Genuine Research Paper Examples

Morality and law

However, it is considered by the vast majority of the world to be a legal drug, which is to say that it is legal for those of established age to buy, sell, and use alcohol. In the nations where it is legal, it would be assumed that this is so due to the moral tolerance β†’

Benefits of gardening

Gardening is a hobby for many people. When you have a garden of flowers the fragrance that come from the flowers and the different beautiful colours are a real treat in the morning.

Why does mankind seem so incurably religious

There is a lot of influential reasoning that can attribute to religion because some of it is man-made and the other is a divine revelation. Religion goes beyond facts in the form of faith which has a connection to the facts.

Getting away with torture

Contrary to the efforts of the administration to pass this abuse off as the spontaneous misconduct of a few low-level soldiers, ample evidence demonstrates that it reflects policy decisions taken at the highest levels of the U.S.government. The creation of regulated exceptions to the absolute prohibition of torture and mistreatment, as suggested by several academics, β†’

Applying an exposome-wide (exwas) approach to cancer research

The exposome, first introduced in 2005 by Wild addresses the limitations of traditional research approaches by applying a systems approach for considering the relationships between external exposures and internal genetic, epigenetic, and exposomic factors in the onset and progression of disease. ExWAS supports both data driven and hypothesis driven approaches and the application of combinatorial β†’


Using a unique, physical attribute of your body, such as your fingerprint or iris, to effortlessly identify and verify that you are who you claim to e, is the best and easiest solution in the market today. A fingerprint scanner system has two basic Jobs it needs to get an image of your inger, and β†’

Intersubjectivity and interaction as crucial for understanding the moral role of shame: a critique of tosca-based shame research

In recent years, a view on two key moral emotions, shame and guilt, seems to be establishing itself in some sectors of psychology, based mainly on the research of Tangney and Dearing and their " Test of Self-Conscious Affect". Tangney and Dearing's definitions of shame and guilt rely on a clear separation between self and β†’

Discuss the impact of the u.s. occupation and the immediate conditions of the dominican republic’s political and economic condit

Occupation on the Immediate Political and Economic Conditions of the Dominican Republic The 20th history of the Dominican Republic was heavily influenced by the nation's interaction with the USA, which left a significant imprint upon the development of the nation. The refusal of the Dominican government led to the direct intervention of the USA, with β†’

Discretionary fiscal policy

The effect of time lags in discretionary fiscal policy in the economic growth and development by the congress and the president captures a broad economic phenomenon. However, a problem exists in estimating the most appropriate economic periods between the upswings and the downswings which the congress and the president is to apply such policies.

Comparitive study between euripides’ alcestis and hippolytus

In the play Aphrodite the goddess of love, is angry with Hippolytus because of his devotion to Artemis, the goddess of chastity and hunting. In Alcestis The entry of the chorus, or the " parodos" sequence, follows: a chorus of fifteen men of Pherae, led by a " coryphaeus", enter the orchestra of the theatre.

Does it pay off

HSBC developed and delivered many value added products and services like launching mobile banking and secure net payments for merchants in 1999, the creation of and which was designed to create a common presentation of all HSBC's services at any time anywhere to any of its customers was the crown jewel of the β†’

Luxury watches

S, specifically the brand positioning of Rolex as compared to the their competitors Omega and Breitling. By analyzing the jewelry industry, target segment, direct competition, and the strengths and weaknesses in Rolex's company and brand, this report provides recommendations for Rolex that will help to reposition the brand to recapture market share in the β†’

Writing a great research paper

If you were not assigned a topic, consider these strategies for exploring various facets of your subject in order to focus on a topic: #1. Your topic should not be so narrow that only a handful of books or articles have been written about it.

Eve teasing in pakistan

Purpose To highlight the alarming condition of eve teasing in the main commercial areas of Lahore, namely the gulberg Liberty market and the H and Y block markets of DHA. To study the existence of eve teasing in major commercial areas of our society To find out various kinds of eve teasing acts that the β†’

Human trafficking in the united states and is human trafficking related or associated to poverty

Running Head: HUMAN TRAFFICKING IN THE UNITED S Human trafficking in the United s and is Human trafficking related or associated to poverty?[Author's Name][Institution's Name] Human trafficking in the United States and is Human trafficking related or associated to poverty? The purpose of the research is to identify factors of poverty and their relationship with β†’

How does malvolio connect to disguise and deceit in act 2 scene 5?

