given him from this we can clearly see that Nick is better off than some β†’

The proposal by the offeror to the

The first element is an offer which is a proposal by the offeror to the offeree to give or do something. After having the offer, second element is an acceptance which is defined as an unqualified and unconditional assent to all terms of the offer.

Examples of unethical issues in pricing

Predatory pricing is the one in which one of the competitors sells his products and services at very low prices as compared to his other competitors so as to drive them out of the market or to create a barrier of entry for potential entrants. But, is price discrimination in case of essential medicinal drugs β†’

Auditing reacquired franchise rights

According to SFAS 142, the estimate of the useful life of an intangible asset to an entity is based on an analysis of all pertinent factors, in particular the following[i]: The expected use of the asset by the reporting entity Case facts: Essentially, the purpose of reacquired franchise rights is to allow the franchisor to β†’

Order in peaches

In Abe Akira's short story, Peaches, the narrator creates a central theme of disorder through his family's defiance of societal norms in the form of infidelity resulting in an illegitimate child, and abortion. Regularly stopping by to attend to the family's peach trees, the reader witnesses a handyman of sorts having frequent tea and chats β†’

Communication in hills like white elephants

One of these issues, though subtly implied rather than directly mentioned, is abortion which the American man wants but the girlfriend does not appear to favor Both Jig and the American struggle with communication breakthrough in a bid to come to terms with the conflict in their relationship with each having different views and opinions. β†’

Islam in america

After the death of Muhammad, his followers spread the religion to Africa and Asia and by 1000 they ruled vast lands from the North Africa and Spain in the West, to Palestine and Egypt in the Middle East, and to Central Asia and India in the East. The purpose of the essay is to describe β†’

Ida b wells essay

Wells was able to succeed in her activist's efforts through her courageous nobility instilled by her parents, the oppression and violence she saw African Americans faced during and after Reconstruction, and her drive to implement change on the standards of gender and women's rights. Idea's leadership in her anti-lynching campaign made it an international crime β†’

Gregor mcgregor: the original confidence trickster

He was given a cavalry battlion and was able to score multiple success, despite this royalist forces were able to caputure the city and Pureto Cabello and in 1812 Macgregor, along with the rest of the dinpendence movemntleft Venuzela for the Dutch island of Curaco. The last mention of nation of Poyais was in 1837 β†’

A clean well-lighted place essay

For the old waiter in the story, the well-lighted cafe provides a convenient escape from the realities of the world. It is the feeling of the condition of man in nothingness and not the nothingness only in itself.

Farewell to manzanar analysis essay

Two of the main life lessons that Jeannie learned during her stay at Manzanar dealt with the issues of her identity as an American against her Japanese heritage, and also with her treatment in school. On the opposite end of the spectrum, most of the parents and some of the teachers were very unreceptive to β†’

Measles making a comeback: an increased need for vaccinations

One of the problems faced is that there is also a growing number of people and groups that are anti vaccination attempting to influence the rest of the community especially where children are concerned. Bayer dispels the argument that it's no one's business whether or not people get vaccinated and counters with the fact that β†’

Acl in practice

In this chapter you accomplished the following tasks; Opening a project Viewing the project contents; Using Statistics and Profile commands to analyze data; Using Quick Sort to sort the data in a specified order Creating and applying filters Examine the employee list Tasks: View the employee data project. To sort the records in the table, β†’

In cold blood by truman capote essay

The founder of this genre is considered the American writer Truman Capote, who in 1965 wrote the first report in the form of the novel In Cold Blood. In 1949, his collection The Tree of the Night and Other Stories was published, and in 1951 was published the story Voices of Grass.

Structuralism and post-structuralism research paper

The difference in defining post-structuralism is due to the broad nature of works that may be attributed to the subject. The distinction between structuralism and post-structuralism is of great importance in analyzing any culture.

The prevalence of borderline personality disorder

The commonness of BPD was built up by recognizing the quantity of patients who met Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders criteria BPD predominance among patients going to a middle of the road mental treatment administration was 37%. The example included 20 guys and 43 females.uses methods such as conceptualize the ' marginal angle' β†’

Tanglewood case 3 essay

Evaluating the recruiting methods and creating a guide for Tanglewood will assist in developing a recruiting service to follow the mission statement of the unique company culture. The overall qualification rate were amount the referrals, kiosk, media, and job service.

The range of economic systems

However, the country is more involved in the command economy than the market economy in comparison to Canada and Mexico. Mexico: I placed Mexico closer to a market economy because unlike Jordan and Canada, the government is not involved in many decisions the country makes.

