Genuine Review Examples

Book review on religious studies

Orthodox Judaism is a strand of the Jewish faith which refers to Jews who strictly follow the Talmudic texts, which are referred to as the ' oral Torah.' Their history is a rich one and is filled with persecution by the Egyptians and much later on, the Nazis during World War Two: 6 million Jews β†’

Global financial crisis the effect on real estate investment literature review examples

Literature Review: The Global Financial Crisis took over the global economy in July 2007 due to the credit crunch, particularly when US investors lost confidence in the value of sub-prime mortgages thereby causing a liquidity crisis. Even though the housing sector crisis in the US has known to trigger the worldwide financial collapse, few β†’

Free article review on importance of entrepreneurship in developing countries

Based on this, the intent of the paper is to identify the impact of entrepreneurship on developing countries like Egypt. Entrepreneurship involves efficient utilization of the available resources or opportunities hence providing the market with new goods and services. The business owner's faces market forces, and are in obligation to formulate strategies and measures to β†’

Persuasion and ethics in psychology research article review

This will provide one with an idea of how the listener is responding to the speaker. 2. Yes, it is acceptable to utilize deception of the subject in order to obtain information in a psychological study. In the case of the cheating study, it is justified to use deception since the results will be affected β†’

Good article review about reviews of art basil miami beach (abmb)

The following is a series of reviews for the last couple of ABMB fairs. Pricilla Frank is the credible reviewer for the Art Basel fair. In addition, Art Basel launched the Hong Kong fair in May 2013 and this has helped to tap incomes from upcoming wealthy Asian Art collectors. In addition, Fagenson notes that β†’

Good article review on a historical crisis

The study of two articles will allow the study of this problem and offer possible solutions. The text " Redefining Historical Scholarship: Report of the American Historical Association Ad Hoc Committee on Redefining Scholarly Work" believes that the main problem is the definition that historical scholarship has taken and looks to broaden it so that β†’

Quest for career & vocation: the big kahuna movie review sample

The name of the film is based on the name that these three character use to refer to Dick Fuller, a wealthy businessman they plan to deliver their sales pitch to. Perhaps many of us our devout when it comes to our religion, but this response will be based on the importance of balancing religion β†’

Example of online shopping (research ) review of literature essay

The sole reason for this being globalization supported by the accelerating pace of the advancements in technology, the liberalization of the prices and trade practices and also by the increasing importance to super national rules. There are a number of factors that have resulted in this dramatic growth of online marketing and e-commerce. Companies are β†’

Example of modernity literature review

Introduction In Consumption and Cosmopolitanism: Practicing Modernity at the Second-Hand Marketplace in Nuku'alofa, Tonga, and Niko Besnier argues that it is possible for anyone to assert or articulate a modern self or enact modernity, not just wealthy elites or high ranking individuals in the society. The fea markets attract types of customers across β†’

Review of globalization and its discontents book review sample

It is believed that the book draws most of its contents from the personal experience of the author who served as the chairman of the Economic Council of Advisers under President Clinton in 1993 and as the chief economist in World Bank from the year 1997. This makes the whole process of globalization a problem β†’

Example of article review on race in sports or athletics

The schools involved in the recruitment of the potential teams are also accused of biasness and corruption. However, despite the challenges experienced in sports and athletics, it is necessary to acknowledge the fact that sports is necessary for healthy development of children and youths thereby achieving healthy lives. The reports compiled in the article shows β†’

Article review on review of marketing articles

The main platform of viral marketing is the social media on the internet which allows the companies to increase the brand's popularity by spreading the marketing information speedily across to a large number of current and potential customers like virus. Marketing to Teenagers: The influence of Color, Ethnicity and Gender.

Strengths and weaknesses of literature about the history of branding literature review sample

There is a lack of research on the key brand elements associated with brand functions. Strengths and weaknesses of the literature about brand equity (including awareness, loyalty, perceived quality and associations) and how it can be improved? Brand equity is a term developed to define the functions of a brand and its objectives. The placement β†’

Good article review about urban sprawl

These insights can be very crucial in planning and development of policies such that development occurs to lead to the maximum benefits. The markets in an urban centre tend to direct development in a certain direction, and this can be very important in planning.

