Genuine Research Paper Examples

The titanic: sinking & facts

It was eventually decided that three vessels would be constructed: the Olympic, the Titanic, and the Britannic. As it prepared to embark on its maiden voyage, the Titanic was one of the largest and most opulent ships in the world.

Bend it like beckham

The film shows various shades of Indian culture. It was alarming that the shorts worn by Jess are considered vulgar and promiscous by the Indian culture.

Fences research

As we already know, in his prime, Troy was a great baseball player and he strongly believed that he was not given the opportunity to play in the major leagues because of the color of his skin. According to Gerald Weales, the author of Review of Fences in the Commonweal, " Troy not signing the →

How does elizabeth gaskell create an effective ghost story?

The impact of the setting is effective as the house is in the middle of no where, isolated and lonely. There were oak trees " white and peeled with age" from this extract you can tell this place is very old and adds effectiveness to this description." Branches dragged the wall" from this we realise →

Reflection on concussions

I learned that I can manage my time a lot better than I thought and stick to scheduling in order to complete this project without getting distracted. I feel that I possess the qualities needed to succeed later in life because my confidence has risen.

Breaking the glass ceiling

The necessity of breaking glass ceiling policies is an issue of the day, because women and minoroties are discriminated in many aspects of our life and work. More recent approaches of the business case for breaking the glass ceiling, the economics of equal opportunities, the valuing and managing of diversity in organisations, and the mainstreaming →

Good book looking for alibrandi

At home as well, there is gossip from the Italian society about Josses not being good enough, and her grandmother always telling her that it kills her inside when Josses fights about having her own rights as well, and that the rules and restrictions are stifling to her. It breaks her heart, but this teaches →

History of success – marvel

The recapitalization through the issue of 427mn new shares would solve the acute liquidity problems of the firm and the retirement of the firm's public debt would lower the debt burden of the firm significantly. The acquisition of the remaining shares of ToyBiz would mean the continuation of an already ill-fated strategy that led to →

A scrutiny of the ethical dilemmas in ‘a few good men’

Daniel Kaffee is in charge of the cases of two Marines, namely: PFC Louden Downey and LCpl Harold Dawson, who have been court-martialed because of allegedly murdering a fellow marine that goes by the name of PFC William T. Nathan Jessep, the CO of the Marines at the aforementioned base.Col.

The founder of lego

When Ole Kirk decided to completely make the switch to toys he held a contest to find a new name for the company the prize being a bottle of homemade wine. The winner of the contest was Ole Kirk himself with the name " Lego".

Algorithm: flowchart and trailer record

Assuming a sentinel value of zero for the quantity purchased the field in the trailer record, draw a flowchart for the logic to do this job.Q7. Draw a flowchart for the problem logic to do this.

Movie trailer

Jell-O had sold its product effectively to the father and son audience through real life situations but lacked in visuals of the pudding. Overall the commercial was successful in fulfilling their objective of portraying a realisticenvironmentto grab the father and son audience for their product, Jell-O pudding.

An inspector calls

The first person to experience the effortless wrath of the inspector is Mr. Partly because it was the death of her own grandchild and partly because he is mortified by the fact she could have made a difference but chose not to.

Fried green tomatoes

In the movie Fried Green Tomatoes, we meet Evelyn in quite a state: her children are moving out, her marriage is dull and lifeless and she is the butt end of two very cruel ageist jokes in what seems to be a p of less than a month. Ninny might as well have been a →

12 angry men: conflict & negotiation

The following guidelines are given to you: - 20 staff, between the ages of 20 40, have been found to be poor in time management by not meeting deadlines for their work - 3 hours of training in time management to be conducted - Training Needs Analysis not done Non-training needs not analysed With the →

How effectively the authors of your chosen texts explore

The authors both explore and portray the relationships between the main characters and a parental role differently in relation to the other despite them both being from opposite sides of the world, as well as the story being set in different time periods. However, Christopher in the Curious Incident of The Dog in the Night →

Themes in little women

The story opens with the father of the March family away at war and the women in the family pull together to get by in his absence. The scenes of them working together in the house to be sure that everything was done, and the scenes of them passing time together were very touching.

