Genuine Research Paper Examples

People & information management

" Information systems are the means by which people and organisations, utilising technologies, gather, process, store, use and disseminate information." The purpose of this brief is to evaluate the current information systems within Neville Construction Limited, identify the usage, facilities, limitations, problems and inefficiencies. The brief will work on the basis of recommendations for new β†’

Developing negotiation case studies

This article offers three types of tailored advice for producing cases on negotiation and related topics that are primarily intended for classroom discussion: 1) how to decide whether a negotiation related case lead is worth developing; 2) how to choose the perspective and case type most suited to one's objectives; and 3) in by far β†’

The managed heart: emotional management vs emotional labor

In the book, The Managed Heart, written by Arlie Hochschild, discusses the issues of emotional labor and emotional management. The use of emotional management is emotional labor.

The culture of management versus medicine

These are poignant questions that have always arisen from the dichotomy that seems to exist between the arts of medicine for which adoctoris trained and the acts of management to which he is constantly exposed to within the hospital walls. The medical school for the health practitioners and the other institutions of higher learning are β†’

Content management systems

In the Drupes community, the term " core" means anything outside of the " sites" folder in a Drupes installation. The distributions offer the benefit of a new Drupes site without having to manually seek out and install third-party control modules or adjust configuration settings.

Electronic medical records: how are they changing the healthcare system research paper examples

With the technological boom and the fusion of latest software technology with medical practices, the entire medical history of a patient can be viewed electronically, without the use of lengthy documentation and physical file storage requirement. Another study was conducted to estimate and establish a correlation between the net financial benefit and the cost β†’

The effect of managerial decision on employee motivation

The management should come up with the right decisions as to the availability of materials in the organisation. The decisions of the managers should create a focus in them.

Two hotels

It is easier to engender a sense of pride in the high quality and wholesome nature of the products when they are made on the premises. The main difference is the degree of standardization in the operation's processes.

Statement of purpose: career in business management

I have always been interested in these areas of study and I am confident that this will help me build my existing skills and help me pursue acareerin the business field. I realized then my best interests lie in the field of business since myfamilyhas XXX and this has been our family business for years.

Being a good manager

Cultural intelligence basically means that a manager has to be able to come up with a response after dealing with a situation where the manager has to interpret unfamiliar gestures. It can be hard to understand someone because of a cultural difference but a manager has to see past that and be able to deal β†’

Modern management 4_pd

The process of allocating the work and doing the job analysis varies from time to time and depends on several factors including the aims and objectives of the organization and the conditions prevailing. The internet is having a major role in modifying the job descriptions as more efficient ways of helping the employees to achieve β†’

Health care management learning team charter

FRR- Some basic expectations for all team members are to communicate effectively, make sure that everyone understands the assignment, ask questions when necessary, and to come together to get the work done in a timely manner. The team members will agree to be open and honest when completing the work assigned to them.

Caterpillar management structure

Caterpillar Management Structure Caterpillar is a corporate governance structure where the Chairman of the board acts as the CEO. The code applies to all members of the board and to management and employees worldwide.

Perspectives in change management

In order to determine whether a change is viable, a force-field analysis uncovers the balance of power involved, the stakeholders and target groups, opponents and allies, and how you can influence each. By creating a compelling reason why change is needed and a guiding coalition with enough power to lead the change, the vision and β†’

The illusion of transparency in negotiations

The results of Study Three rule out the possibility that the findings are simply the result of the curse of knowledge, or the projection of one's own knowledge onto others. The most and least valuable psychologists were not the same for the two negotiators; the correlation between how much each of the eight psychologists was β†’

Bstract: widgecorps’s management team

Hypothesis Testing and Multidimensional Scaling: When in the research and development stage of our new cold beverage line, it is important that we are able to successfully test our hypothesis. Du, R, & Kamakura.

Using team charter to improve performance

It defines the purpose of the team, the way the team will work and the outcomes expected by the team. Katzenback, J.R.& Smith, D.K.

