Genuine Research Paper Examples

Jack bass, accounting professor

The cheating behavior in this case was not severe that compared to cheating with telecom instruments and asking someone else to take the exam for all the students involved in the cheating incident, so they should receive same degree of punishment.4. Comparing the Scantron returned by D.R.and the copy of his Scantron, he did change β†’

Path of accounting

To have a Career in finance it is a must to be good at math and great at dealing with/analyzing numbers and data. One of the colleges I am interested in attending to become an accountant is The Ohio State University located in Columbus, Ohio.

Rickshaw and tenant

He said that his family is happy with him but he is not satisfied with his Job. Opinion of the owner: The owner of the asset is quite satisfied with the tenant because he gets RSI.

Stem cell research products essay

As of 2014, several broad categories of stem cells exist, including: Embryonic stem cells, derived from balloonists Fetal stem cells, obtained from fetus Post-natal stem cells, derived from newborn tissues Adult stem cells, found in adult tissues including Homeopathic stem cells, Mechanical stem cells, and Neural stem cells Cord blood stem cells, isolated from umbilical β†’

Competency mapping for accounting professionals

The ICAI is involved in encouraging and enhancing close links between ICAI and its members serving the society in various capacities so as to provide for them, a base of reference in terms of knowledge, expertise, skills and assistance in individualcareergrowth through the development of extensive and intensive relationship with organizations and agencies of the β†’

Business lessons in a delicate balance and the richer, the poorer

The story is told in third person narrative and gives the reader a good impression of the character of the people involved through their actions and their words. After listening to Bess's tales of adventure and fun, Lottie soon realizes that it is she who is the poor one poor in relationships and love and β†’

Accounting and activity- based system

One advantage of Activity-Based Costing system is it has more accurate overhead cost allocation because there are more cost pools, the costs in each pool are more similar, and allocation is based on activities that cause overhead costs. Most of the cost drivers are related either to the volume of production or to the complexity β†’

Media culture: the triumph of the spectacle

MediaCulture: the Triumph of the Spectacle " Media culture is a contested terrain across which key social groups and competing political ideologies struggle for dominance and.individuals live these struggles through the images, discourses, myths, and spectacle of media culture" -Douglas Kellner, Media Culture Table of Contents Introduction - 3 History of Media - 4 Media β†’


Force, one is expected to be professional and ethical enough to make decisions that positively impact on his or her department to the extent that he/she can be accountable for actions or consequences that arise as a result of their decisions or choices. Being accountable calls for the basic understanding of one's tasks and responsibilities, β†’

Ifrs adoption in spain and the united kingdom: effects on accounting numbers and relevance

The main purpose of this research is to compare and contrast the quantitative impact of the IFRS adoption on financial reporting in Spain and the UK. Q4 What are the research findings? " H01: There are no significant differences in the value of accounting figures and financial ratios determined under local GAAP and IFRS" H01 β†’

Automated voting system

First the student must go to the Administration Office if he is a registered voter, then goes to the voting area and chooses the candidates he likes. After that, the student submits the filled-up ballot form to the voting administrator in order for his votes to be cast.

Classic pen case

Add two lines at the bottom of the income statement: one line shows the operating profit per unit for each type of pen based on your ABC calculations, and the other line shows the operating profit per unit based on the traditional-income calculations in Exhibit 1 of the case. In the traditional income statement, overhead β†’

Mass spectrometer

A small block of mass m is attached to a string, the other end of which is attached to the pulley and wrapped around it several times. The block of mass m is released from rest and takes a time t to fall the distance D to the floor.seconds before the plane is directly overhead?

How to balance penn foster studies with work and family demands

When I finally made the decision to get my Associates Degree my family agreed.- A year has passed and now I am realizing how difficult it is to balance my studies, work, and family demands. One of the places I will like to visit is the Netherlands.- Something I always wanted to do in life β†’

Accounting career

There are four major fields of accounting and auditing: public accounting, management accounting, government accounting, and internal auditing. Government accountants and auditors work in the public sector, maintaining and examining the records of the government agencies and auditing private businesses and individuals whose activities are subject to government regulations or taxation.