Book review on behavioral finance

According to the author, the phrase " hope and fear" gives a better description of the reactions and the behavior of different market players. The author analyses the behavior of different stakeholders by taking a look at the three themes as indicated in the following analysis. Chapter 2: Heuristic-driven bias: The First Theme The β†’

Article review

Even in doing so, the content of the websites would be designed to increase effectiveness by adopting measures such as communication of benefits and more convincing information. Effect of the trend on the development of tourism industry The findings of this study suggest that DMOs would have to continuously evaluate the content of their β†’

Position review

s Position Review The intended audience are those who provide services to the children with disabilities, and it is evident from the introduction that most parents seem not to understand the acronyms thus this leads into confusion and side of the strategies that can be used to make the discussion more engaging, is by β†’

Book review/report on omnivore’s dilemma by michael pollan

The Omnivore's Dilemma establishes the relationship that human beings have with food and elaborates that bond by using the example of omnivores and how they are exposed to a paradoxical situation when there a lot of food options to consider. The way Pollan makes use of smart and appropriate rhetorical devices throughout the book to β†’

A review of ligeia and william wilson stories by edgar allan poe

The story of Ligeia is not a true classic as it represents some aspects of life that are not real. A timely story is relevant to the age period in which it is told.

On literature review

Literature Review The internet has contributed greatly to information literacy and the use of the library. The paper reviews the literature on the topic of the impacts of internet on information literacy and library skills. The use of the internet has led to increased skills in the use of the library.

The novel frankenstein by mary shelley

The scientist does not know the purpose for which he created the monster and the monster is not aware of the purpose of its existence. Victor pays for his transgression, with a series of tragedies that he encounters. Who is the real monster in Frankenstein?

Lecture review

He was a burden to his family and the doctor advised that he would be best suited in a nursing house. James Perdue was very insistent on the importance of determination and passion in whatever one did.

Peer review

However, the argument that you presented would have more substance if you supported it with examples, specifically the changes in the English language that you are pertaining to. If it is not technology alone, you could have expounded on the other factors which impact on the changes in the English language.

Film psycho

It will take the power of the power of the viewers' imaginations to fill in the blanks of the film. The film's black and white photography is a perfect one for its mood and tone. The characters of the film contribute to the plot development through scene-to-scene margin.

Documentary film assignment (roger and me)

The movie hence encompasses a masterpiece full of anger and also funny. The film counteracts the modern management and moral pragmatism all in opposition to the mentality in the search for excellence. Moore deploys dialects in the film medium to label the face of true capitalism in real life.

Peer review form 2

Follow these instructions: 1) Receive a classmate's paper from your professor (in class if on-ground; by e-mail if online). 2) Copy the Peer Review Feedback Form from the Appendix. 3) Comment on all criteria, noting strengths and / or areas for improvement on the feedback form. 4) Provide completed Peer Review Feedback Form and classmate's β†’

Depression review

The other major symptoms are feeling like committing suicide or sometimes feeling worthless to oneself and the society. The authors provide a list of the types of depression providing individuals with the relevant information regarding depression and its severity. The information in the article by Janet and her team is helpful to individuals interested in β†’

Life of pi review

The main attraction of the movie is the manner in which the director has utilized the ferociousness of a tiger and aligned it with a young boy who is tender and less defensive. In total, the movie" Life of pi" is a complete entertainer which has crossed the imaginative boundaries and skill of directors and β†’

Looking for richard

It is said that his plays would put meaning to words and the impact of each word played out would eventually enlighten the mind and nourish the soul. In the 1996 movie ' Looking for Richard' Al Pacino takes the initiative to document the making of one of Shakespeare's most popular play Richard the third β†’

The debate

Debate between Obama and Romney This paper aims to discuss the usage of fact, inference and judgment by Obama and Romney in the presidential election campaign debate. His claim in the face of inference is that more than 400 people will not be able to receive medical care on welfare basis. Furthermore, Romney gives the β†’


Movie Summary Amores Perros The movie Amores Perros was aired during the session of 2000 and was directed by Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu and the movie has a MPAA rating of R. One of the lead character of the movie is Octavio who is living in his brother's home and he starts liking his brother's wife β†’

Article reviews

The social disengagement brought by the new communication prompts the author to use practical approaches that can facilitate the readers' pragmatic understanding of this issue. The author is, therefore, appealing to the community to abandon the ineffective technology-aided communication and reincorporate the traditional methods that enhanced attachment.

