Genuine Research Paper Examples

The implementation of balanced scorecard in a chinese car insurance company

The current status in the company with regard to the BSC: The researcher posed the following question: " Is the company currently using balanced scorecard as a performance measurement system"? How the BSC was introduced to the company: The response to theinterviewquestion: " Why would you choose it as the performance measurement system at the →

Research paper on marketing

The guru of marketing Philip Kotler and Armstrong in his book Principles of Marketing defines it ' as a process from a social and managerial perspective through which the organizations create value for customers and in process build strong customer relationships in order to capture value from customers in return'. Another definition according to American →

Google inc. goes to china research paper sample

This case, has a number of ethical issues to be resolved, like Google's decision to enter China and Chinese government's reaction to it; approach adopted by Google, initially and later on; and finally, Google's decision to exit China. Finally, Google's decision to quit China is not really an ethical issue, even though it affected the →

Zappos core competencies

Also playing a large role in the value chain is the way it handles information and being able to respond to the demand of consumers very quickly. Another aspect of the business model of Zara which may be of concern and differs to that of competitors is the idea cannibalization which is placing stores close →

Google in asia

Why are the top two search engine providers in Japan foreign entrants, whereas in South Korea and China, it is a domestic incumbent that dominates the industry? -People can proud of their mother company which gives lots of information and easy to use. Does Naver have what it takes to succeed in overseas markets, such →

Rags to chic business: enhancing the financial stability of filipinos research papers examples

Below are some of the ways through which, Philippines Financial condition has improved and is forecasted to become better over the years just through the transformation business of Rags to chic: The foundation concept of the business of transforming the rags into chic was not only to make products from organic etho-ethical products, but also →

Google may face more than $400 million indonesia tax bill for 2015

Google Asia Pacific declined to be audited in June, prompting the tax office to escalate the case into a criminal one, Hanif said". Total advertising revenue for the industry is estimated at $830 million a year, with Google and Facebook Inc.accounting for around 70 percent of that, according to Hanif.

The devils wears prada

Consequently, subcultures tend to allow themselves to be swallowed into the mainstream just to avoid being victims of stereotyping In this, I will show how Andy Sachs in The Devil Wears Prada lets herself unconsciously undergoes cultural appropriation in to adapt to her newenvironmentand finally awakens that she is chained to a society that she →

Brand hierarchy

The parent brand endorses the sub-brand but it's the sub-brand that defines the consumer's perceptions of the product or service experience and proves the primary driver motivating consumer purchase. In co-driver situations, both the parent brand's image and the sub-brand's image together influence the consumer's decision to purchase the product.3.

Unprofitable company

If there are only fixed costs, the total costs follow this rule: For instance, the cost of renting an office is a fixed cost, since usually the contract fixes it for a certain period of time, without any reference to the income produced by the operations that take place in the same office. Shutdown Rule →

Generic vs. name brand

You should compare the ingredients of the generic and the name brand before buying. Also, a brand name tends to have a little bit higher quality of products than the generic version.

Example of the wal-mart stores business analysis research paper

It has built a strong reputation with common people with its low-pricing strategy in attempts to encourage their spending.b) Wal-mart has rapidly expanded its operations to other countries through buyouts of foreign retailers For instance, the planned buyout of South African retailer, Massmart Holdings.c) The company has a strong inventory management to enable it to →

Research paper on types of contract for small and large businesses

Fixed price contracts are those that the price is negotiated at the beginning of the contract; thereafter the price remains constant for the entire period of the contract. The main advantage of a fixed price contract is that the price of the contract is known at the beginning of the contract, this is a major →

Toyota motor manufacturing case

The sudden increase of the production complexity, in seat volumes and variations, made some evident flaws in the production capabilities of Toyota's Georgetown production plant. In the long run, our recommendation to TMM is to setup a cross functional team in order to manage the projects related to the production of new vehicle models.

