Genuine Research Paper Examples

Election-year email troubles are a warning for business leaders

All day, I am on LinkedIn's messaging system to keep up with industry partners and peers; Facebook Messenger to connect with friends in the UK; and Salesforce, Asana and Skype to collaborate on projects and initiatives with colleagues across the globe. In fact, it is representative of the challenges surrounding a proliferation of data in →

Customer services team

Manager of Sainsbury's to you The manager of " Sainsbury's to you" will plan work for managers in other departments, co-ordinate work with colleagues and organise procedures for them to follow. The manager will plan the long term future of the Company, and establish objectives of the online business.

Marketing career paper

A must for the job is being able to evaluate customer research, the conditions of the market, the competitor's data and must be able to change and implement a marketing plan. The hours are varied and one must have a lot of commitment to do this job well.

Assingments 2012-2013

You need to prepare an agenda for the meeting and send that agenda to the board of directors in the form of a memo. Develop a report to be handed to the CEO including new ways/techniques to promote the company in both local and international markets.

Mold deep collection marketing plan

Product Mold Ltd is the inventor, developer and marketer of the original deep collection system for solid waste. A majority of the container is installed underground and is emptied by lifting the inner collection bag and releasing the locking system at the bottom.

Market trend analysis for art gallery

MARKET TREND ANALYSIS FOR ART GALLERY The Art Market has seen a revival of epic proportions in the FY coming out of the shadow of the gloom that was omnipresent after the financial debacle of GFC. The story of resurrection is one that rides on the back of the major trends as prolific use of →

The 4ps of marketing

The Product The product is a good or service offered to satisfy the needs and wants of consumers. The product consists of three main stages: the core, the actual and the augmented product.- The Core Product Firstly, the core product addresses the real benefits of buying the product.

Example of local area networks research paper

The communication between the departments will be done through the servers and by way of routers. In all the departments, there will be use of switches.

Marketing mix: pricing strategies

The essence of the marketing mix is for managers to center decisions around the parameters of product, price, place and promotion in the context of internal and external environmental constraints to general value for consumers and generate the intended positive response for new products. Pricing Methods The pricing strategy for Segway is premium or high-end →

Marketing and buying decision

0 is the structure of the buying process based on the " Cognitive Paradigm" theory which focuses on the individuals thought process, during a buying decision. Step 2 of the process is the " Information Search".

Marketing techniques and research

It focuses on making many chocolate products as well as improving the quality of the chocolate products it has. It has used platforms supported by the National Trust to advertise its features and the designation by the UNESCO has promoted it thus a marketing strategy for the monasteries.

Limitations of marketing research

MM explain the limitations of marketing research used to contribute to the development of a selected organization's marketing plans Tests uses primary research to gather information about their customers, competitors and the environment. Validity of data collection is also a limitation of market research; Tests has to make sure that the Information gathered is accurate →

Mkc1 study guid

What is the difference between a product line and the product mix? For example the IPod Shuffle which offers the following product mix; the device itself, the technology platform, the product line to which the product belongs and the product category to which the offerings belong.

Notes on sales and marketing

Create a Marketing Plan A good marketing plan can shape the way you connect to your existing customers and attract new ones. It can also help you determine the types of customers you should target, how to reach them and how to track the results so you learn what works to increase business.

Amazon and its international supply systems

Obviously, customer centricity is the tenet that Amazon is working on, which is the strongest key to raise the global prominence and earn the credits from their consumers and suppliers. By reaching the goal of customer satisfactions, Amazon divided their internal operation aim into five main parts of components to ensure that they have delivered →

Advertisement style

The nature of the music is loud and at a motivating pace, which builds up to a point. Because of this nature of loud and rhythmic music the listener will hear and associate the music with the brand, and the brand with the product making the product better known.

