1100 Words Essay Samples

A celebration of the minor characters in romeo and juliet

The nurse acts as a link between the Capulet and Montague families, and thus allows communication and planning to take place between Romeo and Juliet, while Mercutio's presence in the story is instrumental to the plot. The crude language that is used by Mercutio and the constant sexual references that are made by the nurse β†’

Role of lady macbeth

She is the essential figure in Shakespeare's play Macbeth because she was the one who strained him to kill the king to take over the throne. The initial impression of Lady Macbeth is that she is resolute and ambitious.

The background about anne frank english literature essay

We know of the impact Anne Frank's legacy left behind because of her diary, the time she spent in hiding and her family. Fritz Pfeiffer was the eighth person to live in the Annex with the Franks and van Pels.

Symbolism of the snake english literature essay

In Giovan Francesco Straparola's telling of " Biancabella and the Snake" and the ' snake' has a rather important role in the story. Not only is the creature itself described in detail in these stories and ceremonies, but so are its characteristics, such as the coiled body, the association with trees as in the Genesis β†’

Macbeth is a play about the supernatural and its effects on individuals

For in the beginning of the play, Macbeth was portrayed as a noble warrior who fought bravely in the name of his King and country. In fact, the concept of the supernatural and was a hot topic at the time and proved to be irresistible to most people of the time, despite the inhumanity with β†’

Hamlet’s delay

In the opening scenes of the play, the Ghost of Hamlet's late father reveals to him the true means by which King Hamlet died. However, even after the ' play within a play' through which Hamlet has obtained his ' proof' as to the nature of the Ghost and confirmed that Claudius is guilty, Hamlet β†’

Romantic line in the knight’s tale

Chaucer's construction of love in The Knight's Tale proves to be much different from the modern notion of love in our society and probably also different from any love experienced by the other pilgrims on the journey. At the instant that love enters the picture, their typical days and simple friendship come to a halt, β†’

Father-son relationships in hamlet – hamlet’s loyalty to his father

In the case of Hamlet, he surrenders his own life and future to the will of his father, albeit following significant hesitation, not to mention the passage of an entire play. Nonetheless, this essay examines the core action Hamlet, Laertes and Fortinbras share in Hamlet: the absolute subjugation of their own personal ambitions and desires β†’

Lady macbeth

By evaluating her character in relation to her actions, her overall relationship with Macbeth, and her death, we can see that Shakespeare quite possibly wanted Lady Macbeth to be judged in association with the actions of Macbeth. The support that Lady Macbeth gives to her husband is crucial in his pursuits.

Exceptional figures in legend of sleepy hollow english literature essay

The attitudes of the people toward the exceeding figures in The Legend of Sleepy Hollow will be discussed in this paper. Robert Blair 's work, The Grave, shows the attitude the people had refering the glumness of the grave.

Revenge in wuthering heights

In Wuthering Heights, the feeling of revenge can be seen through the actions of many of the characters but it is more significantly seen through the actions of our main protagonist, Heathcliff. Yet despite the ghastly qualities of Heathcliff, it can be seen that his great strength of character earns him some decency in the β†’

Reeducating king lear’s self awareness

This is the purpose of the secondary characters of King Lear; they serve to show the many complex facets of Lear's complex personality, as they force him to finally get in touch with his self-conscious. Lear has a preconceived notion that he will be able to give up all of his land and his throne, β†’

Catherine and hareton’s relationship and walls taken down

In Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte develops a conflict between Catherine Linton and Hareton Earnshaw and uses the resolution of their conflict to resolve that between Catherine and Heathcliff. When Catherine the Second and Hareton Earnshaw first meet, Catherine treats Hareton with disdain and refuses to recognize him as her cousin.

Brave new world technology criticism

One illustration of this theme is the control of reproduction through technological and medical intervention, including the surgical removal of ovaries, the Bokanovsky Process, and hypnopaedic conditioning. Another is the creation of complicated entertainment machines that generate both harmless leisure and the high levels of consumption and production that are the basis of the World β†’

Character’s journey through madness to maturity

King Lear is the focus of this passage, and it is here where he hits the pinnacle of his transition from madness to maturity. Lear is the prime example of this, as he finally understands the implications of his decision to favor Goneril and Regan over Cordelia.

