Genuine Research Paper Examples

Foreshadowing in a novel jekyll and hyde

Jekyll and Hyde Essay In the novel Jekyll and Hyde, Stevenson the author, uses foreshadowing to hint at what's to come later on in the book. Three examples that are in the book are how Jekyll and Hyde's penmanship is very alike and that Hyde has a key to Jekyll's lab and that all of →

To build a fire: man’s pride

To Build a Fireby Jack London is a story of a man who believed that he is larger than nature itself, that he could conquer anything-even seventy-five degrees below zero. The protagonist was described as a man who is keen to details and, through most of the story, exuded confidence that he could cross the →

Macbeth- the weyward sisters

The prophecies foreshadow the development of the plot, they hint to the audience the likely direction of the story and they give legitimacy to the final outcome of the plot. Was the ambiguity of the witches' prophecies necessary to the development of the play's plot and key themes?

King lear abuses his highest position as king

As a result of Lear's moral blindness " when power to flattery bows" he see not of Goneril and Regan's fake deceitful love proclaims and hands over all that was valuable to him to his two immoral daughters. This is a result of the beginning of his self proclaimed tragedy that is the play of →

Morality in “a farewell to arms”

The nature of his work asked him to leave his personal interests over his goal as soldier that which is to obey the army and fight for his country. Conversely, in the end of the story his moral ascendancy was exposed to conflicting duties duty to his country as a soldier and duty to Catherine →

The crucible quotes

" He believed he was being persecuted wherever he went, despite his best efforts to win people and God to his side" Miller about Parris and how he does not belong to the community but belongs to religion pg13 " To the European world the whole province was a barbaric frontier inhabited by a sect →

World war ii in the “night” by elie wiesel

The Nazis and Hitler tried to abolish all Jews and go against them because they thought the Jews were the reason for Germany's crisis. Together the Nazis killed the " largest remaining Jewish population In Europe- the Jews of Hungary." In this documentary, it tells the story of the five Hungarian survivors.

Anyone except the clutters: the question of meaning in capote’s in cold blood

Perhaps misfortune is an understatement in the Clutters case, but the fact is that when bad things happen to good people, everyone around them cannot help but question the nature of good and evil; with that comes the existence of God. The reason for this is because Capote has fashioned a novel where we are →

Ethan frome

For example, in the story Edith Wharton wrote this, " It was the fate she was forcing on Mattie - why not let her try it herself.". Mattie had no control over the situation, so she had no control over her fate.

Literary techniques in the things they carried

The title of this story is ironic- O'Brien makes the reader think that he wants to instruct them how to tell a true war story, but the reader soon finds out O'Brien's real intention- that telling a true war story is impossible. The story The Lives of the Dead seems to be a bit of →

The tell-tale heart

The Tell-Tale Heart In his narrative poem The Tell-Tale heart, Edgar Allen Poe tells the story of an insane madman who is in love with an old man's eye. The horrific groan of the old man contributes to the high emotion feel of the story.

Love is a fallacy in max shulmans novel love is a delusion

Viewing Polly in this way the narrator is nothing short of being ant-women. Love is a Fallacy is a very controversial story, meaning that the view of this essay, whether it is anti-men or anti-women, all depends on the reader.

Thomas hardy’s jude the obscure

It narrates the doomed existence of the protagonist, Jude, from the moment he is still a boy at Marygreen and is inspired by a rural schoolmaster to think of a universityeducation, to the moment in which he dies, alone and unattended. It is a duty of the realistic writer, to dismantle appearances and not to →

The bombing of hiroshima – source related study

The source is an Ariel photograph, which was taken at the heart of Hiroshima, it was taken a day after the bomb was dropped. Overall source A is a much more useful source as evidence of the physical effects of the Hiroshima bomb.

Chaos and order in paradise lost

Chaos is an ' ancestor of Nature', implying Chaos existed before nature, and that it cannot be defined in the same way. He argues to the effect that being a dark abyss and therefore associated with Hell, Chaos is as an extension of Hell, and not a separate entity.

I know why the caged bird sings reaction paper

From the start of the book, Angelou expresses her racist views when she is in church and fantasizes that one day she will wake up out of her " black ugly dream. Throughout the book Angelou feels alone because she has insecurities about the way that she looks and the color of her skin.