Marketing plan: maybelline’s new perfume

The first part of the report concludes with a SWOT analysis of the Maybelline, which indicates that the strengths and opportunities outweigh the weaknesses and threats. In order to find the best opportunity and create a marketing strategy, the company has to analyze and evaluate the important elements of the marketing environment and the occurring →

Chanel marketing

The brand dominates the world market with more than 30 % of the market share in the world and 80 % in the United Kingdom. Student number 1226399 3 Figure 1: Duress has a leading position in 16 countries 1-) The Marketing Macro environment of Duress: A) Demographical and cultural environment: The discovery of AIDS →

How does human rights affect multi-national companies on their marketing strategies?

The objective of this study is to investigate the effect of human rights on the marketing strategies of multinational companies in developing countries.1. How are the marketing strategies of multinational companies affect the human rights of the people in the developing countries?

Marketing audits and its importance to an organisation

The followings are several definitions of marketing audits: A comprehensive examination of an organisation's marketing structure, programs and performance" - Peter Rix, Marketing-a practical approach " Systematic, critical, rigorous and unbiased study of efficiency of all marketing activities within an organisation extending to evaluation of each and every functional objective and their effective coordination" - →

Managing global systems

Similarly although the suppliers of the business worldwide were the same, the operations in the international markets were making their own deals with the suppliers. The technical challenges in the process of standardizing the business operations arose when the new system for enterprise management was to be implemented in all international markets.

Porter and bogusky advertising

By this kind of promotion, Crispin was able to expand Burger Kings target market by the use of a campaign that was friendly to a wider market. By this method of advertising it accomplished what the Coq Roq campaign was unable to, that is it allowed the image of Burger King to be more " →

Marketing engineering – ford hotel

Using the data in Exhibit 1 and the associated perceptual mapping software, describe the two dimensions underlying the perceptual maps that you generated. Next, follow Step 2 in the Tutorial, Create a data collection instrument, selecting " Ratings" method and " 1" for the number of respondents.

Marketing mistakes and successes

With the addition of Google and Starbucks, we have moved Entrepreneurial Adventures up to the front of the book. Invitation to Research suggestions allow students to take the case a step further, to investigate what has happened since the case was written, both to the company and even to some of the individuals involved.

Number one analyze

Pizza hut exists in many countries, and although its menu is the same around the world, it learned to adapt to every countrycultureand heritage by providing services and products that are advertised and sold according to the country itself. It took a long time to expand the menu, but with the right advertising, pizza Hut →

Example of us economy research paper

It is evident that the economy of United States is one of the major effective and efficient economies internationally and contains the lowest number of unemployed individuals and lowest number of inflation rates. However, the market economy's significant feature is the amount of freedom of people and the availability of various businesses to choose from →

Marketing plan for kuala lumpur kepong berhad

The objective of the marketing plan is aimed to achieve 100% growth in revenue which impacted by the aftermath of the 2008 global financial meltdown. Global and national view of the industry for palm oil and rubber in 2012 has been presented in industry outlook.

Ethical aspects of social media marketing

This essay will focus on the topic ' Critically evaluating the ethical aspects ofsocial mediamarketing in the United States' and the principal question assessed throughout this writing will be ' Have social media marketing acted ethical or not? ' According to Nielson Report, ' Social media marketing typically refers to two practices involving social media- →

Basic concepts of marketing strategies

A business can select a price that is below, equal to or above that of the competitors. Prestige or premium pricing is a pricing strategy where a high price is charged to give the product an aura of quality and status.

Emerging trends in marketing

This conference will provide an opportunity to enhance knowledge and skills required to solve business problems and meet the challenges of a fast paced decision makingenvironment. This conference will provide an opportunity to enhance knowledge and skills required to meet the challenges of a fast paced decision making environment.

Customer satisfaction of banglalink

So, we have conducted our research on the customers of Banglalink to find the satisfaction level towards the company. In person we are the customers of Banglalink.

