Genuine Research Paper Examples

Charles dickens novel – a tale of two cities

The melodramatic and sensational incidents and episodes here are integral to the plot and the design of the novel. In spite of the tragic quality of much of the story, the novel contains an abundance of humor, which provides emotional relief and which breaks the monotony of the serious and somber tone of much of →

Dolls house

Krogstad threatens to reveal Nora's crime and tell her husband and everyone. When Torvald discovers that Nora has forged her father's name, he is ready to disclaim his wife even though she had done it for him.

How does charlotte bronte build up tension?

Yet, charlotte Bronte used the sudden change in weather at the end of chapter 23 to signify that Jane and Rochester's union is not right. This is because the reader will wonder where she is in the future and what happened to her.

Oliver stone and a logical appeal

Oliver Stone used a Logical appeal making the reader to think about the case by his/ her mind and trying to convince the reader and to clarify that whatever Inside the person will motivate he/she in either ways good or evil; " It is likely that, whether they had seen Natural Born Killers or The →

The odyssey

I told my men to take all they wanted and feast in the ship or on the shore but they insisted to feast in the cave and light a fire. And so exactly what I planned happened and the next day we we are safely out of the cave and on our way to the →

Dune buggies: rebuilding the craze

Bruce Meyers developed the fiberglass dune buggy called the Meyers Manx. Imitations According to Hot Rod's article " Return of the Manx", Meyers Manx has been the most imitated car in the automotive history.

Fairytales may convey a hidden message

As innocent as they seem, from the cute fairytales of Cinderella and her submissive character to the passionate story of Beauty and the Beast, a maiden who falls in love with a beast, the true meaning that lies beneath the pretty shell delivers a different message to children. An envious step-mother, a mistreated heroine, and →

Orwell and swift

However, after finished reading his essay, we realize that his theories of the essay is very grotesque and shocking even though he describes his observations about the nation reasonably. However, he makes use of metaphors and similes in his own essay.

Human disconnect in “the lottery” by shirley jackson

Summers and the townspeople are gathered, the narrator goes on to describe the tradition of the black box used to conduct the lottery and the rituals of how the lottery was to be conducted. After the narrator leaves off from the history of the lottery the character that is drawn in the lottery, Tessie Hutchinson, →

Women in sons and lovers

Morel is portrayed as the victim of the patriarchal society and the stones in Paul's life road to success, to some extent. Morel is shown with sympathy to be the victim of a brutal husband and of an economic system that oppresses her.

Reflection of a letter from birmingham jail by martin luther king jr.

Furthermore, we had to read and analyze the documents because the quizzes required us to think deeper than the written words on the paper. He wrote this letter hoping to stir up some emotion and I think he got his point across in a very non-violent and mature kind of way that was unexpected and →

Historical context revealing luke collaborating with paul to author hebrews research papers examples

Assuming the validity of Luke collaborating with Paul to the Authorship of Hebrews, the book of acts provides variant evidences for Luke's companion to Paul based on the evidences of " we" passages. The nature of this theory of collaboration between Luke and Paul to contribute to the publication of Hebrews is explored further using →

Literary devices employed by shakespeare in the play macbeth

Parallel: there are parallels between the witches' speech and Macbeth's, Shakespeare uses this to show how Macbeth is becoming more and more evil, he is becoming like the witches. Irony: Shakespeare uses dramatic irony in what the apparitions symbolise and prophesise; where Macbeth accepts what the apparitions tell him literally, the audience knows that what →

Ego and super ego in dante’s inferno

Cite examples of the interaction between Virgil and Dante and compare closely with Freud's discussion of the psychical agencies, super-ego and ego: To what extent does the dynamic between Virgil and Dante illustrate the same pattern or features? Moreover, the relationship between the characters of Dante and Virgil in Dante's Inferno stands as an excellent →

Setting as a clarification of motives in hedda gabler

By understanding Ibsen's use of the broader setting of nineteenth century Norway, as well as the smaller and more detailed setting on stage, one can in turn begin to understand the reasoning behind Hedda's final impassioned decision and the events leading up to the play's tragic conclusion. Contrarily, in the sphere of the play's context, →

The return: nightfall chapter 23

It was a trait she would come to hate, but right now she was too busy trying to think of ways to save Matt's life to debate the ethics of pressuring him. And now, if you have finished your cocoa, I think it's time we went into the Old Wood to find your friends.

