Genuine Review Examples

Analytical paper :the legal perspective

When the crises hit the home-owners and they couldnt keep up with the impossibly high repayments, they now seek the protection of the law and filing lawsuits against the borrowers. If the mortgage documents clearly stipulate that your lender violated the Truth in Lending Act you are also able to file a lawsuit on the →

Review of “the goal” by eliyahu goldratt

Alex Rogo, as his protagonist and his struggle to get a loss making company to a profit making one along with his family in the back-ground, obviously an important one, to explain the drudgeries of a manufacturing engineer's life. The book mainly talks about the protagonist, Alex, his superiors and his team along with his →

Theories and role in life development

Moral conscience is governed by the super-ego aspect of the mind while the ego is the balancing part that ensures that the desires of the id and the superego are balanced. Although Piaget proposed four stages, that is, the sensorimotor, Preoperational, Concrete operational and Formal operational, it is in the concrete operational stage that I →

When the jobs inspector calls: an article review

The success that Apple has achieved could mean that they do not need to take any of the mistreatment allegations seriously, but all the evidence points to the opposite. I think that many large corporations choose to outsource work to foreign third world countries is so they can take advantage of the loose labor laws →

Jason fried: why work doesnt happen at work

The main theme as expressed in Fried's talk is distractions in offices are the cause of low productivity. As a suggestion to effective leadership, Fried Jason challenges leaders to allow subordinates to use passive tools of communication like emails and IM among others to allow them effectively handle tasks whenever they consider them necessary and →

“cat in the rain” review essay

Griffin's review of Ernest Hemingway's work " Cat in the Rain" was an interesting one. A man that fears nothing but yet needs the gentle stroking of a woman's touch to calm his fears.

Movie summary and review

HOW GANDHI WAS ABLE TO INITIATE SOCIAL CHANGES IN INDIA How Gandhi was Able to Initiate Social Changes in India The oppression of the minorities andof the citizens in countries which were occupied by large empires all nearly came to a point when the fight for freedom and sovereignty has become inevitable. If Gandhi was →

Biology 3350 test 5 review

What is the overall function of the kidneys? What is the bulk of the energy used for by the kidney?

A review of the grand alliance

Through the union of the world's largest colonial power, Great Britain, the greatest Communist nation, the Soviet Union, and the world's greatest capitalist country, the United States, came the establishment of The Grand Alliance. This included many significant battles such as the Battle of Midway, the Battle of Normandy, the Battle of Stalingrad, and the →

Play review: “annie” essay

And they have a cogent evidence that they were Annie's parents because of her pendent she was have oning when she's a babe and when they left her in the orphanhood. Hannigan reported to the constabulary that she was losing.until Annie was already found by the constabulary and returned her into the orphanhood.

Deforestation: review of literature

The research which they have conducted can be used in the research for the deforestation of the Amazon as their research can help in many regards from climatic attitude of Amazon to types of plants present in the forests of the Amazon. The research has been conducted in this manner that there are expert opinions →

Women in politics: the iron lady (margaret thatcher)

Women in politics: the iron lady Preview Iron Lady is a movie that explains the life and timesof Margaret Thatcher who was the first British woman Prime minister. She lives in the past and always remember her times as the Prime Minister as a result of great support of Dennis Thatcher who is now in →

Literature review: looked after children

" Looked after children" is the legislative term for children and young people in public care introduced in the 1989 Children Act and includes children who are subject to supervision and live with family members as well as looked after and accommodated children who live with foster carers or in residential schools or care homes. →

Patient need during mechanical ventilation literature review

Literature related to augmentive and alternative communication methods Literature related to patients satisfaction Wojnicki-Johansson conducted a study among nurses to evaluate the communication of mechanically ventilated patients in the ICU. 63% of patients reported being unsatisfied with their communication process without the communication board and with the board, 77% were satisfied.

The lords of dogtown

Inevitably, the skate furor got on, and the young men discovered achievement, especially Alva, who turns into an overnight superstar because of the public relations controls of a promoter played by the ever-vivacious Johnny Knoxville. Peralta picks easier advancements over the allure and fabulousness of Alvas vocation, while Adams plummets into posse life in the →


Aspects of sexual involvement strongly advocated in the movies and the nudity aspect that have both grown into the present day society. Potential Impact of Nudity on Our Current Society Nudity and the aspect of sexuality all seem to have a relationship.