In the beginning of this scene we see that Malvolio is playing a role in the same way Olivia and Orsino were earlier in the play. This is the last aspect of deception that connects to Malvolio in Act II Scene VI.

The utilization of organic waste materials for biofuel production

This paper will attempt to determine the different potential impacts of the second generation biofuel on the society compare to the first generation biofuel and what would be the possible outcome if this was continuously used. To the future researchers, these topic is a great thing to research on, maybe they could research on how β†’

Gloria anzaldua’s aztlan: the homeland

Anzaldua refers to the Aztlan, the borderlands between the United States and Mexico encompassing parts of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California, as a " vague and undetermined place created by the emotional residue of an unnatural boundary...the prohibited and forbidden are its inhabitants...the squint-eyed, the perverse, the queer, the troublesome". I find the author's β†’

Culture of research and development departments

The number of processes, products, and services that a firm produces in collaboration with the customers also services as a KPI for the R&D department. The department is also involved in increasing the efficiency of the production line to meet the output expectations of the organization, as well as ensuring that the products and services β†’

Boxing as a metaphor

Salamo managed to survive the Holocaust for he won enough fights during the " boxing contests." The title of the movie was dubbed as " The Triumph of the Spirit." Where did the concept of triumph become evident in the film? Boxing appeared to be a manifestation of the cruelty and brutality that happened in β†’

Memo to ceo

The Administrator is responsible for the implementation of the Board's policy in the daily operations of the hospital. The staff team approach works to identify all of the patient's medical conditions, devise he administrator is the liaison between the Governing Board and the rest of the organization.

George gittoes

On the work, the boy's ears are distorted, expressing the impossibility of closing them now and not listening to the lies he is immersed in. He has a great deal of passion for art and humanity to be an eyewitness to the suffrage of mankind throughout the world is carried in his work.

On turning ten billy collins

In his early ages, he attended Archbishop Stepinac High School in White Plains and received a B.A.from the college of the Holy Cross in 1963 and received his M.A.and PhD in English from the University of California, Riverside. Billy Collins has been called " The most popular poet in America" by the New York Times.

Karl marx’s theory

The theory of Karl Marx as regards society and how it should move and organize itself is contrary to the view that all the members of the community must collaborate and contribute to the greater and common good. This is due to the fact that for purposes of subsistence, one class must necessarily dominate all β†’

Historical problems

Wilson's chief goal was to have the treaty provide for the formation of a League of Nations. Unable and perhaps unwilling to reach an agreement with Wilson, Lodge used his power and position to ensure the defeat of the treaty and prevent American participation in the League of Nations.

Patriot act, pros and cons

The Patriot Act was signed into law by President Bush in response to the tragedy of the events of 9/11. This report explains the issues that warranted this law, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the Patriot Act of 2001.

The country ecuador

The capital of Ecuador is Quito. The government of Ecuador is a unitary republic.

Star government

The rising cost of energy will be a new challenge for SMEs In their quest to stay ahead of the curve in Increasingly competitive markets. It is also about being more productive in using your energy or getting more out of the energy that you are using," he said.

The american enlightenment

The ideas of John Locke and the Enlightenment Period caused a few philosophers and people who were outspoken about freedoms and rights to shape the American government. This is the theory that as citizens it is the citizen's duty to rid yourself of the government if the government is unfair towards the citizens.

Accomplishing your rite of passage

In the story, " Through the Tunnel," Jerry chose his rite of passage after he saw the older boys swimming through the tunnel and wanted to prove that he was as cool as them. When it comes time for Temas to fight the lion, he is circled by his tribe trying to prove his passage β†’

Medication: the health of america

The plan requires a group of employees; a group that is responsible for the statistical data of the number and location of elderly and their homes and another group responsible for distributing the devices to the houses. The benefits of the lifefone lie in its importance in reminding elderly to take their medication as well β†’

American religion: the puritans and the quakers

In those years, the queen was tasked with stabilizing the country and decided that to do this, England had to have a comprehensive Church that could accommodate the views of both the Protestants and the conservative Catholics. It was in 1620 that the ship the Mayflower docked and the first Puritans came to settle in β†’

Financial engineering

Financial innovation is a process to adapt existing financial instruments and processes and to develop new one so as to enable financial market participants to cope more effectively with the changing world. Financial Engineering refers to the bundling and unbundling of securities.

