10000 Words Essay Samples

Mixed properties of mhd waves in non-uniform plasmas

Mathematically this is translated into the fact that the differential equations for the radial component of the Lagrangian displacement r and the Eulerian perturbation of total pressure P are coupled to algebraic equations for compression , the parallel and perpendicular projections of the Lagrangian displacement , , and vorticity 1. The spatial behavior of the →

What is a “sense of foreshortened future?” a phenomenological study of trauma, trust, and time

As it is debatable what " torture" consists of and the kind of experience we describe is not unique to torture victims, it might seem preferable to widen the scope of our enquiry to PTSD and depression. We can add to this that loss of trust in the world involves a pronounced and widespread sense →

Jaidyn leskie essay

The Deputy State Coroner also made summary findings in relation to the " circumstances " of the death which included demographics residential and a description of various events of the evening of 14 th June 1997 that had emerged during the trial, the discovery of Jaidyn's body along with the results of the post-mortem examination →

Smart card system

This approach allows the product to send intensive CPU processing requests to the server to perform and return the results to the client when finished. If a match is not found, then the packet may be forwarded to the router defined as the default gateway, or the router may drop the packet.

Consumer perspective about quality service provided by pizza hut and dominos

In the following, after a brief review of the service quality concept, the model of service quality gaps and the SERVQUAL methodology is demonstrated and an example is presented to pinpoint the application of the SERVQUAL approach. To make the future plan and to decide for the present changes that need to bring in the →

Current and emerging therapy for celiac disease

While prescribing gluten-free diet is easy; the key to the success is the dietary education by a nutrition specialist and maintenance of adherence by the patient. Induction of remission Clinical: Resolution of symptoms Improvement in the quality of life Serological: Normalization of the titer of anti-celiac antibodies Histological: Reversal of histological abnormalities Avoidance of long-term →

Assessment of female sex work in ho chi minh city, vietnam assignment

This assessment has three objectives: analyze the current situation of female sex workers who are working in the project districts; identify and analyze the full range of factors that contribute to risk-taking behaviors and the introduction, acceptance and continuing adoption of safer sexual behaviors; and make recommendations about the project intervention areas, project intervention approaches →

Ecotherapy – a forgotten ecosystem service: a review

This means that from an ecotherapy perspective, the health of a human being is viewed in the context of the health of the Earth and its natural ecosystems. Anxiety was reduced in these patients and the recovery times of patients with a " view" of nature was half that of those with a view of →

Motion, identity and the bias toward agency

The origin of the category " intentional agent" and the tendency of infants, children and even adults to employ it ubiquitously is often explained in turn by appeal to the " social brain hypothesis" that human cognitive architecture is an evolutionary adaptation to a selective environment in which competing individuals were and still are forced →

Contact interactions and gamma convergence

At the boundary, the solutions are not in the domain of the free hamiltonian; solution of the Schrodinger equation is only meant in a weak sense, after averaging with a smooth function and integrating by parts. In the case of strong contact of one of the particles with the other two the spectrum of Efimov →

Attachment theory and maternal drug addiction: the contribution to parenting interventions

The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of parent's pathology on the style of child-care, the quality of the mother infant bond, and developmental outcomes in terms of attachment, as well as of general adjustment. These attachment strategies can be interpreted as index of the difficulty in re-elaborating problematic early experiences and →

Relatively wild urban parks can promote human resilience and flourishing: a case study of discovery park, seattle, washington

For example, in the section of the Master Plan that states the park's primary role, it says: The seclusion of the site, the magnificent vistas, the stretches of tidal beaches, the stands of native trees, the meadowlands all combine to make this site one of surpassing beauty and serenity... The primary role of this park...should →

Mechanism of resistance in mungbean [ vigna radiata (l.) r. wilczek var. radiata ] to bruchids, callosobruchus spp. (coleoptera: bruchidae)

Although many sources of resistance to bruchids have been identified in Vigna subgenus ceratotropics, most of them are wild species belonging to the Angulares group and are cross-incompatible with mungbean, which leads to the incorporation of undesirable traits. Development of biotypes has led to the breakdown of resistance in mungbean against bruchids.