The state board of nursing agency overview

The mission of the Ohio Board of Nursing is to actively safeguard thehealthof the public through effective regulation of nursing care The agency offers nurses the ability to renew licenses and certifications online, enroll into refresher courses, sign up for state conferences and review laws and rules of the State Board. The agency holds its →

Political, legal, social factors affacting tesco

Also due to the amount of interest that theenvironmenthas bought Tesco have to ensure they stay up to date with the latest green ways as they must keep their stakeholders happy such as:> Customers who want to know what they are buying is not effecting the environment and that they are instead helping it.> Pressure →

Sun & it’s microsystems

This change is advantageous due to the large installed base of high-end server products, and is primarily responsible for the increased unit sales in the service division. This is due to the company" s belief that to keep the competitive edge in the market place, a company must continually improve existing products as well as →


Since 2003, Tata has bought the truck unit of South Korea's DaewooMotors, a stake in one of Indonesia's biggest coal mines, and steel mills In Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. It has taken ver d slew of tony hotels Including New York's Pierre, the Ritz-Carlton In Boston, and San Francisco's Camden Place, The 2004 purchase of →

Mouse trap: woodstream corporation

The president of the company, Harry Whaley, came up with a new and innovative plastic mouse trap also known as live mouse trap, which is more effective and easy to use than the traditional wood mouse trap. The traditional wooden mouse trap and the innovative plastic mouse trap which are made by the same company.

Swot of lenovo and mtn

Mobile number portability may hamper growth In the society which with a fast economic development and it's getting very competitive in the marketing, if a company wants to exist and develop, a good strategic plan is very important to help the company win in the competitive is very important. So the following will explain what →

Burger king & television advertisements for its products

The message strategy of Burger King should be to create a buzz among the youth with shrewd marketing tactics. In order to create buzz Crispin has to develop an image for Burger King which symbolizes the youth.

Difference between retained earnings

Profit and loss account is one of the financial statements of a company and shows the companys revenues and expenses during a particular period. The purpose of the income statement is to show managers and investors whether the company made or lost money during the period being reported.

The great atlantic & pacific tea company

A very crucial error was made in the 1950's when A&P failed to follow customers in their move to suburbs. The big difference between WEO's and company's conventional units was lower prices on 90% of the merchandise and a reduction in the variety of production offered from an average of items to as few as →

Free research paper on how the specific strategic management concept is applied in the company

The company has launched a new range of food in the new market and this is a diversification strategy. In its diversification the company has manage to introduce entertainment division that offer a selection of music and also an unique designed coffee mugs.

Free research paper on lockheed martin and globalization

The report also discusses the influence of vision statement and mission statement on the success of the organization. In addition to this, the report also analyzes the impact of each category of stakeholder on the success of the organization.

Customer strategy of bain & company

With our team of global experts, Bain creates depth of experience in the following areas: Customer insights and segmentation: We understand customer needs and behaviors using our BothBrain approach and develop actionable segmentation from the resulting insights. Customer experience: We work to develop a series of positive interactions with the customer to earn their advocacy →

Free research paper on industrial organization

The individual representatives of each of the corporate members of this association participated in the court processions.2. Describe the provision of the US Antirust Law invoked to judge presence of anticompetitive behavior or potential of for moving the industry in that direction.

Real madrid business model

The Real Madrid business model is unique as it changed 360 degrees the concept of sports. Real Madrid needed time and financial flexibility, in order to bring the top players and a variety of channels to bring the club's brand on the market.

About generation gap

My dependent variable, adolescent fertility rate, is in the second column and is quantitative, cardinal, and continuous. I thought that my other independent variables, life expectancy at birth, and the total fertility rate, would have a strong correlation to the adolescent fertility rate.

Crisis research paper example

Effective communication is therefore important to the organization to ensure the establishment of the organization during crises to ensure a successful way out of the problems encountered in the organization. Wal-Mart ensured proper understanding of the crises that had been identified and applied various public relations to address this problem.

Every company or organizations has political players

We oftentimes relate the concept of political power to the governmental politics and the people that run the country, but politics plays a role also within the business organizational setting. Within the organization where Roger Allen works, two individuals who directly hold the power to influence the upholding or rejection of Roger Allen's desire to →

International business: wal-mart in china

International Business: Wal-Mart in China The expansion of Wal-Mart in China was influenced by the market indicators and sociocultral forces screening. According to the former CEO of Wal-Mart, China is " the one place in the world where you could replicate Wal-Mart's success in the US".

