1000 Words Essay Samples

Gas or grouse essay sample

Questar might have also felt a moral obligation to drill because of the massive untapped goldmine of gas found under the sandstone in mesa, and the fact they had the resources to withdraw it. The Rigs that allowed " up to 16 wells to be dug from a single pad, instead of the traditional 1 →

Example of research summary and ethical considerations research paper

The nursing aspect is concerned with the ability of the researchers to carry out their research ethically, the science aspect is in respect to the values of the researcher scientifically, and finally, the societal aspect refers to the adherence to human rights when carrying out the research. This is because the purpose of the research →

High renaissance critical thinking

The culmination of artistic explorations and developments known as the High Renaissance began with the works of Leonardo in 1480 s and ended in 1527 with the sack of Rome. They are Leonardo da Vinci, master of oil painting; Raphael, the painter of the High Renaissance; Michelangelo, sculptor and fresco painter of the Age; Titian, →

Situation ethics

He is quite clear in the approach he advocates and in no way wants to be confused with antinomianism: and he stressed particularly the cardinal principle of love. Fletcher also implicitly approves of the decision by President Truman of the United States of America to drop the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Is atticus a good father or not? essay sample

n the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Atticus is trying to be a good father as much as he can to Scout and Jem. Atticus wants Scout and Jem to be good people, so that they are able to tell the difference between what is right and wrong.

Explain the utilitarian & deontological aspects of informational privacy for employers & employees

Her course would have had to include a morally correct course of action that was in the best interest for the company as a whole, and it did not. On the contrary, had Patricia Dunn taken a more Deontological approach she would have ensured that right decisions were being made dutifully throughout the investigation.

The case of bernie madoff remains

Analyzing this case on the perspective in the realm of ethics, it may be a good portion to argue about Madoff's ability to act and commit actions that is considered good or bad. Seeing this, it is only justifiable that Mardoff serve in jail due to the large consequences of his actions committed.

The republic of plato essays example

Glaucon tries to interrupt Socrates by citing the common man, but Socrates quickly cuts him off and says that many poets instigate wrong thoughts in the minds of these young guardians by saying that instead of being honest, it is those who follow unethical practices who often succeed in life and not those who are →

Good essay on ethics and morality in nursing

Agreeing with the primary ethical and moral principles of nursing has a positive impact on my job, as I am able to understand the moral function of my career, and I am able to stand behind it without many issues. While they may snap at me for a moment, I knew it was not about →

Ethics and professionalism in accounting

Which of the following ethical approaches is considered to be a mixed framework? a. Which of the following describes law and ethics.a.

Sarbanes oxley act of 2002 essay

Even with the institutions of ethics within the business macrocosm which seek to support SOX, there still exists a gulf between the ethics of the individual and the absolutism of ethical policy. And this is a hard pattern to change with a theoretical set of codes such as the ones contained in the act".

Pestle analysis of tesco and coca cola essay

When adolescents get to around the age of 15 they start to imbibe underage this stems the gross revenues in companies like Coca Cola as it means they are not acquiring as many gross revenues. Recycling policies: Coca Cola has to seek and do their bottles are reclaimable as possible without doing the bottles a →

Financial terminology paper – balance sheet essay

The process of speeding up and increasing the receivables and the process of handling the debt in a more scientific manner can be discussed only after researching the balance sheet. The capital needs and the cash levels of the organization should be monitored from time to time.

Analyzing toyota motors

In the listing of the company's assets, Toyota Motors employees the GAAP of principle of consistency, principle of sincerity, principle or regularity and principle of continuity. In recording the company's liabilities, Toyota Motors utilizes the GAAP of principle of regularity, principle of non-compensation, principle of continuity, principle of utmost good faith and principle of full →

My local ecology and environment essay examples

Cows and sheep are the common animals in our ecology with few goats in some parts of our ecology.- Climate The climate in my ecology is highland climate with a lot of rains. Global warming is the average increase in temperatures in the earth leading to a change in the climate of the world.

