Genuine Research Paper Examples

Declaration of independence from ap homework

When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one student to dissolve the burden of excessive and unnecessary work, and to assume, among the powers of the earth to which the laws of nature entitle them, the right to freedom of arbitrary busy work requires that they should state the reasons which β†’

Non experimental research design psychology essay

The population is the group of interest to the researcher, the group to which the results of the study will ideally generalize. Although the instrument of students' national identity is designed to be applicable to all students in Malaysia, the secondary school students will be selected to test the instrument in this study.

Pantawid pamilyang pilipino program

Also, the DSWD Field Office IV-A reported that more frequent monitoring is being conducted to the group to ensure high compliance of the said families to program conditions and high involvement in the program activities. The program aims to respond on the basic needs of the poor families through financial assistance and to elevate the β†’

Toy recall

Moreover, the excessive amount of lead found in the toys was considered violations of the federal prohibition on the use of lead paint on children's toys. The staggering number alone of the toys recalled, coupled with the frequency and short duration in between recalls, is sure to cause damage to the company's credibility and financial β†’

Martin luther king, jr.

The Life and Death of Martin Luther King, Jr. The Life and Death of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Role and responsibilities as a teacher

The role of the teacher is to facilitate the learning aims of the taught group on behalf of them and their service provider. The teaching/training cycle is comprised of five activities, namely:- the identification of needs, lesson planning and design, teaching the lesson and the facilitation of learning, assessing learner achievements, and evaluating the contribution β†’

Causality and new town

Cause and Effect: Of Moving The effects of moving to a new town or city Nowadays, as a result of looking for better conditions of life many people have been moving from their own city to another city or country. The second effect of moving to a new town or city can be found in β†’

Is college worth the cost

Not Going to College,' Amy Phillips writes " Is college worth themoney? " and Justin Pope writes " College Costs: New Research Weighs the True Value of a CollegeEducation." First, author Derek Thompson's main claim is there is still something more expensive than going to school, very often that is not going to school. Next, β†’

Would businesses gain competitive advantage if dss, gdss?

The responsiveness and flexibility of the system can handle the unpredictable things. Externally, through the network and system can do the combination of main customers and partners to form a horizontal or vertical integration of the global competitiveness of the virtual enterprise entity.

What makes you what you are

The point is to establish which niche within the complex ecology that is modern society will be a good one for you to ply your trade in, and which of the diverse dangers that lurk in our both beneficent and hazardous habitat are the ones against which you should be most vigilant. If you are β†’

Mass media plays a crucial role

Currentscholarshippresents a more complex interaction between the media and society, with the media on generating information from a network of relations and influences and with the individual interpretations and evaluations of the information provided, as well as generating information outside of media contexts. The consequences and ramifications of the mass media relate not merely to β†’

Role of material culture in contemporary graphic design

This will include a treatment on the positive and negative variables related to material civilization and modern-day in writing design, an analysis of public presentation of the pupils in school in relation to material civilization was besides conducted. Basically, the consequences of the survey will take the research worker to the development and invent an β†’

Is music a luxury, or a necessity for humans?

Whether it's on TV, or on the radio when you go to work, or even if you heat a street performer In a park, you have all heard music. Or, you are Just so happy, and you just want to dance, you are most likely to put on a really good song, a Just dance β†’

Startup culture has started taking roots in kolkata

As the state of West Bengal is preparing to welcome their holy deity, amidst the plethora of arrangements one is aware of the fact that Kolkata is one of the cities which is in dire need for some startup love and support. In an attempt to encourage young and diligent entrepreneurs in the ' City β†’

A research paper focused on bipolar disorder

This paper will discuss bipolar disorder as well as give a short history of the mental illness, the subcategories and the symptoms, as well as causes and treatments. Mania and depression are the two mood swings that a person with bipolar disorder endures.