Re-enacting the bodily self on stage: embodied cognition meets psychoanalysis

They can be conceptualized as a cascade, ranging from the physical properties of the world to the sensorimotor, affective and interoceptive processes, and in the end to the specific characteristics of the environment, including its social and cultural features. With them, it shares at least the following views: The rationality is seen as the tip →

Androgen-regulated cardiac metabolism in aging men

The relationship between metabolic and cardiovascular risk in humans is evident in men suffering from hypogonadism, a condition in which the reduced functional activity of the gonads causes a decrease in testosterone levels. Additionally to testosterone reduction in elderly men, low concentrations of testosterone are also found in late-onset hypogonadism, reduction of testicular volume and →

Is there a semantic system for abstract words?

The first is that the abstract-to-concrete difference is only one of the many characteristics of deep dyslexia, and this type of explanation of the functional syndrome as a whole is not very economical; thus Morton and Patterson require five separate functional impairments to explain all aspects of the functional syndrome. Thus in the connectionist model →

The body of evidence: what can neuroscience tell us about embodied semantics?

Theories differ with respect to the degree of embodiment they consider relevant, and assumptions range from that the environment is part of cognition, that the goal of perception is action, and that sensory-motor systems aid cognitive processes. In the neuroscience of semantics, the debate focuses mainly on the question as to what degree perceptual and →

The addict in us all

The competition between these two kinds of desire for control over behavior poses the problem with which we are concerned throughout the remainder of the paper: the problem of self-control. We propose that there are three distinct loci of self-control conflict at the point of deliberation, of formation of intention, and of execution of action →

Note for american literature assignment

In this case, Poe logically decides on " the death...f a beautiful woman" as it " is unquestionably the most poetical topic in the world, and equally is it beyond doubt that the lips best suited for such topic are those of a bereaved lover." Some commentators have taken this to imply that pure poetry →

The role of gesture in communication and cognition: implications for understanding and treating neurogenic communication disorders

The formal study of gesture in communication is a more recent discipline, gaining traction with the seminal work of McNeill and since accumulating a robust literature, described below, that details the role of co-speech gesture in a variety of functions in healthy adults for both communication and cognition. While this review takes great interest in →

A qualitative study of the views of patients with medically unexplained symptoms on the bodymind approach : employing embodied methods and arts practices for self-management

The aims of TBMA are for participants to develop a changed relationship with their MUS and to enable self-management, both unique to TBMA. The group in this report is defined as members of the group and their interactions.

Proxy users enable older people creative writing on the web

The results of preliminary action research on the creative writing and publishing of older people are helpful in developing the concept of so-called " silver digital content," first presented in literary studies focused on creative writing, and transferring it to the area of social sciences. On the other hand, it is almost impossible to find →

Active intuition: the patterned spontaneity of decision-making

On the one hand, the patterns inherent in the ways in which individuals respond to situations, form lines of action, and conceive of themselves leads to the idea that individuals' most intimate drives and motivations may actually be deeply shaped by tacit, unconscious, deeply internalized cultural residua. I propose that keeping both mind and environment →

The fundamentals of written english, comm. 117

VERB CHART The tense of the verb is the time that the action/state is performed; the verb type explains the duration or completeness of the action or state. In brief include: The title of the source; The name of the author of the source; Only the information given and you must keep that order in →

Recent trends in capital market of bangladesh critical evaluation of regulation

PAGE 9 9 10 30 v LIST OF TABLES TABLE 2.1 2.2 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15 5.16 5. The study will explain the regulatory aspects of capital market of Bangladesh on the basis of disclosed regulations and will try →

Utm thesis manual

1 Thesis Title The title should be a short and snappy description of the main topic of the thesis. 1 Citing in the Text The references cited in the text should be indicated using the name of the author and the date of publication.

