Genuine Review Examples

Free sport psychology literature review example

According to Cooper, the article ' Three Ways to cope with a Bad race,' the solutions for the humiliation of having a bad race are at the center of focus. But, according to Cooper, is not the end of the world.

Good literature review on psychosocial factors in health

In their review of literature on the association of CVD and psychosocial factors, Diene, Fouquet & Esquirol cited a study of myocardial infarction using data from 52 countries. The role of nurses is to assess for the presence or absence of stress and social support among other psychosocial factors.

Nurse burnout and stress in neonatal intensive care unit literature reviews examples

Burnout refers to the condition of exhaustion of physical or emotional strength, or loss of motivation to work. Burnout may result in the kind of cynicism that is the belief that human nature is not good such as feeling of selflessness of others.

Example of the study is concerned with municipal police officer job satisfaction in small police article review

Are stress-induced events precipitated by a work environment related to job satisfaction for municipal police officers in small departments? A combination of stress, administration, and equipment issues all contribute to an individual's job satisfaction within the police force.

How does affect effect health article review

When measuring the stressors, some of the objective characteristics that were measured included type, such as workload at the job and tension; frequency; and objective severity, which is the degree that the average person finds the stressor to be unpleasant. The subjective elements of the study included the commitment the person had to the issue →

Example of book review on the five factor model of personality

I am able to get along with teams and groups in new environments such as workplace and class. Psychology requires a high level of creativity, and I am able to cope well since I adapt more easily.

Identifying law enforcement stress reactions early article review

A law enforcement officer's duty is to enforce the law, and to enforce it, the officer must face potentially harmful situations; where the officer is exposed to a number of foreseeable and unforeseeable situations, that the officer may or not be able to control. In time, chronic stress may lead to serious physical and psychological →

Book review the rise of christianity by rodney stark

From the University of California, Berkeley, where he held appointments as a research sociologist at the Survey Research Center and at the Center for the Study of Law and Society". He wants the reader to know that he is first and foremost a sociologist, and that his interest in including historical context is non- professional.

Review questions: essay sample

Sticky price model: The model suggests that firms do not immediately change the prices in response to the change in market demand. Even with the price rise of goods, producers attach the rise to increase in relative prices but which is merely the rise in general price level in the market.

The essential homer book review

The theme of burial and damnation is often naturally present in Greek war-related epics, but in The Essential Homer: Selections from the Iliad and the Odyssey, Stanley Lombardo reveals how Homer's Iliad lingers on the theme of the treatment of a corpse. The purpose of this essay is to reveal the significance of theme of →

Article review on pelvic widening

In human anatomy the pelvic girdle is located on the lower part of the trunk in between the thighs and the abdomen. It is located at the lower part of the body in between the thighs and the abdomen.

Example of article review on public speaking

The chapter stresses the organization of the speech into the introduction, body and the conclusion parts. This entails creating the goal of the speech first, which is the purpose of the speech.

Movie review on the white ribbon film review

The village is a protestant village named Eichwald and the event takes place between July 1913 and August 1914 and depicts the village being led by a pastor, a doctor and a baron. The name of the film comes from the fact that he hands the children white ribbons to remind them of the purity →

Example of article review on serving children from birth through age 8

Article Review: Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs The position statement issued by NAEYC in 2009 maintains that a developmentally appropriate practice is an effective intervention in the field of education. In discussing this framework, the the National Association for the Education of Young Children highlighted the issues in the early childhood education environment, →

Article review on “children having children”

If I were to have one complaint about the article, it would be that it is a little bit out-of-date. The problem of dropping out of school does not seem a problem to me at all.

The future of childhood article review examples

On the other hand, such trend diminishes as the dawn of the century approaches and with the emergence of the industrial revolution, although still with lack of childhood experience, children are associated to similar exploiting environment through hard labor. However, the 20th and 21st century children have more defined childhood due to the fact that →

Good literature review about little prince

The Little Prince starts to love the rose deeply but the rose is unappreciative and vain of constant shower of his appreciation. In a dramatic end, Little Prince decides to go home and leave the narrator with memories of childhood and how to hear laughter with sparkle of stars.

