Genuine Review Examples

Good literature review on world literature: unit two test questions

One of the Puritan beliefs is that happiness is to be found through a direct relationship with " God in Heaven", as opposed to the enjoyment of earthly comforts. In their literature, they are most concerned with the expression of their devotion to God, as well as the acknowledgment of the presence of God's will β†’

A whole new mind

Another way that my organization and I can foster the idea of play is being humorous with our students and us. Another is the idea that play is essential to my classroom and environment as it brings happiness and joy.

Literature review

Cox and Marshall carried out a review of ICT posing the question ' Effects of ICT; Do we know what we should know?' both authors of this paper have a prolific reputation in the area of ICT and education over the past decade and their paper addresses the importance of increasing β†’

Frank mccourt: teacher man

He comments the following: " I was learning that teachers and kids have to stick together in the face of parents, supervisors and the world in general." Also, there is this thrilling moment in the book where a father simply walks in his class and starts beating his son. The reader witnesses how β†’

Teaching for long-term retention and transfer article review

In this response paper, I will go over three of the principles outlined in the article and discuss how I could apply them to my own strategies, thereby enhancing my level of skill at retaining information and using it in a non-class setting. The first principle I would like to discuss is number 2, which β†’

Coping strategies used by international students to deal with stress while studying literature review

In particular, students from Asian countries and the Indian subcontinent tend to struggle with social integration in Australia, although there is no evidence that the language barrier affects their studies in any real way (Yeh and Inose 2010; Lin and Yi 1997). Lin and Yi suggest that the first step to addressing the β†’

Red cliff movie review example

The war had been fought 8 years earlier between the numerically superior forces of Cao Cao, who was the Northern warlord and the southernly allied forces of Liu Bei and Sun Quan. The political struggle was between the warlords who ruled regions of the former Hans Empire. In spite β†’

Free literature review on the impact of business planning on strategic planning program

In regard to program planning, it becomes imperative for the nursing practitioner to adopt both the strategic and business planning approach so that the program designed becomes effective and have the ability of maximizing on the involvement of the intended populations affected by the disease especially in policy formulation and β†’

Evaluation of the article article review sample

The article was published on the twenty fourth or August in the year two thousand and seven. Summary of the Article The article is focused on the process of taking patient history. The article also outlines the rationale for ensuring that by the end of the assessment process, a comprehensive history of the patient β†’

Free book review on history of the united states since 1877

The United States Fights in the " War to End All Wars, " 1917 1918 World War I was a debut of the United States in the international military power in that it had positive and negative effects. The collapse of the Allied forces led to decolonization and creation of new nations in the β†’

Free the curious researcher book review example

In this chapter, the author teaches how to choose a good strategy for the research. The main idea that I liked from this chapter is that the author taught readers how to use all the sources and means of getting them.

Oedipus rex critical analysis literature review sample

Although being clever enough as to solve the Sphinx's riddle thus ascending to the throne of Thebes, Oedipus can also be considered as na ve as he rejects the truth about his fate that is presented right before him. Conflict is propagated in an ingenious manner in this narrative. In β†’

Parental involvement in special education article review

The purpose of the study The purpose of this study as expressed by Muller is to analyze the role and the importance of parents to their children education and how to handle gender disparities. It is a case study of children till the age of adolescence on the role of parents in the β†’

Birth plans article review examples

The article " Birth Plans: Are They Really Necessary?" discusses the practice of using birth plans in regulating relationships between womenand labor and delivery facilities. Birth plans do not merely express parents' desires, as argued by Stacy Lepsch, but represent a product of an extensive dialogue between the future family and caregivers.

Thoughts on alexies lahiris and erdrichs short stories literature review examples

It is also a vital piece of his heritage, soul, and connection to life that perhaps will prevent his total " disappearance". Part of Jhumpa Lahiri's story, The Third and Final Continent, is about social and cultural differences and how people adapt or not to change in both. Without the passing on of the story, β†’

Example of raising succesful children article review

The surface of the playground would have been the same grass as the rest of the field that made up the park. The end result will be a generation of young adults who are basically unable to take care of themselves, because their parents will have left them practically and emotionally unable to fend for β†’