Research paper on ge (general electric)

Management It is therefore very important for a company to rule in the market and this depends on the clearly set mission, vision, values, and goals. To begin with, there must be a health relationship between a company's business model and strategy for the company to exist and grow.

Taco bell: reengineering

Reengineering to the Rescue The old system of operations at Taco Bell was based upon traditional operational practices, which were grossly insufficient for the economic and business climate of the 21st Century. That created a broader vision and stimulated the development of new innovations.

Doing business in russia research paper examples

Lennart Dahlgren of Ikea wrote about his experience in setting up the furniture company in Russia in 2010 in the article, The Basics of Doing Business in Russia. The Basics of Doing Business in Russia.

Cargill vs. intra strata assurance corporation

In compliance with the terms of the third amendment of the contract, respondent Intra Strata Assurance Corporation issued on 10 October 1990 a performance bond in the sum of P11, 287, 500 to guarantee NMC's delivery of the 10, 500 tons of molasses, and a surety bond in the sum of P9, 978, 125 to →

Example of research paper on cronyism in politics-astronomical wastes on green energy programs

This is irrespective of the fact that the person is qualified for the position. Another example of political cronyism is the loans and the grants that are given out to politically connect geothermal power generation's entities in Nevada.

Rondell data corporation

Rondell has failed in adapting to the changing environments that can keep the company moving in a forward direction. Frank Forbus was just the latest in the line of scapegoats to go through Rondell.

Price strategy and target research paper

The price strategy adopted by a company for its services and products refers to its main ways of improving profits. The highest discount it offers on its glasses is the strategy it uses in attracting these unisex customers to its stores for purchasing their products.

Good research paper about history of fire alarms

A fire alarm system detects the presence of fire by monitoring the changes associated with combustion. The system was for relaying alarms of fire from the city hall to the fire stations.

Example of strategic management and strategic competitiveness research paper

Despite the many positive impacts of technology changes and globalization to Saba Company, a number of negative impacts on both the company and the public have been noted. Partners of Saba Company have access to Saba technical insights, support programs, and comprehensive sales that help the company succeeded in its businesses.

Research paper on unicord plc company

The success of the company was majorly as a result of its' geographical location and its' proximity to the prime fishing grounds and also because of committed staff who were labor cost effective and a strong top management skills. The public in support for the movement purchase less of the tuna's products and this lead →

Product opportunity research papers example

The estimated duration on how long the product will take to be introduced in the market is based on the fact that the product specifications are ready and the essential step is manufacturing and producing enough to satisfy the market. Based on the competitiveness in the market and the cost of production, the capital estimated →

Iphone segmentation

There is no doubt that Apple has revolutionized the mobile phone market with the launching of the first iPhone in the market for smart-phones in 2007 and recently the new IPhone 5 has been a success in sales. Source: In this paper we will discuss consumer segmentation to apply it correctly to the product →

Nissan motor company ltd

The essence of marketing is to create awareness of the existence and benefit of any commodity. For areas when the demand and subsequent sales of the Nissan cars is considerably high, the firm need not pour lot of resources for the purpose of marketing.

Good corporate social responsibility and business growth research paper example

An effective corporate social responsibility strategy and communication have contribution to sustainability of company in which it grows and by doing this they earn " license to grow" There is high relevance of corporate social responsibility and business practices in Hilton Hotel so there are requirement of considerable research on outcomes of corporate social responsibility. →

Drugs an invitation to death

Search results for: text Back Next Add or delete a text box Article Show All Hide All A text box is an object can include text that attaches to the shape or text box and can be positioned. Add a text box to a chart Article To add text to a chart that is separate →

Good eastman kodak and fujifilm research paper example

One of the core business areas of the company is research and development and the organization places a lot of emphases on creating internal capabilities and sustainable competitive advantage through innovation and patented solutions for corporate and private segments. There is a lot of uncertainty in the ability of the company to generate cash for →

Krispy kreme: overview

The significant amount on their balance sheet could have meant that they were manufacturing equipment faster than they were selling it to their franchises or due to the fact that they were expecting to expand, but were not able to expand to the extent they wanted to. When comparing Krispy Kreme Doughnuts' financial ratios to →

Integrity of the company

Taking advantage of the opportunities and intensifying the strengths while minimizing the risks and weaknesses of a business firm greatly helps in predicting the success of the business enterprise. Since the company originated and developed in the U.S.economy, Gymboree is highly of advantage compared to its competitors.