Virtual reality and empathy enhancement: ethical aspects

The most important features of computer-based VR are, on the one hand, the interactivity with digital scenarios, objects and avatars and, on the other, the motion tracking that permits the rendering of movement in a virtual environment from a first-person perspective. These apparatuses provide real-time information to the computer in order to render the virtual →

The ethics of realism in virtual and augmented reality

The first and most positive aspect of virtual reality is that it is possible to give people the experience of the golden rule in operation. For instance, the fact that XR enables an individual to interact with virtual characters poses the question of whether the golden rule of reciprocity should apply to fictional virtual characters →

Levels of social sharing and clinical implications for severe social withdrawal in patients with personality disorders

In order to arrive at a comprehensive definition of the social sharing concept, keeping in mind these diverse areas of research, we must take into account the various constituent elements of this kind of social interaction: the motivational element, or the impulse which induces human beings in early ontogeny to engage in it; the contents →

Female genital mutilation assignment

In 1989, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child. FGM is generally grouped into three categories: incision, the cutting of the hood of the clitoris; excision, the cutting of the clitoris and all or part of the labia minora; and infibulation, the removal of the clitoris, →

The evil of politics and the ethics of evil assignment

THE EVIL OF POLITICS AND THE ETHICS OF EVIL 3 II losophy, cannot escape, at least in its The discrepancybetween the ethical evaluation of the contemporary scene, consequences of utilitarian philosophy the impact of the spirit of the age. Since, however, reali- consequently, the discredit of the systy is dominated by forces which are in- →

The future orientation of past memory: the role of ba 10 in prospective and retrospective retrieval modes

Today I know that such memories are the key not to the past, but to the future Corrie ten Boom The purpose of this article is to consider evidence that a retrieval process that supports retrospective memory is also engaged when monitoring is used to accomplish a prospective memory task. This is reflected in episodic →

Verbal working memory as emergent from language comprehension and production

In contrast, we consider the many ways in which various word and order representations are intertwined in language comprehension and production research and propose a new emergent account that incorporates these representations in VWM. In this view, VWM is simply the skill of maintaining and ordering linguistic material, and that skill, as with all subcomponents →

Current research and potential applications of the concealed information test: an overview

As long as information about the event has not leaked out to innocent suspects, the probability that an innocent suspect would produce consistently stronger responses to the relevant than to the neutral alternatives depends only on the number of questions and the number of alternative answers per question, and hence it can be controlled such →

Beyond self-report: a review of physiological and neuroscientific methods to investigate consumer behavior

One of the goals of consumer scientists and marketing practitioners is to identify, predict, and understand the behavior of consumers. The successful implementation of physiological and neuroscientific measures in the field has attracted much attention of practitioners and there are a number of companies that offer analyses of consumers' physiological and/or neural responses to →

Genesis of the heroin-induced addictive process: articulation between psychodynamic and neurobiological theories

Accordingly, it is in the historical constitution of narcissism, or its double, the self, that it is undoubtedly necessary to look for one of the causes of the recourse to this behavioral solution taking in place to protect oneself from the psychic traumas previously undergone. Moreover, Grunberger and Winnicott emphasize the role of the environment →

Toward a more embedded/extended perspective on the cognitive function of gestures

We argue that the current theoretical " embodied" movement in gesture research has fueled the upsurge of inquiry into the beneficial role of gestures in cognitive processes such as speech and visuospatial cognition, but that this line of thought is underspecified with regard to explaining how gestures as bodily movements aid cognitive processing. We suggest →

Unmasking host and microbial strategies in the agrobacterium -plant defense tango

Given the relative paucity of published studies on the defenses affected by Agrobacterium, our goal here is to synthesize for the reader those facets of the host response that appear most relevant to Agrobacterium infection. R gene-mediated resistance results in severe host defense activation, including a HR, or apoptosis at the infection site, in an →

World literature test questions essay

A Comparison of " The Story of An Hour" by Kate Chopin and " The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" by James Thurber essay Kate Chopin's " The Story of An Hour" depicts the life of Mrs. Analysis of elements of literature in the Death of a salesman essay Death of a salesman written is →

Electric bike essay

Speed Reduction and Gearing: a big issue I will spend quite a bit of time here describing the speed reduction scheme, as this is the most difficult problem to solve in fitting a motor to a bike or other small EV. SPEED CONTROLLER A speed controller or motor controller is essential in applying the voltage →

Economic reasoning and interaction in socially extended market institutions

For instance, the " endowment effect," which is the difference between the price a seller assigns to her own product and the price that seller would be willing to pay, had she to buy that product on the market, arguably affects the reliability of the market mechanism. In this and the next section, we build →

Thinking in a non-native language: a new nudge?

