Genuine Research Paper Examples

Journal entry week one

There are many fascinating facets from the way Egyptians lived from the building of the pyramids to the burial of their leaders. The sun was an important part of their lives and even treated as a god.

Separation of powers and checks and balances

Initially, the founding father had projected that the Congress would be the major branch of the State. Legislative The legislative branch is tasked with endorsing the laws of the state and fitting the funds necessary to control the State.

Africans before columbus

Gigantic stone head of Negritic African The earliest people in the Americas were people of the Negritic African race, who entered the Americas perhaps as early as 100, 000 years ago, by way of the bering straight and about thirty thousand years ago in a worldwide maritime undertaking that included journeys from the then wet →

Sustainable development toward an eco-build homes

The uses of fossil fuel for energy and transport has already damage our climate and as a result of this, the climate change is already having impact on our live and is expected to destroy the live hoods of many people in the developing world as well as ecosystem and species, The research carried out →

How big data, comparative effectiveness research, and rapid-learning health-care systems can transform patient care in radiation oncology

To help with the analysis of Big Data, the NIH has created the Big Data to Knowledge program which has invested over $200 million in grant awards to foster the development of methods and tools to analyze Big Data in biomedical research. As the amount of biomedical Big Data and our ability to analyze these →

Ministerial responsibility in malaysia

The comparison between the Malaysian Parliament and other nations is that the proceeding process in our parliament still in normal condition which can be classified as safe compared to others like Taiwan where the proceeding in their parliament has to be postponed cause of fighting between the two parties in the parliament hall. Although the →

Elizabeth cady stanton

The day Elizabeth was born she knew that she wanted to do more than be a housewife. That set light to the women that they had hope to change the fifteenth amendment to allow everybody the right to vote.

Mean creek- important idea

The director shows us this through the way the characters change during the burial of George, the word " snap" written in a tree and the guilt felt by Millie and Sam. At this moment the director uses a combination of dark lighting and close up shots of Millie's partially hidden face in the shadows →

Women’s emancipation in the 21st century

The equal opportunity in education means that women have the same prospects as men to extend education up to high degree. Women also have rights to be equal and actively involved in the workplace.

The green sea turtle

It is one of the largest sea turtles and has the highest migratory area. The Green Sea Turtle is a reptile, and it comes from thefamilyof Cheloniidae.

Socio-economic and political conditions in sparta and athens after 800 b.c.e.

To improve their economical, social, and political conditions, the Athenians and the Spartans created new political systems, introduced important reforms and stood as the role models in the Greek political development. The main aim of the Spartan men was to be trained as the best infantrymen and sacrifice their lives in the battle.

Nida clinical trials network common data elements initiative: advancing big-data addictive-disorders research

This paper describes objectives and importance of the CTN CDEs initiative and portal to translational psychiatric research: To support harmonized use of EHR-compatible common data elements to enable exchange and integration of data to answer clinically meaningful questions of broad interest to SUD treatment research, thereby facilitating big-data biomedical science crossing boundaries between research and →

Good research paper about the homeric legacy:odyssey as national, western epic

In the end, Odysseus manages to slay Penelope's suitors, and he has angered the villagers of Ithaca for causing the death of two generations of the men of the village. While the philologist is interested in the beginnings and origins of Homer's poem, and the historian is concerned with the historical background of the work, →

Test the heart rate of a number of pupils while they were taking part in a `stepping activity`

Method: The information that I have been given is that eight pupils, four of each sex took part in a stepping activity, their height and weight were recorded, the heart rate of all pupils before the activity, the heart rate of all pupils at regular intervals during the activity and the heart rate of all →

Symbolic interactionism: piercings and tattoos

It covers everything from a sour look on your face or a slouched body and crossed arms to the way you dress or the color of your skin. To some, piercings and tattoos are a form of self-expression.