Riordan manufacturing legal review

Riordan Manufacturing Legal Review Cody Morse BSA310 10/29/12 Morris Polston Riordan Manufacturing Legal Review Upon reviewing Riordan Manufacturing's legal section I found the page to be devoid of any information regarding to current business system. Litteral and Finkel have stated that they can send attornies from their closest offices to help aide Riordan Manufacturing β†’

A review of the delta airline commerce essay

The amalgamation with Northwest Airlines created some challenges that Delta had to get the better of to go on being the success narrative that it has become. Delta Airlines can thank the boll weevil for what it is today Delta Airlines has its beginnings in 1924, when Collet Woolman and an associate had treatments with β†’

A review of the employee relations in the british airways

The purpose of this paper is to discuss and clearly evaluate the quality of employee relations within the British Airways. It will cover the context of employee relations, employee relations and employee relations strategies with the said organisation. Employee Relations Defined According to Heery and Noon β†’

South west airlines a review

The main stakeholders associated with the company are the customers proven by the effort with which the company strives to ensure their comfort through consideration of pricing, as well as convenience offering many flights to various domestic locations offering the customers convenience. Other important stakeholders held in regard by the company are β†’

Article reviews

Article Reviews The article, Taxes Boost State Coffers, offers a comprehensive discussion regarding the various avenues that have led to the increased level of state taxes. In the introduction, the author attributes this growth to an increase in the amount of income and sales taxes received from consumers. 7% with the knowledge β†’

Proteomic analysis literature review samples

Mechanism: Although there are different techniques for proteomic analysis of a sample, the basic mechanism is to separate the proteins from each other and then identify them. Proteomic Analysis and CHO cell engineering: Chinese Hamster Ovary cells are widely used for the synthesis of proteins.

Literature review of hospitality industry essay

Keywords: three-domain approach, hospitality, industry, context Part I: In search of hospitalityConrad Lashley and Alison Morrison, , 2000), start from the view that the understanding of hospitality has been impaired by an industrial myopia. They propose to improve the understanding by; " reflecting insights into the study of hospitality that encompass the commercial provision β†’

A review of controlled release fertilizers biology essay

With the usage of slow or controlled release fertilizers the full sum of foods necessary for the whole flora period can be applied at the clip of seting or at the earliest phases of works growing, in the signifier of a alimentary pool Besides, about half of the applied fertilisers, depending on the method of β†’

The payment industry review

In this, several merchants partnered to AUB PayMate to cater the needs of Chinese tourist to make payment using their electronic wallet such as Wechat Wallet and Alipay. It also partnered with pawnshops, banks, payment centers to offer cash delivery services across the country. SWOT Analysis of AUB PayMate and Instantly process Alipay β†’

Review of shipler’s the working poor essay

In David K. Shipler's book, The Working Poor Invisible in America the reader is provided a peek into the personal stories of the inner lives of eight families struggling inside the vicious cycle of poverty. The abundance of food, housing, and education, health care that for the people in Shipler's book was a daily β†’

Water’s rising? article review examples

According to the Climate Hot Map for the Dallas-Fort Worth area in Texas, the average temperature will increase up to 10 degrees by the end of the 21st century. What's more, the increased heat would adversely affect tourism and residency, as fewer people would want to live in Texas. While the whole of Texas β†’

Analysis of articles about care of patients suffering from dementia disorder

The implementation of the serial trial intervention for pain and challenging behavior in advanced dementia patients : A clustered randomized controlled trial. Alzheimer Disease & Associated Disorders, 15 , 194-200. This research was conducted to analyze the end-of-life care in patients with dementia.

Literature review matrix

Retrieved February 24, 2015, from American Nurse Today: Clinical Review. Review of 30 articles Data collected from peer reviewed studies Multidisciplinary approach to data analysis A combined approach of technology, people and and processes would reduce incidence of patient falls. The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing.. Retrieved February 24, 2015, β†’

Geriatric case management in nursing homes

Nonprofit nursing homes offer better quality services compared to their counterparts making the quality of care strength of the former but a weakness for the latter. Geriatric case management in nonprofit nursing homes is, therefore, more effective and results in the development of plans which guarantee patients and clients quality care compared to for-profit nursing β†’

Literature review of ritualistic care in practice

Research is important source of information for the nursing profession because it is critical and valid to the development and refinement knowledge in order to enhance practice. Nursing research can be defined as the systematic objective process of analysing phenomena of importance to nursing. To reduce this gap the approach of evidence-based practice has been β†’

Research paper on review of hendersons basic needs theory

Henderson's needs theory thus provides a framework for the assessment and delivery of nursing care in acute care. Henderson's needs theory provides a framework for the provision of rehabilitative and chronic care to patients.