Hotel rwanda

Unfortunately, we live in a world where if people are content with their lives, then they do not care about the struggles that other people are facing. We have the ability to help other people out who are struggling, but instead we choose to live in a Teflon cocoon.

Amy tan: the joy luck club

I have to give this timeframes because of the flashbacks that are given in the book. The members of the Joy Luck Club are planning to send June off to China so she can meet her twin sister her mother was trying to find before she died.

Titanic movie overview

Through the director James Cameron, Titanic bring the audience back to 1990s, when a group of exploring hunters search the " Titanic" and discovered a nude pictures of a girl named Rose DeWitt Bukater, she wore a famous diamond necklace. The next special thing in this movie is Rose who was still alive, was a →

Looking for alibrandi extra chapter

I looked at the clock and saw it was 11: 50 so I grabbed my helmet and jacket as I pushed my motorcycle out the garage. It was not until I got to the street before Subway that I realized my phone had fallen out of my pocket and I had left my wallet at →

We are marshall movie

The movie " We Are Marshall" claims to be a true story and is about the 1970 1971 Marshall University football team suffering a plane crash on the way back from a road game. One of the minor changes in the movie was the last play of the Xavier game.

Digital cinema

In the recent special ' digitaltechnology' issue of Screen, Sean Cubitt noted a ' common intuition among reviewers, critics and scholars that something has changed in the nature of cinema something to do with the decay of familiar narrative and performance values in favour of the qualities of the blockbuster'. 9 For Paul Arthur, developments →

Marvel case

Here we discuss in detail about the reason Marvel file for bankruptcy, the evaluation of the restructuring plan, equity worth per share under restructuring plan, its influence on the debt rising ability to other firms in the group, and why the portfolio managers choose to sell their zero coupon bonds. According to the plan, $365 →

Life is the most spectacular show on earth!- sara gruen, water for elephants.

Camel warns Jacob about life in the circus, and advises him that if he has a home, to go back to it, that life on the train will prove to be more of a nightmare than whatever he's left behind. This retirement home was set next to a park, Jacob looks out his window and →

Monster walter dean myers

This is true because Steve lost all hope in his case, and thought that he will be found guilty for the murder of Mr. He portrays fear of ones life in prison because the whole book he is trying to get out of prison and to have his life back.

The joy of reading and writing: superman and me

Alexie purposes is to discuss how he first learned how to read and write, his intelligence as a young Indian boy, and Alexie as an adult teaching creative writing to Indians children. This is probably one of the reasons Alexie never fail in school and his succeed life, because he loved to learn.

Texts in time: heart of darkness vs blood diamond

During the first half of the movie Danny is inconsiderate and self-centered; however he is influenced by Salmon's love, Maydays passion and Benjaminphilosophyand slowly transforms into thoughtful man who can see further than the simplistic principles of greed and wealth. This is true for Conrad and Kicks creations, as a single book/ movie has sparked →

Awakening of abused woman in “the color purple”

It is not until she lets women into her life, which lead Celie to her epiphany, that she realizes that she deserves more out of her life and that she is worthy ofrespect. Celie is so magnetized to Shug's independence and freedom that she loves spending this time with her.

Dorothea lange

I am going to compare and contrast the similarities and differences between Migrant Mother and La Familia. Migrant mother balance Is the mother head is slightly proportional and level with the children's had.

Movie crash

This idea of being able to relate to each other and get along is shown over and over again in this movie One example of the theme of getting along are the characters of Rick and Jean, a rich white couple. She is talking with a so-called friend on the phone and she begins to →

The bridge at dong ha

The presentation and the language of the book have made it very attractive to the readers. The Bridge at Dong Ha 3 The Bridge at Dong Ha by John Miller The book The Bridge at Dong Ha written by John Miller is the story of a genuine marine war hero of America's war history.