Children of heaven movie review examples

But nevertheless, almost penniless, the whole family stays friendly to each other, not forgetting their family responsibilities and cultural values. Physical setting between poor and rich neighborhoods Watching the movie, the difference between poor and rich neighborhoods can be seen only once, thus not being the main point of β†’

Good example of book review on sitting still like a frog

The basic concept of the introduction to the actual mindfulness meditation for parents and their children comprises the activities or practices that help the small children. The author also has accompanied a CD, which helps the readers, who are the parents to get guides with the aid of a meditation audio voice done by β†’

Free waiting for superman; reflection movie review example

There is a manifestation of lack of confidence in public schools by Guggenheim and parents captured in the movie. The conditions of these schools force the parents to look for their children admission in a charter schools.

Memoirs of a geisha: a book report book review examples

For years, Chiyo's dream was to meet the Chairman once more, thus, her desire to become a geisha was born. She soon meets Mameha, the most prominent geisha in Japan, known for her beauty and strength of character. They live together but because of her status as a geisha, she can never be the Chairman's β†’

Comparing psycho and the shining movie review sample

The use of black and white as a filmic technique is very interesting, as it allows for much starker cinematography, while also playing with the idea of good and evil and the duality of man Norman Bates, due to his psychotic nature and dual personalities, has these light and dark sides to him, and the β†’

What ethical issues did the research pose article reviews examples

Assent incentives for the 8th grade students in the form of a pen for the baseline survey and candy for the follow-up survey did play a role in student decision-making, as the authors observed that offering an incentive resulted in previously-reluctant students opting to take the survey. By requiring both parental and student assent, the β†’

Literature review on a rose for emily william faulkner

From the description of the big frame house, the story goes into the life of Miss Emily and how she got to where she is. The talk of the town had it that it was her dad who drew all the young man away. Nevertheless, Emily did find someone to fall in love with.

Beloved: a book report book review

The story moves from the immediate to the distant past, telling events from the present time of 1873 in Cincinnati, Ohio while citing flashback scenes from Sweet Home plantation in 1850s. Sethe, the primary protagonist of the story, suffered a great deal in her attempt to save her children from enduring the same fate that β†’

Hugo questions – 4 movie review sample

Both the book The Invention of Hugo Cabret and the Martin Scorsese film Hugo have their thematic roots in escapism - reality is represented through the dark, smoky 1930 Paris train station, and illusion is found in the films of Georges Melies. This technology both frees and burdens them; it binds them to a β†’

Example of movie review on the wedding banquet

This implies that this is not a queer cinema. Another requirement for a movie to be considered as a queer cinema is that its content describes issues and facts that are related to lesbianism and gaysm. This is also another abnormality of the gays in that the decision on whether to become a gay or β†’

Free book review on ninety percent of everything: chapter 6, 7 and 8

However, the sinking of the British crab boat; Etoile des Ondes, and the failure of ships to respond to the frantic cries of the crew, only showed " the dereliction of one of the fundamental duties of the mariner, the moral and legal obligation to go to the aid of those in peril on the β†’

Free article review on the house on the mango street

More promises remain unfulfilled in the mind of the writer and he therefore wonders the impression of that the life he lived, he lives and that awaits him and his siblings in the future. Article Review Initially the writer and his family members did not live in the house in the Mango Street but β†’

I haved lived a thousand years: growing up in the holocaust literature review examples

She gets to play in the Danube all day with her friends, showing that she feels a kinship to them. 2. Elli and Bubi are both young, exuberant children at the beginning of the book; however, Bubi is much more favored by their mother, and he lives a much more exciting life outside of town. β†’

Good example of book review on coming of age in mississippi

The story begins when Moody was four year old and her parents used to work in the field of a white man, Mr. Moody's mother, Toosweet used to leave Moody and her small sister under the care of her brother Lee when she was out in the field.

Positive aspects of breast feeding: article review essay examples

As such, there is the need to offer mother more adequate and concise information on adequate breastfeeding to young mother in order to minimize the challenges they experience while breastfeeding. How to share information with mother Overall, breastfeeding plays a crucial role in enhancing the health of infants. Overall, the community has wider array β†’

Example of what parents should do to promote good behavior to their children article review

Therefore, parents should ensure that they bring up their children in the right environment, giving them appropriate education in order to discourage them form bad behavior. Secondly, parents should teach their children right morals and discipline while the kids are still young. Therefore, parents should show love, care and discipline their children in the right β†’

George churchills aggression in sport article review example

Age and Experience Young and inexperienced athletes may not know how to balance the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions to control their aggression. From a father's example, children can learn from the earliest age what type of aggression is useful and how to channel it.