Why are black boys failing in school

There are several crucial factors that contribute to this epidemic including, parents are not communicating with the teachers, the socioeconomic status of the child'sfamily, and the father's absence in the child's life. There are different parenting styles that contribute to the learning process and should be discussed in order to get a better understanding of →

Dulce et decorum est and the soldier

Dulce et decorum est is written regarding the First World War in the hindsight of the battle of the Somme. In the soldier the language is less deplorable and has a feel more of a love poem " her sights and sounds.under an English Heaven" this coupled with the fact that the poem is written →

My antonia superlative piece of realism

The first of these traits is the virtue of caring. Clearly, Antonia was the epitome of this virtue.

Motif of eyes in the great gatsby

These two and the majority of other east coast characters are eventually seen as immoral, and the author's portrayal of their eyes foreshadowed this development. Through a complex analysis of The Great Gatsby, one can argue that eyes are used as a motif that symbolizes the " loss of virtue in America." Through the eyes →

A midsummer night dream

The play features fairy magic, pranks and the performance of a play within the play by a group of fairies. The beginning of the play can make A Midsummer Night's Dream seem that it will turn out to be a tragedy but again comedy takes over.

Tatttoo’s three main concerns

In this case, the limited omniscient point of view points out the limited social contact that the people of the Compounds have with the Planeloads. People of the Compounds are inconsiderably better off, possessing luxuries with the likes of 'the house, the pool, the furniture", as opposed to " the addicts, the muggers, the paupers, →

Utopia is no place

He presents a prescriptive report of social structures of Utopia - contrasting it, in the minds of the responders, with his earlier discussions in Book I of the " sorry state of the realm of England". Atwood uses the Republic of Gilead, a totalitarian and theocratic state, to also make a comment upon society's flaws.

Trompworth to janto

Mack then started to smile at Jim and then push him out of the way to get to of Tim. Jim put a hand on Tim's shoulder and started to walk him towards the woods as Mack followed".

Anger, a deadly sin

This was the point that I could not control myself and broke one of the sins. I stormed off to the bathroom to dry off the stain that would of other wised been noticeable to everyone in the bar.

The tell tale heart and the black cat

The plots both start out the same with a main character whose actions throughout the story makes apparent to the reader his insanity and have to deal with the internal and external dilemmas that are caused by the evil deeds, which both happen to be involved with murder, due to the unstable state of the →

Ap in cold blood

The author was able to create and portray a good amount of sympathy for Dick's parents by making them appear poor and gentle as well as by how they speak about their son, and are willing to forgive him for his mistakes. He is their son and it shows that, no matter what kind of →

Beowulf and hercules

Beowulfand Hercules Beowulf and Hercules are both extremely heroic characters with tons of characteristics that make them that seem that way. As you can see both Hercules and Beowulf are two great heroes that are very protective over the people.

The awakening deconstruction

In The Awakening, Kate Chopin tells the story of Edna Pointillist, who feels that society is constricting and that she needs to be free of the norms set by society. She thinks the only way to be truly free from the oppressiveness of society would be to die, which would release her of all her →

The bean trees – tone

Another way Kingsolver shows humor is by what Taylor names the baby that is handed to her. Another way that Kingsolver creates an informal tone is by the things Taylor does.

The crucible: troubles in the proctor household

The conflicting emotions are present when John Proctor tries to avoid confrontations with his wife, the small talk between them where John constantly tries to please Elizabeth, and the lack of mutual agreement between them. Clearly, it shows that John has conflicting emotions towards his wife because he wants to act as a typical husband →

A most dangerous game

Through his words and actions we are given a deeper view of the General Zaroff character and from that information it is easy to assume his way of thinking and his reason for making certain decisions. Sticking to his belief that killing humans is great fun and more of a sport then murder through the →

Odyssey: overview

In conclusion, the morals of identity found in this novel are applicable to modern day life through the lessons Odysseus learns. This also shows that the people who surround themselves with in life shapes them just as Odysseus is shaped by the influential people he talks to in the Underworld.

