Genuine Research Paper Examples


Therefore, according to the system of matrilineality, an individual is supposed to belong to the same descent social group as his/her female ancestors. This concept is contrary to more widespread and popular social system of patrilineal descent, in which a person belongs to his/her father lineage.

To kill a mockingbird chapter questions 1-8

Chapter 2: #1 one- theteacherfound out that Scout already can read, so she make Scout promise not to read to with her father.second- the teacher found out Scout was writing a letter to Dill, the teacher stop her from writing it and told Scout that in Grade 1, you only learn printing.third- Scout was trying β†’

Holden and phoebe

He refers to the value of his coat, his cases, his typewriter and even his pens, but he does not cherish his possessions as he gives his typewriter away and lends his coat to Seedeater. Society has taken everything from Holder, both of his brother's presence and his parents Seedeater borrows all he owns, his β†’

J.d. salinger’s novel the catcher in the rye

According to MentalHealthAmerica, one of the most obvious signs of depression is substance abuse. In addition to his drinking, Holden is also a heavy smoker.

Importance of point of view in the great gatsby

While Fitzgerald's decision to view the plot through the eyes of Nick Carraway presents certain limitations, it provides the means to relate the tone and message of the novel as whole.F. In The Great Gatsby, this is a message that would be lost if it were not for the selected point of view.

Breadth of time periods of american literature

I feel that it is important to chronologically p the 150 or so years of literature in this time period, to choose a diversity of authors in terms of gender, race and sexuality, to represent the nation regionally as well as possible, to include texts that focus on important issues in the nation includingimmigration, gender β†’

Boo radley

Boo has an infamous reputation; as a mutilator of domestic house pets, as a drooling stalker that supposedly peered in neighborhood windows in the dead of the night, and for having halitosis that purportedly would wilt a flower. Arthur was jailed in the basement of the County Courthouse for a short time.

American literature and research

The story describes the hopeful and desperate attempts of that society to eliminate differences and to achieveequalityespecially in terms of intellect and physical appearance. This shows clearly the attempts of the government to suppress the subculture that they symbolizes and to force them back to what is " normal".

Types of courage to kill a mockingbird

The character Atticus shows mental and personal courage when he defends black man Tom Robinson who was being accused of something he did not do and this displays mental and personal courage because he knew his name would get slandered accross maycomb county, yet he still defended Tom. Jem Finch showed personal and phisical courage β†’

To kill a mockingbird chapter summaries

While they are running, Scout trips and makes a gunshot noise they try to meet at a tree near school but Jem's pants get stuck on a fence and have to lie to the adults that he lost them in strip poker to Dill. Atticus comes back and tells the kids that he thinks it β†’

Atticus quotes from to kill a mockingbird

" You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view until you climb into his skin and walk around in it." - Atticus " As you grow older you will see white men cheat black men every day of your life, but let me tell you something and do β†’

Wearing a mask, making a contrast

The Golden Hat, a simple but accurate symbol, show readers that Gatsby live a very luxury but vacuous life; it seems that Gatsby who wearing a brilliant hat dance and bounce in order to cheer Daisy up, hope those material stuff, which also let Gatsby lose Daisy, can help him win Daisy back. In this β†’

Good are cultural and traditional values still important in society today research paper example

Hence, both traditional and cultural values should still be important in today's society as they act as the guidance on how to develop new values that that fit in our modern society. There are some claims that are somewhat against the importance of traditional and cultural values in society.

The work of the holy spirit in the life of a christian research paper

It is also the Holy Spirit that enables us to understand the whole counsel of God in terms of worship, doctrine and living as a Christian. Michigan: Xulon Press, 2006.

Example of research paper on hume on causation

In addition, addresses the essence of the inability of the people to understand or have no awareness about the connections that exist in the events that occur in our daily lives. The argument is purely philosophical in that the human nature is the reason for the beliefs and the way we function in the world, β†’

Example of research paper on relationship between social dominance orientation (sdo) and racial group membership

Social dominance orientation measures the extent to which individuals embrace ideologies and myths that encourage and tend to justify the existence and maintenance of social hierarchies in the society. Individuals belonging to the dominant group in the social hierarchy tend to favor the various aspects of the social hierarchy.