Free article review on emergency nurses

One of the key responsibilities to many nurses is having a sense of humor, which helps in lightening the tension between the nurse and the patient. This is due to the fact that the nurses involved in these programs " checks the mother's and baby's health, and offers the parents tips on topics such as β†’

The anatomy of glass ceiling

In contrast with the formal barriers, " glass ceiling" pertains " to less tangible hindrances" which are mostly based " in culture, society and psychological factors" that prevent a particular group's promotion to upper corporate positions. It is to have contended that " glass ceiling" exists although there is no concrete basis of its occurrence. β†’

Integrated marketing communications as a relationship-building strategy literature review sample

As a result, to effectively make investment in recruiting fresh donors, the organization needs to effectively to create long lasting relationships with nonprofit donors for a period longer than eighteen months. For a good number of for profit and non-profit organizations, the stakeholders who are most important are the supporters who extend donations in form β†’

Free macroeconomics article review sample

This move had an aim of reducing the deflation rate. The Bank and the Japanese government had increased the task on consumer products, and this resulted in the drop of the economic growth by a shocking 1. The Bank of Japan increased the taxes on the consumer consumption in a move to increase the inflation β†’

Example of website review essay

Customers from anywhere in the world can use this site since it has several languages namely English, Italiano, Francias, Espanol, and Deutsch. The website name "" and also its URL is very simple and satisfactory to the customers since it is easy to remember and locate it. The β†’

Driven to distraction article review examples

Most of the time students get distracted due to lack of interest or plain boredom. The cell phones are the major threat to education because nearly all students have access to it therefore they are able to communicate with one another easily while the teacher is in class. This form of distraction is relationship as β†’

Example of the norton anthology of african american literature literature review

Biographical information The selected text The Norton Anthology of African American Literature highlights the slave trade of the African population in the United States. The way in which African Americans were handled in the 17th century can be compared to the way in which immigrants and the African American population are handled in β†’

Orissa review (census special)

The entire south of the district is surrounded by the Srikakulam district of Andhra Pradesh, which also encircles a bit of the eastern boundary of the district. 78 percent population of the district and Khond Saora etc.and Shabar are the largest tribal groups in the district.

Identify the ways in which mark arax’s chapter book review examples

In this piece, I will be comparing and contrasting the ideologies of Mark Aray in the Highlands of Humbolok and James Rowl in the California Dream. On the other hand, James Rowl gives a lot of reports in his California Dream found in the California, a people, a place, a dream. This coupled with β†’

Free article review on fibromyalgia distillation article

The reported cases of the disease in the clinics are the main source of determining the prevalence of the disease. However, the clinical sources that are used in representing the distribution, as well as the disease characteristics do not give a better representation of the whole population. It is for this reason that Frederick Wolfe β†’

Suicide rates article review examples

' Suicide Rates Rise Sharply in U.S.' Life is generally considered to be the greatest gift to all of mankind. However, the value of the same life is put under scrutiny when incidences of individuals taking their own lives are observed to be on the rise.

La linea by anna jaramillo book review

La Linea comes as a help to the readers to allow them think about the issue from the side of the immigrants. The author expressly identifies the reason and applies it in relation to Miguel's parents' dreams of illegally immigrating to the California to achieve the " American dream".

Nursing literature review sample

At the rise of the global pandemic, tuberculosis has infected almost one-third of the world population with more than eight million diagnosed of the disease every year and an average of two million deaths every year. Identification of the Problem Relocation from third world to first world countries more and more determines the severity β†’

Good example of book review on quot;supporting family values” and “backasswads”

Moreover, the author disputes the complaints of the opponents of immigration that legal and illegal immigrants have difficulty adapting to the American culture. One reason for the decline of illegal immigrants is the stricter enforcement of border laws.

