Genuine Research Paper Examples

Selegiline vsrotigotine monotherapy research paper example

The primary pathology of PD is the reduced level of dopamine in the corpus striatum because of the failure of dopamine producing cells in the substantia nigra. The aim of the treatments used is to increase the amount of dopamine in the brain.

Example of name research paper

The aim of this essay is to focus on the practice of Untouchability followed in India and understand its origin and effects on the society. He was one of the great icons of the Hindi literature and one of the first voices to seek equal rights for the oppressed people of the nation.

Example of research paper on pawnee indians

Hyde points out that, looking at the history of the Pawnees as well as that of their Caddoan kindred that lived in the South; one is amazed with the broad divergence of these people from the " type, spirit and lifestyle of such northern Plains tribes like the Cheyennes and Teton Sioux" 1. To this β†’

Example of firearms should not become illegal research paper

Owning a gun for the purpose of hunting only is possibly the commonest of arguments in the USA, although a lot of hunters, through contact and experience with different forms of firearms, become easy with their use and frequently may wish to own guns for other purposes too. To refute a person the right to β†’

Impact on local community and environment

When be aftering an event the event director must maintain in head that the bulk of pollution and breaks created during an event, come from transit to and from the event. During mega events such as the Olympic games public transit should be efficient for the usage of people in order to advance the usage β†’

Good baltimore city research paper example

The city is associated with the Civil War and civil rights reforms and the origin of the country's anthem. The city is a center of the industrial revolution, the historical wave of immigration and slavery.

Women and the lgbt community are natural allies

And today, both women and members of the LGBT community face many of the same glass ceilings in the workplace. Women and LGBT employees have to be " good enough" to make it to the top, in the face of stereotypes along the way.

Research paper on sociological analysis of system of a downs toxicity

Sociological imagination is an important component in sociology and has innumerable value in determining the path that a particular society takes as a whole and the general quality of life that the people in that society live. Whereas a personal problem affects a single individual in the society, a social problem such as social disorder β†’

Good research paper on the laramie project

Although the topic is not being talked about so much in the town, homosexuality does exist, and residents in the area follow the same pattern of realization with regards the supposed reputation of ' gays' and ' lesbians' in the community as rejects or minors. The second theme that the movie presents the public with β†’

Debate topic the civilizing mission was a just enterprise research paper examples

Although the true origin of the word is not very clear, the Greeks, the Scythians and the Indians were believed to have used it in some of their cultural activities. Civilization enhanced the ethical and moral understanding among Indian communities and this led to the elimination of these retrogressive practices in the region.

My bank first united bank and trust research paper example

This part of the report identifies and analyzes the competitors of My First United Bank and then the report analyzes the demand of the community banks and the changes that have occurred in the industry. There are different banks that can be considered as the competitors of My First United Bank and the major competitors β†’

Example of research paper on research and discussion paper

As for the United States and its people, such series of problems could be accounted against the emergence of gangs and the conflicting values they share with the government and the society as a whole. It seemed as if the people living in the city decided to join some gangs not for the sake of β†’

Nightingale community hospital jcaho audit preparation: information management

The patient's health record includes all information about the patient, the health care the patient has received, and all practitioner's notes pertaining to the patient's care. When the audit is complete, the results will determine the source of the usage of prohibited abbreviations.

Nutritional assessment for andaman coast lactating mothers research paper examples

According to Lawrence and Robert, malnutrition affects the volume of the milk that the mother produces. Goals and Objectives of the Needs Assessment The evaluation will focus on the effects of the tsunami on the food production and accessibility for the lactating women.

Example of elderly care research paper

In the United States, the whites' access good medical attention compared to the blacks and this applies to the elderly whereby the whites will receive good care at home and in the sponsored facilities for the aged compared to the blacks. There are a variety of aged care services mostly funded by the government but β†’

The brains pleasure centers research paper

This is the other mechanism that works together with the reward system of the brain to make the experience of pleasure, and the loss of this experience so salient to us. Therefore, the pleasure centers of the brain cannot be examined without also examining the centers which help us avoid pain.- The Pleasure Center in β†’

Malaria control in benin: vector control strategies research paper

The present study seeks to evaluate the use and the efficacy of the microbial insecticides vis-a-vis the chemical insecticides in Benin. Therefore, to build trust there is need to make the community aware of the objectives of the study and more so how the outcomes of the study will benefit the community.

