Genuine Research Paper Examples

Lucy grealy

Since she did not think she was beautiful, she was not happy, or rather, she would not allow herself to be happy." I did not deserve it, and thus I should not want it. She says, " I again named my own face as the thing that kept me apart, as the tangible element of β†’

Cineplex entertainment – loyalty programs

The company would also be fully exposed to the financial risk of unredeemed points and could face difficulty in divesting the program if it proved unsuccessful; a new Page 5 9B08A008 department would need to be created to manage the exit of the program. Secondly, because it would be a 50-50 partnership, Cineplex's decision-making power β†’

Advantages and disadvantages of media for communicating information

Film is also considered as a favorite media for people because it is able to give a lot of information in a very interactive ways. It has a great power to influence the audience to be very consumptive in life.

Oh my god i love food

I then look at her with a disgust look in my face and right when she said, " WHAT! " I felt a piece of her food landed on my mouth. I did not really say anything because if I did I knew she would of overreacted and got mad so I kept my mouth β†’

Consequences of 9/11

The conductors of this survey tested the association between alcohol use and the severity of post traumatic stress disorder symptoms due to the terrorist attack." All together four thousand-forty nine people completed the surveys,". Many of the people did not meet the complete criteria of post traumatic stress disorder, so they had to broaden the β†’

Honesty is a best policy

It is true that honesty is the best policy. I agree with the statement honesty is the best policy.

Is having a sibling a blessing or a curse?

How many of you wish that you were the only child of thefamily? From the moment our parents announce that there is to be a new baby in the family, we are expected to go through a lot of adjustments.

Value and integrity

Although this is correct this is not exactly the complete meaning of this word. Integrity is having the ability to be selfless, being confident in yourself that you can make decisions that will not only affect you but staff, the company brand and customers.

5 ways to get going again after you’ve survived a setback

Know you are not the first entrepreneur to suffer a major setback, and you will not be the last. It's tempting to do this because it gives you a sense of control when you are feeling helpless.

Pr and her professional

Resume shortening The first step pertains to the resume shortening which will be done to see if the candidate has any inclination towards the products offerings of the company and is dynamic enough to become part of the company. HARM systems and the problem of internal fit.In p.

Mr bean

He bumbles along in life with great abandon and seems oblivious to the havoc he causes. The thing which makes Bean so worrying to those who encounter him, and so intriguing and hilarious to we the viewers, is that it's very difficult to work out who he actually is; it could, of course, just be β†’

Management and leadership in an organization explanation

A common definition is: Management is about the day to day running of a function and getting the right people and resources in the right place with a focus upon implementation. A leader does not have to be at the top of the organisation with leadership styles and qualities able to seen throughout.

Breaking a social norm

Our plan was to go to McDonalds and use the drive thru to order our order, but the catch is that I was supposed to walk to the drive thru with no car just me standing there ordering my order and when they said to pull up to the next widow I would just walk β†’

My ambition is to become a collector

IAS Indian Administrative Service sounds and preludes a sense of pride in the minds of the selected candidates. My ambition constitutes the dream of living and dying in a " Developed India 2020".


I had a son, and had to support my family, so I got a second job to make moremoney, and dropout of school." The allegory of the cave" According to those living inside the cave, their perception was their reality, and these people who stayed inside the cave could not see the light and were β†’

I heart huckabees

Albert Markovski is the protagonist who is the director ofcoalitioncalled ' Open Spaces.' He initially seeks the existential detectives, The Jaffes, to question the coincidental incidents with Steven. Jealousy, which is a sign of desire of love, is visualized in the image where Dawn says, " Stop looking at me." Albert's denial and over-reaction is β†’

The case of sammy

It is showing that the characteristic of Sammy differs from the others, and he could be considered as a problem child wherein his parents as we can assume, considers Sammy to be a difficult one. Another is that, the way his parents talk to him, is not the way Sammy wants to hear, and they β†’

The effect of illiteracy

That is to say, the more illiterate people there are in a country, the harder it will be for the country to develop. Without adequate literary skills one may not be able to identify on a label the correct amount of medicine to give a child, or read and interpret a sign giving instructions on β†’

John sloane’s societal criticism

The group in the foreground of the painting, including the drunkard and the prostitutes, would often be seen as negative by most members of society. The gentleman to the right of this group serve as Sloan's societal criticism.

How to get a fit body

And of course if you begin to doubt you must submit all the advantages which could help you to support your body in balance. After all if you do not do that it will be hard to continue your right way to be healthy and refuse to eat the sweets.