Finally, we discuss the ethics of implementing active thinking in a non-native language as a nudge to influence the behavior of ourselves and others and conclude that further research is essential for determining the efficacy of the nudge. The idea that actively thinking in a non-native language influences the cognitive processes responsible for judgment and →

Statistical downscaling for singapore winds

In Figure 1, the fluctuation of the air current velocity in Changi for the month of December 2000 is shown in the clip series secret plan. Similar to the NCEP forecasters, the figure of variables for the CGCM3 theoretical account and the HADcm3 theoretical account is seven and eight severally.

The iconographic brain. a critical philosophical inquiry into (the resistance of) the image

The eagerness of the press in this visual-centric time and age, where the image is a privileged commodity, is one thing, but the other more pertinent question is, what is the status of the image within wider culture, and more specifically, within scientific culture and science itself? In the fifth and final section, an engagement →

Against the environment. problems in society/nature relations

For Latour, a sociology of the social is doomed to be unsuccessful in its enterprise of understanding the uncertainty and dynamism of human life because it tries to explain the social by the social instead of focusing of the myriad processes of association of human and extra-human life-elements by which both " the social" and →

Alexander the great narrative

The Battle of Chaeronea Background on the Battle The battle of Chaeronea was the first major battle Alexander fought in. What Happened in the Battle At the beginning of the battle, Philip and his guards brigade engaged the Athenians, while the rest of the Macedonian army advanced.

English speaking

For this activity all the talk flows from the students making the sentence blocks from the starting sentences and wh- questions on the board or on the handout. The aim of this test is for the teacher to find out what vocabulary the students can remember from the previous lesson and to get an idea →

Time slows down during accidents

The issue at stake here is important for the reason that it is intimately tied to the question whether the speed of the passage of time, the flow of the stream of consciousness, is ever really experienced. In short, the proposed theory is that the experiences of time slowing down are related to the increased →

Radical embodied cognitive neuroscience: addressing “grand challenges” of the mind sciences

In the currently proposed version of RECN, " radical" refers to the rejection of the " mind as computer" metaphor and the central role of mental representations in guiding actions." Embodied" refers to the non-brain-centric treatment of cognition." Cognitive" refers to the target of investigation within this framework. Solymosi refers to this as the " →

Embodied cognition with and without mental representations: the case of embodied choices in sports

Contrary to this tendency, for the ecological approach, the person and environment are mutual and reciprocal, in that the existence and influence of organism on environment and the existence and influence of environment on organism are both equivalent and complementary. Jarvilehto suggests that, from this perspective behavior is a reorganization of the organism-environment system, not →

Suicide in dsm-5: current evidence for the proposed suicide behavior disorder and other possible improvements

In the DSM-5 and earlier versions of the manual, suicide is conceptualized primarily as a specific symptom of Major Depressive Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder, or as a possible negative consequence of other psychiatric diagnoses. The literature also reveals the importance of epigenetics and a variety of environmental factors on risk for suicide, and SBD →

The relevance of explanatory first-person approaches (efpa) for understanding psychopathological phenomena. the role of phenomenology

Sass and Fishman give the following examples: the bracketing of theoretical assumptions concerning consciousness corresponding to the phenomenological concept of epoche; the attentional shift " from the narrow content to the complete act of consciousness" corresponding to phenomenological reduction; and the emphasis on the mitigation of the traditional distinction between the internal, the mind, and →

The pacified face: early embodiment processes and the use of dummies

The second provides a brief overview of existing research on pacifier use and discusses the relevance of this practice for understanding the role of imitation and embodied processes in emotion processing. Compared to the control condition, in which participants could freely move their face, the upper face manipulation made participants less accurate in categorizing facial →

Parallels and overlap: the integration of homeostatic signals by mesolimbic dopamine neurons

This review focuses on a particular form of mesolimbic dopamine activity the phasic activation of dopamine neurons and subsequent phasic release of dopamine in striatal terminal regions and will consider what these signals mean for goal-directed behavior and how they may be tuned by perturbations in physiological state. The data described below provide support for →