Fitzroy river turtle (r leukops) literature review

The water flow from the Mount Morgan Mine enters the Fitzroy from the Dee River." The Dee River flows into the Don River and then into the Dawson River before it reaches the Fitzroy River. To help the local population use the full available the Queensland Government established a web site to manage and monitor β†’

Global study article review examples

History has evidence of many environmentalists who have offered good research theories and have over expressed the need to save the environment by discussing the various scientific issues that are harmful for the humans and the environment. The study of global studies include considering the major aspects that contribute to the environment, a few of β†’

Good example of linking school siting to land use planning article review

Schools are considered to be serving a more integral role in the community hence the ideology that they are the center of the community. It is important for the establishment of the links between the schools and the land use planning.

Increasing motivation article review examples

The study tested the idea that through presenting the students with situational interest, they would be able to create intrinsic motivation in the students, and therefore this would increase the students reading comprehension. This student would then be able to form connections between the situation and the reading, and would gain β†’

The wall street journal articles literature review example

Retrieved July 4, 2014, from The Wall Street Journal Website: mod= WSJ_hp_LEFTTopStories Summarize the article: The article spoke about the strong employment rate that seems to favor the second half of 2014 in the US. Retrieved July 4, 2014, from The Wall Street Journal Website: Summarize the article: The article opened on β†’

Free article review on story: voice

The person talks to the child in a manner to show how he likes music and is fond of how the children performed and especially this young man. The sentence structure is written indirect speech to show exactly the emotions in the characters as they conversed with each other. The person shows how the performance β†’

Review of crude oil investment trend

OPEC predicts record growth in oil price in the next five years and the production growth will be led by countries outside OPEC, whereas, the demand will be led by US, China and India. Saudi Arabia can produce up to 11 million bpd but the boost in production from current level may take time. Asian β†’

Maggot debridement therapy article review

The article was published in the year 2004 in the Journal of Wound Care. This assignment aims to communicate a clear understanding of differences in research purpose and research methodology used in qualitative and quantitative research design. Discussion These two articles will be compared in terms of the following β†’

Ethical review form

What are the objectives of the research project? The object of the research project is to study the implications on the implementation of the various requirements of Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights by the developing countries who are members of the World Trade Organisation β†’

Example of article review on hospital staffing crisis

The study of nursing knowledge is important and needs to be addressed because the knowledge determines the outcome in different patient cases in a healthcare. The social aspect that contributes to the hypothesis is the opposite of the empirical data sought in the research but helps in the evidentiary part.


The effective nuclear charge is a.equal to the suns of the charges of the protons in the nucleus b.equal to the suns of the charges of the protons in the nucleus minus the sum of the electrons in the Outer shell c.lest than tire sum of the charges of the protons in the nucleus due β†’

Omar amirallays flood in baath land movie review examples

The film opens with the scene of a boat on Lake Assad, and a man speaks about how the houses of the people he knew since childhood are now drowned under the water, but that they still recall where their old homes are located. In contrast to this man's reflections, much of the film focuses β†’

Gender in the classroom article review

These tools helped show that there needs to be a change in the way that we approach the education of children, and this is not just meaning the teachers but the parents that all effect the minds of the students everyday. There is a bias that is present when discussing the education of our children β†’

Levittown by david kushner book review examples

After the war had ended and the blacks in the American soil had increased in number, the Africans started to demand for an equal treatment as the whites. This caused even more discrimination and the Africans were moved to the less productive areas. In the text, Kushner uses two families one β†’

Film review essay sample

The choice of characters in the plot of this movie is excellent. The characters within the plot of this movie present the stereotypes that they have regarding the different races that they interact with.

The politics of transitional justice: case study rwanda article review example

However, the court has overseen the prosecution of several high ranking government and influential personalities such as Jean Kambanda (the interim Prime Minister of Rwanda during the genocide) and Jean-Paul Akayesu amongst others. Given the extent and the deep resentment leading up to the genocide; the post-genocide government under Paul Kagame sought to make reconciliation β†’

What do athletes drink during competitive sporting activities: article critique article review sample

Amicably, the main point of the authors in the current article is that despite the fact that there exists standard guidelines on how athletes should rehydrate themselves while partaking in any sports events, the applicability of these guidelines has and continuous to remain a question of concern in the sporting realm. In fact, the article β†’

Example of history of visual effects literature review

According to Black , " Mass visual culture was inaugurated in the nineteenth century with the advent of a range of technologies, including the kaleidoscope, the daguerreotype, the photograph, and the cinema. According to Seale , " But, more to the point is the actual frequency and significance of such visual effects in β†’

Criminal without actually committing a crime?

