Genuine Research Paper Examples

R. c. air plane

Acknowledgments: Apart from the efforts from us, the success of this project depends largely on the encouragement and guidelines of many others. Wings Help the Plane in gliding and to increase the surface area of the plane.

Goal – by goldratt

I usually go in early to catch up on all the stuff I am too busy to do during the day, because I can really get a lot done before the phone rings and the meetings start, before the fires break out. But I am doing the best I can." " If you want the β†’

Save electricity

If a piece of paper will slide easily between the abinet and the door seal is not good enough. Running off a lot of cold water from the hot pipes is wasteful and expensive.

Dad i got a dui

Dad I...." Dad I got a DUI." When those words finally came out of my mouth I felt like a huge weight was lifted off of my shoulders but at the same time I felt ashamed and like a giantfailure. I had a good feeling about the night and I was ready to party.

Tobacco illegality

Edward Kennedy defines the fight against tobacco in his article " TheFoodand Drug Administration Should Have the Authority to Regulate Tobacco Products." Senator Kennedy understands that the complete illegalization of tobacco products is out of hand currently, and the best option he has is to allow for the regulation through the Food and Drug Administration. β†’

World oil economy

The reason for this issue to come to the forefront are the oil shocks and their negative effects the world has witnessed in the last few decades, it all started with the Arab-Israeli war in 1973, then came the Islamic revolution in Iran in 1979, then was the attack on Iran by Iraq and later β†’

Clothing and zara

It can easily to know the buying behaviors of the customers and can control the amount of the product.E.g.colorful cloths are desirable and almost sold out, the designer/factory can use this information to design/produce more types of colorful cloths via the system. According to below and are related the profit of Zara in 2011 and β†’

Are cellular phones dangerous research paper sample

Near field plumes generated within few inches of the center of a cell phone antenna is a factor of the amount of power required to carry the signal to the base station, and the more power is required, the further the plume radiates and the more harmful the radio waves carrying the information. According to β†’

Fashion’s 20th century history

Throughout the years dresses kept getting shorter and the backs lower." By 1 925 dresses were the shortest in history - an act of the devil, some thought." Many people were so outraged that they passed laws in the states of Ohio and Utah that the hem length of ladies gowns had to be seven β†’

Therapeutic actions of gamma-oryzanol as a novel food supplement

This takes place in a co-ordinated fashion, such that the relaxation and contraction of the muscles propel the food in the right direction. Several factors such as alternations in the nerve control to the muscles, changes in the control of sensations to the muscles, intestinal dysbiosis, hormonal problems, etc.

Understanding nutrition

Report Chemical Examination of Urine Prepared By: Lucia Principles Benedict's Test for Reducing Sugars Urinary sugars when boiled in Benedict's reagent reduce copper sulphate to a reddish cuprous oxide precipitate in hot alkaline medium, the intensity of which is proportional to the amount of sugar present in the urine. The clumping disappears if the urine β†’

Is aid good or bad?

Aid tries to help countries to develop and improve their standards of living and quality life. If aid is shared equally then it is very useful and will really help the country develop and improve their standards of living and quality life.

Interaction relationship in the airport

Some were talking, walking and running, making calls and carrying babies, some were standing still while some others were sitting. 05 September 2008 " Participant Observation".

Importance of electricity

IMPORTANCE OF ELECTRICITY The greatest scientific achievement of the nineteenth century is the discovery of electricity. The twentieth century is making use of electricity so extensively that it has almost changed the face of the earth." Electricity carrier of light and power, devourer of time and space, bearer of human speech over land and sea, β†’

The airline industry pre and post 9/11

Analyze the attractiveness of the airline industry pre 9/1 1. The Power of Buyers Almost 50% increase within a decade, due to increase in the number of retirees.

Speaking out about malt

Ralph Jenkins, CEO of Whitewater, writes to Mary Davis to express the company's views on her behavior and to ask her to first clear all further comments with the business. In a higher position Mary is more an emissary of the business and as such expected more to promote the business image.

Business and the air we breathe

The case for the classification of carbon dioxide in the category of an air polluting element began in the issuance of a permit for the construction of a power plant in Bonanza, Utah. This is parallel to the reminder of the group to the decision of the April 2007 ruling of the Supreme Court.