Sample research paper on social security development in united states of america

They include the Freemasons who arrived in America n the 1730, the Odd of 1819, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of 1868 and the Loyal Order of 1888. The office of the commissioner, offers help to the commissioner and their deputy in terms of staff assistance relating to the scope of responsibilities that are β†’

The long- run average cost

The point at the beginning of the straight line should be named 'A' and the point at the end of the line 'B'. External economies of scale arise when there is a growth in the size of the industry in which the firm operates1.

Free research paper on what is oppression

A large percentage of women are target of oppression from their husbands and other male family members, the controlling behavior of the male members is not limited to third world countries or lower income groups in fact regardless of the social and economic class, suppressed women with little or no decision power related to their β†’

Communication in management system

We see that we the current structure of Meridian has proven not to be effective when communicating ideas, and specially that weakness has manifest with the introduction of the GTO Division and its purpose of developing, sharing and gathering knowledge from all other divisions and subsidiaries." One of the biggest things is that people do β†’

Ethics in public administration

The objective of this paper is to review the implications of the basic principles of ethics for public administration in the context of new public governance and discuss their impact on different administration imperatives which in turn act as the determinants of ethics in public administration. The purpose of these reforms include reduction of cost β†’

Operation paper research paper

The history of medieval stimulates the student to gain interest in the subject of operation management by assessing the methodology used by henry V in procurement, supply chain and operational management. Hence history is a body of knowledge and hence an inspiration to the next generation.

Construction management

A concern in the managers advisement and consultation is trade jurisdiction of the various contractors and the activity coordination of the engineers and architect. One of the most important functions of a construction manager is to offer critical analysis as it relates to the design, economics, and constructibility being proposed by the architect while always β†’

Free research paper on learning team instructions: discussing rfp choice

The RFP is about seeking for coaching and facilitation services for various departments in the City of Charlottesville. The contractor must observe the task orders for the facilitation and coaching services and the terms therein.

Example of research paper on ethical reflections paper

Behaving in an ethically and socially-responsible way in a business environment is not very different from behaving ethically and socially responsible in any other environment, but when money is involved, people frequently forget their moral and ethical obligations to themselves and to the other people involved in the process. The definition of " fair and β†’

Evidence based practice and research in nursing practice research paper examples

A recent case in my hospital that demonstrates the need for evidence based care is that of Mark, a 9 year old boy who presented in the ER with pain in the right ear and was diagnosed to suffer from recurrent otitis media. In addition, the reviewed evidence did not support use of decongestants and β†’

Bcg matix

Placing products in the BCG matrix results in 4 categories in a portfolio of a company: BCG STARS - Stars are defined by having high market share in a growing market.- Stars are the leaders in the business but still need a lot of support for promotion a placement.- If market share is kept, Stars β†’

Distribution strategies

The engineering and the product design being a technical aspect, the suppliers are been considered to be the prime deciding factors to ensure the feasibility and the engineering process. The company participates in numerous customer events to directly get connected to them which ultimately balance the competitiveness of supply chain and the consumers' perception of β†’

International performance management

Ferreira and Otley emphasize, one of the significant elements in the system of a multinational firm is monitoring performance and ensuring conformity to agreed-upon standards. Therefore, any differences in the way managers interpret, appraise and respond to the performance of their subordinates should be eliminated.

Management and hr profession map

Resource and Talent Planning ensures that the organization is able to identify and attract the key people with the capability to create competitive advantage to fulfill the ambitions of the business. Learning and Talent Development Allows people at all level of the organization possess and develop the skills, knowledge and experiences to fulfill the short β†’

Management employee relations

In today's workingenvironment, one of the most critical responsibilities that management holds is to ensure that employees' performance is both effectively and efficiently carried out to the best of their abilities. Nowadays, there is the view that the practices and policies that management holds within organizations in Australia are used against the employees, for instance β†’

Management and information systems

The name " Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method" is a system advance to the analysis and design of both management and information systems. One of the major benefits of SSADM is the incorporation of three techniques that will determine the viability of information systems.