The breville juicer

I used it for greens and fruit and it worked well but I noticed a lot of pulp which was fairly " wet", and some of the pieces that I put in the juicer ended up whole in the pulp container. I like the speed of the juicer because I am always on the go →

The journey to my grave

I had to reply, I mean it was not everyday Ashley came up to talk to me.'Uh.yes.I am. Thanks for asking.' I could feel my face getting hot, I could not believe I was so tongue tied but I was not to blame anyone who went to my high school would have been in the →

Five key points represent a fundamentally new aesthetic

The house that utilizes Le Corbusier's 5 points actively works to improve the lives of its inhabitants just as any successful machine of the Industrial Age. The roof of the house is covered in a roof garden to give its inhabitants a place to relax from the incessant clamor of the new age.

Thomas paine’s common sense

Thomas Paine came to America from Britain at just the right time because he would see the condition of America and with the power of his words he would subdue the public in believing in his cause. Paine was a liberal and believed that the government which governs less is the best form of government.

Starting from scratch or buying an existing business

The reasons for that are because she had no business experience or skills but she believes that she have the capabilities to run this salon, also she's an entrepreneur for the first time and this will save her the time of the stating period plus the effort of building the business name and make it →

Students should be allowed to pray in schools

should be allowed to pray in schools Disallowing prayer in school is something inherently inconsistent with the mood and style of the modern age. This void in emotional satisfaction is filled in by the prayers." Students have the right to engage in voluntary individual prayer that is not coercive and does not substantially disrupt the →

Doing business in cameroon

The climate of the coastal region is different from that of the mountains. At the time, the architects of independence perceived the policy as a symbol of national integration between West and East Cameroon The two systems were merged by 1976, but studies suggest that the two systems still did not blend together shortly after →

Progressive insurance

They provide small business auto insurance to businesses like: * Landscaping and snowplow insurance * Artisan and contractor insurance * Courier and delivery insurance * Restaurant andfoodservice insurance * Farming and livestock insurance * Wholesale business insurance * Religious and nonprofit organization insurance B. Printer Ability to print out estimates, checks and claims instantly Laptop →

Technology and modern world

This knowledge and information gathered and interpreted from focus groups can and will be used as input for the design of a learning game that will be largely compatible with the needs and abilities of a wide range of the older Europeans. How many employers wish they could say that about even a tenth of →

Research on behaviorist versus cognitive theories of learning

The writer of this paper attempts to relieve some of these inquiries by turn toing the differences between behavioural and societal acquisition theory along with the necessity of utilizing cognitive schemes to help in the acquisition procedure. In order for schemes to work for pupils they must be cognizant of why they need to believe →

Cola wars continue

According to the 5-forces model, each industry's profitability can be assessed considering the five forces that influence the market The rivalry among existing competitors, bargaining power of suppliers, bargaining power of buyers, threat of new entrants, and threat of substitute products or services. Among national concentrate producers, Coke and Pepsi claimed a combined 72% of →

Architectural & bim technology

A background on the history of the college edifice is carried out and from here the chief legal issues that will originate in such a undertaking will be outlined and three of these issues will be examined in more item. The chief elements of plants to the protected constructions will be the fix and renovation →

Equality, differentiation and inclusivity in education

I therefore would ensure that all students are treated equally regardless of these factors. Inclusivity Within the classroom it is important that all learners are made to feel and are actively included in the subject material that i am teaching.

Case 3

The survey results will be used to help the magazine choose articles of interest and provide advertisers with a profile of subscribers. As a new employee of the magazine, you have been asked to help analyze the survey results.

What is an interest group?

Different types of Interest Groups There are a variety of interest groups such as business/trade organization, agricultural groups, professional groups, labor groups, promote causes groups, promote the welfare groups, religious groups and last but definitely not leads public interest groups. Religious groups are interest that try to persuade policy in the favor of religious matters.

