1000 Words Essay Samples

Cesar e. chavez and his relation to the catholic church

Chavez's speech begins with an introduction of the church with respectful comments that he makes about the organization then, in addition, he adds a life experience he had to face with him against the church and how he felt that the church should give the address to more problems about the Farmworkers. Within his experience, β†’

St. francis of assisi

His father had been abroad, traveling for his businesses, while his child had been born and he came with the displeasing fact that his son was named after what the Italian thought of as the version for John the Baptist. One of the prayers he had written when he was nearing his death was the β†’

Mia zentner

Hook Sentence * Religion is a system of beliefs, culture, and worldwide views.* There are millions of religions in the world today.* Believers have found success in life by following the tenets of the religions Judaism and Jainism.B. Topic Sentence * Judaism and Jainism both evolved in two different parts of the world.B.

Parable of the sower and the bible

Introduction Octavia Butler concludes Parable of the Sower with the namesake Bible excerpt: what are the parallels between Lauren's journey to spread Earthseed and the parabolic farmer's journey to sow his seed? Diving deeper into the symbolic meaning behind this phrase, this relates to when Lauren watched as her adherents shared the word β†’

Verizon swot analysis sample

A competitive advantage enables Verizon to create great value for its customers and good profit for itself. Verizon has exceptional signal throughout the United States and other countries and with great Verizon Soot Analysis By endurable be pricier, but the quality of their service is exceptional. This is especially important, as they are β†’

Cathrina may c. villaflores

2 percent in the first quarter of 2012 (that is, from the fourth quarter to the first quarter), according to the " advance" estimate released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. The committee believes that domestic production and employment are the primary conceptual measures of economic activity.- Leading Economic Indicators Country/Region | Change | Date β†’

Swot analysis of harrah’s entertainment

The insight to be gained in performing the SWOT analysis is the understanding of the core competency of the company that would give it a distinctive competitive advantage over its rival. More importantly, it provides the groundwork on how the company's strategy can be matched to both its resource capabilities and its market β†’

What does the swot analysis tell us about the competitive

The score of the health care rationing is +3, complex and changing buying structures is +5, increased integration of health care is +2 and informed patients is +2. The economies of scale is another strengths of Pharmacy. The score of health care rationing is -3, complex and changing buying structures is -2, increased β†’

The friendly correspondence

On the afternoon of the 22nd of December she sat in her living room reading one of Krysta's recent letters in which she said that she had received her present and had told the authorities to not to give it to her until Christmas. She recalled how she had come there and how she spent β†’

Why would you carry a dead body on your back?

Is it possible to understand how a human being kills an animal that can look into the eyes of its killer in full of pain? Read this" The Secrets of Haiti's Living Dead" I believemany of you may wish to wear fur because it looks posh and elegant. I do not think its classy wearing β†’

Bias: motor control and favorite color

Ask the participant what his or her favorite color of M&M is and write it on the baggie with a permanent marker. Replace the M&M's that the participant removed with the same-colored M&M's that the participant took from the bowl. Then move on to the next " Favorite Color" and do another tally, until you β†’

Analyzing two news sources on obamas plan for police body cameras over ferguson argumentative essay examples

Fox News is against Obama's plan for body cameras and CNN is in favor of it, while both sources do not admit these biases but instead present their stories as news. Fox News leads with a headline that already indicates the source bias with a headline that reads, " Ferguson: Obama continues to undermine police β†’

Stem cell research research paper

Other potential uses of stem cells are in the treatment of diseases like Parkinson's disease, spinal cord injuries, Multiple sclerosis and cancers. The stem cell controversy is concerned with the use of embryonic stem cells. The future of this source of stem cell seems to be guaranteed, as it does not seem to have a β†’

Good literature review on gender differences in dieting

This paper intends to conduct a literature review to identify the role of gender on dieting and eating habits of men and women. Markey & Markey in their study describe the relationship between body image and eating behaviors. Diet rich in fruits and vegetables fulfill various nutrients requirements. β†’

Fear in childhood – heaney and montague essay sample

Compare and contrast two poems, one by each poet, taking account of the methods which each poet uses to write about fear in childhood.' The Barn' by Seamus Heaney and ' Like Dolmens Round my Childhood, the Old People' by John Montague are two poems that explore the theme of fear in childhood. Furthermore, the β†’

