Genuine Research Paper Examples

Holding out on work skills

If Blackmer did not grow to be a robust organization that was flexible and adaptive to change, it would not be able to meet the new challenges of the business. The needs of both must be met and satisfied for the business to survive.

Working adolescents

Though the problem would be, being a family member the tendency to over familiarity is unavoidable, and the person can be a subject to exploitation in terms of time, and may also be to mental harassment, through insults and words of impatience, just like in the outside workplace when in the midst, crisis will arise →

Theoretical perspectives on the family

Theoretical Perspectives on theFamily Way of viewing reality Identify why family patterns and practices are the way they are 1)Family Ecology How family is influenced by the society around it Family choices/lives affected by economy, education, religion and other cultural institutions Ex: Great Depression economically, people cannot afford children even if they wanted more kids →

Correlation between the development of managers’ salary of the dax enterprises and the gaining they achieved

The managers should also in turn know how to elicit co-operation among employees for them and know how to direct employees in the vision and mission of the organization. The managers should also understand the behavior of employees and how to motivate them, so that they can work willingly and effectively in performing their tasks.

Teacher work sample part 7

Throughout the implementation of my lessons from the Teacher Work Sample the lessons that contributed the most to student learning were the activities that required students to apply their knowledge in activities. Some of the greatest barriers to achieving the desired learning results were overcoming the additional background knowledge that was needed to teach the →

Recruitment and diversity enhances customer

It is also important to identify how each of the criteria will be assessed. Presentations Presentations can be used in a variety of ways depending on how they relate to the job description and the normal working practices expected of the post.

Life and work in merthyr tydfil in the nineteenth century

The growth of industry in Merthyr was the main reason for the huge increase in population over a hundred years from 1750 to 1851. The goods were highly priced and poor in quality, this along with a number of other issues including the state of the government at the time eventually led to the start →

Organisation operate and work together

Monitoring of employees both informal and formal To coordinating a team is likely to mean that John Lewis should knows what employees should be doing to work towards their targets. It is important for john Lewis to monitor the team's performance to make sure that they are actually making progress.

Ethics and the issue of tardiness, especially in the workplace

One of the key indicators of employee ethics is timeliness, whiletardinessis one of the most common and costly forms of performance deviance. The following is a summary of the main points of this document.

Recruitment & selection vs organisational culture

As one stage of the human resource management, the recruitment and selection not only service as a programme that find out the competent employee for the job but also influence the development of the organisational culture due to the organisational culture and the employees could influence each other. The culture shows the standards and principles, →

The community service trust act

For our students, the accepted definition of community service is unpaid work that everyone can do to improve the quality of life of those being served, of those serving, and ultimately of the community as a whole. What sets service learning apart from other types of non-traditionaleducationprograms, according to Neil Merrell, director of the Center →

Co-working office spaces: can mumbai match the mounting demand?

Andheri 260 in the Western Suburbs 680 in the Eastern Suburbs, and 250 in Thane and Navi Mumbai. 3, 000-12, 000 in the Eastern Suburbs, and Rs.

What additions could be made to the j&j lifeworks program?

The main objective of this program is to make the lives of Johnson &Johnson's employees and their families more productive, healthy and balanced. The top-ranking performance of the company can be attributed to their employees and their advocacy to promote wellness.

Consumers perspective and the public

For example, the fast receptors and long battery life attributes display the highest weight of importance because value the performance of a phone in terms of its speed and ability to last a long time. Apple can create a built-in program within tunes that allows them to analyses which source the USIA came from and →

Ethics in the workplace

Purpose Statement The purpose of this study Is to determine whether employees demonstrate ethical behavior In the workplace Problem Statement Research is needed to explore the experiences of employees with regard to ethics or the lack thereof in the workplace today. The purpose of this study is to explore the experiences of employees in the →

Working conditions in bradford 19th century

This short piece of writing will be describing and explaining why and how the living and working conditions were so appalling in 19th century Bradford. Unaware of the dangers of no sewerage, people thought there was no harm in this way of living, as everyone believed these diseases were miasmic diseases and the diseases were →

Gareth stokes’s work robots vs humans?

