Genuine Research Paper Examples

Huck finns voyage of moral self-discovery research paper sample

The novel's use of offensive racist epithets still has the power to offend and upset: and yet the novel is profoundly anti-racist and in the key turning point of the novel, Huck rejects the racist values of his society, and, from that point on, he becomes more and more critical of the society around him: β†’

Sarah dessen research peper

She is closed off and does not open up to people; she is alone most of the time and prefers it that way. She was used to her mother's unexplained absences, and her mother abandoning her once and for all was Just a part of the routine she was used to, chaos.

The novel crow lake by mary lawson

And one more of import decision is that the pools put Kate on the right manner in taking her calling of a life scientist. Kate is certain that the pools are the portion of her life.

Master and margarita by mikhail bulgakov: two novels in one

" Master and Margarita" by Mikhail Bulgakov is probably the most famous and the most unusual novel ever created in the USSR. The narrative of " Master and Margarita" is pretty sophisticated, including at least three plot lines: adventures of Woland and his suit in Moscow, story of Master and Margarita themselves, both taking place β†’

The use of literary devices in literature research papers example

The plot is the crux of the story and lays down the outline for progress of the literature.- Setting: It is related to the time and place of the plot or the story. It may be the love of the lady or the attraction of wealth that creates the conflict and carries the story forward.- β†’

All the pretty horses

Death is not a topic to be taken lightly, which the characters of Lord of the Flies by William Gilding discover, Stranded, adult-less, on a deserted Island, the boys In the novel have a growing subconscious fear of a beast on the Island. His exposure to death, much like that of the characters of Lord β†’

Comparing and contrasting heart of darkness and things fall apart

However, assuming that Things Fall Apart being written as a response to The Heart of Darkness is a fact; there will be more differences than similarities among the two novels, especially in terms of its author, point of view, and the perception of the novel towards Africa and how the Africans treated in the novels. β†’

Research paper on persepolis: the story of a childhood. marjane satrapi. 2004

The juxtaposition of text and images in the book highlights the contradictions between the Western mores and those of the Islamic world. Whitlock claims that Satrapi's avatar in the books engages with the conventions of the comic genre, leading to the creation of a work of autobiography that is aware of its own medium and β†’

Example of charlie and the chocolate factory research paper

Roald Dahl found the ' Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' as one of the most intricate books to write. The idea for the ' Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' came from the schooldays of author, when he, along his class fellow were incidentally expected Cadbury to try freshly devised chocolate candy.

Throughout the novel of captain corelli’s mandolin

To the disapproval of the audience and the other characters, the role of madness has become de Bernieres technique of foreshadowing the outcome of the characters who are deemed as 'possessed' which leads to the inevitable gloom of death. The first encounter of madness within the novel comes in the form of a battered and β†’

Was joseph conrad a rascist

Achebe even briefly states this as a possibility: " It might be contended...that the attitude to the African in ' Heart of Darkness' is not Conrad's but that of his fictional narrator, Marlow, and that far from endorsing it Conrad might indeed be holding it up to irony and criticism". If he was not a β†’

Herman melville research paper

His passion for whaling and sea voyages is presented in many of his novels, along with his internal desire to " unfold" himself and his whaling experiences, and also the portrayal of the man he wishes to be, through the descriptions of the major characters in his novels. Lastly, the life of Melville shows up β†’

Good research paper on symbolism in the scarlet letter

The historical context of the novel's plot is the social environment of the society living and developing in the area of Puritan Salem, in Massachusetts during the years 1642 to 1649. The thematic core of the novel is the love which the female protagonist of the novel, Hester Prynne has for another man and not β†’

Charles dickens great expectations research paper samples

The drama is played out initially in the Kent of Pip's childhood, before moving on, along with his fortunes, to the teeming metropolis that is London. Pip is constantly returning to the scenes of his youth as he grows older and the parallels with Dickens' own life are there for all to see.

The significance of the title to the novel the pearl

The pearl is very significant to the title because without ' the pearl of the world', the story just would not exist. The pearl is the beginning and the end of the novel.


