Genuine Response Essay Examples

Cd8+ t-cell repertoire in human leukocyte antigen class i-mismatched alloreactive immune response

The T-cell repertoire is initially shaped in the thymus by positive and negative selection of maturing T cells on self-peptide-HLA complexes and then modulated overtime at the periphery by the cumulative history of foreign antigenic exposures. While the CDR1 and CDR2 loops of the TCR interact primarily with cognate HLA molecules, the most variable region β†’

Response to lit essay

When Juan died, the narrator and his great-grandmother visited the toad's grave on a regular basis."... After the death of the horned toad, the narrator and his great-grandmother learned to bond even more with each other.

George orwell 1984 response paper

Julia was born and grew up in the era of the Party. He bagged for them to give Julia to the rats not him.

Connection without response the request has already been

1)100 continue: The status code 100 indicates that the initial part of the request has not yet been rejected from the server and the server will send the final response to the client after the request has been fully received. 1)500 Internal Server Error: This status code indicates that the request was not completed.

Reading response

However the people of Britain and France were devastated by the destruction caused by the war and in no mood to forgive Germany for it. It led to more friction among nations and was helpless in preventing the next war that was even more horrific than its predecessor causing untold misery to the peoples of β†’

Corrigendum: de novo assembly of the japanese lawngrass ( zoysia japonica steud.) root transcriptome and identification of candidate unigenes related to early responses under salt stress

00610 Due to an oversight by the authors, data from a different study were incorrectly reported in the Abstract and Conclusion of the manuscript. All conclusions were drawn using the correct data and, as such, these are unaffected by the above changes.

To kill a mockingbird reading response

They have done it before and they did it tonight and they will do it again and when they do it-seems that only children weep." I also enjoyed how this theme is explored through the eyes of Scout, a young girl because this viewpoint gives an honest and unbiased view of the situation in Maycomb. β†’

Question response

The function of the church is to make the people believers and morally strong. Church leaders do not have the right to interfere with the policy decisions at the government level.

Creating an emergency response plan

Scenario based emergency response plan In any case, the wildfire is able to reach the factory the engineers of the factory are aware of the extent of damage it would cause and even the potential threat it would pose to the employees, and the community living nearby the factory. One of the steps the engineer β†’

Cost per output and cost per outcome responses

In addition, they receive incentives such as bonuses for the quality of the job performed minus the cost to put forth the service which is the cost per outcome. If a human service agency did not determine the cost per output and cost per outcome, then there might be holes in the budget, the direct β†’

Reader response

Supervisor's due: Response to the story ' a good man is hard to find.' The story pictures the outstanding short story anthologies by O'Connor. The tragic Misfit character in the story eventually takes another turn to be a redemption story of the grandmother at the mercies of the violent criminal.

Response paper

The main difference between Hobbs' miracle story structure and the Nike advert is that usually a miracle is the realization of the divine; as opposed to self-fulfillment of the individual. The character of Tamar is also a point of difference between the gospels, because she is in Mark and Luke but not John.

One page response on ‘wayward puritans’ by kai erikson

Deviance is defined not by the action itself but through the response of the people or the community against that action. With this, the study of deviance revolves not one the individual that behaves differently but on the reactions and responses of the group that the individual belongs to.

Response to commentary on “examples of overlooking common sense solutions: the domestication gene and selection against mortality”

A commentary on Examples of overlooking common sense solutions: the domestication gene and selection against mortality by Van Rooijen, J. Examples of overlooking common sense solutions: the domestication gene and selection against mortality.

Consumer response in stock out situations

The research attempts to understand determinants of attitude of consumers towards accumulation in out-of-stock. H6: Store distance has a significant relationship with consumer response in out of stock.

