Genuine Research Paper Examples

Leadership plan

That is the type of leader I aspire to be. My first step is to identify with the ideas I have in my mind.2.

Bad leadership-xerox

When Allaire was replaced by Thoman, he never had the full support from the board of directors or the employees to take over as CEO, and this led to Thoman being frustrated and eventually the whole organization was demoralized. The main problem that led to people including the CEO not being psychologically safe is the →

Good research paper about bipolar and heredity

There is certainly a hereditary component, since research indicate that 90 percent of persons suffering from bipolar disorder have a member of family diagnosed with a depressive disorder or bipolar disorder. Additionally, research exploring the connection of bipolar and genetics discovered that children having a biological parent suffering from bipolar I or II disorder is →

Spirit leader

If accepted to be the Spirit Leader of our team, I plan to execute the suggestions of our coach into making a spirit can, and a sign for the school of the weekly sport games. As a Spirit Leader, I want to make a change in our school and community.

Women leadership

But the truth is that the language is fabricated and the world of business operates in a land not unknown to women. The traits of women are not to be compared with that of men, just shared in composition of a more productive and progressive society.

Leaders and managers

This could be due to the fact that they rely on the inspiration and motivation provided by leaders, and this is what Granger assured- " management is the organization's way of coping with the fact that leadership is always in the clouds". The Difference between Leadership and Management.

Relationship of leadership to the politics

Definition Leadership-This is the practice of controlling and directing the behavior of individuals towards the completion of some commongoalsand objectives. Understanding is the key for leaders to make use of organizational politics and also to enhance their own leadership credibility.

Quot;aeneid” by virgil research papers example

It was the biggest and the strongest empire in the world, which was believed to have control over most of the world's resources. The desire for Aeneid to travel to Rome was birthed by the need to be associated with the roman leaders for the purpose of invoking the needed favor to build the city.

Different perspectives on the practice of leadership

Selznick states that the point of leadership is to " infuse the organization with values." And Denhardt says the theory and practice of public administration are integral to the development of the state and its allocation f values in society. 5 of values leadership in the work of public administration, presenting a model of leadership →

Leadership challenge

These are as follows: Dissatisfaction among the staffs regarding the increasing workload: One of the major challenge to the leadership of the 56th HBCT leadership has been the workload that the leaders assign to the staffs. Unwillingness of the leaders in involving subordinates in the decision making process: Another major problem regarding the leadership in →

Good research paper about the character of agamemnon in homers iliad

The characters of the epic have been immortalized in the history of literature and the quintessence of artistic expression has awed readers and critics alike. The character of Agamemnon is one of the most pivotal ones in the course of the epic.

Leadership theories and concepts

The process involves a message which is encoded and transmitted through some medium to a receiver who decodes the message and then a feedback to the sender. Horizontal communication Downward communication: The information flows down the organizational hierarchy from managers to subordinates and the objectives of this four of communication is: * To give directives.

Research paper on elizabethan england

Arguably the most important factor that occurred in England between the 1400s and the 1600s that allowed it to grow to be an empire were the changes that occurred during the Elizabethan Era in England. The church of England, in a very large break from the traditional Catholic religion had been established by Elizabeth's father →

Good example of research paper on united states military history: 1700-1900

The British were responsible for a blockade of the United States; this was a highly effective tactic and one which the north would use on the southern states in the United States during the American Civil War. Finally, the American South was also the scene of a number of battles; this area was torn with →

Good research paper on research and analysis questions

In case the Islamic Republic decides to take a step further and weaponize the nuclear abilities of the country, the threat of war in the Middle Eastern region will become enhanced since Iran as well as its neighbors continue to modify themselves with the constant shifts in power and the stakes continue to grow higher. →

Imperialism in east africa research paper examples

The scramble and partition of East Africa involved the British and the Germans take over and partitioning East Africa exerting their influence and power over them. The existence of the imperialists increased suffering and pain for the local communities and fight for their independence led to massive loss of life.

