Genuine Research Paper Examples

We are blessed to have trees & plants

In this poem the poet shares the thoughts of his grandmother who was of the opinion that the house that has trees around is blessed. Trees Are Carbon Sinks To produce itsfood, a tree absorbs and locks away carbon dioxide in the wood, roots and leaves.

Osmosis: potato and blackcurrant squash

In a hypertonic solution, water will move outside of the cell due to the outside of the cell is having a higher solute concentration than the Inside of the cell. HYPOTHESIS: The higher the concentration of blackcurrant squash solution, the lower the concentration of the solution getting bigger, water inside of the cells will move →

Identification of gram negative bacteria using biochemical tests, including api

The bacterium used in the API was identified as Staphlyococcus.aureus, by use of an identification table, provided by the manufacturer of the API. The shape of the bacteria can be determined by microscopy, and culturing of the bacteria on various media selective, differential and certain characteristic media.

Biology hsc dot points

The shape may deform due to PH or temperature levels, the metabolic processes can be modified in three main ways by controlling the: Amount of enzymes, Catalytic activity of enzymes and accessibility of substance Metabolism is the total of all chemical reactions in the cell. Identify the pH as a way of describing the acidity →

Osmosis: concentration

If a solution is Hypertonic, then the solution will move into the cell from the beaker and water will move out of the cell into the water because of a difference in concentration. Use a dropper pipette to cover the potato strip in test tube A with solution A, the potato strip in test tube →

Reaction between valine and serine

Once the 2nd amino acid is bound to the 1st one, the 1st tRNA will be released and the 3rd one follows. This process is repeated until the so-called stop-codon in the mRNA terminates the growing protein synthesis.

Examiner tips for igcse biology 0610

Do not try to mix the spellings of two words when you are not sure which of them is the correct answer, e.g.meitosis, when you are not sure whether the answer is mitosis or meiosis, or urether, when you are not sure if the answer is ureter or urethra. To answer this question o You →

Biology – planaria research

A blastema is a group of cells that forms at the site of a wound that eventually turns into the missing parts of a planaria.2. Began to twist and curl in order to move, similar to the movements of the full-grown planaria.

Biological anthropology

The closest aspect to a biological feature in grouping people is cline; geography making people of the same area in the world similar. Soil marks in the dirt from decayed wood where a coffin once was were visible to determine where to locate the heads and bodies of the skeletons.

Gene doping: the hype and the reality

Genetic manipulation has produced some potential advantages to be able to alter the cells in animal models of human diseases, which may make disease as a thing of the past and help with the development of better pharmaceutical products in order to extend the human life ps, however, there are still major technological obstacles that →

Madame butterfly

Throughout the play Song plays the role of a female but expresses herself in a more confident, and independent way as an Asian female. In the end, Song reveals herself for the man she is, but continues to act with more confidence and independence as a woman than as a man.

Free detection and identification of bacteria in food

The following sections will discuss the use of five different detection methods, flow cytometry, the enterotube II system, chromogenic media, the Enzyme linked immunoassay and polymerase chain reaction and the necessity to balance the specificity and sensitivity of each technique, for the most accurate means of bacterial detection.2. The technique of FCM relies on the →

History of pueblo revolt

The Pueblo Revolt of 1680, also known as Pope's Rebellion, was the rebellion of the Pueblo people toward the Spaniards. Most of the Spanish that was in New Mexico moved to El Paso.

Research paper on theoretical approaches to child development

That a human acquires traits from his ancestors imprinted in genes and start manifesting it from childhood to adulthood forms as the thesis of the evolutionary view of the biological perspective of child development. Arnold Gesell, a noted scholar that tackled the biological perspective of child development, followed from the works of Darwin and other →

Marine biome

The tundra is a biome that is located in the Northern Hemisphere of the world. The growth of the vegetation is primarily low to the ground and the biomass of plants is concentrated in the roots.

Henri bergson

Thus intuition is a direct perception and experience of the continuous flow of reality, without the use of any concepts the flow of time as real duration can be experienced only by intuition. Choice is a temporal act for Bergson as it is pertaining to the present and conscious state of mind.

