Genuine Research Paper Examples

Gender segregation in classroom 

From my initial elucidation on the subject of gender segregation, it can rightly be discerned that I, keeping in view, the contemporary mode of life, is strongly in negation of gender segregation in classroom due to the fact that it gives a great chance for the gender imbalance to thrive and prosper which on the →

Darwin observed several facts which contradicted his theory of natural- or survival selection

The fact that peahens prefer to mate with males who have the most brilliant and luminescent plumage, and that males are often larger than females in species in which they need to engage in physical combat in competition over females, lead to Darwin's second evolutionary theory: the theory of sexual selection. In another study focused →

What is a flexible budget?

The Flexible budget takes the account of range of possible volumes. The first part of flexible budget made up with fixed costs and semi variable costs.

Confucianism and contemporary issues

Confucianism and Contemporary Issues This essay will illustrate the history of Confucianism and the background of Master Kong in the early beginnings of the religion. The purpose of the paper is to discuss the common characteristic of Confucianism with other eastern religions, the contemporary issues it faces, and the interaction between the modern world and →

Sample apa research paper

Running on Empty: The Effects ofFoodDeprivation on Concentration and Perseverance Thomas Delancy and Adam Solberg Dordt College 34 Sample Abstract Running on Empty Abstract This study examined the effects of short-term food deprivation on two The abstract summarizes the problem, participants, hypotheses, methods used, results, and conclusions.cognitive abilities concentration and perseverance. However, participants in the →

Imposing the affirmative action

Affirmative action has definitely helped women and minorities in their careers, but it has yet to succeed in the goal of equality to the fullest for the business world to women and minorities." Some observers argue that women have made huge strides! We definitely need affirmative action to overcome the disparities of employment that exist →

Management enquiry and research methods (mba)

Action Research One of the most vital areas of business development is that of the team and its integral role in the underlying success of the business. During the interview process, it will be the aim of the researcher to identify the common sentiments of the group members and ascertain the strengths and weaknesses of →

Franchise business

The franchisor is in a dilemma in knowing between the honest and the dishonest and between the loyal and the no loyal franchisees. This may bring a bad reputation to the company and risking the going concern of the franchise.

Daphne scholinski the last time i wore a dress

Daphne wanted to be tough; when she hung out on the streets with her gang she needed everyone around her to see her toughness. They wanted her to tell the truth but she was and this caused a major conflict for Daphne.

Doing business in russia

In terms of trade in goods, Russia was the United States' 27th largest export market and the 16th largest exporter to the United States in 2012. Russia's membership in the WTO will liberalize trade with the rest of the world and create opportunities for U.S.exports and investments.

Consumer impacts

Instead, the increasing ubiquity of IT in the school, office and government setting is frequently celebrated as reducing waste by eliminating the dependence on paper. As such, the critical environmental issue facing the electronics industry is how they can properly manage the disposal or reuse of unwanted electronics and their components.

Taxation – judgement day

Here it is crucial to turn our attention to Section 73 of the VAT Act 1994 as this the point which was used by Commissioners to backup their assessment decision for WHS. Overall this case clearly backs the customs decision in case of WHS assessment that it was made to their best judgment and that →

The economist keynes

The author should address the use of labor laws to increase productivity and rebuildfamilybonds as our previous economy. The labor laws must reflect the new changes in our New Economy in order for traditional workers and corporations to flourish.

Music: the medicine of the mind

The study of how music affects the mind and the interconnection between music and the physical and mentalhealthof human beings has been a subject of interest for many. In addition, music has a calming effect on the mind, so, the calmer the mind, the easier it is to focus and concentrate.

Enlightenment vs romanticism

It was a time in which people began to think more about themselves without the influence of the government and their church. Some people see it as the opening to modernity and others see it as the as the beginning of a tradition of resistance to the enlightenment.

A research paper on river tamirabarani

In the Ghats, the chief tributaries of the river are the Peyar, Ullar, Karaiyar, Servalar and the Pambar. The first tributary which enriches the water of the Tamiraparani in the plains on the right side is the Manimuthar.