Internal control

75)Second, the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission has claimed that internal control is process, effected by an entity's board of directors, management and other personnel, designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of objectives in the following thing: effectiveness and efficiency of operations and reliability of financial reporting. If this foundation β†’

What is indian accounting system

In spite of opinions, conflicts and hindrances to the contrary, there is abundant support in favor of international accounting harmonization and for the adoption of IAS in the literature. Comparative analysis of the international accounting standards and the accounting standards and practices of India Our analysis of the differences in International Accounting Standards and the β†’

Solution of managerial accounting

Mixed costs consist of variable and fixed elements and can be expressed in equation form as Y = a + bX, where X is the activity, Y is the cost, a is the fixed cost element, and b is the variable cost per unit of activity. The quick-and-dirty method is based on drawing a straight β†’


This is important to me as I feel my views are listened to and acted up in improving the store order to move forward and become ever more successful. This interests me as the chance to work in various sectors would mean I could gain a vast business knowledge and get to choose which role β†’

Internal control procedures

The internal control system should be designed to detect and prevent fraud, errors and omissions, and material misstatements, but it can only provide reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatements. The internal controls system is only as good as the management support behind the system; this includes training employees and actively β†’


The course will help you develop the accounting knowledge and a variety of professional skills and attitudes through inclass interactions, projects, and a series of labs. Thorough preparation of assignments for each class, Class attendance and active class participation, Active participation in and contribution to group projects, Fairness and honesty, Openness to the ideas and β†’

Accounting midterm

The drawings account Is a subdivision of the owner's capital account and appears as an expense on the unicorn statement.6. The withdrawal of cash for personal use by the owners off business requires a to the drawings account and a a.

Accounting regulatory bodies

It has been given the mandate to develop, approve and oversee the implementation of the International Financial Reporting Standards and International Accounting Standards. Its mission is to establish, and to improve the standards of preparing the financial statements and reporting of the same.

Income statement

Step 3 Record the transaction in the Journal: the two accounts noted above will be affected as follows: Debit Cash $50 and Credit Service Revenue $50 and will be recorded in the journal accordingly. Step 7 - Post adjusting entries in the appropriate accounts in the ledger: Likewise the depreciation transaction noted above will be β†’

Accounting software

The price usually depends on the number of users, the software company, and its features. Also, CPAs maintain internal controls that are needed in preventing theft and malfeasance by other employees in the company's finance and accounting department.

Manangement accounting 1

Information that is not available when it is needed or becomes available only long after it has value for future action is useless.2.understandable For accounting and financial information to be useful, it must be presentable in a format that the users of accounting information understand. The information gathered by the accounting department is used as β†’

Accounting for pre-production costs

The third alternative called for adopting the policy employed by the movie industry, which forecasts revenues of a production and then amortizes pre-production costs based on a ratio of current revenues to forecasted revenues for the period. To advise Phillip Clark, a member of the audit committee for Livent Inc, on the best approach to β†’

Lifo and fifo in accounting

35 gallons of gasoline would be used to calculate the value of ending inventory at the end of the accounting period. 35 gallon gasoline to Cost of Goods Sold and the remaining $2.

Inventory cost flow assumptions

FIFO states that if the bakery sold 100 cakes on Wednesday, the COGS is $1 per one cake because that was the cost of each of the first cakes in inventory. 25 per cake to COGS, while the remaining $1 cakes would be used to calculate the value of inventory at the end of the β†’

Judicious capital budgeting

The City of Peachtree, Georgia Inclusion of funds in the operating budget As cited from the document, ' Annual Budget for Fiscal Year Ending September 30 th 2008 of Peachtree City of Georgia ', the local government has enacted the budget policies as basis for the City's routine financial practices associated with preparation, adoption, and β†’

Asc 330-10

The exercise of judgment in an individual situation involves a consideration of the adequacy of the procedures of the cost accounting system in use, the soundness of the principles thereof, and their consistent application. The business operations in some cases may be such as to make it desirable to apply one of the acceptable methods β†’

Balance sheet

The AMR Corporation has the highest debt to equity ratio. The company with the lower debt to equity ratio in the meantime is Southwest Airlines.