Molecular biology paper

The pressure gradient on each side of the membrane as well as the membrane pore size depends on the number of solutes and fluids in the filtrate. When the timer was started, the barrier that surrounded the membrane holder was lowered to allow the contents of each beaker to come in contact with the membrane.

Evolution of western ideas

They present a code that has to be encoded by the spectator and an image is estimated as successful in case the majority of the spectators encodes it in the desired manner. Scientific study of visual art started in the age of visual mass media and consumer culture when it was no longer possible to →

Theory of evolution

Darwin is certainly the father of evolution, but our current understanding of evolution [DNA, natural selection, genetics, etc.] has evolved through the scientific understanding of others. Of course, the basis of our knowledge came from Darwin, Wallace, Lemarck, and Mendall, but to capitalize on these theories we use our technology sources today.

Unknown bacteria

For the SIM test, I aseptically inoculated the bacteria into a tube of the SIM media and let it incubate until the next class period. In the Indole part of this test, the enzyme involved is tryptophanase has been produced, I added Kovac's reagent to the media and observed it for a red color-which would →

Impact of use of color in yellow fish by ambai

The fact that images of the ash-grey sea and horrific colour images of the fisherwomen's clothes were inserted, ought to give the reader a premonition, of kinds, about the dark turn, the narrative is about to take a little way ahead. The bright colors of the fisherwomen's clothes: demonic red, blinding indigo, profound green and →

Huntington’s disease and testing for it

Aside from the toxicity of the mutated huntingtin protein, the loss of normal huntingtin protein also seems to add to the pathogenesis of Huntington's disease. The epidemiology of Huntington's disease.J.Med.

Society methods of sustainability

Geographically speaking, Egypt was poised to be one of the ancient world's superpowers due to Its location next to the Nile River. The importance of the Nile River to Ancient Egypt culture and way of life was evident in their polytheistic religion - they prayed/

“you’d camouflage abilities. scientists and researchers have

There is also a lot of research and background knowledge that is very much needed and important for the scientific world to know. This is because divers have to be aware of the types of animals they may encounter and know their tactics so they can be safe.

What is a cultural anthropology

The article concludes by saying what corporations think of the value that anthropologists add to the companies and that the role will continue to grow. In conclusion, I now realize all the studies and broad range of topics that are discussed by cultural anthropologists.

The identification of bambusa sp

Running bamboo species are highly variable in their tendency to spread; this is related to both the species and the soil and climate conditions. Some of the techniques that can be used to identify to a species level are PCR-ITS, RAPD, and PCR-RFLP.

Marketability ampalaya seed coffee

The coffee gave a bitter taste so as the amplify, that's why the researchers decided to use the amplify seeds to make coffee as a substitute to the commercial ones instead of throwing them. This is the potential of amplify and the good basis of the researchers in the development of the study - Amply →

Ginger and vinegar as pesticide

DNA isolation is one of the most basic and essential techniques in the study of DNA. The extraction of DNA from cells and its purification are of primary importance to the field of biotechnology and forensics.

The effect of starch on the activity of amylase with ph variable

We then used a calorimeter to measure the absorbance of our samples with the variable of pH over set periods of time. We used the substrate starch with the variable, pH, to measure the absorbance of our samples using a calorimeter.

Unknown paper

With the sterilized loop containing the organism we proceeded to transfer the organism to the plate of quadrant I in a zigzag movement. With our selected plate ready and available, the slant in the least dominated hand, we inoculated the loop till red, uncapped the tube, flamed the tubes, obtained the yellow organism from the →


The article evaluates the present facts on diapedesis and itemized several unresolved issues yet to be studied for perfect understanding of the biology of diapedesis. The articles points out literature reviews by several other authors to justify the possibility of transcellular and paracellular movements of leukocyte through the endothelial cells.

Aggression & biological explanations

Though some scholars have concluded that biological causes of aggression, the ability to address it by changing things in theenvironmentat different levels of growth and development makes it to be more psychological. Unlike other causes of aggression which appear to be controversial in causing aggression in people, high levels of the testosterone in men compared →

Effects of silane based qac on hygienic unifrom fabrics

The intervention with zycrobial besides improves the antimicrobic consequence of cotton, p/v and p/c cloth measured by BPB discoloration trial compared to untreated cloth. Specification of Assorted Fabrics After usage for 3-6 yearss by the staff members in the several environments, the aprons were collected in unfertile polythene bags and brought to the bacteriology lab.