AI and the Future of the Workplace talks about the possibilities of replacing human workers with robots in the near future. With the existence of robots, human workers will be of little to no use for businesses and it can result to unemployment.

Community service is unpaid work performed by a person

All the responsibilities that I did were to develop the community service of William Colton and to bring good support and appreciation to their community in the future. My role of working in " William Colton Community Office" was a positive experience because I get to be more useful in many of the activities given →

Underrepresented workers

Control can be exercised through the rules and regulations of the organisation. He pioneered a system that enabled management, rather than the workers to be in full control of the work.

How to stop anti-study procrastination (part 2)

What is it you want to accomplish here, and who are the people who have accomplished this alreadyGo seek them out and connect with them. What exactly do you want to achieveWhat should you do to get thereWhat are the steps to takeDoes your current work align with thatIf not, what can you do about →

This study aims to measure the lung function between 1st year sports therapy university students

Lastly by calculating the final measurement of the forced expiratory volume to forced vital capacity ratio we can see the expiatory power to resistance of airflow within the lungs, allowing to show signs of the lungs percentage ability to forcibly expel air within the lungs. With the use of the participants we can see the →

The case of physician disclosure of information

Any medical information especially those which are involved in the practice itself or in the process of medical operations are just as important, or will we say critical, as the information needed in an investigation by the police or the testimonials needed by lawyers in court or just any kind of information the human's inquisitive →

Free niels bohr research paper example

Bohr studied under the guidance of Professor Christian Christiansen who was the only professor of physics in the university. Bohr conducted a lectureship in the field of physics at Copenhagen University in 1913-1914 and in the Victoria University, in 1914-1916.

Copyright law and university policy

But, the problem is not an easy one to remedy, especially with all the new methods of cheating available to students. Some students also borrow too heavily from a source without meaning to, but ignorance is not an acceptable excuse for lack of academic integrity.

Neo-classical organization theories research paper

The analysis of the paper is directed towards the discussion of it organizational and management styles. On the other hand the body focuses on analyzing the functioning of the University with relevance to organizational theories, management practices, system theory, classical theories studied in class and also discusses the impacts of the university in ensuring excellence.

Free tuition for college students

Having tuition paid for would change the lives of many individuals attending college, and would also be beneficial for the government to award students that deserve such an opportunity. With the petition put into action, students that are not financially stable will be able to receive a fully paid education that is debt free.

Good research paper about effective environmental education

Since it is factual that the environmental education occurs throughout the life of an individual, we can conclude that all education is environmental education. One thing to be noted here is that management of the environmental exploitation process is necessary to sustain our environment The third characteristic is attitudes of concern for our environment and →

Green it at city university – city green monitor

For the purposes of this research and in looking at the areas of Green IT projects within the City University, it is important to consider how the success or otherwise of the initiative may be judged. In reality, and for the purposes of this analysis, a combined definition is to be pursued, with the suggested →

Good research paper about opponents

[Institute] For people who currently reside in the state of California, referred to as in-state residents, the total tuition fee for the University of California could rise to about $12, 804. The Californian government is opposed to the decision of increasing the tuition fee hike.

Example of a mail to the congressperson research paper

I am a student of, currently pursuing a Postgraduate degree in Nursing. RES 125, which entails a two-way outlook in the senate and handling of public affairs related to health.

Improper garbage disposal

With more college graduates than jobs, the government wrestles with what to do with themSouth Korea is beginning to wrestle with the unappetizing fact that too many of its young are in college. The country is regularly faced with the odd phenomenon of newspaper stories about many of its brightest graduates who are forced to →

Online mba degree university of phoenix

The closer to the market price the higher the consumer surplus because they are spending less than they are willing to and the less spent the lower the revenue will be for the good. When supply increases the supply curve shifts to the right and more of the good is available.

The support worker conducting this research is currently studying at university of winchester.

