Genuine Research Paper Examples

Product ethical management

In marketing, a product is anything that can be offered to a market that might satisfy a want or need. In the product safety area, it relates more to consumers, which is the primary stakeholder.

Example of computer security: disaster recovery plan research paper

The planning for the last transfer back to the site is also done here With the many benefits of implementing the hot and cold site and taking its advantages as described above, IT workforce is able to successfully restore valuable production functions and data at their own system in the shortest possible time frame after →

Sound and structure: arranging in performance serhan osman

Further considerations were given to the musical aptitude of each player which influenced me to transpose the pitch of the song a whole tone down as the guitarist was more familiar and flexible in the key of F major in terms of solo playing. The resulting scale is minor and as the A becomes the →

Environmental impacts and benefits of sustainable forestry research paper sample

The sustainable forest management is an outcome of applying the forest to the benefit of all while conserving the ecological systems that are reliant of the forest. The research topic that will be explored is the importance and the implications of the sustainability in the management of the forests.

Role and functions of hr managers

The Human Resource Department's main objective is to bring out the best in their employees and thus contribute to the success of the Company. Positive aspects of Roles and Functions of the Human Resource Department Recruitment of Employees This is one of the most fundamental roles of the HR department.

Research paper on earliest recorded ms case-1433 dutch saint lidwina

Biochemistry involved in MS The biochemistry of MS is complex and poorly understood due to the complex pathophysiological processes and prognosis of the disease. The MS condition has been attributed a spontaneous and progressive attack of the myelin sheaths that insulate the axon of nerves by the immune system resulting in the scaring of the →

Dualism in indian management

Dualism In Indian Management The management concept in the west developed as a result of evolutionary process, based on the changing values systems of the people - the social, political, and economicenvironmentas well as educational and cultural milieu. During last three decades the western especially the American concepts of management have become popular in India →

Free research paper on interpretation of statistical significance of a study

The Dilaudid solution is also titrated There are also the ratios between the weight and the quantity of the drug that the patient takes. The ratios between body weight, age and the drug dictate the number of times the post operational drug will be administered to a patient.

Disaster management cycle

Explanation The Disaster risk management cycle diagram highlights the range of initiatives which normally occur during both the Emergency response and Recovery stages of a disaster. The mitigation and preparedness phases occur as disaster management improvements are made in anticipation of a disaster event.

Good research paper about strategic management

Performance, client relation, and leadership and communication are the critical ingredients required to improve the efficiency of the organization. K, & Gamble, M.

Crm of pizza hut

This chapter provides the reader with a full understanding of the way in which the research aims and objectives are bridged with the direction the study takes. According to research conducted by Forrester Research traditional advertising is on the decline with the rise of social media in the UK and the USA.

Knowledge management in public sector organizations

Peter Drucker said," The Purpose of management is the productivity of knowledge" There are various definitions of knowledge management, however to put it simple it is the management process within the organization that deals with the collection, organization and sharing of knowledge in the enterprise which is then integrated, evaluated and developed and distributed to →

Chapter 1—management

Which of the following is the management function that would need to be engaged? a.planning b.organizing c.leading d.evaluating ANS: C A manager engaged in the management function of leading is inspiring and motivating workers to keep working hard to achieve organizational goals. At which level of management would a manager typically plan an employee picnic, →

Motivation and empowerment paper research paper example

It will also define the components of empowerment as well as analyze the implications of empowerment and delegation in a criminal justice organization. Empowerment in a management context can be defined as the process of increasing the capacity of all or some of the organization's employees to make choices and to consequently transform those choices →

Size of the division research paper examples

The facilities envisioned in the hotel will be five-star in line with the needs of the market. Although agility will be challenging given the size of the organization, the following will be operationalized in order to enhance the agility of the new division.

Final project part i: finding a study

This paper discusses the type of research used, its content area, its type of data, and the concept that the study investigates. The purpose of the study and its measurement also identifies psychiatry as the content area.