The crimean war research paper examples

The aggressive expansionism of Russia coupled with its pledge to rule over the Ottoman Empire in order to gain control of the route to Asia and the consequent British fear of losing its business trades to Asia and to check Russian expansionism resulted in eruption of the Crimean war. The major cause of the Crimean →

Executive summery research paper examples

The governments also trust on the view of the public interest on the utilization of the nuclear power, therefore they need to take active steps to open up and continue in infrastructural construction of the nuclear power stations, this will help to meet the fuel cost in the country and upgrade the living standards of →

Example of the influence of african-american troops on the european culture during and following research paper

The involvement of the American military forces in the Great War was also a catalyst for change in the cultural grounds: African-American troops brought with them a new and innovative style of music: jazz. At the same time, the divide between the artist and the audience disappeared in jazz performances; jazz was " openly an →

Good the impact of trade barriers on the uk research paper example

When the competitiveness of the business services increase it will help to improve the quality, lower the costs and to adapt to the global economy and technology. In UK, about 10% of the employment is directly contributed by the business services, and this does help in the creation of jobs and wealth at the same →

Israel-palestinian conflict research paper sample

Despite the fact that the religious events have not been linked to the 1948 occupation of Israelites, and the dating back of religious activities before this event, it is still considered a factor of note in analyzing the constant conflict between Israel and Palestine. Grievances on due to the deprivation of human rights and essential →

Female genital mutilation research paper examples

Female genital mutilation or female circumcision/female genital cutting, pertains to the partial or total removal of the person's female genitalia and the injuries in the genital organs. Today, female circumcision or female genital mutilation is still a trend that serves as a tradition for many African tribes and in some communities around the globe for →

Good the british occupation of egypt 1882 research paper example

In fact, all of imperial history from the 18th century to the outbreak of the Second World War, albeit a physical reality of expensive wars, was also the push and tussle of economic games, of a hegemony born out of the need to take over lands before anyone else did. Yet in the words of →

Good british history: social sphere of the popish plot research paper example

Towards the end of the seventeenth century, Protestants greatly feared Catholics " overthrowing the Church of England in Church and State", their concerns were heightened by " The king' s evident sympathy for France; the Catholicism of his consort, Catherine of Braganza; and the apparent conversion to Rome of the King's brother and heir James, →

How the jamestown settlers of 1607 overcame the research paper samples

In 1606, a group of settlers boarded three ships, ' The Susan Constant', ' The Godspeed', and ' The Discovery', financed by the King of England, King James, and they headed toward what they had deemed, ' The New World', supposedly filled with prosperous land to farm on and most importantly, gold. Chief Powhatan's tribe →

Example of research paper on the vernacular language

In the Anglo-Saxon culture, the strong influence of the church brought Latin to the center stage, but Alfred The Great caused the publication of works in a vernacular language called Old English, like texts from the Bible, religious commentaries, or even histories. In the 14th century, vernacular language was now frequent and usual in literary →

Blacks in latin america research paper example

A Comparison between the Cuba's Development of Slavery and North America Differences i) Slavery in Spanish America began earlier and was more intensive than in British America. Those in North America were fairly treated and some of them gave birth and multiplied.ii) In Spanish America, slave trade was well coordinated and involved African rulers who →

Free mahatma gandhi research paper example

This paper intends to elaborate the reason as to why he is recognized as an important figure in India and the impacts that he made to the Indian region as well as the whole world at large. This indicated that he was from a lineage that was categorically wise owing to the fact that his →

America outsourcing

Top in the agenda is the loss of jobs to outsourcing which has led to income inequality and joblessness in the host countries. Of the total revenue that GE earned in 2003, 45% came from the international markets which goes on to show that outsourcing has had a positive impact on the company.

Different types of workers’ compensation plans

The four types of Workers' Compensation plans are: Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program, Federal Employees' Compensation Program, Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Program, and the Black Lung Benefits Program. It is necessary to have federal and state compensation plans to make sure the employees are covered.

How to transition better to the work routine after a vacation

There is nothing worse than being woken up in the middle of the night, that sudden awakened state from a middle-of-the-night phone call, or a screaming child owing to a nightmare. The benefit of a morning routine is that it protects you from making excuses and allowing your feelings to dictate your choices.