Aat project based on the internal control of cookridge

This is an advantage to the company because the decisions within the company are faster compared to centralized system, the top management has more time to do other things that are part of the decision making, and also the system is dynamic, this is it is adapted to change. Peter and John Cookridge- These are β†’

Accounting in news

Both articles address the same issue of economic meltdown effect to accounting staff and how it will affect the accounting duties across Australia and abroad. One of it highlights on how staffs have lost faith with their employers due to economic hardship which the companies are going through while the other address the employment treads β†’

The causes and effects of whaling

The Causes and Effects of Whaling 1 The Causes and Effects of Whaling Whale is the current name for diverse marine mammals of the order Cetacea, having the general shape of a fish with forelimbs modified as fins, a tail with level flukes, and one or two blowholes on top of the head. According to β†’

Example of research paper on george orwell

This essay will examine the impact of George Orwell's life experience on the two works The " Animal Farm" and the " A Hanging". On the rally to the gallows, a diminutive dog comes into view and runs in the direction of the prisoner.

Cats vs. dogs as pets

Cats use a litter box and do not have to be trained like dogs to use the bathroom outside. Dogs need to have baths, be brushed and taken care of when they use the bathroom.

Red pada and red fox

However, the Red Panda and the Red Fox share similarities and differences in their appearance, habitat, diet, behaviour, reproduction and status of population. First of all, the Red Panda and the Red Fox are quite similar but a little different in their appearance.

Hackers blackmail mahanta, spandan section b statement of the problem

The result of these mistakes resulted in Sunnylake hospital on the verge of losing millions in lawsuits, losing the reputation it had built up over the years of service to the community and most importantly a large number of human lives were at stake. And Paul has to see to it that the crisis is β†’

Example of research paper on organic beef production

This research is mainly going to cover the process of organic beef production and the Do's and Do nots in order to ensure that a given animal can be classified as a safe source of organic beef. The process of organic beef production starts before the animal is born and continues up to the time β†’

Peta vs fur industry

Supporters of the fur trade and industry much often claim that killing animals is a way to conserve and manage the wildlife." This is untrue. There are millions of dogs and cats that are killed each year that replace the fur we wear because it is a cheaper and less expensive way to go.

Animal vs. plant cells

Animal and plant cells both transport protein into and out of cells through endoplasmic reticulum and have vacuoles wherefood, water, and nutrients are stored as well as provide stability for a plant. Although animal cells and plant cells both contain vacuoles: the function, quantity, and size of the vacuoles are different in each cell.

Good example of dangers of de-extinction research paper

Cloning is a process in which the DNA of an organism that is desired to be cloned is taken out and infused in the cell of another existing organism belonging to the same class. De-extinction is dangerous because it will further pose problems and challenges for the scientists.

Murderous games: gladiatorial contests in ancient rome keith hopkins research paper examples

The fact that Rome had ruled close to over one sixth of the World's population at one point in time had a by-product and the innumerable inhuman suffering of slaves and gladiators was only one of these by-products. Somehow this seemed to have thrilled the spectators and only went on to encourage more audience to β†’

Pets should be treated like family

That is why I think they could be important for the children and behave like a protector. In that way they are like a new member of the family who need to be taken care of.

Animals of wonderland

An examination of Tenniel's opening sequence of illustrations as they appeared on the page in the 1866 edition of Alice in Wonderland will therefore begin to reveal Tenniel's preoccupations, the kind of interpretation of Carroll's text he is nterested in making. As this illustration was invented by Tenniel, the contrast is clear between Carroll, whose β†’

Proponent for research on animals essay samples

Although there has been a lot of negative views regarding the use of animals for research, there are plenty of benefits that animal research has given to the society. Overall, the benefit of using animals in research is necessary to fully understand the underlying side-effects and to understand the benefits better.

