Genuine Response Essay Examples

Meeting recommendations and response to changes which

Subsequently, the essential ideas of Total Quality Managementand critical thinking and also kaizen through imaginativedevelopment spread all through the organization and flourished, adding tohigher quality products and work quality at all levels and positions andenhancing the imperativeness of people and associations. Toyota quality depends on the adaptability and cooperation of itsMembers.

Moon shadow extended response

Firstly, Dad called Mr Raven a chromedome because Mr Raven had started an argument about Mr Parrot flicking manure on to Mr Raven's pants and about the neighbours complaining that the rendered smelled offensive and that the toilet door supposedly opened inwards and not outwards. Secondly, Mr Parrot was the one who had sent the →

Summary and response to a story of an hour

Providing valid structure and content, Jamil begins her critical essay " Emotion in The Story of an Hour," with strong overview of the emotions that Louise seems to be going through. Between " Emotions in The Story of an Hour" and " Chopin's The Story of an Hour," S.

Theology: response essay

I think that having the God too close all the time is rather contradictive, and I think that it is right that the David leaved it for people to choose whether it is good or bad. Finally, we should remember that the God is powerful enough to see all of our actions and inner thoughts.

W4 comment on peer responses dq1 ae and dq2 cc

The cost of living in the United s is very high. The problem with programs such as welfare is not the economic incentive that it offers since a lot of people need the money to eat.

Reading responses 3

of the of the The themes of death and gloominess are very famous in short stories. My Son the murderer: My Son the murderer is the story of a young boy named Harry who is deeply affected by the stories of violence and war.

Ecumenical christain responses to islam in britain

On that note, partnership is paramount because it bridges the serious divisions and cases of alienation that continues to affect Islam and ecumenical churches in Britain. Christian responses to Islam: Muslim-Christian relations in the modern world.Ed.

Stages in acute inflammatory response

The vascular events involves vasodilatation and increase in vascular permeability; on the other hand activities in the cellular events include emigration from capillaries and post capillary venules, migration of leucocytes at the inflammation sites, removal of stimuli and activation of inflammatory cells. The release of histamine leads to the following responses; increased microvascular permeability leading →

Identifying potential risk, response, recovery

The simple solution for this is just to isolate the host that is connected to the internet from the internal networks and then create a demilitarized zone. The first risk mitigation in a file server is to estimate the size of programs, files, and transaction.

Analysis of stock market fluctuations in response to oil shocks using bivariate

The majority, on the other hand, hold the view that oil prices are indeed endogenous in the case and the advancement in the demand supply mechanism of the global oil markets. The study proposed that the cause of hikes in aggregate demand itself contributes to the volatility and widely differs in terms of the set →

Case responses

The length of the critical path is 18 days of duration.c) If the Maser has to be completed 2 days earlier, would it help to: i. Yes, if the company is willing to pay the expedite charges; the lead time could be reduce considerably.d) How might resources be borrowed from activities on the non-critical path →

Response journal 3

It is proved that this cement will help to get rid of the greenhouse effect in the atmosphere. It is known that every engineer must do everything to contribute to the health, welfare and safety of the society he/she lives in.

Summary response assignment

In the article, Blinder cites reliable evidence to successfully argue his opinion that the American education system needs to be revised in order to better prepare workers for employment in the current market. In the end he talks about education needs to better prepare children for the kinds of personal service jobs that cannot be →

Editorial: grappling with the multifaceted world of the dna damage response

The Editorial on the Research Topic Grappling with the Multifaceted World of the DNA Damage Response DNA is the repository of the genetic information in each living organism and its integrity and faithful transmission has to be ensured across generations for our own survival. In order to preserve the integrity of the genome, cells have →

Current understanding of the glial response to disorders of the aging cns

Early and progressive accumulation of reactive microglia in the Huntington disease brain.J. Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Wild, E, Bjorkqvist, M, and Tabrizi, S.J.