Case study sap establishing a research center over china

2006 Along with SAP Germany, SAP Austria, SAP Chile, SAP Indiana y del Carrie, SAP Mexico, and SAP Region Sure win SAP Labs India receives the distinction " Recruiting and Staffing Best in Class" Software revenue of ERR 1. Results Guiana Long history in China First mover advantage R&D less barrier to entry SAP Labs →

Researching business data

Data presentation in a better wayWe first of all come up with a table of the results and then us it to design the appropriate presentation format which in our case is a plot of bar graphs for ease of comparison and analysisLooking at the data given here, there is a clear indication that for →

Havoc during rainy season

A few days after ceaseless rain lashed the regions in Thane and stranded some localities, the risk of infectious diseases stares large at the residents. With a massive dumping ground right in front of the railways station at Vithalwadi and a sewer flowing in the rear, it seems like an open invitation to the various →

Strategy in global context

Quality, Service, Cleanliness and Value became the motto of the company and the execution of the same is one of the primary reasons why McDonald's is what it is today. Other key external factor that forms an opportunity for the fast food industry as a whole and also for McDonald's is the fact that 30% →

Branch in chicago

In a move top correct that perception, in 2005 Wal-Mart contracted the services of Margaret Garner, a head of a construction company to offer the services of constructing the 5, 402nd store in Chicago. Wal-Mart has lost some bids to set up stores in a number of towns.

Wine history

Income Statement For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 Revenues $ 79280 Expenses $ 2460 14216 3281 41007 Total Expenses 60964 Net Income / $ 18316 Attempts: 1 of 5 used * Your answer is correct. DEER TRACK PARK Retained Earnings Statement For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 Retained Earnings, January 1 $ 6167 →

Limitations of new media

So openness and freedom of the online platform provided by new media technologies reinforce the sense of citizenship and democracy but also have potential to disrupt social order and democracy. 2, Digital divide: Disadvantaged groups- (the poor, the elder, the undereducated, and thous In rural areas-continued to lag behind in their access to and use →

Letter of recommendation for a student

During his coursework in department of electronic and telecommunication engineering and Management I had the opportunity to closely interact with him in the semesters that I have taught him. Academically he is an intelligent and hardworking student, which is clearly reflected in the excellent marks that he has consistently achieved.

Clarks marginal productivity theory research paper examples

The combination of the initial segments of the study will allow the creation of a credible assessment of Clark's theory. This is the foundation for many of the rising arguments concerning Clark's theory in the modern era.

Privacy and employer access to employee social media account

However, the access of the employee personal account by the employer is wrong and should not be encouraged because it is violation of personal right and privacy. After a badmouthing by the employee, on one of the social media platform, the employer decided to fire the employee because he read the posts by the employee.

Concealed carry on college campuses

The debate concerning the laws of concealed carry on college campuses has been going strong since the Virginia Tech tragedy on April 16, 2007. On one side, people oppose the right of concealed carry on campus stating reasons such as this one presented by Concealed Campus, " It's unlikely that allowing concealed carry on college →

Chem 130 chp. 15

15 Chemical equilibrium: Occurs when a reaction and its reverse reaction proceed at the same rate At equilibrium the rate at which products are produced from reactants equals the rate at which reactants are produced from products At equilibrium a particular ratio of concentration terms equals a constant The composition of an equilibrium mixture does →

Importance of technical education

The Education which teaches the concerns of a society is called Social Education. The technical education produces technicians for all type of industries and it is true that the progress of a country much depend upon its Industrialization without which a handsome economy would not be possible.

The plea for the chimpanzees

I think if we are going to use chimps to test products or inject them with our major diseases, then the least we can do is give back a little bit of freedom to run and play in a closed, safeenvironmentand offer some compassion and love to these animals who are helping us find cures →

The day that changed my life

I was not sure if I was going to qualify to receive unemployment but I knew I desperately needed to do something because of the baby I had on the way. I was not in pain and did not want to rely on someone else to decide what to bring to the hospital for me →

Barbados – country’s geographical notes

In the era of sailing ships, access to the island was difficult because of the prevailing winds from the northeast. More than one-third of the population is concentrated in Bridgetown and the surrounding area.