Diet food industry

The diet food industry operates internationally, with various organizations and establishments capitalizing on the strength of the industry's market; thus, the influx of new groups or individuals who are willing to venture into the diet food industry especially within the international setting. The remainder of this paper will discuss these processes and stages, including the β†’

Government and tabacoo industry

Based off the information from the text, the company ran a series of television advertisements that showed the FDA as being overwhelmed and incapable of properly ensuringfoodand drug safety. This helps to reach the goal of protecting America's youth and making people aware of the consequences.

Challenges that cathay pacific airways faces

In the first-half of 2008, the average price of aviation fuel that Cathay Pacific Airways paid was 60% higher than that in the first-half of 2007. Effective strategies of reduce the usage and wastage of fuels are urgent and prominent to offset the impact of high-priced oil for the interest of survival of business.

Kayem foods, inc

Al Fresco chicken sausage has become the number one brand in its market niche, but buyer power is high due to the low price and similarity of the product. The barrier to entry is low in the market due to the fact of establishing a high-quality product at a reasonable price with good shelf space β†’

Waste pollution: causes, effects and solutions

If garbage collection agency simply collects the entire garbage of its area ofresponsibilitybut does not dispose of it in proper landfill site then it would litter around here and there and most of it would pile up in streets and other areas. Garbage pollution is the main cause of various bacterial diseases and gastro is β†’

Roller coaster physics

The kinetic energy depends on the mass of the object and the speed of the object. The normal force of the track pushing up on the cars is an external force and it always times acts perpendicular to the motion of the cars and it is unable of doing any work to the train of β†’

Fashion buying

Craig Weighting This study was carried out in order to explore the role of the fashion buyer and generate a greater understanding whilst also developing informed and insightful opinions on the key attributes required in becoming a successful fashion buyer in industry. Parts" and continues, " the fashion world requireshard work, discipline, perseverance and passion." β†’

Role of agriculture

In the amplification of agriculture in economic development, a leading question is how agriculture contributes to economic growth and there seems to be a paradox in the role of agriculture in economic development. Labour contribution, as one of the major macro-economic objectives of any government to diminish unemployment, agriculture plays a trivial role in economic β†’

Strategic planning in the airline industry

It also responds to: limitations in utilizing resources uncertainties of the future dynamics of the airline business Business Requirements Strategic Management Strategic management is a disciplined yet adaptive endeavor to chart the future of the airline and align the activities of all business units in that direction. The experience of the firm's professionals extends from β†’

Research in motion: managing explosive growth essay

The competitive forces that are the strongest are the rival sellers in the industry, threat of new entrants and the threat of substitute products. The key issues facing RIM are the increasingly competitive industry of smart phones, the short supply of software developers in the industry and lastly how the company is going to expand β†’

Business strategy of british airways

According to the Annual Report, 2009, the main strategic intent of the BA this year is to become ' the world's leading global premium airline'. These five forces are the threat of new entrants to the industry; the threat of substitute products; the power of buyers or customers; the power of supplier and rivalry among β†’

My first helicopter ride

The walkway leading up to the helipad was newly paved; I could still feel the soles of my shoes sink into the cement just a little as I walked up the path. The first thing I felt when I was hauled up into the craft was the constriction of my pupils, and then my eyelids β†’

Ben and jerry’s is still committed

In line with this, we will be forwarding your concern to the production department so that we can continue to satisfy the needs and wants of our customers and prevent these things from happening again. I hope that you will still continue to patronize our products because we will never cease to put our best β†’

Agriculture industry

Agriculture is the backbone of economy of most of the countries of the world. To examine the agricultural activity of man in the world, it is necessary to know about the natural and physical factors of the world, which are as follows: 1.

Sample research paper on historical records on air pollution

In 1157, the wife of Henry the second moved out of the Tutbury Castle in Nottingham due to air pollution that was caused by the burning of firewood. According to him, the smoke from the overuse of sea coal had caused great harm to both the health of the population in London at the time β†’

The impact of arbitration

Arbitration involves the process of buildings new buildings and infrastructure, and trees and grasslands will have too be chopped down and removed to make space for the new buildings. Non-conventional sources of power like solar power and wind power are not that economically viable or affordable by the consumers.