Prediction of response to anti-egfr antibodies in metastatic colorectal cancer: looking beyond egfr inhibition

One of the most successfully approach in the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer is the inhibition of the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor pathway by antibodies. The evolving role of monoclonal antibodies in colorectal cancer: early presumptions and impact on clinical trial development.

Response to coments on dq1 ks and mb w10

A database that has detail information about the industry ratios of over 100 industries is the Dun & Bradstreet database. The company belongs to an industry that is currently booming in terms of sales.

Reading responses

The narrator's condition is due to the fact that the woman is restricted to live within the boundaries of her home. At the end of the story, she acknowledges that she has to liberate this woman and begins to scrape of the war.

Language teacher response

Tsui has elaborated the functions of questions as a source of checking students' understanding, to confirm if they have gained the knowledge imparted, to focus their attention, make them involved in the lesson, to take the lesson forward and some teachers ask questions to maintain discipline in the classroom and especially in language classroom questions →

A&p research paper/ response essay sample

She states that the last line of the story is only hard in a sense of being that people like Sammy will have to face people like Mr. Sammy may not have been very smart with his idea of quitting to impress and get the girl, or girls, but it did help him achieve a →

Summary response assignment

Did the writer clearly and accurately summarize the main points Of the original text? Yes 10, Did the writer use the conclusion to tie together the introduction, the summary, and the supporting points of the text?

Response papers week 9

Cochran and Kleiner suggest that the employees should be informed of the progress, achievements and failures of the organization, and how the new goals will mitigate its failures and boost its achievements. As a team of employees and their manager, they will also be able to clearly assess how the new goals are helping them →

Summarize& response

Trying to establish the real cause of wealth gap and income inequality gap between the white people and black people, the author finds out that the situation all because one's amount of wealth is determine by the level of income. Considering the effect of wealth in relation to owning a home, the argument that the →

Quick response logistics

The need to satisfy the needs of the customers and the ability to respond quickly to customer's requirements are the main drivers behind the concept of quick response logistics. The company operates very low inventory and it makes deliveries of the products to different retailers at least twice a week.

Response on the grand inquisitor

However, the story reflects the savior of the people meeting opposition from the religious authorities of the church when the great inquisitor arrests Christ and takes him to prison. This were the same people who really longed for the coming back of the savoir in regard to their torments and tribulations they had initially gone →

Response paper on being an atheist philosophy essay

McCloskey argues in favor of atheism and attempts to discredit theism, by using multiple approaches one being that God failed to establish His own existence, and he claims in his cosmological argument, that the existence of all that we experience and see while on earth, does not prove God exists or that He is even →

Response paper

This is comprised of the respected members of the society as well as the ordinary citizens as indicated in the story when Goodman Brown takes a stroll in the forest to discover weird happenings. It is apparent that the people pretend to be good and decent members of the society, but engages in wicked things →

Response book

The book is a memoir of a successful story of John Hockenberry who was paralyzed by a car accident at an age of 19 years, but regardless of the physical limitation, he has led a very successful and remarkable life as a world-travelling journalist traversing through the hills or Iran and Afghanistan as well as →

Reading response

Reading Response The first art of work, " What they learn in School" by Jerome Stern has an introduction that makes an individual want to know more of what is in the poem. The poem goes further to explain that the reason why these are taught is to ensure that people are not interested in →

How the film is put together to generate meaning and response from the audience

The narrative structure is able to do this by altering the time line of the film by showing the audience the end of the film at the beginning, this instantly hooks the audience and makes them want to know how this situation arised and what is going on. Because of this the audience are drawn →

Responses of caribbean people to oppression essay sample

The Amerindians responded to this oppression by the moving and going into the mountains, build a village and then came back to help the whites. This was lead by the Africans in response to oppression and was known as the most successful revolution in the Western Hemisphere.