Free system analysis: centralized university network data storage research paper sample

However, being that the institution utilizes the said system for a relatively high number of individual information placed within the system, there are some issues that need to be given attention to especially in terms of data safety and controlled access on the part of the individuals and officers who are supposedly able to control β†’

Example of leadership styles research paper

It is noteworthy that the style adopted to contribute to the efficiency of a leader; the ultimate the successful delivery of leadership in the organization is predicated on the style of leadership. This paper seeks to examine the leadership styles and approaches in an organizational setup and relates the same to the ultimate effectiveness of β†’

Sales manager

Further in the essay, Katz's theories will be analyzed and then related to the skills of the manager. The Organization in Brief The environment that the company is in deals with the sale and repairs of office equipment.

Business manager in research

Validity is the quality of a research that makes it trustworthy and scientific. Validity is the use of scientific ethods in research to make it logical and acceptable.

Drama performance

The Diary of a Young Girl by Ann Frank reveals the racial segregation Jewish people faced during the Holocaust in the sass's and sass's. Will I be able to make solid conclusions from the materials I research and the topic I have chosen?

Ethics in management decision making research paper samples

Consequently, business executives and management must be concerned with their reputation and character since it provides a basis for the success of the business. The character of a person is what the person is whilst reputation is what people think the person is.

Are you a decision procrastinator? here’s how to change that.

One of the most crucial roles you as an entrepreneur play is that of decision-maker; as the founder and leader of an organization, you have the power to make final decisions at all levels, whether you are hiring that new intern or changing your business' strategic course. If your of your logic, frame the β†’

Operations and system management of a car garage

Dependability is the ability to produce goods and services in accordance to the promises made to the customer. The capacity of Powell's garage is simply the amount of motor vehicles that can be held in the garage at one time.

International manager of a us business

In deciding to export from the United States, we can ensure that the trade secrets of the product are kept safe in the company. However, this will involve putting the trademarks of the product out in the open to the company to which its manufacturing and marketing is outsourced.

Principle and practise of management

In France, where Carrefour is well established, the company made the big mistake in its pricing policy. Durant aims to stay only in countries where Carrefour is among the top retailers.

Different schools of management theory

The approach identifies the nature of the cultural relationship of different groups and attempts to a relate a system. It looks at the decision, the person making the decision or the organization making the decision.

Management module

At the end of the module students should be able to: Appreciate the ambiguity and complexity inherent in the practice f management Articulate some of the historical and contemporary issues and debates addressed by and faced by management Describe, compare and contrast and, ultimately, evaluate the various theories and concepts of management to which you β†’

Management sciences: operational research units

Results indicate that most of the MBA courses include a core unit In quantitative methods In the first year and that universities are sully at argue teaching the 'hard' end of the MS spectrum, the type of problem solving methods developed in the sass and sass. During the sass and sass, a number of soft β†’

Management and operations

Al & Fun 's services provided to customers, In addition to product- centric responsible for the work, including market research, product design and development, raw materials procurement, choice of supplier and production monitoring, but also a series of import and export regulatory clearance and logistics arrangements, and financing for potential suppliers of raw materials, factories, β†’


The emphasis here is more on auditing committees and board of directors of the company who must participate and work without any prejudicial interest, with the fact that Board of Directors are the fiduciary officers of a company who work and intermediate between shareholders and management of the company whereas Auditors are the representatives of β†’

Internationalization form

Using Pelmutter's typology, Wax's organizational structure can be described as a heterarchy, with the role of its various subsidiaries being to make local contributions to the firm's local as well as global strategies. Such a management accounting system will help to identify risks that may hinder the organization from meeting its goals, and towards this β†’

Methodology research paper sample

Seventeen questions were used in the interviews to understand the managers' viewpoint, concerning the study. K, Cambridge University Press.