Free mice marketing research and marketing communications by the association of australian research paper sample

On this premise, the subsequent section delves deeper into the prospects that the French market presents for the Australian MICE market and the opportunities and challenges that accrue to the AACB. The potentials that are eminent in the French market for tourism in Australia are varied as much as the intentions of the tourists are →

Ops presentation

But in the late 1990's the company experienced problems and the newly appointed Managing Director Rolf Danker appointed me as operations manager, which quickly resolved the underlying difficulties in the business at the time. The sales manager drew up a report on the market characteristics for hardwood conservatories to begin the process of conservatory design →


Options: Brinda Patel should present her original marketing plan of 20% projection Brinda Patel should revise her marketing plan to achieve 30% sales growth Criteria: Total revenue Profit from operations Accuracy of assumptions Evaluation of Options: From the analysis and projections, it is seen that though revenue would increase in evising the marketing plan and →

Advertisement in media right or wrong ?

While we talk about the negative impacts of advertisement in news papers, TV or magazines we generally face these type of effects in our Quality of life, like demoralization of our Social as well as ethical values. Cigarettes advertisement etc We have talked about the demoralization of Social values in our society by advertisement; like →

Customer service industry

The service industry commands a substantial share of the market though the value of the customers to the business is often overlooked. It is important to point out that the organization's success is dependant on the customers and therefore the ability of the organization to establish and retain a strong customer base plays a big →

Defined marketing

Marketing is the essence of all the changes, and it is often the decisive factor in their outcome. The ability to anticipate future needs and to respond appropriately is a challenge that is always present in the marketing strategy of any organization.

We dont sell foods, we sell health

This feature enhances the clarity of the advert to the customer and brings out mote attention and focus in the information provided. This implies care on the part of the seller to the customers in promoting the quality and health in life.

Research paper on benefits of government welfare

According to Welfare Information, the reform in welfare through the introduction of TANF has helped reduce over-reliance of welfare by needy people. The State Of Social Welfare.

The role of marketing and how valuable it is for a successful business

One suggestion could be; in a hot sunny day Beechdean's can provide a small stall near their company that will entitle members of the public to have a free taste of their ice cream and if they are interested they can guide them to their company to they can make an order Competition One of →

Gilette case

Yes the product innovation in the wet-shaving market come to an end and now it is in decline part of the cycle but Gillette razors are still selling because shaving with razors has become the habit of consumers throughout the years and it is the cheapest way. The battle between Gillette and Schick is very →

Marketing strategy for decline stage

The main characteristics of the maturity stage which help to define the appropriate marketing strategies are Sales of most product forms and brands eventually decline Decline may be due to Technical advances which lead to better substitutes Change in customer taste with time Increase in competition Lower sales volume leads to Over capacity Increases price →

Rational for a promotional campaign

For this task you are required to explain and Justify why you have created your campaign as you have. This will be the flirt half of your analysis that will focus on the success of the campaign.

For-profit colleges

" The Booming Business of For-profit Colleges" Highereducationis a very profitable field, and because of that, for-profit schools have been placed under scrutiny. In the documentary College Inc, Michael Smith, the correspondent, investigates the promise and tremendous growth of for-profit colleges in the higher education industry.

Good example of why boston research paper

The core purpose of the blog will be to market the authors whose books we stock both online and in our physical store. We will host some of our fans for an online trivia and use the opportunity to promote reading among our fans.

Marketing research

The stages of the buying -decision recess are: Needs recognition: the consumer Is moved to action by a need. Purchase and related Decision: the consumer decides to buy or not to buy and makes other decision related to the purchase.