Macbeth’s misunderstanding of evil

The servant relaying the events of the battle to the king refers to Macbeth as " For brave Macbeth-well he deserves that name." This shows that others view Macbeth as being brave. Shakespeare shows his audience that Macbeth has made a choice to stay with evil because he has faith that evil is getting him →

Twelfth night – feste’s self

This is the first scene that he is present in and he immediately proves Olivia to be a 'fool'. So, it is possible that Feste was the voice of Shakespeare, and if Shakespeare wanted to make the audience happy, for dramatic effect or other, then he might use Feste to sing a song.

The last chapter of the novel ‘the crucible’

She still had the guilt feeling in her, that Proctor's death was not meant to happen, and that she could have stopped it. We had to leave our small village as Mercy, this girl here, she was found guilty of traffickin' with spirits.' Abby's voice deliberately started to crackle, as if attempting to hold in →

An explication of beowulf’s monologue about his past

In one of the episodes, Beowulf speaks of his past, and the reader can learn about his upbringing as a child and how it has affected him as an adult. This battle seems to be one of the first that Beowulf participated in.

Macbeth- the destruction of power

Although, the majority of the play is based on the destructive nature of power, the moral nature of power is also portrayed, in spite of the evil. Lady Macbeth's provocation encouraged the evil residing in Macbeth and his ambition only increased " I have no spur to prick the sides of my intent, but only →

Disco demolition night

The management of the White sox felt that the event would be successful in bringing in a big crowd for the game and just as expected, instead of the initial estimates, the crowd swelled up to 90, 000, quite too much for the 52, 000 seat capacity of the stadium. In the end, riot police →

Young goodman brown: a self-portrait

Young Goodman Brown's nighttime journey in the story of the same name is an allegorical re-visitation to the madness of the Salem witch trials. To Hawthorne, Salem was " the center of the witchcraft delusion, in the witching times of 1692, and it shows the populace of Salem Village, those chief in authority as well →

Melissa younan twelfth night

In her soliloquy, Viola is trying to come to a con occlusion as to why Olivia had sent the ring, knowing for a fact that she had not worn one. Also, when Viola begins to rant about how frail the hearts of women AR e and " how easy is it for the propellers / →

Delta international book wholesalers

It is essentially responsible for the service and repair of Vauxhall vehicles, and the sales of genuine parts and accessories. It has a commitment to meet the needs of Vauxhall customers and potential customers in the areas of Kingston, Richmond, Twickenham and Weydbridge.

Feminist interpretation of hemingway’s ”hills like white elephants”

She is the typical american girl in the 20th century, a girl that would to anything for the man she loves, not caring about the consequences. She subtly hints at the fact that she does not want to have the operation, but wants the relationship between her and the American to be a happy and →

Macbeth: tragic hero or monster

Combine this with the fact that, in the context of production, Macbeth's regicide would have represented one of the greatest possible breaches not only of judicial but of moral code, and his fate as a character seems sealed. To brand Macbeth as a monster feels far too simplistic; though, if Macbeth is to be viewed →

The bell jar: psychological research

The mental decline of the two protagonists is apparent within both 'Tender is the Night' and 'The Bell Jar' whereby Scott Fitzgerald and Sylvia Plath respectively explore the stifling nature of society and the effect this has on an individual's mentalhealth. She consciously uses her marriage to evade problems however she was soon proven wrong →

Jrr tolkein’s lord of the rings saga – research paper

This paper will argue why the works of the author should in fact find a place in the canon and should be part of recommended readings at an academic level. The Fellowship of the Ring and The Two Towers are finally published in 1956 and The Return of the King in 1957.