Paul krugman book review

He describes the functional environment of business operation at such times; outlining the process that oversees the evolution of a depression and the resultant financial crisis in the economy at such times of the business cycle. The implication of this is that the balance of payments of the many and different country never gets to →

Good literature review on order# 210021715

The article goes in-depth to talk about how the military in Egypt control about 30% of the country's economy. The International Business Times article talks about the role of the Egyptian military in the country's economy.

Global military electro-optic infrared systems market review

Covered in this Report This report covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of the Global Military Electro Optical Infrared Systems market during the period 2014-2018. The report covers the Americas, ND the MEME and OPAC regions; It also covers the Global Military Electro Optical Infrared Systems market landscape and its growth prospects in →

Article review on art making machine

A man is supposed to be the creator of an artwork, but in this case, a machine is the creator. This machine is very provocative because it challenges the definition of art.

Article review on transitional justice

In her article, ' From Pariah State to Global Protagonist: Argentina and the Struggle for Human Rights', Kathryn Sikkink provides a luminous illustration on the role that Argentina has played in shaping the human rights discourse in the world. To that extent, the main problem that gave rise to Sikkink's intervention is the fact that →

Good literature review on technology and cost containment

Considering the needs of the health care sector in America and the population and growing cost in managing health, Information technology will always be needed to improve health care quality and efficiency without increasing costs. Use of Information Technology to Improve the Quality of Health Care in the United States.

Article review on settling foreclosure abuses

And they are losing their rights to be protected from acts of disservice from the banks they trusted to secure a home mortgage. Once again the damage to homeowners, who are losing their homes, is further increased and the big banks are once again whipping their brow as they get off once again.

Olweus bullying prevention program literature review examples

The program is also meant to prevent development of novel cases of bullying and develop peer relations at a school In this case, The Olweus Bullying Prevention Program will be intended for students in high schools and college. The best approach to program implementation entails choosing the onsite controller and administering the questionnaire review in →

Research article summary article review example

The main focus of the article was on the cost effective way of testing state machine on fault detection which is model-based in comparison with structural testing. The second question the study sought to answer was the differences and similarities in the faults detected by the state machine and structural testing.

Public administration article review samples

The second cause is " positive failure'-the failure to build into federal programs a positive set of incentives to channel the activities of decentralized administrators and program operators toward the program objectives"." The setbacks of the War on Poverty arise, in part, from the difficulties of applying a specific and administered program to more than →

Harley davidson financial and strategic analysis review

Harley-Davidson is the parent company of the group of companies including Harley-Davidson Motor Company and Harley-Davidson Financial Services. Through Harley-Davidson Financial Services, the company offers a package of wholesale and retail financial services for its products, providing it a competitive edge in the motorcycles business in the US and Canada regions.

Article critique article reviews example

One of the main reasons of the conflict also resides in the diversity of the ethnicities. In contrast to the State Governments not finding takers for the menial and undesirable jobs, in some states the people have welcomed the Law for the sheer nature of its relation with increasing openings in employment opportunities.

Misplaced talent sandra bullock in the proposal movie review examples

Sandra Bullock is inarguably one of the greatest film stars in the world, for which she has the accolades to show. She is always the character that brings comic relief in a film.

Critical of japans reaction to the vancouver riot of 1907 article review

Due to this instantaneous response, the government of Japan was not seeking to express protest on the riot, but rather on showing its intention of leaving the matter to the government of Canada. This was thought as a trusted institution to make good of the loss in the absence of the formalities that the Japanese →

Book review on almost all aliens by paul spickard

The Johnson-Reed Act was the Act of 1924 which gave origin to the National Origins Formula. McCarran-Walter Act is the Nationality and Immigration Act of 1965 which as enacted to restrict the immigration of people into the United States.