David Anomalous Ransom, a postmodern revitalization of Homer's literary epic, the Iliad not only explores the Inner conflict born In man through the vicious undertaking of a path of revenge, but also the intense hatred sparked by the unbearable loss of loved ones. It is often identified that the crux of Ransom is centered around β†’

Free research paper on research in law enforcement

A Police unit may be termed as a division of authority given the directive to put in force the laws of the land. Aamodt, G.M.

Biometric fingerprinting research papers examples

This technology will use a live scan device to capture the details of a fingerprint, and store the details in a central database. The biometric fingerprinting project aims to help in crime investigation.

Good example of research paper on defenses against proof of criminal intent

As compared to the strategy of self defense, where the defendants holds to the belief that the only avenue available to neutralize the threat of the attacker is to use force, the defense of necessity is invoked as a strategy when the intended victim/s must commit an offense with the objective of saving themselves or β†’

Free research paper on memorandum

Consideration of tax deductions for the fees of Robin Zavala's teacher will have to be based on his age, medical condition and the possibility of an itemized deduction on the taxes. Commissioner the general test used to determine whether a person has a " trade or business" means determining the seriousness of profit making as β†’

Sample research paper on a critique on digital influences in fingerprint analysis

579, the court held that the prosecution needs to establish the foundation for the formula used to enhance and transform fingerprint images. The government attempted to establish the efficacy of AFIS for the first time in United States v.

Free research paper on downloading music, movies & software

There may be various aspects of downloading music, video and software application files from internet including varying ways of downloading these files to the legal and moral nature of the downloads. Another way to encourage legal use of content is through allowing the users to download demo versions of content to try those out and β†’

Criminal justice court system

Another example that shows the fairness of the American criminal justice system is the right to counsel or the right to an attorney. Another example of the criminal justice system not being fair is the right to certain lawyers.

Pros and cons of boot camps research paper example

In prior researches that have been carried out, findings show that the main factors that affect recidivism are the age of individual at the initial crime, the time he or she began drug use, instance of previous incarceration and the scores of the individual on the Jesness inventory scale. Studies were conducted to evaluate the β†’

Free research paper on failure of residential schools

Another reason that led to the failure of the students and the entire school system is the kind of punishment children were subjected to. These conditions were extremely severe to these children and consequently the poor performance was unavoidable and this shows the failure of the entire Residential School System.

Tent city arizona research paper example

Tent City Arizona The Tent City Jail in Arizona is known to be one of the toughest jail facilities in the United States. One of them is the social issue in which the inmates would have a possibility to clash with the other groups because of the matter of control of the contrabands being circulated β†’

Jane doe research paper example

n/a n/a Psychology Article Summary The first summary, on the topic of the effects of corporal punishment, comes from an article in the Monitor on Psychology titled, " Journal article reignites debate over corporal punishment". Despite the controversy of the topic as to the two schools of thought that are for or against the β†’

Free research paper about accounting for a loss contingency associated with a lawsuit

The management then estimated the loss related to a likely compensation within the range of $15 million to $20 million, $17 million being the most likely amount of loss.- A jury trial was held in September 2009 and reached a verdict on September 24, 2009, the judgment ordering in favor of W. 5 million.- M β†’

Good criminal justice: mass incarceration of people of color research paper example

Racial discrimination in sentencing, incarceration and policing of black as opposed to white Influence of criminal justice policies in incarceration patterns - Drug policy and incarceration pattern of the black as opposed to white - Influence of social inequality on rate of criminality Policing, arrest, and conviction patterns of black, white, and Hispanic tend to β†’

The architectural analysis of salk institute research papers examples

Figure 1: The graphical presentation showing the percentage dimensions of the various sections of the sulk institute The Salk institute is a manifestation of a beautiful mind and act. The Khan Articulation and resolution of the building's major elements portrays the building as unique.