What is data tea’s stance on cause marketing

The branded bus, which will be the central factor of the Hydra, will interact with the youth in every city, understand their perspectives on the Issue of corruption and Impress upon them the need for their involvement - all in a fun and relaxed manner that they would associate and respond to. From there it →

Developing a global marketing plan for triumph motorcycles

In order to the product can be adapted for the Chinese market, it is necessary to examine what the product offer, which is called to the three levels of a product. Chinese name will be better and easy for customer to pronounce, recognize and remember, so the company better to continue use Kaixuan in Chinese →

Marketing case on target

The fact that they could keep low prices when that was at a high demand made target think that they had to lower their prices which would made their customers think that they did not have that high quality that they once had before.2. What alternative strategy might Target have followed in responding to the →

Marketing and communication plan for singapore airlines

Singapore Airlines has formed one of the significant travel industries in the Singapore state as well as the whole part of the Asian region. The Singapore airlines firm has therefore been a good competitor in the travel industry, and this made it thus enjoy the fruits of competitive advantages over its any other business →

Marketing strategy of coca cola and pepsico

Horizontal integration occurs when a firm is being taken over by, or merged with, another firm which is in the same industry and in the same stage of production as the merged firm, e.G. This is the expansion of a firm within an industry in which it is already active for the purpose of increasing →

Advertising agencies

INTRODUCTION ADVERTISING AGENCIES: The work of a tailor is to collect the raw material, find matching threads, cut the cloth in desired shape, finally stitch the cloth and deliver it to the customer". The reasons behind hiring the advertising agencies by the companies are: The agencies are expert in this field.

Levi’s adverts

The colour red features a lot throughout 'The Pick-up' advert; it is on the scarf of the man wearing the jeans, sign on the road, lipstick the women is wearing and on the Levi's logo at the end of the advert. The use of powerful vehicles in the adverts portray the power and strength of →

Advertising makes you buy things you do not need!

Aim of this paper is to discuss the question whether advertising manipulates us to buy things we do not actually need. This paper will argue the manipulation via marketing exists and the advertisement is making us to buy things we do not actually need.

Marketing of the white supremists groups

White supremacy is basically the exploitation and oppression of the people and communities by the white people; for the given purpose of establishing, maintaining and defending the wealth, power and privilege. The process of White Supremacy is to plague the minds of other races to emulate the fear and inferiority based upon the qualities that →

Marketing research – short outline

Research Design Exploratory research: understanding the nature of a problem Conclusive research: answering research questions 2. 4 Anticipating the Results = Making a plan about how the marketing research and the final report will be designed 3.

Ways in which global marketing campaigns can address ethical differences between nations

This introduction section sets out the area of investigation, the objectives of the research, and the background to the organisation studied. The objectives of this dissertation are, in the light of the above, as follows: To investigate the nature of the Indian market for alcohol To understand how cultural differences impact upon this market To →

Rural marketing

In the event of a cropfailure, the income of the rural masses is directly affected. Initiation and management of social and economic change in the 10 rural sector is the core of the rural marketing process.

Ghosts with sh!t jobs

The director draws attention to the current situation in Asia through the contrast of the real world and Morrison's fabricated world. Morrison takes a very interesting approach to filmmaking and narrative in general s he has completely flipped the economic and business world of today.

Sample research paper on are smith, leon and keynes contributions relevant in todays market concept

In Adam Smith " invisible hand" principles of the free market, the quantities of the commodities available in the market and their demand regulate their prices. Since the amount of labor required to bring diamond in the market is higher than that of water, the price of the diamond must be higher.

Influence the consumer

The structure of the advert was three men on the street and one of them is drinking an orange Tango. The commentators state that the slap reflects on the 'bite and buzz' of the orange taste within the drink.

Market research for (verismo machine) by starbucks

Market Research for by Starbucks Table of Contents Profile of the Market Area and Company Overview 3 History of Verismo Machine 3 Product Overview3 Competitive Advantage3 Market Size and Share4 References5 Profile of the Market Area and Company Overview This study aims at evaluating the characteristics of the market area for Verismo Machine, due to →

Ethics in advertisements

Ethics in advertisementsAdvertisementis the process of communicating the most persuasive selling message possible, to the right potential consumer of products or services at the right time and place, at least possible cost. The argument in the industry is that it is the government's job to judge what is right and what is wrong.