Example of literature review on research objectives and data collection plan

The principal objectives of this research project are to: Find the source of the problem that discourages employees from staying within the organization Determining the different issues faced by employees that are leading to the high turnover observed at the organization Data collection plan In order to address the research objectives outlined above, a mixed →

Sample essay on research review

The objectives in this particular research are based on the impact that stressing has in the work setting. The methodology that was used to conduct was through issuing out questionnaires to the different employees that were carefully selected to ensure that the results collected were accurate based on their experience in the organization.

Healthcare system in united states article review samples

The private physicians belonging to multiple plans will deliver care while the private health plans compete on grounds of quality and cost. Basics of the U.S.

Movie review on montgomery bus boycott

Liberation theology applies science in interpreting the bible in order to address the social injustices in the society to facilitate the liberation of people from their problems which in most cases are as a result of poverty. Liberation theology has an impact on the society today in the sense that people are now free to →

Following the american psychological associations guidelines article reviews examples

The article by Hong, Milgram, and Rowell questions the success of the students at completing their homework. The Homework is given by the teacher, observed and influenced by the parents, and done by the students.

Free book review about concepts of politics

According to the principles of the Americans, liberty refers to the freedom that the citizens of the country gain from control over of the government as well as the economic freedom. The political parties are as a result of the electoral process that takes place during elections, and the American scenario there are two political →

Good book review on should this student have been expelled

The author of this essay treated the subject matter very seriously in order to assess the impact of freedom of speech on the members of the society and the aspects relating to the abuse of the freedom of speech. The author elaborates the importance of the freedom of speech and the consequences of abusing such →

Libertalia – a country of freedom

In confirmation of the fact that people can associate pirates with the ideals of freedom, we can bring the legend about uthopic country called " Libertalia" People are still arguing about authenticity of facts that we know about Libertalia and there is no prove that it was really exist. And it is really a good →

Good a. handwritten preface to reverse the book article review example

To conclude the argument about what the girl is doing in the aforementioned reading, the author highlighted three important points that summarizes the context of the book as a damaged eye with votive filaments. The main issue perceived from the reading is that the author is pertaining to useless writing when stating the term cyborg.

Single parenthood: literature review

An article stating that " Children raised by single mothers are twice as likely to misbehave as those born into traditional two-parent families", also says that " studies have found children raised by lone mothers are likely to have less economic security"which the article implies influences the behaviour of the child raised in said type →

Womens body issues in breath, eyes, memory literature review example

In Breath, Eyes, Memory, the lives of several women in light of the tremendous social and cultural pressures set upon them are explored; Sophie, a young woman of Haitian descent, moves to America and back, dealing with what it means to be a Haitian woman and all the cultural baggage that comes with it. Sophie, →

Example of article review on name

He tries to explain his ideals to the girl, making her understand the value and importance of what he is advocating which is the reclamation of his land and what's left of it from the hands of those who try to squeeze out all of its resources. He realizes that something must be done in →

Good report on western classical music album review

All the musical pieces in the album are cantatas and hence, they depict similar characteristics and the album has a distinctive rhythm and flow from it commencement up to the point when the last cantata is performed. 24 Apr.2014.

Example of book review on the story of western architecture by bill risebero

However, Bill Risebero in his book titled The Story of Western Architecture covered thousands of years in the history of architecture. In this book, the author gives little account of the art and architecture of the 2000s.

Nationalism in an era of globalization book review sample

Beck argues that the reason the cosmopolitan view is so important is because it is a strategy of inclusion instead of exclusion. Even though the person is different in many ways he or she is still a part of the human race.