Child sexual abuse research paper examples

This will be the role of the courts and the corrections to provide the just punishment for the offenders of child sexual abuse offense. Hence, in the case of the child sexual abuse offenders, they should respect the decision of the court because it is part of the judiciary and empowered by the state to β†’

Dna exoneration research paper examples

In regards to the history of the same, it was developed as a result of developments that were targeted to develop judgments in the criminal justice systems of states in the United States. According to the California Statute, the mischief underlying the spirit of the legislators in coming up with this rule was to assist β†’

Example of research paper on goals of correction

It is designed to provide some form of compensation to the victim while at the same time punishing the offender. The rationale behind it is that once a criminal is punished, even if an offender is really sorry for the wrong committed and has assured people that he has changed and will never repeat the β†’

Check point week 2 criminal justice

Is there a way to improve the correlation between crime rates, arrest rates, and clearance rates in the effort to combat criminal activity? The crime rates relate to arrest rates as indicted by the Uniform Crime Report and possibly the National Crime Victimization Survey.

Eeo law part iii research paper examples

The safest way to achieve this is through the practice of rule of law which involves observation of the law to the letter. Elements of the law of contract.

Media portrayals of criminal justice system

The various media forms are in the business of affecting how and what people think of the criminal justice system. Perceptions of the Criminal Justice System: Television Imagery and Public Knowledge in the United States.

Example of research paper on left-wing issues

However, a rider attached to the Spending Bill of 2013 drafted by Roy Blount representing Missouri which is the home state of one of the largest GM food producers the Monsanto Corporation came under heat because the rider that has been signed by the President Obama nullifies the rights of the citizens to request a β†’

Confidentiality and shield laws branzburg v hayes research paper example

Justice Byron White noted that the court was not ruling on the prerogative or journalists to use confidential sources, but rather on the duty of journalists to cooperate with grand jury subpoenas, writing that it would be incorrect to award to reporters' a constitutional immunity that was not available to ordinary citizen. He concluded that β†’

Free research paper on abuse and development of children

With the use of a prospective cohort design, that drew a large sample of cases of child abuse comprising of physical and sexual abuse and compared with a matching control group in the study. The purpose of the study was to find out the relationship between child abuse and neglect and delinquent, adult criminal and β†’

Women driving in saudi arabia research paper samples

This paper intended to explore the journey to the freedom of women drivers by looking at the historical background, the current situation and the projected future and the fate of women drivers. In a world of automobiles and technological advancement, it is in the interest of every human being to know and understand the trends β†’

Free research paper on rule of law paper

The definition of perjury involving judicial proceedings can be found under section 1623 of the chapter and a majority of perjury convictions are a result of the violation of this section of the federal perjury laws. During the court hearing of the incident, Lil' Kim was called to the stand before a federal grand jury, β†’

Communicable disease hiv/aids research paper examples

Of these factors, government policies and public services, as well as attitudes and support that the victims get top the list of factors that affect the lives of people living with HIV/AIDS. The Acts have also taken advantage of the media and use the media to sensitize people on facts of HIV/AIDS.

Sample research paper on causes of republicans’ push for new laws that restricts abortion

The Supreme Court in its rulings after listening to the case upheld that rights to privacy in the United States include the right for women to decide if they are willing to give birth to children. Though, it is germane to state that the Democratic Party intension to keep mum is a political strategy to β†’

Good stand your ground laws: self-defense or aggression research paper example

A person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably β†’

Research paper on circumstance theory and reality

One of the most alarming of the NCVS findings is that almost half of identified stalkers are someone known to their victims, which may have something The data shows that the majority of stalking victims exhibit many common demographic, gender and lifestyle characteristics. Specifically, they apply the principles of lifestyle-exposure and routine activity theories in β†’

Elcano vs. hill case

The acquittal of Reginal Hill in the criminal case has not extinguished his liability forquasi-delict, hence that acquittal is not a bar to the instant action against him.- Barredo v Garcia :" The above case is pertinent because it shows that the same act may come under both the Penal Code and the Civil Code. β†’

The forgotten offenders

These include: Subsistence Residence Children andfamily Health, mental health and sobriety Criminal justice compliance The ability to function successfully in the community requires a plan in all of the areas and equipping woman in each of these areas is masked by prisons. However, due to lack of treatment programs provided, most women in the criminal β†’

Research paper on principles of effective intervention

Therefore, the principle of using proven theoretical models that are evidence-based is effective as it enables only what works to be implemented. These are the four principles of intervention that this paper deems effective and efficient in transforming an offender into a good citizen.

