1000 Words Essay Samples

Goodfellas – content analysis essay

During the characters walk through the kitchens the audience gets a real sense of the popularity of the club and the importance the main character has. This is because some of the other underground characters are happily saying hello to him and getting out of his and his girlfriends way. When the characters are crossing β†’

New age music and religion

Other New Age music features the sounds of waterfalls, ocean waves, and crickets. But despite the increasing support of many people to New Age music, its critics also have their own arguments about it. Raschke, a religion professor at the University of Denver and a student of the movement, New Age is β†’

Feature writing – concert review

Having dwelled in the darkest corners amidst growing up, thememoriesof Mason's past left him deranged and helpless with fear; something he never grew out of. Set side by side American icons alike that of Marilyn Monroe and Charles Manson- ironically alike characters of life, it is a band that reveals the terrible β†’

V for vendetta essay

The government in V for Vendetta creates a dystopia by taking away the citizens; Freedom of speech, freedom of individual thoughts and actions, and ultimately their right to happiness in a world of cruelty, injustice, intolerance and oppression. Where once you had the freedom to object, think, and speak as you saw fit, you now β†’

Free complete name literature review sample

The twentieth century brought many changes not only in the field of technology but also in in the music industry due to the inventions such as electricity, compact disks, computers, synthesizers and amplifiers. 21 Jan 2014. . Estrella, Espie." Music of the 20th Century - 1900 to 1960".

History of the trumpet essay sample

In early versions, the slide was part of a very long mouthpiece that was pulled in and out to fill in the gaps of the natural scale of harmonics. These new ideas helped the trumpet be more in tune, and helped the players by making the high notes easier to hit. The nineteenth century β†’

Life as we make it

Inside the tunnel, the sound of the wind is sucked up and replaced with the melody of the song on the mix tape. The Shuffle picks the song and the owner of the iPod listens to it, simple as that.

The effects of rap music on children

Rap music can have negative effects on those who listen to it, but just as easily and equally have a positive and beneficial outcome. Yes, many rappers use vulgar derogative terms to describe women and may influence its listeners to break the law or things of the like; but it can also β†’

Parents experiences they need to have in

But in reality, the hours children spend playing on tablets or on the computer replaces the real life experiences they need to have in order to learn about their surroundings and about themselves. It is essential that children and toddlers experience real-life in real time. The violent video games he had played pushed him to β†’

Case study disney essay

A Case Study on 02/11/08 02/11/08 Agenda > About Disney > Divisions of Disney > A bit of History > About the CASE > SWOT Analysis > Its Current Executive Management > Recommended Organizational structures ? Model 3 02/11/08 About Disney > > > > The Walt Disney Company is β†’

Sample essay on how digital media is important in today’s society

No matter what part of the world you live in, if you need to be up to date with the happenings of the world, you need to take the aid of these forms of digital media. The transition of television to the computer, laptop and table even Smartphone has placed it squarely in the digital β†’

ο»Ώpeople should be educated to understand more about deep web essay sample

In real world, there still many people out there who still have no idea what Deep Web is and I really think that people should be more educated to understand more about Deep Web. The " Deep Web" or " Invisible Web" is a part of the World Wide Web, which people cannot see β†’

Procedures, parameters & sub-programs 13716

The programmer can use these identifiers, known as formal parameters, in the body of the procedure in the same fashion as ordinary variables. A call of a procedure with parameters must include a list of actual parameters. The number of actual parameters must be the same as the number of formal parameters. β†’

Transportation in usa essay example

This paper examines each of the abovementioned categories of transportation in the United States. Air Transportation Air transportation system, in the United States, is advanced, and it operates through almost 5, 000 paved airfields. The large distances between main U.S.cities and the geography of the nations make air transportation remain the most preferred means β†’

The catcher in the rye is a novel which evokes hope and despair for holden caulfield.

Foreshadowing is utilised to present the idea that Holden will overcome his inner turmoils thus evoking a sense of hope. Thus, through the subtle foreshadowing of Holden's recovery and giving the hunting hat to Phoebe, hope is evoked for Holden.' The Catcher in the Rye' evokes both hope and despair for Holden Caulfield.