Power of one word

He is a part of it and the people. He can finally understand what Jefferson's aunt wanted him to do, and explains to Jefferson that he can die a man, that Jefferson can go to the chair with so much dignity that he strengthens the whole community.

King lear – denial, rage, and isolation

The aim of this essay is to examine the transformation in King Lear's demeanor and person throughout the course of the second act. It is this essay's purpose to define and discuss the transition of the king from denial to rage and then to complete isolation all of which occurred within the p of a →

Family research papers examples

This short paper will endeavor to supply reads with a " nuts and bolts" comparison of the longest running comic book Spider-Man title, Marvel's " the Amazing Spider-Man," with the two movie franchises in the hopes of offering a hint of the diversity of the character over the years from his first appearance in the →

Good versus evil in the crucible

I think that this statement is saying that in works of literature evil might win the battle, as some may say, but it never wins the war. The characters on the evil or bad side usually overpower the ones that are on the good side.

The booker prize

This is why, in order to have a better comprehension of the influence the Booker Prize has and the power of the award in itself, first and foremost it is important to take into account the history of the Prize and the tendencies it followed. History and tendencies of the Booker Prize The Booker Prize →

A raisin in the sun: overview

It brought her awards and fame, as the audience liked her style, and the fact that she wrote about individuals, people who had the courage to defend their opinions. Will Beneatha be able to leave her family and her life in the U.

Who is to be blame for macbeth’s downfall

It is Macbeth who has killed Duncan, Banquo and Macduff'sfamily; therefore, he is responsible for the killings and also for his own downfall. Conclusively, it is pretty clear to the readers that Macbeth has brought his own downfall to himself.

Gender issues: macbeth muchado

These issues will be examined through the dynamics of three couples, Hero and Claudio, Beatrice and Benedict, and Lady Macbeth and Macbeth. The courtship of Beatrice and Benedict sharply contrasts that of Hero and Claudio.

The four agreements by don miguel ruiz

At this point of my life I try to be nothing but the truth and I have learned from past experiences not to gossip about others because I understand the emotional power of words. One day I woke up and I said to myself " I am taking back my power over me." I guess →

Beowulf’s fame, fate and destiny in his life

Beowulf achieved his fate when in a great fight is killed by the dragon and remained to be one of the greatest heroes. Beowulf's fight with the dragons and his dying words demonstrates his desire and much effort to achieve destiny as one of his main purpose in life.

Concepts in brave new world

The concept of " vampires" is present inBrave New Worldbecause the men and women do notrespecteach other in the area of romance. He is murdered by the boys and he is the first boy to die at the hands of the others.

Avarice and vengeance in the crucible

Miller outlines the history between Abigail Williams and John Proctor in Act One: Abigail was removed from the Proctor home by Elizabeth, Proctor's wife, because of an affair happening between her and Proctor. And [Parris] goes to save her, and, stuck two inches in the flesh of her belly, he draw a needle out.

Farewell to manzanar

This irony can be found in the fact that the protagonist-narrator Jeanne Wakatsuki expresses through the events of the story her inability to say farewell to the place that housed herfamilyfor several years during the internment. The irony in this lies in the fact that in order to become a resident of America, he had →

Going for the look

Cohen states that you need attractive people working behind the counter to bring in today's young crowd to the stores. I honestly do not walk into these stores just because a " good-looking gal" is working behind the counter.

Role of the gods in the odyssey

In three separate pieces we have read we have seen the importance of the gods, or God, play a key role in the development of the literature. It is described in the scripture passage that God has a perfect knowledge of all of us, which draws the comparison to the gods of Ancient Greece.