A sense of belonging

Minygululu also has a story to tell, diachronically through time to that of the ancestors, Yeeralparil and Rijimiraril, not to the audience but to Dayindi, " to help him live the proper way", however the audience is still involved through the narration of David Gulpilil, " it is Minygululu's story for Dayindi back then, and β†’

Big trouble in little china

BTLC encourages assimilation of Asian Americans into American society by portraying them as true Americans they speak proper English, and Wang showedloyaltyto America, as he gave a toast to " America's colors...that never run dry ". The interracial friendship and romance convey to viewers that racial differences can be erased and Asian Americans are really β†’

W. h auden: the unknown citizen

Looking at the poem's structure, use of sound, and the style we see that the man is celebrated because " he served the Greater Community" in everything he did and never questioned the government. Looking at the style and the use of language in The Unknown Citizen it reveals that the man served the state β†’

Various views of knowledge

The knowledge one may learn in school is what I think of as worldly knowledge that will get people into the colleges and jobs that they may desire. Certainly, this is one of the more important types of knowledge there are and definitely one that we could not do without, but it is not quite β†’

How to do a jedi mind trick

It is the power of influence, and gives you the ability to sway one's mind. The Jedi Mind Trick is an ancient method used and taught by those attuned with the Force.

The true meaning of integrity

Nevertheless, the variance in the understanding of the concept is tied to the original meaning. In areas of technology and science, the definition of integrity follows the Latin origin.

Beauty queen

The two characters that anchor the play are the mother-daughter duo of Maureen and Mag Folan. Also, Maureen growing old and turning into her mom is a classic case of the vicious cycle of life.


Although there are many reasons a person or group of people may have for choosing a scapegoat, the bottom line is the simple fact that the " blamer" does not want to acceptresponsibilityfor their own actions or feelings. Within the home, although most people view this to be their " safe place," this may not β†’

Raw- power

From the quote " the red and blue lights of a police car", we witness the tension between the individual and the powerful authorities. The theme of power Is also highlighted In the novel when the police do not call young offenders Like Brett by their own name." This one", " Pigs", " No hoppers", β†’

Sure things

Dave talks about his long day in the beginning of this dialogue, while " Toph" extends the conversation to the discussion of Dave's inner being. From the dialogue, we can tell Dave is desperate and is eager to have a normal life with Toph.

The problems faced by beginning online learners

So it is of import to place the job faced by online scholars because without this cognition, possibly the scholars will lose their focal point and motive Despite the promises and obvious advantages to distance acquisition, there are jobs that need to be resolved. The openness of the on-line distance plan gives pupils the freedom β†’

6 daily habits to enhance your productivity

Try figuring out the hours that are favorably productive to you and complete the most dreaded task of the day in the set of hours. These minor changes in your routine would surely enhance the level of productivity that you exude.

Self account

I hope my cheerfulpersonalitycan bring joy to the needy and contribute to the community. I would try my best to love and serve the community to make us live a better world.

Acquaintance rape

Rape is rape, whether it is by a complete stranger or by someone known to the victim. When most people hear the word rape, it is believed to be by a big guy in an alley that is going to rape and beat them.

Mindfulness & majjhima nikaya

Through repulsiveness of the body, the person will be able to identify one part from the other and what the purpose of each part is. In the discussion of the mind, there is a comparison between the being and the mind such that when the body has lust, the mind also has lust, if the β†’

Essential to me at present,

In addition to the mandatory training required for the organization as set by IRAQI, additional training should be sourced so as to widen my knowledge in the field in which I work, so I can pass this on to my staff. I have had to prioritize my targets so as to ensure they are completed β†’

Bell curve by richard j. herrnstein

The Bell Curve is fairly large for a book of its popularity, having 845 pages in the first printing and 879 in the revised paperback form. The persons that are responsible in bell curve were Charles Murray and Richard Herrnstein.

Life affirming teaching

To be faithful, is a choice and to serve is a way we can thrive in freedom. Education is a praxis of freedom and a way for people to practice their rights in learning and contributing to society.

Moment to remember

A moment to remember When I was young I knew I wanted to have two children when I got married, a boy and a girl. Many years passed by and our girls were growing up healthy and strong and our careers were going well and after many nights of discussion my husband and I decided β†’

Information technology and security research paper example

Information technology has assisted the Homeland Security department in monitoring the country and protecting the citizens and infrastructure from terrorist attacks. The department is also mandated with the task of minimizing damage and assist in recovery in the event of terrorist attacks.

Accuracy of measures research paper example

One of the problems that may affect the level of cyber security is the accuracy of measures used to make decisions. Additionally, the use of qualitative data affects the accuracy.