Thus, could not help in finding the target behaviour and apply specific strategy as it was mentioned that in order to come up to a way to deal difficulty is to address the need to find the cause of aggression. In this article, a survey is undertaken for the need of people with learning disabilities →

Chabahar port

Chabahar free trade-industrial zone achieved its importance mainly from its geographical location as the shortest and the most secure route connecting Central Asian Independent States and Afghanistan to warm waters and it's proximately to one of the largest oil, gas and mineral resources of the world and as the only ocean port of the country. →

Doing business in singapore research paper examples

Business in Singapore is facilitated due to the location of the country which is in line with world sea route and a multicultural society that has embraced business. The government of Singapore understands the role that businesses play in the economy of the country and how various political settings may affect the economy.

Unfair trade practices

Clause says that a practice will be unfair if it permits the hoarding or destruction of goods, or refusal to sell the goods or to provide any services if such conduct is intended to raise or has the effect of raising the cost of those or other similar goods or services. It is well-known that →

Example of economy of china research paper

Lastly, the international trade would be evaluated to gain insight regarding the trade surplus or deficit of the country along with the factors that are constantly reducing or enhancing the trade of the country in the international market. Although, the industrial and agricultural output of China exceeds the output of US in terms of dollar →

Free research paper on international economics part 1

Comparative Advantage can be defined as the ability of a country to produce goods and to deliver services at a cost below that of the competitors. It is possible to extend the notion of productivity by including also the productivity of the factors of production and in particular the level of technology available in the →

China 1400’s

Their knowledge of Arts, medicine, work, and law was confined to the small village and the families that lived there. The majority were poor and could not purchase from Chinese traders.

What is international trade

The World Customs Organization defines Customs as " the government service which is responsible for the administration of Customs law and the collection of Import and export duties and taxes and which also hasresponsibilityfor the application of other laws and regulations relating, inter alia, to the Importation, transit and exportation of goods. It is expected →

Mimicking insider trading

Other theories suggest that It Is possible to successfully replicate Insiders trades by using the strategy in markets outside the US, such as in the Italian, German and Spanish markets.[l] A critical factor in determining whether an outsider will profit from replicating the trade of an insider is themotivationbehind the trade. In the sample used →

Meger announcement and insider trading in india

The announcement of a corporate merger is a major news event that has a significant impact on the share price of the target firm, it is generally accepted that insiders' trading activities generate a lot of interest and also increase the trading volume of other market participants. Purpose of the study Those who possess privileged →

Disappearance of its soviet

While the Chinese authorities may make a point of honor in establishing cordial relations with the five states of the region, Astrakhan partnership with China is termed " strategic, confirming Stand as a major political ally of Beijing in a post-Soviet climate in which the Khaki government is displaying balanced and diversified policies in the →

International business – foreign trade m/s taneja exports

In the covering letter of the firm to the bank, they had instructed the bank to present the documents to St Laurn, Paris, through their bankers viz, Credit Lyonnais, Paris. The bankruptcy of the importer is the reason for loss to the exporter and not the deficiency of service by the bank.

Linguistics and poetry

And here, peradventure, my witless youth may be taxed with a margent note of presumption for offering to put up any motion of applause in the behalf of so excellent a poet, yet those that observe how jewels oftentimes come to their hands that know not their value, & that the coxcombs of our days, →

Exam study guide on international trade theory

5: International Trade Theory An Overview of Trade Theory: * The Benefits of Trade Some international trade is beneficial, exchange products you can produce at a low cost for some products you cannot produce at all * Free Trade The absence of government barriers to the free flow of goods and services between countries.* International →

Example of portugal, jesuits, and japan research paper

The Portuguese and Jesuits were the first to enter the Japanese land despite constrains and rejections from the local society followed by the Christian missionaries, who faced less of the Japanese hostility. Some of the major reasons that also led to the rejection of the Portuguese and the Christian missionaries are the fact that they →

The political economy of international trade

Magnesium Seeks Protection THE CASE FOR GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION Political Arguments for Intervention Country Focus: Trade in Hormone-Treated Beef Economic Arguments for Intervention THE REVISED CASE FOR FREE TRADE Retaliation and Trade War Domestic Politics DEVELOPMENT OF THE WORLD TRADING SYSTEM From Smith to theGreat Depression1947-1979: GATT, Trade Liberalization, and Economic Growth 1980-1993: Protectionist Trends The →

Conflict on a trading floor

The contract elaboration was assigned to Linda, one of the top salespersons of the FirstAmerica bank and the author of article, as an assistant to her. He knew that this transaction is not the best option for the client and the agreement was obtained in the result of deception from Linda's side.