Be fruitful and multiply

Two examples are the tower of Babel and the pharaoh's order to gather and eliminate all Hebrew male babies. They have built the tower to raise themselves to the heavens and seek glory higher than God's.

The wizard of oz

Because of all these technical improvements from the previous movies and taking a few steps forward in development, the film was also one of the most expensive made at the time. Even if the audience did not look deep enough into the characters to find the hidden meanings and ideas, it was still a very →

Snow white: told by christopher boone

And so one day the new queen asked the mirror, " Mirror, mirror on the wall, who in the land is fairest of all?" And the mirror said, " You my queen are the fairest of all". But on the last attempt, the queen creates a poisoned apple, and is disguised as a farmer's wife, →

Ben hur and gladiator

The narrative structure, and the title of the book the film was based on, Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ, are about as Christian as literature/film can get without explicitly quoting the bible. Maximus, a martyr for the Roman empire in ways, dedicates his life to avenging the deaths of his loved ones and restores →

The outsider holden caulfield is respo

We see that Holder is not really part of the society around him, from Pence Prep at the start of the novel to when he travels to New York. He only mess to see and plan point out the negative sides of a surrounding or a character for example when Holder talks about Ackley 'Ackley →

Stand by me cmm theory

In the beginning of the film, he had been described, by himself, as a weird guy, since he was not like his late brother, who was the favorite. Chris became a lawyer, though hard to get in with his status and Gordie became a writer, much to his joy that he took it.

Divergent minds

While parents have a major influence in our life at young age, Should our characters be challenged or molded by our surrounding? becauseI believethat personality traits and character traits are misunderstood.while personality is the first thing we see in a person such like a mask that someone would wear, we downsize the fact that a →

Why did the titanic sank

One of the largest passenger liner of the early 20th century made in the history, having the first and final voyage 100 years ago, owned by the magnificent White Star Line, was travelling without interference through the calm waters until one of the sailors on board reported that the Titanic is heading for a vast →

The pirates of penzance

The Pirate of Penzance is a movie rendition of the operetta of the same title by Gilbert and Sullivan. In terms of power struggles, we could see the attempt of two individuals to overcome the control of people and plant they have come to love.

The twilight saga 4: breaking dawn preface

I was desperate for the precious one I guarded, but even to think of that was a lapse in attention I could not afford. All that really changed was how the picture looked to me.

How does hill create a sense of isolation in the woman in black

The details of her appearance by Kipps also adds to this sense of her isolation.only the thinnest layer of flesh was tautly stretched and strained across her face." In across the Causeway Hill uses the effect of sound throughout the chapter to create a sense of splendour and Isolation." The only sounds I could hear →

Primark and blockbuster describe the main aims and objectives of the business

Describe the main aims and objectives of the business and the external factors which have affected the ability of the business to achieve its aims and objectives.-Analyse how marketing activities, enterprise skills and teams have contributed to the success of the business Task 1 Aims and Objectives All Businesses have a variety ofgoalsthat they →

The art and science of creating a monster

Albert Einstein, one of the greatest scientists in the world, believes that there is one question human beings must answer in order to truly understand the implications of existence itself: Is the Universe friendly? In many of the stories of the time, the hero and heroine were extremely good looking, virtuous, and talented in some →

Satyajit ray’s first original screenplay

The film was first conceived to take place in a large mansion, but Ray later decided to film it in the famous hill town, using the many shades of light and mist to reflect the tension in the drama. All this happens in the hill station of Darjeeling, in the lap of nature with the →

Billy elliot family

An example from the film to show Jackie and Tony's opposition to ballet is the dialogue when Jackie says to Billy: " Ballet is for girls Billy. Another example from the film to show Jackie's hate of ballet is hen he sees Billy in the ballet class for the first time.

Influence of role models on children

Role models can have positive or negative effect on children depending upon the role model and others' definition of what is good and what is not.* Where do children get their role models from? Dress Children can seek to copy the fashion of their role models; this is usually the case for role models obtained →

Devil in a blue dress

At the end of the book he writes to a friend whom he tells he has had a couple of additional cases as well as the one featured in the book. He provides a point of view to the reader that is unusual if not unique.