Homeland security, transportation and logistics management research paper samples

The nature of the interconnection between the Department of Homeland Security, public transportation, and logistics is the focal point of the research. With the possibilities of terrorist attacks coming from anywhere in the shape of bombs, chemical and biological weaponry strong, the institution made it their priority to keep such a critically important infrastructure, as β†’

Ship accidents

In thisrespect, for assessing the current safety level of ships, it is necessary to quantify the risk level of the operating world fleet, thus estimate and assess the basic contributors to risk, namely the frequency of maritime accidents and the extent of their consequences. In response to these disastrous accidents, more and more new requirements β†’

Example of research paper on fundamentals of petroleum energy

The sector of distribution has been given to be the most vulnerable sector of the petroleum industry. On The Security Of Oil Supplies, Oil Weapons, Oil Nationalism And All That.

Liberty university

Most of the time I feel like a counselor because when we deal with juveniles, the juvenile judicial system has tied our hands in what they will incarcerate a juvenile for, so we usually give them a stern talking to and release them back to the custody of their parents. One of the ethical standards β†’

Instilling safety awareness in children

Parents must make sure that their children are aware of safety measures to take with regards to strangers, before allowing them to venture out on their own. Though it may be tiresome, parents should accompany their children if they need to wait for their friends.

Example of research paper on assymmetric threats

An asymmetric threat is defined in military terms to refer to strategies and tactics that are utilized by a weaker opponent to take advantage of the vulnerabilities in the stronger opponents. Second, it must include a tactic or exploit that the organization is not able to use against the adversary and finally, it must involve β†’

Research paper on job criteria

Job security is associated with such well established employers as the government and big companies that do not have a record of labor turnover. I would therefore, opt for the offer that allows me to grow and develop my careers through learning and work experience.

Resilience lessons from hurricane sandy research paper examples

Public attention was now again on resilience and infrastructure protection, together with the new lessons learned from Sandy. And as we recover from the damages of Hurricane Sandy, we should never forget the many lessons it had brought to us.

Customs and border protection agency research paper

The job of improving our border protection should be that of the national security to keep away non-desirables and undocumented Individuals from gaining access to the United States. However, with the increased cases of Terrorism being witnessed in the country and the more drug trafficking cases today, it is the responsibility of every citizen β†’

Good example of americas jail: less in justice but most in business research paper

America is renowned as the land of the free because of its laws that govern people in order. Criminals of moderate to high charges will become madder than the day that they have entered the jail because of the psychological effect and lose of hope because of them knowing that they cannot have any mercy β†’

Privacy, security and confidentiality research paper example

The adoption of informatics has become a valuable tool in assisting the health care professionals to obtain an aggregate data about their patient's health condition that improves patient care outcomes but the use of informatics in the management of patient health records is linked to issues of privacy, confidentiality and security which may be rooted β†’

Free social security and social insurance in greece research research paper sample

The main objective of the balance is clear in the Greece legislative acts. The aged population dates back to the lifespan of humans and the challenging and complex distribution and social security benefits to loved ones.

Banking security case

On the other hand, the manager is aware that law enforcement has experienced great challenges particularly because of the issue of computer crime and hence the police would face much difficulty to address the problem. This reveals that the legislation is too slow to prosecute individuals who have committed computer crime and therefore reporting the β†’

Surveillance and privacy research paper example

A whole new piece of legislation that secures crucial infrastructure and leaves the privacy of the private citizen absolutely private in the process is undoubtedly the key to the whole cyber security debacle. It is these things that are needed to secure the citizenry of the U.S.both privately and publically.

Analyzing the impact of cyber crime on the department of defense research paper examples

The mission of the Department of Defense is to provide multilateral defense force that is well equipped and capable of deterring war as well as provide security to the country. Under the directive of the U.S.president, the Secretary of Defense is in charge of the Department of Defense as well as being the principal defense β†’

Good example of what are the safety issues with lithium batteries in hybrid cars research paper

In recent years, the lithium-ion battery safety issues have been the subject of interest in the field of battery technology. For electric vehicles, lithium ion batteries is made up of the housing with the vehicle interfaces, the cells, the battery management and cooling system.

Importance of securing items

To be able to come back home after a long day of work, and leave the outside world to itself, would be great! Then you can have one of those days that will be nice to wake up to safe, and sound.

Example of research paper on trojan horses

One of the biggest malware threats in computer technology is the Trojan horse, a malware that causes the system to get prone unauthorized access. Finally, the paper explains the recommendations regarding the issue of Trojan horses and the conclusion of the research paper.