Kid’s beauty pageants

Parents are also not allowed to force their kids to participate in contests they are not willing to attend; kids should have the free right of choice. They think their kids are going to appreciate what their parents have done, but in the matter of fact they will not, because they neglected and underestimated their β†’

Explore the representation of adolescence in β€˜stand by me’ essay sample

The whole film shows the four boys on a journey, which is what will happen when they grow up as they are leaving childhood and going in to adulthood. Vern is portrayed as the most immature of the gang, as he protests when it is suggested that they trick their parents and find the β†’

Free essay on father of macroeconomics

The paper will thoroughly examine various theories, models and concepts proposed by Keynes and accordingly test their relevance in today's economic conditions. Keynes' economic theories One of the most celebrated works by Keynes was The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money published in the year 1936. The thesis will try to explore the β†’

Economists make that statement that “there is no such thing as free lunch” report

In this way the opportunity cost of hiking consists of extra cash that could have been earned and study time needed to prepare for the history exam. Scarce resources, money, and time apply to the concept of opportunity cost. The price of the necklace represents the purchase price, but the true cost of his decision β†’

Media and culture chapter 12

Monopoly: in media economics, an organizational structure that occurs when a single firm dominates production and distribution in a particular industry, either nationally or locally Oligopoly: in media economics, an organizational structure in which a few firms control most of an industry's production and distribution resources Limited Competition: in media economics, a market with β†’

Reflection essay on to kill a mockingbird

The first part begins when we meet Atticus in the court-room who is " half-way through his speech to the jury". He proves the fact of being an experienced smart lawyer who knows his business pretty well. After stating the facts the lawyer goes on to the evidence of Tom's innocence. The manner of his β†’

Current information for the first quarter of 2011 research paper

The individuals whose nominal personal income is calculated constitute the households, being made up by summing up all the individuals. Nominal personal income is calculated as follows: Nominal personal income = Wages and Employee Benefits Received + Interest Received + Rent Received + Dividends + Proprietors' Income + Transfer Payments to Households The summation β†’

Journey’s end by rc sherriff essay sample

In the stage directions it mentions the sunset, " towards sunset......light that slowly fades with the sinking sun" This symbolises the fore coming death that is looming, the light imagery within the play shows this. Sherriff's stage directions suggest that Stanhope is anxious and nervous, he paces too and forth suggesting anxiety and β†’

Merits and demerits of police identification

From a legal point of view the question that an identification parade attempts to answer is whether the suspect is in fact the culprit. First of all, I would like to discuss about the ' video identification'. Secondly, the identification parade that will be considered here is the β†’

Faith of my father’s, a closer look essay

Faith of My Father's, a Closer LookTranslation into Public WritingThe book " Faith of My Fathers" where John McCain proudly claims the faith of his fathers as his own may have provided a false positive image of the character of John McCain. It is even more saddening to note that John McCain does not β†’

Crime and the criminal justice system essay sample

According to the University of Phoenix CJi Interactive activities , the definition of a crime is " a conduct in violation of the criminal laws of the state, the federal government, or a local jurisdiction, for which there is no legally acceptable justification or excuse". One is the crime-control model, which is β†’

What is the meaning of a knowledge based economy?

In the knowledge-based economy it is the production of ideas, not goods, that is the source of economic growth, and the reason that the new computing and telecommunications technologies are so economically revolutionary in their nature is that they allow ideas to be distributed instantaneously and in a coherent way to anyone, anywhere in the β†’

ο»Ώunder armour – challenging nike in sports apparel essay sample

And lack of product differentiation also could hurt them in future. The most critical problem for Under Armour could be to stay innovative and be creative enough to surprise customers. So, fluctuation in price of petroleum product could alter the price of the apparel constantly. The other alternative for Under Armour is to β†’

Innovation and reliance

Managing is the term which is connected with the way to handle things and innovation is the term which reflects meaning as thinking new ideas for development. Process innovation: Process innovation is the innovation related to the way and process how products and services are created or delivered. Position innovation: β†’

The role of the enterpreneur in the 21st century economy and society essays examples

The Role of the Entrepreneur in the Economy The entrepreneur is an important person in the economy of a particular region or nation. Entrepreneurs play a crucial role in philanthropy and giving back to the needy in the society.