Chartered portfolio manager- week 9 discussion post and student responses

The interest of America as a country towards oils in some of the countries in the middle east such as Iraq and Saudi Arabia begun most likely in the 1930s when the geologists that were working for the standard oil in California identifies a lot of oil in Saudi Arabia. Since the end of the →

Individual reflection sheet response template

Group Working Affiliation While working in a group of six members with a task of identifying pro-active measures for participatory activities undertaken in the work places by units group, I learned a lot about working in a group and this helped me to develop skills when working in a future team. As we settled on →

Reading response

In that case, the society is bound to experience conflicts and problems based on the different religious perspectives of the people. This is because religion in a society serves the importance of regulating people's behaviour and guides on morals in the society.

The response to the about the whales

Some of the factual content that the author uses to support the argument includes the mentioning of the fact that whales are able to discipline their children, play games, help wounded fellow whales and coordinate complex activities. The use of the fair-minded yet purposeful tone makes the reader listen to the argument before making a →

Claim/response letter

I am writing to inform you we have received your letter of complaint regarding the Big Sexy Hair bottle defect. When they return with an answer, I would be happy to inform you of the nature of the defect.

Sociology of aging classmate response 2

In the second discussion, by Halley Cortez, she argues that cross-cultural differences in regard to aging process exist because of determining factors such as the age of the person and ability to work. In Harris's book the physical and mental capability of a person is also a contributing factor.

Litigation, mediation, arbitration response

However, it is not reasonable to count litigation as the best means to ensure justice in this regard, because litigation usually takes much time and extensive procedures based on the prevailing laws. Admittedly, one of the major advantages of litigation is that it empowers people to come forward to take legal actions against abusers even →

The count of monte cristo essay response

The Count of Monte Cristo Essay Response In the novel The Count Of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas, the symbolism created by multiple motifs forms many themes throughout the story. I want to be Providence, for the greatest, the most beautiful and the most sublime thing I know of in this world is to reward →

In response to comments made in “s100b protein and chronic subdural hematoma”

A commentary on S-100B protein and chronic subdural hematoma by Gelabert-Gonzalez M, Aran-Echabe E, and Serramito-Garc a R. It was a case report concerning a patient with a subdural mass, neurological deterioration, and unusually high S100B levels in serum.

Writing a case study response

There is always a certain problem and the student should find out about the cause and effect of the problem and solve the ' puzzle' of the case professionally. First of all the paper should describe the general topic of the case study in order to give the reader a general idea about the discipline, →

Editorial: macrophage metabolism and immune responses

Two of the articles in the topic are specifically dedicated to the role of macrophage metabolism during infection. The review also summarizes the available knowledge regarding the role of macrophage metabolic regulation for metabolic diseases and, in particular, obesity, also addressing the importance of niche determinants for this metabolic tuning and for the overall function →

Response to anti british monarchy question

Since you are too well versed in economics and politics, have you ever compared royals to the president of the U. Who in the world would even like to know the name of British President?

Response paper

Response Paper If you believe that there is a God who is all-powerful, all-knowing, and concerned with justice and the well-being of humanity, explain how there can be so much evil and suffering in the world. There is evil in this world because God wants human beings to differentiate between the good and the bad.

National response framework (nrf) contains guidelines for non-governmental organizations

According to Annex 6, the two functions of the American Red Cross that can be related to an effective Emergency Response Plan are the provision of relief and basic human needs to the survivors of the disaster and the establishment of a special relationship between the victims and Federal Government. Conclusion The National Response Framework →

Commentary: is the developmentally immature immune response in paediatric sepsis a recapitulation of immune tolerance?

Since the immature neonatal immune system and the state of endotoxin tolerized immunoregulatory responses among adults are exemplified by the hypo-inflammatory response and present with striking similarities, such as low expression profiles of TLR4 and preponderance of anti-inflammatory cytokine signatures, we may arguably conclude that the overall characteristics of the neonatal immature immune responses differ →

Analysis and response assignment of joan didion’s on going home

So, from her nuclear family life in Los Angles, Didion visits her extended family in Central Valley, California to celebrate the first birthday of her daughter and importantly to connect with her childhood life and recollect the nostalgic memories. I keep on having nostalgic memories about my past life and childhood in South Korea and →