A response to peter singer

If everyone who could help, and still live within their means, gave a fixed amount of money in an attempt to prevent the famine then that is all we would be obligated to give. If I was able to reach out to Singer and respond to his article, I would tell him that people are β†’

Editorial: ros regulation during plant abiotic stress responses

In this Research Topic, we collected 25 manuscripts related to ROS and redox regulation in plant responses to abiotic stress, including reviews of the role of ROS in plant abiotic stress responses and articles related to gene function analysis, genome-wide gene expression and transcriptomic analysis, and interaction analysis between ROS and phytohormones. Dinakar et al.demonstrated β†’

U.s history response paper

US History Response Paper From the sources used for this paper, it seems clear that the war for America, the American Revolution, the Rebellion of the Colonies and any other name given to the events which took place in 1776 were based on the fundamental principle of no taxation without representation Simply put, the legality β†’

Explain the contribution to the development and expression of judaism of one significant person

EXPLAIN THE CONTRIBUTION TO THE DEVELOPMENT AND EXPRESSION OF JUDAISM OF ONE SIGNIFICANT PERSON Rabbi Abraham Isaac Hacohen Kook, also known as Rav Kook, has made contributions to the development and expression of the Jewish religion that were of absolute importance. This was due to the resettlement of the Jewish people to their homeland bringing β†’

What is a direct response marketing and how to increase its results

Now you must make note of what's working the words used for the call-to-action, the product advertised and promised, and what platform the customer is using. And then spell out exactly what you want the consumer to do.


Therefore, Caliph probed Abu to explain the cause of the story. The Caliph told everyone in the Palace to obey and pretend Abu to fulfill his dream.

How reliable is the galvanic skin response (gsr) as a β€˜lie detector’?

The Galvanic Skin Response is ' a change in the electrical properties of the skin' and measures changes in the conductance of the skin produced by sweat glands, especially on the palms and soles of feet. The GSR is a key component in the physiological measurement of arousal in response to both critical, neutral and β†’

12 angry men response assignment

The written and spoken language can be used to deceive as well as to inform. We need to be able to comprehend what we are hearing and be willing to utilize all the skills of critical thinking.

Discussion question response concerning writing

I feel that writing is more than a form of communication. You can select fonts, but the act of writing is a creative art form, which is another aspect lost when writing is neglected.

Editorial: frontiers of sulfur metabolism in plant growth, development, and stress response

A transcriptomics and metabolomics analysis of sulfate starvation response and the effects of sulfate resupply by Bielecka et al.resulted in identification of 21 transcription factors potentially controlling the response to sulfur. Calderwood et al.then discussed and proposed various mathematical approaches to dissect the control of sulfur fluxes in plants.

Hierarchy models of customers responses to advertising

The literature in marketing explains the concept of brand awareness for the application of two important measurements in order to understand it: the reminded that fits with the spontaneous recall and that refers to the brand being present in the memory of the consumer and is mentioned by the latter without the need of any β†’

Responses dq1 assumption abot economic entity, and dq2 : internal control

The application of the going concern assumption is very important for the functionality of an accounting system. DQ2 Accounting is a profession that depends on the integrity of its members.

Editorial: ubiquitin and ubiquitin-relative sumo in dna damage response

In the last decade the PTMs, ubiquitination and SUMOylation, have emerged as the essential and most critical PTMs in the regulation of the DDR. Our intention is to invite the most prominent scientists in the field, together with a selection of young and promising scientists, and give them the opportunity to summarize our current knowledge β†’

Response 3 fielding

Though there are some valid arguments in favour of the claim, which portray a very humorous picture of the parson, yet there exist so many touching lines and incidents, during the development of the story of the novel, which make the parson as the most loveable character of Joseph Andrews. His relinquishing of seat in β†’

Editorial: danger signals triggering immune response and inflammation

Chen et al.demonstrated that a novel subset of IL-10-producing CD1d hi CD5 + regulatory B cells modulates immune homeostasis in patients with silicosis, a condition of chronic inflammation and fibrosis of the lung. The ST2/IL-33 axis has recently been shown to be a potential novel checkpoint in the development of tumors, as reviewed by Wasmer β†’

Emergency preparedness and response

Response is the action to prevent more damage and save lives once a disaster hits. Recovery is the immediate action to stabilize a community following a disaster, for example, restoring critical services and supplies of disaster to the victims.