Hypertension Normal ABP: the pressure exerted by blood on the vessel wall of the arterial system from the beginning of the aorta to the start of the arterioles, it is about 120 mmHg systolic and 80 mmHg diastolic. Therefore: so long as CO is constant is relatively constant; a change in the ABP is mainly β†’

Audit firm culture

Now, there are several factors that affect the quality of an audit but the one that will be focused on In this paper Is the effect the audit firm culture has on the audit quality. In a paper prepared for Ernst & Young it states that, " One fundamental driver of audit quality, agreed by β†’

Plains indians

The destruction of the Plains Indians' cultures connected with the technological developments and government actions in the United States. The Indians were repressed due to the railroad, which cut through their territory in the West, the declining population of the buffalo, wars, and the loss of their land to White settlement.

Male refractory period

The male refractory period is one of the most significant differences in sexual responses between sexes. Research has shown that an area in the brain is the reason behind not being able to climax within a short period of time like women can.

Global business operation

Furthermore, there are environmental laws for protecting the environment which are developed by the government agencies. These laws are responsible for ensuring that businesses do not pollute the environment.

Self-defense law

This is an example of the self-defense laws being too susceptible to abuse. Since proper evidence has not been provided, it is improper to make official conclusions, but it seems that Zimmerman's case may be an example of the self-defense laws being too susceptible to exploitation.

Girl power

I was surprised to find out the toy and media industries were not onboard with giving my daughter a sense of what it was to be a strong, powerful, and anything is possible little girl in today's society. Poet, critic, and columnist Katha Pollitt who is best known for her " Subject to Debate" column β†’

Is rosa parks a true hero

Although Rosa Parks was not the leader of the MIA, or the leader of the boycott, she was a huge influence on the entire revolt. Rosa was a role model to all of African Americans involved in the Boycott; She was subconsciously the leader of the group; whenever people had enough and wanted to quit, β†’

Women in power: queen elizabeth

Queen Elizabeth I managed to stay alive even though she was the target of many conspiracies and scandalous rumors. Queen Elizabeth I had truly earned the love and devotion of her people.

How do people and themes, change throughout the course of the story

' The Darkness Out There' by Penelope Lively Jordan Roberts How do people and themes, change throughout the course of the story? ' The Darkness Out There' combines the author's narration with the thoughts and feelings of Sandra, a girl belonging to the ' Good Neighbours Club'. As the story starts she fears ' German β†’

The role of the supervisor in the development of research project essay sample

This term paper makes an attempt to define the basic features of the research by focusing on a range of issues associated with the role and the responsibility of the supervisor in development of a research project and the relationship between the student and the supervisor. It is very important for both the student and β†’

Tragedy to triumph

Obviously, not all of the changes that resulted from the September 11th tragedy were beneficial to the nation, especially the Anti-Islam Sentiment that was developed. Immediately after the attacks, the government searched for suspects internationally, and numerous Muslims in the U.S.reported that they were the victims of hate crimes and harassment.

Cranialfacial reconstruction – pre op surgical technologist tech

Craniofacial reconstruction is performed to reshape either the skull or the face of the patient. In this procedure, the upper part of the skull is restructured and due to this it is known as craniofacial.

A beautiful home

I remember that my favorite room in the house was the kitchen. I would always be the first of my siblings in the kitchen, ready and willing to set the breakfast table.

Women and minorities in psychology

Because of the school of thought at the time in the 19th century of the superiority of the white male's women and people of color were not granted the opportunity to pursue a higher education in the case of African American no education at all. Reference: Contributions of African Americans to the Held of Psychology β†’

On the first of october 2017

The debate on the independence referendum in Scotland is based around the kingdom's decision to remain part of the European Union or leave with the rest of the United Kingdom. In the case of Kurdistan, the debate if the territory should have their own state and if the United States and the other Western powers β†’

Demographics diversity and education in texas

Attrition rates of Latino pupils have remained the same at 45 % In position of the diverse cultural groups and race in Texas, political economic system has a important importance for the growing and development of province. Thus school preparation is based on premiss that understanding the context of American schooling in general and Texas β†’

My experience with technology

At the time my brother was a computer geek and he would go buy the computer books that had programs in them where you had to type everything out to get a game on the computer to play. I look forward to this class and learning new applications that I can use on the computer.