Moratoriums on building and individual irresponsibility

Webster believes that Americans substitute the words " harvest" with " slaughter" and " environment" with " home, they will embrace the habit of conserving the environment for the wild animals instead of harming them and exploiting their response to The Fashion Punk Paradox by Andrew Hyde, the author tries to portray the real →

A review of electro magnet therapy health essay

Osteoarthritis is the most common upset of the musculoskeletal system and is a effect of mechanical and biological events that destabilize tissue homeostasis in articular articulations. J & A; Markill R.' The consequence of pulsed electro magnetic Fieldss in the intervention of degenerative arthritis of the articulatio genus and cervical spinal column.


Review of Equal Opportunity, Our National Myth By JOSEPH STIGLITZ The article is talking about the scar of opportunities in the US much as it is claimed that it is a land of opportunities. This is also despite the fact that the president reaffirmed in his inaugural speech of the fight to ensure equality among →

A review of plato’s meno essay sample

In the text, he refers to knowledge as the form and definition of something that is changeless, where as true opinion can be altered and is not restricted in the way knowledge is by having standards of a form. Socrates applies to the concept of knowledge, to the concept of what one knows and does →

Reviews in evidence-based practice

One of the purposes of meta-analysis is to reduce the uncertainty or controversy, and to reduce the bias and increase precision of the conclusions of a review. In this way, it is possible for the reader to replicate the process of the review and establish the generality and transparency of scientific findings.

T.g.i.f restaurant review

F Restaurant Review It was rainy, crowded and loud at the entrance, the smell of cigarette and rum filled the air of the lobby area. Although we were a party of 6 and the place was packed, the wait was only 15 minutes.

Literature review

The synthesis of both of these articles therefore would suggest that though the transsexual children are ignored by their families, schools and even the department of children, however, they have the capability to develop their own internal images of how to deal with the different difficult and easier situations. Menvielle also argues on the role →

Literature review on the history of human trafficking

The scope andsize of trafficking is hard to estimate because the crime is usually donesecretly and tends to be hidden even from the police. The purpose of this research paperis to present a history of trafficking in human beings and to discuss ways inwhich victims are recruited to enslave and sell people.

Review of lawrence bohr’s organization

Some of his books include Explaining Organizational Behavior: The Limits and Possibilities of Theory and Research and The Causes of Human Behavior: Implications for Theory and Method In the Social Sciences. He has also written a lot of journal articles and papers-Some of his works Include Determinants of Innovation In Organizations and The Concept of →

Peer review powerpoint presentation against death penalty

However, the language used is not very professional and legislative as expected in relation to the subject of concern. Conclusion The document delivers the message the intention; however, it has failed to meet all the requirements of such a document in the finer and clear set up.

Family movie review

While there are many facets of life presented in the film such as relationships and choices, the most overbearing feature of the film is probably its characterization of family life. To be truly happy, Ben has to reconnect with Wendy and it is I this that the family concept of love is clearly brought out.

The colonialism: a brief review

The reason why economic factors behind ethnic conflict are not obvious at the outset is due to the fact that comparative studies of ethnic conflicts show a near-universal relationship between ethno-national conflict and economic causation. Connor's study of conflicts in these regions leads him to the conclusion that the role of economic disparity between groups →

Movie review: music & lyrics essay sample

But Alex is really talented musician and when his manager provide for him a comeback chance to compose a song for the teen pop sensation Cora Corman for her upcoming concert, he jumps on it, but has one small problem: Alex has not written a song for ages and needs to create this one in →


The theory is by Lev Vygotsky and was aimed at explaining the psychological changes and development in children. The relation of language to maturity and psychological development is also analyzed.

Dharma punx: a book review

Born in 1971, his parents hailed from the " hippies" generation of the 1960's where they revolted against the establishment at the height of theVietnam Warand one of their mantras was " Make Love, Not War!" as well as the overflowing freedom of expression of their generation that also indulged in free drugs and sexual →

Six thinking hats review essay

The prime factor that made me read this book again and again is the basic premise that the book is based upon- problems are best solved by thinking about them in an orderly fashion and looking at the problem and the solution from different angles." Thinking is the ultimate human resource. The Six Thinking Hats →

Literature review on organisational change management essay

Its major objective is to maximize the collective benefits for all people involved in the change and minimise the risk of failure to change. It has to overcome the resistance in the organisation and make the change as a successful venture.