English proverbs and sayings

The objectives are: * to study the problem of the definition of proverbs and sayings * to study the origin of English proverbs and sayings to group English proverbs and sayings according to their meaning * to analyze the possibility of the usage of English proverbs and sayings in teaching * to make lists of →

Views on baz luhrman’s adaptation of romeo and juliet

The main objective of the this movie was to makemoney, which was done by mocking at my well known novel of romeo and Juliet.adapting their movie from my book must have been a huge advantage for them as tthey would not have needed any script or a new story which has the risk of being →

Editorial: epistemological and ethical aspects of research in the social sciences

Editorial on the Research Topic Epistemological and Ethical Aspects of Research in the Social Sciences This Research Topic focuses on the questions " behind" empirical research in the social sciences, especially in psychology, sociology and education, and presents various ideas about the nature of empirical knowledge and the values knowledge is or should be based →

Is going to college in an attempt to get a degree worth it?

The benefits of a college education include an increased yearly wage in a futurecareer, the opportunity to learn and gather experience, and it opens doors for a variety of career opportunities. For a lot of students, the ability to turn college degrees into more money is the main factor in going to college.

Constitutional law and european integration

The scope of the change to the UK constitution that has been instigated by it and other European Court of Justice decisions has been conceptualised as ranging from a ' legal evolution' to ' revolution'. This is important considering that the UK is a modern democracy and intrinsically different to the state it was in →

Do you agree that yeats creates a scene of tragic intensity in purgatory?

This tension and the compactness of the play help to increase the intensity as well as invoke fear in the audience, which contributes to the final catharsis Yeats uses cyclical chronology within the play to illustrate the idea of time being a continual concept that cannot be stopped. The brevity of Purgatory ensures a 'scene →

Principles of professional development

Part of the paper was focused again on the skills and status of the workforce in social care and how improvements to the training and development of the staff can lead to improvements in the social care sector as a whole. When working in social care, to be effective and to provide the best possible →

Life with brother phil

When something happened and adults needed to get to the " bottom" of the story, they turned to Philip knowing he would tell them the truth despite any consequences. The object of the game was to tag each other and then send them to the " nuthouse" set up in our yard.

Origins and significance

Sceno: graphy, a theatre design website, expounds on costumes in theatre as " the final jigsaw in a complex character," further detailing that it " is the personal expression of a character and within the world of a story it can also be used to create the collage that becomes theatrical design. In the different →

Write feature story

In hard news stories, often referred to as inverted pyramid style, the reporter makes the point, sets the tone, and frames the issue in the first paragraph or two. In a feature story, on the other hand, the writer has the time and space to develop the theme, but sometimes postpones the main point until →

The beattles

To get an idea of how much the Beatles helped shape the following generations' lifestyles, one must look at the lifestyle and the music before the Beatles. The emergence of the Beatles' popularity can be traced to the help of two people: the determination of Brian Epstein, their manager, and the foresight of George Martin, →

The 4p’s (product, price, promotion, place)

We have to be aware that our product is fashionable among the community and the customers so the products we sell are what the customers want. So as we are a small business we have to lower our prices to a relatively low price than our competitors to catch customers' attention and try to persuade →

Security issues in nosql databases

In this paper we analyze the security problems of two of the most popular NoSQL databases, namely: Cassandra and MongoDB. In this paper we review the main security features and problems of these two database systems.

Overseas education: opportunities, experience and quality

The results of the research highlighted four factors of service quality: recognition; quality of instruction and interaction with faculty; sufficiency of resources; and aspects of physical quality. Methodology Having reached a point of identifying from the literature the ingredients of and preliminary structure for service quality in higher education, the research strategy was developed to →

Red balloons

This was one of the songs in the 'ass to make the point about how the war really affected the citizens and the countries themselves. The meaning of this whole song Is that during the cold war, the Soviet union and the united States were always at the brink of a nuclear war.

Political harrow college overview

The needs of students from Harrow College to have fruits in the morning may influence their budget. Technological Harrow College may need new equipments in order to be the requirement standard.