Hollywood classical era movies of the 40s movie reviews examples

The director uses normal lens, so the perspective is normal and the focal length is moderate." Casablanca is shot by the objective camera, so that the spectator watches the action as the neutral observer. The sound of the movie is realistic.

The 40-year-old virgin a movie review movie review

Every moment focuses on Andy's goal, which is especially amusing when he tries to resist it and everything in his world appears to be reminding him of sex, like the " Eruption" ads on the bus and the dogs in the park. Finally, the production design adds much to the comedy of the film., β†’

Review of movie : my fair lady

Was this the message of the movie " My Fair Lady"? Mr. Higgins certainly believed that a person's accent and tone of voice determine his/her prospects in society and that ' verbal class distinction could be extinct if the English taught their children how to speak.' The process of effective communication has β†’

Genius hollywood movies of the 40s movie review samples

In the movie, the camera moves with the actors, and the deep focus is used. The American comedy musical " Singin' in the Rain" by Gene Kelly and Stanley Donen is one of the best musicals of all times. The spectator enjoys the movie on the normal widescreen, that is to say side masking pulled β†’

A class divided documentary review

The people with brown eyes were able to go in and sit when the training was scheduled to start, where the blue eyed people had to stand out in the hall. They had to sit in the back, and some people did not even have a seat. During the meeting Jane talked β†’

Free movie review on maya lin

Lin from her viewpoint explains the implication of her work and attempts to explain to the audience the criteria and motivation behind developing her design and structures. How Maya Lin's Design can be Considered Courageous Maya Lin's design and structures can be considered courageous because she confidently confronted and challenged β†’

The discreet charm of the bourgeoisie(1972) movie review examples

They use it as a way of displaying wealth and power and manners but more importantly it is something to do, something to talk about as it becomes apparent that the Bourgeoisie actually do not have that much to talk about and more of which they wish to keep secret. Most of the jokes in β†’

Movie review on gran torino

Movie Review of " Gran Torino" " Gran Torino" is one of the masterpieces of American actor and director Clint Eastwood. Kowalski. Metaphorically, one of the main characters in the movie is the car of Walter Ford Gran Torino that is greatly valued and adored by its owner." Gran Torino" is a symbol that reflects β†’

Chicago 2002 questions movie review

It does not raise any evocative political questions, but it is a nice piece of spectacle that I would highly recommend. 3. I decided to watch the very opening sequence of the film, in which the first shot is of Roxie's eyeball, which is zoomed into to form the second C of 'CHICAGO.' Suddenly, a β†’

Free online course: film critique sheet #1 movie review example

Many uses of slow fades to lend a dreamlike quality to the transition of scenes, such as with the initial approach to Kane's home on the night of his death. 3. The characters of Kane and Susan are incredibly compelling, the film taking them through the story of the dissolution of a marriage. Subjective analysis: β†’

Reviewing michel gondry’s movie eternal sunshine of the spotless mind

This is definitely the case for Michel Gondry's film Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind which provides viewers with a unique perspective on the role of science in our lives, the mystery of our dreams, and the power of love. Joel is so upset by this that he decides to have the procedure himself and β†’


In this article, researchers have highlighted the role of one area of the brain termed as orbitofrontal cortex, which according to the article " is responsible for decisions made on the spur of the moment, not on experiences or habits". Generally it is believed that a person learns through his experiences; however, in the article β†’

Biological races in humans

Stephen Gould stated that we should view race as just part of our outward appearance because it defines very little aspects of our lives. Question 2 The relationship between anthropology and colonialism is uneasy because anthropology disagrees with the colonialist perspective that some races are inferior to others. Development is anthropology's evil twin because β†’

Of the outbreak 1995

Jimbo stole the monkey with hopes of selling it in the black market; however, after failing to sell the monkey he releases it into the jungle. Despite releasing it, he is already infected with the virus, and so is the pet store owner whom he wanted to sell the monkey to.