Bad working conditions

There may have been a tendency for historians to be shocked about the way in which people were treated at the mills because of the time period. Pauline Greg has given a very negative view of the working conditions.

The constructionist perspective of obesity

The belief in the importance of individual's freedom to choose the types of food they consume and to have a more active lifestyle is embraced by most people. Both groups validate obesity is an epidemic and therefore a social problem however these groups battle the way we are to combat this problem.

A similar theme in works of neoclassical and romantic

While neoclassicism dealt with the resurgence of the antique ideal that was conceived of by Virgil, Raphael and many other eminent artists, the Romantic Movement was a reaction against the severities of reality and rationalization. The basic problem in doing so is to excogitate a way to match the sublimities of ancient Greek tastes and →

Managing work life balance

This leads to extrinsic motivation as the managers makes the employees in the organization participate in an activity because of the benefits and rewards associated with the activity. Flexi-time is beneficial to employees as it gives them a greater degree of freedom to balance their work and personal life, which helps in reducing stress.

What role, if any, should mary’s past work record play in this case?

Management do have the right to know why employees refuse to work overtime since it directly affects the operation and productivity of the company, for example, Mary's refusal to work overtime would hamper and limit the productivity of the department, and thefailureto produce the services required of them would spell losses for the company. Her →

Reflection of internship technology

From what I learned, I did not have to learn how to manage or setup Zones in order to perform my duties as a system administrator. I feel like a whole new person equipped with experience and knowledge in the areas I used to lack in.

Work satisfaction and motivation

5 The amount of work is easy to handle 1 2 3 3. 2 I work in the department of my choice 1 2 3 10.

Understanding good practice in workplace coaching

This then encourages the client to explore their problems and self more deeply Questioning Techniques to enable client to stop and think - this includes the skills of the catalytic toolkit, through open and closed questioning, emphatic divining and checking understanding, paraphrasing and logical marshalling and simple and selective echoing, so that you can have →

Pro and cons team work

This is a drawback of the team structure and highlights the fact that the success of a team is largely dependent on the character andmotivationof its individual members? Retrieved from Pro: team members can express their concerns and contribute thoughts so that the team has a diversity of ideas Working actively in a team →

Standard working hours

Introduction After the implementation of statutoryminimum wagein Hong Kong, many people urge the government to have law about standard working hours as employers may use non-paid overtime as a means to minimize the labor cost in order to offset the increase of labor costs caused by the minimum wage. Yet, the main concern is to →

Summer internship project

Analyzing the strengths and weakness of Company A with its competitors Medium of awareness of Company A and its competitor among the target group Understanding the buying behavior of clients and the factors they take into account while buy modular kitchen and wardrobes The extent to which the buying decision of modular furniture is influenced →

Changing perspectives

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveller, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; " Changing one's perspective can be confronting and enriching." The Encarta Concise English Dictionary defines perspective as " →

Comparing the works of luhrmann and zeffirelli

In both versions, when the camera zooms in on the characters during the opening scenes, you can feel the emotion and the tension, because the viewer is so close. This is also common in the Luhrmann version because the camera focuses a lot on the huge statue of Christ in Verona.

Workplace problems

To this end, our research question would likely be ' What is causing employees to feel overburdened by an unbalanced workload? ' In this way, Team A has defined the objective of the study and identified the specific problem at issue. In this way, we will begin to paint a broad picture of the issue →

Job redesign and workplace rewards

Regarding the existing rewards and other motivation means in the airline department it is necessary to say that the authorities of the hotel enter all new motivational stimulus for deduction of the employees and put means in development of the personnel. So, it is necessary to widen the range of airline department's obligations and tasks.

More work for mother

Some theories would have it that the advent of home appliances has caused wives to leave their homes and find their niche in the outside world. Technology has been the causal agent to the entrance of women into the workforce outside the portals of their own homes.

Through outsourcing and strategic alliances

This was a severe disadvantage for the company as competitors could offer the same level of features in their products at a fraction of the cost. The bargaining power of suppliers was medium because most hardware manufacturers tended to maintain a joint venture framework in developing their products.