Individual management and leadership plan

The reason why one must identify and own his/her individual leadership development requirements is because of the need to examine where his skills, behaviour, and attitudes are placed within leadership and collaborative continuum and how he/she helps in building leadership in the organisation. Team role preferences are identified in Belbin reports to enable the individual β†’

Business management monica ashley

Monica chose not to align with Parker and rather continue on her track to comlete the project the best way she saw fit. The project required Dorr's support and she did not align with him to build a strong foundation.

Code of ethics of phar-mor company

The Phar-Mor Code of Ethics Phar-Mor strives to be the leading retailer in providing the lowest priced and highest quality goods for our communities, while delivering exemplary levels of customer service. Phar-Mor appreciates and respects all employees equally and strives to rewardhard work, and provide training to enhance the value of all employees.

Management: overview

Groupthink is a mode of thinking that people engage in when they are deeply involved in a cohesive in-group, when the members' striving for unanimity override theirmotivationto realistically appraise alternative courses of action. A number of factors combine to ensure that the jury is a cohesive group.ii.

Law enforcement management research paper examples

Hence, the timing of when to implement the policy should have given the chief of police, patrol division and the union to weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed policy. The unity and cooperation between the police officers, patrol division and chief of police will result to a better cooperation in terms of β†’

Business policy ethical decision making

In fact, a scientist from the university had been quoted in the newspaper recently, saying that if emission levels stayed at this level, the fish in the lakes and rivers in the area might soon have to be declared unsafe for human consumption. What motives would the company have to install the new technology?

Managing relationships and multicultural negotiations

The purpose of this report is to illustrate the key characteristics of the Chinese negotiation process and how theircultureand customs may impact the early stages of establishing a joint venture. China was officially admitted to the World Trade Organisation in November 2001 and hopes that being a member of the W.T.O.will seal its ongoing commitment β†’

Managing change: important for business organizations

Harvard Referencing The structure of a citation under the Harvard referencing system is the author's surname, year of publication, and page number or range, in parentheses, as illustrated in the Smith example near the top of this article. If an author published two books in 2005, the year of the first is cited and referenced β†’

Example of six-step decision plan

Garage sale proceeds The parent and teenager can agree to sell old items of the teenager via " Garage Sale" and the proceeds of the endeavor will be used to buy the gadget the teenager wants.e. Matching Savings The parent will match the amount of savings per day of the teenager and will deposit the β†’

Corporate social responsibility in malaysia

In this section, the company will disclose the extent of the environmental impact of its operations, products and services, and the efforts of the company to reduce such impacts in the environmental report. By showing a statement of potential risk, this is likely to show the information presented contains with the greatest extent of transparency, β†’

The strategic management in business and productivity of shs

The Strategic Management in Business and Productivity of SHS in theirFamilyBusiness The lack of knowledge and experience in promoting/advertising the family business. This includes the students on how they can help expand and more successful on their business and the strategic management of the students to plan for their family business.

Lean management in a salon

The owner visits the salon every day for a couple of hours to keep an eye on the over-all running of the salon and to ensure work is being done up to the standard. Their literature discusses five different principles from the works of Womack and Jones and how these lean manufacturing principles can be β†’

Managing teams

One of the realities of organizational behavior is that we have to work in and with problem-solving groups in order to accomplish our aspirations. Success in creating a productive team also depends upon the way the teams are put together and how they draw on their experiences.

Lack of supervision in the workplace

Most of the effects of lack of supervision are adverse to the productivity of employees and thus the profitability of an organization. Negligence usually occurs due to lack of effective supervision or poor supervision in an entity and in cases where an employee is completely disabled to continue working in the future; a company may β†’

Retail manager

Before closing all the staff mark the required products for different brands and before opening on the next day all the products are delivered on their corners which are required for particular brand so by this all the products are available to customers at all times. 3) Questioner 1) What are your main duties? * β†’

Business decision making

Drawing from the foundations established by Day, leadership development needs to be considered beyond hierarchical notions of manager subordinate relationships, as the responsibility of both members of the dyad, and with allowance for more variability in what is considered a high-quality, or effective, relationship. They found that the quality of LMX of the linking-pin incumbent β†’

Management career

Ethics in general comprises of a set of rules and the justifications for those rules. Therefore, work ethics is a paramount interest of both an individual and an institution.