Freshdesk’s 6th acquisition is an ai-based chatbot platform

Chat will play an important role in the future ofcommunicationfor customer service but scaling that infrastructure continues to be a challenge," said Girish Mathrubootham, Founder and CEO of " With their focus on artificial intelligence and chatbots, the Chatimity team, now part of Freshdesk, has already started to create a scalable customer engagement chat platform β†’

10 thought-provoking quotes from this year’s emmy-nominated shows

Find that small unbreakable you inside yourself".- Kimmy, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt On ambition " I say, let's be professionals, you and I, make it to the very top, the summit of the world".- Ivan, Homeland On perceptiveness " Conscience has an unmistakable stink to it, sort of like raw onions and morning breath. It's more β†’

Developing a framework for critiquing health research nursing essay

As a matter of fact, the title of the study, according to Jeanfreau, should generally consist of a heading that provides insight into the reported research study by including reference to the research problem or concept studied the population, and the research design. Given such a view, the title of the present study correctly fits β†’

Importance of news media

The news media finds business of interest, and with stories instantly transmitted worldwide by the broadcast media and the Internet, a firm's actions are in the eye of the media and under the scrutiny of interest groups, activists, and government. The essential role the news media plays in a democracy is accompanied by aresponsibilityto provide β†’

Waste heat boiler research engineering essay

Incorporates a boiler economiser, incorporates the waste heat from the boilers hot stack and transfers this waste heat to the boilers feed water. Various Methods for Recovery of Waste Heat Low-Temperature Waste Heat Recovery Methods A large amount of energy in the form of medium- to low-temperature gases or low-temperature liquids is released from process β†’

‘australian banks have remained very sound by international standards,despite the global financial turmoil’ observed the imf, and impact on australian bank

In fact, it is argued that although such observations from the IMF stand to be correct, Australian banks were believed to obtain considerable aid from taxpayers and the Reserve Bank. In light with this, the Australian banks can be argued to be in a better position to meet Basel II requirement due to their high β†’

The spanish-american war and imperialism

The war became a war of imperial expansion in the late 1800's due to America's new " outward" focuses on global markets and growing concerns of economic competition/expansion from other world powers. It was a time of empires and after decades of isolationism, America decided it was time to show the world our power.

American psycho: obsession comes from the inability

As Batsman's fixation with Paul Owen and his success grows, he is less and less able to accept himself, and his failing career until he is able to murder Owen ND rid himself of his obsession. His inability to accept and understand his own pain is the origin of his uncontrollable obsession with murder and β†’

Who inspires me

He is an amazing person and he has influenced me in a great way. When I called Seth and told him what had happened he got really mad but, he hid the fact that he hid the fact that he was mad so I would not get upset.

Research design

We, the researchers, decided to utilize the descriptive research method to identify and assess the status of the ICT resources, capabilities and constraints of the existing EBS during the time of research. Using interview and published literatures, this study took on the combined quantitative and qualitative approach of research.

Pathophysiology of malabsorption syndrome (at the cellullar, tissue and organ level)

Defects in the terminal digestion can also lead to malabsorption syndrome when hydrolysis of the necessary elements would not be complete because of deficiency of enzymes. At the cellular level the malabsorption syndrome can occur due to destruction of cells of pancreas or liver which would produce the necessary juices for the digestion of nutrients.

Research methods in cognitive psychology

The experimental environment will consist of a small room where the participants will be seated and which the directions or tasks will be presented by the experimenter while the room would have cameras or sophisticated equipments to monitor response rate and other behavioral indications of activity. Usually, after the reading and listening delivery the groups β†’

Product placemen

The advertising campaign conforms to the usual codes and conventions of advertising and typical beer advertisements. Product usage is important in anyadvertisementparticularly when the product is physically consumed as it shows the satisfaction and fulfilment it can or will bring, in an attempt to further persuade and encourage the audience.

Sophie`s world by jostein gaarder

Then at the end of Sophie's World, the book that Hilde is reading, while at a party for Sophie on June 15, Alberto and Sophie disappear. Sophie wants to try to interfere in the world of Hilde and her father, and at the end of the book she is learning how to do so.