Ellb3 king lear theme of power

This scene takes place after Kent and Gloucester's conversation about Gloucester's illegitimate son Edmund, the dark subplot within the play draws out the theme of power in the main plot, for example the power Gloucester asserts as a father is parallel to the power King Lear has. This highly formal public context creates tension and →

The canterbury tales by geoffrey chaucer

Chaucer's " Canterbury Tales" is a microcosm of this society because it demonstrates the social divisions known as the Estates, it illustrates the growth of the middle class and the decline of the feudal system, and it shows the corruption and power of the Church, and it embodies most aspects of the Middle Age. The →

The tempest and adam & eve

In both the story of Adam & Eve and The Tempest knowledge is the source of Godly power. However, Shakespeare states that human nature is to distance himself from God and this will in the end be its downfall.

Ethan frome: tragic figure that function

Ethan Frome overall is a very tragic tale of misery and suffering, and any of the main characters involved can be connected to that suffering. Wharton makes Ethan not only the victim, but the function of all the other characters suffering to ruly get In depth with the flaws that Ethan possesses.

To rule the night

He also talks about what happened when he got back to Earth, about all the interviews, and the famous Postage stamp incident that occurred between the crew and a German stamp dealer." show that our good postal service delivers any place in the universe, I have the pleasant task of canceling, here on the moon, →

Benito cereno by herman melville

The story opens in the early morning of August 1799, off the coast of Chile, aboard an American sealing ship called the Bachelor's Delight and under the command of Captain Amasa Delano. Delano's prejudices and clouded perspective led him to misperceive the behavior of the slaves.

Pride and prejudice and mr. darcy

I thought Nancy had the best life in the world, and I wanted to be just like her, helping her solve all of those mysteries, and to be fearless, just as Nancy was fearless! You are bending the brain to your will, concentrating on the activities and characters in the chapter at hand.

Into the wild/as you like it

The setting of As You Like It plays a crucial role in shaping the idea of belonging in the play. Also, the transition from the high density of formal verse in the opening scenes to the more frequent use of prose, signifying acceptance and familiarity, towards the end reinforces this transition from tension and not →

Abstracts xue chen simulink book wiley

Equipped with the necessary fundamental knowledge and prepared for more advanced modeling and simulation tasks, the readers are dead to learn linear system modeling and representation methods where L IT Viewer based linear system frequency domain analysis and numerical simulation methods are presented. In this chapter, advanced techniques of command-line modeling and application are presented →

Parallels between nora in a doll’s house and blanche in streetcar named desire

Having led a sheltered life, Nora grows up in the care of her father, and immediately moves to the care of her husband upon her marriage, giving the reader the distinct impression that she is totally reliant upon the help of others, or more precisely, the help of male figures of authority. As a result →

King lear: a tragic hero

The mall character, King Lear, Is the tragic hero, which Is one of the aspects of a tragedy. This suffering is one of the reasons why King Lear is a tragic hero.

The house on mango street writing project

But if they had a girl they would be able to go places without being hereased about not being in a gang or something like that. I would be able to go and stand up for what is right and not have to live in little houses.

Free naomi shihab nye research paper example

Nye has continued writing about her immediate environment placing a lot of emphasis on politics and the day-to-day lives of people in her society. After the infamous attacks on the World Trade Center in 2001, there was a lot misunderstanding between Arabs and Americans and this prompted her to collect all poems that she had →

Ethan frome : destiny

Destiny can shape the lives of many different kinds of people, such as princes who are meant to be kings and the poor who know they will not have the opportunity to be wealthy. The child of a well known cardiologist who lives in The Summit is given the drive and determination to learn as →

Silent night

The man pressed the mouth piece to his lips, and in a moment, musicfilled the night. His performance was applauded by the silence and the dark, and it was deafening.