The frontier in american history book review samples

The book follows the essay by Turner titled " The Significance of the Frontier in American History" in 1893 and subsequently presented to the American History Association in Chicago, Illinois the same year. The book basically presents the frontier thesis that postulates how the ideology of the frontier molded the characteristics and the being of →

Linguistic relativity and perception article review

The Sapir-Whorf theory of language essentially argues that language is culturally-conditioned, and so the way you speak depends on your environment and your experiences and the traditions of your culture. Anthropologists and linguists are particularly interested in the languages of remote and self-contained tribes people because their lack of contact with the developing world allows →

Example of the ideas of individualism and imperial slavery are also covered in this part of book review

The chapter comes to an end with a brief summary of earlier covered battle from the great Persian battle to the defeat of Turkish Muslims in a battle perceived to preserve religion. The chapter also touches on the combat battle of the West against the Japanese in which a fierce battle took place ending with →

Media article review example

As reasoned by in the National Journal on Media, the article " In New Media Image is Still Everything" attention-grabbing and informative as it portrays the advantages and disadvantages of the CNN effect, shows the impact of the CNN effect on The President of United States, explains the ups and downs of the media coverage →

Free literature review about review of david l. thompson’s bible study that works

A person needs to understand how to go about the whole issue of bible study by finding the right strategy that will ensure the study is effective. It is important for the individual to know the meaning of bible study and the inspiration behind them wanting to study the bible.

Example of article review on the use of prayer and scripture in cognitive-behavioral therapy

This paper intends to provide a literature review of the article, Use of Prayer and Scripture in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, by Siang-Yang Tan published in the Journal of Psychology and Christianity in 2007. The counseling session can then end with a prayer from the therapist praying for inner healing of the client, and for the →

The depression and new deal: a history in documents book review examples

' The Depression and New Deal: A History in Documents' is an acclaimed book that intends to inform readers about the political conditions, economic condition, the culture, literature, and the people of united states of America. The economic depression that America faced in the twenties taught America to find new ways and the nation learnt →

Good book review on biblical commentary

The commentary on the book of psalms is found in the third volume of the series. This is because of the similarities that the books have where they talk about the general issues of life.

God’s big picture: tracing the storyline of the bible book review sample

Roberts God's Big Picture: Tracing the Storyline of the Bible is a book that explains the bible's 66 books in simple words and in one book. This book takes us through the bible's stories of creation, the fall of man, the early church, Israel and all the prophets and lastly, the coming of the new →

Free article review on scholarly journal review

Larsen points out in his research on the inspiration for temple themes of the Dead Sea Scrolls was part of the literary and performance history of the culture that composed these texts. Larsen, David J." Angels Among Us: The Use of Old Testament Passages As Inspiration for Temple Themes In The Dead Sea Scrolls".

Four decision issues managers faced when filling up their performance review forms

Through this, managers will be able to see that performance reviews should generally give an accurate overall performance of the employee. One of the most prevalent dilemmas in performance reviews are the managers perception of that this is a one-time annual reporting of how the employees fare.

Free literature review about united states vulnerability to cyberterrorism

American's direct and indirect involvement in growing uncertainties in the Middle East have sparked new debates and concerns regarding the threats new types of cyber terrorism now pose to the nation's data and information security. Regardless, the concept has received widespread attention in the past decade, and has ultimately found that the threats and likelihood →

Example of article review on statement of the similarities

The two essays share a similarity in the following ways:- They touch on immigrants coming to America from their home country - They display how immigrants are used by terrorists to carry out terrorist activities on American soil.- Both essay blame the terrorist activities carried out on America to poor immigration control.- They also show →

Free book review on history

It is important to note that the story inside this book provides an enticing look back on the Afghanistan-American politics beginning from the soviet Afghanistan war to September 10 the year 2001 and the commencing of the war of terror. The second part of the book explores the war between the Soviet Union and the →

Critique article reviews example

For the majority of researchers, it can be dangerous to do investigative research in danger zones, and therefore, majority of the research is carried out on the basis of reports released by the government and media news stories. There is a need to design a strategy with a new approach and agenda that will explore →