English 20 macbeth literary essay

However, despite the choices made by Duncan and Lady Macbeth the primary choice that led to Duncan's death was when Macbeth chose to plunge his dagger into the sleeping body of Duncan. Our choices shape who we are and when Macbeth killed Duncan he made the choice to become a murderer.

The gender question depicted in wuthering heights

Obviously, the characterization of Catherine Earnshaw and Edgar Linton aids Bronte in her argument that gender does not determine a person's behavior. Moreover, Bronte uses Heathcliff and Isabella Linton to give the reader examples of typical behavior of men and women in the mid 1800s.

Shakespeare’s masterpiece, pico’s philosophy: macbeth and oration on the dignity of man

To a large extent, Shakespeare's view in Macbeth correlates with the view of Pico, as shown largely through the characters' actions and dynamics, mostly notably those of the Macbeths, in the tragedy. This is the central correlation to Macbeth, as his actions prove to destroy him, showing the capacity of free will.

Jesse owens olympic icons english literature essay

He would run to school with his brothers and sisters and they all realized Jesse was abnormally fast. Jesse began running track during high school and he was the fastest person on the team.

Disease, decay and poison in hamlet

William Shakespeares Hamlet has been considered the best catastrophe to have actually ever been composed, in which the theme of disease, decay and poison is embedded deep within the popular plot of the play. This quote is significant to the play as a whole as it is a metaphorical image of corruption and moral decay β†’

Puppy love vs adolescent relationships

Primarily, there is not enough time for Romeo and Juliet's relationship to develop into true love, so therefore it is just infatuation. Furthermore, Romeo and Juliet constantly refer to each other's appearances instead of their true personality, which is a clear sign that they are only infatuated.

Oedipus rex vs. hamlet essay sample

Another contrast is that Hamlet is a thinker and a planner, where Oedipus is more emotional and was not patient enough to fully investigate the murder of Laius. Hamlet is more of a scholar than Oedipus; he is also the wiser of the two.

The struggles of the heroines in wide sargasso sea and jane eyre

Happiness, in turn, would help her to gain a sense of selfhood and equality, because it would give her the confidence to assert her identity and the courage to make herself Rochester's equal. The loss of her independence, in addition to his rejection of her, causes her to lose her happiness, sense of selfhood, and β†’

Lord of the flies – piggy

Piggy, along with being the brains of the island, is also a very complex and misunderstood boy." Piggy is a much more complex character, than the simplistic interpretations so regularly adduced will allow". Piggy is the first to find the shell, and even states that it would be a great idea to use as a β†’

Brave new world and 1984

The main character Superczynski 3 Winston fears Big Brother and is much more aware of his situation than any of the characters in A Brave New World who are constantly pacified by soma. A Brave New World is as much a satire on the reality of today as it is a novel about the future.

Shakespeare’s macbeth

Foreshadowing usually occurs in the beginning of the story or plot, which the audience can use to understand the further events of the book/play. The play Macbeth, tends to show the foreshadowing before the anticipation and had a few after, so that the readers/viewers understand that the murders/events happened for a certain reason.

Wuthering heights: a tale of two loves

Catherine's lovingness is not one of intense self-consuming passion where the object of love is over-looked and the love itself is the focus, but rather a love which nurtures the loved, embracing them with compassion. And while Cathy and Heathcliff's raging love is the source of all major conflict throughout the bulk of Wuthering Heights, β†’

Teaching/ learning process

At the start of the program, needs assessment can be used to decide the course content, while during the program; it assures the program goals and learners goals are being achieved, and permits any necessary changes in the program. At the end of the program, needs assessment may be used for setting up future directions β†’

A community based education nursing essay

The community, at large, will be able to utilize the Community-Based Education Project to strengthen their knowledge and understanding and will find the project to be a useful resource in their lives. The nurses would be responsible to report the community involvement, needs, and usefulness of the project to the Project Director.

Ethical principle of justice: how it relates to nursing research

Justice is important to research mainly because of the right to be informed and the fairness to be fully included/advocated for. Another step in designing a research study that includes proper justice consists of consistent privacy and the right to confidentiality.