“wilderness” bradley watker

I did not look back and I did not look down - the former because I did not want to know just how close it was, the latter because I did not want to see the blood spurting from my foot. I screamed, but it was a sound of surprise rather than pain - and →

Ritz – carlton

The essence of the Ritz Carlton experience lies in the quality of the service provided by the company which is also the intangible product the company is selling. To create the same policy in every of the Ritz- Carlton hotels, the top manager has to follow the same policy and stick to the same standards →

Striking the best deal: a closer look at negotiation

He said that he thought my performance was exemplary and that I excelled more compared to the other managers of the department. I then proceeded to doing the minutes of the session and to have him concur to all that was stated in the document.

What is a database management system

This distance from the private customer address is measured on map on the wall and the information stored on the customer record the first time the hire equipment's. When business customers' call for support to replace any broken or faulty equipment's on hire, a log must be made in the DB and whether replacement equipment →

Best practices and the sdlc

The PM's focus shifts from planning the project to managing the development of the project. The first step to planning a good IT project is the project selection.

Hr role in lean management practices

They are the initiative of the processes, they are the initiative of the business, they see the prospects and the challenges of the future, they are the hands of continuous improvement, they are the eyes of true quality and they are the true face of lean. OBJECTIVES OF THE PAPER: * To study what constitutes →

Management practices

The company and its team and employees are people that team up with their co-employees that leads and frontline " powerful go-to-market systems". Thus PepsiCo-Frito Lay allows its team and employees to democratically participate in achieving the objectives of the company.

Who’s got the monkey: concept of time management

I am In charge of counting the cash, filling the deposit slip and delivering it to the bank. I received this monkey by volunteering to do it when our manager was in a hurry to get home and could not stop by the bank.

Advanced management and leadership

Khan joined the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock whereat we were stuck with the project work and world bank the donor for the project decided to close the project work since the target given to the donor was not chased by our management even we did not achieve the 10% work of the target →

Cultural issues of human resource management

Key Words: Cross-cultural, cultural baggage, cultural dimensions, coaching, mentoring, socio-cultural anthropology Introduction The aim of this paper is to report on the results of a study designed to explore the emerging discipline of cross-cultural coaching and to establish the levels of awareness about, and attitudes to cross-cultural issues; the patterns and/or relationships between awareness, attitudes →

The simplicity with which brutus speaks is what makes his voice so powerful

Brutus simply writes the state of affairs he is in, however, it is only until the closing stages of the poem does Brutus mention the fact that his ankles and wrists are chained. This is oxymoronic due to the fact that the situation is hopeless yet Brutus still has hope in his mind and heart →

Of mice and men summaries

Although George tries to protect Lennie from 'spilling the beans' about Lennie's mental problems, Lennie is discovered when his memory lets him down and says to George and Candy that he wants a puppy to stroke and look after. As George and Lennie get to know more and more people on the ranch, constant interruptions →

Work and the workplace in the context of contemporary human resource management

Introduction and Aims In the majority of organisations, including the company in question here, the Co-operative supermarket retail store, the interaction between staff members and the public can be fundamental to the long-term success of the company and the willingness of customers to return on a regular basis. The purpose of this paper is to →

Here’s why facebook’s engagement might not work for you

That high number of likes probably is not even close to the number of actual people interested in your content. The priority should be getting users to engage more into you business, rather than just increase the number of likes and shares of your posts.

Unemployment research papers examples

The graph 1 is a way of exhibiting the demand for the labor and the supply of the labor. The social aspect of unemployment is relevant to the economic development of the households and savings.

Example of card counting in blackjack research paper

In this essay, we will examine the history of blackjack, the way in which card sharks count cards to get ahead, and the steps casinos are taking to prevent card counters from utilizing their unfair advantage at the tables. When assigning values to a card, a card counter is meant to estimate the EOR, or →

Frankenstein socratic seminar reflection

It helped me understand the novel much more than I had before because I got to hear about the book from the perspective of others and how they interpreted the story and discussed what they thought were the positive and negative aspects of Frankenstein. I would not have thought about many of the things with →

Study on carbohydrates

In the present study, we attempted to do this by determining the effect on long-term food intake and body weight of consuming APM given in soda, the most prevalent vehicle for artificial sweeteners. First, each subject received a series of 16 counterbalanced triangle tests: the subject attempted to pick the disparate soda from three 10-mL →

China development industrial bank

5% 30% -11% 41% 25% Boom 0.1 5. 00% CDIB's economic forecasting staff has developed probability estimates for the state of the economy; and its security analysts have developed a sophisticated computer program, which as used to estimate the rate of return on each alternative under each state of the economy.