Self defense and stand your ground: rights and responsibilities research paper example

In the case of Martin, what is being debated is Florida's " Stand Your Ground" law, and the spread of the law to more than half of the American states since the law was enacted in 2005 that allowed people to use deadly force to repel attackers. The central premises in the application of the β†’

Free research paper on organizational psychology

In his article, Katzell asserts that the attitudes of employees in the workplace affect the success of the business activity. The performance of workers in the workplace depends largely on the relation that the employees have with their colleagues.

Example of research paper on the stand your ground law

While the place of self defence has often been appreciated in the larger American jurisdiction and indeed in any jurisdiction in the world, the new approach availed in the Stand Your Ground Law appears to have extended the privileges too much. From the onset, it should be appreciated that the paper opposes the Stand Your β†’

John lock’es view on innate knowledge

This argues against the very foundation of the idea of innate knowledge because principles that garner universal assent are thought to be known innately, simply because it is the best explanation available. The argument by Locke that there are some ideas that are in the mind at an early age gives credence to argument for β†’

Matriarchy versus patriarchy research paper

Crawford continues to argue that it is the recognition of the value of women in religion that has been the continued driver towards fundamental reform and equality. The vital decisions for women in religion in the future will rest on choice and pluralism, or the ability to be a representative of their belief.

Thoreau’s belief in government

Thoreau's " Resistance to Civil Government is the conformation of his desire for a free thinking nation that knows right from wrong and is willing to fight for what they believe in. Thoreau tried to save face by visiting his neighbors once in a while in order to appear sociable, and he claimed that he β†’

Introduction to philosophy: artificial intelligence

In this paper, I will ocus on two of his objections to the thesis that machines can think that Evans considers and replies to, and I will explain my side on those issues. The fact that machines are incapable of error and every one of their moves are predictable means that they do not have β†’

Free faith, culture and end of life care research paper example

The treatment at the end of life remains to be one of the most controversial issues in health care ethics. It is observed that the individual's perception of the Creator associates with the survival mechanism of a person in end of life situation.

Free research paper on how does religion shape and form identity

The formation of identity which begins with the very process of naming ceremony continues to form and shape through various observance of religious rites, religious way of life and religious principles. All the Muslims and Christians are required to share a religious identity through the adherence of these five pillars.

Free research paper on islam

Islam is a monotheistic religion which considers Allah to be the one and incomparable God and the Holy Quran to be the verbatim of Allah. Also, it discusses that which of the Five Pillars is easiest to follow and which one is the most demanding.

Elements of culture research paper sample

For instance, the Chinese culture is different from the Indian culture or the African culture based on their language, mode of dressing, values, and beliefs. This paper entails a broad discussion of the term culture and the elements of culture.

Free research paper about ethical analysis

It is essential for medical employees to respect the beliefs and values of their colleagues. For instance, it is difficult for the Latinos in USA to have health providers of their language and culture.

Research paper on significant antecedents of unethical behaviour

First and foremost, in my opinion, I consider power misuse as one of the most significant antecedent of unethical behaviour. The most significant antecedents of unethical behaviours include power misuse, lack of effective accountability, and lack of moral values.

Social psychology in brothers and sisters by bebe moore campbell research paper example

With a setting in Los Angeles after the beating of Rodney King and during riots, the novel " Brothers and Sisters" focuses on depicting introspective characters and their interpersonal relationships when stereotypes, racism, and gender bias influence their perception and decision-making. Eventually, after the investigation regarding theft is concluded, in which Esther suspects the β†’

Research paper on scholarly vs. media focus on sexuality

The contributing sources of info in the media article are the decision of the court to be executed by a military judge. Both articles discuss issues that relate to the knowledge of sexuality.