Science fair guidelines essay

Participation is in teams from 2 up to 4 students and in order to have a successful performance, individuals must cooperate, collaborate and show adhering, tolerance and responsibility at all times. Rules and specifications Topics and Teachers authorization Although the topics are to be freely chosen, the Science Academy must assure a balance in β†’

A love affair assignment

In the months that I had spent in my apartment, I had not even allowed myself to cry and grieve the loss of my marriage. Instead, I stuffed my face and filled a void in my life with something that I only thought made me feel better. My life now has purpose and meaning without β†’

Aircraft solution essay

Firstly, lack of protection between its commercial business division and the rest leads to the exposure of the uncertainties of the internet. This threat is low in occurrence and the consequences of it are with medium severity.

Airships. bag containing a gas such as helium

In the early years of War, these beasts were known for their majesticpresence in the sky and were icons of a country's power and prestige. Three classes ofairships are recognized: the non-rigid, commonly called blimp, in which the formof the bag is maintained by pressure of the gas; the semi-rigid airship, inwhich, to maintain the β†’

Air pollution and climatic changes assignment

Air pollution is actually the addition of any harmful substances to the atmosphere, which causes the damaging of the environment, human health and the quality of life. These dangerous substances can be in the form of gases or particles. Sources of Air pollution: ; Natural source Artificial source Natural sources: Natural air pollution does β†’

Demography transition theory and its implications

Due to the economic conditions and fewer health facilities there is major drop in the population rate. Russian President Vladimir Putin has implemented certain policies in the form of incentives for the couples who have a second child. The family planning methods are widely used and it makes the process of fertility denial much easy. β†’

The impossibility of the american dream

Among these novels are John Steinbeck's _Of Mice and Men_ and the same author's _The Grapes of Wrath._ In the first, two men with the names Lennie and George roam California in the 1930's, hunting for ranches to work on. However, Lennie is mentally ill and always provokes trouble, driving the two β†’

To kill a mockingbird critique

She is a rugged and reckless lady, who is the child of a prominent lawyer, Atticus, and her departed mother. This story follows the life of Scout and her trouble, Jem, as they witness and fight the bias and hatred in their neighborhood, causing a maturing experience for both Scout and her bro. In the β†’

Reaction paper sample

Reaction Paper #4: The Prince and the Pauper Monica Sharma I read The Prince and the Pauper by Mark Twain and enjoyed reading about a wealthy prince name Edward Tudor and a pauper name Tom Canty trading lives with each other and experiencing how it is like to live a life that is totally β†’

The giver’s ending

When Jonas opens the door he sees that the fire place is lit which is weird since no one else would leave the community, but as Jonas turns he sees the grand piano and the person that's playing is Rosemary The Giver's daughter and The Receiver that had failed 10 years ago. Jonas looked shocked β†’

Is nick carraway a reliable narrator? essay sample

In the beginning of the book, The Great Gatsby, Nick could be described as the main character but as the book goes on Nick is having more of a secondary role, instead of the primary role which he was supposed to be. Nick is not always rational and objective: in chapter 3 of β†’

The sins of mayella ewell

In Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird, Lee uses the characterization of Mayella Ewell's guilt, loneliness, and fear as a source of motivation to accuse an innocent man of rape; this shows the reader that good and evil exist together. First, it is reasonable to conclude that Mayella's guilt about kissing a β†’

The southern lifestyle essay

I believe the southern lifestyle to be more of an attitude than an accent, an attitude that is deeply rooted into their culture, their way of life, beliefs and even the general communal moral code. The word southern is many times defined by a demographic classification, where it is majorly β†’

Good example of the influences of human thoughts essay

He points out that grade three thinkers are those that adapt to a certain mode of thinking as solidarity of the society, but not that they believe in it. They argue that the thinking of man is based upon a factor that instigates their minds to think in a certain way.

Essay on the faith that makes up my life

This is the reason why I learned to never lose hope; because of God, I have hope in this life. I redeem the time by doing what is right in fear of God and his judgement.

Good reflective cover memo for final for now essay example

By knowing the audience, the purpose and the deadline for that particular paper, I will be able to express myself to the targeted audience. Prior to deciding what topic I will write for the paper, I made sure that I chose the topic that I was closely familiar with.

