Genuine Research Paper Examples

Private security officer qualifications and selection criteria

This paper looks into the requirements for the State of Washington, and makes a comparison of the same with those laid out by the aforementioned committee. Whereas the committee makes the possession of a driver's license optional, the requirements for the State of Washington do not mention it at all.

Conforming to general health, safety and welfare in the workplace

This site induction is specific to the site and provides you with information on the current hazards of the site and tells you about the site rules and regulations you must comply to. In this case work within the area of the accident would have to cease and the Health and Safety Executive informed.

What is opsec and why do we have it

The process of OPSEC There is a process to OPSEC as well the subjects that are covered are identification of critical information, analysis of threats, analysis of vulnerabilities, assessment of risk, an application of appropriate OPSEC measures and assessment of insider knowledge. Assessment of risk is where they first analyze the vulnerabilities identified in the →

Confidentiality is an important issue

When a person gives information about themselves to other people such as doctors or carers, that person is giving their consent for the professional to share the information given. It is when a person gives consent with out realising they have and unless they specifically ask for the information to be strictly confidential, then that →

Literal intelligence collection

The President, DCI, and the Director of the NSA should have informed the head of the Senate Select and Congressional oversight committees with a more in depth understanding of the changes and the secrecy. The President should have explained the reasoning behind the secrecy and why the information was limited to the Gang of Eight.

Continuous teacher professional development through collaboration

It will be outlined how devolved leading affecting all teaching staff; supplying students with a voice singschool policiesand their ain acquisition; a physical environment which enables and encourages larning; advancing uninterruptedteacherprofessional development through coaction; and steps to affect all parents in the administration of the school and in heightening their kids 's, and through the →

How to be effective at teaching and learning

In order to be effective at teaching and learning, a teacher has to address all the phases of the teaching cycle: In my own role as a language tutor at the Dutch Flemish Institute in Cairo, I was involved in all stages of this cycle. The interview was simultaneously a tool to check whether the →

Roles & responsibilities in lifelong learning

In this essay I will cover some of roles and responsibilities of a teacher and the relationships between teachers and the the various stakeholders in the LLS. It is theresponsibilityof the teacher to promote and uphold the principles of fairness and inclusivity in the classroom.

Actions of a teacher who is behaviorist

The role of the behaviorist teacher is providing stimulus material and prompting the correct response, while the learner's role is to be the receiver of the information response until the behavioral change is permanent. The size of the classroom, the arrangement of the furniture, the functioning of equipment and other physical aspects of the class →

Biblical foundations

An important part of theeducationprocess is to give students the tools needed to integrate what they learn, know, and believe in order to mature in a way that will remain with them for the rest of their lives. The state also determines what students should be learning and provides a list of approved materials that →

Montessori method

This means that the child is in charge of the direction of his or her education and theteacheracts as a natural observer and guide to the development. The main thrust of the Montessori method involves the individual assessment of what aspects of education the child is having problems with.

Difficult teachers: recent development on how they can be dealt with

The reality is that ignoring the existence of such teacher does little to address the situation which is let to manifest within the teaching environment and with time the negative effects may even be observed in the levels of performance that can be attained by a staff. There however appears to be a gap between →

Best/worst teacher

Recently I have been asked to write a letter to my favoriteteacherand you were the first to pop in mind. I was always motivated to do my best and to try my hardest, in order to win the marbles.

Beyond the black board

I could see is that Stacy was eager not to fail and quit on her students and the people around her. Action If I will encounter this kind of situation, I would reflect well by going back to the reason I am doing this and that is because I want to teach.

Policy child protection

Vision Mission Aims of the Policy This policy aims to provide each and every member of the school including other stakeholders a clear and transparent framework for ensuring pupil's protection against physical and verbal abuse inside or even outside the school's vicinity. Be aware that child's development is a partnership of the school and the →


Resignations 4.conclusion Aims The investigation had six main aims: - To quantify the relative importance of the factors influencing teachers' decisions to leave the profession.- To identify the destinations of those leaving.- To analyse the characteristics of teachers leaving the profession.- To explore any geographical variation.- To explore what factors might influence teachers' decisions to →

Teacher and confucius

What mattered was that he had a group of students who were willing to listen to what he said and put it into practice. He teaches about what it means to live in this life and how one should go about doing so.