Perspectives on adult and worker’s education

It is the view of this paper that social democracy perspective is a better model because it strongly relies on institutionalization of workers adult education; a factor that largely provides them with a raised ground for competing with others. However, social democracy is both a strengthening factor and encouragement to the workers both socially and →

All work and no play makes a dull life

I am not trying to be witty but people are busy with nothing to do because they do not know how to make use of their leisure. People who only know about their work and are perpetually engrossed in it do not recreate that part of themselves which is spent.

The outsourcing challenge

Interestingly, given the importance of the outsourcing decision and the amount ofacademicand practitioner literature on it, there is surprisingly little consensus about the topic, probably because of the multiplicity and complexity of the factors involved. In their research, they attempted to explain the degree of IT outsourcing by using cost structures and economic performance.

Recruitment and selection of incepta pharma

Recruitment is the process of identifying that the organization needs to employ someone up to the point at which application forms for the post have arrived at the organization. Mid and senior level employees turnover is rare in the incepta.

Job outsourcing’s effects on the economic growth

On the other hands, outsourcing is a threat to the economic growth of the country, mainly in the case of unemployment. To put it in a nut shell, outsourcing can make both the positive and negative effects in the economic development of a country.

Conflicts in work place

Positive view: This view consider conflict are positive in organizations, but if it is managed and Considered can be positive and they believe that if the conflict managed and resolution effectively many time we can see constructive outcomes. Conflict help in decision making process; because it is nature and people have different opinions, thoughts, attitudes →

Job workforce shifts

In the 1900 the workforce was estimated at roughly 24 million that also included kids at the age of 10 and above gainfully employed. A great example would be our farmers, at the turn of the century 38 percent of America's labor force where farmers compared to the end of the century where there were →

Chartism: working class and national political movement

What evidence is there in the extract above of three explanations for Chartism's support that you learned about in the history chapter of Y180, and which, if any, is stressed most strongly by the speaker? However I personally conclude that the main focus and draw of support was the movement's politicalgoalsas the speech uses political →

Work experience

I had to tick off what I would prefer to do, so I chose to work in retail and fashion. So when the bus stopped I walked positively towards the shop, the funny thing was, I was slightly early, so I had to stand outside, I felt a bit out of place at that point, →

A ‘balanced’ life: work-life balance

In organisations and on the home front, the challenge of work-life balance is rising to the top of many employers' and employees' consciousness. Work-family culture: the extent to which an organisation's culture acknowledges and respects the family responsibilities and obligations of its employees and encourages management and employees to work together to meet their personal →


I think the Wizards are a great team that love the game andrespecteach other, and that is what you need to be a successful team. You win as a team, and you lose as a team, You need to have empathy for other people on your team, Teams and teamwork are not just sports and →

The case against a higher minimum wage

Jobs and the Minimum Wage Economists have studied the job-destroying features of a higher minimum wage. Side Effects of Raising the Minimum Wage It has been well documented that the minimum wage destroys jobs, particularly the jobs of low-skilled, young workers.

Paper on tech mahindra

The growth in the service sector in India has been led by the ITES sector, contributing substantially to the increase in GDP, employment, and exports. Merger with Mahindra Satyam Tech Mahindra will be merged with Mahindra Satyam in the next half of 2012 to build a 2.-billion $ IT Company in India.

Future workforce

The examination of the future workforce view will permit the people in charge of human resource planning within the banking institutions in the UAE to know the employees required at each of the horizontals and vertical levels of the organizations in terms of the exact number and the type of employees. Its should be noted →

Group work

The thoughts of bookmans such as Burner, Kohlberg, Piaget and Vygotsky are used in the development of collaborative acquisition, which basically implies that both the pupil and theenvironmentare actively dynamic entities in the acquisition procedure as the pupil tries to portray the lessons. He thereby concluded that; " the development of moral concluding happens in →

Case for locog workforce diversity?

Managing of diversity is significant for the successful attainment of LOCOG's objectives and, therefore, management ought to be aware of the importance of workforce diversity and how HR can contribute towards its broader objective of diversity. Importance of workforce diversity Management of diversity requires the recognition of value and harnessing workforce differences and individual characteristics →

Doing the dirty work

At the end of the line are the gizzard cutters, who tackle the more difficult organs attached to the inside of the chicken's carcass. Question: Q1 How relevant are the concept of competencies to the job in a chicken- processing plant?