Dragon multinational

Unlike many of the companies Mathew's makes reference to in his theory the Hong Leong Group was not instantly a global success, in fact it was started in 1948 by Kwek Hong Png as a modest shop dealing in construction materials. A classic ' Gerschenkronian Latecomer' The Hong Leong Group unsuspectedly enhanced their portfolio through →

Animal population control

" It's not a deer problem, it's a people problem" While the causes of human and wild animal interaction are growing rapidly as human and animal population, the effects are shown in various areas. It's a problem in cities across the world as stray cats and dogs are sent to the local shelters to be →

Good the animal farm book review example

The story itself, offers an insurmountable allegoric satire describing the tragic defeat of the expectations raised by the October Revolution in 1917 and simultaneously the defeat of every revolution that concludes in giving excessive and uncontrolled power to a small group of " representatives" the pigs in Animal Farm-. The lack of freedom and the →

The australopithecus afarensis essay example

Evolutionists believe that we are the earliest ancestors of the human species while others are just undecided because of the many differences that our species possess as compared to the modern humans. On the contrary, our far-fetched features as compared to the human species would also suggest that we are of a different species and →

The anatomy and feeding of the bottlenose dolphins

The Bottlenose Dolphin is a species of dolphin and is part of the kingdom animalia, they are vertebrates because they have backbones, they are multicellular, and depend on respiration for energy. The Genus is where all species of Bottlenose Dolphin are placed, which is Tursiops, there are different species and subspecies of Bottlenose Dolphins: Common →

Origin of dogs & their role in human life

Dogs really do deserve the term a " man's best friend", because they are loyal, friendly companions and are also known to improve physical and mental health. Dogs have the ability to bring out happiness from their owners, and hospital patients, and are social magnets for those with disabilities.

Animal testing: a human benefit through major

As PETA clarifies that they come together to put a halt on the " abuse of animals in cruel and painful experiments," it is very difficult to not support the organization. With PETA's constant views on the " implementation of humane" nature, I have come to notice that scientific research on animals does not affect →

Example of mentor essay

Their interest concerning the time machine additionally showed that this was a class of people that had the capacity think, and that was willing to extinguish their interest, unlike the Eloi. It is this same loss of power that is depicted among the Eloi and the Morlocks, and which causes the Time Traveler to make →

Essay on evolutionary biology

The Birds form an essential part of the chain, earlier in the course of the initial Jurassic, dual set groups of reptiles expanded the capability to fly and a single part the assemblies advanced to give rise to the birds in nature. This counts as one of the most significant events in the history of →

Pin hole camera

The smaller the hole, the better the picture, he worked out, and set up the first Camera Obscura. The image outside the camera is projected through the pinhole where it is reversed and shown upside down on the rear of the box.

Parallel dc circuits – lab report example

The peak to peak Voltage and the peak voltages were determined from the graphs obtained, and the periodic time of the waves determined. The period of the sine wave was determined using equation 1 in the introduction.

The major crisis: street lights

Do you think it's acceptable to risk the health of innocent lives and condition of the earth: for street lights? This justifies the reasons in which street lights have become a modern inconvenience.

Individual behaviour

Characteristics Remain unchanged for a long period - unless influenced by external forces * Evaluative statements - favorable or unfavorable Components * Cognitive - the opinions, values or beliefs of an individual * Affective - the feelings of a person towards something * Behavioral - the intention of a person to behave in a particular →

Organizational behavior

Elements of Organizational Culture In the context of organizational culture, values are discussed as shared values, which are values that people within the organization or work unit have in common and place near the top of their hierarchy of values. Two functions of countercultures: provide surveillance and critique, ethics source of emerging values Artifacts are →

Consumer behaviour of lakme

Second, with little understanding of the income asperities and the willingness to pay, the players were caught unawares by the price sensitiveness and the heterogeneous sets of needs at different price points. The entry of Macs also helped the efforts of marketers and dispelled the notion that colors are harmful for the skin.

Types of cost and cost behaviour

A fixed cost refers to the costs that the company will incur, regardless of the amount of goods or products they produce. This would mean that there is a fixed cost that will be charged, regardless of the number of customers.