Acute respiratory distress syndrome research paper examples

The acute respiratory distress syndrome is a form of injury to the lungs that impedes the supply and uptake of oxygen from the alveoli resulting in a state of severe hypoxemia, dyspnea, anxiety, and tachypnea. According to Bakowitz, Bruns, and McCunn, the manifestations of ARDS often start with sudden difficulty in breathing that is confirmed β†’

Community: sharing one skin

Wiki, 2011) The bounds of Okanagan territory are roughly the Basin of Okanagan Lake and the Okanagan River, plus the basin of the Similkameen River to the west of the Okanagan valley, and some of the uppermost valley of the Nicola River. Wiki, 2011) A group of Okanagan people in the Nicola Valley, which is β†’

Leading and managing an intergenerational workforce research paper examples

The introduction states that the group studied is from four different generations and it introduces why the study is important. The different groups represent stereotypical values and ideals for those generations and are the result of assumption.

Free research paper on cynics

However, these people are useful in any group if they are facilitated to the advantage of the group. Therefore, cynics are an integral part of any group and must be used to the group's advantage.

What is rotaract

To develop knowledge and understanding of the needs, problems, and opportunities in the community and worldwide To provide opportunities for personal and group activities to serve the community and promote international understanding and goodwill toward all people How does Rotaract fit into the Rotaryfamily? A Rotaract club's service projects are designed to improve the quality β†’

Does religious discrimination really exist in today’s america?

For instance if the employer had not given the employee an opportunity to apply for different positions within the company, or not made attempts to accommodate the employees religious beliefs and made rude comments to the employee about her religion causing a stressful work environment for her could have caused the courts to rule in β†’

Walmart facing discrimination lawsuit

And if Walmart utimately lost the case, the company would need to pay billion of dollars. And if that is the case, the company's workers will have more power to them.

Gay marriages research paper

Therefore, in most cases religious groups who are against gay marriage believe that it is a sin to legalize the practice of gay marriage. The civil liberties of gay marriage are to pursue happiness just like heterosexuals, a situation that is not to gay marriage Based on religious and traditional definition of marriage, both male β†’

Intra-racial discrimination

This research indicated that it was more about the racial situation between whites and Hipics rather than the race of the cashier. La Canasta shows that their can be discrimination within the same race." The cashiers do not resent their White customers.and accept their place in the social hierarchy".

Economic inequality

I will argue that economic inequality is perfectly Just by defending the entitlement theory and distributive Justice from the works of Robert Nonionic and analyzing the works John Rails and Michael Sanded. The only way inequality can be Just is if the inequality favors the least off members of society." The aim is to use β†’

Ethic groups and discrimination – scottish-americans

Running head: ETHNIC GROUPS ANDDISCRIMINATION- SCOTTISH Ethnic Groups and Discrimination - Scottish Americans Axia College Ethnic Groups and Discrimination - Scottish Americans People from Scotland first came to the new world in the 1600s. The features and characteristics of the Scots would continue in the following centuries to come.

Free research paper on national crime victimization survey ncvs

Introduction The National Crime Victimization Survey is an agency in the United States supported by the Department of Justice to measure the amount and kinds of felonies people & units encounter in six month period after the interview. Understanding crime statistics: A review of the divergence of the UCR and NCVS.