Disney company

ExternalEnvironment The Disney Company is renowned throughout the world as a leading media and entertainment company in the world. The external environment for this company is vast and has several effects on the company's operations and performance and progress.

State street bank and trust corporation

One of the many issues that the CEO had to grapple with was that the company had very little product development capabilities. Trends in the RegulatoryEnvironment/ Nature of Business: The nature of the custody business changed when the government passed the ERISA legislation which required the plan sponsor of public fund to hire an independent →

Good research paper about leap motion

The interior exploration puts the user in a virtual seat of the driver, and it also offers a 360 view of the inner side of the car. This technology will make use of the capabilities of leap controller device that allow the user to sketch, drum, strum, draw, and paint using the scalp and the →

Free web 3.0 research paper sample

Most of the Web 2. The tools in Web 2.

Mcdonald’s franchising corporation

The industry commenced in 1940 by siblings Dick and Mac McDonald in San Bernardino, California and their launch of the " Speedee Service System" in 1948 instituted the values of the contemporary fast-food eating place. As a conclusion, the management style of McDonald's franchises is effective and efficient as depicted on the abovementioned management approaches →

Samsung distribution channel

The success of the Samsung mobile phone enterprise in China lies in its unique industry background and professional strengths, and the company also benefits from research and development and the marketing strategies which are compatible with theenvironment. Chapter three is the introduction to Samsung mobile phone and the analysis of its successful marketing strategies in →

Coke and pepsi

Coca-cola takes advantage of the fact that it is the " original" cola drink to appeal to the public.1970. Coca-cola launches a televisionadvertisementwhere a song titled " I would Like to Buy the World a Coke" is sung.

Coca-cola vs pepsi

Coca-Cola and Pepsi have a lot of the same ingredients. The difference in ingredients of Coca-Cola and Pepsi is the amount of sugar, citrus acid, and amount of caffeine.

Crisis and brand management

Introduction The comments of the professional in a brand strategy and consumerpsychologycompany aptly describe the positions of the corporations in a crisis management situation. The objective of this paper is to make a study of the lessons learnt out of the Tylenol tragedy of Johnson & Johnson and to report on how far the present →

Nike innovation

Our research on historical trends and processes within Nike indicates that the company's core competencies are innovation and marketing; the underlying reasons the company is now the most recognized and coveted sports brand in the world. The target market for Nike is the young athletes and they are loyal to Nike as through advertising, Nike →

Free car hire research research paper sample

Link of the website: - The company Website: the interface of the website allows users to identify pickup location, return location, zip-code, time schedule for rental, with the possibility to register and create a personal profile. The following screen dump gives an idea about the company website.- the company provides car rental services →

Demutualization of stock exchanges

9 Drivers for Change: The Rationale for Demutualization and Merger Impact of Demutualization The Merger Act The Process of Demutualization The Singapore Exchange's Initial Public Offer The Structure of Singapore Exchange The Governance of Singapore Exchange Listing and Conflict of Interest 265 267 269 270 271 272 274 276 279 281 5. Chapters 1-3 give →

Stock price estimation of ibm

37 The new price of the stock after an increase in the market risk premium is $7. The P/E ratio is calculated using the following formula: P/E Ratio = Price per share / Earning per Share In this model, the industry P/E ratio and EPS of IBM are used as inputs to arrive at the →

Ingredient branding of industrial goods

In the purchasing decision of potential car buyers, the ingredient ABS, provided by a strong ingredient manufacturer could have led to a preference of buying a specific car, and in the end, added to the supplier's reputation and revenue.1. In a cooperation of brands, the advantage for the leading brand is that it adds values →

Example of research paper on corporate social responsibility/code of ethics

Ethical codes in the company are described as the standards of behavioral expectations from the board of directors, business units, suppliers, and its subsidiaries. This also applies to its brokers, lobbyists, agents, sales and marketing teams, consultants etc.the codes of conduct express the foundation of the policies of the company.