Device invented: teleportation

The device worked and many anticipated that this method was the end to not only traffic jams but also the future way of public transport, economy, and more. Finally I stepped in, a door automatically closed and I just had to whisper for my destiny and bam, in a matter of a blink, I was β†’

Launching a new business

This is because to mark an impact in the global market the company must employ a strategy in the parameters of product selection that would enable the company to stand at a distinctive position. For the purpose, along with a new and effective product, the company needs a group of motivated employees who would be β†’

Paragraph structure: the three parts of a paragraph

A topic sentence is the most general sentence in the paragraph because it gives only the main idea. What is the topic sentence of the paragraph?

Effective broadcasting of channel one

A school that was in dire need of funding received compensation and Pepsi, in turn, gets to be the sole distributor of beverages to the school. When the students see that Wal-Mart has recognized a teacher of theirs, and has in turn given money for the school, than the students will begin to see Wal-Mart β†’

My customized learning theory researches

I do think that preschool age children need clear expectations defined for them so they will understand their limits and boundaries but in my experience, the best approach is to not depend on a set of rules but rather make your expectations a part of your teaching process as you consistently provide guidance and redirection. β†’

Lesson plan: superstition and mystery

Strategies: explanation, exerciseSkills: reading, writingSs activity: Ss read and solve the worksheetAim: solve some worksheets using First ConditionalTime: 7 minutes Activity 5 PPT activityTeacher puts a PowerPoint presentation and asks Ss to solve the exercise and to write down the sentencesStrategies: explanation, exerciseSkills: listening, reading, writingSs activity: Ss read the exercise and solve itAim: practise β†’

How to choose the best badminton string

If you are new to the game of Badminton or if you have played the game but have not yet had the need to shop for replacement string, there are some key considerations and it is not as simple as just reaching for the first badminton replacement string you find. The most basic explanation is β†’

Quarantine of 1937

This may have been weighing on the minds of the citizens of the United States and swaying their attitudes toward the isolationist feeling. The Neutrality Acts of the 1930's were originally passed as a way to thwart the United States from entering into foreign wars thus showing the United States neutrality.

Stalin’s russia

It's interesting to say 'his' because it refers to the sense that Stalin himself believed he owned the Russian people which completely contradicts a lot of what he did and the reasons for which he did it. Stalin also achieved a totalitarian state because of the ways he made himself known everywhere in Russia, he β†’

Congressional reconstruction in the south 1863-1867

Immediate achievements of the Reconstruction act of 1867 were: formation of political organization, " spread of the Republican Party in southern' states that were returned o the Union", which increased the public's involvement in free publiceducation, orphanages, prisons and homes for the mentally challenged. With this came the " overthrow of the reconstruction", many in β†’

The humble beginings of bill cosby

As he later grew up he tried stand up comedy and the 1960" s " I Spy" came out and broke the racial barrier by featuring Cosby, the first ever black man to lead a weekly dramatic series. As a child Cosby loved to joke around all the time with his friends after school β†’

How does literature affect the society

There are many kinds of incurable diseases which yet medical scientists with improved instruments and medicine have not been able to find any treatment for them and finally it results to the death of the affected person or animal HIV can be one of those diseases that right now in the world with about seven β†’

European explorations and the louisiana purchase

When early governmental explorers surveyed the Louisiana Purchase in the early 1800s, much of the Great Plains region was labeled " The Great American Desert". Obviously the region was eventually settled and it became one of the most important agricultural areas of the world.

Mahatma gandhi and his non-violent struggle

In most colonies, the way of gaining independence from Western colonialism has been through the waging of armed revolutions, such as the struggle of the Chinese and the Malaysians, led by Mao Tsetung and Sukarno, respectively. In all of these, Mahatma Gandhi emerged to present an alternative viewpoint, a seeming middle-ground between the pro-people radicalism β†’

5 ways to persuade employees to take vacation before they burnout

When the team is small and each quarter's results are make-or-break for the company, it never feels like a good time to step away. Be conscious of walking the walk, whether it's scheduling a day or two off to unplug or pitching in to cover for employees who are away.

Duties of a citizen

Being a country of the people, for everything from the military to the government to the public should be equally united in the same goals. In the papers we lied about the Gulf of Tokin a ? attacka ? and covered up our faults to our own people.