Integrative essay on teacher competency essay sample

Teaching competency plays a vital role in achieving the purpose of education, which is to imparting knowledge of eternal and absolute truth. So what then are the characteristics of a competent teacher? This is very different from what we know as the traditional method of teaching, which focuses more on the teacher rather than β†’

The emperor’s club

Hundert was excited about the progress he was seeing in Sedgewick and in his students that he felt bad when he saw Sedgewick did not do enough to participate in the Mr. Sedgewick cheats in the competition and Mr.

Preparing to teach in the lifelong learning sector

A legislative requirement is a duty to act according to the law and a code of practice is a set of rules outlining how a person in a particular profession is expected to behave. When I identify the needs of a learner that need to be referred, I will have to give the learner information, β†’

Reyes, jeneth k.

Some are arguing that K to 12 is not the solution to improve the quality of education; while the others' concern is to lessen the burden of the parents and children particularly those who are living in poverty. And to minimize the complications, better stick to a single decision that will make the students productive β†’

Global university

The article " Caring Teacher: The Key to Student Learning" that will be analyzed is about the characteristics of a caring teacher who can improve and facilitate students' learning. Teacher-students relationship is based on the human need of caring , so when students feel that their teacher respects them and cater to their interests and β†’

Standardized testing vs. education through freedom

Instead of " educating through the practice of freedom" , standardized tests like the Regents in New York and the MCAS in Massachusetts, " educates [students] as the practice of domination" , limiting them to a strict, inanimate curriculum. Contrary to Freire's problem-posing philosophy of teaching, the idea of the MCAS seems to β†’


He had people who followed him and listened to what he said and this was enough to make him a teacher, whether what he was saying was original or not made no difference. What mattered was that he had a group of students who were willing to listen to what he said and put it β†’

Roles and responsibilities of teacher

The legislations are very important to safeguard the teacher, student and adult learners. For example theHealthand Safety at work act is about the safety of the student and teacher. The next stage is the delivery of the session. The teacher will ensure that the learners' are β†’

Book and china has extensively been covered and

So Chinaand Pakistan have shared antagonism with India , In the book " The China Pakistan axis Asia's NewGeopolitics " the growing deep friendship between Pakistan and China hasextensively been covered and the events / circumstances leading to it. It alsocovers the fact as to why China iswilling to go any length to support it β†’

Why markets fail essay

This is the second country in continental Europe that is facing default-like situation after Iceland and fears are ripe that if the country is not able to pay off it's outstanding financial obligations' the brewing crisis ' that is as yet might be confined to Southern European shores' would spread to engulf entire EU. Reasons β†’

Ebay: the global strategy

In addition, eBay, as a business organization, needed to cope with the challenges of theglobalization, thus, the development of strong and stable globalization strategy for eBay as supported by its core competency and its configured and coordinated value chain.(Daniels, Radebaugh, & Sullivan, 2007) The core competencies of eBay constitute the unique platform or design of β†’

Free essay on the role of public relations in rebuilding the reputation of the hollywood stars

The Role of Public Relations in rebuilding Reputation of the Hollywood Stars Summary Public relations is concerned with building strong objective driven relationships for advancement and promotion of the reputation of an individual, an organization, or a specific identity that depends on the opinion of the people for its smooth and successful β†’

What brought about the upheavels of 1857 in india essay

The upheavals of 1857 was a protest against the British by the Indians, and was known as India's first war of independence, and challenged colonial rule during the few months of the nineteenth century. The Afghan debacle where low castes were recruited, had also led the British to widen the circle of caste and β†’

Example of argumentative essay on arranged marriages

Looking up the Encyclopedia of Gender and Society, arranged marriage is defined as a kind of marital union, where two people are married in accordance to the arrangements made by a third party, usually the parents of the bride and groom. We live in a new era and a world that has made important β†’

Single parenting vs nuclear parenting

According to the United States Census Bureau the amount of children who live with a single parent has increased to a little more than 30 percent. Single parenting is a problem to others since children raised under a household of a single parent are two times more likely to end up poor, β†’

Good essay on political formative event

The elections ended with Bill Clinton emerging as the president , which left my parents in a bitter mood. Back at home, the exposure to politics which I get is minimal. The people around me affect my opinions and the rate with which I engage in politics.