Disadvantaged status

I feel that I should be considered as a disadvantaged applicant because of the fact that I indeed have faced challenges that qualify me for such. I will work hard to get the best grade for I am confident in myself because I have a strongacademicbackground.

Enacting the action research cycles

Identifying students who need intervention and remediation in the classroom is critical to the community, the school, the classroom and the individual. As I look back at the context of this issue, I believe that we are off to a good start implementing an RTI process that will be effective for our students, teachers, and →

Teachers at secondary and college level in punjab

The intent of the survey is to research the balance between demand and supply of instructors in the secondary schools and college degree in Punjab. The research covers the demands and demands of the schools and colleges in rural and urban countries for make fulling the spread of quality instruction and jobs faced by schools →

Perennialism and essentialism

The curriculum for the essentialism is to essential knowledge a basic skill. The teaching methods for the perennialism is to lecture; question and discuss.

Deadly unna

Importance of Teaching Focuses classroom time on teaching and learning Links teaching to real-life situations of the learners Time Allocation Follows a consistent schedule and maintains procedures and routines Handles administrative tasks quickly and efficiently Prepares materials in advance Maintains momentum within and across lessons Limits disruption and interruptions Teacher's Expectations Sets clearly articulated high →

Creating an effective curriculum

The attack is a combination of rules that build the kid centred environment and course of study." Collaboration " is when everyone works together and includes parents, pedagogues, communities and the kids; " the image of the child-conceptualizing an image of the kid as competent, imaginative, and full of thoughts ". The " environment " →

Teacher locus of control

Statement of the problem This study is designed to check the control of teachers' on students in public and private schools. Population of the study The population of the study was the male and female teachers of public and private schools of Punjab.

Legislative requirements of organisation which i would like to work

According to the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, under the duties of employers: ' All working practices must be safe; The workenvironmentmust be safe and healthy; All plant and machinery must be kept to a minimum; Safety policies must be stated to all staff. There are a number of laws that promoteequalityand diversity →

Edp250 pt 4

Introduction The purpose of this easy is to compare and contrast two art lessons in relation to authentic arts learning and integration. Both lesson one and two require students to use natural items found in the environment to create a painting.

Online learning

Many students nowadays are not the conventional learner and have to work and do not possess the time to commit in a classroom because of the type of employment I do. The reasons used to back up the claim of quality in the instructor is because, for a movie, the actors are better compared to →

The ante-bellum background

Thus, in accordance with Fuke's conclusions, the Bureau facilitated the expansion of African-American schooling, acting as an accelerant to the educational movement already established by the black community of the state. Accordingly, as argued by Fuke for Maryland, the Bureau was vital to the growth of black education in Georgia.

1000 teachers program project brief

To uplift the image of the teaching profession in the eyes of the public in order to make education a strongcareeroption for our youth and their parents.3. The selection of the scholars will be based on a competitive examination that will be given in the partner TEIs.

Teacher centered and learner centered

The focus in student-centered learning is to make students more aware of the material they are learning and why it is important. Student success is based upon a measure of individual performance in comparison to the work of the rest of the class.

Research papers

Based on the result of the study, there are light effects of the stated factors on the performance of the students in the LET. 2007-2012 in the different subject areas on their LET performances.* To determine the difference among the student's perception on their level of preparedness in taking the LET and the different subject →

Good research paper on alexia mcdowell:

The Language Experience approach can play a critical role for the teacher in starting and improving letter writing among the students, to practice in writing and to develop the writing skills further. This, according to Knapp and Watkins suggest the approach where the teacher applies the language and grammar of the students to develop writing →

Constructivist approach to grammer teaching

The constructivists' approach helps students understand that evaluating grammar in their writing is a part of the revision process. During one-on-one conferences, instructors may require students to bring their Grammar Journals They discuss some of the editing choices they have made in their editing journals and to monitor students' progress in identifying and correcting grammatical →

Should college tuition be based on major

Their belief is to keep the costs down of the majors that are important to the state. Also, there is again an emphasis in the programs the state needs, meaning the funds of the college are going to the degrees high in demand.