Macbeth and the jacobean scot

InMacbeth, the Jacobean Scot, and the Politics of the Union, Sharon Alker and Holly Faith Nelson demonstrate a well-informed opinion of the relation between the idea of the Jacobian Scot and it's arguable relation, or lack thereof, to William Shakespeare's Elizabethan play, Macbeth. Due to the fact that Macbeth is thought to have been performed →

Candide and free will

Candide's journey to attain the balance between submitting his will completely to the opinions and actions of others and taking control of his own life through blind faith highlights the notion of free will throughout Voltaire's novel. He is not aware of the ramifications of his actions, of his professed free will, and believes that →

The ‘reversibility’ of gaze in browning’s ‘my last duchess’ and ‘porphyria’s lover’

While the death of the female character is at the crux of the poem and this study of the poem, it is the male speaker who executes her. When the poem opens and the description it provides it only validates the subjectivity of the duke and the objectivity of the duchess because we will come →

Sons and lover themess

Freud, a German psychologist, used the term Oedipus Complex to signify the manifestation of the sexual desire of the child for the parent of the opposite sex i.e.sexual desire of the son for mother and conflict with father. The son when he is excessively attached too the mother develops the Oedipus Complex and suffers from →

Midsummer night’s dream

The most interesting of these is the effect created by the existence of another play within the play. The most important effect that the concept of ' play within a play' creates is that it highlights the outer plot of the unfortunate events in the life of the young Athenian lovers.

Alienation in black boy

Weitz 02/18/2009 Causes of Alienation in Black Boy Black Boy demonstrates how the protagonist, Richard Wright, alienated himself from his community because he did not share the same religious and societal beliefs practiced by his community and felt that the questions he had about everyday life would not be answered if he conformed to his →

The tempest and a tempest

Carrie's island is not the heather mind; it is a model of a Caribbean society in which human relations are determined by a dialectic of opposites grounded in " master/slave" and extending to " sadism/masochism." The reader of the play is informed at the outset of some major alterations. The first of Carrie's systematic anachronisms →

1the humiliation of elizabeth bennet

Darcy Susan Fraiman in her essay " The Humiliation of Elizabeth Bennet" argues that Elizabeth Bennet, the protagonist of Jane Austen's novelPride and Prejudice, is disempowered when she marries Fitzwilliam Darcy who succeeds Mr. Darcy does not court Elizabeth in the way she and society expect; therefore he, just as much as Lizzie, suffers " →

Though melville’s moby dick

The aforementioned modification is this: that the narrative form of " Moby Dick" is constructed to evoke the anatomical composition of cetaceans insofar as the Moby Dick " Great White Whale" comprises the central allegorical symbol in the novel, and, therefore, also symbolizes the creative urge of the artist from initial inspiration to final completion: →

Historical context of barn burning

Sharecropping is an agreement between a tenant and a landlord in which a tenant farmer is allowed to work and live on a piece of land for free, but in exchange for living there for free, they give the landlord a share of the crop they grow. The life of a sharecropper was full of →

All quiet on the western front 15

All Quiet on the Western Front " The first bombs, the first explosion, burst into our hearts." This is what the soldiers felt like in Erich Maria Remarque novel, All Quiet on the Western Front, Paul Baumer, a young man serving in the German army during World War One, is constantly being faced with the →

The sexist prejudices affecting women in the house on mango street

The sexist prejudice is clear from having read few lines of the novel where Esperanza, the narrator, explains the meaning of her name with the connection to the Chinese signs of the zodiac, " I think this is a Chinese lie because the Chinese, like the Mexicans, do not like their women strong". The author →

Native son by richard wright

Bigger is caught and prosecuted by the police and experiences extreme racial prejudice urine his trial and is sentenced to death. During both his everyday life, and his trial, bigger is the victim of extremeracism.

Conflicts in the great gatsby

While Gatsby represents the past of Daisy the more innocent and perhaps the ideal of Daisy, Tom represents the reality of her the cynicism and materialism inside of her. Gatsby vs.himself Although Gatsby has made most of his dreams become reality, he is not able to face the part of reality that he cannot change.

The importance of time in virginia woolf’s mrs.dalloway

Dalloway" As human beings, we are unique in our awareness of death." We know that we will die, and that knowledge invades our will not let us rest until we have found ways, through rituals and stories, theologies and philosophies, either to make sense of death, or, failing that, to make sense of ourselves →

A worn path by eudora welty

The hardships she faces during her journey through the woods is symbolic of the struggle, she faces in her life as a black woman. It is the determination of Phoenix that provides her with the strength to carry on with her journey in spite of being faced by numerous obstacles in her path.