The decision in durham tees valley airport ltd v bmi baby ltd

Unsurprisingly perhaps English courts have been criticized as being unduly restrictive which makes the judgment in Durham Tees Valley Airport Ltd v BMI Baby Ltd[9]a notable and welcome decision as it goes against the grain of the perception of English contract law by overturning on appeal a decision of Davis J in the Chancery Court β†’

Tiger energy drink marketin plan

Although Energy Drinks market is considerably small, its annual growth rate is around 30% and the market is the most profitable segment of the non-alcoholic beverages market. Finally, the fast growing and profitable structure of the energy drink market would be the biggest opportunity.2.2.1.

Hansson private label (hpl)

The investment represented significant risk for Hanson because a significant portion of his wealth was tied up is a single investment. The sales of the private labels are dependent on few larger customers and customer retention is very important to a company like HPL.

Bauhinia: milk and specialty food industry

Banning: Milk and SpecialtyFoodIndustry By Tinting-Ho No switching cost: Product differentiation is low and different according to the type of product in the industry. The key differences in the competitive forces between dairy and food industry: Concerning capital requirements, the dairy industry does require relatively large amounts of capital, compared to specialty food industry, because β†’

Teenage fashion

Teenage Fashion in Winter There are different ways, the piece of fabric, called the scarf or muffler can be of such importance when it comes to teenager's fashion especially in winter. The different types of style you can do with scarves are endless and that's why teenagers love it.

Innovation and sustainability research paper examples

There are various activities that human beings undertake in an effort to expand the commercial and domestic production and consumption processes and these activities are likely to cause adverse impacts on the sustainability of the indigenous flora and fauna. The process of attaining charcoal involves cutting down of trees while the gas and petrol that β†’

My favorite restaurant

I visit this restaurant 2 to 3 per week; it is located on a hill in the Bahsass area in front of the sea, so you can imagine how beautiful the view is up there. In conclusion, I think that Ponto Alto is the perfect place to eat and have a quite time especially if β†’

Irish restaurant concept

The interior and exterior of the Restaurant will be decorated with warm pastel tones of green and yellow to give the sense of Irish sophistication and relaxation. Add the onions and cook for 2 to 3 minutes.4.

Budget airlines

In both Europe and North America, established airlines are desperately cutting costs in order to compete with the increasing number of budget airlines. A critical question for the established airlines is whether any differentiation characteristics are capable of creating more value for customers than their costs to the airline.

Market timing and capital structure for baker and wurgler

The results suggest the theory that capital structure is the cumulative outcome of past attempts to time the equity market. The key testable prediction of the tradeoff theory is that capital structure eventually adjusts to changes in the market-to-book ratio.

Agricultural policy affect consumers

Possible reforms: Cutting the intervention price would lower the output of farmers and eliminate the surpluses which would result in a lowering of import levies. However the lowering of this price would result in depopulation and the end to the aesthetically pleasing countryside that we have come to expect nowadays.

Nano station m2/m5 loco manual

LAN2 2 Typical Deployment Typical Deployment Connect the Power Cord to the PoE Adapter and a power outlet LAN or Computer to Ethernet Port labeled LAN on PoE Adapter Ethernet Port on Ubiquiti Device to Ethernet Port labeled POE on PoE Adapter Note: Shielded Category 5 cabling should be used for all wired Ethernet connections β†’

Financial outlook of spinning industry of pakistan

Financial Ratios and Spinning Mills of Pakistan One can have a deep idea about the future of firms from its financial ratios. Significance and Implication of Financial Ratios: A Literature Review Financial Ratios are derived from financial reports of the firms.

Identifying individual preferences in the airline industry

This essay will discuss the theories of consumer economics and their applications in the real consumer issues in airline industry, mainly on the factors that changing the consumer demand of airplane ticket, as well as the underlying reasons of why consumers prefer some particular airlines to the others. Therefore, the total effect of a change β†’

Hotel online reservation

In the Philippines today as one of the tourist destination travelers and business men and women needed to have an application that they can reserve and book a room on a particular hotel and also given them a notification that notifies them on what are the best recommendation they have and give them on what β†’

Lather and nothing else and the possibility of evil

The main character, the barber, is secretly a member of the resistance against the government. To each his own." The lesson the author intends the readers to learn is to always weigh out the pros and cons before making a difficult choice in life.