Millennials may not be β€˜the entrepreneurs of today’ everyone thinks they are

This perception, to a large degree, has come about because of the immense success of Mark Zuckerberg, a member of the millennial generation. Related: After all, Zuckerberg dropped out of college, moved to Silicon Valley, created Facebook and became one of the richest people in the world by the age of 31. While this was β†’

Current events argumentative essays example

The same issue is exploited in the a comprehensive article in the New York Times that tells a story of how a set of immigrants failed to get help from police officers because of how they spoke. Indeed, the language barrier is an issue that is not taken seriously even β†’

Illegal immigration

The first major immigration since our journey over to this country was the immigration of African Americans through the slave trade; 500, 000 were brought over until up to the time of the American Revolution. Americans show pride in the country and language while it lasts, because at the rate of illegal immigration, Americans will β†’

Reflection essay on immigration

Our current president wants to build a wall to keep Immigrants out of the US.he does not want immigration to be apart of the US because he believes that they would take our jobs and he believes that most of the people who come to the united states from mexico are all of the felons β†’

Research paper on 19th century – kaiser von wilhelm and immigration to america

The royal setting enabled Wilhelm to interact and relate effectively with princes and monarchs across the region; a situation, which enabled Wilhelm understand the ruling system. Wilhelm 11 and Germans Immigration to America Immigration of Germans to America existed before the neo-colonial period. Under the rule of Wilhelm 11, the relationship between Germany and β†’

Immigrants deserve a chance!

One of the reasons the economy is benefited by immigration is because immigrants start businesses which create jobs that are needed in the U.S. S -born citizens and they believed all immigrants live in the U.

Essay on critique

Obviously, people with immigrant backgrounds, especially coming from Hispanic countries, are the ones that can better understand the story, including its occasional insertion of typical words or phrases in Spanish. Besides the anxiety that lies under a first date when one is a teenager, the complexity of human thought, the hardships of immigrant life and β†’

Illegal immigration essay essay

During a visit to Ellis Island last summer I learned that during the early 1900's we encouraged in-migration because it was a clip when our country's district had grown and we needed more people to assist with the continued development of our state. Today.nevertheless.we find that in-migration is non seen as a positive for our β†’

Research paper on hispanics

The Mexican War led to the immigration of the first Spanish-speaking group of people in America. The increase in population of the Hispanics has led to a heated debate about their identity within the American Population. As discussed above, the Hispanics are comprised of several groups of people with diverse historical backgrounds.

Dream act essay example

There is also a view that it will encourage illegal immigration to the country, increasing the rate of illegal activities in the country. In this essay, I will bring out the view how this Act will be of benefit to America's Economy and people as a whole. The 2009 version of the dream act has β†’

Industry and empire- final assessment

Based on international strategies, globalization is a process that aims to expand business operations on a worldwide level.(" How Globalization Affects Developed Countries"-Investopia) The purpose of colonization was "...to open markets and obtain raw materials..".(" Colonialism"- International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences); the British Empire first became involved with India because of trade.The aims of β†’

Notes on the roman republic: city-state to world empire essay sample

The Republic initiated the tendency toward political & A ; legal universalism.which reached fruition in the second period.the Empire. Development OF THE ROMAN CONSTITUTION:* The Romans.like the Greeks.came to see jurisprudence as an look of the populace will and non as the creative activity of god-kings.priest-kings.or a priestly caste.* Between the patricians and the common β†’

Relationship between the byzantine empire and the crusades

For this essay, I am going to explain how the Byzantine empire is linked to the history of the Crusades, the impact of the crusades on the empire, and the history surrounding it. The name of the Byzantine Empire did not actually come around until after the collapse of the Empire in 1453 and β†’

Arabian traditions in ottoman empire history essay

In many respects, hence, the acceptance of Islamic law gave the Ottoman Empire its distinctive form. Islam formed the basis of Arabian traditions which greatly influenced the culture of the Ottoman Empire. In the same context, the Arabic language formed the basis of Ottoman literature genre and the central curriculum of the Empire.

