Genuine Research Paper Examples


Here is what you should do first: *While you are reading the daily news and technical analysis, write down on a piece of paper what direction the analysts are saying about the major currency pair you are following and the key support and resistance levels for the day.A. When to ENTER a trade The FPS →


The lack of growth within Prompt Bicycles is also as a result of the fierce intention from overseas manufacturer's, which are able to produce more bikes at a much faster rate and with a lower wage cost but Prompt bicycles are unwilling to move locations due to the high investment they have made in tools →

Capital investment decisions: the case of diamond plc

It reveals that majority of manufacturing firms use only the NPV technique when evaluating their capital investment projects, and of the DCF techniques used, the NPV technique is used more often than the IRR. They also argue that NPV rule allows thousands of shareholders who may have vastly different levels of wealth and attitudes toward →

Erin balderson research paper examples

Therefore, excessive government spending is a situation where a country's rate of investing is far much less than the rate of spending. In fact, a situation where there is an existence of a gap between a country's spending and the manner in which it collects its taxes, the country is most likely to undergo excessive →

Liquidity measurement ratios

In comparison of 2013 & 2014, the Interpretation from current ratio can be drawn as higher the current ratio higher the capability of paying obligations. Here in our study the current ratio In 2013 Is less than 1 that Indicates the company has problems of paying.

Foriegn direct investment

Foreign direct investment is that investment, which is made to serve the business interests of the investor in a company, which is in a different nation distinct from the investor's country of origin Benefits of Foreign Direct Investment One of the advantages of foreign direct investment is that it helps in the economic development of →

Interest rate

The impact of interest rate increasing on real estate market Generally, the increasing of the bank's interest rate has crowding-out effect on the asset bubble. Of course, the range of the devaluation is positively relative to the bubble of the house price.

Pricing program

The special attention in the work is given to the achievement of the objective " raising public interest in science", combined with the goal to provide a financial self-sufficiency of the institutions. Using quick approach, two issues below should be resolved: To determine the admission rate for the first year To determine the admission policy →

Examining the selection criteria for equity finance investment in social enterprise

When proposing a research methodology for an in-depth study such as this, Saunders et al.suggest that it is practical to build the research methodology and research design in such a way that it supports the overall aim and objectives of the research. To answer the research question, and to develop a better understanding of this →

Good research paper on deficit spending

The government utilizes the deficit spending to boost the productivity of the economy. D, & Valles, J.

Aston blair case

Bodin shared his findings with Bacon and Reiss, in confidence, and they all agreed that none of the information would be presented in the August 4th presentation or to the task force team until Bodin had the opportunity to discuss everything with his boss; Vice President Jed Burns. Perhaps if he has shared the information →

Tax haven research paper

The goods in the tax haven are sold at a fraction of a cost making it easy to show higher earnings and distributing the earnings in the tax haven itself. Changing the ownership of an asset which is not a resident in the high tax jurisdiction allows the entity to hold assets in a tax →

A reason why international diversification increases

In entrant, if a firm manages its subsidiaries as an operative holding it intervenes in the day-to-day business to seize synergies and learning opportunities. International diversified firms have to create settings that facilitate and nurture cross-border learning to exploit the diverse opportunities they face in foreign countries.

Dow jones industrial average index research paper examples

The analysis revealed a somewhat erratic pattern of the stock index movement, as clearly depicted by a consistent and prolonged downtrend of the market index since the middle of 2007 most likely as a result of the global economic slowdown that emanated in that year, and then continuing with a much sharper fall into mid-2009, →

Investment and equity cost

Suppose the market portfolio has an expected return of 10% and a volatility of 20%, while Microsoft's stock has a volatility of 30%.A. 0183 x 100 = 1.

The fiscal and monetary policy and economic fluctuations research paper samples

The economy of the United States is one of the largest national economies in the world, with its GDP of 16. As the data oninterest rates, inflation, and unemployment rate is available for the year 2013 at the latest, I will be analyzing the economic situation in the US for the period of 2009-2013.