Utilitarianism and kantianism and morality

The principle of utility should be used on a case-by-case basis in act utilitarianism and the morally right action is the one that creates more well-being. Rule utilitarianism, one that stresses the integrity of morality and rules, is a belief that actions are morally justified if the action is in compliance with a specific moral →

The important tasks of the job essay

Job analysis is the formal process of identifying the content of a job in terms activities involved and attributes needed to perform the work and identifies major job requirements. Through job analysis, the analyst needs to understand what the important tasks of the job are, how they are carried out, and the necessary unman qualities →

How they might impact on children’s behaviour essay sample

The disciplinary strategies and styles of B5817565 Parenting that Diane uses could be completely different to that of Thomas and Rowanna's parents. However I believe that the three parenting styles have the biggest impact on the way a child behaves as they seem to have more of a mental affect and can be carried with →

Business law

Geoff breached his fiduciary duty when he decided to sell his own trees to Jody and sell Tree Farm Corporation's trees at a discount without the consent of the owner. Breaching fiduciary duties is against the law, and for this reason, Tree Farm Corporation should sue Geoff for acting in a manner that is adverse →

Qualitative and quantitative social/behavioral inquiry

The main purpose of qualitative research is to achieve a well-rooted understanding of human behavior as well as explanations as to what regulates human behaviour. 1980s and 1990s saw the evolvement of novel methods of qualitative research aimed to cure the probable problems with reliability as well as inaccurate methods of data analysis.

Political behaviour in organisations essay sample

The differential between group and team dynamics stems from the foundation definitions, Group is defined as a social community in which members have a commonality, the commonality need not be significant but enough for relativity. There is a strong causal link between the environment a team endures to outcomes such as KPI's, Profitability of that →

Brain response of behavior

Thecommunicationprocess of neurons in the brain is a complex electrochemical process from one neuron to the next in a series of chemical reaction to pass the message. It is a point of worth to note that, once message diffuses through the synaptic cleft to the postsynaptic neuron, there are several neurons that will receive the →

Intellectual beauty

The speaker asks the Spirit, whose power descended upon his youth like that truth of nature, to supply " calm" to his " onward life" the life of a man who worships the Spirit and every form that contains it, and who is bound by the spells of the Spirit to " fear himself, and →

Compare and contrast

One of the typical gestures between lovers is holding hands; in that way, Christina Rossetti is obviously reffering to a beloved one." Remember" is a person talking in the present, hoping that someone to remember in the future." Remember me when I am gone away.", shows that the speaker in the poem wants her lover →

Major concerns of simon armitage`s poetry

Poem" is one of Armitage's life problem poems When You do not remember the good things a person has done but the bad things a person has done you remember. Also he starts off the poem with " And if it snowed andsnowcovered the drive" which is like the poem is the second part of →

Backdrop addresses cowboy analyses essay sample

This idea could also be said to be suggested in the beginning of the poem when the West is described as a hyphenated " almost-" with " silly" continuing on the next line. This shows that the cowboy is not infallible and once again puts the backdrop in a superior position to the cowboy.

“stopping by woods on a snowy evening” by robert frost

In the poem, the speaker seems to be travelling through the woods with his partner the horse. In this poem, sleep means death, and the speaker is saying that before he dies, he has to do many things

Poem commentary: constantly risking absurdity by lawrence ferlinghetti essay sample

But another subtler theme of the poem is the survival or death of the poem, which is compared to the life or death of and acrobat, as we will see later on, these depend on the one who " catches" it, in the case of the poem the public and in the case of the →

Since u went away

To collaborate this with the idea that everything reminded the persona of the departed, it seems that the persona spends his days and nights thinking about the dear person or object. As we go on to the second and third lines of the fourth stanza, we see that the persona's life is disoriented.

Critical analysis of “bird on the wire” by leonard cohen essay sample

This section is important to the poem because it helps you realize the situation and feelings of the speaker. This section is important, because it shows the conflict between the speaker and this other person, and it also gives you a hint to the cause of his problems he is trying to escape.