Good example of wireless network security research paper

Threats and Vulnerabilities Wired and wireless networks differ by one of the essential features of networks the existence of uncontrolled areas between the end points of the wireless network. For instance, to connect to a wireless network, located in the building, the one does not need to be located too close or too far from →

School violence in virgin islands

Around 15% of students in the Virgin Islands report the presence of gangs in their schools and many fear of being attacked while in school or on their way to the school and 61% of all crimes are committed by students. Students are encouraged to engage in extra curricular activities during their free time so →

Free asthma research paper example

Diagnosis of asthma can be difficult, because of the variability of asthma in patients and the fact that the pathogenesis of asthma is still largely unknown. Journal of Asthma and Allergy 7: 105-121.Web.

Research paper on black holes

A general theory that has been put forward suggests that the content found in a black hole is usually compressed to a point that it is usually called the singularity point. The reason as to why light cannot be seen in a black hole is that it cannot escape.

All-round training for sports research paper example

While is true that these exercise systems can be restructured to suit the needs of any given athlete, it is imperative to note that the circuit training method has a great potential of developing an all-round training for sports. This analysis justifies the notion that circuit training has an increased potential of being an all-round →

Trauma in pakistani women research paper examples

The paper will take into consideration the context of the clients and challenge to find ways of reaching out to these women and provide such effective support, as may be found in other countries in the region such as India and Bangladesh. The changing role of women in Pakistan.

Sample research paper on feminism is necessary for both men and women

They do not hate men because they respect the conventions of society and recognize the importance of men in the family. The recognition of such a part is a clear indication that women do respect men, and their feminist ideologies are beneficial to them.

Caspian region towards 2025 research paper example

So, in order for the countries in the Caspian Sea Region's economy not to be left out by the US energy economy, it might indeed be a good idea to start advocating the use of Nuclear Plants in the Middle East and join the competition. According to Szayna, there is indeed great potential for ethnic →

Research paper on gun control

Given the increasing prevalence of gun-related deaths, the pervasiveness of gun culture, and a plethora of other factors, it is clear that increased gun control measures must be implemented in order to make our country a safer place to live. These measures, combined with stricter measures of gun control and restriction of firearms, may help →

Problem of domestic violence in the united states

The numbers of domesticviolencecases in the United States of America are steadily increasing each year directly related to the increasingstresslevel of the United State as a whole. The effects of domestic violence of adults include the effects on children and teenagers and more.

Marni finkelstein

While the youth would like to consider themselves apart from mainstream, the reality is that they are just one part of it. She states that her objective is to study the relationship between music and this subculture of kids on the street.

Good effects of propaganda on the youth culture research paper example

Corporate propaganda can limit the youth thinking because the propagandists want the youth to choose between them and the other party. They use this corporate propaganda to change the meaning of something so as to bring a negative idea to the youth.

Good research paper about air defense artillery

In the United States, the army uses the term to refer to any group composed of mainly air defense tactics such as the Patriot Missile System, the Avenger Air Defense System, the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense System and the Patriot Missile System. Training ensures that the missiles have to be channeled to hit the →

Glorification of violence in film noir research paper example

In this paper, I will argue that the rise of film noir in the 1940s inserted into the popular cultural consciousness the idea that the crime of murder is alluring, tempting and glamorous, emphasizing the modern world as a society of corruption, lewd desire and self-interest. The huge success of film noir as a genre →

What is family violence

According to district counselors, the incident of frequent abuse among the children should be stopped by providingeducationand counseling session on corporal punishment and child abuse among the Hipic and non-Hipic parents in American societies. This results to the unawareness of the parents that they are actually executing child abuse among their child or children.C.