Apple’s return to the bond market

Demand for Apple's bonds has been high for a few seasons, and therefore the value of the bonds is also high. Therefore although Apple has a vast amount of cash, it needs the ability to access more in order to make up for the less accessible cash they have stored abroad.

Supply chain management in starbucks and its impact on company performance

The logo of Starbucks Company was based on an old 16th century Norse woodcut: a two tailed mermaid siren encircled by the Store's original name The Company grew slowly and by the early 1980s had a roasting plant and 4 retail stores that sold whole-bean coffee in the Seattle area. In March 1987, Jerry Baldwin →

Free country analysis research paper sample

To evaluate feasibility and interest in this type of investment it was decided to incorporate the analysis of external and internal environment on the subject of market attractiveness, potential opportunities and risks and eventual considerations in regards to the opportunity costs of investment in hotel sector. South Africa is the country that presents a number →

Case – unilever

In the mid-asses, Milliner was attempting to build a unified brand, reduce production costs, and eliminate production lag time by introducing a new structure based on regional business groups. This structure failed to answer all of Milliner's issues by remaining to different organizational and too expansive in its product mix.

Save big on this 55-inch 4k samsung curved tv, folding treadmill and more

This is one of the best prices we have seen on an electric toothbrush and it gets great reviews. Or if you do not want to spend on a $100 toothbrush this has the most important feature of a 2-minute timer which dentists recommend and has Philip's patented sonictechnology.

Example of research paper on oppression of the mentally ill

Most people with a mental illness would benefit from the inclusion of others, but their self-esteem is so damaged from the diagnosis, they are too fragile to initiate it. It is important for a person to know about their mental health coverage if they do have a mental health condition, but even with Health Information →

Mr. bus

Wal-Mart is the biggest retailer in United States and since Wal-Mart has bought ASDA, Tesco will be struggling to compete with Wal-Mart in United States market. Most of the customers in United States used to go to Wal-Mart, since that Tesco will be struggle in a beginning.

My most memorable trip

I do not know why it is that I forgot the name of the girl that turned me down to go to the company Christmas party when we were working at a local grocery store when I was seventeen. I had a burning desire to express the commitment to Donna in a way that would →

The pros and cons of modeling

Over time they usepeer pressureto convince the girls that nudity is a part of the business and that this is the easy way to make lots ofmoney. In short it can be said that modeling is highly competitive and short lived career or even a model is too old at the age of 24.

Fdi strategy research paper sample

For the purpose of the assignment, the US Based MNE that is selected is Red Lobster and the country where the company would be entering through FDI is China. The restaurant is known for its wide range of freshly prepared delicious seafood and the ambience and environment of the restaurant by the seaside.

Marks and spencer (m&s) famous brand

This study will attempt to find the factors responsible for the declining sales in clothing and the rising growth in food of Marks and Spencer, and hope to shed some lights on which areas the company should focus on to fix this decline in sales. The study is divided into two discussions of the factors →

Free research paper on playing to win

Mission statement and vision often paint a good picture of the company and a possible happy future, however; they do not refer to competition forces, to customers and to winning. The company needs to fit the where-to-play and how to win favor from its consumers in order to make it stronger.

Company recycling program

In connection, I want to propose for a recycling program to be implemented in our company. Honolulu's Department of Environmental Services devised six simple steps to follow in setting up a recycling program for any business: 1.

Ikea brand

To promote the opening of its new store in Malmo, Sweden, they created a facebook profile for their store manager and the team then uploaded IKEA showroom images into the store album. With a network of 1, 300 suppliers in 53 countries, Ikea works overtime to find the right manufacturer for the right product.

Earthlink helped bring the web to the public. now it wants to be known for something new.

If you connected to the internet in the late 1990s to early 2000s, the company may have been your dial-up internet service provider. Many fondly remember the company as one of the first ISPs and a pioneer of bringing consumer internet connectivity into the mainstream.