Free how does economic globalization impact on the environment research paper example

Number of factors that affect the economic developments are identified, and policies for conservation of the environment are developed to reduce the effects of economic globalization. Free trade and trade liberalization are a result of globalization, and there are effects of free trade on the environment.

Discuss the interplay between conflict

Since, one of the most important characteristics of the international trade is that it involves the interaction of financial institutions also besides between the seller and the buyer therefore the uniform commercial laws such as UCP govern the international trade. A deviation from the transactional mode of international trade therefore may create a direct conflict →

International trade along the silk road

International trade along the Silk Road The Silk Road, which is also known as the Silk Route is a trade route t started somewhere in the 1st century and the early years of the 2nd century BC. The Roman Empire rise also contributed significantly to the growth of the route because initially the Chinese would →

Trade tariffs on china

The threat sparked mixed reactions across the economic circles; one faction saying that the laws would boost the countries negotiation power over the Chinese government as another says that the laws were detrimental to the economy and they were made in a rush for the purpose of threatening the Chinese government. I agree with the →

Bilateral trade model specification

6 ln + ejk Where Xjk is the volume of export from country j to import country k; GNIk is defined as the gross national income per capita measured at purchasing-power-parity; POPk and OPENk mean the population size and openness to trade - economy freedom of country k; DISTjk represents the direct-line distance between two →

The impact of lowering tariff and opening to globalization in latin america research paper

In response to the calls for economic reform and the liberalization of trade in many of Latin America's top trading partners, the region had slowly applied reform to keep up with the changing world economy. The World Bank reported that around the early years of trade liberalization in Latin America, tariff reduction had enabled the →

Mercantilism: international trade and favorable balance: overview

Mercantilism is characterized by the country applying policies and institutions such as the Navigational Acts, towards having a favorable balance of trade, extending borders, and having all of the economicgoalsset towards enriching the mother country. This would allow France to be able to trade their goods quickly and efficiently making the amount of exports increase.

Western lowland gorillas

Western Lowland Gorillas: Biological Needs: However, in west Africa, where fruits tend to makes up the majority of the gorilla's diet compared to those that live in east Africa. The Western Lowland Gorillas are keystone species in their forest habitats, so their protection is essential to long-term management of the Congo basin.

Stress, dieting, and periodontal disease

Models to Evaluate the Role of Stress in Periodontal Disease. Relationship of stress distress and inadequate coping behaviors to periodontal disease.

Social effects of alzheimer’s

The second stage is when the patient is very mild and cognitive deficit. This is when there is trouble remembering the names of objects and material they just read.

The history of schizophrenia

The word " schizophrenia" comes from the Greek roots schizo and phrene to describe the fragmented thinking of people with the disorder. Schizophrenia in Recent Times The start of the twentieth century saw, for the first time in schizophrenia history, a practical schizophrenia definition and the birth of effective treatments.

Dementia reasons symptoms and treatment research paper sample

The dementia is divided in two main categories: cortical dementia and subcortical dementia. The dementia is diagnosed according to a set of symptoms.

The dangers of dengue fever and how to keep you

I am Samuel Lim, the president of the English Club and it is my honor to be able to stand before everyone to give a speech on ' The Dangers of Dengue Fever and How to Keep You Compound Dengue Free'. To make the picture clearer, dengue fever is not caused by every mosquito.

Alzheimer’s disease and dementia

Diagnosis of Alzheimer disease requires both the presence of dementia and a characteristic pattern of neuropathology, including the presence of gross atrophy. In addition, Alzheimer's disease is the cause of about three-quarter of all cases of dementia in individuals above the age of 65.