Hero honda assignment

Engineering Satisfaction" is the prime motive of the Hero Group and it has become a way of life and a part of the work culture of the Group. Hero Honda is at present the largest-selling Indian motorcycle and the most fuel-efficient in its category the outcome of Hero Group's foresight and another classic example of →

The concept of the statutory rape law general essay

In 1275, according to the Statute of Westminster in England, the child who was under the age of 12 years was unable to consent to sexual intercourse. In the same vein, the shortcomings of the law of evidence and of the criminal justice system will also be tackled to such an extent that they do →

Reconceptualizing second-person interaction

The second aim of the article is to put forward an alternative conceptualization of the distinction between 2P versus 3P modes of social cognition one that gives pride of place to the notion of reciprocity. Interaction theorists often criticize the 3P stance toward others that is presupposed by the Theory Theory and the Simulation Theory →

Neural correlates for apathy: frontal-prefrontal and parietal cortical- subcortical circuits

If not entirely accepted, there are many different categorization of apathy; one of the most anatomical and patho-physiological is the one, proposed in which different anatomical networks are involved: therefore, Duffy proposed the terms of cognitive apathy, as the one caused by an alteration of the dorso-frontal cortex, and which brings to dyseexecutive alteration; of →

Looking for the self: phenomenology, neurophysiology and philosophical significance of drug-induced ego dissolution

By contrast, the study of Drug-Induced Ego Dissolution in healthy individuals offers a way to track down underlying mechanisms of ego dissolution, which in turn could help us gain a better understanding of the neurobiological basis of the sense of self. Frequently described aspects of DIED, within this subset of reports, include the loss of →

The psychology of human misjudgment assignment

And so I slowly developed my own system of psychology.more or less in the self-help style of Ben Franklin and with the determination displayed in the refrain of the nursery story: "'Then I will do it myself,' said the little red hen. And, by the way, although the government was right to create this new →

Chocha college essay

And how can a man at the extreme limits of ectomorphy and cerebrotonia ever put himself in the place of one at the limits of endomorphy and viscerotonia, or, except within certain circumscribed areas, share the feelings of one who stands at the limits of mesomorphy and somatotonia? Of course the Dharma-Body of the Buddha →

Re-wiring guilt: how advancing neuroscience encourages strategic interventions over retributive justice

While the tone of these pieces can range from cautionary to insolent, they attend to a common issue of what is frequently described as a meteoric rise in the consideration of neuroscience-based evidence in courtroom decision-making. Neuroscience evidence, in the U.S.and worldwide, is far more commonly determined to be relevant for assessing the competency of →

Defining the environment in organism–environment systems

As the environment plays a defining role in the sort of interactions that are possible for perceivers, specifying the structure of the environment for a species, or even a particular organism, can shed light on the nature of perception. The conceptualization of the environmental state-space in the Bittorio model seems to conflict with one of →

Neuromarkers for mental disorders: harnessing population neuroscience

First we will provide a general overview of how neuropsychiatric research is conducted, in order to familiarize the reader with the concepts referenced in later parts of the text. In this section we have contended that the integration of neuromarkers into the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders would be of great benefit to both →

Microbiota-immune interaction in the pathogenesis of gut-derived infection

In this review, we presented the changing features of the intestinal microbiota structure and composition in critical illness and the potential roles of these changes in the pathogenesis of gut-derived infection. The involvement and implication of the gut microbiota in the development of bacterial translocation and gut-derived infection have also been broadly recognized.

Family problems

People who are born and bred in America will believe that genders should be equal and women should not have to do all the cooking and cleaning and look after the family while the man of the family goes to work. They immediately put up a gate and fencing to prevent our family from being →

Strong inference in mathematical modeling: a method for robust science in the twenty-first century

In my experience, in the area of dynamical systems/models of the within-host and between-host dynamics of infectious diseases, the two most commonly given answers to the question of the " use of mathematical models" are models help us understand biology better; and models help us predict the impact of interventions on the population dynamics. In →

Corporate financial reporting practices in bangladesh: a case on leasing companies assignment