Animals don’t have enough rights

This is because animals and humans are completely different from each other! less than 2% of the diseases in humans appear on animals. In these research labs just imagine how these animals would feel they are shoved in cages that are so small they get grazes and cuts on their skin from trying to get β†’

Good example of research paper on hawaii marketing material content analysis

The material was coded so as to provide information about the usage of people, animals, land, and sea in marketing materials for places such as Hawaii, Maui, Lanai, Molokai, Oahu, and Kauai. For the Hawaii Island, the photos showed people, animals, land, and sea each appearing different number of times.

Lord of the flies and animal farm

In Lord of the flies Ralph is originally elected as the leader of the island, this was due to Ralph summoning the rest of the boys using the conch. This is very similar to Golding's use of the conch in Lord of the Flies as, the society starts to corrupt the pigs change to rules β†’

California shoshone

Shoshone women were in charge of the home. People of the California Shoshone wore rabbit or deer skins when they were available.

Animal abuse: animal suffering in factory farms

On the brands' website, it states that the brand has a commitment to animal welfare and claims that they are ensuring that the animals that are being used for their dairy products are being cared for and it's their top priority as a brand. As some people may know, factory farms are the main cause β†’

Dogs make good companions

They will never be judgmental, they do not care about what name brand clothes you are wearing, the car you drive, the house you live in, they will love you for you. When you are emotionally drained or depressed, they are right there showing you love and support, letting you know it's going to be β†’

Pros and cons in fox hunting

Some of the pro points of fox hunting are, the fox is a pest and its population needs to be controlled. Jobs would not be lost because the people and the hounds can transfer to drag hunting.

Animals and birds should never be kept in cages

Therefore, to a great extent I agree that animals and birds should be kept in cages. Furthermore, animals are not evenly distributed around the world due to the differences in the habitats that they live in.

Wild animals trade in the united states

According to HSUS, the human society of the United States, wild animal trade is a multi-billion business, following to drugs and weaponries on the black market. There are fairly a couple national laws that disallow the exportation and federal transmission of certain wild pets in the United States.

Mariano azuela’s the underdogs

After reading the novel, the appendix which follows, brought on a wide range of comparisons and contrasts between the fictional story and the real events of the Mexican Revolution. In comparison to the novel to the history, it is true that Demetrio and his men were very poor and unequipped when it came to uniforms β†’

Animal fable

Right after killing the bull, he realizes the bull's absence is huge and regrets about his anger giving way to softer feelings, he spoke aloud his sorrow at the death of Schanzabeh, whom he allowed to have been probably nnocent of the crimes laid to his charge, and to have fallen a victim to β†’

Microbiology research paper

This includes examining historical societal/cultural changes for human evolution are responsible in transmission of diseases to human beings 14 to 10000 years ago; distant historical original animal reservoirs of disease that humans eventually contracted; the conditions that contribute to the spread of human diseases today and the factors that terrorist groups would need to consider β†’

Older run

Analyzing Two Adventurers, Gary and Karana Gary Paulsen, the narrator and author of " Older Run" and Karana, in an excerpt from Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O'Dell, are both some type of adventurer. Paulsen is confident that he was ready to leave for the run because the dogs had been taught and β†’

Scientific experiments on animals

Do the advantages ofanimal testingoutweigh the disadvantages and allow us to carry out the procedures on animalsMany would say that experiments on animals are useless as the response of humans might be different to animals in some cases. According to Paul E and Paul J, Scientific and medical researches on animals are justified, it is β†’

Free research paper on animal abuse for clothing in china

The conditions of the Chinese fur farms make the highest level of mockery to the most fundamental standards of animal welfare. The miserable lives and the unspeakable deaths of these animals are denied the little show of tenderness from the human beings.

Research paper on los katios national park

The Natural National Park Division of the Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources currently manages the park and is directly accounted for by the Ministry of Agriculture. Two ecosystems are found in the park, namely the tropical rainforests found in the Darien Mountains and the floodplain of the Atrato River.

Free research paper on operant and classical conditioning

To understand the ways in which classical conditioning and operant conditioning can be used to elicit behaviors in people, it is first important to understand the theories as a whole. Second, classical conditioning is concerned with the unconditioned stimulus, which is referred to by researchers as being " biologically potent" - in the case of β†’

Should animal testing remain legal?

