Genuine Research Paper Examples

Example of research paper on obsessive compulsive disorder

On the website of the International OCD Foundation, they experts define Obsessive Compulsive Disorder as " a disorder of the brain and behavior". This meant that, from the people who came to a clinic, one out of a hundred had OCD".

Planning for a perfect wedding

The bridesmaid, groomsmen and pageboys should also be dressed according to the theme and the design of the bride and groom. The bouquets should be according to the theme and color of the day.

What’s wrong in marrying?

She argues that the number of gifts that the father bestows on the daughter and the heavymoneythat he spends on the wedding make the bride look like a " commodity" that is being transferred from one to another for a sum. By this argument she overlooks the love and care that the father has for →

Having a first year marriage baby

One of the negative ways a baby affects marriage is the amount of time and energy she requires from her parents. What it means is you should take the time to care for and nurture your marriage, whether you are a parent already or soon plan to be.

A socio-demographic characteristics

In some studies, the demography of an area is expanded to include education, income, the structure of the family unit, housing, race or ethnicity, and religion. Scope and Limitation of the study The following factors were studied: age; gender; marital status; relationship of the students; educational attainment; occupation and monthly income of the respondents.

Marriage in kate chopin’s story of an hour

Near the end, she comes out of her room and walks arm In arm with her sister down the stairs to find her late husband at the door, which causes her heart to give way, in what the doctors proclaimed " of heart disease? of joy that kills. The author makes the heart represent marriage, →

Living together without married

What are the advantages and disadvantages of living together without marriage There are many advantages and disadvantages in living together before marriage. One of the advantages of living together before marriage is getting to know a person that you might marry with.

Gay marraige

You are young, it's the start of summer and you are out with your favorite group of friends, soaking up the sunshine and relaxing. You want to take a step forward, take it to the next level and spend the rest of your lives together, officially, legally.

Separation, divorce & annulment

However, the Matrimonial Causes Act 1950 which applies to other races in Kiribati and to foreigners in Solomon Islands, reinforces the fault based position by insisting on the blameless character of the petitioner and the fault of the respondent. For the purposes of obtaining a divorce on the ground of adultery in fault based jurisdictions, →

Marriage and family

The definition of the US Census Bureau states that the family is a " a group of two people or more related by birth, marriage, or adoption and residing together". The above definition of the nuclear family refers to monogamous families that are typically considered the norm in the West.

Marriage and its characteristic in korean culture

While marriage is not necessary in order to beget children, it is necessary for the purpose of care and training of children. The welfare of the children then is the primary purpose of marriage.

A marriage agreement

However as good as the author's narration of how they delegated the tasks, for overall effectiveness of convincing readers of the effectivity of such delegation the author must present proof and comparison of the advantages of such agreements. All these up to this point were presented in a very clear manner with the intent of →

Gender roles and marriage

Among women, Walter is subservient and the object of derision. Among women, Walter is subservient and the object of derision.

The nandi warriors

Deep in the Western Highlands of Africa lives a group of people known as the Nandi people. Warriors in theHeart of Darkness: The Nandi Resistance.2002.

How does shakespeare present the theme of love and marriage?

The theme of childhood, voiced by the elder Cathy on her deathbed, is continued in the main action of the second half of the book [.] in one way or another childhood is in fact the central theme of Emily Bronte's writing'.' This time in Catherine's life, which is unquestionably associated with Heathcliff's appearance in →

Wedding ceremony

The security of your marriage will lie in the true character of your soul, in the steadfastness of your devotion, and in the love you posses in your heart. Rodney Sterry- I will Pastor Price- And Jennifer, will you have this man to be you are lawfully wedded husband, to live together according to God's →

Love and marriage

Many married couples are often asked, " Why did you two finally decide to get married? " A question that is answered over seventy-five percent of the time with, " Well because we are in love." Of course, love should be a factor considered when making the decision to get married, but considering marriage in →

Evolution or ignorance of education

The process of learning about evolution is a necessary part of a well-rounded student's education due to the fact that it is a statistically proven science and removing it in turn revokes certain student's rights. Biological change in the properties of populations of organisms that transcend the lifetime of a single individual.