Cranbery supplements as prophylactic treatment

The further anticipated outcome will be the reduction in the frequency of antibiotics prescribed or there will also be a reduced need to escalate the dosage and class of an antibiotic. Further decreased need to escalate the dosage and class of an antibiotic also implicate that chances of antibiotic resistance would not be high, if β†’

Viral hemorrhagic fever and ebola patients essay

It was 1976 when the Ebola virus first appeared in the Republic of the Congo in a village situated near the Ebola River from which the disease received this name. Human to human transmission of the Ebola virus is primarily associated with direct contact with blood and bodily fluids.

Critical analysis of an assessment process

The student lacks some of the essential information regarding hand washing practices and I had to chip in to teach the practice through the eight domains of mentoring. I inquired from the student on some of the possible diseases that are associated with poor hand washing practices, and what are the possible symptoms of the β†’

Good essay about new medical facility

This text seeks to outline the some of the major components and essentials that propagate the establishment of a new medical facility. Mobilize the resources that are needed for the successful completion of the project.

Materials in supporting client education nursing essay

In a research study of using CAL modules in a pigmented lesion clinic in U.K.produced by, 227 patients were recruited for a true experimental design with pretest and posttest and follow-up of the knowledge score after intervene of CAL modules teaching about skin protection and signs of melanoma, it found a significant increase in patients β†’

Introduction of latest medical equipments nursing essay

Internal integration of services: It would be assured that all the services provided to the patients would be integrated internally so they maybe seamless to the patient. Development of multidiscipline strategic plan: For better services, proper multidiscipline strategic plans would be made by experienced personalities about the management and development of the hospital, the patient's β†’

Family interview

It is therefore in the interest of the scholars and general public to understand the series of social reconstruction that Haiti has gone through in order to attain its current identity. Even the name was changed and some events are undertaken to date in commemoration of the French departure in the era of Marcus guvey.

Critical thinking on hamad medical corporation

As a physician who is constantly in direct contact with the daily routine of the department, I would wish certain changes to be made in order to make the work environment better for both the health workers and the patients. I have provided here samples of some of the areas in the emergency department that β†’

Nursing study guide block 4 final

You cannot memorize the answers to the questions and do well on the exam- the questions are meant to stimulate thinking, not to be answers. Review heartfailure: right-sided, left- sided, pulmonary edema, cardiomyopathy and management of the patients; remember to review the hemodynamic changes associated with right and left sided failure RIGHT SIDED HF: Corpulmonale, β†’

Disaster preparedness and management

There are several measures that can be taken in order to minimize and prevent escalation of injuries, death, and destruction, including generation of medical and communication resources, provision of plans for the community's recuperation after the disaster, provision of early warning systems, and putting plans in place to aid in the post-disaster rehabilitation reconstruction. Responsibility β†’

West houston chapter of aacn professional organization assessment

The history of West Houston Chapter of the American Association of Critical Care Nurses was begun a few year ago in the year 1969 with the aim of helping -by educating-nurses who work in new and yet to develop intensive care units. The American Association of Critical-Care Nurses is believed to be one of the β†’

Healthcare quality, regulation, and risk management essay examples

In the event the patient turns the next day and gets the physician, this improves the delivery. The number of the patients' turnover is expected to fall in the course of the week.

The history about recruitment nursing essay

The patients GP will be contacted if the patient takes part in the trial which the patient will be made aware of. Confounders will be recorded and any difference between the groups will be controlled for in the statistical analysis.

Taking a patient history: the role of the nurse literature review

The article that formed the foundation of this analysis is " Taking patient history: the role of the nurse" by Tonks Fawcett T and Sarah Rhynas. The article goes into depth about the how the care is planned, the process of assessment and the how history taking facilitates all these aspects that are involved β†’

Emma and clueless

The use of different techniques and medium allow Emma's themes of personal growth, social structure and the role of women in society to be conveyed in a more appropriate form in Clueless. Martin, a farmer, results in the loss offriendshipbetween Emma and Harriet as stated by Austen's authorial intrusion, " the intimacy between her and β†’

Bonnie & clyde film analysis

One of the central themes that you can follow in the film and in Bonnie and Clyde's real lives is the idea offamily. You can see that Bonnie and Clyde kept a tight knit group in the film and in life.

The role of social class in dickens’s great expectations

Later in the chapter as Pip is exploring the house he sees " a figure hanging there by the neck...and the face was Miss Havisham's". However, it is not only the content of Chapter 8 of Charles Dickens's Great Expectations that shows Pip's first experiences and encounters with the upper class, that suggests Pip's relationship β†’

How does elizabeth gaskell create an effective ghost story?