Alternative energy: the correct response to diminishing fossil fuels

Alternative Energy: The correct response to diminishing fossil fuels In 1977, the President of the United States of America, Jimmy Carter, advocated for the use of alternative energy to the American people " because we are now running out of gas and oil, we must prepare quickly to strict conservation [of fossil fuels] and to β†’

A rose for emily, reader response critique

Feelings, thoughts and other aspect s of characters can be seen through the secrets or hidden meanings in the things the characters do and people who really connect to the character can see these secrets. The reader can analyze a lot about A Rose for Emily through the characters and make many connections to them β†’

Cellular stress responses in cancer and cancer therapy

The Research Topic titled " Molecular mechanisms of cellular stress responses in cancer and their therapeutic implications" features 11 articles that reflect the broadness and complexity of the processes induced by cellular stress. In their article, they highlight the interactions of Pin1 with key proteins relevant to cancer and cancer therapy and discuss how Pin1 β†’

Social exclusion in response to the london riots sociology

Social exclusion detracts poorness and category off from the causes of offense nevertheless, which was a really evident concern in the spread of the public violences. All three of these theories highlight issues environing poorness, category and the exclusion in which conjoins itself to this hierarchy of wealth.

Editorial: exploiting dna damage response in the era of precision oncology

The scopes of the research and review articles included in this collection are described below:- Mohiuddin and Kang discuss in their review the biologic rationale for DNA-PK as a target in cancer. Endogenous DNA Damage as a Source of Genomic Instability in Cancer.

Sociology in againg classmate response 4

For example, the requirement in the question was to make a report on two organizations that address the needs of the aging individuals. Contrary to what Cortez provided, Dement does not provide websites, but she provides the names of the organizations.

Response paper for snow falling in spring by moying li

Response paper for Snow Falling in Spring by Moying Li Despite the fact that the book is engaging to adult readers given the complexity of the conflicts and hematic issues it discusses, the author uses yet a set of literary techniques and devices that ensure that the book appeals to young adults. The narration follows β†’

Creating items and response scales

If the group with the construct functions better than the group without the construct, then the outcome is said to offer proof of the construct validity regarding the test. The intervention study is a group that is fragile in the construct that is measured utilizing the test, then studied the construct and measured again.

Corrigendum: dicer-like genes are required for h 2 and kcl stress responses, pathogenicity and small rna generation in valsa mali

The authors apologize for this error and state that this does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way. The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

Response: commentary: managing recovery resilience in coral reefs against climate-induced bleaching and hurricanes: a 15 year case study from bonaire, dutch caribbean

We find that the reefs of Bonaire represent a highly unusual example of a resilient Caribbean reef ecosystem, and argue in our original article that this resilience is due to sustained and effective local management. In 1999, applied the AGRRA protocol at six of Bonaire's reef sites at 10 m water depth and found the β†’

Editorial: orchestration of an immune response to respiratory pathogens

Within the lung, the expression of even prototypical markers of " resident" cells, such as CD69 and CD103 are heterogeneous, again suggesting microheterogeneity in the fate and localization of the effector cells that migrate to the lung and establish residency. Schmidt and Varga in particular, consider the types of approaches that have been used to β†’

Reading response #7-15

In referring to this statement, I disagree with what Smithy stated because I think it is not right to conclude that English is being distorted by allowing non-native accent of different dialects and orthography to influence English! Otherwise, they will not understand us and this will defeat the purpose of language which is to communicate.

Reading response to poem

This paper analyzes the elements of analogy, language tone, and imagery in Stevie Smith's poem Not Waving but Drowning, and shows how these elements affect the response to the entire poem. In this title, the reader is given a picture of a swimmer who is drowning, requiring help from the onlookers, but he is not β†’

Drivers of competitive actions and responses

The reason can be attributed to the fact that the efficient industry theory often does not take into account the role of governments in industries which they consider strategic; the huge numbers of people who would be affected in case of any problem in the US aircraft manufacturing industry makes state support a necessity, affecting β†’

Response to theodores poem

For instance, there seems to be a demonstration of the father arriving late in the house. However, there seems to be a call by the son for the father to improve on the family relationship.