Example of essay on qn 1

The fact that people from this community can raise children a good way is also one of the most important points that writer uses to ensure that the thesis is effective. Qn 2 The writer has structured the argument in such a way that the proposition, which can also be termed to as the β†’

Example of essay on medea as a woman in ancient society

Quotations from the play are used to support the ideas expressed in the paper. The Medea is one of the most well-known plays of the ancient times. In the course of the journey Jason finds a beautiful barbarian woman, Medea, and takes her to Greece to be his wife.

Causes of eating disorders in teens essay samples

This paper deals with the types of eating disorders in teens, causes of the eating disorder in teens and remedial measures. Three main types of eating disorders are: - Anorexia. It is the condition in which teen fears of becoming fat, and refuses to take adequate food. In a culture that favors β†’

Heritage assessment critical essay

Catering to the population of the United States as a nurse, one must embrace the cultures of others to provide competent care that will address the needs of the patient in a holistic manner. Health protection for the Chinese culture derives from traditional Chinese treatments such as acupuncture to help realign the energy of the β†’

Miles davis essay examples

Tate in his article for Rolling Stone magazine credits Davis' cool style and creativity for the creativity and expression that changed the face of jazz music since the 1940' s. Miles was born in Alton, Illinois. The album was a huge success and brought this smoother style of jazz β†’

Good example of book review on coming of age in mississippi

The story begins when Moody was four year old and her parents used to work in the field of a white man, Mr. Moody's mother, Toosweet used to leave Moody and her small sister under the care of her brother Lee when she was out in the field.

Formation of self-identity essay

At the end of the poem, he advises his son to always serve wine with his bread, thus evoking the image of a Dionysian atmosphere, the wine and winemaking being one of the most potent symbols of the Greek god Dionysus. It also refers to the concept of the man being the family's provider and β†’

Should parents of children with hearing impairment provide their children with cochlear research paper examples

The objective of this paper is to discuss the impact of hearing impairments on an individual's education and ability to learn and whether the parents of such individual should start to make investments for the procurement of hearing aids to bridge the gap in these individuals' learning efficiency. Should Parents of Children with β†’

Application exercise 3(a-3) due 7.21.13

Application Exercise 3 of the Survey The of the survey organised by Ford Motor Company in order to understand the effectiveness of the training program was " training evaluation survey". Besides, since the survey deals with the employees within the organisation, it is the responsibility of human resource manager to ensure that the β†’

Blending of generations in the workplace

This paper will examine the concept that different generations will have different needs and concerns in the workplace and that the ability of a company to address/ blend these needs is critical. Competencies and capabilities no longer correlate to age or experience, so respect for others' ideas and input is more critical β†’

Essay on technology as a replacement of human resources

Complete essay on " technology as a replacement of human recourses" Reference list on Bibliography list on 3 Technology as a replacement of human recourses Yes. If we look at the human resources then Wikipedia again define these as, Human resources is a term used to describe the individuals β†’

Do you accept extra hours at your work should your work ethic be based upon the state of the economy

The hours varies depending on the week and it is very possible to be working 26 out of 40 hours in just the weekends. YOUR RESPONSE HERE: It is true that the ability to accept the need to work more hours depend on one's preferences and values; as well as how one is genuinely interested β†’

How to find the perfect candidate for a fashion company

The impact of training on ___B__ is the most significant, but most difficult, effect to demonstrate. ESSAY 1 Employees represent the quality of service of an organization. It is essential that every employee is the perfect candidate for each job. In the case of hiring Regional Managers for Baroque, Inc., it is important that β†’

Technology as a replacement of human resources

The rate of this replacement is very high because, with the huge pressure of growing population of world, technology is giving better and easy path to humans to deal with this fast era. As I have mentioned above that the technology is affecting the people relating to any profession of life, some people are familiar β†’

Employability and personal skills in the recruitment essay sample

It is very important that the organisation considers both employability and personal skills when employing as human resources and their performance is a very important aspect in the day to day running of the business and the overall results. Negotiation is important when it comes to agreeing targets for an individual or a team. β†’

Socio-political and economic environment essay examples

The coins are later purchased by the Federal Reserve Banks, which later on injects the coins in the economy. Analyze in detail how the coins relate to the values and beliefs of the culture. The original coinage act came into existence in April, in the year 1972. The Act reviewed the value of Gold in β†’

How is funding by the imf and world bank affecting kenya research paper

These projects may be in the education sector, the infrastructure sector and the health sector. A country like Kenya which is a developing country relies on the IMF and the World Bank for these loans so as to facilitate development in the country. A healthy population is always crucial in developing the economy of a β†’