A review of the domino theory history essay

A certain situation that the Domino Theory could be applied to is the rise of power of the Soviet Union from 1917 to the 1980's. The Soviet Union was a communist threat to the rest of the world for the next 70 years.

Ap global midterm review

After a period of rebuilding and reorganization, the sections under the control of the United States, England, and France were returned to the control of the German government. The first goal was to establish a new balance of power in Europe, which would preventimperialismwithin Europe, such as the Napoleonic Empire, and maintain the peace between →

The culture factor – harvard business review

Attracting, recruiting, and hiring the " best and the brightest," Is a critical first step in the process of building intellectual capital. Says Nephew CEO Mark Sunny, " At the end of the day, we are competing with everyone else for the best talent, and this is a generation that is very concerned with theenvironment." →

The devil in the white city: a book review

The success of the building is later hindered by the assassination of Henry Harrison, Chicago's Mayor, which leads to the closing of the fair. The author also makes sense with the use of Burnham as the main character who represents the right people in the society and Dr.

Review of factors influencing rental values in general economics essay

The purpose of this paper is to explain the determinants of rental values of a commercial property market in Nigeria, highlighting the display of rental volatility and why it is so. In Nigeria, Lagos State in particular has a population of 15 million and 70% of residents are tenants and housing demand is estimated to →

The article review

In conclusion, retailers could stop the trend of showrooming through exclusive issue of products and conduction of campaigns that advise customers to avoid excessive costs that they have to pay because of online shopping. More so, retail stores could use the new trend of showrooming to move their shoppers to their online venue where they →

Review of literature on cancer pain foot massage nursing essay

The occurrence of pain in later phases of cancer approaches 70-80% one of the major threats of patients with cancer pain, which can occur as a result of the cancer itself or its treatment. In conclusion, the therapeutic massage is a beneficial nursing intervention that promotes relaxation and alleviates the perception of pain in hospitalized →

Four hour in my lai

The Pinkville massacre as it was popularly referred to, occurred in an quiet little village in Central Vietnam, which suddenly found itself caught in the center of a bitter war between the Americans and the Vietcong a pro-communist guerilla army that was resisting the American advancement in their country. The Charlie Co, was hence given →

Communication class

Relationship development is showcased immediately from the beginning of the film " Sam & Janet". The largest discrepancy in the film for relationship development is the same ultimate plot conflict in which Janet was strategically placed in each environment she happened to meet up with Sam.

Example of article review on lexical decision

Level 3: The top string was a word while the bottom string was a non-word. Level 5: The top string was a non-word while the bottom string was a non-word too.

Cheap amusement book review

Dereck Rickman Scott Keys History 9September2012 In the book, Cheap Amusements: Working Women and Leisure in Turn-of-the-Century New York, Piess takes the reader on the journey of trials and tribulations in working-class women's lives in the turn of the century. Going in depth of the unfair familial roles and societal female disparities, all the way →

Employee turnover: literature review

From this another study we get understanding that employee turnover is a big problem and it is a difficult task for human resources manager to reduced employee turnover in asia.we study that the attitude of employees are not positive, employees having negative attitude, because they think there is shortege of labour and it is not →

Bend it like beckham review essay

Her mother attempts to replace the love for sports with a knowledge of cooking, but it only fuels Jess' desire to escape the fate her parents have in store for her. There's a pair of scenes near the end of the film where he finally comes to realize that his daughter needs to play in →

Scientific review

With permits that are tradable the diffusion of technology leads to a decrease in permit price equilibrium leading to lesser incentive for adoption of the technology. According to Rosenberg in the instance of regulation of decisions taken by gasoline refiners at the period of the phasing out of leaded fuel, increase in regulatory stringency played →

The best poems of the great authors

The metaphor of cold water as anesthetic is used in order to reveal the numbness of both for the people. The phrase, " We all go" that is used multiple times in the poem is again revealing about the inevitability of death.