Aloft hotel adds siri-equipped rooms

If you are in one of the hotel's new Siri-equipped rooms, you will get an iPad to play around with that comes with a customized app that lets you control many of the room's options by yelling " Hey Siri"." Forget the phrase 'at the touch of your fingertips.' Today's early adopter, hyper-connected global traveler β†’

Segmentation, target market selection and positioning practice in automotive industry

As shown in Table 3, the province involves the biggest number of motor vehicles is Istanbul, and an interesting data is " the number of personal cars in Istanbul is bigger than the total amount of motor vehicles of each province"! APPENDIX Table 1: Players of the industry in Turkey [3]: 2009 row number Company β†’

Beano ice cream

He does not seem very fair in his projections of what he is putting into the company and seems to be attempting to connive Smith into giving up a ton of his control for not a great amount of return. Smith will be left with an extremely low salary, and Harris will be making 22 β†’

Westin pune

Shaniwar Wada The historic palace of the Peshwa rulers became the seat of political power during Bajirao reign and became so conspicuous that to this date the palace has become the symbol of the city and itsculture. It imparts training in all branches of the film and television industry and is known for having produced β†’

Chapter 2 outline and key terms

Agriculture is the second great human process after settlement of the globe.1.started about 12, 000 years ago 2.often called the Neolithic or Agricultural Revolution 3.deliberate cultivation of plants and domestication of animals 4.transformed human life across the planet B. Variations 1.the Fertile Crescent was the first to have a full Agricultural Revolution a.resence of large β†’

It took this man 6 months and $1,500 to make a chicken sandwich from scratch (video)

In a, George details his quest to make a chicken sandwich completely from scratch - an endeavor that took him six months and $1, 500 to realize. As any road-tested entrepreneur might tell you, it's about the journey, not the destination." It tastes like a corkboard dipped in lemon juice," deadpans one of his friends.

Paper vs plastic

The paper bag is 6 times heavier than the plastic bag and occupies roughly 10 times more space than plastic bags.4. The use and reuse of the plastic carrier bags: The supermarket carrier bag to be the most popular plastic bag to reuse.

Housekeeping: hotel industry

The bedrooms were situated on the two sides of the courtyard, the kitchen and the public rooms at the front, and the stables and storehouses at the back. In the nineteenth century, hotels take over the town -The industrial revolution, which started in the sass, facilitated the construction of hotels everywhere, in mainland Europe, in β†’

Fresh foods vs. canned foods

Although fresh foods and canned foods are both highly eaten foods, they are really very different in flavor, healthbenefits, and cost. It is logical that the fresh foods will have a greater taste and flavor when consumed Just because of the time in which they have been prepared.

The merger of ranbaxy and daiichi

Respective presence of Daiichi Sankyo and Ranbaxy in the developed and emerging markets 6. Ranbaxy's strengths in the 21 emerging generic drug markets allow Daiichi Sankyo to tap the potential of the generics business.7.

Hunger and food insecurity

This thesis will focus on the causes and effects of hunger and food security in the case of the underlying causes of food insecurity and hunger in societies havingoverpopulation, poverty, drought and conflicts which affect the production and distribution of food. Food insecurity is the lack of accessibility to nutritious and healthy food mostly due β†’

Benefits of global sourcing in apparel industry

He defines the commodity chain as " the range of activities involved in the design, production, and marketing of a product" Gereffi as cited in Eun-Ju Lee & et al, Gereffi identifies two types of global commodity chains: producer-driven and buyer-driven. The textiles and apparel industry is characterized as a buyer driven commodity chain, in β†’

Dress code: overview

Another benefit of having a dress code is that it will prepare students to dress properly for different places. Having a dress code in high school will help students adjust to the real world.

Genetically modified organisms

The corn, soybeans, beef, and pork all connected together because the farmer grows the corn and soybeans and takes some of it to COOP and puts the rest of the bin and feeds it to his livestock so they can gain weight and take them to the sale barn and sell them. That semen contains β†’

Cruise tourism industry

However the development and future of the industry is highly dependent on the emergent issues that directly affect the world economy as the main source of consumers for the industry, the international peace & stability especially of the destination regions, the environmental considerations for the industry, and the regions of destination. The current cruise ships β†’

Influence of rhizobium on the growth and yield of rice

We examined the infection, dissemination, and colonization of healthy rice plant tissues by four species of gfp-tagged rhizobia and their influence on the growth physiology of rice. To enumerate the viable endophytic rhizobia within tissues of rice grown for 125 days in open potted soil, 15 cm of the leaf sheaths and 15 cm of β†’