Judgement in sonny’s blues and cathredral

The story begins and takes place in Harlem, New York City, where the narrator, whose name is not mentioned at all in the literature, is ateacherat a local high school, as he is on his way to work then reads on a newspaper that his younger brother, Sonny, who he has not seen or spoke →


Hamm told Clove to kill the flea because he is afraid of the rebirth of humanity. The stage directions in the script represent Hamm and Clove's fear of escaping.

Dante’s inferno

Dante's political beliefs and past reflect the essence and spirit of divine justice in the Inferno. Farinata, the leader of the Gibellines in Florence, the party that opposed Dante's Guelphs resides in the sixth level of Hell.

Utopia in candide

It is difficult for us to understand because as a society the motto we live by is " we want more" and that is why we are far and away from a utopian society. The satire that Voltaire provides on the subject of a Utopia is that there is a great problem the world suffers →

Duke vicentio in shakespeare’s ‘measure for measure’

Duke Vicentio makes Lord Angelo the leader of Vienna temporarily and pretends to leave but instead dresses as a friar to observe the goings in his absence. The punishment given by Angelo is already in the mind of the Duke.

Hills like white elephants

She is opposed to the idea of her getting an abortion, but is still willing to have the operation in order to please her man. It is only until she threatens to scream that the man backs of a little.

Achilles, aeneas, and roland

He was a soldier who fought in the Trojan War and after surviving the destruction of Troy, he later founded the city of Rome. He helped raise the Greek soldiers' moral, he was an excellent fighter and swordsmen, and he killed Hector, who was the leader of the Trojan forces and son of the King →

Effects of war on soldier in generals die in bed

In Charles Yale Harrison's novel Generals Die in Bed, the horror of war is a vital theme and is characterized through many challenges the narrator encounters in the novel. The horror of war is portrayed throughout the novel through things such as having a perpetual fear of the unknown, the psychological effects of war, and →

Ernest hemingway’s ‘cat in the rain’

Back in the room, the wife has a conversation with her husband on how she wants to grow out her hair. She liked the way the owner listened to her complaints and wanted to serve her, this instance further contrasts what she has in a marriage and what she wants.

Little prince reaction paper

I learned a lot of things from this book because it is all about the adventure of a little prince who went to different planets to forget about his rose and the people he met in his journey. The adult tend to see things in a different way that coincides tit the point of view →

Nightingale’s spirituality in practice

In a conference for spiritual care, spirituality is defined as " an aspect of humanity, the search for the significant or sacred, and being inclusive of philosophical, religious, spiritual, and existential issues that arise in the clinical". The definition the I concur the most is that " the core of a person's being and usually →

Theme of love in “the legend of sleepy hollow”

Malone, Mariaun The tone and theme affect the mood in The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by telling what the main idea of the story will be about. The theme of the story is love and community.

A life in dubai and delhi

The things to do, the nature and beauty, and level of development in Dubai and Delhi are quite different from each other. Secondly, the nature and beauty of Delhi and Dubai are quite similar, from the exotic rose gardens and Mughal gardens to the River Yamuna flowing by the edges of Delhi.

In a long way gone by ishmael beah

F takes ishmael and some of his comrades, they begin to hate the thing they fought for. According to ishmael he wants to kill all of them for all of the things they where doing to his people, and show them that he has power.

Great expectations: themes

The abandonment of hischildhoodfather figure -Joe - and his earlier virtues of decency and compassion are the consequences of his misconception that with wealth will come 'gentility'. Instead it is values such as compassion and the ability to love that define their gentility.

First knight

How Arthur shows how to handle those who he thinks broke the rules by holding a public trial so everyone can see the law at work and he leaves the persons fall to the law and the people of Camelot to decide. Arthur demonstrates the highest value of the democratic way by letting the citizens →

Romanticism in the devil and tom walker

Irving's moral is clear: " Such was the end of Tom Walker and his ill-gotten wealth. Tom Walker, protagonist of the story, pledged both himself and his morals to the devil for the sake of riches and wealth.