Health promotion of the older adult

While my father put a lot ofstresson the importance of the physical asps CT of health, encouraging an active lifestyle and proper nutrition, my mother taught the IM parlance of coping skills and positive environments. Hernandez stated that prior to the loss of her husband, she often prepared her own meals, whereas now she relies β†’

Ang buhay ng isang bayani (the life of a hero)

Although he existed with a better lifeand belongs to a middle classfamily, it was clear for him how Filipino people suffered from the hands of the Spaniards who ruled the country in his time. His works emphasized how the Church treated the people, the experiences of the Filipino people and the law implemented by the β†’

Mega minds

This kind of unemployment results and can be said to occur due to the nature of job of an individual. And this is one of the major causes of unemployment among Nigerian graduates.

The rise and fall of enron

Enron soon became involved in in the transmission and distribution of electricity in addition to gas in the US as well as the development, construction, and operation of power plants and pipelines worldwide. The duo proceeded to transform Enron from a 'boringly predictable' and regulated Gas Company into one of the largest energy traders in β†’

Applebee’s finance

The restaurant named changed to Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar in 1986, and just two years later Applebee's International Inc.was started when Abe Gustin and John Hamra purchased the rights and the restaurant chained had a total of 54 restaurants. A Quote from the Applebee's website " According to Nation's Restaurant News, Applebee's is the β†’

Japan’s development & history

The culture in the Japan entered in successive waves in the continent. The culture of Japan took shape in the period of Yayoi.

History: slavery

They retraced it in the bible of the story Noah and ham his son, and the figured why they are the way they are. Why do indentured servants and slaves come to the New World?

Hp & disney alliance

It is obvious that all HP and Disney desired for the alliance is the combination of traditional Disney elements and new information technology. HP's Karen Jones believed that the alliance was the greatest combination to two famous brands and it success was because of the effort and time that HP and Disney had put into.

Why is aluminium utilised in the contemporary world?

Further, Aluminium 7075 is an aluminium alloy that is used heavily in the construction of aircraft and rockets. The electronegativity of aluminium is 1.

Social impacts and threats of it

Under the rules and regulations of this organisation, the manufactures of electrical equipment are obligated to provide consumers that purchase a new piece of electrical equipment a method of disposing of the apparatus that their purchase is replacing. Abuse of IT The same as many other great things in life, all great things have a β†’

New york: demographics and cultural differences

This dictates the quality of housing and other services that people can afford. Often, this leads to misunderstandings anddiscrimination, which is why people should do more research about the culture and norms of other nations.

The case of sonic drive-in

This current phase in the Sonic Drive-In business cycle entails the following advantages and disadvantages: Advantages: 1) Sonic Drive-In is able to divert the company away from the saturating market in the United States. Sonic Drive-In may not be prepared for the volatile market outside of the United States.

Helping people in need a supererogation or an obligation

In spite of the bad consequence of fouling the clothes, saving the child's life is morally what we ought to do as the importance of the child's life so far outweighs the little cost of getting one's clothes wet and muddy. If we agree that saving the child that are drowning in a pond is β†’

Understanding business research terms and concepts: part 2

Explain why.- The goal of this research is to discover the real nature of the problem and to suggest new possible solutions or new ideas. Causal - A hair-care manufacturer interviews wholesalers, retailers, and customers to determine the potential for a new shampoo package.

Literary criticism paper

In1984, byGeorge Orwell, Winston follows the hero's cycle because there is nothing told of hischildhood, he looses favor with the Party, and Winston is not burled after all. This Is true because Big Brother Is perceived as the ruler of Oceania and he Is a very high figure to the people.

Week13, health promotion and communication. psychology

I went to the health professional who admitted me to the hospital and started the treatment. In short, there was lack of communication between the health professional and I and this led me to non-comply with the treatment process.

Tooth and claw

James does not have the courage to back down and " I could not back out without feeling the shame rise to my face and there was Daria to consider, because she was watching me, too." It seems as though Ludwig sort of a con artist, he brings an exotic animal that he wants to β†’

Hrm challenges in staffing

Your evaluation of the importance of the topic in the UAE businessenvironment.C. A record of this will be entered in the student's official record and transcript".

The impact of railroads in america

It was the use of railroads over all other methods of transportation that aided incommunication, the transportation of goods, and ultimately decreased the costs of transportation, all of which contributed to the expansion of the American frontier. Yet, the rise of railroads led to the inevitable fall of the steamboats, and the railroads took over β†’

Milk research essay

I choose milk because I live in a rural area and find that the raw versus pasteurised milk debate is a very topical and important debate, which is ongoing. This is caused by bacteria, which can survive on the skin of teat and in the udder.