It is not the power but fear of loosing

Fear of losing power corrupts those who wield it and fear of scourge of power corrupts those who are subject to it"." Power has only one duty - to secure the social welfare of the people" Disraeli Benjamin. What is of more significance in corrupting a person is the fear of losing the power, the →

Clientelism, tribalism, and ethnic conflict in africa

I argue that clientelism although it is pervasive in African politics did not emerge as a direct result of colonisation, which most people would view as the birthplace of modern African politics and political institutions as a result of the restructuring of African society. That is was present and a working framework for society." The →

Chronic fatigue syndrome

A recent study shows that people living on the continent of North America suffer 9 times more chronic fatigue and 31 times more chronicdepressionthan do people living on the continent of Asia. The purposes of this idea try to convince the audience that the people who are living in North American continent should usually eat →

Self and mental abilities

If an older adult was to have a serious fall and harm themselves in a serious way which could affect their mobility in walking around, this could potentially make the individual isolated in their home as they could be too afraid to go outside as it may have knocked their confidence and self-esteem. Emotionally they →

Defining honor

For instance, we say that it was a great honor for Jim Smith to be elected captain of the football team; and then, on the other hand, we talk about a code of honor, or the laws of honor. Next to keeping our own obligations of honor is the duty of protecting the honor of →

Effects of emotion regulation on risk aversion

The independent variables in this experiment were the ER strategy induced and the emotion experienced by the subjects. The textbook deals with the topic of emotion and cognitive regulation by addressing the topics of thought suppression, affect and cognition and emotion regulation.

Grief and loss

That is why grief takes place after the loss of someone, but it is the shame of grieving that deepens the wounds of a person. They will understand that there is no point of depression and it will not change a thing if they do not have the will to change themselves.

Can we trust our emotions in the pursuit of knowledge?

In history, the sense of trusting emotions in the process of knowledge acquisition in History as a discourse is rarely ideal. In their report to the respective tutor, the students wrote that there was absence of blood cells and the test was negative.

Fret and regret

Ian has 2 major problems; he doesnt want to use Iphone 4S instead of Galaxy S2 and he doenst want to broke Molly's heart. According to the case if he only considers brand and technology his choice would be Galaxy S2 for sure.

Analyse the legal issues raised by the case of airedale nhd trust v bland (1993).

The legal issues at the heart of Bland have been the subject of debates which have echoed through the centuries and the issues of the sanctity of life, autonomy and the best interests of a patient were argued by Ronald Dworkin to be the three main contentious issues when deliberating euthanasia and will be the →

Comparing the presantation of conflict in the charge

The words " charge for the guns" proposes of the certain death that the soldiers will meet and how suicidal this charge is, it also suggests the madness of the war. Tennyson says " cannon to right of them, cannon to the left of them, cannon in front of them" this shows the confusion through →

A sense of honor

In the story, " A Sense of Honor" by author James Webb, we learn about a tough guy by the name of Bill Fogarty who is a boxer and a first class senior midshipman who strives to become an officer in the Marine Corps. Webb is able to convey that Fogarty was not the tough →

Tim o’brien “the things they carried”, and his writing style

The evolution of emotional perception of the world and values is depicted through the character of Lieutenant Jim Cross. It is important that " a set of things" has been changed, and at the end of the story the heroes carry a completely different " things" with them.

Rizal as inspiration (reflection)

Many fiipino knows Rizal is our natonal hero and being a hero is what they knew about him and that is wrong. Like him, he used the power of his mind to fight for good and that's we should try to imitate from him.

Broken heart poem by john donne

When John says he do not mean the diseases itself but he means the suffering in love and the effects of broken heart is similar to the plague. He concludes his poem by saying that his broken heart can like, wish and admire but he never fall in love again.