Legionnaire`s disease

Since the identification of Legionella two decades ago, a significant amount of information has accumulated concerning the microbiology, epidemiology, clinical manifestations, control, and therapy of infections caused by these organisms. A comprehensive update of the microbiology and tetonomy of Legionellae Breiman RF, Butler JC.

Industrial injuries and occupational diseases

In other words, there has to be causality between your work and the cause of the injury. According to definition, an occupational disease is a disease or disorder that is caused by the work or working conditions.

Alzheimers disease research paper

3 Americans have this disease and approximately 200000 under the age of sixty five comprise the younger generation with the onset of Alzheimer's condition. The causes of this disease is believed to be a combination of several factors, including the environment, genetic factors that cause the initiation of the destruction of brain nerve cells.

Burn victim

It is very hard to tell if the burned area is infected because the first signs of an infection are that the area is red, inflamed, and warm to the touch. It is also very easy to get an infection from a burn because the first defense against bacteria is the skin and burns damage →

Baby bottle syndrome

If parents insist a bottle is necessary to allow a baby to fall asleep, encourage them to fill it with water and use a nipple with a smaller hole to prevent the baby from receiving a large amount of fluid. If the baby refuses to drink anything but milk, the parents might dilute the milk →

Communicable diseases

Scarlet Fever: * Cause: Group A beta Hemolytic Streptococcus * Spread via direct contact/droplet * May lead to RF * Uvula/pharynx beefy red; tonsils have white exudate, pinpoint lesions on palate * Sandpaper rash * Pastina Sign: hyperpigmentation at joints * TONGUE * So throatcultureif they have strept/sore throat *** Anybody with a sore throat →

Answers pressure ulcer

When pressure is applied to the skin the blood supply is cut off and the tissue becomes damaged.2. There are three main types of force that cause damage to the skin through pressure.

Questions about schizophrenia

Gena believes in the _____________ model of psychological disorders.A.medical** B.humanistic C.psychoanalytic D.biopsychosocial 4. Lucy seems to be suffering from a: A.dissociative disorder.B.phobia.** C.major depressive disorder.D.low self-esteem.6.

Coronary heart disease

Coronary heart disease or CHD is a narrowing of the small blood vassals that supply the heart with blood and oxygen. For instance, medications may be used to control a risk factor such as high blood pressure or high blood cholesterol and so help prevent the development of CHD.

Disease specific program

Res toration of the patient to optimum status and preven tion of progress of the illness often demands the con tinued efforts of the patient, family, nurse, physician, and other health and welfare personnel as well as the members of the community. Literature Review Today the test of the skill of the nurse is the →

Teaching strategies in supporting the cerebral palsy student in an inclusive settings

These can be placed together on a board and the child points to the picture to convey the message. Accommodations and modifications that allow students to perform to the best of their abilities yet lead them on the road to independence.

Does repositioning a patient every two hours prevent pressure ulcers?

The article goes on to say that repositioning every 4 hours along with alternating air mattresses are just as effective in preventing pressure ulcers. The tremendous variability in pressure ulcer prevalence and incidence in health care settings suggests that opportunities exist to improve outcomes for persons at risk for and with pressure ulcers.

Etiology and pathogenesis of alzheimer’s disease

The manner in which these traits contribute to the increased risk is not still proved, however, it is proved in the medical field that the numerous neurobiologic changes that are associated with the normal aging of the brain of a person also contribute to the major risk factors of Alzheimer's disorder. Histopathology The pathophysiology of →

Research paper on sickle cell anemia

According to an article on Arq Neuropsiquiatr written by Belisario et al, regarding a research on alpha thalassemia being protective against cerebrovascular disease in patients with sickle cell disease. The research was conducted on children and acknowledged in the article cerebrovascular disease as a complication of sickle cell.

Research paper on lassa fever in temne community in sierra leone

The Temne people occupies approximately 30% of the total population in Sierra Leone and reside in the Northern part of the country. The receptor is flexible and is composed of the proteins of the extracellular matrix.