The great gatsby presentation

The experiences of the main protagonists' form parallels with Fitzgerald's interactions with the wealthy, both at Princeton and Great Neck and in his relationship with Zelda.'The Diamond as Big as the Ritz' satirises the exuberant wealth experienced by Fitzgerald when visiting a Princeton classmate.'The Great Gatsby' on the other hand, is more reliant on aspects →

Proof of unreliability in the cask of amontillado

This combination of an unclear meaning behind his work and the fact that his stories are narratives often leads to the question of, " To what extent can the narrator be relied upon? " The same issue arises in Poe's, " The Cask of Amontillado". The lack of Montresor's ability to explain the past and →

The importance of macbeth in modern society

The significance of gaining power appropriately, the fact that there are consequences for every action and the importance of justice are a few of the many life lessons that are relevant in Shakespeare's tragedy, Macbeth. The witches' apparitions given to Macbeth and friend, Banquo, at the beginning of the plot play a monumental role in →

Courtly love

Encouraging the terminally Ill to end their suffering and move on s practiced In both the utopian society and todays society. More states, " But it the disease is not only incurable but excruciatingly and constantly painful, then the priest and public officials corne and urge the Invalid not to endure such agony any In →

The proof of a good idea is others believe in what you’re doing

There are many pricing assistance apps for the online markeplaces in the country but their are hardly any app for assisting the consumers about the prices and offers being offered by the offline vendors. The vendors can easily showcase their offers and deals at one place and the users can be guided to the retail →

Madame bovary and techniques in fiction

Conceptions: The Origin of a Story Gustave Flaubert in all probability got the idea for Madame Bovary when he and Louise Colet became lovers, in which the novel was written at the time of the affair. Like Charles is the kind of character that remains the same throughout the entire novel, unlike Emma who is →

Symbols in to kill a mockingbird/bless me ultima

Mockingbirds: The mockingbird is a symbol that is used to show the idea of innocence. The dog is a symbol ofracismin the novel.

Ray bradbury’s all summer in a day

The second idea portrays the lack of power of the Individual, Marmot, as she is isolated, and vulnerable against the majority. The power of the group Is represented as the oppression as all the children confront Marmot and taunt and bully her.

The world is flat – thomas friedman

But there is another point of view disagree with Friedman stating that there are still many people that do not have access to technology and for them the world is still round.2. In a flat world it is far more difficult to get a job because competition will be increasing at an incredible rate.

Do androids dream of electric sheep

The main plot follows Rick Deckard, a bounty hunter of androids, while the secondary plot follows John Isidore, a man of sub-normal intelligence who befriends some of the androids. Deckard nevertheless succeeds in killing the androids, causing Isidore to break down from the loss of his only friends, and earning him a citation for the →

Theme of “young goodman brown”

As a result, the most prominent theme of this short story is that evil is the nature of mankind: " We see a man who began to doubt, with some reason, the goodness of his ownfamily, which led him to doubt the goodness of all men, until he concluded that, " Evil is the nature →

Symbolism in “night” by elie wiesel

Wiesel's use of Symbolism helped the reader understand the captivity of the Jews in the concentration camps." Father, I said " If that is true then I do not want to wait. It was being used to illustrate the savage atmosphere of humans being killed in a huge fire!

The devil in the white city by erik larson

The book " The Devil in the White City" by Erik Larson describes peculiarities of Chicago life in the Gilded Age. I think that " The Devil in the White City" is one of the most interesting and exciting books which has excellently captured the image of the Gilded Age.

Machiavelli in relation to macbeth

As we read Macbeth we see the story of a man, Macbeth, filled with ambition who even begins the story in a mindset similar to that of a Machiavellian prince. Such dominions thus acquired are either accustomed to live under a prince, o to live in freedom; and are acquired either by the arms Of →

Fly-by-night case

The most obvious of them all is that the collectability of the accounts receivables was problematic. The quick ratio also had a major drop from year 12 to year 14, which indicated that the amount of cash and accounts receivable to cover its current liabilities was becoming a problem.

Belonging: the crucible

Through the use of a variety of literary, film and dramatic techniques, the composers can emphasise and convey the similar aspects of belonging found in each text. This echoes the idea of belonging to one's self, which is found in The Crucible.

Chinese cinderella

Adeline Yen Mah's novel Chinese Cinderella is an autobiographical novel about ' the secret story of an unwanted daughter.' The novel is memorable because the story is intriguing and it is also historical as it depicts the chaos of China in the early 1940s. Chinese Cinderella is the story of Adeline's struggle for acceptance and →

Fall of the house of usher

The literal house is described as being in rough condition, with a crack from the top of the house to the bottom. As Poe describes how the literal house of usher is nearly ready to crumble, he also speaks of the metaphorical house of Usher.