Personnel management vs human resource management

Introduction Over the past twenty two years, since the world moved from personnel management, traditionally defined as " the task of ensuring the optimum use of human resources to the mutual benefit of the enterprise, each person and the community at large" Armstrong, to embrace human resource management, defined as " a strategic approach to →

Farenheit 451 reflection

Finally the author did a great job in writing many quotes that relates to everyday situations, one of the quotes that I most liked and related to was: " We cannot tell the precise moment when friendship is formed. This quote extremely relates to a situation I experienced in the past, my best friend and →

Violence to the society in fahrenheit 451

Since the society in Fahrenheit 451 is so careless of one another and especially children and teenagers, it is doubtful that the guardians care whether or not the children and teenagers are watching the violent programs, as long as they are happy and withoutstress. Thus the Mechanical Hound being a threat and a supremely dangerous →

What are the key building blocks in organizational culture: international human resource management

Three possibilities can be highlighted to find the relationship between cash and non-cash rewards: Non-Cash rewards can be considered as a substitute to cash rewards. Non-cash recognition serves as a compliment to cash based recognition.or There is no considerable relationship between cash and non-cash rewards.

Legalization of marijuana in colorado, washington state, and beyond research paper sample

Introduction Over the last several years the legalization of the recreational use of marijuana has grown to become one of the hottest public policy debates in the United States and Canada. According to the Marijuana Policy Project, a non-profit organization founded to advocate for " change in state laws to reduce or eliminate penalties of →

Medical marijuana and its uses and effects

He was a professor of anesthesiology at the University of Pennsylvania medical school, the chairman of the Society ofAcademicAnesthesiology, and of the Medical Society of the District of Columbia. The goal of Cotter's article was to evaluate side effects and patient preference of smoked marijuana to the oral version of marijuana, TECH.

Othello tragic hero

Othello is the general in the army of Venice and is in love with Desdemona. Othello's flaw of jealousy takes him through a series of predicaments, led by Iago, where he makes the decisions to believe Iago's accusations on Desdemona and Cassio.

Research paper on manifestation of gods great power through moses

It was through Moses that God could manifest his power and glory to the Israelites, the Egyptians and the whole world at large presently through the written word of the Bible. God also identified himself to Moses as the God of Moses' ancestors; he is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Parental control

The parent is the one in complete control, when the child becomes an adolescent; they need a feeling of their own independence. When parents fail to react as a supportive parent, they run the risk of their child reacting in a reckless and careless manor.

Fuel price

Rising of fuel price is one of the major issues facing the transportation industry in Malaysia. This trend in price has been exacerbated by the location of the best oil fields in distant countries and the disproportionate share of oil consumption.

Individual research

The content and information of fan page is automatically posted to the customer is Facebook news feed, and the customer can post comments on the fan page, interact with the brand, forward offers from the page as well as the interact with other community members.1. For this study we will research the relationship of customer →

Example of social, behavioral, and psychological causes of diseases: type 2 diabetes research paper

Zimmet of the Heart and Diabetes Institute, said that diabetes is becoming one of " the greatest threat to public health in the 21st century," He is calling for the strengthening of efforts for its prevention and control. Persons who develop the habit of smoking and drinking and not exercising and eating the right foods, →

How facebook effects relationships

This feature is beneficial because it allows a friend to discover plans and therefore work with, or around them to be able to see or communicate with that person without having to go through to hassle of keeping in touch every hour or having to send a text to twenty of your friends about what →

Research paper on history of american labor (20th century) labor movement and workers rights