Reflection of team work

The presentations that each team gave in front of the class proved to be a good experience for every member of each group. It has been a great team building experience for me, and I feel that the completion of this team project will help me in future team oriented projects.

Advantages of retaining older workers

This essay will outline why Australia needs to retain older workers in the workforce, why older people are staying in the workforce for longer and discuss some of the advantages and disadvantages associated with encouraging older workers to stay in the workforce for longer. Australia's need to encourage older workers to stay in the workforce →

Strategy of the have company

But in the case of the radio controlled airplane hat is a specific item were there would be no need for storage of this item due to not knowing the quantities needed for sale. Since this valued product is need to make the final end product this would have to be a direct method of →

Working on nhdfdh

Assignment In this assignment, you will focus on the debate between the personalities and naturalistic positions in scientific history, and how the concept of zeitgeist relates to each of these concepts. If you are unfamiliar with PAP form and style, take this tutorial: The Basics of PAP Style.

Team works

The satisfaction of the employees in the company makes them feel that the company is competitive in the market place, a sense that increases their output and cohesion to the company. The company is very keen to its executives responsible towards the management of the human resources to keep pace with the global competition for →

Back belts

It becomes popular due to the medical assumption that it protects the back and many workplaces acquire the use of back belts to avoid injuries among the workers. Sakol Trading and Engineering Co, Ltd, a Thailand-based manufacturer of medical equipment like back belts and safety slings, guarantees that the back support belt has the comfort →

External recruitment at scea inc

The three who were hired into the company are Robert Dyer who was appointed to be the company's Senior Vice President in the Department of Publisher Relations, Sally Buchanan who was appointed to be the company's Vice President in the Human Resources Department and Ian Jackson who was appointed as the Company's Vice President in →

Why did pollock’s art work no.5 (1948) sell for $140million in 2006?

Carter stated " Clearly has nothing to do with the value of the materials that it is made of, or the value of the labor..". Carter, he had fully justified himself as to why there are differences in the art market prices, reasons due to the key periods of an artist's work, the issues of →

From a chinese perspective

The function of these artists was not merely to beautify the tedious surroundings of modern China but to diversify its angle on Chineseculture, unfettered from the shackles of its restrictive past. It would be interesting to see and learn from the different viewpoints and techniques of other artists, as well as the opportunity to handle →

Effects of unemployment on us

Firstly, the reason of the current total unemployment is 10 percent and it is higher than the year before is because many of the citizens stopped looking for job and so they are considered as unemployed workers. The GDP gap in year 2010 is estimated to be around 9 percent as the unemployment rate on →

Managing the i.t. infrastructure of neosphere outsourcing, inc.

Fineex selects from the pool of technical respondents based on schedule and specialization and assign them with a service vehicle appropriate to the type of service defined by the call agent. Management and Workforce Development and maintenance of the system used by Neosphere is directly under the management and supervision of the Chief Information Officer →

Office ergonomics

Introduction Ergonomics is the process of designing the workenvironmentto fit the worker, rather than fitting the worker to the work environment. The following are important considerations when attempting to maintain neutral body postures while working at the computer workstation: Hands, wrists, and forearms are straight, in-line and roughly parallel to the floor.

Collectivism enforced by the government

Synthesis Essay Halley Dunlop In the books, Anthem, Fahrenheit 451, Harrison Burgeon, and the movies The Hunger Games, and Wall-E, the government contains all of the people to make them equal. The pitfalls of the quest forequalityare the lack of individuality, inability to be creative, and lack of intelligence.

Perspective on the teachings of jan hus

Of primary concern to Hus was the designation of the Pontiff, or Pope, within the church. Based on his radical views and strong opposition to the church's foundational belief that the pope is the head of the church, Jan Hus was accused of heresy and was condemned.