General research on gender discrimination

Regardless of the possibility that a female is in desk job, the shift work got from manly work and familial parts and in this way empowers gender discrimination through it's extremely structure. The less extent of females in the organizations make a few troubles for women for example, disconnection, and strain to expand execution in β†’

Contemporary issues in finance

The Dodd-Frank Act is one of the major reforms initiated that has caused the strongest effects while the German restructuring law provided the least effects after the reforms were implemented in response to the global crisis. Four major reforms in the article are; the Dodd-Frank Act in the US, the reforms proposed by the Vickers β†’

Poverty in america: a global epidemic

American families are increasingly finding themselves struggling to make ends meet, and with the continuing rate of unemployment and the rapid increases to the cost of living more and more families are left to choose between the very basic necessities of life such asfood, shelter and healthcare. Sadly, the most egregious aspect of the epidemic β†’

Affirmitive action: reverse discrimination

Says Glazer, " Affirmative action has become a matter of setting statistical goals or quotas by race for employment.the expectations of color blindness that was Baker 3 paramount in the 1960's has been replaced by a rigid frame of numerical requirements." Those who oppose quotas and goals are said to be opposers of the Civil β†’

Free research paper on inequality

5 in the year 1992 which means that the level of inequality is high, the index increased during the late 1990s and early 2000 to reach as high as 54. 9 in the year 2010, and this indicates that the inequality level in Columbia is very high and the increase in the Gini index over β†’

Social and cultural diversity paper research paper example

1 Definition of Cultural Diversity The concept of cultural diversity indicates specificities of different cultures of the world that represent the uniqueness of certain populations. The Organization sustains the necessity of promoting the cultures of the migrants all over the world, so that the local population to understand their cultural background and to respect their β†’

Positive discrimination

Through affirmative action, men and women are exposed to areas of study or fields of work that they may not have otherwise considered trying their hands on. In a civilized society, it is not exceptable to treat people differently, on the basis of gender.

Research paper on jim crow

This was from the time of 1877 and the 1950s. It is valuable for a person regardless of the race to understand what the Jim Crow is and how it affected people.

An overview of the prison systems

The prisoners were held together indiscriminately, no separation of men and women, the young and old, the convicted and the unconvicted, or the sane and the insane. After battling between the reinstatement of the death penalty in 1718 and the replacement with incarceration in 1789, the Walnut Street Goal became the first prison in the β†’


The people we work with are different and so it is important to recognize and accept the diversity. We have to make sure that our practice is inclusive and follow the policies and procedures of a care home.

Holocaust: nazi propaganda, anti-semitism, auschwitz, survivors, and rescue in denmark

The Church taught that the Jews were responsible for Jesus's death, and that they also caused the " Black Death," which was the plague that killed thousands of people. Even if the people had been peaceful to the survivors, they would not have had a place to live.

Egyptian marriages- types and traditions research papers example

In fact, it is the Egyptians who are said to be the first to have declared the laws of wedding to the world. They regard the nuptial bond as a means of retaining the sacredness of the relationship between a man and a woman and as a way to strengthen relations in the society.

Good example of juvenile delinquency research paper

The juvenile courts are based on the principle of " parens patriae" meaning that the court is allowed to take decisions in favor of the wellbeing of the child in question like a parent or guardian. The juvenile justice system in USA is somewhat inspired by the principles of one of the notable English lawyers β†’

Social problem

Every day we read the newspaper and get the news from media, almost every day the newspaper and the media reports are about the social problems. Explain the social problems in the end how it affects the growth of our country and the ways of prevent to reduce the social issue.

Free research paper on sociology of deviance

Deviance attributes to the actions of one defiling the social norms engrained in the society, which causes one to be marginalized in a given society. In addition, the media exaggerates some of the violence crimes in that the media reports many instances of people of color as the offenders and rarely as the victims of β†’

Urban social issues concerning tourism in png

The research is to signify what are the main impacts of squatter settlements on tourism in Madang. Most of the people living in squatter settlements such as wagol, govstoa and admin compound are employed and contribute to the economy of Madang Province.

Age discrimination in employment act

In the beginning, ADEA was the following: The ADEA sought to protect older workers from discrimination based on age in both the hiring and retention process. An applicant may arrive to the interview in a wheelchair, in which case, it can be seen that applicant has a disability and reasonable accommodations can be discussed.