Response to lanston hughes salvation

My first idea of the portion I read was that it was really interesting and really exciting and really flooring that I can be so into Mr. When you read that peculiar portion of the narrative when he was waiting you can state that he was declining to be like his friend and prevarication.he instead →

Response to alexis de tocqueville’s democracy in america

He believed that this created a false reality for their people as they believed they could emulate the lives of the people they looked up to but it was often untrue and misleading. Alexis de Tocqueville was not completely against the ideas and actions of the democracy in America though, he just believed it was →

Response to the gettysburg address assignment

Even though the " The Gettysburg Address" has brought me to the pathos mode of persuasion because some of the things that Abraham talks about in the address, we strive as a nation to continue to better and build off of as a country. But now in this age of time there's no problem in →

Editorial: lipid signaling in plant development and responses to environmental stresses

A reverse genetic approach by Malho et al.has shown that these enzymes, localized to the endomembrane compartment, are involved in the regulation of plasma membrane recycling events and thus in the maintenance of polarity of pollen tube growth. Ruelland et al, show that in Arabidopsis suspension cells salicylic acid treatment leads to an increase in →

The caste system- reaction response assignment

The fourth are the Shudders, who make the serving class In Indian society The Shudders are the fourth and most neglected caste in India. The caste system has taken the present arm after the British took over the rule of India, in line with the class system of British society The caste system is some →

Response week 11

Since this is the case as noted by Salazar, then what hope does the world have in the war against drugs? The solution to the war on drugs is ultimately a structural one where people will learn that they are part of what it takes to defeat the war.

Protagonists’ responses to social constructs of gender

The social constructs of gender are manifested through the forced institution of marriage in Kate Chopin's " La Belle Zora de" and " The Story of an Hour". The similarity in the role of the minor characters to impel the character's physical ailments is attributed to the protagonists' internal conflicts with suppressed emotions.

Christian ethic extended response

The bible is the sacred writings of Christianity, as Christians believe that the Bible has been inspired by God and that it contains the teachings of its founder Jesus Christ and therefore the bible is a very important source of ethical guidance for Christians. Anglicans tend to say that besides the Bible the early teachings →


It is increasingly becoming an instrument for sociological interaction of netizens who desired to see changes in our social relation, who worked for the democratization of global community, who wanted to share cultural diversity, and exchange updates about how economy affect nations. It also provides easy access of views for tourism sites and thus, provides →

A response to richard brookheiser’s “all junk, all the time”

Regardless of whether there is a variety of music that only exists for the highbrow enjoyment of the elite class, the " average" person also needs to experience the sensation that listening to music can bring to a person. If rock appeals to the masses, it's because most of its listeners understand the artist when →

Response: importance of being hated

In his argument, he categorizes the people around a particular person into two: nemesis and archenemy. They will point out weaknesses in your life and hence they can help you become a better person On the other hand, archenemy characters are individuals hated passionately.

Sdg implementation at the local level: lessons from responses to the coronavirus crisis in three cities in the global south

We argue that central to such reflections should be an acknowledgment of the territorial impact of the crisis in cities, considering their central contribution to securing sustainability, and that they have been the hotspots of both cases and responses to the pandemic. While many national governments recognize the importance of the contribution of subnational governments →

Task-specificity of muscular responses during motor imagery: peripheral physiological effects and the legacy of edmund jacobson

The importance of introspection can be demonstrated more clearly for mental timing tasks in which the basic idea is to simulate a motor task internally and to signal the end of the action, for example in walking different distances. This result demonstrated for the first time that the peripheral physiological effects of motor imagery are →

Healthcare serial killers: characteristics, motivations, and criminal justice system response

A subset of serial killers, known as healthcare serial killers, are individuals in the healthcare industry that utilize their position to kill patients. Given the extent of this problem, it is imperative to address common characteristics of perpetrators and victims, motivations of perpetrators, and the criminal justice system's response.