Creating a healthy city

Environmental health extents to the chemical we use such as BPA and the effects it can and may have on our children, fuel in the economy and additional sources of fuel, building green, environmental disease and sources of energy in which all of these items can have an effect on the environment and our health. β†’

An observation of a bar mitzvah

Bar or bat mitzvah translates to a " coming of age" and signifies the transition of the child to that of beginning adulthood insofar as religious practice was concerned, and be counted as part of the minyan or quorum for public prayer. Mitzvah is the word for " commandment," and bat is " daughter" so β†’

Imf -role for developing countries

During the international financial crisis of the early 21st century the IMF provided loans and access to credit of more than $100 billion to developing countries that were affected by falling demand for their exports and other financial problems. Instead of increasing government expenditure and boosting domestic demand, local employment and economic activity to overcome β†’

Benefits and costs of economic growth

Economic growth, though resulting in many economic and social benefits to the people in the country, is not without its costs. In the short run, therefore, higher growth leads to less consumption, not more.

Study abroad england

Beginning with Joyce, Yeats, Synge, Swift, Harry Potter, Stevenson, Scott, and Burns, we will examine the characteristics that have led the Scots through centuries of uneasy interaction with England and into the devastation of the clans and the diaspora resulting from the aftermath of the Battle of Culloden and the Highland Clearances. A; 12.explore why β†’

Did slaves build the great pyramids?

It says that the men were 'alexandrine', which some would infer slaves. Secondly, in document C it says that there were no slaves at all working on the e Great Pyramids of Gaza.

Lester ward’s contributions to american sociology

Ward wrote Dynamic Sociology and a few other works with the hopes to reinstate the importance of experimentation and the scientific method to sociology. He firmly believed in and pushed for the development of sociology as a science.

Mobley turnover model

A more complete understanding of the psychology of the withdrawal decision process requires investigation beyond the replication of the satisfaction-turnover relationship. The withdrawal decision than quitting are possible consequences of dissatisfaction.issatisfaction and that " intention to leave," folBlock D suggests that the next step in the lowing several other steps, may be the last step β†’

Progressive era through the great depression

This period of immense depression started in the United States starting with a fall in stock prices and the subsequent crash of the stock market and then spread to the other nations of the world. The advent of the World War II also favored the reverse of depression and raise in the economy as government β†’

Different wars, similar outcome

The violent results of war are represented through the use of the four elements of life in both works - earth, water, fire, and air. Both works provide a vivid and gruesome description of the massive violence perceived in war.

Music is more than just a source of entertainment for people all over the world

It was written as a patriotic song and, its purpose was to evoke the countries struggles of the past, traditions, and its history. It can also be memorable, emotional, life experiencing and many other things for people everywhere.

Econ 7002 tutorial 1

P1 is the original PPC and P2 represents an improvement in the technology of producing guided missiles but not in the production of cars. P3 represents an improvement in the technology of producing both cars and guided missiles and therefore an increase in the possible production of both.

Product life cycle

The cycle is concerned with the changes in the product, price, distribution, and the promotion. This is the time when the company focuses on the growth of the revenue and their product being the preference product of the consumers.

Scholarly writing awareness

While the paragraph focuses on the social reaction towards the development and evolution of computers through the years, the reader can immediately notice in the introductory sentence that the author of the paragraph does not provide scholarly research to support the presumptive claim that there is the " widespread availability of the personal computer." Had β†’

E-business-issues and challenges

E-Business Issues and Challenges Ashmita Paul Abstract In today's business climate, e-business can have an impact on every facet of the organization, including supply chain management, leasing, non-cash payment, mail order commerce or the rise of service economy. This paper focussed on emerging issues of e-business that are more high-up and stern in developing and β†’

Unfortunate effects on rural public education in ecuador

Such key will ne'er be held by the manus of Ecuadorians as the state of Ecuador battles to supply a satisfactory instruction system to kids in rural countries. The quality of learning in rural Ecuador and in the public system is really low as the instructors are under qualified and largely disinterested in instruction.