The concept and evolution of developmental state

Fundamental to the design of the developmental state for these countries was the creation of an alliance between politics and the economy, which materialized in the establishment of a specialized bureaucratic apparatus that had ample powers and coordinated the developmental efforts, at least in their initial stages. L Central to the developmental effort in the →

Group 1 syllabus

General overview of the Indian Constitution Paper-III: i) Planning in India & Indian Economy ii) Land Reforms and social changes in Andhra Pradesh after independence iii) Andhra Pradesh's Economy, present status its strengths and weaknesses Paper-IV: i) The role and impact ofScience & Technologyin the development of India with emphasis on the applied aspects ii) →

The evolution of chil custody arrangements

Over the years the government has shifted its views from the child's mother being the best fir for primary custody to " the best interest" of the child. The necessities include the ability to providefood, shelter and a a safeenvironmentare important but also the stability of the parent psychologically and their mentalhealthalso begins to become →

Aztec and mayan difference

Aztec and Mayan differences One difference between the Aztec and the Mayan is the location, and time period they were in. The Aztec and Mayan lived in the same time period but the Mayan had actually been around longer than the Aztecs.


In order for that to happen the enzymes process by the lock and key model, the lock is the substrate and the enzyme is the key. Once the conversion is finished the product can enter the glycolysis cycle to from ATP or energy used for the body." In normal cellular conditions, the primary enzymatic activity →

The effect of temperature on respiration

The increase will only take place until a certain temperature is reached, the respiration rate will then start to decrease after that temperature. Preliminary work To test the effects of temperature on respiration a respirometer wil be used.

Bio100 midterm study guide

On the Celsius scale, the boiling point of water is 100 and the freezing point of water is 0. They are put to work in both the process of mitosis and the process of meiosis.

Infection caused by bacteria

Infection are spread through different means: Stool Contact with blood Sneezing and coughing Airborne disease Contaminated objects Direct physical contact The methods to reduce the spread of infection Make sure that everyone clean their hand before and after having the meal, visiting the toilet and changing nappies with soap and water Make sure that all →

Evolution of selling

The Evolution of selling The essay titled " Evolution of Selling " is based upon how selling has developed with the various key changes back into the industrial revolution era that has had an huge impact upon and led to the ways and approaches of selling today and looks into the ancient and modern methods, →

Ai weiwei: more than just an artist

As a precursor of twitter in China, Ai Weiwei considerably influenced the style of communication and the liberty of expression of Chinese people. Although it may seem somehow utopic, Ai Weiwei with " Remembering" and twitter made a huge step forward, by making a population aware 5 how to use their rights, in the fight →

Leonardo da vinci inventions

Aerial screw - a forerunner to the helicopter: Leonardo wrote this about the aerial screw: " I believethat if this screw device is well manufactured, that is, if it is made of linen cloth, the pores of which have been closed with starch, and if the device is promptly reversed, the screw will engage its →

Influence of dance on culture research paper sample

Some of the eminent artists of their age like Pablo Picasso and Edgar Degas have also expressed their interpretations of dance and translated that onto paper by using the fine strokes of their brush. The statement by Graham clearly shows the connection between dance and paintings that is, the role of dance in paintings.

How will also inform this research and allow

The practice-led research will explore how the context of the sites usedto exhibit text-based art-work changes the meaning of the text used. The shareability of language is explored by Wittgenstein and is essential to the successful use of any language: Wittgenstein goeson to state the impossibility of a private language systems.

The statue of david by michelangelo-a masterpiece

The Renaissance was a European phenomenon in the world of art and letters, which was found operative at the beginning of the 16th century all over Europe. The statue of David was one of the first structures of the male nude.