Free research paper on what can christianity contribute to a pluralistic culture

As Slick points out, this idea contradicts the teachings of the Bible that there is one almighty God and that Christianity is the truly revealed religion. Christian pluralism is also one of the responses to a pluralistic society.

Good science and religion research paper example

Science and Religion Defined The foundation and scope of science is dependent on proving and testing theories in order to determine their validity. Religion and the Challenges of Science.

Example of research paper on women menstruation in buddhism

However, unlike most of the other religions, the belief in Buddhism is that women are as good as men. During the time of the Buddha, in India, women are generally considered a burden on the household because all their responsibilities are to be taken care of by the male folks.

Charles sanders pierce’s concept of inquiry

According to Pierce, doubt is where the struggling begins for one to attain a state of belief, and the " cessation of doubt" is where it ends. Every person needs a belief and for one to think of their belief to be the true one is an important component of inquiry.

Officer robert barton case study research paper example

When people have to work in a cohesive group or as a team, there is a lot of pressure to conform to the beliefs, attitude and culture of the group. This can be done in the form of education to the officers.

Good example of research paper on why do people discriminate against others?

It is stated by social psychologists that discrimination is an outcome of prejudice; a feeling of irrational hate and dislike toward another group of people or a person and discrimination is then the behavior that a person has against that group. There are times when the people who have always been discriminating against other people β†’

Police socialization within their organization research paper examples

One can fully appreciate the process by first understanding the various stages of socialization starting from the advertising, process of recruiting police officers, the initial training in police schools during the apprenticeship phase, as well as the ongoing socialization to the culture of occupational police. It is through police socialization that recruits and existing police β†’

The rise of christianity research paper

The rise of Christianity. J: Princeton University Press.

Health belief model

The discussed psychological model targets person's desire to minimize negative health consequences; it further develops the patient's confidence that the recommended set of actions will help achieve the desired condition." Reinforcements and incentives do not influence action directly, but via influencing the person's valuation of the action and the judgment of the likelihood that it β†’

Good bong hits 4 jesus:school speech and constitutional conflict research paper example

The First Amendment is at the heart of this discussion, as it guarantees freedom of expression in public schools, and allows for the free flow of ideas, beliefs, and ideologies between citizens of the United States, although admittedly young and inexperienced in the workings of the outside world. School speech thus traces its colorful pedigree β†’

Differences in attitudes towards homosexuals research paper example

With that, it is recognizable how most of the countries and states in this world have been adapting to the changes in our environment including the existence of the homosexuals. However, opposing the set of people who do not accept the existence of the homosexuals, liberals are those who accept and fully understand why there β†’

Example of research paper on socialism

The other common value is the need for a decentralized government that will help reduce the political hold of the few individuals who use power to manipulate the citizens and make them work hard only to take all the credit from a collective hard work. This is what the liberals' terms as the need for β†’

Health policy and regulation research paper example

According to George, it aims to protect individual health information, and also lays down limits and stipulations, on the uses as well as disclosures that may perhaps be made of such data without authorization from the patient. This rule also provide a patient with the right over his or her health information, which takes in β†’

Research paper on methods: the study was a randomized controlled clinical trial

The purpose of the study was to develop an emergency department based intervention that incorporated screening of asthma symptoms, a video designed to influence beliefs about primary care physician follow-up, and a follow up remainder that was mailed to the participants, and to measure the impact of the intervention on PCP follow-up rates and asthma-linked β†’

Aboriginal culture research paper examples

The survival of the Aboriginal culture having being described as being among the oldest existing cultures in the world is attributed to the capacity to adapt to the changing times. Despite the influence the Canadians have had in trying to make the plain Indians incorporate their culture, the plain Indians have been known to value β†’

Free research paper about conducting z-test

The critical z-level is the limit of rejection region of the null hypothesis. Since observed absolute value is higher than critical, we reject the null hypothesis and state, that there is a significant difference in score of the questionnaire between the groups of students.