Amazon rainforest – a tipping point

The Amazon Rainforest, A huge tropical rainforest if not, the largest rainforest, occupies with the drainage of the " Amazonia" or the amazon river. It is limited by the Guiana Highlands toward the north, the Andes Mountains toward the west, the Brazilian central plateau toward the south, and the Atlantic Ocean toward the east.

What is the purpose of government?

The government should not induce more gun control laws; in doing so the government would be infringing upon the second amendment, the right upon the freedom to own guns for self defence, and in-turn would actually cause moreviolencethrough illegal firearms and with no viable solutions present. The Second Amendment of the US Constitution reads, " →

Miracles and philosophical reasons

However, in order for a miracle to be validated as such we are usually looking for that which is not of the ' ordinary'. In conclusion criticisms undermine belief in miracles to a minimum extent as we can not fully disprove the existence of miracles and therefore it is possible to believe in them.

The most interesting dream i’ve ever had

A while ago I experienced which might just prove to be " the most interesting dream I have ever had", I dreamed that I was in my car we were going to the home; in our way, I saw a poor old lady.well she was begging formoney. First I did not know why they stopped →

Discrmination, diversity, equality and inclusion in health

DiscriminationDiversity, Equalityand Inclusion To understand what discrimination is, we first have to understand the meanings of diversity, equality and inclusion within our society and socialhealthcare. To be able to understand what diversity and equality both mean, we have to first acknowledge our own prejudices, values and beliefs, and then we can positively accept difference in →

Perceived benefits from undergrad research essay sample

Student effort in undergraduate research is incredibly important because studies show that the amount of hours spent working on research was directly proportional to the amount of perceived benefits of the research. If the student is not putting forth much effort in the research project then it is safe to assume that the student does →

Consumer protection act

Attempts have been made to guard the interest of the consumer in a sporadic way till 1986, when Government of India enacted a comprehensive legislation-Consumer Protection Act, to safe guard the interest of the consumer than ever before. The Act enshrines the rights of the consumer such as right to safety, right to be informed, →

Research and design methodology: strengths and weakness

Many variables to the situation that can potentially alter an outcome that has nothing to do with the behavior that is being studied Under experimental design it allows researchers to introduce variables and examine the effects of these variables in either a laboratory setting or In the subjects natural environment. The weakness of this method →

Why the road measures still fail and how can it be improved

Road Safety Why the road measures still fail and how it can be improved To a great extent, the safety of road travels has improved significantly in the history of the automobile. The annual deaths of pedestrians and cyclists in road crashes have also declined by two third over the same period in the United →

Discover your inner economist

He begins by subtly stating that economics is not aboutmoney, but other motivations." The critical economic problem is scarcity," he says." Money is scarce, but in most things the scarcity of time, attention, and caring is more important." In a highly aimless, rambling style, Cowen leads the reader down many divergent paths from topic to →

Windows server for mail

The server is responsible for handling the sending and receiving the mail from one address to the other while the client is totally responsible for sending the information to the server and receiving so a local database could be maintained for future references. Send Mail Servers: One of the first Linux based services and solutions →

Bringing trauma home: spouses of paramedics

Problem identification and definition The introduction section of a research article is aimed at identifying the research problem, to determine the magnitude of the problem in the society and to provide the rationale behind carrying out the study. In this article, the author clearly defines the problem which led to the conduction of this study →

How to get paid millions to drive your dream ‘supercar’

However, the reality is that you need amazing contacts, the ability to network like some of the best entrepreneurs in any business and of course a flair for being in front of the camera. Clever enough to leverage his position and relationship with manufacturers, giving away a new Fiat 500 for the launch of, →

8 reasons to launch your startup outside of silicon valley

In fact, tech has already undergone a substantial geographical shift from the core of Silicon Valley to San Francisco and beyond. Silicon Alley, Silicon Beach, Silicon Prairie are just a few of the startup hubs looking to entice entrepreneurs away from the " Valley".

Relection on case hospital strategy for survival

Despite the financial challenges, the City Council of Cambridge has been seen to interfere with the smooth operations of the hospital. It would have been easy for any CEO of a public hospital to give up and walk away when faced with such challenges such as lack of support from the city government and patients.