Sample research paper on police brutality in america

The unjustifiable use of for by police in the process of law enforcement characterize the extensive concept of police brutality. The failures in the political systems to structure measures to react to the needs of the public as well as the police in the event of racial profiling is the foundation driver of police β†’

Crsj new class research paper sample

The best move would be to enhance the penalties accorded to the villains of date rape as well as the review of the policy to ensure prosecution of this social vice. Another startling statistic from the research is the fact that among the date rapes that occurred, 75 % of the men are usually on β†’

Good searches of students, their lockers or their property research paper example

The United States has seen tragedies of attacks in schools raising the need to conduct searches of students to ensure the safety of school children and students. According to the Supreme Court, the first ten amendments to the Constitution, which constitute the Bill of Rights is applicable to children in a school setting.

Punishment research paper

The punishment that is the deliberate and necessary cause of harm works to terminate the crime. This type of punishment does what is necessary to protect society as a whole from the criminal.

Incest research paper examples

It is therefore imperative that the law finds ways to address the issue and protect the minors who are often the victims of incest.1. To begin with, basing the morality of incest on what the Bible states is a breach of the separation between state and church.

Example of rights and obligations research paper

The principle states that for there to be said there is a contract the decision has to be decided upon by the legal significance of the external acts of a party to the intend agreement, not the actual intent of both parties. The theory applies to the case for the reasons that, for there to β†’

Example of research paper on public administration

As it stands, the some of the important stakeholders include the property owners, the City Council, advertising merchants and the community. It should be noted that the solution should be in the overall interest of the society.

Example of latin kings research paper

The gang is highly organized and a leadership is established in the gang at local, state as well as national levels for effective control and operation of the gang. The huge base of the gang and loyalty of the people is formed and sustained by the fear.

Post- conflict rule of law in east timor research paper

A rule of law assessment in the country of Timor in 2007 and 2009 revealed the following challenges: Breakdown in the judicial system: There are cases that fail to be solved through the formal court system causing the people to give up. There is a high level of poverty in the country so many of β†’

Criminal justice system structures human behaviour

" Law structures and guides human behaviour in a variety of ways: through the content of the rules it makes, the way its officials behave, and/or the severity of the penalties it imposed on those who do not conform to its requirements." In this essay, I will examine to what extent does the Canadian Criminal β†’

Free research paper about capital punishment kennedy v. louisiana

The police had to rush the victim to the hospital for the medical attention where it was affirmed by the health professionals that she had been sexually harassed to prevent the bleeding. Upon the challenge of its sentence, the judges further argued that they the Supreme Court was an independent body hence the freedom to β†’

Cesare beccaria a delinquency theorist research paper sample

In his assertion, punishment that seeks to do harm to the subject is moribund to the character of the individual. In his argument is important to have a punitive system that defines the extent of punishment vis-a-vis crime perpetrated.

Policing and the constitution

This is not applicable if the officer has first-hand knowledge of an event and the evidence is likely to be destroyed or the subject will abscond if time is taken to get a warrant. An interrogation is the direct questioning of a suspect to gather evidence of criminal activity and to try to gain a β†’

Relationship between the criminal justice system and mental illness

The product of deinstitutionalization, this problem of warehousing the ill within the criminal justice system must be attended to in order to create an atmosphere of care for the mentally ill. Some studies even suggest that the rate of incarceration of the mentally ill is four times that of the general population for males, and β†’

Women as victims of violence research paper sample

Therefore the issue have become a threat and global problem as well as has continues to thrive irrespective of the states of the country. Technology is a significant tool that can be used in advocating for gender equality and elimination of gender violence for this case.