How christianity influenced the roman empire history essay

The official language of the Roman state was Latin, and an unofficial emblem of the Empire was a golden eagle, and after the adoption of Christianity came Labarum with chrism. As a fact, the reasons for the transformation of the pagan Roman Empire to Christianity was, on the one hand, the superiority of Christian doctrine, β†’

Europeans confront the aztec and turkish empires in the 16th century essay examples

In the former case, the Turks already had conquered the Near East and the Balkans, and the Europeans were not at all certain they could ever defeat them or even fight a successful defensive action against their large and powerful forces, while in the Aztec records, even though they had β†’

Resistance from the employees

With the implementation of supply chain systems that involve the use of internet technologies, another critical success factor to the implementation of the system is the resolution of security risks that such technologies expose the company to. To ensure that systems are successfully implemented therefore, the authors state that a high level of data security β†’

How to get the message out to all employees

What the career development program is expected to do It should improve both the adermic level of students and vocational skills It should help to accomplish the objectives set by the advisory of career development It should improve the knowledge in the use of the availabletechnologyIt should set a role model and create a β†’

Employee motivation argumentative essay

Next, this chapter distinguish between drives and needs wherein Eve learned how needs are shaped through the individual's self-concept and other personal factors. On this topic, needs-goal-directed ores that people experience are shaped by the individual's self-concept , social norms, and past bioscience. And on the last part is about the organizational β†’

Good example of essay on hofstede five dimensions

This essay will attempt to draw a comparison of the cultural differences between the United States and India and discuss the impact of these differences on leadership in the two countries. Power Distance This factor refers to the extent, importance and acceptance of hierarchical relationships in an institution. However, one must also note that most β†’

Being self-employed vs. working for someone else

This will be a great disadvantage because not only is the person not able to be self-employed but they might have been out of the work field for a long time and did not gain much experience in a field that they would go out and try to work in after they figure out that β†’

Economic freedom essay

In his book " Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations" he introduces the term " system of natural liberty", which is equivalent to the current definition of capitalism. Pure capitalism in the nineteenth century led to mass exploitation of the working class by the rich and to further widening of β†’

In what ways does douglass draw upon the principles stated in the declaration of essay example

He famously knew to say that he would readily work with anybody whether black, white, male or even female. He is famous for writing several books about his life and experiences as a slave and how he was able to overcome it and triumph to become whom he was then. Discuss Douglass " use of β†’

Basque and kosovo: a quest for freedom

In the latter part of the 1990s, the region of Kosovo gained international media attention when the armies of Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic were deployed with the purpose of crushing the desire of the majority Albanian initiative for independence. In the constitution of the former Yugoslavia, the fundamental law set the β†’

Urban geography

To do this, they study the site, evolution and growth, and classification of villages, towns and cities as well as their location and importance in relation to different regions and cities. Economic, political and social aspects within cities are also important in urban geography. In order to fully understand each of these aspects of a β†’

Ap human geography chapter 2 study guide

AP Human Geography Chapter 2 Study Guide Terms: population density - a measurement of the number of people per given unit of land arithmetic population density - the population of a country or region expressed as an average per unit area physiologic population density - the number of people per unit area of arable β†’

Research paper on the whiskey rebellion

Although, at that time, the majority of Americans felt negatively concerning taxation, the Western Pennsylvania's intrepid farmers proved outright unreceptive to the idea. In 1790, the United State's new national government was making an attempt of establishing itself; considering that the government had taken up the debts accumulated by the β†’

Asean paper

The objective of the association, established in 1967 in Bangkok, Thailand, was to " to accelerate economic growth, social progress and cultural development in the region and to promote regional peace and stability through abiding respect for justice and the rule of law in the relationship among countries in the region and adherence to the β†’

Good example of security dillema essay

The aim of this paper is to understand which international relations theory can better clarify Russian foreign policy and provide own assessment. The Russian navy was based on the territory of the Crimean according to the agreement with Ukrainian authorities. Vladimir Putin's statements, his rhetoric and decisions, imitating the policy of Soviet period, reveal that β†’

Good ethics in western civilization essay example

In this study, we try to answer several questions about the correlation and importance of the genesis of knowledge (about ethical theories and thoughts, in the western civilization) and of history, in the present day study of ethical thoughts and theories. The author of this paper has developed the notion that ethics is β†’

Example of article review on turkeys accession to eu

Turkey's Accession to EU Smith stated that the European Union had finally allowed the formal talks on Turkey's bid to the EU on October 4, 2005 despite Turkey's initial application sometime in the 1990s. The EU made compromises with Turkey and its members to begin the negotiations, one by opening Turkey's β†’

How statutes are interpreted by the courts in the uk

Judges use four core moralities when inferring to statute: The literal Rule, The golden Rule, The Mischief Rule, The Purposive approach. The Literal Rule. The literal rule is the rule used to interpreting statutes. Other cases that were taken to court under the literal rule were: R v Harris , β†’