Selfishness and comment shows rufus

He says to Dana, " You have to say it.young are suppose to." Dana responds, " No." Rufus grips her arm and says, " Yes! " This reaction Rufus displays to Dana shows his influence of slave owning times and his inability to accept rejection. As a child Rufus had this girl as his →

The canterbury tales

The narrator of the story establishes that he too is also a character. In the case of the " Pardoner" Chaucer's narrator is a very unreliable character.

Milton paradise lost commentary

Indeed, the discovery of new territories and the expeditions of explorers such as Francis Drake, the resurgence of classic writtings, the new scientific outbreaks of Copernicus, Newton and Galilei as well as the Protestant reformation led by Luther and his 95 Theses, triggered a will for knowledge and a quest for truth, thus putting an →

Night stalker

On August 6, Ramirez shot both Christopher Petersen, 38, and his wife, Virginia, 27, in the head. Ramirez then left the Los Angeles area, and on August 17, he shot to death a 66-year-old man in San Francisco, also shooting and beating his wife.

The story of macbeth

The witches will tell the characters one thing and will think in their head another meaning to what they just said, so the characters will be confused and do or say the wrong things that will cause a huge situations that can be a life of death situation. Another thing that the witches did was →

The knights templar vs. the davinci code

In order to retrieve the documents from within the ruins, the Priory created a military arm a group of nine knights called the Order of the Poor Knights of Christ and Temple of Solomon." Langdon paused." More commonly known as the Knights Templar. There were those who claimed that the treasure consisted not of gold →

The use of magical realism in gabriel-garcia márquez’s chronicle of a death foretold

Therefore, the thesis question will be answered and analyzed " The Use of Magical Realism in Gabriel-Garcia Marquez's Chronicle of a Death Foretold". Gabriel-Garcia Marquez uses magical realism in Chronicle of a Death Foretold to illustrate the narrative in prose and verse or details about character that are not relevant.

Heroism beowulf and sir garwain

Beowulf, a hero of the Geats, comes to the aid of Hrogar, who is the king of Danes. The most significant similar is that both Beowulf and Sir Gawain are symbols of loyalty in their cultures.

Tell tale heart

Pope's structural choices shows us how much obsession about getting rid of the eye the narrator has. Poe used structural and point of view to show us the narrator's obsession.

Ernest hemingway ` a farewell to arms`

The themes and emotions of " A farewell to Arms" are stated indirectly, through an unreliable narrator, but beneath the familiar-seeming surface of the story, like an iceberg, " which Hemingway often took to be the apt image of his art". This allows for the inclusion of ambiguity and unreliability in the story, so that →

Dante’s inferno notes

This is the image inspiring Dante's depiction of Capaneus as a large figure appearing in the defeated pose of the blasphemers, flat on their backs Ser Brunnetto Latino = Round Three- Violence Against Nature One of the most important figures in Dante's life and in the Divine Comedy, Brunetto Latini is featured among the sodomites →

Night by elie weisel

Job had no idea all of this was being done to him but his friendsseemed to think that it was because he had done something wrong and God was punishing him forit. He no longerhad to worry if his father was keeping up with the work or that he had enough food.

Bullfighting in the sun also rises

The choreography between Romero and the bull is reflective not only of the characterization of Brett and Jake, but of the relationship between Brett, her masculinity, and her effect on the other male characters. In terms of symbolism, Romero is reflective of Brett, and the bull represents the men that Brett seduces.

The great gatsby – reactions to myrtle wilson’s death

In the novel The Great Gatsby by F. She leaves with the rest of her group, and tries to comfort Nick at the Buchanan house.

The role of the supernatural in the tempest

Magic is the heart of " The Tempest" and controls things in the play. Prosperous magic is white in nature and restricted by the nature of the island itself and the people who live there." The Tempest" is not about dark evil magic, but instead a natural supernaturalism analyzed through gaga.