Functions of microsoft excel research paper examples

AVERAGE performs the function of adding values divided by the number of items, so I can use this to perform averages. I can use this in the analysis of statistical data.

Measuring public ratings’ impact on financial condition

The purpose of the study is to determine the companies' public ratings/ media ratings for the years 2009-2011, to assess if there is a significant relationship between public ratings/ media ratings and the companies' financial condition and stock market performance and to determine if public ratings/ media ratings have a significant effect on the companies. →

Political communication during the stimulus bill debate research paper example

The economic stimulus plan by President Barack Obama aimed at sustaining and revamping the economic situation in the United States of America. The economic stimulus bill of 2009 marked the intention of the government to support economic growth in the country.

Mr pake

Part 1 In 500 words or fewer, answer a question of your choice which requires you to use a microeconomic principle, or principles, discussed in the module. Your question and the issue you address does not need to be important or worthy, but try to begin with an interesting question.

Koger properties, inc.

It was since that date he had the fullresponsibilityfor being independent as an audit of Koger. The public did not want to believe Goodbread was independent because of his partial ownership in Koger.

Flirting: investment and return

To demonstrate the advantages of diversification, Bill should calculate the expected return and risk of a portfolio composed of equal investment in the High-Tech Co.and the Counter-Cyclical Co.since these companies are negatively correlated with each other - and compare the results with the return and risk levels of the High-Tech itself. The data in →

The thoughtful forecaster

The income statement, also known as the " profit-and-loss statement", is utilized to measure the flow of cost, revenue, and profits over a period of time. On there is calculations and a variety of ratios including the sales growth to return on assets.

Real madrid, manchester united and barcelona football teams

However, clubs such as Real Madrid and FCC Barcelona are member-owned, democratic, and not-for-profit organizations and have leaderships that are accountable to the people who watch and pay. The main stakeholders in the company are the shareholders the employees that do not have shares and the product users.

Dowry, an investment system

On the other hand is the practice of bride price system which is where the husband gives cattle, land, or goods in exchange for a woman's hand in marriage. Although the practice of dowry from the bride's family to the grooms is a norm in the Indian culture it the opposite of the African culture.

Trinidad and tobago and monthly production target

The reject rate was 1. 8% and the company produced 100, 200 bags of cookies.

Hansson private label

To reinforce the company's financial performance: Total assets have grown over the years to a high of $380. Note in the additional tabs: Ramping up capacity utilization to 85% in 3 years instead of the projected 5 years yields a full 2% IRR increase.

The great depression research paper sample

Many of the people who had seen the stock market as the easiest way to becoming rich, quickly realized that it had became the fastest path to bankruptcy. Many years of overgrazing coupled with the negative effects of the drought led to the destruction of the grass.

Financial stability

However upon examination of the Balance Sheet, one can noted that the debt capital remained stable and the fluctuations in such ratio are due to movements in equity, which are the result of changes in profitability. The trend of such ratio is also similar to that of the gross profit and net profit margin noted →

Abigail’s party

This is humorous for the audience as Beverly spends a great deal of time and effort in the first part of Act 1 making sure that she is able to impress guests like Angela and Tony and try to feel in the same social class as Susan. The hypocrisy of this is that Beverly throughout →

Investment appraisal

As the investment takes place now in exchange for a stream of future benefits it is necessary to discount the cash flows in future years back to present day values to determine if the net benefit of the project is greater than the opportunity cost of using the investment funds for an alternative scheme. In →

Explain the distinctive features of two selected savings, investment and other financial services that render them suitable for two contrasting customers

Premium bonds are suitable for post education pre-families because they may not have a lot of money and this is a secure way of having the chance to win a large sum of money; if they want their money back they can. Short haul is when you buy shares to sell them in the hope →

Uk property investment

Executive Summary This report looks at trends experienced by the UK property investment market, with particular reference to the way in which individuals entering into the property investment market can highlight the opportunities for new graduates in the area and can ensure that property investment is made with the underlying conditions reflected, so that →

Financial modelling

High risk sector Competitive pressures have a significant effect on the financial condition of companies in the UK computer sector. In my opinion, the software; computer service sector is a high risk sector.