Fast-food advertising deceives americans to obesity

It is theresponsibilityof every individual to educate themselves about the food they are eating as they are making a conscious decision when purchasing and consuming the fast-food meals. The responsibility of a company to the society at large is such that they do not harm their customers.

Dumping (international trade) research paper samples

The theme of non-tariff methods of protectionism is still being actual nowadays with the methods of antidumping, subsidy and the methods of hidden protectionism because they obviously can protect the domestic markets from the unfair pricing of the trade with foreign suppliers, which can cause unsatisfactory impact on the domestic economy. We have to say →

A marketing plan for the london aquarium

The Objectives of the Marketing Plan that the London Aquarium may like to consider are: To register an annual increase in the number of visitors which is not less than the change in tourist arrivals in the metropolis To increase the number of revenue lines by offering new services to visitors. To increase the awareness →

6 marketing collaboration tips from the experts

For example, say we are trying to outline a webinar or content marketing project - a few of us will just jump in a document and edit/comment on ideas on the spot. Most of us are creatives, and we know how important it is to step in and work so one of our teammates can →

Philadelphia phillies marketing plan

Few cities in the country can match Philadelphia historic attractions, and the city plays host to millions of tourists each year. The Philadelphia area has been home to the Phillips for 131 years now and the sport of baseball has never grown old within the Philadelphia community.

Industrial marketing management

In this study, IT advancement measures the extent to which a firm applies the state-of-the-art technology to augment its supply chain capabilities while IT alignment reflects a firm's strategic emphasis in coordinating and integrating its own IT with that of its supply chain partners. In addition, the need of IT alignment calls for supply chain →

Heinz marketing plan

Heinz recognises that consumers due to the economic recession have become more disciplined and frugal resulting in the launch of smaller packaging with a more affordable price points-new 10 ounce Heinz Ketchup pouch and other Heinz condiments retailed at $1 in the U.S. Heinz is determined to take its iconic mature brand to new geographies, →

The evolution of espn company

After pronouncing the name of the network " Espen," he then is shocked to find out that ESPN is a round- the- clock sports network. Bodenheimer is president of the network that has become one of the biggest franchises in sports, not to mention one of the most successful and envied brands in the entertainment →

Software marketing

A computer is a complex machine that uses directions like programs and software to operate, without it it" s useless. To understand the meaning of ownership, it" s important to known what ownership is, and how it" s acquired.

Customer centrality

The effective marketing strategy of the company is accredited to strong economics and marketing concepts that greatly helped the company devised a plan to reach their customers with their interests as the company's priority. The goal of this concept is to establish a association between the company and the customer.

Research paper on the great depression

The main cause of the Great depression was the unequal resource distribution that took place in 1920 and the speculations in the stock market. Generally, the Great Depression could have been prevented.

Erp helps productivity at northern digital

In the company, the implementation the ERP results decrease of costs and increase of revenue. At the side of the customer, having the opportunity for a better forecast of the demand and increasing the efficiency of the company, results to reduce the order cycle.

Marketing plan for skittles

With such a focus, the objective is to influence the seemingly minor consumer choice between confections in vending machines and on store shelves by linking a positive and pleasing emotion to the image of the brand. This addition will attract various ages and personalities from the target segment to the Skittles brand, and will ultimately →

Marketing and refrigerators

The situation changed after the liberalization of the Indian economy in the early 1990s. Whirlpool main targeting strategy is to provide economically viable household products.* They are also targeting in terms of capacity and usage nature of the consumers.

Practical lessons to deliver premier customer service under tough situations

This is very essential in every business for it ensures understanding between the employer and the employees towards the customers in tough situations. Listening ability and proving to the customers that you are listening is very crucial for it enhances proper understanding in the organization.

An advertisement & he targeted groups

The first paragraph will define advertising while the others will discuss the aspects of adverts as outlined in the question Advertising is the activity that involves the attraction of public attentions towards a product or a business. To start with the emotional appeals of the advert, the picture is a model with only the brassiere →

Research paper on competitive market strategy

The advantage of the strategy is that the markets are unexplored. The strategy builds confidence in one market that is of specialization.