Divorce between the beneficiaries and management

The evolution of modern accountancy and the transformation of auditing profession In Bangladesh and, indeed, in the world as a whole, must be seen in the context of the enormous expansion of industry and commerce, which has been taken place since the Industrial Revolution. Therefore, the review of the historical development of auditing enables one β†’

Corporate management and communication

To everyone who has usedtechnologyit is clear that the technology intranet offers a tremendous and very useful management tool for every organization in whatever capacity, in terms of communication, collaboration and knowledge building tool that creates a new and more efficient way of doing business and getting information. The management will get the following advantages β†’

Hrm: overcoming difficulties in diversifying the mncs

Much as we are aware about the significance of the human resource aspect in organizations, a strategic form of management applied within the arena of human resources permits the easier facilitation of organizational change. Today, as more companies recognize the benefits that organizational development and the role of human resource management, sturdy provisions reengineered with β†’

Imperial administration in han china and imperial rome

In Imperial Rome, Augustus keeps the reliable forms of the Republic such as the offices, honors, and privileges of the senatorial class as a base for his new restored Republic now called the Principate. In keeping the form of the Republic he still gives power to the Senate.

Care and administration of medicines

As a care worker you will need to be familiar with the medicines taken by your clients and you may even be trained to administer a number of them; you should be aware of issues concerning their control and must have knowledge of your home's own policies and procedures. Staff administering medications must have received β†’

Management challenges

Thus, it is apparent that cultural diversity can play a major role in promoting the well being of a business organization. To be effective promoters of ethical behavior in a business organization, the management must devise incentive schemes for members of the organization who follow ethical rules.

Management at the united national dairy

Narendran was asked to identify management functions, the skills required for successful management and his actual role as a manager in the organization with detailed examples. Narendran was asked to identify management functions, the skills required for successful management and his actual role as a manager in the organization with detailed examples.

It service continuity management

If the company is not ready to strike disaster the outcomes range from prolonged system downtime and also loss of revenue to the companies which may lead to going out of business completely The solution to hit such an event is a business continuity strategy. The main goal of the recovery plan is to uphold β†’

The cons of having too much government research paper

The role of the state government is mainly to represent the people to the government. People feel that the government is not fair when it comes to managing the resources of the people.

The borrowing system between departments

Moley's concern if we want to keep our department relevant and functioning without having the high cost of acquiring our own equipment and keeping its maintenance. This cost-friendly proposition would also be beneficial if we want to keep cordial relations with their department and have the equipment and tools readily available for our use when β†’

Coaching – hrm

Introduction One of the critical challenges faced by human resource management is the development of employees to meet the needs of the changing market and operatingenvironmentof the organization. Coaching and mentoring strategies have assumed increased significance in present business environment owing to the ease of application involved and the effectiveness of the method in transferring β†’

Research paper on technology from 1850s

The revival of letter writing traces its roots to the intervention of the printing press, increased availability of books, the changing outlook on religions and rising literacy levels. The invention of the typewriter was in the 1868, in 1873, the first Remington was in the market.

Formal management systems

The outcome of this mid-point review forms the first loop of the Deutero-learning which seeks to answer the question did we do things right? This review is more detailed and seeks to test the validity of assumptions made in crafting the employee's work plan, primarily performance standards and targets agreed on.

Free research paper on interview summary

The chief financial officer is charged with steering the financial strategy of the group. At the apex of the office, is the chief financial officer who works closely with the departmental heads and more specifically the financial planning and analysis department.