Compensation – incentive vs bonus

A bonus plan is one where the bonus is awarded after the fact and typically has very little or no incentive value. Generally nondiscretionary and can be paid at any time of the year bonus An after-the-fact reward or payment based on the performance of an individual, a group of workers operating as a unit, →

The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of diversion

The danger of utilizing execution improving medications is a considerable measure more noteworthy than the reward, in light of the fact that a competitor's notoriety could be discolored, and their vocation destroyed. In the event that a youthful understudy needs to wind up genius they have to buckle down and not yield to the enticement →

Importance of ethics in business

The manager is also ethically responsible for protecting the confidentiality of the employer and staying within the boundaries of law. Business ethics are tied to both society's ethics and the ethics of the individuals who work for, and buy products from, the company.

Ethical issues in the social worker’s roles in pas

The purpose of the study was to determine social workers views on physician assisted suicide. The authors identify the ethical dilemmas that social workers have been avoiding conflicts in the view of PAS.

Theoretical ethical approaches and business code of conduct

1 background and development of theoretical ethical approaches Deontological Theory The deontological theory state that the consequences or outcomes of actions are not important, what actually matter is that the actions are morally Justified. Kant is of the view that a person's actions will only be regarded as morally and ethically correct when they are →

Education ethics research papers examples

A personal philosophy of ethical practice using core values and essential principles and practices for doctoral research in the field of education should encompass intent, practice and the final use of the materials. In this regard it would be best to consult with a mentor who can help guide the student writer through the process →

Ethics and compliance

The business code and ethics code at the company Lowe's stores begins with the board of director's right through to the newest of workers. The ability of the exchange of previously issued financial assets from individuals to businesses is the main purpose of the financial markets in the U.S.

The impact of sociological theories on mass media research paper example

Owing to this analogy, about the consociation between the mass media and societal norms, sociological theories have contributed immensely to the manner in which mass media selects and uses ideas. For this reason, the theory has a regulatory influence on the mass media in the nature and content of information presented to the people.

What ethics of care in nursing means to me

Like theorist Leineger, I think that it is important to considerculturewhen developing a plan of care for the patient. As a nurse I plan to use Ethic of Care as the major factor around nursing and use that as the foundation and move forward from there.

Appraise the pros and cons of cosmpolitanism

Since Kant's perception is pre-dominantly a form of internationalism and legality, and he is known as the modern forefather of the contemporary conceptualisation, I will primarily focus on the arguments for and against legal cosmopolitanism. Karl Jaspers states that the trial was a " new attempt in behalf of order in the world" and Robert →

You’re not special

McCullough, in turn, concludes his speech with a collection of dialectical dictums: " Develop and protect a moral sensibility and demonstrate the character to apply it. In this way, McCullough increases audience enforceability and the impact of his other rhetorical claims.

The importance of ethics committees

In order to determine the importance of ethics committees in the field of health care and medicine, it is relevant to go over the history of the establishment of ethics committees, the varied and significant roles played by ethics committees in health care and medicine, the principles upheld by ethics committees, and the magnitude of →

Values and ethics

Values and Ethics: Above All Else Abstract The purpose of this paper is to identify and discuss my personal values, compare and contrast those values against the NASW Code of Ethics, discuss the selection of a specific values clarification vignette, including reason for choosing, personal feelings, attitudes, beliefs, and assumptions, level of comfort regarding the →

Greatest good for the greatest number

As an onlooker on a bridge looking at the trolley, some students would not push a fat man over the bridge to save the five workers, they said that the act would be committing murder; therefore the consequences are complex and categorical. The key point by Sandel and the students was that adding consent would →

Potentially unethical

What is potentially unethical about the situation described in the Daryl scenario is the choice of not informing my superior of the shenanigans my peer, Daryl, is committing. And, if my boss were to find out in the future for some reason or other that I was fully aware and said nothing, it would not →