Understanding knowledge management: a literature review

This paper presents review of literature on Knowledge management characterizing the various terminologies and aims to explore the world of KM in a different way, to review the current status and analyze the main contributions, agreements and disagreements among researchers and practitioners. By comparing and doing the critical analysis of these approaches, the major stages →

Review of related literature and studies psychology essay

Four factors are predictive of U.S.children's adjustment to the divorce of their parents: the passage of time, the quality of the children's relationship with their residential parent, the level of conflict between parents, and the economic standing of the children's residential family. A common explanation for the problems found among the children of single parents →

Yahoo`s stragegy formulation & implementation article review examples

Firstly, as the mission of Yahoo! is to create a " deeply personal digital experiences" and to keep " people connected", the expansion into local content and the alliances with technological companies makes it easier to enhance user experience in a way consistent with the company vision. The attention Yahoo! has received regarding its strategic →

Product review case studies example

The consumer comments helps them to create a and connected and meticulously planned promotion that in essence helps the retail and also the hype of a product launch get a buzz through the comments by creating a domino effect in terms of subliminally promoting the features and the brands image through the customer reviews. Therefore, →

A consideration of the expected efficiency of proposed new structures for corporate literature review examples

According to the International Standards of Accounting and Corporate Governance, corporate governance should be benchmarked on five broad categories for disclosure; auditing, management structures and processes, corporate responsibility and compliance, financial transparency and information disclosure and ownership structures and the exercise of control of rights. The Journal of Business and Economic Studies, Vol.

Free research paper on fortune 100 review: google inc

The Fortune list of companies is an international list of companies updated each year, which provides the names of the top grossing and most profitable companies of that year. Microsoft recognized the growing popularity of the company and its products and tried to launch products in competition with their Google Search engine.

Free let my people go surfing book review example

As a co-founder of the business Chouinard provides a moving autobiography regarding the inception of the Patagonia and the management policy that is typifies an authentic success in business and in life. This is a noble gesture on the part on the company as it is clear that the company perceives happiness and healthy living →

Good book review on pestle analysis on unilever

PESTLE analysis is a strategic tool that tends to study the macro environmental aspects of the business for instance the growth/decline in the market, positioning of the business, and the potential for operations etc. The Vice Chancellor who is also the leaders and chief executive of the university is responsible for the day-to-day management of →

Distribution of power in b2b networks literature reviews example

The business to business communication and negotiation between retailers and suppliers shows the distribution of power between the buyer and the seller, wherein the seller benefits of various advantages for influencing the seller's activity. Summarizing Kumar's study Fernie and Sparks note that the relationship between suppliers and retailers can be categorized in different dependency levels, →

Ethical drift makes standards slip article reviews examples

We need leaders that have an understanding of what is right and what ought to be done with the power people have invested in them. After this it is the job of the people leading others to set a precedent that should be followed in all facets of company practices.

Example of article review on products

Technology epiphanies refer to various strategies that led to the emergency of such products as apple's creation. Therefore, it is fundamental to note that in any conventional development of products, different companies are obliged to look for any updated technology that assist them in serving their current needs, as well as those of their clients.

Good brief summary article review example

The article is solely based on growing concern of parents across the world regarding the maturity ratings of android and iOS apps. A comparison study of maturity ratings on Android and iOS Applications ".

Article review on is google really making us stupid

What the internet is doing to our brains," writer Nicholas Carr suggest that while Internet has helped today's generation gain limitless amount of information at the click of a mouse, this easy access to information comes at a cost. Some opponents to Carr's article may contend to his theory that Google and Internet are changing →

Review of samsung tactics in overcoming its leadership woes

Despite of the fact that the company's leadership was accused of corruption and embezzlement of funds and the recalling of its top loading washing machine in 2016 along with the issue of its popular Note 7 smartphones which had a battery flaw that can cause it to burst into flames, the company is struggling hard →

Example of automotive historical people book review

He was recognized, albeit posthumously as the engineer of the century in 1999 in the International Motorsport Hall of Fame. This work was the first to show the talent that the young engineer had.