Cross-functional cooperation between departments

Effects of lack of cooperation in the workplace The concept of business silos should be ripped off for it only results in struggle for power, lack of cooperation and loss of productivity in an organization. They need to understand the importance of working in collaboration with other departments to achieve the goals and objectives set →

Managing business activities to achieve results

1 evaluate the interrelationship between the different processes and functions of the organisation 1. 2 justify the methodology to be used to map processes to the organisation's goals and objectives 1.

Imagery tone and word of choice

Gummere, Beowulf translated by Benjamin Slade, and Beowulf translated by David Breeden the translators used word of choice imagery, and tone both similar and differently to be precise about what they wanted to tell the readers. David Breeden used imagery to create a visual image of when one of the characters died and his people →

A case of convicted rapists

Because masculinity has been assumed to be superior, and knowledge reflects on male dominated universe reflecting the views of patriarchal beliefs, feminists need to study and understand the reality of sexually violent men. To counter this, research would require interviews with the group of unreported rapists but this would again place the researcher as an →

Sigmund freud, the psychopathology of everyday life

WAYNE PONIWEZ UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AT MONTICELLO SIGMUND FREUD: THE PSYCHOPATHOLOGY OF EVERYDAY LIFE Psychopathology of everyday life is one of the key studies of the outstanding Austrian scientist Sigmund Freud, who laid the basis for the theory of psychoanalysis, along with The Interpretation ofDreams, Introduction to Psychoanalysis and Ego and the Id. The most →

Sample questions and exam

The cost of a box of strawberries is 10 and the cost of a carton of cream is 10. Fanny's income is 48, and the prices of grapefruits and grapes are 1 and 3, respectively.


My background and interests are fairly diverse and require a more in depth explanation and presentation and this is the rational behind my presentation of this exploratory memo. What I wish to do is to make my knowledge of a particular subject matter and my ability to communicate my knowledge, feelings and ideas within the →

A modern day sir thomas moore

Despite the corruption, there are many figures of society that do great things for the people, but not enough to make a lasting impact. In addition, there are people struggling to survive in less fortunate areas of America that could live months off the daily salary of the wealthy.

The funniest incident

My sister then again asked me to take some snacks and tea but I refused to take it as I was more interested in reaching my friend's house. I made my journey to R K Puram and reached the quarter as I was told by the Enquiry Officer.

My purpose to learn finance at the university

To achieve this I would like to gain exposure to the latest practices adopted in the field of Finance and Risk Management. I believe that my educational background has instilled in me the qualities required to meet the rigor of this demanding profession.

Becoming an optimist

Belief I am not a good worker, I am always tardy and hence I have become a liability to my department. Thinking that I am a bad employee and that I have to resign is not really doing me anything good, instead of checking my behavior; I felt utterly depressed and had to miss work →

History of volleyball

The History of Volleyball According to, for the first time in the history of volleyball, volleyball was played in the Pan American Games in 1955. In 1996, for the first time in the history of volleyball, beach doubles volleyball is included in the Olympic Games.

Should companies be required to be more green (environmentally friendly) even if it costs more

This clearly shows that environmental protection should become a priority especially for companies, which contribute significantly to environmental pollution. One of the reasons why companies should be required to become environmental friendly is that growth which is achieved at the expense of the environment will only be short term.

International journal of engineering research and general science issn-2091-2730

We give priority to quality papers which emphasis on basic and important concept through which there would be remarkable contribution to the research arena and also publish the genuine research work in the field of science, engineering and technologies. 2 Issue 2 It's our privilege to invite you to submit your research work in our →

Ethiopian culture

EthiopianCultureThe people of Ethiopia are very diverse group of people that speak several different languages. Also, due to the high number of ethnic groups, many people live in states that are segregated by ethnic group and political affiliation.