Poem commentary “before summer rain”

The speed of the poem in the first two stanzas has a very swift speed, " suddenly, from all the green", the use of the word " suddenly" suggests everything is happening quickly and instantly there is little time to think both for the reader and narrator. In the poem there is a shift in →

Tears, idle tears

The speaker sings of the baseless and inexplicable tears that rise in his heart and pour forth from his eyes when he looks out on the fields in autumn and thinks of the past. It is as fresh as the first beam of sunlight that sparkles on the sail of a boat bringing the dead →

comparative commentary on “salome” and “medusa” essay sample

With the help of the religious story of Salome and John the Baptist, the audience can easily understand that she had killed the man however she acts reckless and does not care about the fact that she is a murderer, which indicates the power of women. In the first stanza of the poem there is →

Ode to the west wind

Shelley's Ode to the West Wind, is a poem which allegorizes the role of the poet as the voice of change and revolution. The poet uses the epithet ' wild' for the West Wind to refer to the untamable, swift, proud, fierce and impetuous spirit of the West Wind.


The poet starts the poem with a sentence that is very direct and describes his feelings from the beginning which is " I know what the caged bird feels, alas", the word alas is an expression of the grief and sadness the poet is going through." When the sun is bright on the upland slopes, →

Example of mgmt444 ip #5 research paper

The individuals also want to learn more about the other members that make up the team including have a good understanding of the task that is ahead of them and how best to approach it. The best leadership theory that ensures maximum productivity in a team is Relationship leadership theory as it involves all the →

Geography research papers examples

The tourism industry is a unique industry in the world since the production of goods and services occurs at the same time and place as their consumption. The differences between the visitors and the hosts are a vital reason for the tourist from the West traveling to Latin America and Caribbean.

Example of firearms should not become illegal research paper

Owning a gun for the purpose of hunting only is possibly the commonest of arguments in the USA, although a lot of hunters, through contact and experience with different forms of firearms, become easy with their use and frequently may wish to own guns for other purposes too. To refute a person the right to →

Research paper on profile of an interest group

The organization seeks to ensure the rights and wellbeing of each and every war veteran and of the service members who is their member is well taken care of by the government. In 1993, a bridge in the city of Chicopee was renamed as " American Legion Memorial Bridge" by the commonwealth of Massachusetts as →

Good example of good behaviour games as an intervention for maladaptive behaviour: a literature literature review

For this reason, the use of good behaviour games as a remedy for maladaptive behaviours is effective because it " moulds" preschool up to third grade students to realize the essence of obeying rules, which is feasible through avoidance of maladaptive behaviours. Medland & Stachnik further notes the effectiveness of good behaviour games as an →

Evaluation essay

It could be an illness of the cognitive department of the brain, or it could have to deal with a person's body part which is not functioning properly -Main Body:- Group discussions tend to reduce the feelings of loneliness and anxiety by a group of people sharing their problems and finding the right treatment - →

Essay on bedouin and modernity

Due to lack of water and pastoral land, the Bedouins were always on the move in search of the same for their animals. In fact, following the improvement in the transportation and communication systems, the community has been opened and connected to the rest of the world, thanks to the growing tourism activities in the →

Walmart facing discrimination lawsuit

And if Walmart utimately lost the case, the company would need to pay billion of dollars. And if that is the case, the company's workers will have more power to them.

Economic inequality

I will argue that economic inequality is perfectly Just by defending the entitlement theory and distributive Justice from the works of Robert Nonionic and analyzing the works John Rails and Michael Sanded. The only way inequality can be Just is if the inequality favors the least off members of society." The aim is to use →

Discrimination and media

Media Issue on Discrimination The media has played a role in tackling discrimination by creating awareness to the people in anti-discrimination. Reports from the media can sensitise law enforcers to be sympathetic and pass laws that outlaw such kind of discrimination in getting employment opportunities.

To kill a mockinbird racism, sexism, social class conflict

To be a lady in the south obviously means more than simply being a female; one has to look and act the part according to the people of that time. Class was important then as it is today and, according to Karl Marx, is the cause of all society's problems.