Millions of animals are forced to endure medical experiments that no creature should have to be exposed to, and any of the animals that manage to survive the tests are immediately put death afterwards. The only thing that will change the opinion of these companies is to affect the profit of animal testing.

Kant and singer: the moral status of animals

The duty to prevent cruelty to animals, then, is one that humanity owes to itself, not to the animal kingdom. Unlike Kant, Singer believes that " animal interests are the basis for their having rights and rights that are equal to humans".

Wild life animal protection research paper examples

This factor has therefore resulted in the deaths of several wild animals thus posing a fear of reduction of wild creatures; a factor that might consequently lower the revenue that would have been brought to the county through tourism in the wildlife services. This factor has therefore forced many people to engage in the killings β†’

American buffalo

When American Buffalo opens, Don is lecturing Bob on the importance of committing himself to the " business" deal they have made; Bob is supposed to be watching the target of their robbery but has instead returned to the junk shop. By the end of the play, however, Don forsakes his friendship with Bob in β†’

Example of ethical issue research paper

The foremost intimation of animal examination was disclosed in the tractate of the ancient Greeks in the IV and III century BC. The period of middle and late middle Ages, including the Renaissance, is famous by the work of the great doctors, as Andreas Vesalius, having access to the autopsy of human corpses, finding that β†’

Free research paper on mongolia

The terrain varies as well, with the west and southwestern parts of the country, the south-central area making up the Gobi Desert, and the remainder being grassy steppe and large semi-desert and desert plains. The growing season in Mongolia is short, and plays a secondary role to animal husbandry.

Paleolithic art research paper examples

In addition, from another perspective in support of the notion that the Paleolithic art depicted in the caves might have been used to conduct rituals can be viewed from the sense that the cave might have been used as a sacred placed that connected the living and the non-living, the underworld and the death. In β†’

Feral hogs

Wild hogs have continued to overpopulate areas and in an effort to find new land and areas offoodsources, have continued to move west. As of July 31, 2011, the Tennessee Wildlife Resource Agency put an end to sport hunting of wild hogs and placed into effect some new hunting regulations to assist in population control β†’

Discuss – whether or not we should use animals

The use of animals for medical research is a debatable issue with some claiming that for the benefit ofscience, medical research needs animals and testing on animals is a necessity for the progress of science. The study found that most scientists and researcher generally tend to support the use of animals in medical research and β†’

Example of research paper on consumer behavior

However, in spite of the scientific, and technological breakthroughs, there are some difficult questions that too get carried along, and that is, should researchers and educators get data from inhumane experiments on animals and how justifiable it is to take the lives of healthy animals in the name of research done for the benefit of β†’

Research on trichromacy in primates

The result of this is that, because the alleles are X-linked, and only females have two X chromosomes, trichromacy is limited to a subgroup of new world female primates. This implies that the changes in color vision mechanisms which have led to the appearance of trichromacy in old world and new world primates were independent β†’

Relationship between primates and their environment research paper

Baboons are some of the world's old and largest monkeys that are found in Africa and Arabia. The chimps are intelligent in that they can make tools and use them to get food and for social displays.

Limitations of captive breeding

Nissen 08 November 2012 Limitations of Captive Breeding While the use of captive breeding has grown enormously in the more recent years there has been a complete lack of attention paid to the limitations placed on that endangered species by the captive breeding programs. The implications of the progressive genetic and phenotypic changes are more β†’

Animal testing lead to extinction of animals research papers example

A number of issues are related to animal testing and one of them is the extinction of animals. The fact of the matter is that animals pass through pain while they undergo various types of animal testing.

Australopithecus migration and subsistence habits research papers examples

However, the discovery of the fossils of the genus Australopithecus has also been made in the Eastern region of Africa, denoting that their movements and migration was also in this region of Africa too. It had a cranial capacity identical to that of A.afarensis, but the morphology of the face and cranium is different.

Why should animals be kept in a zoo

It also provides the Publiceducationon all the animals, helps endangered species by breeding the animals and animals are mostly born in the zoo not knowing what it is like to live in the wild. Many of the animals in the zoos are captive-breed.