Historical responses to disability in new zealand social work essay

The norms and new findings in the past had led to a social movement leading to policies and laws which promoted discrimination and negative attitudes of society towards the people with disability. Hence in 19th century, disabled people were not welcome in New Zealand and Immigration Acts, such as The Imbecile Passengers' Act 1882 and β†’

Response to reading

In the first article, the point would be raised by the author, as it would pertain to the overall protection of the patient's privacy, against the need to make any valuable information available that would prevent the patient from receiving more treatment than needed at the hands of multiple medical professionals. As they observe the β†’

Week 6 response papers

It is like BP was trying to cheat the public that they were caring for the environment and that they were being accountable for the mistakes and the negative consequences that their business caused to the environment. Other issues that they should be involved in include waste management and stakeholder dialogue to ensure that the β†’

Response: commentary: the brain basis for misophonia

Schroder and colleagues feel that the diagnosis of misophonia should be based on criteria that they have developed, based on a series of case reports and a descriptive account of the features in 42 subjects. The authors pointed out that our brain correlates could be of " general annoyance" and not of anger in misophonia.

Variation between populations in the innate immune response to vaccine adjuvants

Failure of vaccine effectiveness to avoid the three million annual vaccine preventable deaths may be due to suboptimal vaccine coverage and breaks in the cold-chain of vaccine storage and delivery, but may also be due to failure of vaccine efficacy in populations different from the ones studied in the original trials. Building on the observations β†’

Response paper

Jeanne Dielman, the main character in the movie, made me to feel sad about the movie. The great part of the movie is that it depicts Jeanne Dielman as a woman with great feminine principles by looking at the way she cooks and cleans the house in addition to her determination to mother her son.

Robot discourse: tik-tok as a response to i, robot

In his novel, Sladek offers the reader a grittier look at what the universe Asimov created could be and what the possible repercussions of robot servitude could have not only for the robots themselves, but for the morality of humanity as a whole. This scene represents not only the idea of the new social classes β†’

Response to a movie

The film is one of the last movies filmed in black and white that hit the Hollywood. Nevertheless, the characters, Wayne and Stewart, help in the development of themes.

Response: “newborn chicks need no number tricks. commentary: number-space mapping in the newborn chick resembles humans’ mental number line”

Notably, in the third condition a negative correlation was there between overall area and number: the overall area of the 32 elements was smaller than that of the 20 elements, and the overall area of the 20 elements was smaller than that of the 8 elements. Shaki and Fischer also suggested that the complexity, and β†’

Lord of the flies text response – symbols of civilization essay sample

Ralph acts more as a president than an absolute monarch; he takes into account what the others think and uses that to form a just society, demonstrating that he is the more civilized out of the other boys. Piggy is the first one to propose that they use the conch " to call the others β†’

Genetic contributions to intergroup responses: a cautionary perspective

A, and Van Bavel, J.J." A neural analysis of intergroup perception and evaluation," in The Handbook of Neuroscience for the Behavioral Sciences, Vol. M, and Hirschhorn, J.N.

Commentary: sound-making actions lead to immediate plastic changes of neuromagnetic evoked responses and induced Ξ²-band oscillations during perception

010 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Fujioka, T, Ross, B, and Trainor, L.J. 010 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Pascual-Leone, A." The brain that plays music and is changed by it," in The Cognitive Neuroscience of Music, eds I.

Introduction realistic response to the growing inadequacies within

The Canadian health care system is slowly crippling the economy, and reforms must be devised to preserve the pride of Canada; our health care system itself. This paper will discuss the strengths and shortcomings of the Canadian health care system, and how health care is a sociopolitical enigma.

Article the star response

Very much like these church furnishings, he was as inconspicuous as the window fixtures, his skin pallid as the walls and his face topped with a few wisps of hair was left as blank as the faces of the stone-cold saints by the deteriorating disease that appears to have drained the life out of him β†’

The theoretical foundation of states regulatory response to the financial crisis

The Theoretical Foundation of States Regulatory Response to the Financial Crisis Introduction A financial crisis arises when the demand for money is more than the supply resulting in a liquidity problem forcing banks to borrow to make up for the shortfall and in some cases leading to a collapse of this banks. This response of β†’

The unfolded protein response in virus infections

This research topic collated a number of review articles and original research article, in an attempt to highlight how viruses interact with the host UPR in the establishment of acute, chronic and latent infections. Two reviews presented by Shiu-Wan Chan and Norica Branza-Nichita's group on hepatitis C virus and hepatitis B virus, respectively, shed light β†’