Dna extraction from a kiwi experiment biology essay

Cell transmutation is the familial difference of a cell caused from the consumption of DNA. PCR machine helps to fix DNA and in a short clip, it increases the sum of Deoxyribonucleic acid to one million millions.

Introduction to cross-cultural psychology essay sample

The purpose of this paper is to provide a definition and an example of cultural and cross-cultural psychology utilizing a case study, to analyze the relationship between cultural and cross-cultural psychology. Relationship between Cultural and Cross-cultural Psychology Cultural psychology focuses on the links between the psychology of a person living within a culture and the β†’

Marx: idealism vs. materialism

For Marx, every other ideology, philosophy, or religion is inherently idealist both because of their ideological nature and because of what they preach " that there is some truth separate from the material world, and that ideas can be the motor of history. He states that, The production of ideas, of conceptions, of consciousness, is β†’

Obesity is a problem, but not yours essay

If obesity is affecting a little less than? of the entire adult population in the U.S.and a little less than? of the children then it is impossible to force the blame onto each individual. Obesity is becoming a problem that is not individual fault and no one has the right to blame the affected individual.

Human pathophysiology notes assignment

Know the different classes of antibodies and what their role is in each of the hypersensitivity reactions. Know the different lines of defense and what is involved in each line, what parts are specific, what are nonspecific, etc.

Children protection against undesirable internet content

Either some online offenders who are of an age that is close to the child can be used to lure children to such online sites. I would propose the use of an opt-In the system to protect children from undesirable internet content.

Monetary corruption and the consequences essay

Pip admits that Biddy is the perfect women but the lady who told him the lies said being a commoner is but, this Is the first sign that Pip Is becoming corrupt. The distraction makes Pip unhappy In the end because he destroys the relationship with Baldy, and PIP never realizes until It Is to β†’

Corrigendum: transparency isn’t spoon-feeding: how a transformative approach to the use of explicit assessment criteria can support student self-regulation

In this article, we present a conceptual analysis of the value of explicit assessment criteria; we highlight the potential risk of spoon-feeding in promoting " criteria compliance", and then we present approaches demonstrating that a careful use of transparency through explicit assessment criteria is crucial to promoting equality of opportunity and students' self-regulation. The role β†’

Motivations for quitting smoking

In this paper we are going to discuss about structures and functions of brain, intrinsic and extrinsic factors, in addition to the environment and heredity factors, on the motivation to quit smoking Structures of the Brain and Smoking Nicotine is recognized to stimulate receptors of neuronal nicotinic in the system of mesolimbic dopamine. On the β†’


We hope that this paper serves as a defense on our point: that we do not serve as a direct cause of the problems, but are looking at a proposal to assist the negative lashing at the video game industry. There are a lot of factors that play a role in a student? s lack β†’

Heart of darkness vs chinua achebe

Through Heart of Darkness, Conrad refers to Africa as the place of darkness and projects its image and its people to the readers to being the other world, in contrast with Europe and Europeans and therefore antithesis for civilization. The two books parallel each other in the killing of the first white man, the coming β†’

Ethical perspective assignment

Therefore, ethical perspective could be considered as a person's individual perception of moral values, beliefs and rules based on his or her personal view of right and wrong. My character, based on ethical perspective, is of a person whom bases decisions on what is good to be rather than what is good to do.

Functional have a profile page. on the

RAT: For a user tohave a profile page on the mobile application. DEP: FR006ID: FR012TITLE: FilteringresultsDESC: When viewingthe results in a list or a map, a user should be able to filter the results ina filtering menu.

Speaker of the house

Excessive imports have adverse effects on the economy of a country such as the United States. This means less production of goods by the country, a factor that leads to the loss of jobs for the United States citizens.

Analysis of the extract from heartbreak house

The author is the greatest satirical dramatist, who marked the beginning of a new period in the history of English drama and revolutionized English drama in content and form, where he exposed the vices of the society he lived in and condemned the hypocrisy of bourgeois marality. The factual information is to the following effect: β†’

Explain the way in which the imf (international monetary fund) appears to have become all-powerful in its relationship with deve

The view that the Fund must not be advanced to poor nations would have sat restlessly with the portfolio of IMF loaning at the start of the 1980s. The blend of balance of payments difficulties, less reserve holdings, proposes that comparatively limited right to use global capital, is mirrored in the use of IMF capitals β†’

“i’m not an english person” is not an excuse either

And you can boil this whole argument down to the true fact of the matter: most math students believe what they learn in school is not applicable to real life. The biggest problem with getting students interested in learning math is that they feel it will not be necessary in real life.