Negotiation conflict styles

For example, in the commercial environment, negotiations may be entered into between supplier and the core business, in order to look at the volume of items which can be provided, the price and the delivery schedule, so that both the supplier of raw materials and the central company are comfortable with the situation and are →

Resource based view approach

Negotiation skills are a good asset and can lend to other areas of life. This model is a great way of mapping out person's skills linked to the negotiation process and linking the two.

Finding nemo: overcoming fear and the hero’s journey

Because of this close encounter with danger and death, Marlin is able to rid himself of the fear that has controlled him ever since the birth of his son. In the last critical stage of Marlin's Journey, he pulls together all of the erudition he has gathered from his quest to realizes that his fear →

Two girls with the courage to change their world

In The Sweetness of the Bottom of the Pie, the main character, Flavia DeLuce, epitomizes the struggles women faced forequalityin England during the 1950's. In the novel The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie, Flavia, contrary to Celeste, avidly verbally and physically, defies her male dominated society.

Agoraphobia – an overview

Agoraphobia may cause due to the fear of leaving outdoors, a sort of open space - but it is NOT an anxiety of being in vast openness and without walls, a roof or other peripheries, etc. History of Agoraphobia: In the mid 1960's Agoraphobia was termed as a ' Phobic Anxiety Disorder' A prominent German →

I hope you dance

I hope you dance " And when you get the chance to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance." If you had the chance to sit it out or dance, would you dance? I knew that although things would be extremely difficult to attempt to be able to work enough hours to get →

Brutus in an honorable man.

When Brutus thinks that the people want Caesar to fall, Brutus tells himself that he joins the conspiracy for the people. Brutus is known to many as the man of great virtue.

The crucible: conflict between john and elizabeth

This show that John is withholding information from Elizabeth and the rest of the community and the audience is aware of this. I have no business in Salem.' Which the audience knows is untrue because he was previously in Salem where he met Abigail, this shows that John feels he has to lie to Elizabeth →

Why fear national id cards?

The reasoning behind such an idea is this, with the sacrifice of some of the individual's privacy a greater level of security, equality, and productivity can be achieved while discarding some of the insensitive and inefficient methods of identification we use today. This would drastically decrease the chances of forgery by the use of a →

What does chapter one of the spire reveal about jocelin and his attitude to other people?

As Jocelin thinks of her as 'Pangall's wife' it may be that he is trying to remind himself that she is married and the fact Jocelin feels the need to remind himself that she is married and that he cannot have her shows that he does not love her solely as a wouldaughter'. With Jocelin's →

Public trust doctrine: indian contours

In that case, the Minister of the Environment impermissibly allowed a motel to be built at the mouth of a river, and impermissibly allowed the motel to change the course of the river in violation of the Public Trust Doctrine which had not explicitly existed before this case. 27] And thus the " aesthetic use →

Jai jai garvi gujarat

Praises of Proud Gujarat. Praises of Proud Gujarat.

Loss and grief

Models of Loss and Grief There have been a number of loss and grief models that is based on the notion that every person in grief goes more or less in ' the same sequence of stages in the recovery from grief, and at relatively the same speed'. This model appears to define the stages →

Assessment and care planning: holistic assessment

Secondly, the Roper, Logan and Tierney model ofnursingthat was used to assess the care needs of the patient will be discussed, and then the assessment process will be analysed critically. Furthermore, the role of inter-professional skills in relation to care planning and delivery will be analysed, and finally the care given to the patient will →

Attachment, loss and bereavement

Defining his attachment theory as " a way of conceptualising the propensity of human beings to make strong affectional bonds to particular others"., he posited " that it is our affectional bonds to attachment figures that engage us in our most intense emotions." and that " this occurs during their formation, in their maintenance and →

Torture and fear in the handmaids tale

The handmaids tale is a novel by Margaret Atwood, It describes the life of a woman who is documenting her life as it goes on, As the book progresses we are able to see the amount of torture that the woman of Gilead receive. The Eye is a very effective mechanism of fear as it →

Love and hatred in romeo and juliet

The protagonists Romeo and Juliet in the meeting scene and the balcony scene portray love. The use of the simile helps the audience to perceive that her love for Romeo is deep and profound like the sea.