Free essay on western civilization breeds intolerance

Western civilization breeds intolerance through the rejection of human uniqueness and of the structure of language, causing the rejection of individual differences. Culture asserts that everyone is different. However, because of these cultural parameters, there is a constant tendency to invent it. In contemporary times, the unruly body is the site for a masochistic essence β†’

Reform of the cohesion lesion policy of greece country research papers example

The migration affects the country's economy and GDP. - The situation in Greece The high debts by the Greek government characterize the country's situation. There have been hoping that Greece would recover from the financial ditch, but the ditch gets bigger, deeper, and wider for the state and it has called for the European Union β†’

Example of feminism and ‘respect for culture’ essay

The reasons for this are various and there have also been cases of misuse of tradition, such as murders in the name of culture. The first argument is that there should be interference of Western people in the traditional policies of non-Westerns. The one case that cannot be justified is β†’

Pneumatology essay

Although I am not really an expert by any means, I am willing to give you some basic information about some of your questions as you try to make some decisions about which church might best suit the needs of yourself and your family, and if the one that you β†’

Evaluation coldplay viva la vida essay sample

Further in this article I aim to decompose this song, examining the strength of its lyrics, the appeal to its listeners, the instrumental part and the clarity of the speech that resides from the song. Supporting Paragraphs Living in the past, back when " I used to rule the world" β†’

Reflection on jesus

The teachings of Jesus, His death and resurrection, and the promise of His return provide believers with a firm foundation for living, confidence in God's power and provision in our lives, and clear direction in The Way. Throughout Matthew 5 and 6, He challenges believers to examine our motives and make β†’

The role of women in christianity, islam, and hinduism: a comparison essay examples

Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism each have different struggles with women's rights and require different things from their female members, and have handled the growing equality of women in decidedly different ways. Christianity is an all-encompassing umbrella term for a wide range of different types of religious faiths, many of which have little in common other β†’

Analysis of cain and abel: the first two sons of adam and eve

We meet the main characters of the story in the first two verses. Cain is Abel's older brother and we learn of their occupations, " Abel was a keeper of sheep, and Cain a worker of the ground. The god in the story of Cain and Abel when the context is not β†’

Analysis of the 2nd amendment of the u.s constitution

" A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, will not be infringed". Within the Constitution is the Second Amendment, which protects the right to own guns to the people of the United States.

War on women’s reproductive health

This collection of articles provide different perspectives on Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood is a savior to millions of women but the defunding of it is rising. Protect Women's Health is an article by the editors of Scientific America and they talk about how abortion is the smallest part of Planned Parenthood.

Is abortion murder?

The idea that any woman who becomes pregnant as a result of non-procreative sexual intercourse must continue with her pregnancy does not take into consideration the fact that there is a tremendous discrepancy between the enormous potential of human fertility and the real-life ability of women and couples to provide all that is necessary to β†’

Main rights of children, young people and their families due to the convention on the rights of the child

You also have the right to know and be cared for by your parents , and the government must make sure that you are not taken away from your parents against your will, unless this is in your best interests (it will be in a child's best interests to be taken away from their β†’

Managers skills essay samples

Through the several interviews I have been through I have gained the skills on how to handle them in a professional manner. First of all, I have learned the to always uphold integrity in my work.

Example of reign of terror in the french revolution research paper

In his explanation with regards to the Reign of Terror, he cites that the la Terreur and the American War of Independence in 1776 are similar as they fought for the liberty and rights of the people and used potent power in influencing their competition away from the country. Bulliet, Richard., Crossley, Pamela., Headrick, Daniel., β†’

Oroonoko, the modern slave of capitalism creative writing samples

She understood that this was a big chance for her to earn more and to help her family and she embraced the opportunity that she received. He received a movie from his loyal collaborators, with his grandfather trying to allure Imoida and bribing media to make Oroonoko look as the head of terrorism.

Free research paper on journalistic casualties of conflict coverage

The journalist who is the core of any story is always not regarded as much as the news reporters are despite the fact that they are the one who go to the ground to gather the news. This leaves the freelancers to deal with what sometimes is a lot more combat than enlisted soldiers are. β†’

Developing a performance appraisal system

Many different components, must to be incorporated to make this type of system beneficial for all who use it, and all who are evaluated by the system. The purpose of a performance appraisal system is to receive accurate assessments for productivity and for the quality of work for each employee. Training- Proper β†’

Personnel planning and recruiting essay sample

The table below shows the type of recruitment in the form of internally and externally. Type of Recruitment SourcesInternally Recruitment Learning and Development within the organization. Externally Recruitment Walk-in Newspaper College recruiting Online register Headhunters Internally CIMB Group is preferred to fulfill position by offering to their existing employees β†’


The distance an employee must travel daily to work is a factor that can induce great amounts of frustration and expense into their lives. It is vitally important for the management to support the program and for a great degree of trust to exist between employer and employee.