Bacteriophage and depolymerase

Bacteria and depolymerase are linked together due to the fact that the depolymerase helps the bacteria by breaking down large molecules and making it easier for the bacteria to attach to the host. This study is based on the isolation of a bacteria strain of pseudomonas aeruginosa, not all pseudomonas strains are similar but Variability β†’

Border security issues research project # 3

Given that it is in South America where there is high emigration of people to settle in the USA and in other developed countries, Argentina has established a migration policy that is attractive and humane to immigrants. In addition it is also attributed to the country's history of European immigration to the country at the β†’

Should college athletes be paid

And it's shocking to see the level of support the answer " yes" is getting because the idea tears at the very nature of amateur college sports". This could cause the amount of athletes enrolling in the college to decrease, mainly because of the less diversity that the school provides." The NCAA historically has been β†’

Knowledge continuity

Lack of a business continuity plan exposes the company to huge losses in information and knowledge in the event of a disaster. Designing a business continuity plan therefore is the solution to managing knowledge base in the case of a disaster.

Introducing economic development: a global perspective

Economic and Development Studies the study of economic development is one of the newest, most exciting and most challenging branches of the broader disciplines of economics and political economy. The important role of values in development economics Economics is a socialsciencewhich is concerned with humans being and the social system by which they organize their β†’


Regan wanted Cam because of her success rate in what she did, and knowing that he knew she was looking for a new position and was highly recommend by the CEO he was willing to give her a chance in a new position. This is how she was able to get an offer from Regan β†’

Sample questions

A change in the market price of the good.d. 4 If an increase in the supply of a product results in a decrease in the price, but no change in the actual quantity of the product exchanged, then: a.the price elasticity of supply is zero.b.the price elasticity of supply is infinite.c.the price elasticity of demand β†’

Learning and cognition

One specific example of learning and cognition would be a child learning how to read. It also provides a definition of what two learning types, which are instrumental and classical conditioning, with understanding as to how the two are distinguished from another.

Abusing power

Abusing of power is related to organizational politics, measured by influence means and ends. Machiavellian, a concept by Machiavelli, typically notes people act in not-sanctioned means to achieve a ends, no matter it is good or not because high Mach's are only finding the ends for their self-interest and pointed out they are abused power.

Uncovering the truth: fad diets

Uncovering the Truth: Fad Diets Uncovering the Truth: Fad Diets Longing for perfection has always been the driving force behind the development of civilization and the inventive spirit of thehuman being. For instance, the core of the very popular Atkins diet is based around the theory that significant consumption of CHO is the specific cause β†’

Kidney function

It is the function of the kidneys to continually filter out the impurities and toxins from the blood. After the processing of the blood, the purified blood is returned to the body through the renal vein and the filtered-out waste products and other unwanted substances move out through the ureter.

Challenges of bowhunting

Things like the draw weight which is the amount of weight require to pull the bow to " full draw' so it can be shot. Once a deer is picked and patterned, a stand has to be placed to give the hunter the best possible opportunity to harvest deer.

Decision support systems

Mathematical model can be used to find a solution to a decision problem and assist in planning, it can also be used to find a relationship among the input variables and establish the meaning of a particular set of data. This was a problem because all the company's data were stored in various computers and β†’

College athletes deserved to be paid

It is time to start paying college athletes to play sports to cover the expenses that occur outside of a scholarship and the sport. It is time for the NCAA to stop worrying about the amateurism of the sport, and allow athletes to make money.

Depreciation and useful life

The straight-line method of depreciation provides the same amount of depreciation expense for each year of the asset's useful life, and is known to be the most commonly used method of calculating depreciation. The double-declining-balance method of depreciation provides for a declining periodic expense over the expected useful life of the asset.

Ppi and the big mac index

The idea is based on the law of one price, where in the absence of official trade restrictions, similar goods will have the same price in different markets, with the prices being expressed in the same currency. The Purchasing Power Parity or the PPP rate is the price of Big Mac in local currency divided β†’

The aging workforce

Compared with the past, older the number of older workers can be expected to grow disproportionately in the years to come. Organizations losing experienced employees that have skills and knowledge critical to the success of the organization make efforts to convince aging employees to remain with the organization, if only on a part-time basis.