The impact of the setting is effective as the house is in the middle of no where, isolated and lonely. There were oak trees " white and peeled with age" from this extract you can tell this place is very old and adds effectiveness to this description." Branches dragged the wall" from this we realise β†’

Slumdog millionaire

They may choose to first produce the film and then figure out who it is aimed at, or in most cases the company will decide to make a film for the target audience. The institution need to consider the budget and if it will fulfil the needs of what the production team want, and allow β†’

I know what you did last summer

She gets upset over it and after not talking to her for a year since the incident, calls Helen to talk to her. Ray and Julie take a drive to talk about the note and article, and Julie convinces Ray to take her to see David's parents.

The motion picture industry

Four variables are commonly used to measure the success of a motion picture; these variables include the opening weekend gross sales, total gross sales, number of theaters showing the movie, and weeks in the top sixty of gross sales. The Pearson correlation between total gross sales and the number of theaters is 0.

Ben hur and gladiator

The narrative structure, and the title of the book the film was based on, Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ, are about as Christian as literature/film can get without explicitly quoting the bible. Maximus, a martyr for the Roman empire in ways, dedicates his life to avenging the deaths of his loved ones and restores β†’

Robert zemeckis’s cast away: how love influences chuck’s character

In the movie Cast Away, Chuck is a character who loses everything he thought he has control over, and learns what it means to be human. A handprint is left on the ball and he shades it to look like a face; he names it Wilson.

How does “anita & me” demonstrate

You can already see the most vivid example of racisms, by the name of the dog, which is named in the film by Anita's mother, and a 'toy' she has brought for Anita's younger sister. This was a very perceptive and funny film, the humour added to the film, which showed the simple story of β†’

The pirates of penzance

The Pirate of Penzance is a movie rendition of the operetta of the same title by Gilbert and Sullivan. In terms of power struggles, we could see the attempt of two individuals to overcome the control of people and plant they have come to love.

Marvel’s iron man: investigation and evaluation

The man a long time stays in the dope and the uncertainty on the brink of self-destruction but manages to find the strength to get rid of the addictions. However, if in the movie " Iron Man 2" has been a source of problems faceless and dull ticking because of the fact that the mechanism β†’

Review of the film back to the future

He then struggles with the issue of finding the Doc to help him figure out how to get home all the while taking charge of his parents relationship to ensure it fulfills its destiny as to uphold the structure of the space-time continuum. There is a classic Back to the Future score that was composed β†’

Burgess’s comment on society in a clockwork orange

The sense of a newly empowered sector of society is conveyed principally by the new spending power of young people, and the emergence of mainstream youth-related cultural forms, especially popmusic, that quickly become significant components of the economy. And yet, in a sense, in choosing to be deprived of the ability to make an ethical β†’

Politics in modern film (v for vendetta)

This is, in my mind, one of the most profound quotes in the film, behind his other statement that " people should not be afraid of their governments; governments should be afraid of their people." The timing of the film and its statements on war point directly to America's involvement in the war on terror β†’

The role of blance and mitch in a streetcar named desire

In the 1947 play A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams, the relationship between Blanche and Mitch is a key subplot in the tale of Blanche's descent into madness and isolation. However, Blanche and Mitch's relationship is doomed to fail by the nature of Mitch's incomplete, pseudo-masculinity.

“saving private ryan” and “the longest day”

The two films are " saving private ryan" and " The Longest Day"." saving private ryan" was released in 1998 and " The Longest Day" was released in 1962. To state the obvious first, the differences in the colour between the two films " saving private ryan" and " The Longest Day" is that " β†’

A synopsis of the movie looking for alibrandi

Both of these texts explore the idea that the more we know about people and the more we observe and listen, the greater the opportunity for tolerance and wisdom in the future. After gaining knowledge of the people in their lives, both Josie Alibrandi and Miles Halter gained wisdom.

Literary analysis: the last song

She ignored her dad for three years, then her mom decided it would be good idea for Ronnie and Jonah, Ronnie's little brother, to spend the summer with their dad. Unfortunately, Ronnie did not want anything to do with composing or playing the piano anymore and she blamed it all on her dad.