Gullivers travels literature review example

One example of the leadership of the Lilliputians is when the king orders Gulliver to be tied down and makes a deal with him that he will not harm his people knowing full well that if he wanted to Gulliver could trample the whole race of Lilliputians just by stepping on them. Although he is →

Does playing mozart to babies make them smarter literature review samples

The Journal of Psychology published an empirical study in 2007 that focused on determining the possible effects of exposure to music on cognitive performance among two groups, the first one being composed of Canadian undergraduates and the second one of five year old children. The results of the study suggest that exposure to different types →

Role of covert action article review sample

Covert action is used as a tool of strategic decision-making because it ensures that the role of the government does not become apparent or publicly acknowledged. Covert action both supports the practice of state-craft, but it is also a tool that is used to carry out actions that further military, security, economic and business interests.

Good on various kinds of thinking article review example

In one way or the other, the longing of a person depends on the perception developed concerning the environment. In essence, the secret desires of the mind affect the body.

Free literature review on brain size correlation

This has led to the urge of understanding the link that exists between a big IQ and a big brain. This leads to conclusions that genetics plays a role in passing the level of intelligence.

Tipping the scales of fate the imbalance of thought and action in shakespeares hamlet literature review examples

Nowhere else in literature is this more apparent than in Shakespeare's tragedy Hamlet; because thoughts and actions were not balanced in the minds of Prince Hamlet and his stepfather, King Claudius, their delaying in some situations and acting rashly in others caused the deaths of their family members and friends before eventually bringing about the →

Literature review on biases and errors in the assessment of information that resulted to flawed decisions made in the yom kipur war

This makes it all the more important to reassess not only Israel's choices and behavior but also the ways in which the USA dealt with the situations in the Middle East through the Cold War era because such readings of past will be heavily colored by current perceptions of the US-Israel relations and the longer →

The importance of crevecoeur’s what is an american to current generation

This is so important to us because today America is still a huge " melting pot," and I think it should be something we are very proud of. Benjamin Franklin wrote the document named " Information to Those Who Would Remove to America." I think his reasoning behind writing this was to let the Europeans →

Book review: 1776 by david mccullough

It was a year that was well started with the barefoot boys and men who came to the farm and the streets to become an army of provincials. He wrote about the myths and stories of the people who would write to the leaders of the nation.

Religious fanaticism in the kingdom of matthias

The Kingdom of Matthias is a story about the rise and fall of a religious cult; the Patriarchical Kingdom of Truth narrated by Sean Wilentz and Paul Johnson with the former being a don at the Princeton University and he later at the University of South Carolina. The story revolves around the major character the →

A review of american history

These two incidents that prompted US President Mckinley to ask Congress for a declaration of war was the sinking of the American Battleship Maine in Havana harbor with 260 people and the interception of a private letter written by Spanish Minister Dupuy De Lome in Washington describing Mckinley as a " weak man and a →

American history x movie review example

American History X" is the name of the school essay and also the name of American Tragedy of modern times. Hatred is the air they breathe; it is also the thing that they are proud of and that is inscribed on their flags.

Schindlers list movie review example

Spielberg has successfully related the incidents of the holocaust and established a connection between the viewers, the characters and the real incidents that took place at a point of time in the history. Every aspect of the movie is well organized and compels the audiences to watch the movie with inquisitiveness.

Free book review on auschwitz: a doctor’s eye-witness account by dr. miklos nyiszli

I use to watch the History channel and there were a lot of documentaries that talked about the Jewish Holocaust but not many of the talked about the concentration camps. I chose this book because one of the most thought-provoking sections of the book was the outstanding introduction and how it talked about the different →

A review of hunger games by suzanne collins

Climax when they enter the hunger games and fight to the death with the other tributes Falling Action- When they get interviewed for the last time gets on the train and go home. The gong rings and she realized that she missed her chance, so she goes for the first thing she sees.

Book review on alices adventures in wonderland

The story " Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" is housed together with the story " Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There" in one book volume. The story is about the series of events which take place in Alice's dream when she fell asleep in the course of her lessons.