Effects of gambling essay

Due to the bankruptcy of a personal will affected the economic growth. Due to bankruptcy, it caused many people to face unemployment and because of this, it will affect the growth of economic.

Industrial engineering technicians 13186

Industrial engineering technicians use the principles and theories of science, engineering, and mathematics to solve problems in research and development, manufacturing, sales, construction, and customer service. I am very interested in the industrial field and feel that I would enjoy a job as an industrial professional.

Causes and pathology of mucositis

The role of bacteria in oral mucositis According to this five phase model the oral microbiota play no role in the pathobiology of mucositis. Influencing the permeability of the mucosa The permeability of the oral mucosa increases after chemotherapy treatment as lots of cells are damaged in the third en fourth phase of the process.

Multicultural issues in human services essay sample

The other way that I feel like I can relate with Cristal is that I, as well as she, has a strong desire to want to please my family. Some steps I could take in mitigating these limitations of not understanding the desire of Cristal's family is to pull them into the counseling sessions as β†’

Editorial: fertility preservation in asia

The purpose of this editorial is to introduce a Research Topic consisting of articles published in a Research Topic of the journal Frontiers in Endocrinology, entitled " Fertility Preservation in Asia". In November 2018, a questionnaire survey of founding members of the ASFP was conducted to identify FP barriers for CAYA cancer patients, and the β†’

Republican national convention address 2004

The values that he points out are the facts that America keeps on fighting and that America is open to everyone. The general mood in his speech is loaded with patriotism, while the tone is relaxed because he speaks this everyday language, but at the same time is the tone of the speech strong and β†’

The last castle – leadership styles

These symbols truly describe the organization presented in the movie and forecast the taken over and the change of the leader. The wall that was demolished by the prisoners is the symbolic act of recognizing their new leader and of accepting to fallow his order.

Prenatal diagnosis for abnormalities detection

The diagnosis of chromosomal abnormalities is made by culture and karyotyping of fetal cells from the amniotic fluid, and of metabolic defects by biochemical analysis of the fluid. The most commom are defects of the neural tube, anencephaly and spina bifida which can be detected by an elevation of alpha feto protein in amniotic fluid β†’

Recrystallization and melting points of benzoic acid

Experiment 1: Recrystallization and Melting Points of Benzoic Acid Purpose: The purpose of this experiment was to use different methods of recrystallization in order to purify the sample of benzoic acid that is contaminated 5% salicylic acid. The most efficient method was determined by measuring the melting point of the final products.

Psych mod 12

Cultures based on self reliant individualism, like those found in North America and Western Europe, tend to value personal independence and individual achievement.they define identity in term of self-esteem, personal goals and attributes, and personal rights and liberties.cultures based on socially connected collectivisim.like those in many parts of asia and Africa, tend to value interdependence, β†’

Sylvia plathexample flashcard

11, 1963, a live-in nurse was scheduled to come to my house, but when she arrived, she found me dead in the kitchen BACKGROUND INFO -In 1963, published semi-autobiographical novel, The BellJar, under pseudonym " Victoria Lucas" -Ariel published 1965, with high praise-1968: Three Women: A Monologue of Three Voices, long poem written for Radio, β†’

Romeo and juliet: love vs. lust

In the play, Romeo and Juliet, written by William Shakespeare, the feeling of attraction between the two main characters is not true love. In Act I of Romeo and Juliet, Romeo claims to have a deep and meaningful love for Rosalie.

Surrogacy in india: a form of women oppression or a gift offering approach

The second reason is that the payment is small, and typically unequal to the service it is paying for. Yet, it is clear that this is not what is happening in the situation of international surrogacy.

Late mover advantage?

No proper understanding of the market.the Chinese markets functioned in a different way as compared to Japaniese, Toyota entered China markets with an impression that it would be similar to the home country but this assumption proved to be a major setback to the company.* the Chinese market has existing players and have a sound β†’

Women are force for change – why rural women are a powerful force for change

In 1848, she was a prominent women in the organization of the world's first convention devoted to women right's, which happened in Seneca Falls. She was the first women to earn a bachelor's degree in Massachusetts.

Social media & misogyny

Furthermore, the contagious effect of women conforming to self-sexual objectification aids in the cycle of misogyny disseminated and proliferating through social media sites. Through the use of social media sites, videos and pictures of sexual objectification are constantly being disseminated.