The significance of the cut beak and trimmed wings in ken kesey’s one flew over the cuckoo’s nest

At the old place he stood so long in one spot the piss ate the floor and beams away under him and he kept falling through to the ward below, giving them all kinds of census headaches down there when roll check came around In the face of the awful and long-standing treatment of this β†’

Remember the titans argumentative essay

Remember the Titans Directed by Boaz Yakin, Remember the Titans exploresracismin the community of Alexandria and the struggles of dealing with an integrated society, school and football team. Remember the Titans makes evident that ultimately the community of Alexandria are the real winners after the Titans gain victory at the Championship and the public learn β†’

Justin yeh

The reason for " I Have a Dream" massive impact is due to the tense social mood of the time and giving African Americans a vision for the future. King uses this device 8 times throughout his speech but the most memorable of all is near the end of the speech where he starts with β†’

Titlea finny and gene are exact opposites

While Finny seems physically stronger and better than Gene, he is emotionally weaker and ends up dying, whereas Gene who is physically weaker than Finny is emotionally stronger and is better at confronting reality. Finally, Gene is surprised by Finny not wanting to gloat and tell others about it, then realizing that Finny is good-natured β†’

Great depression – american history essay

Not being related to each other in any sense of the word, four pieces of writing by Fante, Chandler, West and McWilliams are shot through with the same fleur of despair and touch upon the same social issues, even though belonging to completely different genres and telling absolutely different stories, which can be explained as β†’

Jessica shepherd

This book provides information about the native cultures of North America and explains what factors led to the dominance of more recent arrivals to the continent" Found in the Library. The teacher walks to the second group: Clothing Teacher: The clothing of Native Americans is very interesting to study.

November 30, 2012

Since the Spaniards were incapable of defeating the rebels and the rebels lacked the assets to exile the Spaniards from the island, the period of time in which these battles would last was unforeseeable. At the end of the rebellion, the island of Cuba was in ruins.

Case study on the us economy and its effect on future generations

The figures illustrate that the more available credits were to people and the more a country' s standard of living was getting improved, the more national debt was incurred by the United States in that period. A bigger half of the national debt consists of a " public debt" and " debt held by the β†’

Declaration of independence in american radicalism

The situation of the women in society began to be viewed in comparison to what was claimed in the declaration of independence, around the time of the meeting in Seneca Falls. In the struggle for labor rights and opposition to the monopoly of the few and exploitation of the workforce, the declaration of independence had β†’

Jazz music essay example

The current discourse hereby aims to present a comparative analysis of two of the greatest American jazz musicians: Duke Ellington and Louis Armstrong in terms of their respective stylistic contributions to jazz music. Likewise, Armstrong's enthusiasm and genuine musical prowess continue to inspire musicians, especially in the genre of jazz music.

The also sucked out and collected in a

To kill a developing baby in the womb using cruel procedures is not only wrong for the doctors to perform and unsafe for the mother, but is also morally wrong. That this baby is a baby and the mother is a person.

Example of book review on andrew jackson and the bank war: a study in the growth of presidential power – book

Remini's Andrew Jackson and the Bank War: A Study in the Growth of Presidential Power, published in 1967, discusses the Bank War of the early 1800s, in which the controversy of re-chartering the Second Bank of the United States during Jackson's administration left Democrats and Republicans quarreling with each other over issues of social equality β†’

Essay on is affirmative action morally permissible

This is the time when all injustices that the minorities and the less privileged went through had started to be recognized, many people looked back and had the desire to make up for all the years of cruelty, which acted as a hindrance for the progression of the minorities in America. They were considered inferior β†’

Free midterm short answers essay sample

B DuBois captures the power of his book in attempting to change the mindsets of African Americans about their self worth relative to those of people from other races. He uses pathos to appeal to Africans Americans to rise up against the ills of the white man and his text may also be viewed as β†’

There is a movement brewing in the united states

There is a movement brewing in the United States to make English the official language of the country, but the whole idea seems preposterous. Finally, the single best argument against making English the official language of the United States is that it is completely contradictory to the entire history of the nation.