Free essay about responses

Also, the author takes some incredible presumptions with the implications of gay marriage, such as presuming that the teaching of gay relationships with straight ones equally is a bad thing; they state that gay marriage would bring this about, but fail to adequately explain why this is a negative. In the New York Times op-ed →

Definitions essay examples

Computers are utilized in the maintenance of electronic records in a manner which is secure, retrievable, editable and which can be used to track and maintain quality of care. It was once the only form for medical insurance for use by hospitals and other institutions in the submitting of claims to healthcare insurers.

Nursing essays example

The emerging complexity of health care systems offers challenges for advance practice nurses in their influence with the political aspects in terms of policy making and implementation of health care laws. Health care system is a combination of contributions from the different branches of government and private sectors in the society, thus, it reflects the →

Arguments for ‘invitation to treat and an offer

There is also the issue of the application of the postal rule and its limitations in the case of Tahir, the issue of instantaneous communications and when the revocation of an offer becomes effective in the case of Emma and its rules. If Alice had not altered the terms of the offer, which resulted in →

Research paper on diagnostic device applications

The purpose of these healthcare information systems and applications is to essentially reduce the possibility of medical errors, provide cost effective solutions that hasten the patient care process and ultimately improves on the productivity of the healthcare facility. This application is more advanced and contains more medical content as compared to the traditional model of →

Healthcare spending

These are " All" great things to say about the health care system but how does it affect the spending issues that U.S.is having? " The National Health Expenditure Accounts are the official estimates of total health care spending in the United States". Forecast Chaos is going on with health care spending and a lot →

From data, information and knowledge to wisdom

From Data, Information and Knowledge to Wisdom The data-information-knowledge-wisdom continuum is a concept of the transformation of data into wisdom through cognitive processes. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the progression through the four steps of the data, information, knowledge, wisdom continuum that occurs research information to answer a clinical question pertinent to →

The importance of compassionate care in nursing

It is important to be considerate of the deficits and disparities in this population in order to serve them best. This is just one of many findings that illustrate the need for proactive care in this population and the requirement for sanitary facilities.

Us coking coal specifications.pdf

4 Semifusinite Micrinite Fusinite Mineral Matter Total Inerts 9.7 3.2 6.7 7.0 26.6 0. 75 26.81 7.39 1.70 1.03 0.56 2.59 1.33 0.37 1.

“the light begins…the light ends”

Carotene is the most soluble of the pigments and as a result will be carried the farthest by the solvent. Using the formula Rf one can determine the relationship between the distances the solvent traveled to the distance the pigment traveled Materials and Methods for LAB 1: Materials: In the first lab they used filter →

Chemistry in the development of synthetic gemstones

The diamond seller DeBeers is long known to have a monopoly over the sale and distribution of diamonds across the whole world. It is also known that DeBeers has large stockpiles of diamonds that they withhold from the market so that the price stays high, and so that the public still sees the diamond as →

Chemistry for dummies

Knowing this pattern is useful in many aspects of chemistry, including predicting the bonding situation of a particular atom and in the prediction of the geometry of a covalent compound. 01 * kilo- = 1, 000 The Basic Chemistry of Acids and Bases A lot of chemistry requires you to understand the difference between acids →

Determination of zinc and nickel concentration essay sample

In the second method, the unknown was analyzed through the atomic absorption spectroscopy of the mixture. The 30 mL sample was transferred to the top of the column.

Multistep synthesis of benzilic acid

With the literature melting-point value of benzil being 95oC, the product was deemed of pure enough quality to be used in the preparation of Benzilic acid. The product was then transferred into a flask containing 3mL of water at 70oC and then stirred.

Chemicals are everywhere: impact on reproduction

In 39% of these cases the problem involves the woman, in 20% the man and in 26% both; there are also 15% of cases where no specific clinical disorder can be identified as the cause. Phthalates are found in a variety of industrial and consumer products, and as they are not covalently bound to the →

Blast furnace

Blast furnace consists of five constructive elements: top cylindrical part is top throat, that is necessary for the charging and distribution of burden in furnace; the highest splayed conic part is shaft, where the heating process of materials and the reducing of iron from oxides pass; the widest cylindrical part is belly, in which the →

Precision worldwide, inc havard case study

By immediately stopping production of the steel rings PWI will lose quite a bit ofmoney, but in the long run they will be able to bring in a larger profit and more clientele with the production of the plastic rings. During the production phase of the new plastic rings, PWI can try to sell all →

Cellular energetics study guide

NAD+ - oxidizes glucose to 2 pyruvate in glycolysis, oxidizes pyruvate to CO2 in the Kreb's cycle 2. PGA is reduced to PGAL using the products of the light dependent reaction, NADPH and ATP 9.