How to respect your parents

In the Quran, there is a very beautiful description of how parents are to be treated; Allaah Says: " And your Lord has decreed that you not worship except Him, and to parents, good treatment. Have mercy upon them as they brought me up [when I was] small.'" [Quran 17: 23-24] The recognition and respect →

The effects of illiteracy

There are two effects of illiteracy: illiteracy creates an obstacle to their development as well as a function on society and toward their self esteem. In conclusion, illiteracy can be regarded as one of the most important problem on society because prevents the development of a person who wants to progress with its life, but →

Streams of silver 9. there is no honor

Jierdan looked to the eastern horizon and the first rays of the coming dawn, anxious to be cleared of his duties on the wall so that he could go report his findings to Dendybar. Sydney well understood the dangers and the difficulties of the docks, and almost pitied Jierdan for incurring the wrath of the →

Emotional intelligence has become a major tool

I believe that organizations can do certain things to help develop the emotional intelligence of their managers as well as other employees, first is theeducationon the components and intricacies of this; this can be done through training /retraining session for both leaders and employees. Apart of this, there can be a constant review of employee →

What empathy means to me

Although there are many definitions for the term empathy, one of which states that it " refers to the reactions of one individual to the observed experiences of another ", a very fitting definition, however empathy is so much more than Just a label for a reaction toa situation. Matthew 7: 12 states " So →

Undaunted courage outline

Toward the end of the period discussed in the chapter Lewis begins to accumulate the vast stores of impedimenta required for such a long journey; he in particular spends time at Harpers Ferry securing firearms and overseeing the construction of an. Lewis and Clark commend with wonder at the hundreds and even thousands of bison →

Kubler-ross’ five stages of grief

The first stage is witnessed after the author receives a call on Sunday that Eric his son is dead, the narrator is negatively affected, as he believes it is wrong for parents to bury their children as children are the future and should bury their parents. This means that God understands what he is going →

Teaching gifted and talented students

General Strategies for Modifying the Curriculum The objectives for modifying standard curricula for high-ability students include: meeting the learning capacity of the students, meeting the students' rapid rates of learning in all or some areas of study, and providing time and resources so that students can pursue areas of special interest. Cluster grouping of high-ability →

Twelfth night – would you agree with viola that the use of disguise and deception is wicked?

In Act two Viola tries desperately to give Orsino an idea of her love for him, telling him that the person she loves is " of your complexion", during this conversation Viola's dialogue is in blank verse, showing that she is unable to express her true love for him, this is another example of the →

Effect of anxiety disorder

Faster heart beating and breathing is simple and common effect of anxiety disorder problem. Finaly, effects of anxiety disorder problem are faster heart beating and changing behaviour change human life profoundly.

Emotional intelligence quotient

The test I took was composed of a series of questions that required me to rate myself based on how much I feel the given statement applies to me. There is so much that I can do to make myself a better person most especially in the way I relate to people and on how →

Legalizing physician assisted suicide

A look at the positive side of legalizing physician assisted suicide leaves no doubt that it is the only way to go. It is the time to " change the rules" as Jack Kevorkian, an American pathologist and the pioneer of the latest debate of legalizing physician-assisted suicide, puts it.

How workers attitude and job satisfaction affect their work.

It is therefore imperative for a company to understand the attitude of its workers and measure the job satisfaction of its employees, as job satisfaction is essential for productivity. This is a way for the management to ensure that they have an upper hand towards the employees.

For four years the guilt still haunted my mum

That would set the tone for the remainder of the evening and most probably continue late on in to the night and early hours. It was impossible to tell when things would boil over, but it was obvious that the tension was always at a light simmer, biding its time and appearing to await the →

Civility vs. savagery

Throughout the novel, the use of symbolism is significant in representing the progression of civility and savagery. Throughout the entirety of the novel, civility and savagery are locked in a continuous struggle.