Role of kamala in hermann hesse’s siddhartha

He then enters the city and asks for her name, Siddhartha learns that she is the renowned courtesan Kamala, who is wealthy and owns a house in the city. His decision to visit Kamala brings about a turning point in the plot where Kamala becomes an object of desire for Siddhartha, and also he views →

Contents of a dead mans packets

In the story " Contents of a Dead Man's Pocket" written by Jack Finney, the main character named Tom goes through a near death experience causing him to realize that ambitions are not all that life is about, that his job is not more important than his wife, and that he is missing out on →

A&p vs araby

He is unhappy when he comes to the bazaar, and sees that most of the things are gone and he is unable to provide something to the girl of his dreams that satisfies him. In both stories the boys share a common frustration with their feelings and change in attitudes, which show the inner turmoil →

Roles reversed in a tale of two cities

Many people claim that Carton is the " bad" one who has a great transformation and Darnay is the good one. In comparison Darnay who is initially thought of as being the good guy is not what he seems to be.

Flowers for algernon

Charlie's lack of vocabulary and ability to communicate at a high degree due to his mental disability is the cause of many issues that happen to him. Charlie's goal Is to become smart, to be accepted In society, and for this reason Charlie volunteers to be the test subject of an experiment to create a →

Invisible man by ralph ellison

No matter how much the son must take, he must listen to undermine the white men the white men and " overcome 'em with yeses" and " agree'em to death and destruction". The narrator states, ".and I was told that since I was to be there anyway I might as well take part in the →

Northanger abbey arguements

Isabella appeared to her ungenerous and selfish, regardless of everything but her own gratification." Catherine begins to spot the lies within Isabella statements, which leads her to start doubting how good of a friend Isabella really Is. Primary Source quote # 1: " This sort of mysteriousness, which is always so becoming in a hero, →

Comparing jack and macbeth

He beats a boy for no reason other than to exert his power over the boys. One example is when Ralph asked his hunters to take care of the fire but Jack did not want that and he took the hunters to hunt because that's what he wanted them to do.

The effect of humour in galloway’s the cellist of sarajevo

To find something humourous depends on the person and their taste in humour and there are many instances when humour does not result in laughter because of the mood of the surroundings or the context. Galloway uses the lives of Kenan and Dragan to exemplify how humour, in the slightest form, can make a dreary →

Streams of silver 3. night life

Anxious to get this business finished and get back on the road, the dwarf came straight to the purpose of the meeting." I be needing a map," he said, " and been told that yerself was the one to get it"." I possess many maps," the woman replied coolly". The proud barbarian's knuckles whitened from →

Light and a long day’s journey into night

That is to say, since the play is punctuated with a number of dysfunctional characters the emphasis on the drama of the play should be on the performance of the characters. This is because the very title of the play stresses that it takes place during the day and this would evoke the notion that →

Free indirect discourse in emma

Blurring the line between third and first person, Austen often combines the thoughts of the narrator with the feelings and muses of the focalized character. This shows that the stream must be originating from Emma's consciousness, and not that of the narrator.

Masque of the red death

While Most are familiar with the gruesome nature of Poe's classic short story horror yarn " Masque of the Red Death," most have a tendency to fixate on the action of the story and the grim proceedings that occur and do not carefully examine the role that nature plays in the short story and how →


This tone takes up a good part of the beginning of the book as it sets up the trailing tone of a good majority of the beginning of the book. As you read to the end of the book and Beloved is exorcised away the tone changes from the dark and gloom of the unforgotten →

The second is the exegetical or neoaugustinian

If a dragon, a wyrm, a draca, appears in a given passage, we can be sure that the terms applied to it and the actions it performs will all lie well within a small compass of convention. The major stumbling block to critics, of course, has been the disparity between the fact, on the one →

Bram stoker`s dracula

Bram Stoker's celebrated novel Dracula advocates love and faith as the greatest of life's virtues; however, the quest for these values and virtues is made through a labyrinth of sexual and misogynistic experiences and events which serve to enhance the moral ambiguities of Stoker's Gothic masterpiece. Further as a psychological lambaste against the Oedipus complex →

The book inside out and back again

So this shows that the people that were trying to flee because they were in danger of running out of fuel and crashing into the sea. In conclusion, Inside out and back again is a story that follows a vietnamese girl named ha and her family as they flee their country to america because of →