Why do we as a society need a criminal justice system

The criminal justice system, is a system of laws and rulings which protect community members and their property. Therefore, the goals of the criminal justice system are to balance criminal activity and crime revention.

Example of research paper on sociology

The recidivism is, however, associated with the process of releasing the prisoners back into the society known as reentry, and the acts that are involved in supervising them for ensuring the safety of the public. Further, the recidivism rate is also higher because of the fact that even if the criminals are equipped with the β†’

Impact of technology on law enforcement research paper sample

Despite the fact that governments cannot afford the most advanced and expensive technology, the very affordable ones have made an impact on the security status of the country. It has been witnessed in the past that a greater majority of crimes are facilitated by technology.

Good example of research paper on the case of christopher ochoa

One of the most difficult aspects of modern society is how can law enforcement and the criminal justice system do to protect the public, punish the wrong-doers and make certain that those punishments are appropriate in severity for the crime committed. Of course the ideal situation is, when a crime is committed the perpetrator is β†’

Bootlegging research paper sample

If truth be told, it was already envisioned that the users of the modern world will prefer digital delivery format instead of going to the shops and buying the materialized versions. According to a research, the shutting down of the two mentioned cyberlocker sites " led to more digital sales and rentals for two major β†’

Material facts of the case research paper

The claimants contended that the severance was the occasion consequent of the breach of contract between the claimants and the defendants. The claimants laid the fact that it was important for the contract having to be made, for purposes of inter alia, establish an agreement that would govern the terms of the design team, secure β†’

Mental health identification and mental health insurance research paper examples

The interrelation between policies for social change, criminal justice and the state of mental healthcare will be explored in the following sections of this study including the discussion on the relevance of how the policy and criminal justice system will foster and initiate change and social improvement. The scarcity of community and state mental health β†’

The o. j. simpson murder trial research paper

The prosecution's decision to file the case in downtown Los Angeles instead of the judicial district where the crime took place significantly affected the jury's racial structure. In the trial of O.J.

Modest mussorgsky and his sunless song cycle

Thepoetryseems to express and bewail the indifference of the world as personified in the disinterest of a former lover. Mussorgsky's anger and frustration in response to the premier of his opera are clearly and effectively depicted here through his music.

Music, race, and nation

In order to truly understand the social dynamic that exists in Colombia, one has to understand the interesting dynamic presented with the relationship between the music and the people who enjoy it. It brings to the forefront a brand of music that helped create a nation and helped create a culture that is often misunderstood.

Anxiety disorders proposed methods research paper

A descriptive study would then involve just observing a sample of students as they study for a number of days, seeing what kinds of music they listened to, and recording their grades on their assignments. Development of a Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention Program to Treat Anxiety and Social Deficits in Teens with High-Functioning Autism.

Praise song for the day – interpretation

Praise Song For The Day November 26, 2012 This poem, Praise Song for the Day by Elizabeth Alexander, is one of the most memorable poems that have been recited within the last 20 years. Finally, in relation to the present day, there is a sense of the immense possibilities.

Popular culture in today’s society

Social media, as well as the natural ache we all carry to fit in, pushes people to embrace and succumb to pop culture. When we look at the covers of magazines and see the thin women and the buff men, we think that is the acceptable way to look and work to make ourselves look β†’

Soap opera – opiate of the masses

The radio programs were commercially sponsored by the manufacturers of household cleaning products - the use of the word " soap" in soap opera. The advertising industry publication Advertising Age named " the birth of the daytime soap opera" as the 29th most important milestone in the history of advertising.

Movie soundtracks history and impact

In Williams " Hymn to the Fallen," sounds of the violin and orchestra possess a depressing and sad tone which matches perfectly with emotions that the old man in the scene is feeling as he is visiting his old friends who died in the war. The fact that the sounds of the violin and orchestra β†’

What do the frankfurt school contribute to our understanding of popular culture

The Enlightenment was introduced, which expressed individualism instead of tradition but ultimately led the way to modern capitalism and the culture industry." Frankfurt School perspective is an obvious variant of Marxism." Despite disagreeing with the Enlightenment, Adorno and Frankfurt School agreed on the Marxist theory. With the simplicity and effectiveness of the Culture Industry, the β†’

Love song of j.alfrrd prufrock notes

The modernist movement and the new perception of the world at the time along with the desire to create something new was one of the main influences in Eliot's work. Eliot was interested in the divide between high and lowculture" The Love Song of J.