Ethical issues for the integration of religion and spirituality in therapy research papers examples

In addition, it will address some of the emerging issues that have developed with the integration of religion in psychology practice and separation for clients who do not share the same belief systems. This is because psychologist who offers non-religious based therapy usually follows a code of conduct that prevents them from imposing their belief β†’

Responding techniques

A summary cites the author and title, quotes key phrases or sentences directly and describe the main ideas and feature of a text. A response requires analyzing the effectiveness of the text, agreeing or disagreeing with the author's ideas and interpreting and reflecting on the text.

Gordon and ingle: a comparative analysis of their critiques on a raisin in the research papers examples

In the setting of a Chicago ghetto where a black family resides, the play reveals the level of poverty and suffering experienced by the large family with Beneatha's shortage of school fees among other issues that unfold in the course of the play. There are also some fundamental differences between the works of both critiques β†’

Microsoft corp v 141 limited partnerships research paper

Microsoft Corporation appealed to the court and when the court made its ruling, the following statement was issued by the court to give the opinion of the court. According to the ruling given by Justice Sotomayor, The US congress has set the fundamentals for the issuance of a patent which the PTO in prior β†’

Hope for melal

Two of the Marshallese characters in this story who believes strongly in withholding many of the native Marshallese custom and traditions are Jebro and Rujen. This gives him hope that he can begin to teach Americans about what is important to the Marshallese natives, so they can come to better understand some of the traditions β†’

Sample research paper on not nonconformist, but maverick

It is because they will help people to question the value of their beliefs in integrity and the roles that these values play in the society. The importance of teamwork is that it helps the people to recognize the value in being members of a larger community and how they think in relation to various β†’

Pressing diversity issues in the 21st century research paper

It is of immense importance to develop a comprehensive diversity in the workplace plan, which should be measurable and achievable. Diversity in the Workplace: Benefits, Challenges and Solutions.

Research paper on general epistles

From the face value, one easily discerns and notices the apt nature in which the Bible and this books in specific strives to articulate and bring to the fore. It is very consistent in the manner and nature in which it helps the Christians to follow and behave according to the chosen way of God.

Ethical behaviour in organizations research paper examples

In the cut-throat competition in the business industry that exists in modern day, some organizations tend to circumvent the requisite laws and policies in a bid to remain relevant in the market. London: Taylor & Francis.

Good faith and flannery oconnor research paper example

She is one of the intellectuals in O'Connor's pantheon of characters; in all cases in which an intellectual appears, that character learns that the faith that he or she has had in his or her own ability to control life is a deeply flawed belief. However, it is the woman's last act of kindness that β†’

Thinking errors found and fixed

To live, to love and be loved, to feel important, and variety are the basic components of this model. If the results of your behavior do not meet your needs, there is an incorrect principle on your belief window.

Ernst mach vs. bertrand russell

In addition, a person would only know the certainty of perceived sense-data rather than of the object since sense-data depends on the perception and relation of the object to the perceiver. The philosophers then differ in the belief of an external world, where Mach denies the existence of physical objects, where Russell believes in such β†’

Good research paper on samsara: the belief in reincarnation in chinese society

The Chinese government has, in recent years, taken a very keen interest in the beliefs and spiritual practices of its people; indeed, the CCP seems to be taking the idea that religion is the " opiate of the masses" extremely seriously - and is trying to control Tibetan Buddhism as a result. The idea of β†’


Through means of systematic persuasion the communicator will appeal to reason and logic to help change attitudes.or they may appeal to emotion and habit by means of heuristic persuasion to change beliefs. After a person converts into the beliefs and practices of the cult, the cult's way of life becomes second nature.

Modern life of computers

Using a computer to do finances is a very beneficial way for the consumer and the service provider. In almost every way the computer is a very beneficial electronic device to have.