Also, in 1916, the Adamson Act, which President Wilson initiated and proposed to Congress, was used in the prevention of a strike on the railroad sector throughout the nation, a threat of four unions of this sector, by providing some benefits to the workers, such as an eight-hours-a-day work schedule. The labor unions that were →


Desdemona was a beautiful, young, white Venetian girl but also she disobeys her father's expectations by marrying a black man, she also challenges the society that largely disapproves of intercultural marriages and also she gets abused by her husband. For example in the play it shows this by Othello saying " She loved me for →

Neurological effects of marijuana

In one study of the neuropsychological effects of marijuana it was concluded that " The low dose produced generalized impairment of all mental processes." The research question of this essay is " Are the short and long term neuropsychological effects of marijuana severe enough to leave lasting impressions on our society? " Purpose The thesis →

Role of women in society (the story of an hour and a rose for emily)

In " The Story of an Hour" Chopin explains the freedom of a once married woman, and how much she enjoys her freedom from being married, this story is based on the role of women in marriage and relationships. Miss Emily is believed that she killed her husband due to the revenge of him threatening →

Discuss trade – how does it work is it good or bad what role do exchange rates play – talk about our relationship with china and their currency. this is a big topic – provide different points of view and backup your analysis with research

Consumers in the US are benefitted from weak Yuan due to nonexistence of free market for determining exchange rates. In 1994, China pegged its currency to the dollar at about 8.

Imagery in adventures of huckleberry finn

His motto, " meat first, and spoon vittles to top off on" is referring to him killing Colonel Sherburn and then eat him up in a sense of having pride that Boggs defeated someone. As Boggs was trying to act strong and brave, it turned out that Sherburn was the brave one, I pictured.

The global financial system

The global financial system is experiencing banking and financial turmoil commonly referred to as the credit crunch that is said to be due to the pricking of a massive debt bubble. The financial institutions were not able to balance two things that were simultaneously happening that is the rise in the purchase of assets and →

Arthur black

The season of winter in Canada is not all bad though, it is very pretty at times. Canadians are winter experts and know how to make it the best it can possibly be.

Bus week dis

Where as with self esteem it is all in their head, high self esteem or low self esteem. The dynamics of how self esteem affects self efficacy is, self efficacy reflects a person's belief about his or her ability to successfully complete a task.

3 things zuckerberg said on facebook’s role in influencing us elections

News Feeds Ensure Transparency When asked about the transparency of Facebook news feed, he said news feed is probably one of the most important product on facebook. Personally, I think the idea that fake news on facebook influence the election is a pretty crazy idea.

Human resource management and culture

Global HARM is in its embryonic stage and there is need for a paradigm shift in management practices, particularly since the majority of management literature originated in the West and reflects the culture of its origin and is found to be inadequate to meet the needs of deferent cultures. The lack of directness in conflict →

Fahrenheit 451: dangers of technology

Even though the society that Bradbury depicts in the novel is very extreme, it warns the reader of the dangers of technology. Despite the obvious role of minority pressure in the decline of thought, the novel suggests mass exploitation to be the more serious problem.

Spheres in scarlet letter

The scarlet letter isolates Hester from the pressures to conform to society, giving her the opportunity to find her individualistic moral perspective in life and she shares this revelation with Dimmesdale. Hester sees that the accepted beliefs and morals of society are not the only options as a result of being isolated from the sphere →

Example of research paper on social work

While it is true that a common sense does have its place in social work, as well as helping others, social work has much more to it; social workers need an education in which to build their career as well as their ability to help others. The primary mission of a social worker is to →


c)Is there evidence for market failures or government failures in the provision of public services, merit goods and control of demerit goods in Sub-Saharan Africa? In most Sub-Saharan African countries the invisible hand and the state have since failed to control the consumption of demerit goods.

The turning point in othello

The passage in Act 3, Scene III of Shakespeare'sOthello, where Othello cracks down on Iago and demands proof from him of Desdemona's unfaithfulness, is the turning point of the play. All of this helps to achieve the purpose of showing how this is the turning point in the play.

The dangers of facebook

It is the equivalent of the difference between getting an A and a B," said Karpinski, who will present her findings this week to the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. According to Karpinski's research, 79% of Facebook-using students believed the time they spent on the site had no impact on their work.