Destruction of lake victoria’s ecological balance

Destruction of Lake Victoria's Ecological Balance Intentional human activities in and around Lake Victoria have led to numerous environmental problems thereby threatening livelihood of communities around the lake and the those who either depend on the lake directly or indirectly in East Africa. Application of scientific methods could have saved the environmental problem that is β†’

Banking industry in bangladesh: its contribution and performance

The study tried to furnish the overview of the performances of banking sector and also find out the comparison among the various categories of banks withrespectto the Profitability. Finally, the paper tried to establish the linear relationship among the various variables and net profit of the banking sector.1.

Turf grass industries

The technology in the computer field has also advanced the irrigation technology in the agriculture field. If it is in the middle of the summer, and there is a big tournament coming up they can be of great help.

The hotel owner cared so much about the wife

During their stay in the hotel, the wife of the American saw a cat outside the hotel who was trying desperately not to get wet in the rain by crouching under a table. By the end of the story, the hotel owner sent his maid to the room of the Americans to give the wife β†’

An overview about food allergy

Besides, It discusses the implicit in mechanisms and the most of import symptoms of the both types of IGE mediated and non IGE mediated nutrient allergic reaction it gives two illustrations of clinical instances one is IGE mediated and the 2nd is non IGE mediated, the appropriate direction of both. Severe, generalized allergic reactions to β†’


Fermentation offered competitive advantage: The importance of enzymes for Biocon lay in the fact that the business was a springboard for one of the company's competitive advantages. Commercialization: Relative to the company's other activities; Biocon had the least expertise in this final stage of drug discovery and development.

Two stage fm transmitter

The electret microphone should be inserted with the pin connected to the metal case connected to the negative rail This is marked with a '-' sign at the MIC on the circuit board printed overlay. Output from the collector is fed into the base of the second transistor where it modulates the resonant frequency of β†’

Feasibility study sample food cart

Included in the variations in flavor is the taste of the consumers, like in the Philippines where there are a lot of tourist visits the country, the need for different kinds of cuisines is in demand. The DTI is the agency that monitors the prices of the products to maintain fairness in between the buyers β†’

Kraft food

Acquisition of Cadbury & LU biscuits which led the strong presence of Kraft foods in the global market because Cadbury had 45000 employees & the presence of the brand in 60 countries, LU biscuit which has 32 manufacturing facilities with 14000 employees which lead more market share, more value or revenue from the segment categories β†’

Geographical origins of eragrostis tef

The common name of the crop in Ethiopia is tef. Due to the fact that several widespread and non-widespread species of eragrostis, some of which are considered the wild relatives of tef, are found in Ethiopia.

Pakistan textile industry

The Economist reports that Pakistan is the 4th largest producer of cotton in the world and the 6th largest importer of raw cotton, the 3rd largest consumer of cotton, and the 1st largest exporter of cotton yarn. 2009-10 Performance The share of textile exports in total exports of the country shrunk to 55 percent so β†’

80’s celebs and fashion icons

The eighties produced some of the most influential men and women in fashion being Madonna, Princess Diana, Cyndi Lauper, Debbie Harry, and Michael Jackson. The style and design of this dress set a trend for brides in the eighties.

Used cooking oil as candle

The following candle compositions were used: 100 percent paraffin wax; 90 percent paraffin and 10 percent oil; 80 percent paraffin and 20 percent oil; 70 percent paraffin and 30 percent oil; 60 percent paraffin and 40 percent oil; 50 percent paraffin and 50 percent oil. Results of the tests showed that the candle made from β†’

Recycling research paper

The increasing use and exploitation of natural resources are resulting in the development of unwanted consequences such as increasing waste, which is affecting the lives of many individuals. Furthermore, most of the hazardous waste products disposed of in the landfills can easily leak the toxic chemicals in the environment.