Sample essay on doing sociological research

Research Question: What are the factors that influence the occurrence of domestic violence in the society? On another note, survey research will answer my research question effectively because it will make it easy for me to gather data on the factors that influence the occurrence of domestic violence in the society.

Free research paper on the tragic case of joanna ramos

Stories such as this one keep circling the haunted school and the friends and family of the tragically deceased girl are crying not only for her, but for the truth as well. Or, is the other girl guilty of manslaughter, and should be sentenced to prison for a certain number of years?

Research paper on civil disobedience

In trying to expound on the theories and concepts of rebellion and civil disobedience, Kaplan's film Over the Edge will provide a good platform on which to achieve this. This civil disobedience movement was started by university students and activists with the aim of urging the government to allow them to have a say in →

The gulf war research papers example

In 1990, the Iraq leader called Saddam Hussein claimed that the Kuwait was refusing to share the oil that was located in the border. The other major reasons for the war were that the Iraq leader wanted to expand their leadership to Kuwait and also wanted to control the largest oil reserves in the region →

Women in combat research paper examples

The position of the US Government pertaining to the position of women in the military strictly abides to the prohibition of all full combat duties for women. The Committees reaffirms the sections of the Constitution pertaining to the matter and such amendment to allow women in combat would meet constitute to various reactions from the →

Research paper on watts riots

After the Harlem riots of 1964, this was both the biggest and costliest urban uprising of the Human Rights era as 1, 000 more people were injured and more than 4, 000 arrested in the 46. Over time, the memories of the Watts rebellion have shaped the representation of ideas and recent events.

The measure of a man: masculinity and violence in fight club research paper example

According to Raewyn Connell, a notable researcher in the field of gender and masculinity, gender is " the structure of social relations that centers on the reproductive arena, and the set of practices that bring reproductive distinctions between bodies into social processes". For this reason, the inclusion of violence in the story as a method →

Contracts and torts research paper examples

For the tort of negligence, she can sue both the Company and the pilot as they did not undertake a standard duty of care in handling the equipment. The owner of Air Transport failed to mention to his pilot about the fragile nature of the equipment to be transported.

Brain injuries research paper sample

There is no doubt in the fact that the brain is one of the most amazing organs in the human body. Psychologists have also played a central role in contemplating the nature of the behavioral, emotional, and cognitive effects of TBI.

Free civil war battle of helena arkansas research paper sample

Helena, Arkansas was one of the numerous cities situated along the line of the Mississippi that was occupied by the Union forces in the course of 1862. The Battle of Helena.

Free research paper on harmful household items

These characteristics clutch the danger of being fatal to the health and lives of children or uninformed members of the home. In any single homestead perspective, the potentiality of harm that is experienced and expected from the hazardous items is deemed to be insignificant.

The social reality of violence and violent crime

In accordance with this task and considering the complexity of the field of his study, the author of this work decided to maintain a live connection with his audience by means of collecting stories from real life, which helps to characterize violence and violent crime in the United States from points of view of both →

Good example of #039;discussion’ research paper

It suggests that the inhibition of PDGFR- activation and downstream signaling pathways may be a major mechanism of growth suppression by PN-deficiency, and that PN-deficiency likely acts by impairing the response capacity of PDGFR- to PDGF-BB stimulation. In conclusion, the present study demonstrates for the first time that PN-deficiency plays a significant negative role in →

Ed rendell’s philadelphia

But in this case, Buzz Bissinger, showcased not the glitz and the glamour of the politician but rather focusing on the urban world and how their leader, in the name of Mayor Rendell fought to save the sinking social and economic state of his jurisdiction. Far more different than what those that hid in the →

Free instructors name research paper example

During WWI, when the men marched to the warfront, women took their place in factories and offices, and also played a huge role in war support activities, and these efforts were rewarded with better rights and greater freedom in the aftermath of the war. One direct consequence of such propaganda was that the governments were →

Cain and abel research paper example

Dictionary attack is faster when compared to Brute force attack although there is no possibility that the password will be cracked in the end. The good thing is that the password will be recovered in the end.