Review chapter 19

The body tries to keep the level of sugar in the blood the same at all times. So, the blood goes to the liver, where it stores some of the sugar, before it goes back to the heart and through the rest of the circulation.

Black book 2006 (european film critique)

She later, after joining the Dutch resistance, find out the person, Van Gein, who betrayed her parents who had perished in and undevout to liberate the southern part of Holland. Betrayal is one of the things that makes the movie interesting. Finally, the tactics the character use to gain advantage over others allow one keep β†’

The film gandhi

Gandhi achieved the motive by combining the common social and cultural factors among the citizens of the subcontinent and led to a non-violent liberal movement. Structural theory Structural theory focuses on source of the tensions which have occurred by the gaps between social and cultural goals and simultaneously it also explains the means which β†’

Review on film amadeus

The function of this character is to narrate the incidents in the life of Mozart and at the same time he is used as the tool of revenge to bring him down. Salieri is in contact with the main character of the movie, Mozart, right through the film and this is the reason why the β†’

Gallery review

The second picture in the same row indicates both the lady and the gentleman holding on their cheeks as they focus keenly on the object before them. In the second row, there is the side view of the same lady, but now with very thick layer of side beards and the beards are also all β†’

Race and gender roles

It's a perfect follow up to the independent attitude of B'Day and lays the groundwork for another exploration of what it means to be a woman in the world today. While, on the other hand, it portrays the role of a typical wife clearly taken with her husband and getting hurt and jealous in the β†’

Graves of the fireflies

The Grave of the Fireflies is described to be one of very powerful, moving, touching movie, an allegory of human failings and a quiet but unflinching look at two children caught in the peripheral effects of a war. Although an animated, having simple actions and scenes yet full of the great beauty β†’

Broke back mountain and titanic

In Titanic's case, it is the necklace " Heart of the Ocean" and the nude picture of Kate Winslet which Leonardo De Caprio sketches as a symbol of his love. Both are portrayals of tragedies in a time when people were judged by their wealth and social status.


Another key incident in the movie is the episode where her arrogant boss, Miranda, asks Andy to steal the manuscripts of Harry Potter, which is yet to be published. Andy is the protagonist, who plays a key role in the development of the plot.

Slumdog millionaire

There are sufficient twists and turns in the story to keep the audience glued to the narrative. The suspense built up in the initial stages of the plot is successfully resolved in favor of the hero.

The station agent

The most distinct character of this independent film is the lack of sexual interest in any of these relationships. For example, the film shows the transformation of a physical disadvantage person's attitude toward life and other humans.

Book review on art and architecture

Griffith and the growth of facts of the image terms employed in movement pictures. Cubism realized as the appearance of worthlessness and illogicality demonstrated in the art of Duchamp and more others and it was outcome of the war. In this instance, the artwork of 20th and 20th century is one, which is crafted by β†’

Gallery review

The images' visual impression attracted a deeper insight into the artwork. After skimming through the pictures, I had a slight idea of what the artist was trying to communicate. The seamless documentary-style images try to bring about a sense of addiction and sex.

Movie review about the descendants

The movie is a perfect blend of talent and script where the character of the father Matt King is displayed in a different manner, how a transition occurs in his nature to establish harmonious relationship with his daughters, Alexandra, a teenager of 17 years and Scottie, younger of 10 years β†’

Incident at oglala

Michael Apted, the director, and Robert Redford, the producer of the film, show the audience a corrupt series of events that took place on behalf of the government in order to arrest and successfully imprison Peltier. Not only does the film describe the events directly, but it also provides the audience with a sense of β†’

Rosie the riveter

Ultimately this is significant because it represents that the government officially recognized that women were important not only for domestic roles but also for industrial and other commercial roles. The next scene follows the same trend as the last scene in which the War guide in September 1943 recommended that all magazines write about women β†’

In a family studies perspective: my big fat greek wedding

In a Family Studies Perspective: My Big Fat Greek Wedding The movie " My Big Fat Greek Wedding" is a comedy film about the comparison of the typical American family, and of another ancestry, in this case, from Greece. In a nutshell, the movie " My Big, Fat, Greek Wedding" was able to show a β†’

Film review: the simpsons movie: a mixed blessing

Ostracized by their neighbors because of Homer's idiocy, the Simpsons find their way to Alaska, only to return to save their town from destruction. Lexically-rendered movie field: The family patriarch inadvertently sparks an environmental disaster. The environmental disaster causes the government to lower a giant dome over the town.