Example of research summary and ethical considerations research paper

The nursing aspect is concerned with the ability of the researchers to carry out their research ethically, the science aspect is in respect to the values of the researcher scientifically, and finally, the societal aspect refers to the adherence to human rights when carrying out the research. This is because the purpose of the research →

Legal ethics in singapore

In essence, his duty to the administration of justice is weighed higher than the duty he has to his client. Therefore it is extremely important that a lawyer does adhere to his duty to the court without compromising the position or case of his in any way for it to be advantageous for all parties.

Case of the mysterous roses

There were two scenarios presented, " The Case of the Mysterious Roses", and " The Case of the Cold Feet". As the department supervisor I should respond to the request without compromising the integrity of myself or the company.

Kants deontology

Immanuel Kant the great philosopher, who had lived in the 18th century, proposed the work which is used for the reference of deontology. So in this he is honest just because of self-interest and not for the duty and for Kant this act is not the moral act because it is performed for the sake →

Ethics in clinical experimentation research paper

In the 40 year old study, the Public Health Service simply monitored the spread of the disease among the remaining 201 test subjects. Proper selection of test subjects should be done and these subjects should provide legal consent to participating in the clinical test.

Free research paper on cubenglish 1060

Understanding the duties of a PT and those of a PTA is important in determining the risks involved with delegation of duties. A PT must consider the appropriateness of the delegation in terms of quality of care and patient satisfaction in determining whether to delegate a duty.

Morals and ethics of cloning

There is also a fear that the clone may only be produced to live the life of the clone, thus causing severe emotional damage as well pain and suffering for the clone. The love and affection that is provided for most children will not be the same due to the fact that the clone is →

Ethical issues in psychology

An important step in becoming a mentalhealthprofessional or consumer of psychological services is to be aware of the ethical issues faced by psychologists. Any practitioner should be willing to discuss their competencies with any consumer of services and be ready to make referrals to others when an administration of tests like the MMPI or the →

Ethical issue on the internet

Ethical issues relating to the use of the Internet and the implications for managers and business Mihai C. One of the less admirable uses of cookies, and the one that is causing all the controversy, is its use as a device for tracking the browsing and buying habits of individual web users.

Ethical issues in nursing

Understanding how to figure out a resolution in order to solve a problem is a very great technique in all areas of life. Also critical thinking will help me to have a better view and understanding of material and the capability to perform and succeed in classes.

Example of research paper on social and economic rights

The human right to work is enlisted in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the international human rights law, whereby it lays emphasis on socio-cultural and economic development. The basic foundation of the human right to work is that involvement in work and accessibility of resources should be undertaken in such a manner that →

Arthur andersen’s legal ethical issues

Describe the legal and ethical issues surrounding Andersen's auditing of companies accused of accounting improprieties The largest bankruptcy of a non-profit organization, the investors of Baptist Foundation of Arizona sued Andersen which served as the auditor for $217 million for issuing false and misleading approvals of BFA financial statements and also lost $570 million donor →

Legal/ethical issues and the solutions of a dnr

In this paper, issues will be addressed about the legal and ethical dilemmas about a DNR, how a DNR can affect while being used in a school system, the history of the issues of DNR, and how potential effects can be addressed to the issues for the future. Additionally, I will discuss the legal rights →

The ethical and legal responsibilities of h&m

At H&M workers are eligible to a contract of employment, to work part time, to be able to join a union and to have hearing against unjust dismissal. For any reason H&M fail to do so they are breaking the law and therefore will occur.

Current ethical issues paper

There should be a change there in that all Kudler Fine Foods employees are trained to assist customers with any questions they may have on the products that are available in the store. There is also an ethical issue in the description of the stores themselves.

Ethical issues in the work place

This current week in particular one of the receptionist took the week off to have a week relaxation in their hometown. Due to the absence of the other receptionist, the office was behind on completely transcripts in a timely manner that we received online through the National Clearinghouse.