The lessor holds the ownership of the asset until the end of the lease period and the lessee holds the possession of the asset. According to the " Securities and Exchange Commission Rules, 2001" following are the required documents and process of submission of financial reports for approval by the SEC: The company to which →

An integrative review of social and occupational factors influencing health and wellbeing

To understand the significance of occupation in the lives of humans and the relationship of occupation to health and wellbeing, it is useful to describe occupation as a meaningful synthesis of doing, being and belonging. There is a dimension of " being" that goes beyond introspection and relates to how we are situated in the →

Mechanisms affecting the gut of preterm infants in enteral feeding trials

This will examine patterns of gut microbiota and metabolites and will be conducted in a subset of infants recruited to the main trials. The aim is to understand some of the mechanisms of actions of the interventions and diseases and provide new data in the areas of diagnosis, monitoring, and therapeutics.

The intersubjective endeavor of psychopathology research: methodological reflections on a second-person perspective approach

Questions regarding the possibility of understanding other persons, the way social understanding works and the influencing factors that play a role in this process are tightly related to epistemological and methodological issues such as: the validity of our claims in doing psychology research; the development of a proper methodology to understand our object of study; →

Impact of foreign institutional investors on indian stock market

Contents Decisions Generalizations of Study In the initial period the economic growing of all the states were started by authorities planning and action by developing the agricultural, fabrication and the substructure installations of the state. The best determination of the century has been the fiscal liberalization of the equity markets all over the universe which →

The activity view of inner speech

Be it as it may, we are ready to accept that the association between the strong consciousness and the format theses is more central for the format view than the product thesis, and that any commitments to a certain kind of product typically arise as a consequence of endorsing the two former theses. If we →

Bovine tuberculosis in britain and ireland – a perfect storm? the confluence of potential ecological and epidemiological impediments to controlling a chronic infectious disease

In many member states, eradication programmes proceeded effectively, resulting in the granting of OTF status to Denmark in 1980, the Netherlands in 1995, Germany and Luxembourg in 1997, Austria in 1999, France in 2001 and Belgium in 2002. A contributing factor to the rise in herd incidence in England and Wales can be attributed to →

Genetic syndromes, maternal diseases and antenatal factors associated with autism spectrum disorders (asd)

In the US, for example, the autism and developmental disabilities monitoring network found in children aged 8 years in 2008 an increase from 1/150 in year 2000 to 1/88 in 2008 and in the 2010 monitoring the rate increased to 1/68 children. The purpose of the present review is to summarize the data describing genetic →

English igcse essay

As I crested the rise, I could see down a slope to where the rope disappeared over the edge of a drop. I went to the hospital to have it attended to and in the meantime my army retired.

Multi-dimensional dynamics of human electromagnetic brain activity

In these fMRI, PET, MEG, and EEG studies, the spatial patterns of differences in activation between a task and the baseline, and between different tasks or stimuli have been one of the most common sources of evidence for functional specialization. These trans-synaptic inputs induce a primary current, which is related to the movement of ions →

Nuclear jasmonate and salicylate signaling and crosstalk in defense against pathogens

The final outcome of the battle depends on the balance between the ability of the pathogen to suppress the plant's immune system and the capacity of the plant to recognize the pathogen and to activate effective defenses. In some cases, the perception and propagation of the signal initiates in the cytoplasm and then translocates to →

Why most research findings about psi are false: the replicability crisis, the psi paradox and the myth of sisyphus

This leads to the following paradoxs: if the existence of psi is proven in a classical scientific setting, then it demonstrates retroactively that this setting is inappropriate because psi implies that there is no clear " cut" between the observer and the observed. Not so, because even if this experiment was replicated 50 times with →

The t-cell response to epstein-barr virus–new tricks from an old dog

This programme leads to the expansion of EBV-infected B cells in the oropharyngeal lymphoid tissue and the appearance of infected B cells in the blood. Early control of EBV infection is associated with expansion of innate immune cells and of CD8+ and CD4+ T-cells specific for a broad range of EBV proteins expressed during the →

Perspective on sleep and aging

The prevalence of insomnia and other sleep disorders is high in the population due to the growing numbers of elderly and the associated comorbidities, disease, changes in environment, or concurrent age-related processes common in late life that affect sleep. While there is agreement that total sleep loss is harmful to the health of humans, the →