Good public policy creative writing example

It is part of their duty to engage with all arms of the government at both state and federal level to ensure a healthy population (New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, 2013). On May 22nd 2013, the senate introduced the Chemical Safety Improvement Act which was meant to reauthorize and β†’

Changing age structure – implications for marketing organizations

The increase in ageing population is an important trend in many parts of the world, especially in developed countries , resulting mainly from the decline of fertility and increase in life expectancies. According to United Nations , the aged population in the developed world is increasing rapidly and the number of old people β†’

Development is confined within city areas

I am Najmus Sakib from EEE Dept.the topic of my presentation is, the Development of Bangladesh which is confined within only in city areas especially in Dhaka city. So it's quite proved that development is occurring only in city areas especially in Dhaka, not in the rural areas.

Nursing literature review sample

At the rise of the global pandemic, tuberculosis has infected almost one-third of the world population with more than eight million diagnosed of the disease every year and an average of two million deaths every year. Identification of the Problem Relocation from third world to first world countries more and more determines the severity β†’

Research paper on role of nurse practitioner in primary care setting

The roles of nurse practitioners range from taking care of the sick in the hospital to helping the needy in villages and homes. The Role of Nurse Practitioners in Meeting Increasing Demand for Primary Care.

Backpack tourism annotated bibliography example

In their opinion, this form of tourism is gaining prominence because of the benefits it offers both to the backpackers themselves, host governments and the local populations. This benefits the local producers. Conclusively, these youth are beneficial to the host countries in that they positively contribute to the development of β†’

Example of research paper on interconnection of social problems

These links are strengthened by the fact that poverty causes deprivation of basic and luxurious needs and this in turn breeds the temptation to commit crime hence victimizing the concerned parties in the process. Race, poverty, and punishment: the impact of criminal sanctions on racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic inequality.

Example of report on doing business in kenya

Its official name is the Republic of Kenya, and its head of state is the president. Kenya is a democratic society; most of the decisions are as a result of a consensus.

Free research paper on historical perspective

It was a founder member of NATO, and it also joined the European Union in 1986. Important dates In the history of Portugal, there are important dates that have defined the history of the country socially, economically and politically. Portugal was renamed the Kingdom of Portugal in the same year.

Annotated bibliography on communities and schools

The article is concluded with the illustration of the possible solution that is in the nature of social change among the community, schools and generally among all the involved parties and indicates that this would clearly and properly address the issue. Warren M.R., Hong S., Rubin C.L., and Uy P.S.,. It also gives the details β†’

The use facebook when they frequently experience unaffirmative

I must sometimes stop to reflect on my own behavior and the possibility of what causes myself and my friends to continue to use facebook; why do we spend so much time exploring via this digital medium? I do not talk a lot to my sisters, brothers or parents, because it is easier and more β†’

Financial sector

Another would be Railtrack who has had operations suspended by the government because all there money has gone, while shareholders want money back. This is an example of the asset having a different value than expected Financial institutions are able to reduce risk through a number of ways, the two main ones being diversification and β†’

Monetary policy research paper example

The largest component of Aggregate Demand that is affected most by changes in the rates of interest in the U.S.is consumption. During the recession period, the government recommends that the tax rate is cut down and the government expenditure is increased to simulate the economy.

Free accounting case study analysis for sportswear kit case study example

Similarly, the non-operating items section of income statement for Sportswear-Kit may include irregular business activities such as sale of old plant equipment and a factory. Overall, the purpose and usefulness of income statement is to provide an insight to the management and investor base whether the business has earned or lost money during the reporting β†’

Comments for improvement essays example

This must either be " Aristotle's beliefs" or Aristotle believes" then alter the rest of the sentence to logically and grammatically follow the one you choose. Page two, paragraph 1, sentence 1 (sentence 2 of the paragraph that begins on page one," " Nicomachean Ethics that explains" should be " Nicomachean Ethics, which explains". Page β†’

Analyze the socrates arguments essay examples

At the end of the argument, Meno obviously losses the argument and Socrates seems to show him how he ought to think and give definitions when asked. Considering the second definition, Meno defines virtue as the power to rule others as earlier seen. He annuls all that Meno gave as a definition in this second β†’