Me talk pretty one day by d. sedaris

Despite the fact of his age he moves to Paris with the hope of learning a new language. But when he finally understood the words the teacher was saying to him, a new world opened up in front of him and with great joy he responded: " I know the thing that you speak exact →

Themes in the crucible

That is what happens danforth does not believe the innocent, but the liers." It's better to fail with honor than succeed as a fraud." John Proctor died knowing the truth while Abigail ran away from the innocent lives that she took from good people and she did that with her life of lies, and gets →

The chrysalids: a science fiction novel

Due to its setting, relation to reality and demonstration of various destructive powers, The Chrysalids is clearly a science fiction novel. The Chrysalids, and science fiction in general, teaches that nothing in life is static.

Jealousy and isolation in beowulf

Overall, it is the combination of many different types of exclusions that pushes Grendel to become such a cruel, hideous beast with a hardened heart and a thirst to kill. It is always hard to feel different and not accepted, and that is exactly how Grendel feels.

Apperance vs reality in the great gatsby

However, once Daisy soon discovers that Gatsby is not that man he puts out to be, and the comfort and protection she feels with Tom because of his wealth and status is much more important to her than the love and sacrifice Gatsby shows toward her. Nick begans to realize that after all the sacrifice →

Essay on problems with writing criminal law research papers

Problems with Writing the Rough Draft The main problem in conducting the research, and in writing the rough draft, was that it required a lot of effort to keep focused on the thesis statement. For example, I would come across some data that I knew was relevant but I did not know where in the →

Macbeth suffers a terrible downfall – who is to blame? is it all his fault? is he truly evil?

At the begining of the play he is fearless and brave he does not have a care in the world but by the end he has become corrupted and a fearful, tretorous man. When Macbeth hears of this plan in his head he thinks to himself " should i or should i not kill the →

Beneatha younger

She does not think of herself as black, she thinks of herself as an American human. As she becomes more educated, it becomes increasingly hard for Beneatha to relate to the rest of her family.

The hour of the star

What lies beneath the choice to attempt a Lacanian reading of The Hour of the Star is not the film's patent openness to Lacan's ideas on desire, lack and the language of the unconscious. Macabea launches the play of signifiers in the film: the assemblages of signifiers clustered around her convey the elusiveness of the →

Analyzing the house on mango street

However, because of theirfinancial difficulties, she is bound to swallow her pride and just accept the dilapidated new house. This is just the way things are on Mango Street, but the narrator will not give up her dream of the promised house and she is determined to pursue it.

Bartleby the scrivener

The first impression that would justify why the lawyer does not fire Bartleby is the idea that he is probably so surprised of Bartleby's attitude of being nonconformist such that it becomes a big challenge for him to be able to make Bartleby follow him. The last scene is when the lawyer pays sympathy for →

Beauty and the beast

I believethat on general terms a work is better with a moral message than without one, meaning that its having a moral message is not the only measure of a work of art but that it is better because it reflects a consciousness, aresponsibilityon the part of the artist, of trying to make a statement, →

Example of cognitive development: piagets theory of cognitive development research paper

It also involves the emergence of the child's ability to comprehend the events in the surrounding environment. It focuses on the ability to process information, learn a new language, problem solving ability, the process of mental development and the perception the child has towards the world.

Example of recommendations research paper

Ethnic adaptation is the acquisition of a child considering the fact that the adopted child is of the same ethnic background as one or both of the parents. It has been observed that many parents who seek to adopt children seek to know the race and ethnical background of the child and they prefer the →

Sample research paper on medicating children and its effects on child development

Medication in children affects their social development as the drugs lead to production of hormones that affect the brain. Parents also have their role to play in that they should be engaged in the activities that their children are involved in most of the times.

Nursing today research paper

This process of changes forms the basis of an in depth analysis and evaluation of the career and the roles played by nurses in the health care system. The role of nurses is to provide care to the patient.

Erickson’s stage of development

The next challenge, up to age three, is to learn skills to cope with the world in a confident way. The challenge of middle age is to contribute to the lives of others in the family, at work, and in the larger world.