Response to the essay “education unplugged” essay sample

In " Education Unplugged", Floyd Allen argues that our society has become so reliant on technology to do its thinking that if we do not stop and revert to methods of learning and living previously practiced before the technological revolution, that we are leaving ourselves susceptible to ignorance and dependence as well as leaving ourselves β†’

Modifying the non-muscle invasive bladder cancer immune microenvironment for optimal therapeutic response

Whilst the TAMs are localized in the stroma-tumor margin of NMIBC, infiltrating the tumor area in high-grade tumors, another immunosuppressive cell type the Tregs localize in the stroma around the cancer lesion regardless of tumor stage and grade. A greater understanding of the potential dysbiosis the imbalance or alteration of bacterial composition of microbiota in β†’

Response to “is the american dream over”

Supporters of theAmerican dream have always argued that American dream is still alive and that achieving the dream is a possibility. The main topic in which Cal responds to is the issue of American dream.

The inflammatory response

The mechanism of the inflammatory response is to protect the injured site by killing the agent responsible, limiting its effects on the rest of the body and initiating the healing process. The changes are designed to maximise the movement of plasma proteins and circulating cells out of the blood flow and into the site of β†’

Artistic response

Consequently, change is required in order to enhance student and overall school performance by altering the daily student experience to ensure that the students are linked to the social and academic agenda of the school. As a result, both writers agree that the learning should ensure that the students are connected to the academic and β†’

U.s. responses to immigration

In chapter 10, Responses to Immigration: Exclusion, Restriction, and Americanization, 1880-1924, the author uses eight documents and two essays to demonstrate the prevalent, contrasting attitudes towards immigrants at the turn of the nineteenth century. A Protestant clergyman, Josiah Strong, warns of the multiple perils of allowing immigration, contending that the immigrants, with low morals, criminal β†’

The comfort of approach: self-soothing effects of behavioral approach in response to meaning violations

In this review, we will provide an overview of the neuroaffective and psychophysiological processes that have been linked to the typical compensation behavior of the threat-compensation literature, and suggest directions for future research in this field. As we have discussed, the initial response to threat is the activation of the behavioral inhibition system that increases β†’

Response to the prince by machiavelli essay sample

Analyze the following passage from The Prince and use this passage to help your friend understand Machiavelli in a different light: " Yet it cannot be called prowess to kill fellow citizens, to betray friends, to be treacherous, pitiless, irreligious. Gradually, resentment will fade, and the people will come to appreciate the resulting benefits of β†’

Reading response

of the Religion and Theology of the Teacher 2 February Reading Response The article The Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk by Ruth Hughes not only sheds light on the various aspects of religious tolerance in the US but it also shows as to how any opposition to a religious entity, either direct or intended was β†’

The governmental response as well as its effects

The goal of this analysis is to review the causes of the 1997 Thai Stock Market Crisis, the actions taken by the government in attempts to recover from the crisis, and discuss the general well being of the recovering population.II. Causes of The CrisisA good portion of Thailand's success in the 1990's was due to β†’

Response of chapter 1 of inside rikers

The rest of the book involves her visiting the prison as a rehabilitation teacher and eventually as the director of the program that she had established in the prison. The chapter states that in the prison, she talked to some of the inmates, after which she was able to go and visit their homes and β†’


Thus, the paper is a response of the Hunts view on globalization as it analyzes its advantages and challenges that it faces due to diversity in ideology. The book argues that history is being used wrongly, and I tend to agree with the idea.

Scarlet letter response

Hester Prynne, the Reverend Dimmesdale, and Roger Chillingworth each suffered guilt in their own way in the novel The Scarlet Letter. In the beginning of the novel, Hester Prynne should have not suffered the way she did on the scaffold alone.

Response: commentary: a construct divided: prosocial behavior as helping, sharing, and comforting subtypes

Children readily distinguish between a person's proximate and ultimate goals, indicating they are attuned to the root of a problem. Emotional cues also communicate the intensity of a negative state, which may support children's decisions about when and how to respond.

Response to dq1 and dq2 different financial information users and isolation

Along with the annual report which includes the financial statements for a fiscal year public companies also release trimester financial statements to keep the public informed about the financial performance of the company. The goal of all public corporations is to maximize shareholder's wealth.