Offenders are heterogeneous in nature discuss.

Furthermore there are fundamental differences in the Modus Operandi of sex offenders, for instance gender and age of the victim, the degree of planning before the offence and the amount ofviolenceused or intended. The demographics of sex offenders also shed light on the similarities and differences of sex offenders.

Youth violence on the possession of firearms in school

A 1994 Gallup poll of Americans, for the first time, fighting, violence, and gangs have moved to the top of the list to tie with lack of discipline as the biggest problem facing schools. Schools represent an important site to convey the message of society against weapons and violence.

Gun control in schools research paper sample

The recent gun attacks that occur in the United States, which fulminated with the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newton, Connecticut, have prompted the President Barack Obama to set a gun control agenda, which is perceived as a violation of the second amendment by the pro gun lobby organizations, as a necessary action for restating →

Psychological and sociological theories of domestic violence

Due to the complexity of this crime, many criminologists and socialologists have studied its causes and the effects in order to determine social policies and additional theories to better understand the causation of domestic violence. The social policies and theories that are developed from this research can better explain, educate, and assist the victims of →

Conquest of mexico research paper

The Spanish Conquest of Mexico. The Conquest of Mexico.

Example of network forensics research paper

The use of autonomous means of control helps the network administrator to identify problem areas and devices of the network, and their disabling or reconfiguration he may perform in this case manually. At the stage of monitoring more simple procedure is performed - a procedure for collecting primary data on the network: the statistics on →

Good example of lessons from childrens movies research paper

The review sought to establish the nature of influence movies had on the children. This analysis seeks to explore various literatures on the nature and form of children's movies and their influential impact of the process of growth and development in children.

Gandhi, king and mandela: what made non-violence work?

In 1960, he " toke part in the lunch counter sit-ins" in order to " bring the whole issue of racial injustice under the scrutiny of the conscience of Atlanta". Gandhi transformed the idea of non-violence into a way to fight for freedom and justice which would ultimately end in success and peace.

Domestic violence in russia

Slide 7In Russia, as well as in Ukraine, domestic violence is considered to be " hooliganism," and for the most severe abuser the punishment is confinement for a period of up to 360 hours, which equals to the period of two weeks, after which the offender gets released back into the family. Why is there →

Free domestic violence research paper sample

The major purpose of the research is to elucidate the relationship between the experiences of domestic violence and mental disorders. The main objective of the research and review is to estimate the probability and occurrence of being a victim of domestic violence by diagnostic group and sex.

Domestic violence in the lgbt community

A psychological aspect that contributes to the escalation of Domestic Violence in the LGBT community can be associated with the term heterosexism. Lesbians have few choices of where and how to get help and support, yet the numbers of lesbians affected by domestic violence is about the same as the number of female victims in →

Example of research paper on domestic violence and its effect on families and marriages

It is said to be a very critical and difficult decision that in most cases has to be made with the help of legal advice or counselor so as to ensure the children's safety and that of the victim also. However, as much it is realized that these programs have not reduced the fear in →

Why metal music does not create violence in teenagers

There is an emphasis with Fitzpatrick that lyrics are not detrimental to listeners in the long term and that they are in the end generally meaningless in the quality of a persons life. Not to mention the fact that from what limited televised media there was in the 1950s and 1960s, a majority of it →

Ganhi, king, and mandela: what made non-violence work?