The latest development in networks

Poi is a method for tacking analog audio signal and turning them into digital data that can be transmitted over the internet.* Three difference Poi services:- Analog Telephone Adapter, IP phones, Computer to computer.* Analog Telephone Adapter The simplest and most common may through the use of a device. Not need to maintain and pay β†’

Advantages and disadvantages of playing computer games

Conclusion I Summary Of Main Point, In conclusion, playing computer games it helps us to release our stress and make new friends. But when we play too much of computer games it cause negative effects to us.

Secretary maria and the osi network model

The 3rd floor personnel check the address on the message, determine who the addressee is and advise Maria of the fastest route to the Embassy. Maria proceeds from floor to floor where the message is decoded.

Introduction to computers by peter norton 6th ed

When you need to work with a program or a set of data, the computer locates it in the file cabinet and puts a copy on the table. How the Computer Accepts Input from the Keyboard You might think the keyboard simply sends the letter of a pressed key to the computer after all, that β†’

Health hazards of using excessive computers

The other problem is eye strain which can be caused by radiations emitted by the monitor and can be prevented by regulating the amount of light from the monitor and avoid using a flickering monitor. A neck ache is caused by putting the monitor above the eye level and can be avoided by positioning your β†’

Dell computer value chain

Dell identifies its customers' needs i.e.the type of PC's they like and the features and specifications they are willing to pay for. This relates to Dell in that they are using JIT to save costs and shorten lead-time through the management of supplier relationships.

Monitoring system rfid technology

The RFID system design includes a method of discriminating several tags that might be within the range of the RFID reader. The ID cards of the employees is embedded with RFID tag which is read by a reader.

Billing and payments monitoring system

The proponents intend to propose and develop a Billing and Payments Monitoring System for Minerva Trading; the House of Motorcycles Inc; it would computerize the tiring manual process of writing everything down in paper. It would keep the records, and it would allow the users to keep track of their customers and their corresponding ledgers.

Adder/subtractor research paper essay sample

The two input variables A and B represents the two significant bits to be added. The two outputs represents S for sum and Cout for carry.

The role of computers in medical procedures

Among the fields that have made tremendous advances in the twentieth century due to the advent of computers, medicine stands out from the rest. Instead of guessing the causes for a disease, the physicians just have to enter the symptoms of a patient into the computers.

Effects of computer games to students

The neuroscience journal Neuron publishes an article by researchers at the Universitat Jaume I of Castellon that reviews the prevailing theory on dopamine and poses a major paradigm shift with applications in diseases related to lack of motivation and mental fatigue anddepression, Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, etc.and diseases where there is excessive motivation and persistence β†’

Barrier & computer

The Wi-Fi standard is based on the 802. 11n specification is the most recent development in the area of Wi-Fi.802.

Ethernet as a network topology

Gigabit Ethernet is an extension of the highly successful 10Mbps Ethernet and 100Mbps Fast Ethernet standards for network connectivity. The IEEE is working on a standard for Gigabit Ethernet, which is expected to be out by the beginning of 1998.

Basic computer skills

Theinterviewto employees in the HRM will aim at identifying the needs of the employees when it comes to the computer skills, how employee computer skills can be improved, what is the benefit of improved employees skills to the company, the best training methods, and all the requirements of the training. To the interviewees, the method β†’

Nokia and the rfid student attendance monitoring system

The software application on the computer is needed with the attendance details which would come from the RFID reader in to order to take attendance and persist in the database. Objectives: The main objective of the project is to automate the student attendance recording system using RFID technology.

It hardware replacement project

The hardware must be replaced prior to deployment.* * This is an assignment to apply Project Management for replacing hardware to install a new CRM system in the corporate offices of an unnamed company. What strategies would you recommend for minimizing this project's risks? * Summarize your response by identifying best practices for managing this β†’

Network security

In the WEP algorithm a key is made available to the client and the AP. In essence this is a follow up to Ellison's paper, offering answers to the problem of future network security.