How can we protect giant pandas research paper examples

One of the principal reasons pandas are so important, is that by supporting all the initiatives to " save the panda" we are actually helping to support and preserve the biodiversity of their natural environment that need to co-exist there for the pandas to thrive and survive. The presence of the pandas bring tourism revenues β†’

Cyber security research paper examples

Response: Once insecurity is noted in the system, the first step to take is to change the codes and passwords used to access the system in order to avoid unauthorized login. Though it does not protect the system from cybercrime, Nessus is able to scan the entire system and notify the user of the likelihood β†’

Security on the internet research paper example

Research shows that it has turned out to be affordable and easy to get admission to the Internet and most likely customers like to look at a business that is displaying them on " the Net". Threats on the Internet As people link a computer to the Internet, they compromise the integrity of its boundaries, β†’

California dmv written test

A pedestrian with a guide dog is at the corner ready to cross the street in front of you. When you are in a dedicated turn lane controlled by a green arrow, which of the following is true?

System security criteria

By choosing Class C-2 means that the company opts for Discretionary Security Protection which is under Division C.class C-2 offers defense of the sensitive information/data ' against and detection of user abuse of authority and direct probing'. 28-STD The security requirements outlined in the above table are functionally-oriented and it is in order for the β†’

Swimming pool safety alert

If your house forms one side of the barrier for the pool, doors leading from the house to the pool should be protected with alarms that sound when the doors are unexpectedly opened. Or, use a power safety cover, a motor-powered barrier placed over the water area, to prevent access by young children.o For above-ground β†’

Major public policies research paper examples

The government comes up with the public health bills which are then debated upon by the members of the Senate and the Congress. The two bodies involved in this process perform contrasting roles in the formulation and achievement of the Public health policy.- The Social security policy has undergone several reforms that have shaped its β†’

Dot net principles and concepts

NET Framework and the. Net framework are easy to install on client machines and due to the supporting nature of.

Example of research paper on homeland security strategies

Westerman and Sarp Yeletaysi, " since the events of September, 11 and the subsequent anthrax attacks carried out through the U.S.mail system, governments, organizations, and individuals have significantly expanded their efforts, programs, and activities aimed at improving the security and safety of the nation and its people" Terrorism has become a threat, which called force β†’

Private security and local law enforcement research paper example

At the same time, the concerted efforts of private security agency and local law enforcement for the fulfillment of the shared goal to protect the public. The goals of private security and local law enforcement differ in the sense that private security police focus on loss and not on the crime.

No security without development

There is no security without development and no development without security. This essay is going to focus on whether there can be no security without development and no development without security.

Example of emerging trends in the fire service research paper

Through a cross evaluation and collection of data, important data has always been collected regarding the various issues related to firefighters Dalton affirms that since 1990, a significant rise in cardiovascular related deaths have been evidenced. The aforesaid issues have been pegged as significant risk factors that have been catalysts to the increased cardiac deaths β†’

Insecurity in nigeria

INSECURITY IN NIGERIAUnderlying the quest for national security in Nigeria is the issue of political morality, which focuses on the question of defining the relationship between the state and the various groups in the society. Our examination of the moral foundations of national security is all the more significant when we examine the trend of β†’

The influence of public health and safety matters on the invention of the city

One of the really first and obvious that come to mind are rigorous British fire ordinances, clearly and justly linked by most to the Great Fire of London. It was written by local authorities of London and was to be obeyed merely during reconstructing of the metropolis.

Compensation and security for employees

Level 2: junior level- thirty employees, these are the employees that have been with the company for a year or more a monetary incentive is usually given after the employee has given their commitment to the company for a year and a half. Level 3: lead level- twenty employees, these employees are the leads in β†’

Privacy and security breaces at acxiom

Privacy and Security Breaches at Acxiom: Case StudyChapter 4 Privacy and Security Breaches at Acxiom: Case Study Chapter 4 Acxiom might be the most important organization that most of us have never heard of. In 2003, Daniel Bass, a 24 year old computer-systems administrator was found to have stolen the data of millions of individuals β†’

Free research paper on the united nations: environmental protection and sustainability

The birth of the United Nations had more to do with international conflict and poverty as opposed to the health of the environment. In 1992 most of the heads of the state of countries across the world got together to discuss the environmental and sustainability issue.

Research paper on security and privacy policy

Bulgurcu,, highlighted that the primary goal of security policy is to keep risks to a minimum of computing resources, -all resources- and thus ensure the continuity of operations of the organization while managing risk that computer to a certain acceptable cost. The secondary objective of security and I stress that it is of our β†’

Food security bill

FOODSECURITY BILL:- The National Food Security Bill 2011 promises a legal right to cheap food for the poorest in the country. So far, discussion of the bill in the Indian media has focused on the cost of providing more cheap food the bill would increase government spending by more than 200 billion rupees, or $3.