Entertainment in the hotel industry

It is, after all, the ultimate purpose of the hotel industry to provide the best accommodations and other value-added services that goes along with it, in the utmost quality to their clients. Perhaps this is one of the most important reasons why it is highly relevant to discuss the issue of entertainment as it pertains β†’

Pizza hut project pakistan

The main purpose of this project is to study the Principals of managements and the implements of the rules and other things that we studied in course principals of Management on Telecommunication Company " Telenor". Chicken Tikka A specially developed recipe for Pakistan topped with chicken tikka and onions chicken tikka is widely used pizza β†’

Mark bittman: man v. meat

Mark Batman's argument, on how eating as much meat and Junk food as we do is negatively affecting the health of our planet and ourselves, is accurate and credible, because of his extensive background in the food Industry and the valid evidence that ties his claim altogether. I feel safe, and feel as if it β†’

Shoe polish out of banana peelings

This variety of banana feelings compared on each other, however the banana peelings of lacatan were the most effective. We therefore conclude that banana peelings of Lacatan showed potential to be an alternative shoe polish cream.ii Acknowledgement First, we would like to thank the Almighty God for the guidance and lessings that he gave us β†’

Tobacco industry analytic

The barriers to entry in the tobacco industry are initially low and it is easy for small local and regional companies to enter into the market, but the barriers to enter the market nationally are very high. Threats: Companies in the tobacco industry such as Altria and R.J.

There is another sky

Poem There is another sky by Emily Dickinson There is another sky, Ever serene and fair, And there is another sunshine, Though it be darkness there; Never mind faded forests, Austin, Never mind silent fields - Here is a little forest, Whose leaf is ever green; Here is a brighter garden, Where not a frost β†’

The recent increase in agricultural productivity

The proposed methods are soi and alimentary direction in this methods smallholders can profit the most by the usage of manure and harvests residues to increase production. Management of H2O in harvests prodution is besides of import, today irrigation is practiced in merely 20 % of the agricultural land in the devloping states but are β†’

Problems of small scale industries

Small entrepreneurs face the following types of problems: Problem of raw materials: A major problem that the small entrepreneurs face is the procurement of raw materials. Problem of marketing: One of the major problems faced by small entrepreneurs is in the field of marketing.

Optical distortions business startup

Its product, contact lenses for chickens, would reduce the vision of the hen and achieve two desirable results in the behavior of the chicken. And ODI believes that competitors will likely try to enter the market as soon as possible because of the potential impact that the lenses hold on the egg production industry.

Literary anlysis of jane eyre – victorian era

In Vaughon's opinion, this imagery of fire and passion was Charlotte's way of emphasizing the unethical and sinful love that Jane and Rochester shared with each other based on the fire of hell. When he is there, the mood changes to exciting and intimate because of the strong feelings that Jane has toward him and β†’

Symbols in digging by seamus heaneypoem

It is a poem of love andrespectfor the achievements of his father and grandfather as a digger, but at the same time comparing the traditional occupation to his own way of " digging" as a writer. In the first stanza, Heaney introduces the readers to his pen, which he is content to hold as he β†’

Seamus heaney and the translation of beowulf

The women of pagan history, mostly notably the queen, portray a symbolic gesture of peace in the form of bringing the mead cup to the men of the hall. This is the main difference between the women of the time and Grendel's mother since dealing with grudges was typically a job left up to that β†’

Use of magic realism in chronicle of a death foretold

Chronicle of a Death Foretold Chronicle of a Death Foretold is a perfect example of a novel that showcased cultural and contextual elements. The technique that was the most interesting in Garcia Marquez' novel Chronicle of a Death Foretold, was his use of magic realism.

Modernism in “a passage to india”

There is an event in which the Hindus are " preparing to throw God away", and part of the ceremony involves a replica of the village of Gokul that is placed on a tray and is to perish. In A Passage to India, Forster uses Modernism to explore the inclusive attitude of the " Oriental" β†’

In cold blood – the court case

Whereas he talks about the clutters as though they were his family which then forces the jury to feel a connection to them and thus distance from the offenders; Perry and Dick. Herb Clutter was a man of dignity and truth he never lied and he always stuck to the rules; 'laws were laws'.

The great gatsby chapter 8 1

The author interrupts the story to show the understanding of how Gatsby's dream developed. This statement is true because compared to the carelessness of Tom and Daisy; Jay Gatsby was a great man.

Children growing up to fast

Trans men who have not had removal of the uterus, ovaries, or breasts are still at risk to develop cancer of these organs and are unlikely to have a mammogram. Scott 4 Cardiovascular health refers to the heart and blood of ahuman being.