Nike and child labor

The Issue Nike has been accused of using child labor in the production of itssoccerballs in Pakistan. Gender and other forms of discrmination plus adding to the lack of political will, gives the clear picture of the existence of child labor in Pakistan.

Recruiting and retention of employees

Three key areas requiring concentration by the company are the process of the company and the inherent structure, the developments of the people and a conduciveenvironmentof working for the employees. Any company should therefore adopt the simplest and most effective strategy of HRM of getting the right people, keeping these people in the company and →

Вrama work centered on a mystery bag

In planning our play we brainstormed and developed different ideas, and then picked the one we thought that we could act out best and the one that could be developed most. The audience seemed to think that it was ok, no one boo-ed and we got clapped at the end.

Responsibilities of a social worker

The social worker's role in planning an assessment is to plan for the assessment and, in order to account for the complexity of the task should gather and record information in a systematic and precise way, checking information with the children and parents. In the assessment of Naomi and Christopher, both of the children's development →

Balancing work and family

Based on some of the challenges that she encountered in balancing work and family early on in their relationship, both of them tend to work hard and seek for a stable income andcareerwith high demands for managing the family. In contrast, the most significant key to creating and maintaining the right position between work and →

Nursing and work schedule/job placement

NursingNursing is a wisecareeroption, it is a career that allows you to help save people's lives, and bring cheer and comfort to those in need. You can choose to work in different departments, study to be a medical assistant and also get into nursing management where you can grow and nurture new nurses and share →

Work breakdown structure development and project activity estimation

In some of the stages the team members are Involved, that allows the opportunity to be part of the planning stage. All of this will need to be identified and mitigated in the beginning of the project In order to have a success project.

In-house recruitment system

This system is highly effective in filling major senior positions in an organization due to effective prior-scrutiny and use of experts to establish the best candidates. The process is also costly in that organizations use panels of experts to reduce the chances of bias and therefore less effective for lower manual positions.

Motivating workers

This is consistent with the Mission statement of the Company in writing and principle; it is communicated to employees and is also broken into smaller units calledGoals. REVIEW It is important to review the activities of program, it impact on the organization and its vivid dividends at regular intervals.

Community service should be required for high school

Students need to learn the importance of a community as a whole and experience the real world before they leave high school because making a difference in your community can help students realize how much assistance your community needed in the first place. Community service can help students learn to truly appreciate the things that →

Understandanding the role of the social care worker

2 Describe different working relationships in a social care setting; you work with a varierty of different people in the work settings; i.e doctors, familymembers and colleagues. 3 Explain the importance of full and up to-date details of agreed ways of working; By recieving a up to-date job description and reading it you know if →

Minimum wage and why we should leave it alone

So the minimum wage, which is sometimes characterized as a " hand up, not a handout" is neither - it is a hurdle that trips up the least skilled." The continuing demand of moremoneyfor less work has forced the United States to raise the minimum wage innumerable times in the last century, Which results in →

Child labor

On the other hand, the terms " child worker" and " working children" will be used in their general sense to refer to all children below 18 years old who are engaged in an economic activity on a more or less regular basis to earn a living for themselves, for their families, or for others, →

Five shortcuts for maximizing efficiency at work

This decreases the amount of time it takes to complete a task and often leads to a streamlined communication helping an employee to complete a task or assignment rightly the first time. The idea is to have all employees working on the same system so that anyone can step in and complete a task without →

Way of working

When the telephone operators take a phone call the time and which operator is talking gets logged in the computer. After this introduction the new operator knows the basics, but in both companies the employees agrees that the knowledge you obtain by doing the job adds more knowledge than the education.

The work perk that matters more than free food, gym equipment or an open-office plan

The study also revealed that one-third of workers are " moonlighting," or pursuing one or more jobs on top of their primary one. In addition, the survey also showed that the average worker thinks about work for 78 percent of their waking hours during a typical workday, versus 41 percent on a day →

Larsen & toubro recruitment and retention policies

Also each of the employees should be properly motivated so that he/she develops a will to work & fell that he is a part of the organisation, this help in the development of a sense ofresponsibility&a sense of belongingness amongst the employees. At the end of the selection process, the Campus Recruitment Team will compile →