Free research paper about engl111

Outsiders would deem that the controversial decision of the Beatles to disband, notwithstanding their eminent cult status worldwide, was down to the influence of Yoko Ono, the second spouse of perhaps their best-regarded member, Lennon. The start of the Lennon-Ono love affair alone has resonated to the critical views of the fans of The Beatles →

Leonardo da vinci research paper

But in reality people would say he was one of the finest artistic and scientific men of the Italian Renaissance Age." The Last Supper" and the " Mona Lisa" are among one of his finest works of art. His study and mastery of a wide range of disciplines, including sculpture, philosophy, and engineering, made Leonardo →

Alexander mcqueen savage beauty exhibition

Alexander McQueen Savage Beauty Exhibition The exhibition was held to celebrate the outstanding contributions made by the late Alexander McQueen to the fashion industry. In addition to that, the exhibition was also a very informative and entertaining show for the students of Fashion Designing.

Signora da vinci

Ernest told Catering that eight was the greatest of numbers because it was the number of Infinity: It had no beginning and no end. He said: " Eight is the number of endless possibility." That day Ernest took Catering to the third floor, a place where she was not allowed to go before.

Free jean baptise armand guillaumin: the seine at charenton (1874, oil on canvas) research paper sample

Perhaps, one of the most enlightening parts of this painting is the way in which the boats are portrayed. There is a common aspect in both paintings since they portray the landscape, something that definitely arouses and instils the emotions of the observer.

Post-impressionism and artists

There is the release of the communist manifesto by Marx and Engles and of course Darwin's release of " Orgin of the species." Both changing the way people thought and viewed the world they lived in. This allowed the artists to break free of the " statu quo" and express their view on the world →

Good example of salvador dali and surrealism research paper

The overall coloring of the painting is overwhelming also, with the red colors of roof attracting the eye of the viewer that lies on the contrary of the background of the painting. The painting is called " The Swallow's Tail" and it shows Dali's admiration of Catastrophe Theory by a mathematician Rene Thom.

The idea of the dramatic and theatrical in the work of bernini

The Idea of the Dramatic and Theatrical in the Work of Bernini As one of the leading figures in Baroque architecture, Gian Lorenzo Bernini managed to explore the essence both of solitary craftsmanship and combined efforts in resourceful level of artistry where he delegated tasks to students and contemporaries in order to provide the →

The visit to the art museum in seattle

The work is on display in the fourth floor of Seattle Art Museum, in the Ancient Mediterranean and Islamic Art galleries. Yet, it is the contents of his tomb, including the artwork in discussion, that represent the height of the legacy.

Difference between service base and population base

For estimates of postcensal nature, the population base is population counted in the most present census, attuned for censal estimate. It starts with a summarized census collection process description and universe population definition and summarizes with processes used for CNU On the other hand, service base is system of information for managing service processes.

Injuries in the performing arts research paper

The emergence of the term and by extension the recognition of the injuries in performance arts was due to a change of outlook of performance-related injuries in the performing arts and the ability of medicine to deal with such injuries. As such, the ability of medicine to deal with such injuries should be exploited to →

Free research paper about the source of japanese art and its impact on global art

These arts gain their name from the occupancy of the Japanese government which between the years 552 to 710 was located in the Asuka Valley and later progressed to occupy the Nara until the year 784. The earliest Buddhism oriented art in Japan was the Greco-Buddhist art of Gandhara which was between the 1st to →

Trusted computing base / business reasons for a bcp and a drp

The boundaries and scope of a TCB is defined at the organizational level by a security policy that is used in the organization. According to the orange book this concept is further explained that the ability of a trusted computing base to enforce correctly a unified security policy entirely depends on the accuracy of the →

Information security management framework

Topic: Information Security Management Framework Security Policies, Standards and Guidelines So that information can be protected, organizations and businesses are supposed to execute regulations and controls concerned with safeguarding of information as well as the systems used for the storage and processing the information. In regards to the security of information and networks, policies typically →

Updating computer operating system

A process analysis is a system that is used to improve the performance of computer operating system. Upgrading computer operating system means adding latest versions of computer programs to run computer with more speed.