Sample research paper on elizabeth angeli is now at department of english, purdue university

The diagnosis of a Major depression Disorder cannot be made if the subject is displaying elations and depressions that is the subject shows high and low moods. The Major Depression Disorder may not be accounted for if the subject has suffered a loss of some kind as the death of a loved one, property or →

Example of heroin research paper

Purest heroin is a white powder, although owing to the variety of materials it is cut with, the street heroin can be brownish in colour. People who use and abuse heroin would feel a certain urge to take more of the drug to feel the same effect.

Legalize it

One of the longest standing arguments against the use of marijuana is that it gives users a " gateway" to harder or more illicit drug use. It seems that those with a vested interest in the legalization or continued criminalization of marijuana will pull whatever strings necessary to sway public opinion to their side.

Smoking among college students

I would like to learn if they are educated about cigarettes and the harm they can do to their body. Demand Media, Inc.Web.

Example of research paper on long term effects of teratogenic abuse on child development

Factors such as the time of exposure, duration of exposure, dosage, number of exposures and genetic susceptibility of the individual to a potential teratogen, determine the likelihood of a teratogenic effect. The paper also explores the possibility of the contribution of paternal teratogenic abuse to the child's psychological development.

Addiction counselors

This study was to examine gender differences in body image dissatisfaction, disordered eating and drive for muscularity in pre-adolescent children based on the Edie facts. Researchers were inspired and extent their research based on the answers and numbers of this study.

Internet addiction disorder

First of all, ask yourself " without your computer or the Internet what would you do? " In the world of quickly advancingtechnology, it is hard to ignore the Internet which is becoming more and more important in lives of users worldwide. With the increased role of the Internet in society and business, some of →

Good research paper about sexuality study

This is because of the way pornography portrays men in comparison to the way it portrays women. Sexual scripting is also very important in understanding human sexuality and to a very large extent the concept of pornography.

Research paper on breastfeeding research

The main objective of the study was to prove the negative effects of passive smoke on infants and to analyse whether breast-milk would reduce the harmful effects. Therefore it can be recommended that further study on the daily rate of breast feeding required by infants in the ages of between 0-6 months should be done →

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease research paper examples

As far as the United States of America is concerned, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is the third major cause of deaths in the country. It is also important for the physicians to encourage the active participation of their patients in COPD therapy.

Good example of pcp research paper

In to the records, it shows that in 1965 the drug was removed from the market because of the effects that it contains. Most of the effects that have emerged because of using the drugs are what has caused the ban of using the drugs and many health practitioners are worried about the trend of →

Good research paper about contributions of dust exposure and cigarette smoking to emphysema severity in coal

Nowadays, and especially in Third World Countries, insufficient cooking and ways of heating are a key factor for the disease with lasting exhibition that can produce an fiery reaction in the lungs causing in a tightening of the small airways and slow collapse of lung material that is more familiar as emphysema. Ways for the →

Addiction to intoxicants

The behavioural expression of a given level of intoxication is strongly influenced by cultural and personal expectations about the effects of the drug. They just indulge themselves in their intoxication activity as a result of this they do not contribute to the society.

Good example of research objective case study

The main objectives of the smoking ban are fire safety and protection of health smoking. We will discover, how the effect of banning affects restaurants attendance and income There are three hypothesizes in our research work:- The total level of satisfaction before smoking banning was lower than after.- The average restaurant attendance before banning smoking →

Free essay on nursing research

While this research focuses well on the method and theory, it fails to capture the analysis of data in a manner that may be understood easily by the audience. The data collected was representative of the population because a big sample was collected and it was collected from different parts of the country.

Drug addiction

The drug itself, as object of desire, is at once utterly coercive and nugatory: it's junk, the broken residue of useful technology, the leavings of instrumental reason; as an object it no longer makes sense and belongs in a junkyard. Drugs was a powerful model of addiction, one that cannot be understood in terms of →

Free research paper on reproductive and respiratory systems

The research will include the effects of the two body systems on the skin. The reproduction and respiratory system organs, functions, and effects on the skin and body involve the understanding of the whole body.