The handmaids tale and the color purple

" How are the two female protagonists Offred from " The Handmaid's Tale" by Magaret Atwood and Celie from " The Color Purple" by Alice Walker oppressed by men, in what ways are their situations similar and how do they deal with the pressure and abuse? " Abstract The purpose of this essay is to →

The green mile research paper

He is still alive because John s powers went inside of him when he cure his OUT in the ginning of the movie.9. In my opinion, I enjoyed watching this film because the message of doing the right thing in your mind and helping others when they dearly need It.

French cinema

French Cinema Scene analysis The scene from the movie Rules of The Game by Jean Renoir shows many camera techniques and uses the camera to clench the true meaning of the screen. Throughout the scene of The Rules of the Game the camera is like another person in the room.

Forrest gump by eric roth

In Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet Romeo is the kind of character that is a strong believer in fate. It is clear to see that these stories are similar in the sense that both Eric Roth and William Shakespeare use the theme of fate and it's effects on people.

Marketing research pixar essay sample

Although the amount of time required for this research depends on the size of the target market and the company's line of business, there is a defined process used to implement the company's products or services. Pixar has a trademark called Renderman, which is an application program interface that assists in creating guidelines for the →

Speak noah

In the summer before entering high school, Melinda is invited to a party that changes her life; and it is not for the better. This quote is a symbol of Melanin's life because the hidden underside of the couch is symbolizing Melanin's secrets that are buried and not visible to people on the outside.

Example of research paper on wizard of oz original movie

The Wizard of Oz is a musical fantasy film of the United States, which is produced by Goldwyn Mayer, and is also based on the famous and commercially unbeatable adaptation of the novel The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, written by Frank Baum in 1900. In the blink of an eye: A perspective on film editing.

Rain man the movie

The news of having a brother is a big shock to Charlie, the fact that his brother has autism is very difficult for Charlie to deal with. Charlie puts Raymond on a train back to the institution with a promise that he will be coming to visit him in two weeks.

Chinatown: jj gittes within the archetype of noir heroes

The script, written by Robert Town, recalls that of The Big Sleep, wherein a seemingly regular case unravels Into a cluster of mysteries, the answer to which eludes the detective, and at times even the audience, throughout the film. It departs from the classic noir models in its character development and by consistently returning the →

West side story spin on romeo and juliet

Although the plot of the movie " West Side Story" is based on the play " Romeo and Juliet", there are differences as far as the styling and the end of the movie is concerned. Romeo and Juliet end their lives in the play whereas Tony is killed by a member of Sharks gang.

How was sparta governed

As a monthly ritual, the kings were expected to make an animal sacrifice to the god Apollo, as to maintain the pleasure of the gods. Being a member of this particular government was considered to be prestigious and ensured the high status of the Spartiate as the position carried on until the death of the →

Los angeles in the movies

Los Angeles has ever been represented by the media in really opposite ways, from the propaganda images in the 1920sadvertisementLos Angeles as a Eden, to the noir novels of the 1940s, seeking to shatter that portraiture. As theDepressionhit, it shattered the dream-addicted Los Angeles and created a settlement of authors intent on exposing the →


Engage the Mind miour mind is the scene of the crime", was the tagline for Christopher Nolan's Inception, a film that came out the summer of 2010. It was critically acclaimed and till this day Inception will be remembered as the " dream, within a dream, within a dream," a complex film for intellectual and →

Comparing classic literature to the lion king

Robert Gooding Williams, the author of Disney In Africa And The Inner City: On Race And Space In The Lion King, argues that The Lion King depicts urban decline in the United States." The Lion King marks the elephant graveyard as inner city. Matt Roth, another scholar, argues in his article The Lion King A →

Media reaction paper – west side story

Because this topic of rivalry between the Jewish and Roman Catholic communities was redundant in the industry at the time, the creative team composed of Arthur Laurents, Jerome Robbins and Leonard Bernstein, decided to put the project on hold. West Side Story depicts the love between a Caucasian teenage boy from the West Side of →

Battle royal and racism overview

In light of this the grandfather new that he could never give the white folks a reason to hate him. The story ends with the boy having a dream with his grandfather laughing at him because of his scholarship, and stating that he might understand what it means after going to college.