Federal reserve paper

Federal Reserve Paper Alex Layer Macroeconomics On October 23 and 24 the Federal Reserve Open Market Committee held a meeting to discuss what they need to do or continue to do to stimulate the economy. I figured they are doing this since they are buying and holding their securities in an attempt to raise the →

Rudolf laban

In 1927 he moved to Berlin and opened the Choreographisches Institut and 3 years later he was appointed director of movement and choreographer of the Prussian State Theatres in Berlin. In his new ideas on dance notation and strong belief that dance should be available for everyone; he has transformed modern dance and dance education.opened →

10 habits that will make you much happier

Unhappiness, on the other hand, is easy to identify; you know it when you see it, and you definitely know when it's taken ahold of you. When you read and respond to your emotions, you are able to choose your battles wisely and only stand your ground when the time is right.

Enron scandal

Ethics are values relating to human conduct, withrespectto the rightness and wrongness of certain actions and to the goodness and badness of the motives and ends of such actions. Enron was a company on top on of the reason the fall was so drastic.

Deliberate self-harm in young people

K, with those young people who self harm being 100 times more likely to continue to commit suicide in the year subsequent to their incident of self harm, due to this it is often thought that young people who carry out acts of deliberate self harm intend to follow through and commit suicide, however, this →

Michael porter’s 5 forces for target

Although Target provides good support to suppliers' businesses, suppliers have been able to retain the power to control products' prices because of increased competition between the discount stores operating in the United States. The reason is that discount stores of Target and all other companies offer low prices to the customers as compared to general →

Theories in literacy development

The Impact that this theory has on the student or student's literacy skills development Is that the theory provides teacher with a gulled to help children develop better comprehension skills. Using this theory in the classroom will impact the way in which students make meaning of what they read therefore developing a successful and fluent →

King arthur as a hero

King Arthur as a Hero The life of King Arthur consists various features in myths the world over, from his secret parentage to his final encounter in a paradise across the waters. According to the other version of the legend, Arthur received the sword from the mysterious Lady of the Lake.

House of spirits – epigraph by pablo neruda

In this case, this epigraph gives the readers a small gist and theme of what to expect when they read the novel." The House of Spirits" is a novel which was written by Isabel Allende. Together with the second line, we can reflect to the novel because even though we may exaggerate and say we →

Everything is possible

To balance the need of the stakeholders, we need to prioritize business and stakeholders needs. As our business changes so will the needs of the stakeholders and we will also need to meet their changing needs.

Tata travel trailer

The budgets assuming stable production benefit the production department, the purchase department, and the human resource department. For the purchase manager, handling material in time can be used to measure to ensure Tat's production is under schedule.

Add mediavisualtext

IMPORTANCE OF PARTNERSHIP When parents and practitioners work together it has a positive impact on children's development and learning. Routines are very important for children as they like to know when certain things are going to happen i.e.mealtimes, sleep time, drop-off and collection etc.- they are key to establishing a sense of stability and care →

Anthropology: social networking/twitter

Me and Twitter of the of the Concerned February 6, Me and Twitter Since the dawn of the Internet, the social networking sites have been there. So my participation at Twitter allows me to be in contact with the people I like and love, in a more stable and lasting way, alleviating all the fears, →

Interface culture: new technology transforms the way

About the Book Interface Culture showed that one of the greatest advancements that the human society ever jumped into for the past ten decades was the development of the cyberspace or the Internet. The said book by Johnson has been mainly a rhetorical writing that helps the readers understand the reality of " Interface" and →

Albert bandera

After watching the video the children were presented to a bobo doll just like the one in the video. Last is motivation, for a person to act the behavior learned after observing he or she has to be motivated.

Zebra paradise

I will depict the details of my closet and a few items that occupy the inside of it and tell about my television, my window, and everything surrounding them. Right beside my bed, there is a black nightstand with a few of my belongings sitting on top of it, such as my pink alarm clock, →

Remove palagiarism

The plenty advertised US$45 billion China-Pakistan financial corridor will skip through the lovely GilgitBaltistan province in the north in an effort to connect Kashgar in China's western province Xinjiang to relaxation of the world thru chinese-operated Gwadar port in the country's south. Four according to cent boom whilst compared to the inflows recorded in the →

Theory of psychological reality by sigmund freud

Initially, Freud used the word ego to mean a sense of self, but later changed it to mean a set of cognitive purposes such as decision, acceptance, actuality analysis, device, and preparation, and justification, combination of data, knowledgeable operational, and recollection. Freud developed his theory of the super-ego from a previous grouping of the ego →

Religiosity of hwadu (koan) meditation

The view points of dependent origination especially the religiosity of hwadu meditation is believing and doing the things as they are. Zazen is a particular kind of meditation which is unique to Zen that functions centrally as the very heart of the practice.