Lungs breathing problem usually associated with short breath research paper

Due to the nature of the disease and the absence of symptoms during diagnosis, very expensive examinations and laboratory tests are carried out on the individual. During the time of his death, he is reported to have had trouble breathing and fever.

Hiv/aids policies in the us

Hence, it is vital to measure the level of HIV in the body and the appearance of certain infections as these are used as indicators that HIV infection has progressed to AIDS. EVIDENCE OF THE PROBLEM According to the Center of Disease Control, the cumulative number of estimated deaths in the U.S.of persons with AIDS →

An overview of the bardet-biedl syndrome

Arguments regarding the accuracy of the cardinal features emerged and consequently prompted Beales et conduct a study that aimed to clarify and determine the major criteria for proper diagnosis of the syndrome. One of the main arguments of the article by Barnet et al.was the existence of a " behavior phenotype" or a behavior →

Dementia: alzheimer’s disease and people

Many people know that dementia is a disease in which the memory is affected, but that's not all dementia is. The forms of dementia are classified by the area of the brain that gets affected and the degree of progression.

Cat eye syndrome

The name " cat eye syndrome" comes from a distinctive abnormality in the eye that is shown in some affected people. In individuals with cat eye syndrome, the short arm and a small region of the long arm of chromosome 22 are present three or four times rather than twice in cells of the body.

Gum disease

Nevertheless, the review did find gaps in the understanding of the interaction between gum disease and heart disease and called for more research. However, there is no clear evidence to proof the connection between the gum diseases to heart disease, diabetes and pregnancy complications due to the same risk factors.

American health insurance

According to World Health Organization, for the year 2000, US have been the top country when it comes to responsiveness and expenditures, what is puzzling however, is that the country only ranked 37th in overall performance and 72nd when it comes to the nation's level of health. Furthermore, the uniqueness of this system that differentiates →

Eating disorders

This stage is also known as the testing stage in which the group members are getting a feel of what to expect. As a social worker working with this population, it is important to understand exactly the signs of someone who suffers from it and ways to treat this particular population in focus.

Multiple sclerosis autoimmune disease

Symptoms vary from patient to patient based on location, treatment, and the overall severity of the disease. Some of the medications used to slow this disease down consist of Interferons, glatiramer acetate, mitoxantrone, natalizumab, and fingolimod.

Scholarly – margret newman: health as expanding consciousness research paper

The final assumption in this theory is the idea that health is not a phenomena but an expanding consciousness of an individual's interaction with the energy system. Margaret Newman and the Rhetoric of Nursing Theory.

Coronary heart disease and crohn’s disease

Coronary heart disease is a term used to describe what happens when the blood supply to the heart is blocked or interrupted by a build up of fatty substances in the coronary arteries. The disorder physically affects the body's systems' when the blood supply to the heart is blocked or interrupted by a build-up of →

Heart disease

Heart Disease Kayla Tusa Adelphi University Abstract This paper is aimed to view heart disease and show the effects that it can have on the person who has it. Heart disease is the number one killer of men and women.

Lemongrass as mosquito repellent

Nowadays, our country is very rampant with mosquitoes that carry various diseases and one of the most popular diseases that are caused by a mosquito is " DENGUE". The very most importance of this product is to avoid or prevent the spread of various diseases caused by mosquito bites.

Health insurance

Aetna has provided such products and services for 150 years, and has the ability to be a leader in building a strong and effective system of health care by cooperating with health care professionals and public officials Aetna, Inc.provides a range of traditional and consumer directed health care insurance products and related services, including medical, →

Pathophysiology: copd

COPD is the fifth driving reason for death in the UK the world. Thesmokingsuspension is the best and most significant intercession accessible in the administration of COPD.

What is hiv and how to live with it

The only way to definitely know if you are infected is to have a test. When getting tested you know if you are HIV positive if there are antibodies to the virus.

The scalpel and the silver bear

Note that all of the styles for this template are available on the Home tab of the ribbon, in the Styles gallery.] Keywords: [Click here to add keywords.]The Scalpel and the Silver BearThe Scalpel and the Silver Bear is theautobiographyof Dr. The Navajo believe in the beauty of the body, the sacredness of the body, →