Gender diversity in the workplace research paper

The findings of the discussion are such that the female gender in the United States of America is well known for working in jobs that are majorly clerical and in education. The most worrying trend in the US labor market is however on the disparities between the earnings of the female gender workforce as compared β†’

Idea for venture screening

You will do more than just break even you will start to see profits this will give you an option to afford to maybe invest in a new venture this could be call a venture screening. These have to be paid if your venture is doing well or doing badly in a new venture how β†’

Research paper on the catholic counter reformation

Martin Luther served to crystallize the growing discontent among the faithful, with the publication of the 95 Theses, which proposed varied reforms within the Catholic Church, which by then the most powerful and wealthy institution in the world. The formation of religious orders, including the Jesuits, Barnabites and the Capuchins, was also an important response, β†’

Improving performance and operational effectiveness

In order to improve performance and operational effectiveness shell acquired the services of Petrotechnics. The project with the help of a the software Sentinel PRO allowed Shell to have a holistic approach and to have a proper division of work.

Contempary management skills

Contract Non-legal Implications of a breach of contract would Include: potential loss of creditably In the marketplace and loss of new/return business for the party who breached the contract. Document a schedule of projected cots/damages and the potential loss as a result of contract breech should a case for compensation be urged.

Hrm, performance mgmt.

In course of time, Rakesh Kochar, a production supervisor of the extrusion section was transferred to Kolkata unit of the company and to fill-up the vacancy thus created the general supervisor recommended the name of Yadav on the following grounds: 1. Then, he was again placed in the extrusion section and by the end of β†’

A performance constraints of thai economy

This growth was accompanied by a dramatic decline in the incidence of absolutepoverty, from 57% in 1962 to 14% in 1992, with per capita income increasing from $700 per annum in the late 1960s, to $2, 700 in 1996. As the relative role of the private sector increased in the economy, the importance of enterprise β†’

Applicability of lean management in nursing

The second literature " Lean Management in Med/Surge" By Barbara Mercer talks about the pros and cons of lean Management as Tracy Galilee, MBA, URN, has developed a professional and personal investment in the success of the organization- one aftercare's lean facilitators. Otherwise, what is the use of introducing a promising system such as lean β†’

Collaborative principled negotiations

The consequence of this is that high levels of trust are built between the collaborators, the project is successful, and consideration is given to continuing the relationship. The whole idea is to give a little and work together.

The role of a modern industrial manager

The role of the industrial manager is mainly personnel management initiatives for the employees as well as operational management and technology management through HR principles and knowledge management involving technological advances. Some of the theories that could be discussed in the context would be McGregor 's theory X-Y, Taylor and Fayol theories of management and β†’

I. overview of employee turnover

The papers discusses high turnover issues in the hospitality industry, the reasons behind the high turnover, the efforts of the human resource departments in the hospitality industry to cut attrition and the possible new moves and plans to have sustained rate of employees' retention. The paper also discusses the high turnover in the hospitality industry β†’

Operations management at rolls royce

With this the operations and the productivity of the company will improve which will help the company is producing more effective cars in 2007. With the enhancement in the supply chain the company will be able to further improve on its supply chain, operations and cost.

The model of decision making

Research on digital nudging could contribute to the advancement of the critical field of interface-design in IS, as knowledge about the behavioral effects of user's decisions will give significant consideration and input to the improvement of interface design. Likewise, it appears to be encouraging to dissect the effects of particular digital nudges on users' decision-making, β†’

Patient protection and affordable care act research paper

The people of the United States suffer from several serious issues, all related to health care: millions go uninsured every year, health care is too expensive, and the quality of care is poor, especially for the price. Not only were citizens lied to, and continue to be lied to, about this mandate/tax, but the tax β†’

Price performance of marks and spencer

The purpose of this report is to analyse the share price performance of Marks and Spencer and relate to this any news announcements during the period between the 29th of October 2000 and the 1st November 2001. The graph on the following page compares the rebased return index of Marks and Spencer, the FTSE 100 β†’