Legalzing drugs

Marijuana can have side affects to the natural functions of the brain such as memory lost, having the ability to learn, and even problem solving; allowing it to be illegal causes no difference in it being legal, because people will still get a hold of it. Marijuana is meant to put an impact on the →

Drugs addiction

In addition, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, " genes that people are born with, in combination with environmental influences, account for about half of their addiction vulnerability." In the same context and quoting from experts, Abramovitz, Melissa wrote in her article titled " Addiction" that " genetic factors that affect how the →

Banning of public smoking

It has been argued by some scholars and people that smoking is the right of the individuals who should not be forced to quit smoking in the public areas although it is desirable to stop smoking in the places such as public vehicles so as not to affect the co-passengers. The supporters of smoking argue →

Research paper on factors that are associated with women and drug abuse

Sexuality difference of women in adaptations to stress and rewards systems mediates women's greater susceptibility to drug abuse and relapse compared to men. Weight-related concerns related to drug use for women in substance abuse treatment: Prevalence and relationships with eating pathology.

Resons for keeping cigarette sale and production legal

Should smoking be made illegal, the sale and production of cigarettes will drastically go down as will the number of smokers dying from lung cancer and other smoking related diseases, but prohibiting it by law is too extreme. The probability of all of these people getting employed again is low; as most of them are →

How flamin’ hot cheetos affect the body

The topic of my research project is " How Flamin' Hot Cheetos affect the body". Additionally, scientists, researchers, and nutritionists all fear that, because it is a processed food, the " hyper-palatable" combination of the Flamin' Hot Cheetos' fat, salt, and spiciness could potentially make it hard for people to stop eating the snack.

Pregnancy smoking and the unborn child

First is the exposure through first hand smoking, where a person inhales the smoke through smoking and the second hand smoking where a person inhales the smoke from the cigarette of another smoker. According to statistics from the Center for Disease Control and Development from the Women and Tobacco, cigarette had been the cause of →

Should smoking be banned

The supporters of cigarette smoking also maintain that smoking could release them from stress as it helps them to relax. It should now be clear that cigarettes smoking should be marked illegal, as smokers have more chance to develop respiratory disease, and are addictive, just like drugs, it could also effect the non-smokers by turning →

Conformity and smoking research paper samples

Because the nicotine is harmful, and the habit is typically started due to a conformist attitude in many areas of society, it can be considered a social problem. Teens and young adults are the most susceptible because they strive to fit in, and smoking is often shown as an activity that is cool and will →

Smoking and god

The people who smoke inhale C monoxide which decreases the sum of O which goes to the encephalon and in the bosom. They want to smoke for chief three grounds which they are to look mature, to experiment, and to be like their friends.

The conflicts in hamlet research paper examples

The manic shifts that Mel Gibson, for example, shows as he oscillates from one stage on the conflict cycle to the next, makes his portrayal of the Dane one of the more effective among the film adaptations of the play. It is not the fact of the election itself that makes this unusual; instead, it →

Examine the way shakespeare presents the power and control capulet exerts within the play

Overall I feel that power and control of Capulet was critical in the development of the play because he certified to carry the feud between the Capulets and Montagues. The impact on the reader is that both the play and the poem show how people use their power to control.

Explore the ways in which golding and shakespeare

Explore the ways in which Golding and Shakespeare present Jack and LadyMacbethare presented as disturbed BY alexis_998 Explore the ways in which Golding and Shakespeare present Jack and Lady Macbeth are presented as disturbed In this controlled assessment I will be exploring the ways in Lady Macbeth Shakespeare presents as a disturbed character from being →

In the play twelfth night shakespeare bases the plot around a variety of different themes

It is evident that Olivia likes Viola/Cesario because she takes off her veil, '.in the sight and company' of a aman', when he/she comes to woo her for Orsino. The most memorable example of love in the play is that of Orsino's for Viola.