Reader-response essay for “memories of a dead man walking” essay

During the course of the essay, the author remembers her days of being a spiritual advisor for a person on death row. She began to realize that the pain of death penalties is not in execution itself, but " the torture happens when conscious human beings are condemned to death and begin to anticipate that →


Again, my criteria of the order of treatment who would benefit the most of the medical care and not emotion. Again, it is not my lot to assess people but rather on who would benefit the most of medical care.

White denial-strong response

In the story the woman at the counter assumed I was not going to steal and that my friend, who was of color would, she was holding whites to a higher standard when I had done nothing to prove or earn that assumption and neither had Codee. Although I agree that whites are in denial, →

The speech of polly baker response

Because Baker has experienced the harsh punishments women had to endure for having a bastard child, readers form an emotional bond toward her although she is a fictional character. It is a different pain for a mother to experience the death of their child.

Invertebrate behavior—actions or responses?

Stevenson and Rillich's review of their work in cricket aggression begins to elucidate some of the neuronal components involved in mediating the simultaneous influence of experience, motivation, and sensory stimuli on the decision to fight or flee. The dilemmas of the gourmet fly: the molecular and neuronal mechanisms of feeding and nutrient decision making in →

A scholar-painter’s diary: response on the contents of the diary of guo bi

Since self-cultivation entails the development of the virtue of conduct, it is thereby necessary for the individual to continually develop as well as manifest his virtue of conduct through the contemplation of art and nature as well the creation of his own art works. Artworks, in this sense, may be seen as the material manifestation →

Response paper

Some of these issues include the reassessment the Franco-Algerian War, slavery, and the French Empire. Collective Memory: France and the Algerian War.

Reading response drums, girls & dangerous pie

The story gives an account of his life and that of his family in a colorful and most convincing style. Steven is able to relate well to his family, teachers and even has a crush.

Reader’s response

The weather and the dog are the center of the setting of the play thus they enhance the beauty of the story. The student identity is the focus of the story.

Reader-response vs. new criticism essay sample

The factors of the two criticisms both reject the author's intentions and are directed towards finding the meaning of a text. In result, the concept of not having the author involved in the studying process enhances the reader to really focus on the text.

Poetry response #2: “the road not taken”

The poem, " The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost is about one of those special moments where one choice will change the course of one person's life. However, it is the last couple of lines of the poem that make it memorable." Ages hence...all the difference", uses the B rhyme in stanza four to →

Response journal 2 (ethics)

On the house of his client, where he checked the machine, he pointed out exactly the problem of which his client's machine is experiencing. On the other hand he had been very keen about the purpose of the machine he is attending to, for he knows that ethically, he will be liable for all damages →

Zinser response essay

It took much sacrifice for me to put myself through college, but now, I am ready to reap in the awards. Not only do I have a new outlook on college classes, but I also renewed my commitment to work hard for myself.

Editorial: microbial responses to environmental changes

Thus, patterns of response of microbial communities to environmental gradients and changes are documented for archaea, bacteria, fungi, and microbial eukaryotes, as well as a vast range of habitats including streams, ponds and lakes, ocean and seas, and sediments and soils, and varying spatial and temporal scales. 00361 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar →

Student response 3

These factors are disrupted in the wake of a disaster and it is important to restore the community back to its normalcy for a continued vital economy. Infusion of policies, programs, and legislation is a necessity to achieve this balance and to ensure a holistic recovery of the community.

Pre-lecture response

In particular, slavery was a major factor in the division between the regions as the Northern section supported the abolishment of the practice and the freedom to the slaves. In practice, several Northern Tycoons demonstrated their willingness to support the end of slavery.

Legal issues and response child custody law family essay

Child custody and guardianship are the legal terms which are used to describe the legal and practical relationship between a parent and child, such as the right of the parent to make decision for the child, and parent's duty to care for the child. The uproar against this law is majorly because the mother who →

Reading response

His fourteen points were the basis of reducing the arms and the destruction caused by wars. The major nations and their leaders were dubious of the practicality of president Wilson's fourteen points speech.