Comments and general discussion on “the anatomical problem posed by brain complexity and size: a potential solution”

Accordingly, the " anatomical problem" exists because of inadequate scientific rigor in addition to methodological limitations that are often not understood, not because of " brain complexity".] This is just an example of the many possible different points of view when dealing with the subject of the anatomy of the brain. This quest for detailed →

North american indian timeline

1546 The " New Laws" barring Indian enslavement were repealed at the insistence of New World colonists, who developed a society and economy dependent on slave labor 1552 Bartolome de Las Casa, the first priest ordained in the Western hemisphere and chief architect of the now-defunct " New Laws" against Indian enslavement, published Brief Relations →

The metamorphosis of the hero: principles, processes, and purpose

Ganesha's decapitation happens to us all metaphorically; the journey marks the death of a narrow, immature way of seeing the world and the birth of a wider, more enlightened way of viewing life. The departure from the hero's familiar world represents a transformation of one's normal, safe environment; the initiation stage is awash with challenge, →

M.a. english 4th sem

She is presented in the novel as a beautiful dancer, of the Devadasi type of temple dancers, and the wife of Marco. There is a famine in the village and Swami Raju, like the sadhu in one of his stories that he used to narrate to the villagers, is expected to keep a fast to →

The chinese experience of rapid modernization: sociocultural changes, psychological consequences?

In the former, the self is subordinated to the greater interest of the collective seeking the advancement of personal interest is selfish and corrupting. From the opening of the treaty ports and the anti-foreign Boxer Rebellion, to more recent social movements such as the Great Leap Forward and the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, the Chinese →

A practical approach to managing patients with myasthenia gravis—opinions and a review of the literature

We treat the majority of patients in the outpatient setting, giving clear instructions to the primary care physician and to the patient, with contact details of the myasthenia team. In this trial, non-thymoma MG patients up to the age of 65, with generalized disease and with positive AChR antibodies, were recruited.

The evolution of holistic processing of faces

When the sample stimulus was upright but the test images were inverted then no significant differences in looking time for any of the stimuli was found, and so while there is evidence of a version of the inversion effect there is no evidence of a disproportionate inversion effect for faces, and so no evidence of →

Different strokes for different folks: the bodymind approach as a learning tool for patients with medically unexplained symptoms to self-manage

The BodyMind Approach explores the experience of the symptom by working from the body to the mind, in this way it honors both conscious and unconscious processes. Integral to the program is the acceptance of the participant's symptoms and the belief that they are real, not all in the head, honoring the participant's lived body →

Online diagnostic assessment in support of personalized teaching and learning: the edia system

The principal function for which the system is designed is to provide regular diagnostic information in three main domains of education, reading, mathematics, and science, from the beginning of schooling to the end of the 6 years of primary education. In this paper, we first outline the theoretical foundations of the eDia system, including the →

New product innovation

The work of Koen also revealed that during the initial phase of the new product innovation, the management of the company must adopt a strategy that meet the requirement of that particular phase and in the following phase i.e.the new product development phase the strategies of the company should be totally different from that of →

Intervention of pkc-θ as an immunosuppressive regimen

Recently, it was demonstrated that the TCRs initially microcluster in the dSMAC, and then move through the pSMAC into the cSMAC, and is believed to be critical for the generation of continuous TCR signals that are required for T cell activation. Altogether, the fact that selective translocation of PKC- to the IS is critical for →

Indestructible plastic: the neuroscience of the new aging brain

To answer these questions, the many understandings of aging today need to be disentangled, tracing back the current state of affairs to a complex negotiation and renegotiation of the aging mind and brain in biomedical discourse. During this time, most literature on the topic described a sort of " rigidity" accompanying the aging process in →

Existential transformational game design: harnessing the “psychomagic” of symbolic enactment

Yet, a basic principle of psychology is that the experience of an authentic life depends on the alignment of all parts of ourselves, both the feeling and thinking self, or as it is more commonly referred to the conscious and unconscious mind. This corresponds to the view of Campbell on myth as a vehicle to →