Problems with the central business district

This is also a problem in Vienna's CBD since many large shops and department stores like furniture and carpet shops were forced to move out of the CBD and go to other locations outside the city to the old inner city part and many shops like electrical shops were forced to move to rural urban →

Rohingya problem

The Karens moved down the line of ridges to the east of the Sittang river and some the earlier groups settled west of the Irrawaddy from where they moved into the delta. With the arrival of the British and French in the area at the end of seventeenth century, most of the Muslims were removed →

Characteristics of social science research

Subjects Anthropology, Communication studies, Criminology, Economics, Geography, History, Political science, Psychology, Social studies, and sociology ethnicity and gender, employment and leisure, recreation & tourism, population health, lifestyle & wellbeing just to name a few What is Social Science Research? " Social research is a scientific undertaking which by means of logical methods, aim to discover →

Human and nature

However, the explicit use of the word 'like' or 'as' which you see in a simile, is not used in a metaphor which is rather a comparison of two unlike things using the verb " to be". Nature has such power that we forget our sorrow when we are in it's lap." Nature is wisdom", →

My yoga experience

According to Sanskrit, an ancient Indian language, yoga means " union." It is presumed that the term " union" describes the relationship between the " mind, body and spirit." More so, yoga is also called " asana" which refers to the " practice of physical postures or poses." It is part of " eight ' →

Public awareness of diabetes

The pancreas is the organ of the endocrine system, and when it is not functioning properly, the result is diabetes. The key to the prevention and treatment of many cases of diabetes is to provide sufficient public awareness.

Concepts of axiom and dogma

However, that is not the sole effect of the Axioms and Dogma, a point made, if only obliquely, in the Discourse to the first founding book of the Society of HumanKind. The value of those efforts to meet the material needs of others, on which both the Aim of the Society and the peace and →

Education opens doors

Education can be the difference between a life of grinding poverty and the potential for a full and secure one; between a child dying from preventable disease, and families raised in healthy environments; between orphans growing up in isolation, and the community having the means to protect them; between countries ripped apart by poverty and →

An ode to my sunglasses

But my sunglasses are special to me, because when I put them on, I feel detached from all the sadness of the world. So, here you go / take mine and Make the world golden for you! " I took the Guess sunglasses from her hand, and as I put them on, the sky began →

Simple science experiments

Put the two teaspoon of dry ice on the balloon, After that get the bottle with water and put the Balloon on the bottles 4. Put the opening of the balloon into the bottle mouth until the dry ice is consumed.

Possibility thinking research

I hypothesise that: Possibility thinking is at the heart of creativity in young children Creativity and imagination allows young children to learn and develop Possibility thinking will only take place if adults give children time and space The resources, environment and available tasks affect the possibilities for creative thinking Creativity has been described as 'a →

Create and evaluate a code of conduct

The Property Principle. The Reliability Principle.

Solution for the decline of circulation of newspaper

But there are some very interesting opportunities that should be focused on and that is: delivering content to readers in the preferred medium, generating new methods of advertising that are more relevant for the consumer and effective for the advertiser, controlling costs for the newspaper publisher." Seeing that the decline in newspaper sales became a →

Blackberry innovation: diffusion research project

An additional theory that exists in the world of marketing that theorists use to explain why innovations diffuse is the effect that online communities ave on society and the rate of adoption by a society. The first being the hubs themselves because if they adopt a new product or technology hen those influenced will undoubtedly →

Inequality and education

Education can be a solution to inequality. So if we gave more children the opportunity to get some education it would benefit us all because this inequality in education problem would get a solution.