The impact of music on language & early literacy

The Impact ofMusicon Language & Early Literacy: A Research Summary In Support of Kindermusik's ABC Music & Me The Impact of Music on Language & Early Literacy: A Research Summary In Support of Kindermusik's ABC Music & Me Introduction Earlychildhoodclassroom teachers believe in the power of music to engage children. The impact of music and β†’

Venus in fur

The second piece was a solo, and it was so inspirational. The first piece really showed a lot of variety in the tones and tempos of he song, and it was so interesting to listen to because I never knew what was going Fretters for Cello and Piano by Arbor Part.

Rock ideology

Rock and Roll is the youth and the youth is Rock and Roll. Rock and Roll and Popular Music Kellog discussed that popular music is a representation or reflection of the cultural facets of society wherein it emanates.

How the beatles changed a generation

The first way that the Beatles challenged everyday popular culture was that the fact that they were British. The religious allure of the Beatles was a vital factor in allowing the group to endure.


Bach's Lutheran faith was an important aspect of hismusiclive, in which he writes " To the Glory of God" in many of his works. Near the end of the Prelude, there is a tonic pedal point and then the prelude ends with a Picador ending from C minor to C major.

Guitar concert critique

She also said that the dominance of the color red in the setup added to the Valentines ambiance, giving the audience that romantic and lovely feeling along with the sweet harmony and melody of the two guitars. For Jerico, he was also grateful with the lights in the event but for him, he suggested that β†’

Romance movies are favorite movie genre

In a romance based movie, it is filled with love and a lot of laughter throughout the whole movie. The romance movies are a good way to bring out the inner emotions and in the end, make you feel a whole lot better.

Green days by the river

In this case as I mentioned before Shell is a fifteen year old boy who has chosen to work over obtaining an education to help out his family, especially his mother financially. With Shell being able to work, he is able to help out his family tremendously especially his mother who was the only one β†’

Music: a magicful medicine

On the other hand, music is a very good way to learn and understand easily. Classic music also can make the memory stronger not for just babies for everyone- and a strong memory is a good proof of an intelligence.

Music; the savior of life

Ishmael Beah, a victim child of war, is very connected to music, using it to lose himself in it, forget about the war, and focus again on life just as many of us, including myself, do when life gets tough. He explains what it feels like to be one of the victims of war, which β†’

Irish traditional music

In 1792 the Belfast Harp Festival was setup with the aim of preventing the decline of the harping tradition. The bag of the uilleann pipes is inflated by means of a small set of bellows strapped around the waist and the right arm.

About boosie

In 2009, Lil Boosie released his second major album Superbad: The Return of Boosie Bad Azz. Webbie, Foxx and Lil Trill are among the featured guests.[4] Lil Boosie released Gone Til' December in 2010, which is a mixtape album consisting of new music.

Research paper on gregory the great

After the destruction of the Roman Empire, the church became on of the foundations of civilization. He also helped in establishing the standards for the church and the hierarchy that exists in the church to date like the Bishops being supervised by the archbishops, while the archbishops are supervised by the pope.

Cultural assimilation and american music artists

The word, of couse has many meanings, definitions and descriptions.the impact and influence of the US on theculture, politics, business practices andtechnologyof other countries. The spread of American media including TV, film and American music artists, has been the main component of Americanization of other countries.

Beatles & rolling stones

The Sixties had been defined by the events of the decade namely the Space Program, the war in Vietnam, the movement against it and the youth counterculture behind the movement also collectively categorized under sex, drugs and rock & roll. In the United States, this was not an entirely new thing as Bob Dylan had β†’

American music of the new millennium

The music bringing in the mostmoneyare the music that stays up with the current trends. The final classification of music is Rhythm and Blues.