Good unemployment in saudi arabia research paper example

The kingdom of the country has been rich since it is the largest exporter of oil and its foreign reserves amount to billions of dollars, but it does not suggest the well-being of its increasing population and society. It is important for the employees to be given the chances of best work ethics and more β†’

Inequality & it’s characteristics

This type of analysis focuses on the inequalities within our society and the conflict that they cause between the advantaged and the disadvantaged. The inequalities and conflict of social class is leading towards a social change.

Discrimination against people with hiv at work

Mike was a respected man in his work place and his employees looked up to him and some even pegged him as they guy who will be a Chief Executive Officer by the time he was 35.though he downplayed this remarks he always felt that he had the potential and after wining his second employee β†’

American racial discriminations against middle easterners

The paper will discuss the implications of the perception on Middle Easterns and the changes after the September 11 attacks in the United States. The Iran hostage crisis in 1979, the hijacking of TWA Flight 847 in 1985 and the beginning of the Persian Gulf crisis added to the hostility of the American society against β†’

Boy in striped pajamas

In the novel Boy in The Striped Pyjamas, prejudice anddiscriminationare shown to have many negative effects on many of the characters such as Bruno, Shumel, Father, Mother and Kotler. In the book the writer says that Bruno looks and Shumel and ' He stares at the floor and looking as if he was trying to β†’

Global inequality caused by consumption

Global inequality is the inequality in distribution of income and wealth between rich and poor countries. According to the wealth concentration theory, those who already hold wealth have the means to invest in new sources of creating wealth or to otherwise leverage the accumulation of wealth, thus are the beneficiaries of the new wealth.

Gender inequality

However in today's world, the status of women is at a high level not only in thefamilyaspect but also in the business area when compared to the past. I believethat women have progressed in their status quo but to a larger extent, but it is true that women will never enjoy the same rights as β†’

America and canada’s universal health care system

The health care problem is unique in that every American will need health care at some point in their life, and this coupled with the fact that health care costs continue to rise further exacerbate the situation. The first factor is the lowered cost of health care as compared to the United States, and the β†’

The effects of sleep deprivation on various

Only in the last century have the psychological and scientific areas of study began to investigate and explore the nature, purpose, and properties of sleep. The purpose of this essay is to analyze the value and effect of sleep deprivation on cognition.

Improving quality of health care services

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the initiative to improve quality and safety of health care with the " Six Dimensions of Goodness in Healthcare." A quality and/or safety initiative Healthcare facilities are engaging in the prevention of medical errors and providing better care. Healthcare systems are implementing the six dimensions as a β†’

Healthcare information management

The legislative branch enacts the laws, the executive branch enforces and administers the laws, and the Judicial branch interprets the laws. The patient has a right to his or her medical record and what is in it.

Future of the us healthcare system and the effects on the practice of hand surgery.

The authors of the report stated in the paper that no commercial party will benefit from the results of the report. Although the entirety of the paper is straightforward with regards to the current status of the healthcare system in the country, the suggested solutions were still broad and indefinite.

Care in health,social or young peoples settings

T is to make sure they have the risks & consequences explained to them in whichever manner they understand Our duty of care ranges from helping to make or uphold sections about medicines to taking or making complaints & making sure they are taken down In the suitable form & reported to managers. Aimed choosing β†’

Reframing professional boundaries in healthcare

The leveling of the medical hierarchy is only going to continue with this and the introduction of the European Working Directive which will " inevitably result in a handing over of responsibilities to nurses, as doctors are unlikely to be available all of the time". Conclusion Through the expansion of nursing roles and the increased β†’

The 13th amendment of ending slavery

The Southern States that seceded from the union were forced to free their slaves and pass the amendment as part of their being allowed back into the union. The 13th amendment was passed at the end of theCivil Warbefore the Southern states had been restored to the Union and should have easily passed the Congress.

Public health partnershipsauthors name research paper example

The aim of the paper is to provide practical details in using health care research resources effectively and the need of public health partnerships. This interdependence of private sector and the public sector has led to a variation in the partnerships as well as the relations between the two.