Intensive mothering

Attachment parenting on the other hand means 'opening your mind and heart to the individual needs of your baby and letting your knowledge of your child be your guide to making on the spot decisions about what works best for both the mother and child, that is learning read the cues of your baby and →

Research strategy justification of methodology psychology essay

In the middle part of the chapter, research strategy, research design, the sample size of the research, rejected methods and procedures will be discussed followed by the selection of specific research method to collect information from the FLMs in focus group and HR manager is discussed in-detail. The qualitative study is more concerned with the →

Summarizing and paraphrasing a source activity

Arlov in Wordsmith: A guide to college writing, " Aggressive diving is characterized by the tendency to view driving as a competition..". Arlov in Wordsmith: A guide to college writing; " One of the most valuable skills a student can develop is focus".

Simon property group – sociocultural factors

These are interactions between social and cultural factors in the environment and affect people's attitudes, values, and customs and also shape the thoughts and behavior patterns of individuals. In the domestic environment, individualism is highly emphasized meaning the property business must recognize the potential of individuals in the organization and encourage them to be creative →

Emerging business opportunities at ibm

As discussed in the model is divided into three stages that are associated to the stage of development of the organization and each stage is very unique to the others and has its own unique strategies that will help the organization to go through it successfully. To be able to deal with the competition in →

Judicial study guide

Outline the structure of the federal court system and the major responsibilities of each component How is the federal judicial system organized? What limits are there on the interpretation of the law and the Constitution by federal judges?

Implications for employers hiring generation xers

For the period where the Generation Xers existed, the most influential circumstances are that of the " Ronald Reagan presidency, the personal computer, and AIDS" that they always had to deal with in the society. Values of the Generation Xers There are core values that the members of the Generation X hold in relation to →

Main theories of aggression

In the social learning theory of aggression, Bandura suggested that the expression of aggression is learnt through social learning not ignoring the fact that the potential for the human aggression was biological. In the future, the child is likely to repeat the behaviour when the expectation of a reward is greater than the expectations of →

Human development and business

As I became armoured with the programs of MBA, I know it will help my personality to be more aggressive and define my set of standards. A good communication is tantamount to a well rounded personality which can easily adapt to diverse levels of the business grounds.

B2b and b2c

In these harsh economic period, dealing with the ethical, legal, and regulatory concerns associated with B2B and B2C websites and the free flow of information is a main issue for both kinds of e-businesses. Since concerns come up regarding marketing ethics and the significance of understanding a business for Internet, there are probable areas and →

Stevie smith

As a result, Smith utilized her emotions relating to neglect, death, and war in much of her writing. At the age of three, after her father left the family to join the North Sea Patrol, she moved to Palmers Green with her Mother and her sister Molly.

Wendigo: cannibalism in native american folklore

The original Wendigos can be found in the Pawnee creation myth, as the creatures that came before the Pawnee and were destroyed by the Creator Tirdwa." The men of the present era were not the original inhabitants of the earth. In the majority of stories that result in the death of a Wendigo, that Wendigo →

Cold comfort farm and sons and lovers representation of family life

It's one of the main themes in the novel and can be seen through Flora and the presentation of the ' Starkadders'. At the start of chapter two in Cold Comfort Farm Flora presents family life as false and cold as she plans to write to her relatives, changing her style of writing to suit →

Chronic and communicable diseases

This brief write up will examine the spread of diseases by vectors and the most common vectors that transmit diseases human beings. There are three factors that affect the transmission of diseases that are vector-borne to human beings.

Analysing the effectiveness of background colour in magazines

You then go on to read the second line " Soup a Model " which is the main pun of the advert, at first when you read this you think of becoming a super model but then realise it is a pun about soup. It goes on to give you the instructions on what to →

Singing in the rain

Singing in The Rain Brianna Walsh The Use of Singing and Dance in Singin' In the Rain Singin' In the Rain is a fantastic movie that shows the transition between silent films and " talkies." This film, however, would have no impact what so ever if it were not a musical. The dancing in the →

Role of urbanization in the aegean

The Aegean civilizations, the Assyrians, and the Israelites, though in the same hemisphere, were three distinct kingdoms. The creation of urban centers helped facilitate this trade, and thus, expanded the perspectives of these cultures.