Forest protection

Others make a living from the forests through tourism or from the responsible harvest of trees for the pulp and paper and the saw milling industries, building homes or for firewood. A better way to protect a forest, particularly old growth forests in remote areas, is to obtain a part of it and to live β†’

Animal use in medical research

The use of animals in medical researches has saved and also improved the quality of lives of many people and animals as well. However, animal rightsactivists consider actions inflicted to animals in the process of research as a form of cruelty, terming the actions as against the moral obligations of human beings to animals.

Free george orwells animal farm research paper sample

The animals start working hard for the development of the pigs in the organization role. George Orwell skillfully uses the satire in the " Animal farm" as a tool to express the tyranny of politics and government by presenting the life and struggles of animals.

Dogs are better house pets than cats

Dogs are better pets than cats Yukako Taketani English 122 Instructor Chang March 17, 2013 Dogs are better house pets than cats In the world, there are only three types of people: dog lovers, cat lovers, and please-no-dogs-or-cats-around-me people. When they are brought to a veterinary hospital, most of the dogs are still wagging their β†’

Animal testing should be banned

Animal testinggoes through many factors to make sure the medicine/ cosmetic products are safe for humans at the cost of taking their innocent life, many people seemed to misunderstand the animal's nature and the laboratory procedures and techniques that are executed on the animals, the procedure they have to go through are cruel and are β†’

Hookworm dermatitis in dogs

Lesions occur as a result of the skin penetration of the third stage larvae of Uncinaria stenocephala and Ancylostoma spp. Diagnosis of Hookworm Dermatitis Pelodera dermatitis is considered a possible diagnosis when a dog kept outdoors on straw bedding has itchy, alopecic and crusting dermatitis on skin that is in contact with the ground.

The roaring dragon hotel

Introduction: According to Grainger, " The Roaring Dragon Hotel is one of the three start hotels in south-west China and it is a state owned enterprise ". Recommendations: According to FakhrElDin, Cultural Intelligence is very important to any multinational company and it is a significant factor for employee in the international hotel, training to improve β†’

Speed the light charity

Today his efforts have helped not only the vision of Speed the Light, but the enthusiasm of the young teens of the Assemblies of God. Speed the Light is an excellent contributor to the spread of Christianity.

Gen chem study guide

0 g of Cl2 according to the equation: 2 Al + 3 Cl2? The specific heat of the unknown is: a.0.

Gas chromatography – an overview

Other parameters that can be used to alter the order or time of retention are the carrier gas flow rate, For example, internal standards it is commonly used way in Gas Chromatography to calculate the concentration of an analyte.for any particular detector, the relative response factor for the analyte compared to the internal standards must β†’

Uniform motion lab

By having the same person read all of the measurements minimized the degree of uncertainty in position and angle of reading values.3. By having the same person read all of the measurements minimized the degree of uncertainty in position and angle of reading values.

A great man

His passion in optics andsciencewas manifested by his series of experiments in the composition of light which resulted to the discovery of the various behavior of light. In 1689, he was elected to become the MP for Cambridge University and in 1696; he became the warden of the Royal Mint in London.

Types of buckling

Any load on the object that leads to the bending in it along the given strong axis, the object is shown to go out of plane and such buckling is known as lateral buckling. This combined form of buckling is shown to take place mostly in the objects that exhibit unsymmetrical cross-section with only one β†’

Schrodinger equation and its historical background research papers example

The paper also highlights the historical background of the development of Schrodinger equation after which the paper also briefly touches the development of the same through classical means. The Schrodinger equation is mathematically described as a partial differential equation that is used in quantum mechanics and other fields to describe the quantum behavior and state β†’

The sound of my alarm clock started ringing

As I proceed to the kitchen, the smell of brewing coffee aroused my senses and captivated me to drink a cup before heading for the bathroom and prepare for work. Sitting in the train and recalling the instances that greeted me awhile back, I started to show a glimpse of a smile.

Skills to pay the bills

I will Give You Some of Mine if You Give Me Some of Yours JUST THE FACTS: Part of becoming a functional member of a team is learning to understand what you bring to the group and what you might need from others. So, what do you do when you are part of a team β†’