Architectural diagram: rapid freight converged network

Rapid Freight Converged Network Rapid Freight Converged Network Rapid freight's increasing demand for better and quality services and the stiff competition needs an integrated network solution that will improve all the entire process for the firm to remain competitive, survive and grow in the ever-expanding economy. The need for mitigation and strategies to secure and →

Err course project – identify a hypothesis or problem

Why the hypothesis is worth proving This hypothesis is worth proving because according to Weitzer, there has been an increase in the number of federal and state prisoners in America, which currently stands at 1. Secondly, this hypothesis is worth proving because part of the research will focus on why crime in America is increasing →

How does science create video game

How science creates video game In regards to the concepts of science and modernity, technology is not just a probable fortuitous outcome or consequence of scientific advancement or a form of manifestation of science in the society, but rather a constituent component of contemporary science modus operandi. The concept of precautionary principle in video →

Information systems

Introduction The growth of e-commerce in the world has led to a remarkable shift from the traditional to the modern and internet-based business operations. The assessment of marketing trends in e-commerce relies on the superiority of the e-commerce technologies.

A current wireless networking trend

The paper analyses Wi-Fi CERTIFIED as the latest in wireless networking technology suitable for small size enterprise presenting its advantages and weaknesses as well as its contribution to the wireless security. In addition to improved coverage and capacity as discussed, Wi-Fi CERTIFIED also enables voice support that improves the quality of service, an enterprise requirement →

Oz/management information systems

Gardeners+ constantly needs to review its business to come up with new ideas to compete in the gardening business. Review the business functions that Gardeners+ needs to carry out and make a list.

Privacy universal right overview

Accessibility Privacy: this is the form of privacy that is concerned with who gets to have access to an individual's information and to what extent should that access be. Informational Privacy: this is the form of privacy that is concerned with the ability of an individual to control and manage information about them and the →

Audit memo

1 Internal Audit Objective The objective of this review is to audit confidentiality, integrity, and availability of XYZ Company's MySQL 5. 2 Internal Audit Scope and Approach The scope of this review includes an assessment of MySQL 5.

Atomic structure

The net potential energy between two adjacent ions, EN, may be represented by the sum of the attractive energy, EA and the repulsive energy, ER; Calculate the bonding energy E0 in terms of the parameters A, B, and n usingthe following procedure: Differentiate EN withrespectto r, and then set the resulting expression equal to zero, →

Software requirements specification

Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations Administrator The individual responsible for managing and maintain the system and software B&B Bed-and-Breakfast Calendar The tool that the end-users or customers use to fill or enter in the date programs IEEE Institute of Electrics & Electronics Engineering IS Information Systems IT Information Technology References 1. Overview The specifics of the →

Advancements in is hardware and software

Advancements In IS hardware And Software Introduction The past five years has witnessed immense transformation in the field of information systems hardware and software. The information sector has experienced a number of changes in the last five years and that forms the basis of discussion in the text with a focus on IS hardware and →

Information technology’s effect on society

According to Merriam-Webster dictionary information technology is the technology involving the development, maintenance, and use of computer systems, software, and networks for the processing and distribution of data. With the click of our mouse or the swipe of our finger we are able to send off packages and track the delivers without ever changing out →

Advantages and disadvantages of moving files

Then select the file from your computer and press " K." If the file is large, you may have to wait a few seconds for the file to finish uploading. Many versions of Word have a habit of revealing details about your computer and saving deleted text in a way that the recipient can uncover.* →

Activity 7 – establishing integrity

In the context of research where a researcher probes and propounds questions to a particular participant or a group of participants, an array of tessellating and overlapping statements can be gleaned. Basically, routes of access to the research setting is determined or thought in terms of the needed facets of the research.

Information technology for managers

Customer relationship management includes effective and efficient Customer Experience Management, Sales and Order Management, Customer and Field Service Management, and Marketing and Campaign Management. Customer Relationship Management can be considered as the heart and soul of a business strategy, it is oriented on customers need.

Business driven information systems

I feel Friedman's analysis is a good fit for the rich and developed countries, where World has changed to a " global village".2. I do not think it's difficult to find a job; it depends on how open you are to change in the new world of job opportunities and choose the best option.

The functionality required

1Description A major feature of the catalog system is the ability to download selected subject data from the database to html or print. The selection of subjects and fields to display, the order of presentation, the type and style of the download can be controlled separately from the data.

Axia college material appendix

What kind of network would you install and how would the pieces and components of this network relate to each other? How would the pieces and components of this network relate to each other?