Response to diversity in early care and education essay

I wonder if the nannies are considering the parents culture and desires for their children, or if they are even aware of the cultural differences in regard to this. I am beginning to understand that this has a lot to do with the emphasis on independence and interdependence.

The effect of line-up instructions on eyewitness response essay sample

Two areas at the centre of this debate is accuracy and confidence and how they may be influenced by the choice of words used, or not used, in the instructions given to the eyewitness in advance of the line-up. Making a decision on a suspect from a line-up is considered as a behaviour, and the β†’

Response 5 on india

Summary of the Article It is based on a jeopardized diplomatic relationship between India and the United States of America. In the article, an Indian Diplomat has committed an offense and is subject to arrest according to the Laws of the United States.

Response journal

Oppressions of the Indians in the hands of Spaniards calling themselves Christians makes me feel that Christianity as a religion, is all about man's laws and yet it is not. It is sad to see someone being cared for as a slave but not as a native of the land.

Title 5 response

In order to ensure that the requirements of the tittle are actually fulfilled, there is the Congress which is an arm of the government mandated to the role of checking not only the Executive branch but also that the rest of the government is in accordance with the provided laws and guidelines. The title also β†’

Effect of implementing rapid response in tertiary hospital

The main objective is to examine the effect of the RRT service in the Royal Hospital, Oman on patients' outcomes as there is a dearth in researches in the country about the topic. For instance, the Institute for Clinical System Improvement, emphasized on the need to accompany the patient by one of the RRT members β†’

Reader response on the republic book assignment

If a God does exist I do not think that he or she is only reason there is good in the world.lso think God is not fair all the time. The main reason believe this is because a lot of bad things happen to people who are good and do not deserve it.

Response: commentary: measuring counterintuitiveness in supernatural agent dream imagery

In this response, we suggest that, given the prominent research in the field, parts of Sears's comment are overly dismissive and neglect to take into account key aspects of our specific arguments and our modeling of SA cognition in dreaming. These include to measure the general pervasiveness of counterintuitiveness, to test counterintuitiveness coding and quantifying β†’

4b: response paper

Most interesting, as a black white supremacist, Felton chose to ignore his black heritage, likely because his facial features were difficult to trace back to his black heritage. This led Felton to believe that personal race is simply a matter of choice, thus he felt he was justified in deeming himself to be a white β†’

Reading response

The Peony Pavilion The schoolroom scene of The Peony Pavilion written by Tang Hsien-tsu in 1598 is amongst the fifty five scenes of the drama. Bridal understands that respect is invaluable and someone who wants to succeed must accept the consequences of disrespect.

Emergency preparedness and response

The laboratory workers identify the pathogen, and physicians notify the local health department and treat the patient. Hughes and Gerberding stressed the importance of the "'golden triangle' of response between clinicians and clinical microbiologists, the health-care delivery system, and public health officials".

Reading response

The purpose of the Act was to protect the religious rights of the American Indians so that they can visit their religious sites and practice any kind of ceremonial rituals without prohibitions. This paved the way for some positive changes with the formation of American Indian Religious Freedom Coalition in 1988 which made statutory changes β†’

Mechanisms of stress and our responses

Both the SNS and the endocrine system prepare the body for the flight or fight response in two different ways, the SNS through neurons and electrical charges and the endocrine system through the release of hormones into the bloodstream that is fast and simultaneous. Stage one is the alarm reaction stage where the woman's body β†’

Music for the mind analysis and response

Music for the Mind The purpose of this essay was to inform and explain to individuals all of the several ways for people to enjoy music as well as to explicate that the readers should strive for a more active type of listening. I, of course, will often listen to music and enjoy it in β†’

Regulatory responses to global corporate scandals

This has influenced changes to the way the US and UK deall with the governance of organizations".corporate governance methods are those rules that apply to specific financial markets and organizational forms, and that establish the discretion of parties that possess control rights and the information and mechanisms at their disposal to choose management, propose or β†’

Cellular metabolism and the immune response control

The need for metabolic resources to build active components of the immune system, the messenger function of certain classes of metabolites and metabolites, and the intimate relationship between parasite and mammalian defense mechanism, which is probably immune regulatory events are reflected in the metabolism. The metabolic profile of the cells of the immune system is β†’