Marketing management- marketing plan

2 Vision and Mission Seoul-Roy mission is to bring to the market finest, freshest, and tastiest Fusion Korean cuisine that is inspired by a combination of Korean and Thai cuisine in the Haiti. Situation Analysis Situation analysis involves evaluating the situation and trends in of Korean Cuisine in Haiti City which defines and interprets the →

A marketing memo

Dickson had already established a connection with the local stores and he believes that his product is more superior to the other brand, one way to introduce and spread his product is through attending local conventions and feature shows wherein he can introduce his sauce to bigger and more established distributors and retailers. But since →

The agee pyrex advertisement is a reflection of the social attitudes

The late 1940s household structure and societal norms depicted males as the carer, provider and generally the head of the household, while the woman took up the role as the domestic caretaker of the children, thefoodand the housekeeping. This indication brings us back to the male being the supplier and the woman as a housewife, →

History department research paper examples

The assembly of keg is simply a process of few steps such as collection of the keg components, sanitizing the collected components, sliding the ring on the deep tube and inserting it into the keg, sliding the ring on the deep tube into the ' in port', installing O-rings on the posts, screwing the plugs →

Airmount marketing plan

The principles on which Remount Corporations were founded will continue to be the foundation and cornerstone of the market.II. With the knowledge of the past market flow for the previous 20 years, Preserves is a definite necessity and will excel in the present market.I.

Cim diploma in digital marketing

This questionnaire will help you focus on skills you want to develop and situations you wish to address as a result of these workshops. Authority Having the power to make decisions as I feel I have a purpose in the business When the results are good, you would get the appraisal What do you like →

Lush marketing plan

The main focus of this report is growth a three-year Marketing Plan of lush products which will improve the sale of company in the UK market. The main elements of this report will include: Introduction about lush and clarify lush's position Analyse the UK structure market Marketing objectives Marketing strategy Strategic implementation and control Lush →

Starbuck’s: delivering customer service

In response, Day feels that adding an additional 20 hours to each of the 4500 North American Stores will reduce the customer's wait time and in turn, increase their overall customer satisfaction scores. In order to understand the variety and complexity of the issues impacting their 4500 stores, Day needs to engage the store managers →

Customer satisfaction of hero motocorp

In the early 15th century, the Portuguese arrived in China and the interaction of two cultures led to a variety of new technologies, including the creation of a wheel that turned under its own power. October 14, 2009 in the category of Non-Executive and Independent Director.Mr.

Does television advertisement have positive impact on consumer

The reason was that they forgot the key principle in marketing which is to put yourself in the consumer's situation. Besides that, many advertisements are very complex and have many details that made the audiences have to think.

Ralph lauren fictional marketing plan

Mission Ralph Lauren's mission is to offer quality products In order to succeed in the apparel industry Ralph Lauren must: Carry a collection of sizes to fit the more frames of the target customer base. Below are the products that Ralph Lauren will introduce in India and the price of the products.

Marketing and new communications technologies

For examples, physical needs forfood, clothing, warmth, and safety; social needs for belonging and affection; and individual needs for knowledge and self-expression. Outstanding marketing companies go to great lengths to learn about and understand their customers' needs, wants, and demands.

Advertising strategies in sri lankan market

Relevance to Brand and the Consumer It is relevance to brand and consumer both. Suggestions to Improve Overall this Panadol advertisement is good enough to educate target customers to use the correct dosage for children and it is mx of rational and emotional advertisement.

The century of the self

The film The Century of the Self shows that an Austrian neurologist Sigmund Freud has found a method for studying the hidden parts of the mind; this method would be known to mankind as Psychoanalysis. With this part of the hidden mind, Freud had unearthed the studying of the unconscious state of mind which is →