Matrice swot of coca cola

For this strategy coca must to be improved, and do not forget that a wide range of product is already present in coca-cola by passing of coca zero until coca light. In terms of bottling partners, this must be a part of the strategy of coca-cola who is world leader and who has the capabilities →

Joint stock company

Memorandum of association According to Company Act 1994 " Memorandum means the memorandum of association of a company as originally formed or as altered in pursuance of this Act." According to Lord Cairns " The memorandum of association of a company is its charter and it defines the limitation of the power of the company." →

Ebay research paper example

It is involved in the business of providing online services and tools to help consumers in online and mobile commerce and payments internationally.eBay can be categorized under the Catalog and Mail Order Houses, and has operations in over 30 countries. Then there is the payment segment which offers payment and settlement services for merchants and →

Pestle zara

Overview Zara is one of the largest international fashion companies and belongs to Inditex, which is one of the largest fashion retailers worldwide. Production in low cost Political Internationalisation: The key pull factors that explain the internationalisation of Zara include Spain's entry into the European Union in 1986, the globalisation of the economy and thus →

Entrepreneurship research paper sample

Whether it be subsidized by state, private bank or run by a businessman an enterprise produces money and becomes of great profit to all the parties involved in the long term by making it possible for jobs to be created, infrastructure to be developed, living standards to be improved, taxation investment in economy to be →

Nike – good or bad?

In 1999, an expert in the field went to verify Nike had actually done this at the Tae Kwang Vina factory in Vietnam. In 1997, it was found that workers in a different factory were being exposed to 100 times the legal limit of Toluene, a toxic gas.

Hyper efficient research papers example

The entire analysis and application of these hyper efficient behavior shows that the productivity and level of efficacy of the company will certainly increase the level of efficacy in a positive manner. The main theme of this paper is covered under the table of Hyper Efficiency in the manufacturing sector, and the application of Hyper-Efficiency →

Vodafone airtouch’s bid for mannesmann

Of course, before taking the decision, they should listen to the opinion of the CEO, the Chairperson, some analysts, as well as the Board of Directors. As a result, I think that it would have been very difficult for Meeresmann, as one of the smaller companies, to survive in that marketenvironment.

Ethical conduct for multinational corporation/managers

It would be wrong for the friend to make such a deduction, because he is not in business. A social economics approach to the MNC is developed to incorporate both private and social transaction costs in international production and trade where the divergence in these costs may require collective action to mitigate the effects of →

Good example of research paper on ghs: a turning point in the way that chemical hazard information

Given the reality that there is an extensive trade on these hazardous chemicals and the need to develop a national program for the protection of people, it was recognized that there is a need for an internationally harmonized approach for the classification and labeling of the said chemicals. The product selection in the marketplace will →

Bdo usa company research paper

The company is one of the largest accounting firms in the world, ranked fifth in the globe. BDO USA is one of the accounting and industrial firms outside the four biggest in the world.

Customer perception of private label brands at big bazaar

29% of customers in the private sector and 26% of customers who are house wives are the major customers of apparels. Majority of the customers prefer private brand night wears and lungis.

Example of research paper on organizational behavior

The ethical implication of this is ensuring that the remaining employees are aware of the real situation in the company. In view of the values promoted by the concepts of justice and ethics, I would advice Andrea to leverage the funds to finance the changes in the work structure, especially for the workers with an →

Burnout of the courier in logistics company in china

The main factor which can make contributed to the burnout of the courier in logistics company in china is the Job characteristics and work-related attitudes. The answer to research question one is a definitely yes, there is burnout of the courier in logistics company in China.

U-haul company research paper sample

The Shoens identified this need and capitalized on it by setting up the U-Haul Company and the company has actually achieved success. At the present, the U-Haul company has climbed to a very high level and is the first choice of " do-yourself movers".

 mktg315 1 research paper examples

The above example operates in a music industry and in the past decades, the company and especially the team dealing with the Sony Home theatre system tracked their performance to key business success factors. This is an ingredient of a good marketing plan and without it; the Sony Home theatre could not have been that →