Conducting buinsess overseas

In order for the code of conduct to be enforced each employee or vendor must report any conflicts that relates to the company's welfare. The reason why investors may not want to do business with them is because they have a history of illegal and unethical behavior that may cause investors to lose money.

The war’s ethical nature according to utilitarian ethics

By taking a Utilitarian view, though, we can argue that even though war is horrible, it can still be an ethical action, because it may eventually benefit people in a way that not going to war and staying with the current state of affairs in a foreign country would not. These problems, coupled with the →

Explain the utilitarian & deontological aspects of informational privacy for employers & employees

Her course would have had to include a morally correct course of action that was in the best interest for the company as a whole, and it did not. On the contrary, had Patricia Dunn taken a more Deontological approach she would have ensured that right decisions were being made dutifully throughout the investigation.

Importance of ethics in business as an academic discipline

And, " Another clear message of the survey is that ethicalleadershipfrom the top is the key to reducing corporate malfeasance." Considering the ethical failures in the last several years and the resulting crisis in confidence, a sincere commitment to creating and sustaining an ethical business culture in public and private sectors has never been more →

Walmart unethical behavior

Wal-Mart has been accused of sexualdiscriminationand unfair pay for employees, and destruction of small towns, excessive amounts of corporate power through the government and how Wal-Mart is turning into a monopoly. Wal-Mart is also the leading employer of diversity and different cultures in the United States and the majority of this is men.

Wages of failure: the ethics of executive compensation

To measure the performance of the CEO or manager, the criteria that should be utilized are the short-term goals of the company. Outstanding performance in the short-term does not necessarily translate to positive effects in the long-run.

The case of bernie madoff remains

Analyzing this case on the perspective in the realm of ethics, it may be a good portion to argue about Madoff's ability to act and commit actions that is considered good or bad. Seeing this, it is only justifiable that Mardoff serve in jail due to the large consequences of his actions committed.

Managerial ethics

Business ethics is different in each country, for example the business ethics in China is way different from the business ethics in the United Kingdom. Movement within business or movement to building ethics into structure in a form of ethics code, ethics training is the third stand of the history of ethics.

Philosophy: the ethics of human cloning

In this way, the parents would have the chance to love the clone just as much as the original child. For example, cloning could be a way to help expand the length of human life, but it would cost the lives of clones who were failures in the experiment.

Suicide and the harm principle

Mill's principle of utility is the maximization of pleasure and the reduction of pain. He writes: " Whenever, in short, there is a definite damage, or a definite risk of damage, either to an individual or to the public, the case is taken out of the province of liberty, and placed in that of morality →

Ethical dilemmas in ‘the dark knight’

First and foremost, the way Bruce Wayne tried to hide in public his real identity behind the mask of Batman would suggest one of the ethical dilemma found in the movie. The mask of Batman was created to protect the real identity of Bruce Wayne, and therefore only benefited his own objective.

What does ethics mean

The complexity of client privacy, confidentiality and privilege should not be abuse as this may lead to social worker losing her job. These will reduce conflict between the social worker and her client.

Research paper on ethical theoretical framework

I always try to follow my obligations towards other people as I firmly believe that it is my duty to act in an ethical and moral way in every situation. Thus, following the deontological theory has helped me to become a consistent decision-maker as I know my responsibilities and commitments.

The tuskegee health experiment: a question of bureaucratic morality research paper example

This is why the health organizations and the government wanted to remove the doubts and prove that the practice was ethical and that there were no unethical and immoral cases. The reason is that the physicians carrying out the procedure should be competent and should not carry out the research for the benefit of some →

Cfa level1 note – ethics and professional standards

II Members and candidates will not engage in any conduct or commit any act that compromises the integrity of the CFA designation or the integrity or validity of the examinations leading to the award of the right to use the CFA designation. Relationships and Responsibilities to the Employer A: Inform your Employer of the Code →