Marketing and sales practice article review example

According to this article, the primary audiences are the company executives who impose accountability by creating a new set of associations between the purpose and the rest of the organization. The companies need to be the marketing vehicles while the marketing organization should be the customer engagement vehicle responsible for creating priorities and stimulating dialogue →

Free book review on steve jobs – what a biography of the igenius says

This essay is aimed at illumining the life of Steve Jobs and his endowments to the world along with the review of his authorised biography named Steve Jobs, written by Walter Isaacson. He was taken to be a temperamental manager and after a series of discussions by Board of Directors, Steve Jobs was removed from →

Good confessions of an economic hit man book review example

It also is about how the elites of the lesser developed countries are in cahoots with the international financial institutions and the US to push their countries into deeper economic dependence and ruin. The reader is then told about the sweet heart deal the US makes with the Saudi's and how the Saudi petro dollars →

Southwest airline corporate culture article review examples

In the event that there are passengers who just want to sleep and utilize the time to rest during the flight after a long day's work, Southwest should be able to respect the needs and wants of the customers. They should also know when is the right time to conduct the games and other recreational →

Desperate air business law literature review examples

In such a situation, Nash has to consider his own career at Desperate Air, his relationship with the managers at his work place, his company's financial situation, the Fledglings Industry Company, the law point of view and even the fact that the property may end up being a residential area in the near future. Nash's →

Marketing strategy and production review of patanjali

According to many who hark back to the country's Vedic past, once a norm and a go-to medicine in the country, has seen a revival of sorts in the last two years, coinciding with the advent of the BJP government that has brought in cow protection laws. The demand for gomutra whether as a medicine, →

Monitoring employees on networks: unethical or good business article review samples

The key message of the article is that the continued use of internet for social purposes during work hours has negative effects on people's concentration at workplaces. The article reiterates the importance of technology and internet in companies and their dependence in information sharing and innovation despite the dangers that technology poses on businesses.

Good example of review of ethics and technology in wal-mart case study

The ethical dilemma in Wal-Mart arose from the conflict in the organizations strategies and the plight and views of the employees. We also find that the employees have forwarded their fears and complaints about the adoption of a computerized work scheduling system to the company through workers' rights advocates.

Using the transfer pricing and tax treaties between contries us companies cut their article review example

The current system allows offshore profits to be exempted from U.S.taxes to encourage the formation of foreign subsidiaries and maximize U.S.companies' earnings from such. But in a nutshell, the roots of their problems lie on their dependence to offshore sales for profit, and the high tax rates in the U.S.

Article review on branding turkish olive oil for export

The name of the new Taris brand should communicate both the characteristics of the oil and its health benefits, while being easily understandable for the American users. The colour combination of the logo and bottles should emphasise green and white, which would help to outline the purity of the product and its natural content.2.

Free literature review on differences between black men and white men

The civilian labor force has been used to measure the level of inequality between the blacks and the whites; the use of comparison of the wage earned has been pointed out as an inaccurate means due to the factors underlying this issue. The difference in wages has been attached to the low potential of the →

International business machine company review

It is the one of the leading research company and has a record of holding the highest US patents and copyrights of software by corporation till today for two invention includes PC, the floppy disk, hard drive and the auto teller machine, magnetic cards barcode technology, the relational database, the SQL programming lanugos.the company's →

Free article review on revelant to the study of finance

The article is related to increase in earnings for Australian companies and how this affects the sentiments of investors, which in turn affect the value of the stock index. The major finding of this article is that ASX 200 index, that is an index made up of the 200 of the biggest companies in Australia →

Advice to the cbc board article review

The company's Board must hire a lawyer to represent in the case and all the proceedings. To deal with the issue, the board must take the right step to restore public confidence and inform the public that the company and Ghomeshi are separate entities and the law must be followed to the latter.

Good an effective advertising literature review example

Through the scrutiny of an Etienne Aigner and a Louis Vuitton advert from ELLE Magazine or publication, it is easy to highlight the advertisement success or achievement of the Louis and the failures of the Etienne advert. One of the primary aspects of an ad is its capacity to extend and link to the target →

Article review on fundamental concepts of corporate finance

A survey on America's best companies in the book In Search for Excellence identified the best managed and also the " unexcellent" companies. In the 1988- 1992 period, there was a domination by reversion in the price/ earnings and price to book ratios.