Research paper on the washington monument

People of the Federal City founded the Washington National Monument Society in the early 1830s, as a private establishment, the main aim of which was to provide fundraising and watch the erection of the monument to be done from the funds provided by the general public. When the shaft height had reached the point of β†’

Resurgence of conservatism

The resurgence of conservatism in American politics and government in the years 1964-2005, was caused in reaction to 1960s liberal political, economic, and social policies as well as the rise of religious political groups and the controversy over theVietnam War. Consequently, the failures of the policies of liberal presidents like Carter and the success of β†’

Nsa leaks research paper examples

The best example that has currently strangled the government and the international media is the case of Edward Snowden who is the person behind NSA leaks. On this matter, the American government claims that on the basis of theft of government property and the unauthorized communication of information which was passed on to unauthorized people, β†’

Example of economic situation in the usa and russia research paper

In this paper I am going to analyze two of the top world countries: the USA and Russia in terms of their economic indicators and performance. The economic crisis of 2008-2009 is also visible in this graph, since GDP fell in comparison to the previous years.

Free essay on post dramatic stress disorder

It is on record the soldier who participated in the war were said to be suffering from a condition that was known as post-Vietnam syndrome. It is also a common thing to find that they look into the future from the perspective of a pessimist.

Essay on political conflict analysis

Also, the study focuses on Jacobs and Theda's " Health Care Reform and American Politics: What Everyone Needs to know" readings, and Lawrence, Peterson and Stimson's " Electoral Mandates in American Politics" readings with support from 2 other news articles to analyze how the political conflict in the controversial healthcare bill occurred with reference to β†’

Partisan polarization in american politics essay examples

This study paper will evaluate the argument that it is hard to achieve these defections, not because of the increased agenda regulation for party with the majority but because of the transformation of the American political background related to the suburbanization and deindustrialization. In relation to the voters, in the advanced democracies, Republicans and Democrats β†’

Good argumentative essay on history

He was found guilty of murder and was sentenced to death though he pleaded innocent and referred his crime to the rage and grief he experienced after the President's death. According to conspiracy theorists, the CIA was interested in Kennedy's death because he wanted to close this organization.

Case study on this is a four out of six optional questions essays paper. totally 10 pages, each

The Title IX has led to some equality in allocation of resources to both men and women in sports in terms of sports facilities, equipment and uniforms. Identify and briefly describe 3 consequences that were negative The first negative consequence Title IX is that the struggle for equality in the sports of men or boys β†’

Gloom and mental instability

In order for one to be able to come to a plausible conclusion concerning the mental health of the unnamed narrator one must know what insanity is, the medical definition of insanity, and compare both definitions to the mental state of the narrator in the story. In regards to the medical aspect, the anxiety reveals β†’

President kennedy 1961 inaugural address term papers examples

On the 20th of January 1961, John Fitzgerald Kennedy took oath as the 35th president of the United States of America and delivered the inaugural address in front of over 20, 000 people who had braved the snow and cold weather. President Kennedy's inaugural address was not only directed at the people gathered to hear β†’

Education voucher research paper

From teacher unions to government school teachers, the argument has been the same; education voucher erodes standard of education and minimize funding and that the whole idea is against the constitution. Proponents of education voucher argue that the program has brought a healthy competition between private institutions and government schools.

Leadership profile essay

Context of leadership The presidency of the United States of America is one of the highest institutions of leadership, management and power. The military prowess, the economic prosperity and the democratic space existent in the United States makes the institution of the presidency one of the most difficult roles to execute.

Inheritance lab

Using your possible genotypes, identify and record all of the possible pairings of parental genotypes that could have led to your possible genotypes. Results Use the chart below to record the observations of your phenotypes and to record your inferences regarding your genotype and all of the possible crossings of parental genotypes that can account β†’

The role of alan turing in the history of computing

Copeland, 2004) But later in 1936 he moved to the United States to study at Princeton for two years where he studied the theory of computation and in 1937 presented a paper called " On computable numbers, with an application to the " Entscheidungs problem" and soon to challenge David Hilbert's three questions put forward β†’

Species interactions in ecosystems biology essay

For example - Birds removing pests from the bodies of bovine animals etc.in absence of interaction, the bird have the option of finding alternative food sources and so do the bovine does not depend upon the birds to survive. In this way the bird procures its food and the crocodile is relieved of the blood β†’

Targeted nanoparticles sustained delivery of paclitaxel biology essay

Near IR images of the mice treated with 3Gy XRT and injected with peptides, were done using the IVIS imaging system with the help of labeled complexes. The staining assays suggests that peptide targeted nanoparticles have helped in sustained and targeted release of paclitaxel which has led to apoptosis of tumor cells.