The importance of the water budget

The aim of this research was to appreciate the biophysicalenvironmentand relate the importance of the water budget concept to their understanding of the hydrologic cycle, water resources and water resource management. One of the aims of the research was to determine the factors that influence the productivity and management of these water resources and to →

Free aymara chola dress essay sample

This is the traditional dress of the Aymara women for those who stay both in towns and rural areas. This in-depth study of the Aymara people of South America helps us to understand their background and culture better.

Determination of ascorbic acid content in vitamin c tablets essay sample

INTRODUCTION To calculate the mass of the ascorbic acid and hence the mass percentage of ascorbic acid in the vitamin C tablet. Calculate the mass of ascorbic acid in the vitamin C tablet and thus the mass percentage of ascorbic acid.the mass of ascorbic acid in the 25ml of the solution is 106.9mg.the mass of →

Solids: recrystallization and melting points essay sample

The mixed melting point of the unknown with the benzoic acid was 107. Recrystallization involves dissolution of a solid in a solvent at elevated temperatures and the reformation of the crystals as the solution cools, allowing for impurities to remain in the solution.

Comparison of australia and india in water sustainability

Despite the fact that India has a testing monetary circumstance and immense interest for the water and power they stepped up with regards to the support of sustainability to participate in decreasing the world's climatic change demand for the water and electricity they took the initiative for the sustainability energy to take part in reducing →

Global warming and ocean acidification research paper example

The cause of global warming has been mainly due to the effect of greenhouse gases that absorb and give off infrared radiation coming from the sun increasing temperatures on the surface of the earth and the lower atmosphere. In conclusion, the causes of ocean acidification and global warming range from artificial to nature.

Statistics essay sample

The number of chosen objects is proportional to the number of objects in group. For example, we can test hypothesizes that content of substance in the water samples is greater, less, equal or not equal to the certain value.

Benzathine benzylpenicillin

As a result, the job of this researcher would be to coat the benzathine benzylpenicillin with different polymers in order to slow down the dissolving process. Then, this researcher will use a visible spectrospectry to determine the concentration of the drug in the water.

Good movie review about fracknation

The movie tries to prove its authenticity to the anti-frackers about the importance of fracking, and how essential it is for any nation to generate energy and gas. McAleer provokes Joshua fox, the director of Gasland; a documentary that released in 2010, to prove fracking can have dangerous and ill effects on the people living →

How is racism depicted in ‘life for a life’ by alan paton? essay sample

The tone of the language in the story conveys aggression and superiority on the part of the whites and inferiority and subservience on the part of the blacks. The imagery of the valley and the river where Enoch Maarman is supposed to have slipped and died represent a barrier between the black and the white →

Nella larson’s “passing” final

She was selfish, and cold, and hard." Now moving onto Irene Redfield, she also is born of African American decent and White decent, but she decide to live her life as a Black woman and marry a black doctor and she has two sons with him. Irene is jealous and does not really like what →

Did hurricane katrina expose racism in america?

This program is a classified by Reed and Steinberg as a " relocation scheme" disguised as a voluntary program designed to remove impoverished and unemployed blacks out of the area in attempts to blot out some of the nation's more darker areas." Move to Opportunity became a perverse euphemism for policy abdication of the poor →

Argumentative essay: racial profiling in america

Many people today have the mentality that people of color are the people who do the most wrong, but not every person of color is a criminal. People of color should not be used to the effects of racial profiling.

Difficulties interracial couples experience

The interactions with people that mixed couples experience can be viewed as symbolic interactions because the gestures and words that are interpreted often in negative ways can contribute to the difficulties faced. This generation is commonly the population participating in interracial unions and they are often more accepting." Their parents however, are not as educated →