Monitoring quality / it governance

It is therefore, prudent to say that for sigma six to be a success the quality assurance processes right from the start have to be of quality. The last idea responds to the question how with the objective of ensuring that there is a way of monitoring IT and its related issues.

Hadoop software for large amount of data

Burunova and its structer is a group of clusters or one each of them contains groups of nodes too and each cluster has two type of node name node and data node name node is a unique node on cluster and it knows any data block location on cluster and data node is the remining →

International trade paper

It was in this period that Adam Smith, the father of Economics wrote the famous book ' The Wealth of Nations' in 1776 where in he defined the importance of specialization in production and brought International trade under the said scope. As a result of international trade, the market is saturated with products, and merchants →

Bachelor degree in information technology

Besides your requirements, I have the following expertise and knowledge which would be an asset: Meeting with possible staff to discuss possible projects, inalizing timelines and discussing facts and information Writing the assigned tasks within fixed timeline Completing all revisions and amendments With my creative and unique work style, I am confident that I am →

Huffman trucking

The mission of Huffman Trucking is to increase the profit and become a growing, and adaptable company. Huffman Trucking plans to develop an information system, and database that suffice the requirements.

Challenges it managers face when moving to cloud computing

CHALLENGES IT MANAGERS FACE WHEN MOVING TO CLOUD COMPUTING Challenges IT Managers face when moving to cloud computing Cloud computing refers to a model that enables convenient, on-demand access to a network of shared, configurable computing resources that can be released and provisioned with less service provider interaction or management effort. IT managers, when moving →

Srudent online information system

The staff of the registrars will benefit a lot in the system because of the objective of the system is transaction made in registrars such as grades inquiry, schedule, and personal information. The student's of the university will also benefit in this system.

Picaresque novel

The main point of the picaresque novel is to present the main character and reveal his/her adventures. The point of this type of novel is to address the life story of the mischievous main character.

The things they carried- tim o’brien research paper example

They are often skeptical about the war and the entire colonial-imperial enterprise in Asia, finding the death of their comrades in the jungles and swamps to be futile and pointless. They will carry all the memories and images with them for the rest of their lives, just as O'Brien also carried the burden of recalling →

Nationalism, religion and gender in the good lord birdand the farming research papers example

Nationalism, Religion and Gender are prevalent in the texts " The Good Lord Bird" and " The Farming of Bones". This is one that unobtrusively weaves the knowledge of the prior to the war outskirts and of subjugation with the portrayal of Brown's frequently flighty brutality.

Lewis carroll english paper

Lewis Carroll is an important English writer because of his position in English literate ere, and his many arks, such as his novel, " Lice's Adventures in Wonderland," have impacted o r influenced some writing styles of today. It is important to note however, that Lewis Carroll was a man of mystery.

Research paper on pedro paramo and susana san juan

At the beginning of the story the reader encounters Juan Preciado, the narrator of the story, who, being the son of Pedro Paramo, had promised his mother at her deathbed that he would go to the town of Comala to meet his father. In the course of the novel Preciado dies and the events take →

Things fall apart and distinctive world

Harry Lavender the antagonist of this novel is a man of strong power who is metaphorically illustrated to be the heart, the veins, and the blood of Sydney. The distinctive voice of this novel is the character Okonkwo, the society he lives in reins his thoughts and actions.

The expedition of humpry clinker research paper samples

One of the reasons that Lydia Melford's character is limited at the sidelines is because the main characters overshadow the presence of Lydia Melford in the novel. Disregarding the wrong person for a good reason is a method to encourage prejudice among the readers of the novel and allowing the construction of the commentaries about →

Kurt vonnegut’s slaughterhouse five

What the author had done here is that with all the dark comedy packed into this novel, he had squeezed in bits of reality. The next dark scene that I have picked is where the Valencia, the overweight wife of the arguable protagonist Billy Pilgrim, died because of carbon monoxide poisoning.

Nowhere in africa

The strength of the film lies in the authentic portrayal of the characters, how they face the ups and downs of the family relationship and the gradual growth and the relevant changes related to its characters. The emphasis in the book is for the story of the little girl Regina, but in the film it →