Homelessness among young adults article review

They also suggest that the homeless problem can be for the better good of the society because it helps solve some problems like unemployment and lack of education in the society It forces the local authorities to shelter the homeless youth and gives them the right to education which maybe they could have β†’

Impact of traiining methods on employee performance in it sector essay sample

OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY: * To study the reflection of the training programme * To study about the worker attitude and involvement regarding training programme.* To determine the efficiency of the training programme w.r.t stated objectives and achieved.* To study the changes in the employee behaviour post the training programme. SCOPE OF THE STUDY: β†’

Two party system dbq

Despite the fact the founding fathers advised contrary to the establishment of political factions as the Constitution withstood the ratification process, a rift amongst men in President George Washington's cabinet instituted the move toward the conception of political party. Jefferson was joined by James Madison leading the Democrat-Republicans, who believed power β†’

Influence of martin luther king jr on americans

His demonstration of pathos helps the audience better embrace the concepts and the purpose of the speech. It also amplifies the struggles of black Americans and he uses this to show the pain of his people because he wants a change to made.Dr.

George washington – the most influential founding father of america

The ways in which he has impacted America's history include leading the Continental Army, influencing the government as well as becoming the first president of the United States. Leading the Continental Army, he gave America an opportunity to succeed. Backing up constitutional values and the effect he had on the government changed the way Americans β†’

Argumentative essay about american history

The expansion boosted national unity between 1800 and 1823, the treaty of 1818 and Louisiana Purchase boosted the national unity as it helped spur up the era of wonderful feelings and also displayedloyalty. It also marked the downfall of the federalists who were reduced to mere sectionalists. β†’

American ethic history

The declaration, in its fight for democracy and sovereignty as it was besieged by Great Britain that time had constructed a way in which to breakaway and attain their freedom that is through the declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independence consists of three parts; one is β†’

Power pride and unity as illustrated in triumph of the will.

The sole purpose of the movie is to glorify Hitler and his party and mobilize the whole country to join the Nazi movement. Among the themes presented, the desire for pride in Germany and the purification of the German people is well exemplified through the speeches.pride power and unity are the major focuses.

The nature and relationship of hitler and geli raubal.

The last time the public had seen Geli Raubal was when Hitler was heard to shout at h as he was about to get into his car: " For the last time, no! " She shouted. It has been said and believed that Hitler and his niece Geli Raubal were romantically involved; although there β†’

Why was hitler able to dominate germany by 1934?

The principal attraction of the S.A.to many of its members was not the political ideology of the party for which it worked (although a great many of them were probably Nazi sympathizers), but rather its pomp, regalia and display (the S.A.wore the uniform of the defeated German army, evoking patriotic spirit among both its members β†’

Defense of the ancients essay sample

In the center of each base is the " Ancient", a building that must be destroyed to win the game. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEMS DOTA Addiction Abstract of the Study Computer Gaming Common reasons why students choose playing DOTA rather than reading books. This study is done to reveal the reasons why the β†’

The alvarez hypothesis hits scientific convictions with the strength of a giant asteroid

After compelling evidence was found to support the Alvarez hypothesis, it is now the leading hypothesis for the cause of the extinction of dinosaurs. The Cretaceous Paleogene boundary is marked by a layer of clay found in sedimentary layers all over the world. This led to the Alvarez hypothesis that a massive asteroid β†’

Inequality and india’s agrarian crisis

The entire structure of global trade and the monopoly of western companies over commodities enable the plundering of 3rd world farmers, therefore they should share the responsibility. As 60% of India's people are still dependent on agriculture, the fertilizers and pesticides are very costly, and the crops yield very little profit, farmers β†’

Punishment in ancient & medieval india and the world

Though attempts have been made in India to prevent illegal migration, they have been relatively weak. The 25-member committee, led by Bharatiya Janata Party leader Sushma Swaraj, took note of reports that counterfeit notes were in large circulation along the India-Bangladesh border and presence of illegal Bangladeshi immigrants in large numbers poses β†’