American national government

The actual report starts one sunny Saturday in the Capital in 1974, when the two authors have started working on the topic of the Watergate break-in and develops into a broad inquiry through the political fraud and crimes that lead to the resignation of the then president Richard Nixon and his administration. Even though narrated →

Into the wild and walden

Thoreau and McCandless had to deal with the airiness of their homes. Thoreau and McCandless were both college graduates that lived their lives to the fullest.

Inherit the wind by jerome lawrence and robert e. lee

The play was published in 1957, a period of time where people, especially those of Hillsboro, the small town in which the play is set, were only allowed to teach the theory of creationism; teaching evolution was against the law. In Inherit the Wind, the attitude of Hillsboro subtly changes throughout the course of the →

Concussions research

Even though contact sports such as football and hockey have the highest rates of concussions studies show that female athletes actually suffer from concussions more then males do in sports that both males and females can play. One reason is that female athletes are more common to report a concussions then male athletes.

Inspector calls

At the end of the play, like her husband, she refuses to believe that she did anything wrong and refuses to acceptresponsibilityfor her part In Eve's death. She is shown to have the belief that women of her class should be protected from things that are what Gerald refers to as 'unpleasant and disturbing.

The transition from silent to sound movies research paper samples

The recording made, people were able to reproduce the record by means of placing the needle at the start of the groove as well as spinning the record circle-wise another time. The idea was for the reproduced sound to match the motion of actors' lips displayed in the moving pictures precisely.

Real vampires

As much as most people believe that the image of the vampire was spawned from the story of Dracula written by Bram Stoker that is certainly not the case, the story of the vampire started thousands of years ago and p the globe, and continue to engross society today. As much as most people believe →

Introduction to research methods and blended learning

In the article he discussed the benefits and restrictions of blended acquisition in establishments of higher instruction from the position of those who had experience with this method of acquisition. Blended acquisition could besides be defined as the merger of traditional face to face and on-line larning strategies to maximise the effectivity of preparation plans.

The issue of human rights in “persepolis”

In the current international community, the issue ofhuman rightshad been one of the main issues that are faced by the different countries in the world. Although the book does not present is self as a serious and a complicated book to read, the issues raised in the book has became one of the most controversial →

Blind side

I struggled a lot and I use to be a quiet and shy boy, but now I am a confident and free spirited person and you and your wife have given me reason to believe again. The message is trying to explain that you can be in any situation and find a way out of →

Disney Сartoon – lion king

The director also works closely with the playwright, and is responsible, as well, for coordinating other aspects of the production. When Julie Taymor the director was faced with a problem of whether to create humans or animals playing the part and she decided to make masks that show the animal face, as well as, show →

Characteristics of the classic monster movie

And, while many things can be said about the monster movie as a genre, the monster movie can be taken apart and illuminated to pick out the three core, salient characteristics found in all movies of the genre: the type of monster, the psychological aspect of the monster, and the plot of the movie, or, →

Mendacity vs truth in cat on a hot tin roof

Big Daddy is even wrapped up in the mendacity, as he admits to Brick during their heart-to-heart that everyday of his life is consumed with lies, as he pretends to like Gooper and Mae, but when in reality, he cannot stand them. The biggest lie in the entire book comes at the very end of →

Life on the color line

When Billy and Mike found out that they were not really " white" even though that was the color of their skin, they figured out that life was going to be different. He was in the fourth grade and appeared to be white.

Upon westminster bridge and kensington market

74, 500+ were dead and 106, 000+ were injured in the Kashmir region of Northern Pakistan which was the 14th deadliest earthquake of all time. In the Kashmir Earthquake, 74, 500+ were killed and 106, 000+ were injured which is more than double the people who were affected from the Kobe Earthquake.