Feminism and sexism

The Scarlet Letter, is a good representation of how feminism and sexism was affected in the era of the Puritans. Living in a Puritan Society, where they had strict rules that everyone had to abide by, the society showed that men overruled women, and women were subjects to men.

Prime bank

3 Purpose of the Study The purpose of the study is to make a comparative analysis of customer service quality of Prime Bank Limited with other private commercial banks. 1 Introduction of the Organization The Prime Bank Limited is a national banking group that is incorporated on the 12th February, 1995 as a consequence of →

Free research paper on analyzing impact of number of years of employment on annual wages

Annual wages is considered as the dependent variable and number of years of employment is taken as the independent variable.1. Purpose Statement The research question to be addressed in this problem is, whether the given data support the claim that there exists a positive liner relationship between annual wage in dollars and the number of →

Mother/daughter relationship in “i stand here ironing”

However, the environment also plays a large role why she was forced to follow the experts in sending her child, Emily, to nursery at a very early age, and sending her to a recuperative home where she moves by numbers, where she was not free to do what she wants and Emily was not even →

Human resource management: the role of vocational education and training in skill development

The discussion will focus on vocational education and training being one of the crucial responsibilities of employers and employees and on the part to be played by the state in facilitating such occupational programs with reference to the implications of different VET systems on skill development. This section is intended to provide an extensive analysis →

Sperm banks

Sperm banks overall could just charge moremoneyfor a couple to go through the process and spend he three hundred dollars to have the sperm sample go through the genetic defect testing, to save the heartache of couples that have no idea their child will have a medical problem. Therefore, the donor could be a cousin →

Unit 3 discussion domestic violence

I believe that eugenics movement is the answer to most social problems in our society ranging from criminal behaviour to domestic violence and even to having a generation of very intelligent people who can make inform deductive choices and decisions. Not all of them act violently and this explains why the behaviour is experienced.

Lehman brothers

The 158 year old firm, which survived railroad bankruptcies of the 1800s, the great depression in the 1930s, & the collapse of long term capital management a decade ago, filed a chapter 11 petition with US bankruptcy caught in Manhattan on September, 15. The bankruptcy filing represents the end of a 158-year-old company that survived →

Syllabus spring

Class participation in this course ill be assessed as the ability of the student to raise the level of the class' conceptual knowledge by making a constructive contribution to the class discussion. Students will be given a daily class score according to the following rubric: O= absent, 50 = sleeping, testing or on the computer, →

Intercultural communication between china and american.doc

And in Confucianism, familyis the basis of the society and people relate to other groups and the country in the same way they relate to their family members. On the contrary, American is muchrespectpersonal ideas and interests.

Don’t miss our facebook live chat with inspirational speaker simon sinek

A student ofleadershipstyles from business to politicians and everything in-between Sinek has discovered the patterns that enable people to inspire others most effectively. ET as he chats with Sinek about his new book as well as topics related to leadership, achieving goals, teamculture, and the importance of being " more human".

Examination paper: human resource management iibm institute

Halo effect is the tendency to the judge all aspects of a _____________ a. Brief Description of the Problem: The performance of the Company has not been good and the records revealed the following facts?

Equal education for boys and girls research paper

This is because it speaks volume about the perception of the society on equality of boys and girls. In order to ensure complete equality of boys and girls, educators have designed most games that feature both genders.

Human resource management practices of the sydney hotel

Rationale of the Study This study Is conducted to determine the HER Practices of the Sydney Hotel of General Santos City. The analysis of the operation of the Sydney Hotel was limited only to the following areas: Organization- This aspect refers to the management of the Sydney Hotel.