Use of derivatives in toyota assignment

From the figure we can see that in US the interest rates are very volatile hence effective interest rate risk management is very essential.{draw: frame} Figure: Variation of Interest rates in US http://www.ashraflaidi.com/charts/global-interest-rates.asp In order to maintain the desired level of risk exposure and to reduce interest expenses, Toyota uses different derivatives products and has β†’

Home depot ceo, robert enrolled case study

Home Depot CEO, Robert Enrolled, claimed the survey was a " sham", but overall former Home Depot managers cited the strict company culture as a reason for the drop in customer satisfaction. It is also extremely important for Home Depot to help Improve the environment.

Battle of saratoga assignment

Leading to the Battles of Bemires Heights and Freeman's Farm, the Battle of Saratoga became known as a highly significant battle Of the American Revolution. The Battle of Freeman's Farm was a very significant battle for the British and the Americans.

The truman show

The fictional town of Seahaven is presented to the audience as an American dream, through the life of Truman. At the beginning of the film, the theme of the " American Dream" is really shown.

Audit in private and public sector

Not the last but the least, the audit companies will invest to increase thecommunicationwith private companies, in order to contribute in proper and right annual financial statements.* Significance of research The audit will determine the need for internal control in company, which increase reliability of financial system in company. In this research, the implementation of β†’

Court system paper assignment

Each county court Judges must a registered voter of the specified county that are requesting office of and a member of the Florida Bar for five years; however districts with an inhabitants of 40, 000 or less the errors is only required to be a member of the Florida Bar. Appeals from the county court β†’

David walker vs frederick douglas essay

David Walker's approach compares to that of Malcolm X in that both men were extremely passionate in what they believed to be right and just and went about addressing those particular issues in more of a radical, risque kind of way. Walker is that Douglas was born into slavery whereas Walker was not exposed to β†’

Culture, traditions and religious beliefs of japan

According to the Japanese culture, mythology and folklore, the Sugawara no Michizane is the proper name for the Tenjin, the indigenous spiritual force that is also known as the personification and the embodiment of the ideal Japanese scholar, politician and poet. As another name for Sugawara no Michizane, Tenjin stands for both sky and deity, β†’

How does shakespeare make an audience aware of the contrasting

Furthermore, by centering the dialogue and action around the characters of Othello and Desdemona, without yet having presented them to the audience in person, Shakespeare increases our desire to become more engrossed in the play. In this play, Othello is the black man in a white man's society - the notion of black and white β†’

Slaughterhouse five siftt sean lawson essay sample

A large portion of the action of the story occurs in the small town of Ilium, New York, where Billy Pilgrim, the protagonist of the novel, was born. Throughout the novel, in both war scenes and in Billy's travels back and forward in time, the many images produce a believable story of the unusual life β†’

Literary analysis of the stranger by albert camus

At the funeral, Meursault was more concerned about how exhausted he was, how bad his back was hurting, and how hot it was instead of grieving for the death of the person who gave him life. Another example would be when he was speaking to his lawyer about his mother's funeral and why he was β†’

The motivation behind corporate acquisitions and mergers finance essay

The most important motivation engaging in an M&A is to assure the existence or the continuity of the firm's activity. Managers may have personal goals and ambition that differ from the strategy and the need of the firm.

An analysis of hell-heaven by jhumpa lahiri essay

First of all, the first important event is when OSHA and her mother met Kaka in the beginning of the story, and he became art of their family making a change in their routine lives, and gave us an idea on how shocking could be life in USA for international students. In editions, there are β†’

Those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones essay sample

The reason for this separation was because this huge house was made out of glass, and if it were not separated from other people, Sam and Anna would have no privacy. So he took the next flight back to Georgia, where Anna and his home was.

Frederick douglass and his incredible life research paper

It is hard to ignore the fact that most of the historic events that took place in the USA up to the middle of the XX century were carried out by white men; slavery, a monstrous stain on the nation's history, did not allow any of the African American population make the least change to β†’

Grant proposal

As efforts are being done to promote the fundamental human rights of all people, it is sad to note that the fundamental rights of the disabled that enshrines them to take active part in sporting activities in the vicinity has been hindered. In light of the problem stated and the significance of the problem given, β†’

Shamas’ search for self in nadeem aslam’s maps for lost lovers

Years later, by the time that he had raised a family, he began to remember aspects of his former life, such as his old name and his previous affiliation to Hinduism. Shamas' guilt over his affair with Suraya, and the ironic principle on which he refuses to marry her, reflect the ethical sense that he β†’