Aristotle and the realm of ethics

An examination of the Nichomacean Ethics is a task that contains the dichotomy of examining Aristotle's simple, basic definitions along with the great complexity that is present in the underlying meaning behind the simplicity. This, in turn, will allow the person a semblance of happiness or, at the very least, a lessoning of conflicting tensions →

Lawyers, scientists urge ethics in biological advances

In this news article, the concerns of scientists toward an amoral approach to the advances of biological sciences and engineering are examined. Ethics board fines Dow for giving state workers airplane ride As the title of the article infers, the center of the ethics controversy this article deals with is a fine levied at Dow →

Moral and ethical issues in technology today

What are the possible ethical considerations of banning or restricting the developing world's access to the same cheaper technologies that made the US what it is today? What are the possible ethical considerations of banning or restricting the developing world's access to the same cheaper technologies that made the US what it is today?

Virtue ethics notes

All the characters in the books have daemons and Pullman says of them: ' the daemon is that part of you that helps you grow towards wisdom.' Lyra, the central character in the trilogy has a daemon called Pantalaimon who is instrumental in helping her deal with situations wisely as the story progresses.[Pleasure] is also →

Ethical paper

The company has to realize the role of ethics and social responsibility to implement a positive plan. Honesty and integrity is the key to having a successful business where Stakeholders develop trust.

Ethics and research in professional contexts

Mrs at the centre of the dilemma as she wishes to have the abortion, Mr Mrs K's husband and disagrees with the idea of abortion, and the doctor assesses and guides Mrs K's decisions. Therefore, if Mrs K were to use a hedonic calculus, an abortion would certainly amount to the right decision →

Assurance hand note in kl

Inherent limitation Evidence obtain Test basis checking Estimates Nature of assurance report Tarek 01712-049032 Short time Shortage of man power Assurance engagement process: Obtaining the engagement Continuous risk assessment Engagement acceptance Scope of the engagement Planning the engagement Obtaining evidence Evaluation the result of assurance work Concluding and reporting on the engagement Reporting to the →

Tutorial solutions

Discuss the impact of the decision and its relevance to the press and community. They can also assist by providing the financial information and assisting in the drafting of a sound business plan that covers all the likely financial impacts of the decisions to be made.

The bear minimum

The issue at hand is determining whether the costs in these provisions should, in fact, be included in minimum lease payments Conclusion Provision 1 Big Bear Power should not include the $500, 000 negotiation fee in its minimum lease payments because, by definition, it is not an obligatory payment to be made toward the asset. →

Justification for an internal control system

This is because the company would only be responsible for paying the deductible and the insurance company would pay the rest in the event of a catastrophic disaster. Benefits of an Internal Control System Generally the insurance approach is necessary for a company to overcome the risk of a loss.

The value of accounting disclosure in uk capital market

The value of accounting disclosure in the UK capital market are reduction of cost of capital and information asymmetry; consistency of firms' accounting policies; enhancement of management reputation; capability to address the information needs of stakeholders; and mitigate inefficiencies within the market. OECD described the well-recognised value of disclosure and the well-analysed relationship between the →

International accounting issues

Definitions of earning management vary, and include the following:' Is any action on the part of management which affects reported income and which provides no true economic advantage to the organization and may in fact, in the long-term, be detrimental'.' Involves the repetitive selection of accounting measurement or reporting rules in a particular pattern, the →

Ethics and professionalism in accounting

Which of the following ethical approaches is considered to be a mixed framework? a. Which of the following describes law and ethics.a.

Jack daniels

There is no written contract between the farmers and Jack Daniel stating the terms and commitments they have for each other, such as, Jack Daniel providing the thick slop for the farmers for affordable prices, and the farmers preserving theenvironment.III. Jack daniel is not obligated to support the farmers.

Today’s country differences in accounting standards

The relationship between business and providers of capital, political and economic ties with other countries, inflation accounting, level of development, and the national culture are the five influences on accounting systems. In these cases the accounting system is geared towards the government and the banks that provide the majority of the capital.