Staples makes it a priority in his writing to convey to the audience that he is educated by using very professional diction. This significantly impacts the essay because it allows the reader to draw the conclusion that no matter where Staples goes he is faced with adversity because of his appearance.

When work disappears: the world of the new urban poor review

As financial problems ensue, socialstressand tension ultimately heads to the degradation of families as a unit and ultimately leads to the destruction of the society as a whole. Wilson uses real life stories as well as scientific data and evidence to call attention to the fact that America's inner city concerns such β†’

Peer reviewed

The results provide insights about the magnitude and pattern of student spending that would be helpful to college officials, community leaders, and local business owners in assessing the impacts of this spending on the local economy and local economic development. Lawrence." Differences in Spending Habits and Credit Use of College Students." The Journal of Consumer β†’

Acceptable use policy review and discussion case study examples

The policy aims to improve the protection of information technology resources and data supplied and used by Clemson University because the availability of desktop computers increased the responsibility of individual employees when safeguarding confidential information. In addition to the protection of privacy and digital resources measures outlined in the AUP, Clemson University β†’

Critiquing internet sources literature review example

Finally, the post's presentation is rather satisfactory and there are no grammar or syntax errors; yet, the first line of the post is wrongly put, which downsizes the overall look of the site and gives a hint of its reliability, since a serious author would never leave such a mirror, yet, mistake, be. The second β†’

Good example of book review on comparison

On the other hand, Asian Roman Catholic theology has been more greatly impacted by secularization, globalization and fundamental religious sentiment, as result of which, the theology struggles to adapt the Western theology to meet the different ways in which the diverse ethnicities of Asia view and have faith in Jesus Christ. It is in response β†’

Asian values and human rights book review sample

In the first paragraph of page 30 of the paper, he glosses over the matter of ideological and cultural interpretations to the issue of human rights. This is that the whole concept of universal human rights is subject to the various cultural and ideological interpretations that are present in the world.

Comprehensive analysis and review of china in dance company

In Scene 1 it was a female group dance called the Ta Ge. The Choreographer for this dance is Sun Ying. Each dancer had their own solo in the dance. The lighting for this scene was red and yellow.

Journal article review essay examples

The transformations provide the basis for evaluating the challenges that are most likely to face these economies in the 2010s, and for drawing essential implications for the world at large. The findings are well explained and supported by various economic theories and literature. The paper findings indicate that 2000s was the period for massive economic β†’

Example of comparing oedipus with death of a salesman literature review

The main purpose of such tragedy is to elicit some emotions, fear or sympathy, in the audience." Oedipus the King" and " Death of a Salesman" are among the most intriguing tragedies that have been produced. The tragic feeling is evoked in the efforts of the character to cheat destiny, which eventually catches up with β†’

Example of practicum project objectives, activities, timeline, and presentation literature review

Discussed below are the aforementioned components of the project. Learning Objectives Three of my objectives are in line with the AACN Essentials, the competencies of my specialty, and focus of the course. 1. To experience the role of change agent by employing theories in the implementation, evaluation, and dissemination of an evidence-based workplace improvement β†’

Health insurance article review examples

This may seem clear except for the fact that the insurance system is meant to reduce the expenses of a nation without necessarily making the person lose track of other expenses. This may be the case of America if the citizens did not have to have a rigid system of healthcare insurance.

Example of literature review on nursing: measures of quality

This exposes nursing staff skill mix, especially, models involving doctor- nurse overlap to quality scrutiny because these models are still in their infancy and do not work in every situation for every organization. Significantly, a Final Rule issued encouraged states to increase the amount of provider preventable conditions that will not meet the β†’

Growing economic disparity article review

Curry reported in The Scanner on November 12, 2012, in his article entitled " No Surprise Income Inequality Growing" about the divide between the have and the have-nots in the United States, and how the rift is just getting larger. Curry analyzed a government report which was issued by the Center on Budget and Policy β†’

Review of story facing poverty with a rich girl’s habits

Another pointI believeshe tried to make was that she did not fit in very well, there were other Koreans in the school, even in the same class as her but they did not have much in common. Skim's purpose in writing his story was to mainly say how she lost everything in a blink of β†’