Reaction of the eye of the prize ( awakenings)

Reaction of the movie Eye of the prize The movie ' Awakenings' provides a touching experience of the struggles of the civil rights movement. The movie fails to capture what the situation was like for blacks in America prior to the start of the movement.

Requirements and specifications

The idea of this project is to provide users a platform where they can look for partner under different incentives like business partner, romantic and friendship matching, academic partnering and collaborative consumption. MySQL would be used as a primary tool to build the database of this web portal and the web interface would be designed β†’

Free for all by art blakely & the jazz messengers: an album review

This album is arguably one of Art Blakey's greatest albums, and this is the first album I am reviewing in which the drummer is the feature artist. Now that I am comfortable with Jazz music, I decided to pick an album that focused on the drummer because it's very interesting to observe the style of β†’


In general, the organization has an effective approach in management of content. Did the information flow well? As seen in the document information flow in the article has been very precise. The paper has began by outlining the research subject followed by a deep analysis of the necessity information security in an organization.

Computer software review

Windows 8 is a software package that is produced by Microsoft, and it is an upgrade of windows 8. This software package is freely available for individuals who have a retail copy of windows 8, and their intention is to upgrade it to windows 8.1.

Xiaomi yi erida review

Although there are people who use sophisticated software from the ground to direct it, it is easy to say that it is unmanned because there is usually nobody inside the drone to respond to the direction or prompts from a remote software. Characteristics of The Xiaomi Yi Erida Many things separate Yi Erida drone β†’

Cis206 review assignment

Can you execute a shell script if you do not have read permission for the file containing the script? There is need to pass the name of the file that has the script as an argument to that shell. The cause of this is the need to read the commands that are in the file β†’

Reviewing art blakey and the jazz messenger’s moanin

It is nice to hear songs that focus so heavily on the drums, and Art Blakey's style proves that there is much more to the drums than swing rhythms and keeping time. This album consists of Art Blakey on the drums, and it also features his group the Jazz Messengers consisting of Lee Morgan on β†’


The documentary mainly revolves around the topic of religion and the author trying to prove on the fact that the religion or specifically Christianity is similar or based on older systems of religion. The main concept that was utilized in this video by the director was to find the similarities between the religion of Christianity β†’


The movie is a remake of remake of the 1960 Rat Pack movie of the similar name. Nevertheless $10000 was set for the widow of the electrician and the rest hidden in the coffin.

Conspiracy theory in show community

In the episode, Jeff invents a class and is caught by the dean in which he pretends that he is taking the conspiracy class. The scene about the chase precincts is priceless and makes the community episode more interesting and funny to the audience.

Hans rosling’s paradox – despite access to numerous sources of information, people tend to prejudice on many issues

In warning policymakers about the dangers of using ' averaged' data as opposed to a contextualized understanding, Rosling also demonstrates that even within countries, there are differences in, for example, child survival rates : the outliers within the country, the 20% richest and the 20% poorest, in Niger, Uganda, and South Africa have markedly β†’

Death at an early age: the review

This piece of literature provides the reader with an in-depth, personable account of schools of the 1960's and the corruption that had flourished. Throughout the year Kozol was replaced and sent off to different schools in the area.

Article review on sport psychology

The assumption for this study was that the athletes would not give an attribution unless prompted to do so. It was sought to test the information that individuals can give after a match and after getting the results, whether positive or negative. The outcomes of the two studies indicated that individuals are more likely to β†’

Article review on great managers

Marcus Buckingham presents practical skills that managers can employ to maximize the output of subordinates in the workplace through the identification of their strong points as well as their weaknesses in the, What Great Manager Do article. Buckingham makes a clear distinction between leaders and managers in his statement that; great leaders utilize the β†’

Example of ethics in public administration article review

This article talks about the causes that led to the Watergate scandal and how these types of scandals can be avoided in future and how we should ensure that the government engages in activities that are transparent and credible all for the good of its citizens. It may also be a culmination of some if β†’