Mental status exam

It is a structured way of observing and describing a patient's current state of mind, under the domains of appearance, attitude, behavior, mood and affect, speech, thought process, thought content, perception, cognition, insight and judgment.[1] There are some minor variations in the subdivision of the MSE and the sequence and names of MSE domains. The β†’

Exploration of one of the many health care resources

The purpose of this paper is to explore one of the many health care resources that are available in the greater Philadelphia area and then visit this site to learn more about it. The mission of Planned Parenthood Southeastern Pennsylvania is to protect and enhance reproductive freedom, to increase access to reproductive health care services β†’

Healthcare & education

What are some of the barriers and limitations to the transition from one level of care to another? Lack of a clear policy on ways to improve care such as transition care support and voluntary sharing of information on the issue is big obstacle to successful care transition.

Organizational transformation issues in a health care clinic

GLOSSARY BehavioursThe way in which people in the organization act in terms of what they do and say that brings the strategy and desired culture to life ControlsWhat gets measured and rewarded Change To alter, modify or transform CultureThe totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs of an institutions FacilitateTo make something easier to β†’

The use of intraosseous vascular access

I did not realize until this semester that it is within the scope of practice for a RN to place an IO device, but it is absolutely is! " It is the position of the Infusion Nurses Society that a qualified RN, who is proficient in infusion therapy and who has been appropriately trained for β†’

Legal aspects of health care

It is clear that once a patient enters the premises of the hospital, an implied contract is thereby created and the hospital is under obligation to attend to the needs of the patient with due care and diligence. It is also clear that the delay of more than one hour from the time the patient β†’

China health care markets segmentation

Health Care Industry Assessments Health Care Industry Structure Market Size Major Producer Facility Locations and Output Market Share of Key Producers Labor Costs Potential Entrants Major Distributors Major Foreign InvestmentsTechnologyDevelopment Get Discount on the Report @ http://www. Marketing Strategies China Market Entry Overview China's Distribution System Health Care Industry Distribution Channels


My father drove my mother and aunt to New York so they could have the opportunity to see my grandfather still alive since he was not expected to live more than a few hours. I hope to get into the nursing program there and receive my associates degree.

Good example of canadian health care system research paper

The conditions require the provinces and territories to offer information to the federal Minister of Health and recognize the financial contributions of the federal government. The government plans on making a full utilization of tele-radiology and other health services in order to improve the health care services in the rural communities of the territory.

Are you hooked

When was ill I dressed that maybe had a bighealthproblem and was very scared of that. After that when I was pregnant with my second child I was stressed because my first child was only one and half years old that time.

Tax status in healthcare research paper

Federal income tax also entails the federal anti-referral statuses that healthcare organizations must act in accordance with to retain their tax exempt statuses. The law of tax-exempt organizations in a nutshell.St.

Tb case holding

Smear positive o> 2 sputum AFB + radiographic abnormalities consistent with TB, OR o1 sputum AFB + radiographic abnormalities consistent with active TB as determined by a physician, OR o1 sputum AFB + sputumculture for MTB b. Smear negative o> 3 sputum AFB with radiographic abnormality consistent with active PTB, AND ono response to a β†’

Benefit of hipaa

The last benefit is it gives patients the right to examine and obtain a copy of their own health records and request corrections. It benefits the physician by setting boundaries for the use and release of health records.

Self-managed teams in the healthcare sector

Several healthcare organizations in the US are training their staff members to form self-managed teams to deliver the patient care and help fulfill the objectives of the organization. Besides, the study also examined the steps that were needed to implement the managed-managed teams and the strategies that had to be followed in order to effectively β†’

Healthcare spending

These are " All" great things to say about the health care system but how does it affect the spending issues that having? " The National Health Expenditure Accounts are the official estimates of total health care spending in the United States". Forecast Chaos is going on with health care spending and a lot β†’

From data, information and knowledge to wisdom

From Data, Information and Knowledge to Wisdom The data-information-knowledge-wisdom continuum is a concept of the transformation of data into wisdom through cognitive processes. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the progression through the four steps of the data, information, knowledge, wisdom continuum that occurs research information to answer a clinical question pertinent to β†’

Government health care

The quality of medical coverage in the United States is among the best in the Nation. We will benefit of living longer with government healthcare, as we know we are the lowest in life expectancy to many other countries.