Free enron movie review example

In the documentary Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room, director Alex Gibney tells the story of the fall of the energy company through a series of stories on the characters involved, using a lot of archival videos. Enron was basically a Ponzi scheme, and the scandal was similar to the Bernie Madoff saga of →

The five dysfunctions of team book review

The author mentions that for a team leader, it is very important to have unity in team and team should work in same direction to achieve common goal. For an individual and team to grow it is always required to have a healthy conflict instead of pinpointing each other and also to resolve the conflict →

Free article review on occupational fraud

Occupational fraud is a fraud that is committed by the employee to an employer is also called employee fraud, there are much common in most companies which it leads to financial much as the people working stay in the company they will hide the fraud forever. The relevance of the article to the →

Hard rock caf strategic review report

Recent developments of the company s activities into related sectors of the industry, such as casino and casino resorts, places emphases on the analysis of its diversification strategy and allows putting into perspective the challenges and opportunities that the company will face in near and long-term future. The involvement of the Hard Rock Group in →

Authors jeffrey pfeffer and robert i sutton article review sample

Dwelling on the importance of making the right decision for managers, the authors emphasize the obvious at first sight, yet not fully researched and not always considered, step towards this tough process that every manager faces on a daily basis before the actual decision-making, a good manager is required to study the issues inside out →

What are the typical reasons of doing turnover in company article review

It is more than a rapid grateful for functioning with the organizations and all the fine in the new job, other than a controlled chain of inquisitive inquiries that are definite to both of the job and the employee and planned to draw out the utmost amount of helpful information. J, & Davis, S.W.

Food inc movie reviews examples

Big supermarkets, great marketing and images of nice food are pushing people to consume more, to eat more and to ask for more. Working conditions are hard; debts are pressing them to do more and to ask for new loans and it is constant struggle.

How marketing can reduce worldwide poverty article review example

In this cases marketing activities should not be restricted to the promotion and sales, but can also incorporate a complex set of skills that could help to engage the " world's poor" in the decision-making process regarding social benefits and policies that target the underrepresented. The core of the program suggested by Rangan and McCaffrey →

Good article review about sarbanes-oxley act and auditing

Auditing through the computers and auditing around the computer will affect Microsoft Corporation operations depending on the choice of its auditors. D, & Kana, S.P.

Supply dynamic company review

In October 2003, the company incorporated itself as a limited liability company with the consciousness of keeping low cost and a more focused approach about the consumers' need which added a significant value to them. Lack of commitment of the top management to the business was a major problem.

Book review on warner brothers

The company has a long history of working in this industry and was founded in the year 1923 by four brothers, since its establishment the company is working in the entertainment sector and has made new heights in the industry. An employee of Warner bros.was killed in the war by Nazis and company made a →

Example of literature review on green supply chain management

There is also the need to oversee how the different waste products that are emitted from the company are well disposed of to ensure that there is compliance with the green chain supply chain management regulations. It is clear through the strategies in the need for green supply management that there is a need to →

Example of the ritz-carlton hotel company article review

Before the opening of a hotel, every employee is required to take Seven Day Countdown training a standardized training procedure designed to solidify and improve the employee's grasp of what excellent personalized hotel services the management wants them to deliver. With regards to changes in the training duration of employees, McBride is yet to know →

Windows 8: a review essay

Windows 8 on the new generation of laptops and PCs allow users to enjoy the pleasure of using a laptop and a tablet at the same time. The chief criticism of Windows 8 is the lack of apps available for it.

Example of article review on culture risk eu and the uk

The difference with the biggest impact for businesses is the fact that the UK did not adopt the single currency, Euro, with the rest of the European member countries. Also a discussion is offered to try to determine the amount of culture risk in the UK and its relationship with the EU as well as →

Example of o’rourke’s front page strategy review essay

He argues that an ethics statement is the best way to define the moral behavior of a company. Definition of Business Ethics for communication manager Analyzing the successful moral behavior in a business is the part of ethics important to a communication manager.

Theories on personality development literature review

Schulz and Heckhausen basically attribute personality development in late adulthood and successful ageing to the ability to control diversity and selectivity and also the ability to explicate compensation for failure or lack of success. Also Lupien and Wan argue that personality development in late adulthood and successful ageing actually is associated with development in the →