United states dollar and arbitrage opportunity

Questions What is the difference between the retail or client market and the wholesale or interbank market for foreign exchange? A bank is quoting the following exchange rates against the dollar for the Swiss franc and the Australian dollar: SFr/$ = 1.

Why the hawaii light rail should be built.

One example of how the rail will benefit the economy is that it will create many lasting jobs for workers due to the fact that the rail is a massive project that will last years. The second reason why the Light rail should be built is that it will benefit the community.

Research paper on nameuniversity

In a study conducted by Gress-Smith, et al in 2013, using the Prenatal Experiences Scale for Mexican Americans, it was seen that there were three distinct factors that underlie the expectations of the Mexican-American women regarding childbirth: paternal support, familial support, and maternal role fulfillment. Thus, the study concluded that the strong familial bonds in →

Food culture research paper

In my opinion, the most distinctive foods and food culture are in the Hawaii and Alaska. The most difficult was to give the answer on the cuisine in the Great Plains and Southwest, because food characteristics of the two regions are very integrated in each other due to their history.

Free research paper on stereotypes and the african-american male

The process of stereotyping has done harm to the African-American male's image, in the eyes of their daughters, sons and society at large. Because there were no positive images of African-American families on television, the larger culture received a misguided portrait of the African-American family and, in particular, the function of the male.

Bank of america research paper sample

Bank of America and Wells Fargo Bank are among the top- five multinational banks in the United States. The paper discusses mission, vision, and social responsibility that the Bank of America and Wells Fargo Bank engage and their similarities and difference in the mission statement.

Free research paper on imperialism

According to Hitchens, the term ' super-power' seemed to drawn the thoughts of many colonial masters as they sought to spread their influence in as large a geographical area as possible. It is this fight for power that led to the world wars as well as the Cold war.

Trail of tears and the five civilized tribes

In 1832, in spite of the fact the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that the Georgia legislation was unconstitutional, federal authorities, following Jackson" s policy of Native American removal, ignored the decision. In the early 19th century, the Cherokee demonstrated unusual adaptability to Western institutions, both in their governmental changes and in their →

Robert m lafollette

Education: Attended University of Wisconsin-Madison and University of Wisconsin Law School. Contributions: As governor, he created corporate tax and implemented " The Wisconsin Idea", a plan to use government as an agent of social and political reform.

Hawaiian islands

AAU is the closest island to Kuaka and is the home of Pearl Harbor. Hawaii is home to the Luau and the Hula dance.

Free research paper on iraq wars

The first episode of the Gulf War was in the year 1991. One of the provocations that were evident in the attacks is that of the attempt and plan to assassinate the US president.

Research paper on mary calkins

Allowing women into the program at the same time that the science was trying to become an established discipline in the United States was a time sensitive issue that benefitted women and the field. Partially because of the influence of women, like Calkins, in the United States, the laboratories were being established without the emphasis →

South boston city’s role in the state history research paper

In this paper, we will discuss the history of South Boston, starting from the very first arrival of the colonists, and ending with today; we will also stress the role that South Boston played in the history of the region and the state. However, a number of racial conflicts arose in Boston during the war →

Westward expansion and the mexican-american war : the unbalanced war research paper sample

In addition, the Americans saw the border of Mexico at the Rio Grande, while to the Mexicans, the border was located much further away at the Neuces River. Was this the first " trembling" of an intent to invade Mexico, to acquire some of the Mexican territories, such as California and New Mexico?" Manifest Destiny" →

Good research paper on education in china today

Education in china forms into three sections namely basic, higher, and adult education in the world, china education is the largest system of education. Exploring the global significance of Chinese education: A new start for Frontiers of Education in China".

Sequester and spending cuts theory

Instead of pushing forward and attempting to come to a compromise the parties have decided to engage in a full scale blame war; It can be said however that compromise is not needed since the sequester itself is the result of a compromise made months ago in which one side has failed to live up →