Ferdinand Magellan was not worth defending because he was unorganized, he forced and threatened natives in the Philippines to convert to his religion of Catholicism and lastly, he was bossy and could care less about the crewmembers needs. The last explanation that can support the argument on whether or not Magellan was worth defending was →

A reflection on education of deaf in residential schools research papers examples

It is true that when the parents send their chid to a residential school, the love and support of a family is absent from the duration that the child is in the school. From my perspective, it is important that the family of a deaf child must give all the love and care that the →

Plagiarism and how to avoid it research paper examples

Most universities have strict rules against plagiarism and in desperate attempt to warn students and staff against plagiarism, the universities strive to make their students and staffs understand the meaning of plagiarism proficiently. In the same light, the in-text citation and footnotes should be accompanies with a list of references at the ned of the →

What affects outcomes for students in education

To find what might impact results for pupils in footings of instruction, we will look at a sample of larning theories to find which learning methods are most effectual, and the challenges it imposes on the instructors to guarantee the best results for their pupils. These instructors had evidently included a assortment of different larning →

Students absenteeism

In the context of the school it is the habitual or intentionalfailurefrom going to school. Absenteeism is the most significant factor to affect the functioning of assembly lines in the development of the School Administration.

M2 discussion 2 research paper

The overall qualitative design of the article, " The influence of Confucianism: a narrative study of Hong Kong teachers' understanding and practices of school guidance and counselling" is Grounded Theory.2. What was the purpose of the study and what were the research questions?

Some people think that students benefit

Next, there are a large number of students who are from the royalfamilyor family with big fortune and power choose to go to private schools. Moreover, small classes are usually adopted in private school which is more effective and guarantees students with more face to facecommunicationchances.

Low income students barriers

The " No Child Left Behind" Educational law Act of 2001 was created as a means for, student learning to close the achievement gap between low income and middle-income students, and to make sure that all students become academically proficient in their grade level. Families have little income; are not able to afford many educational →

student politics

Students are the backbone of the society and if they are not brought up properly, the future of the society will be darkened. Thus we can assume that for the betterment of the society, of the welfare of the student community, for the prosperity of the nation and for every lasting peace in the universe, →

Assessment of ell students

The purpose of the NCLB act is to challenge students to meet higher standards, close the achievement gap, and ensure that all students have the same opportunities to reach their full potential. With unrealistic goals for standardized testing it can be difficult to tell the difference between schools that are serving the needs of ELL →

The problem between students and the text exams.

The problem between students and the text exams is that, somehow exam sometimes makes the students which, they are taking the exam, make them nerves and they feel that, they are lost in the exam and they should looking for the successful and the easiest way to find their self and how to be the →

Example of research paper on interoperability issues in nursing schools

In order to learn how to use IT tools in healthcare properly, students need to practice with the same tools in the same context they are used in healthcare settings, so the lack of interoperability standards can impact the quality of their learning. Second, it is important to keep in mind that the lack of →

Ncae result and course preference of 1st yr college students of usi sy 2013-2014

Helping students make successful transitions from high school to their next step in life is one of the most basic, but important tasks a school counselor faces. Whatever career decision the high school seniors eventually make, it is important to determine the career decision making process they undergo.

The effect of part-time jobs on students

A student employee will need to learn how to not let the decrease on time spent on studying show in heracademicperformance. Holding down a regular position outside the classroom will allow students to gain firsthand experience in office culture and politics, which will be helpful upongraduationand their first full-time job.

Successful student

I found out how important the ability to use critical and creative thinking is in order to be successful in my studies. I will endeavor to put all of the skills I have learned, and continue to learn here at Roan State to the best use that my ability allows.

Data and analysis research paper samples

Students that hail from rural areas indicate eating greater amount of vegetables and having more self-directed approaches in all the three aspects. The impact of a rural or urban context in eating awareness and self regulation approaches in children and young people from eight European countries.

A model student

A student is a person, who devotes himself to the pursuits of knowledge and learning. The primary duty of a student is to learn and acquire knowledge.

The effect of modern lifestyle on student productivity

The purpose of study described in this research report to assess the student of the effect of technology in their studies, related to their productivity.1. The main purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of the technology based-lifestyle on the degree and diploma student of University Technology Mara, Puncak Alam Campus.