Why do we age

It usually is the higher pitched sounds that seem to be harder to hear as we get older and also it is more difficult for the elderly to hear voice and conversations whilst there is background noise, I could hear the lower pitched oases such as the laughter in the background but not the detailed →

Theory of equity

You also need to know that pay adequacy is the pay level that allows the employee to meet basic needs and to achieve a standard of living that is minimally acceptable to the employee.the last thing to describe is Equity Theory. Kirkpatrick emplies that " If employee" s are not meeting pay adequacy through pay →

Euso disney stakeholders

STAKEHOLDERS Euro Disney's main goal is to make profit in order to reward its shareholders for the risk they took when investing in the business. However, banks want to be assured that Euro Disney will pay back an interest rate and the loan.

Negative impact of technology on everyday life

Also, dependence on high technology has rid of the need for everyday in-the-home skills, things like cooking, dishwashing, and even cleaning. One thing widely gone unnoticed is the measure of importance for teachers to pass on interpersonal and basic everyday off-technology skills in which technology can not impart.

American declaration of independence a product of the european enlightenment

Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson formed the main anchors in the establishment of the the Great revolution in America and establishment of the declaration by drafting the initial draft and leading the later amendments. Strong revolutionaries and philosophers underscored the essence divinity that was evident in the later application of the statues contained in the →

Christ impact on my life

If I was going to follow Christ then I would need to know exactly what I was suppose to know and do. The closer I got to Christ, the more joy I had.

Automated storage and retrieval system

Also, with an organized and automated storage increases the accuracy of the storage and retrieval of the product because it is critical to reduce potential expensive damages to the products. Moreover, the specialization of Westfalia to food specified clients made their ASRS attuned minimizing damage in storage and retrieval of products.

Harley davidson and his company

Analyze the factors affecting the strategic plan The history of Harley-Davidson began in 1903, in a 10' x 15' shed located in the Davidsonfamily's Milwaukee backyard. Through Harley-Davidson Financial Services, the company offers a package of wholesale and retail financial services for its products, providing it a competitive edge in the motorcycles business in the →

All grown up and no place to go teenagers in crisis

In this period, " the needs of children and youth are often weighted less heavily than are the needs of parents and the rest of adult society". He discerns in the seeming imbalances and morbidities of postmodern families the stresses hammering at children and youth in the contemporary society and a new family form emerging, →

Handel’s opera

Due to format Handel's opera were the most neglected in all of his works until recently. As with most of the musical artist of his time, Handel's opera were modeled on both German and Italian style, with some modifications to suit his artistic taste and that of the English for which they were produced.

Technology and how it has improved housekeeping operations

The Housekeeping Operations Department is responsible for the cleaning and he upkeep of the Hotel's guests' areas, to ensure the areas look better, safer and easier for clients/guest to be accommodated. Green Technology speaks to the environmental technology, clean technology is the application of one or more of environmental science, green chemistry, environmental monitoring and →

Study com

How reliable is the source of this argument bias/who is the source What's the purpose of this argument/ goal/ consequences? What are the functions of fact and opinion 2 classic studies 1.

European gothic sculpture

The sculptures I will discuss from the Gothic period are the Well of Moses and the tomb of Philip the Bold, both sculpted by Claus Cluster. The theme is that o sadness and deeper as the hexagonal base is surrounded by the figures of the six prophets who had foreseen the death of Christ on →

5 research-backed strategies to increase your sales revenues

Related: Trust plays a major role in the average customer's decision whether or not to buy from you; and unless you can effectively optimize and increase your trust factor, your business will basically be leavingmoneyon the table. Use security seals: that displaying security seals on your website is the foremost way to get people to →

The accounting treatment for research and development

In the Ruritanian Accounting Standard, research expenditure is charged to the statement of comprehensive income and development cost is to be capitalized as a part of intangible assets. Firstly, in the Ruritanian Accounting Standard, the definition of research and development costs have been given and set out the conditions that need to be satisfied in →

Pigs possessing human organs (scientific research paper)

In pig-to-human organ transplantation there has always been a problem due to a certain enzyme pigs' possess, to which our human bodies cannot accept or handle, and so it rejects it. So for the most part I would assume this to be possibly grossly over charged.