Fitzgerald and the past literature review examples

As a poor youth, Gatz dreams about affluence, but he does not have the discipline to do the hard work required to rise legitimately: when he is given a work-study position at the university, the janitorial tasks he must perform in order to earn his tuition are, he feels, beneath him. β†’

Free article review on global trends in childhood obesity

De Onis, Blossner & Borghi in the study on the global trends in child obesity have assessed the extent of this problem from a global dimension and the article is reviewed and is presented below. Health policy issue The article deals with the issue on childhood obesity, β†’

Building germanys holocaust memorial movie review example

However, the highest percentage of the people killed was the Jews. It is due to this high proportion of the Jews killed that the holocaust memorial was constructed. A holocaust museum was also started in United States near Washington DC to commemorate the tragedy that occurred in Europe.

Free book review on wolf eric europe and the people without history

The European history has been associated with the industrial revolutions that saw the development of trade and culture of the people. They ked to the formation of trade ties between Europe and other nations and exposed the continent to a multicultural society that had a lot to share in terms of goods and culture. β†’

Review on tuesdays with morrie

Love ourselves, so there is no need to cry for our failures, to pity for our defects, as we ll see how many efforts we ve spared to fulfill the task that eventually turns out to be a failure, we ll know how much progress we ve made to improve our personalities. Morrie s solution β†’

Free book review on tuesdays with morrie

The touch is vital to enable them feel comfortable and wanted amidst frustrations and problems. According to medical practitioners, lack of touch and intimacy among the elderly makes them feel unwanted and a burden to the society. These values are critical to enable the elderly accommodate and cope positively with life. Nurses always somehow have β†’

Essay on a review of the need for government funding science

However, there are other forms of research funded by the government, which many people feel do not deserve such funding. A research intended to move technology or technological products to whole new heights is considered by many as a research that should be funded by individuals or companies and not β†’

Good ethical question project assignment literature review example

Those supporting the research and even those corporations funding it have proposed their support throwing weight on the fact that unused frozen embryos from in vitro fertility clinics would otherwise be destroyed hence they see the ethics of using them in the research. According to Goodwin , The uses of β†’

Edwin arlington robinson, carl sandburg, gertrude stein. website review

The poem is focusing on the difference between a personality of an individual and the appearance. The color scheme used by the designers, on the other hand, is very dark and the two tones can reflect off the screen. The second website is about Carl Sandburg and can be found at

Poetry review essay

The form of Owen's poem is, therefore, built around three main points: the appearance of the men, their experiences, and the effect this has on their lives. In Graves' poem the form is also key to understanding the poem, but perhaps in a less obvious way." Recalling War" has five stanzas, in a form that β†’

Intelligence reframed article review example

As a matter of fact, the understanding of the human mind can be very complex; hence, it has taken decades to research and comprehend in human mind. As a matter of fact, I concur with the claims that is raised on issues of intelligence.

Article review on ’emotional intelligence at work – links to conflict and innovation’

This would have allowed the reader a better understanding of the relevance of the study to this particular geography. 3 Critique of Methods As in the case of the literature review, the methodology too suffers from the problem of limited coverage. As such, the validity and applicability of the research to the entire region β†’

Hitler rise of evil review

It makes the whole thing seem as though everyone was completely brainwashed by Hitler and that everything was entirely his fault. Although he had a great deal of power and influence, he could not have done what he did without people who chose to believe in him first. If I had to β†’

Review: the grinnies

As she was lost in her thoughts about the good grade she did not realize she was grinning and had to explain what she meant when she told her teacher she had the grinnies. The family all had the grinnies when she graduated as the Valedictorian of her high school.

Good war dances literature review example

In his titular story, " War Dances," the slow death of his father and his gradual hearing loss from a hydrocephalic tumor are greeted with the same sense of humor, Alexie attempting to hide his utter fear and his grief at the loss of his father with sardonic jokes and poetry. The effect of white β†’

Structural family therapy- minuchin analysis movie reviews example

The son is not as free as it is expected even though the father is making huge steps to make advances towards his son. A major concern that is evident is that the father is making very huge strides in trying to make a connection with his son. The major concern in this case for β†’