Incorporating relational ethics framework in clinical practice

This helps the HCP to better understand the circumstances that lead the patient to make certain decisions. Incorporating relational ethics framework in clinical practice helps the healthcare professionals to view the patient and self with a different perspective. Smith: I saw her last month, when she visited me in the home. Me: Do β†’

Different types of ethics, and persuasion

In other words, the ethical choice is the one that lets the greatest number of people experience the beneficial consequences of that choice".(Magee, 2014, pp. Politicians use the utilitarian ethics in order to influence the public that guns kills people, however it is the person that is holding the gun that kills people with the β†’

Advantages and disadvantages of biometrics

Advantages and Disadvantages of Biometrics Let us now examine the advantages and disadvantages of biometrics in two groups of applications: the commercial positive recognition applications that may work either in the verification or the identification modes, and the government and forensic negative recognition applications that require identification. Advantages and Disadvantages of DNA Testing in β†’

Counseling theory

Creating a process to evaluate the positive and negative affect of dual relationship and boundary crossing could have on the counselor's license or the treatment of the client can become key component. When a counselor client nonprofessional interaction with a client or former client may be potentially beneficial to the client or former client, the β†’

Ethics and morality

As we grow up we are taught the difference between what is considered right and what is considered wrong, which is based on what is socially acceptable. We learn from a young age how we are expected to behave, the rules we have to abide by given fromfamilyand the morals we should β†’

Young’s double slit experiment

The change of the interference pattern was recorded.4. The filament of the lamp was seen by a student standing a certain distance away through the same double slits with a piece of blue filter placed in front of the lamp. After the slit plate was rotated vertically, the light and dark bands β†’

Can behavior be passed down genetically?

Examples include the use of the SSRI drug which alters the reuptake of serotonin in the synapses and consequently our mood, or the loss of important cognitive functions due to brain damage. The influence of cognitive, social and cultural factors on behavior cannot be denied, and even though there may be a genetic predisposition for β†’

The special challenges of neurological based behavior essay sample

It is a severe developmental disorder that affects the way a child sees and interacts with the rest of the world. Still there is a long way to go in case of treatments for bipolar disorder. With the present day advancement in medical sciences and genetics, in future it would be possible that such β†’

Political poetry by margaret atwood

Though speculative, a reading like this is supported by the poem's representation of a cowboy who violently protects his own interests in an imagined landscape filled with heroes and villains. Regarded as a heroic figure by the myth of manifest destiny, he is conversely seen as a reckless tyrant by those who β†’

Economic history and evolution of health care economics

In today's society health care and medicine has become one of the life savers for patients with health care issues. More and more new technologies, research, development of new procedures and medications have taken over a major change in health care industry while comparing to back in 1940's when there β†’

A randomized controlled trial of an enhanced balance program to improve mobility and reduce falls in elderly patients

However, the conventional balance training which have walking as a primary balance training does not appear to have much effect to prevent fall risk. The bright side, the enhanced therapy has the components of all conventional therapy but also with additional balance exercises, which might provide and improvement and enhance the therapy with the present β†’

Disparities in healthcare

For this purpose, and the overall lower cost and efficiency, this study would overall incur a lower cost and data can be collected much faster than an experimental design. To prove that ethnic minorities are discriminated against more than Caucasians, I will pull much of y data from different studies that all come β†’

Healthcare utilization

Health care reform will not only affect patient coverage but will force changes within the utilization of health care as well. The changes made from health care reform have a major impact on health care by influencing the level of spending within the health care industry. The concept of universal health care would ensure that β†’

Chemical process control an introduction to theory and practice

The second design question is " How do we select the best values for the adjustable parameters of the feedback controller chosen?" This is known as the Controller Tuning Problem. Tuning for some overshooting on startup: This method is a variation of the continuous cycling method.

Radioactive decay essay sample

Therefore, the atom will become an atom of the succeeding higher element in the periodic table as demonstrated by the following reaction: While alpha and beta decay may constitute the breaking apart of atoms, they are not the same as nuclear fission. One example reaction of nucleogenesis is the following fusion of Hydrogen and β†’

The key concepts of diversity

The classifying of the four criteria in minority groups are the race, ethnicity, religion, and the gender. It can or it is usually the people that meet more than one of the groups into this that have the way of hardest times of dealing with things in the country or something that comes to mind.