Seminar in criminology classmate response 3

It is possible because the main element of problem-oriented policing is that there is scanning, analyzing of the problem and the response and assessment of the crime. This is also evidently pointed out by Thistlethwaite, and Wooldredge, on page 78 of their book, where they say that the police take a broader role in the →

Challenges of immune response diversity in the human population concerning new tuberculosis diagnostics, therapies, and vaccines

In the case of TB, M.tb infection is followed by a spectrum of responses and outcomes. Geographically, most TB incidences in 2018 were in the WHO regions of developing countries of South-East Asia, Africa and the Western Pacific, with smaller shares in most developed countries of the Eastern Mediterranean, the Americas and Europe.

Mau mau rebellion and the british response history essay

This prevailing attitude spread amongst the heads of the colonial project and even to local loyalist people creating a detrimental social consciousness and ironically this myth did not diminish the cause of the Mau Mau fighters as intended, but it antagonised both sides of the divide, the myth took on a life of its own →

Reading response paper

There are many things that you would ever stop to think about and take the time to understand if you never knew anything about the setting and the point of view. The story has dual settings Anton Chekhov starts the story out in Yalta and moves the second half of the story to a very →

Reading response 1

Also, most of the Christians were not only aimed at spreading the gospel, but had the interest of taking the land of the local people with the pretense they were teaching the people how to use land and the new gospel. In the name of the gospel, a large population of the Indies people was →

Guiding procedures for response to emergency situations on construction projects

Although there may be little time between the award of the contract and the start of the project, a good emergency response plan can be generic and, with some minor changes, can be easily adapted to specific sites and readily implemented. The emergency response plan posted in a conspicuous place on the project must identify →

Response: commentary: variability in shelf sedimentation in response to fluvial sediment supply and coastal erosion over the past 1,000 years in monterey bay, ca, united states

A Commentary on Commentary: Variability in Shelf Sedimentation in Response to Fluvial Sediment Supply and Coastal Erosion Over the Past 1, 000 Years in Monterey Bay, CA, United States by Warrick, J. Warrick et al.contend that our conclusion that changes in the littoral sand fraction reflect coastal erosion was " speculative at best, and very →

Corrigendum: induction of robust b cell responses after influenza mrna vaccination is accompanied by circulating hemagglutinin-specific icos+ pd-1+ cxcr3+ t follicular helper cells

Although some of the animals in the ID group already showed titers at the protective level after the prime immunization, all groups had titers that exceeded this level following boost. The authors apologize for this error and state that this does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way.25.

Corrigendum: sensing technology to monitor behavioral and psychological symptoms and to assess treatment response in people with dementia. a systematic review

A Corrigendum on Sensing Technology to Monitor Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms and to Assess Treatment Response in People With Dementia. The correct title should be " Sensing Technology to Monitor Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms and to Assess Treatment Response in People With Dementia.

National response plan

There are two issues that significantly contributed to the political decision to overlook the implementation of the entire National Response Plan, especially the Catastrophic Incident Annex. The National Response Plan did not clearly draw to what extent the Catastrophic Incident Annex was to be involved in response acceleration.

A reader response of a rose for emily

" They held the funeral on the second day, with the town coming to look at Miss Emily beneath a mass of bought flowers, with the crayon face of her father musing profoundly above the bier and the ladies sibilant and macabre; and the very old men some in their brushed Confederate uniforms on the →

Brief response michael richards

16 December 2006 A Reaction Paper on Michael Richard's use of the " N" Word The incident that triggered the rage of Michael Richard during his stand-up in the laugh factory was directed to Kyle Doss and his company. With it being on record and with the patrons who witnessed the outburst, the statements he →

If i should learn, in some quite casual way response paper

Millay deliberately uses restrained language which is more suitable to the reporting of an every-day happening than to the destructive event it describes: the news of the death of her lover. The traditional rhyming pattern of the sonnet is particularly attractive to me: it somehow conveys to my mind the rhythmical motion of a train →

Poetry response #1:”hope”

Hope is not just human, though it does share some of the same qualities of an average person it is something that lives forever in everyone. In Dickinson's poem, it is not simply an idea, philosophy, or concept in the eyes of the speaker.