Firewalls research paper

Firewalls are responsible for keeping a check on the data that is sent to and from a private network. There are two main types of firewalls: network firewalls and host-based firewalls.- Network firewalls: Network firewalls helps protect networks by keeping a close eye at the traffic that enters and leaves.

Free research paper about ford mustang versus chevrolet camaro: the american muscle car rivalry

The rivalry between the muscle cars Ford and Chevrolet is comparable to the rivalry of the baseball teams Yankees and Red Sox. The battle between Ford Mustang and the Chevrolet Camaro keeps the auto performance alive and continuously igniting street races and the hearts of the car enthusiasts.

Effects of safety negligence

The Importance of Aviation Safety and The Effects of Safety Negligence Michael A. These inspectors have to have a vast knowledge of the work that is performed on each aircraft.

Good research paper about how united states national strategy for combating terrorism is handling hamas

The Social welfare wing and the political wing are the public face of the group whose main mandate is to coordinate the political, administrative activities of the group. It is because of such terrorist groups that the department of homeland security was formed and the activities of Hamas have a significant effect on the operations β†’

Social security long term solvency problems research paper example

Social security is an agenda which is run by many governments in the world that encompasses the unemployed, the old age, the disabled, and the insurance survivors. This would lead to equality and overall achievement of solvency in the social security fund.

Women safety in urban public spaces

Carina Listerborn in Women 's Fear & A; Space Configurations justly inquiries " how democratic and justified is it to experience insecure in a infinite which is an of import facet of quality of societal life? " In this context, there is a demand to cognize about the significance of a public infinite in an β†’

Security as a part of my life

I have ensured that all of the locks on my home are deadbolts and are operational. When deterrents fail, the biggest tool I possess in protecting my family is my firearms and the willingness to use them if necessary.

Good example of conference paper template research paper

There is a need to point however out the fact that in design processes the marketing specialist and the managers work hand-in-hand with the engineer to create the design of a product. Below are the five actions that may be ethically relevant during the design process.- The choice that are to be considered in the β†’

Web penetration testing with kali linux research paper

This is the process of scanning and exploring the environment that is the used by the attacker. This is an important process that has been integrated in the development of Kali Linux.

Good social security research paper example

The ancient Greeks considered the olive oil to be a form of their economic security while in the medieval Europe, the economic security was considered to be the responsibility of the feudal lords. An amendment was made in 1960 and payment of benefits was permitted to all the disabled workers regardless of their age; the β†’

Safety risk critique

Though the responsibility is shared between the prime contractor and the subcontracting agency, the prime contractor has to find means of ensuring that the subcontractors have implemented effective safety and health regulations so as to avoid exposing the employees to hazards that have been cited by OSHA. The study identified the potential safety management risks β†’

Increased gun control increases civilian safety research paper examples

The Congress have long debated on the constitutionality of the federal rules pertaining to firearms and ammunition control considering the number of advocacy groups arguing for and against the total control of guns. In the United States, it is regarded as a high-profile issue due to the encompassing number of violent crimes involving the irresponsible β†’

Contributions of feminism to security studies

Through the use of gendered lenses, we are able to see that in spite of the myth that wars are fought by men as a way of protecting the ' vulnerable people', a category to which women and children are assigned, women and children represent a significant portion of the causalities in the recent wars. β†’

Free nurse rounds: do hourly nurse rounds increase patient satisfaction and safety? research paper sample

The specific purpose of the paper is to consolidate support for the development and implementation of hourly nurse round programs for hospitalized patients. This paper will take a look at some of the different ways to improve the participation and commitment of nursing staff in hourly rounding programs and evaluate whether that would lead to β†’

Good example of motorcyclists and passengers requirement to wear helmets research paper

There is a necessity to have motorcyclists and passengers wear helmets and include it as a compulsory requirement under the law in order to save the lives of the riders, passengers and the public that may be implicated in motorcycle incidents. Biker groups around the country such as the American Motorcycle Association argue that the β†’

Informatics research paper

This is relevant in that it is possible to make use of education systems to healthcare in the county. For the information to be retrieved and integrated and shared online there is a need to have education done for the users of this technology.

An in depth view of the department of homeland security research paper example

An in Depth view of the Department of Homeland Security History of the Department of Homeland Security The Department of Homeland Security was brought about by the tragedy of the September 21 terrorist attack of the Al-Qaeda group. Thesis Statement: The role of the Department of Homeland Security has the tendency to violate the β†’