Literature review on francisco cruzado

Constantine Cavafy emphasizes what the journey itself has to offer, apart from the obvious satisfaction of arriving at one's destination.' Ithaca' is the main symbol of the poem and Cavafy appears to treat it in an innovative way. On the contrary, the poet seems to advise his reader to treat ' Ithaca' as the motivation →

Literature review on keywords goddess female lover seductress mythology

This essay deals with the female portrayal of a lover and a seductress, as conveyed in Manuela Dunn Mascetti's book The Son of Eve: Mythology and Symbols of the Goddess. Manuela Dunn Mascetti's book The Son of Eve: Mythology and Symbols of the Goddess denotes the position of women in society, through the employment of →

Good susan glaspells trifles literature review example

The setting of the story itself speaks about the gloominess of the situation where the murder happened. The plot of the story moves with the characters of the play, which are the driving force to bring a clear idea about the story.

Literature review on young goodman brown

The use of symbolism by Hawthorne throughout the short story in order to detail Goodman's fall from innocence is meant to instill a dreamlike, fantastical mood to the tale. In this way, the subtext becomes text, and Hawthorne accomplishes his mission to make this story clearly a tale of an unambiguous fall from grace.

Racism, sexism, and media article review example

A few interviewers have more racist approach to the use of mascots and they believe that the Indian Americans have lost the fight against the Euro-Americans and the Euro-Americans can tease the Indian Americans by using the Indian symbols and mascots. However, most of the interviewers do not think that the use of the American →

The house on mango street book review example

The move from the apartment to the house is symbolic of an emotional journey for Esperanza. It is another emotional and spiritual awakening very much comparable to the House on Mango Street although Joyce is perhaps a greater craftsman in the art of storytelling.

Malware review

For some consumers, it is good but for the industry, it is a disadvantage. In " When Copy Protection Becomes Malware", the computer security guru specifically identified the work of the rootkit and why it is called a malware.

Review of ann rule’s a fever in the heart

Some similarities they had were that they both had mothers that were not really considered an adult figure and they both did not have a love of a father. These two tests would of definitely help find the murderers and convict them in a lower amount of time it took them to.

Review of the book isabella’s painting by ellen butler

The case has remained unsolved to this day and one of the stolen paintings, The Concert, is featured in this story. In the course of this novel, Karina works as an environmental lawyer which speaks to her intelligence and care for the environment.

Example of book review on aztec art history

During the time of Spanish Conquest in 1521, it reached a total population of 300, 000 and was considered as the center for religious life in the city. The Codex Vindobonensis portrays the deeds of the original gods and ancestors, the dedication of religious festivals and the establishment of the first kingdoms.

Example of book review on abraham lincoln biography of a writer

Fred Kaplan in his book " Lincoln: The Biography of a Writer" makes a profound research of Lincoln's personal growth as a writer and orator, rather than a political leader. This book is didactic and contains brilliant analytic research that correlates the influence of literature to Lincoln's actions as a president.

The biography of carlos ruiz zafón & the analysis of his book “the shadow of the wind”

In this masterpiece Zafon incorporates resources that are commonly used in the cinema in order for the reader to forget that he is holding a piece of paper, and can feel the light and sounds that are hidden on the streets of the post-Civil War Barcelona. Zafon has been able to write all the novels →

Monster – the autobiography of an la gang member book review examples

This is a review of the book Monster The Autobiography of an LA Gang member in which the principal character Monster Cody relates his experiences as part of a gang in Los Angeles in the 1970's and 80's The book is a classic firsthand account of a gang member called ' Monster Cody' who →

Plot summary of first they killed my father by loung ung

They go to their truck but on their way to the truck Loung get's curious by the men shouting in microphones so she walks off to see. Loung is able to find her sister and brother and they walk for ages until they reached people who Loung then realizes we are the Youns she was →