Killing vs letting die

While the AMA maintains that people have a " right to die with dignity," and believe it " morally permissible," for a physician to allow the death of a person who is suffering unmercifully and has an incurable disease, they are unwilling to " countenance active euthanasia for a person who is in similar straits, β†’

Mechanical ventilation

Tracheal intubation is the placement of a flexible plastic tube into the trachea to protect the patient's airway and provide a means of mechanical ventilation. The most common tracheal intubation is orotracheal intubation where, with the assistance of a laryngoscope, an endotracheal tube is passed through the mouth, larynx, and vocal cords, into the trachea.

Types of dnr

With these documents in place decisions are a lot easier on the family members." A good advance directive describes the kind of treatment you would want depending on how sick you are," Sally Austin explained in her article Families making decisions, dying death and DNR status." For example, the directives would describe what kind of β†’

The transition to the role of professional nurse

A vocational nurse must also have the ability to effectively transition to the role of a supervisor or leader, capable of making complex decisions and delegating tasks to others as part of their job responsibilities as a professional nurse. A professional nurse is also more likely to be held accountable for patient's outcomes as they β†’

Building health information technology workforce research paper

The availability of information as well as the ability to exchange this information is very crucial to the efficient delivery of care across all levels of the health care system. In a nutshell, some the aspects emanating from health care information technology that lead to improvement and efficiency of health care quality are:- Medical errors β†’

Good example of research paper on antibiotics for otitis media with effusion in children

Making follow ups in the medical sector is one of the effective methods to ensure that the nature of the services offered are effective and are perceived in a positive manner by the health receivers. The feedbacks that are received can be vital when it comes to the process of customizing the available healthcare systems β†’

Knowledge about ionising radiation among dentists

The evolution began with the introduction of new changes to the operations of dental radiology. On the calculation of effective dose to children and adolescents.J.

Price fixing

The case was released in the mid-2006, where the Federal Trade Commission has declared that they are challenging the members of the Puerto Rico Association of Endodontists, Corporation or the PRAE. Through this, the Federal Trade Commission will be able to make sure that these dental services and other necessaryhealthcare issues will be given and β†’

World affairs research papers examples

The question thus arises as to the true nature of this Obama care and whether or not it favors the greater good of the nation or it is a desperate plan by president Barack Obama to scam the citizenry out of their hard earned money while maintaining the political significance at the same time. Clearly, β†’

Medical effects and explanations for nail biting

If the nail biting habit begins when the child is very young, it has been reported to cause a gap between teeth. The patient and parent confirmed a habit of nail biting.

Verizon vs sprint

From the readings, what is the difference between otitis media and otitis external? -Otitis media is a middle ear infection that effects the ear drum. What interventions should be included in the nursing care plan? -The nurse should prescribe antibiotics to help with the infection and schedule a check-up appointment to make sure the infection β†’

Using the nhs as a primary example, describe the provision

When private sector is the main provider of health care in a mixed payer system, there are usually problems with management and provision of public sector provision. A New Approach to the Economics of Health Care.

Dra fast ferment

When this powder is included in the production of the rice wines, the production lead time is shortened from 10 days to 3 days without affecting the taste or quality of the wine, as it accelerates the fermentation of the rice. The price they would charge for 1 kg of the powder would depend on β†’

Nurse initiated thrombolysis

Quin et al.conducted a study on the assessment of coronary nurses' ability to determine patient suitability for the thrombolytic therapy using clinical and electrocardiographic standards and they found that majority of the nurses, 85 % of sample population, showed safe and appropriate management decisions. The study population was limited to only ten Coronary Care Units β†’

Hepatitis c virus

Treatment uptake is low in this group and yet the success of HCV programs is not going to be substantial if issues of HCV detection and treatment in PWID are not addressed effectively. Nurse led model in HCV care is an effective strategy to attain the WHO goal of elimination of HCV by 2030.