Domestic & international market

BMW comes In top 25 companies of best brand value in the world, today Its brand value exceeded to 25 Billion dollar because of Its R and Innovative Ideas of luxury cars. The structure of company's culture are more emphasis on differentiate and innovative ideas, and there is no doubt that BMW is holding one →

Citigroup strengths

The second major strength of Citi is the wide array of products and services which it provides. The investment banking division is one the largest in the world by the volume of business which it generates by the way of advising clients on mergers and acquisitions.

Lady with the lapdog by anton chekhov

It is a four chapter, fiction story written with great expertise and discloses an adulterous affair between the Russian Banker, Dmitri Dmitrich Gurov and the lady with the lapdog Anna Sergeyevna. In the second Chapter of the story, the setting changes to that of Gurov's normal routine.

Bureaucratic practices in educational institutes

Of the most famous political persons responsible for the making of bureaucracy, and its effects on society would be Max Weber, the German sociologist who set the course of the field in foundations of Administration and Politics. In the school, a school head is not supposed to talk to his children, who attend the school, →

Mchc paper

The process for these types of abortions is very graphic: a lethal dose of Dioxin, a heart medicine, is injected into the heart of the baby in the amniotic fluid through the woman's abdomen. He failed to realize the teleology Of the acts that he Was performing and did not realize the ultimate consequences of →

American indians two spirits

Thus, the value of the research is in its sociological as well as anthropological investigation of tribal life of Native Americans and some peculiarities of berdache people. To date, it is taken for granted that two-spirit people embody mostly cultural features and consequences in the evolution of Native Americans' social life and development.

How has technology over the years affected society today?

It is getting bad, 37% of adults have admitted to being addicted to their smart phones while 60% of children and teens have admitted to being addicted to their smart phones. And when they do have smartphones they do not use ninety percent of the apps or things like that when that's what smartphones are →

Law codes

Chad Goering Essay #1 " Hittite Law Code" and the " Code of the Assyrians" In this paper, I will compare both law codes of the Hittites and Assyrians by comparing the two aspects dealing with sexual conduct and relations. Allowing men and women to have the same expectations is a good thing because both →

Apple inc: business strategies that drive the brand’s

Organizational culture is one of the assisting tools in keeping employees motivated and loyal to the management of the company. The organizational structure of Apple is unique and flat.

The thoughts of tao te ching

The " mystery" which is the " unnamable Tao" is reality as stated in this sentence, " The unnamable is the eternally real". Through Tao, one can see that everything on earth and in the Universe is intertwined in a harmonious balance.

My choices for room 101

How would you like it if you had paid for a 1hour pay and display ticket and you came to your care at 1 minute past and a warden was stamping the sticky yellow piece of paper on your windscreen. So, I am sure that you will agree with me that the only way to →

Racism in sports and its impact on managers and coaches

This will include a brief review of the history of British sports, in particular, the presence of ethnic diversity in the British society and the involvement of this diversity in British sports. We will begin our analysis by defining what we mean by racism and conduct a review of the history of British sports, in →

Technology in todays world

It is a part of our daily lives from the alarms we set in the morning to watching television with our families at the end of a long day. As a society it is important to consider each aspect and try to use technology for the positive benefits it has.

Complexity on the implementation of ktsp

Its alteration of course of study had implicated and affected the national instruction system of Indonesia; it had non merely affected the acquisition clime in the schoolroom, every bit good as the preparedness of the principal and capable instructors in attempt to understand and use the pattern. To calculate out the extent to which KTSP →

Economic order quantity

There is a fixed cost for each order placed, regardless of the number of units ordered. There is also a cost for each unit held in storage, sometimes expressed as a percentage of the purchase cost of the item.

Economics oligopoly

This part of the coursework aims to identify and explain the main economic features of an Oligopoly and also the key economic theories which influence the price of a product or service. Concentration ratio is the measure of the market share of the largest four firms in the industry expressed as a percentage.