Twain’s problematic ending of huck finn

It is clear that though the writer of the novel was initially heading to the right direction in his writing, he " looses focus" as he comes to end of the novel in the way he presents the relationship between Huck and Jim. Jim, who has been technically free for all that time they were →

The importance of medical marijuana

To the White House's surprise and to the benefits of those who desperately need medical marijuana, the Institute of Medicine proclaimed " that marijuana usually precedes rather that follows initiation of other illicit drug use." The Institute of Medicine also states that " most users of illicit drugs had already used alcohol and nicotine while →

Progressing through life

As a child Amir faced conflict between his father and himself mostly because he was trying to find a way to learn and connect with his father to help him figure out how he wants to live. He thinks that this is a good choice for him and Amir because it will give them the →

Meaning of bank crises

Causes of Bank Crises Most banks have experienced the crises due to various factors ranging from the effects of the nature of macroeconomic shocks in the organization, to the specific characteristic and management of the bank. The organizationalleadershipof a bank needs to be run by people who are skilled enough to lay strategies which would →

How does steinbeck present slim from the extract

This is not because the other characters on the ranch are scared of him by rather the fact that he is portrayed to the Readers as the being very respected. This shows that he is wise and all the other ranch workers looked up to him as a role model since he is like a →

Lewis and goldin approach of measuring the cost of the civil war

The cost of the Civil War was measured by estimating two types of war cost that include the direct and indirect cost. The difference between the consumption stream in the absence of the war and the actual expenses is the indirect cost.

Marijuana should be legalized research paper example

Secondary desk review of studies from different researchers in this case has ensured that different findings are put on the table in an effort to compare them in an effort to come up with relevant findings that are helpful in arguing for the case of the legalization of marijuana.- Discussion According to Alena Novotna et →

Human resource management roles/hcs 341

Human Resource Management Roles Human Resource Management is the function within an organization that focuses on recruitment of, management of, and providing direction for the people who work in the organization. Human Resource Management is also a strategic and comprehensive approach to managing people and the workplacecultureandenvironment.

Curley’s wifes’ desires of mice and men

Curley's wife How does Steinbeck present Curley's wife's' desires in the book ' Of Mice and Men'? Steinbeck presents Curley's wife in a flirtatious manner in order to highlight her loneliness and isolation on the ranch.

What challenges does post modernity present for christian doctrine?

Introduction Post-modernity is a concept that deals with the study of the mind and emotions in relation to the sense of beauty. In the confrontation with the truth about the reality of God and religious practice, the post-modern perspective is illustrated in the statement that " what is true for you, it's not for →

Mice and men injustices faced

This quote has some relevance and can be related to the issues of justice and injustice which is faced in the book Of Mice of Men. The book is set in the 1900s it takes place on and about a ranch in the Salinas Valley, near the town of Soledad, south of San Francisco.

The merchant of venice by william shakespeare.

Antonio suggests that Bassanio secure the loan from one of the city's moneylenders and name Antonio as the loan's guarantor. Portia informs Shylock that he is guilty of conspiring against the life of a Venetian citizen, which means he must turn over half of his property to the state and the other half to Antonio.

Example of research paper on samuel gompers

The formation and the organization of the Cigarmakers' Union was the origin of the vibrant American labor movement. In that duration, he managed to oversee various measures to improve the conditions of the workers and children.

Facebook builds censorship tool to get back into china

Facebook Inc.has quietly developed acensorshiptool that could persuade China to allow the world's biggestsocial medianetwork to re-enter the world's second largest economy after a seven-year ban, the New York Times reported on Tuesday. There is no indication Facebook has offered the software to the authorities in China, the Times said.

Good research paper about evolving future of hr practice

With the increasing use of technology in today's era in HR practices such as planning and delivery, organizations will change their perceptions towards HR in the future. With the advancement in technology and shifts in globalization, there would be a need for organizations and HR leaders to excel in new locations, with new customers and →

Employment and human resource management

The Chair made a hiring decision and that decision should be upheld. Employees may feel that the Chair is easily swayed and become more involved in the hiring process than they are even supposed to be.

The monstrosity: a common trait in shakespeare’s macbeth and shelley’s frankenstein

Moreover, Both Lady Macbeth and the three witches imply their satanic traits by influencing Macbeth to become the monstrous king that he is while Victor become influence by both his place in time which is the Romantic Era and by the monster himself. This is comparable to the sufferings of Victor and Elizabeth because of →