Introduction to computer theory

As astounding as any of these is the advent of the computer and its development from a mere calculating device into what seems like a " thinking machine." The birth of the computer was not wholly independent of the other events of this century. Our models will not be used to discuss the practical engineering β†’

Network installation

The term topology, or more specifically, network topology, refers to the arrangement or physical layout of computers, cables, and other components on the network." Topology" is the standard term that most network professionals use when they refer to the network's basic design. The choice of one topology over another will have an impact on the β†’

Wireless networks: free wireless access

The paper also provides background information about the experience of having to browse the internet with the use of free wireless access. The paper arrives at a conclusion with a commentary on the issues concerning the movement persuading the government to provide free wireless access to everyone and its possible influences and outcomes, especially to β†’

Benefits computer system in college

The increasing complexity of administrative operations in today's colleges and universities are the effects of the growing students, faculty and administrative populations and the physical expansion of the institutions. FINDINGS The Present System In the survey and systems investigation of the present system reviewing the existing procedures and information flow, emphasis is made on the β†’

Computerized financial mangement system

The proponent proposed a system which can develop a finance management system that will integrate it with the present technology to make transaction easier, faster and user friendly to the employees that will answer the needs of the locale.1. 4 Technological The proposed system is technologically significant to the proponent and also to the user β†’

The effects of computers on our everyday lives

There are the lots of positive and negative effects of computers. Some of the positive effects are faster communication, an organization of data and information, computerization of tasks, and easier access to the information.

Goldeneye and computer

Computers play a large part of Goldeneye and computer usage had not become popular yet during the 1960s and is not featured in From Russia with Love. At the time of From Russia with Love a cipher machine would be very important, where as during Goldeneye space technology has advanced and weapons threat has become β†’

Thesis about computer addiction research paper

Install the reflective surface at the back and side walls of the enclosure and glue he insulation to the bottom. Sumerian nag MGM sauna-unchain thong Antoinette Eng 'sang systematizing appear Eng postulate as bung digit.

The bad effects to health of excessive computer use

A significant portion of computer users were found to be having health problems and this denotes that the occupational health of the people working in the computer field needs to indicate occupational health problems such as Repetitive Strain Injury and Computer Vision Syndrome. Computer Science as used in this research refers to the study of β†’

Project network

With activities on arrow diagrams, you are limited to showing only the finish-to-start relationships - that is, the arrow can represent only that the activity ps the time from the event at the start of the arrow to the event at the end. In Integration Management, the project is started, the project plan is assembled β†’

Vbscript network shares lab

Create a Programmer Header that includes the name of your VBScript file, your name, the date, the class, and the name of your professor. The path and name of the folder to be created is place inside the parentheses and delimited with double quotes.* Use the fso.

Lan and network mangements

Seeing that both systems are linked to the same card of a network switch, you pick up the phone and give that branch office a call, notifying them not only that they have a problem, but how to fix it as well. Because it is so simple, the information it deals with is either detailed, β†’

Computers in the workplace

The dual character of using technologies in the workplace is seen in employees having free access to a wealth of information stored electronically; simultaneously, employers have the same access towards a wealth of tracking and monitoring techniques to minimize ' cyber slacking'. The range of approaches towards decreasing and eliminating non-business use of technologies in β†’

Computer a boon or a bane

According to me the computer is boon to mankind. Sitting in a room and controlling world has now become possible due to discovery of computers.

Public safety

This was in action to decipher the extent of the threat or imminent threats they faced, how they felt about it, how they would prevent or defend themselves when in such unfortunate situations and the recommendations that they would have to the public safety department in a bid to lower the risks of being attacked. β†’

The importance of a portfolio

The most essential reason it is important is in its ability to allow the interviewer a better way to review your growth and development and compare it to how you may grow in their company. The use of a portfolio is just limited to a professional setting, it can also be used in a school β†’

The cathedral

In this story Bub's ignorance is shown in various parts throughout the story. The narrator's jealousy and ignorance, is seen in many parts throughout the story.