Obesity and its impact on economic production

Large decreases in life expectancy were associated with overweight and obesity; the decreases were related to that of smokers which proved identical. Barbaric surgery entails placing a and around the stomach to reduce the amount of food consumed.

Today’s education system

It was arranged in the rational civilization of the enlightenment and in the economic fortunes of the industrial revolution. The rational theoretical account of the head stated that the existent intelligence consist of capacity of deductive logical thinking and cognition of the classics, what we come to believe asacademicability.

Neuromusic research: some benefits of incorporating basic research on the neurobiology of auditory learning and memory

While research on music and the brain continues to burgeon, it seems to make little contact with the larger domain of which it is a part; I refer to the learning and remembering of sounds in general. Therefore, findings about the remodeling of auditory cortex in auditory learning are potentially applicable to the learning and β†’

Sample research paper on florence nightingale: to pledge or not to pledge

The nurturing of children by mothers gave people the supposition that the women can provide the same care to the ailing and wounded in the society. The nine provisions from the code of ethics are in the strategy and procedures to administer the nursing institution.

An overview of elogistcs

Traditional logistics generally refers to products manufactured after the packaging, transportation, handling, storage.[pic] E-logistics can also be referred to as logistics electronic logistics information, I refers to the use of electronic means, in particular the use of Internet technology to complete the entire process of logistics coordination, control and management, and all the middle of β†’

Henri fayol vs. henry mintzberg

These functions serve the purpose of predicting the future of theenvironmentand planning a relevant business strategy, developing a social and technical structure to the organisation, managing the activities of the staff, integrating plans and activities across the organisation and ensuring conformity with the plan via authority and feedback mechanisms to correct inappropriate activity. The 3 β†’

Stereotypes: an interview

When I asked how guilty she felt she was about stereotyping people, she said it depends on what she s stereotyping, but she does not feel like she does it too much. She said once she gets to know someone, on the acquaintance level, she does not stereotype them as much and does not really β†’

What is meant by international business ethics

While business ethics emerged as a field in the 1970s, international business ethics did not emerge until the late 1990s, looking back on the international developments of that decade. Ethical issues arising out of international business transactions; e.g.bioprospecting and biopiracy in the pharmaceutical industry; the fair trade movement; transfer pricing.

The dividing line between wildlife research and managementβ€”implications for animal welfare

This means that the welfare of wild animals used for research purposes is covered by the legislation, but not the welfare of wild animals subjected to management activities. Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee considerations for the use of wildlife in research and education.

Eye-tracking in psychological research

This is due to the expanding use of the technology in numerous fields, which has provided tremendous insights to the domains of human vision, perception, attention, language, reading and education, physiology, development and neuroscience. Images of interest to the eye are placed on the fovea, the part of the retina with the highest acuity.

Spain rise and fall

This meant that Charles V has control over the three leading dynasties of Europe at the time- the House of Habsburg of the Habsburg Monarchy, the House of Valois-Burgundy house of the Burgundian Netherlands, and the House of Trastamara of the Crowns of Castile and Aragon. The discovery of silver in the Americas was what β†’

Nonfunctional requirements

To go about doing this, you first need to know the requirements of each task and your experience with activities both when they run smoothly and when they do not to produce three time estimates: The likely time is the time that the task normally takes you to complete. The shortest time is the least β†’

A judge is a person who is given the task

He is the arbiter who is given the authority to evaluate the facts and issues of a case and to thereafter render a decision based on jurisprudence, the law, the Constitution and other acceptable sources. The people bring the case before the court that he represents, in hopes of obtaining a decision that is reflective β†’

Russian literature

In the long run, Christianity marked the character of the Russian literature. Golden Age of Poetry The 19th century was probably the most fruitful period in the history of Russian literature.

How to help kids deal with rejection

Kids should not even be worried about money they do not have bills to pay things to do their main focus should be school and homework." But that was Just the beginning. That should be another reason why I think this practice should not continue because It Is not safe for a child.

Vark assessment

In 1987, Neil Fleming designed the VARK learning style assessment which is a questionnaire that has questions that which answered by a person will lead to four scores that gives up to five study strategies which are: Visual, Aural, Reading/write, and Kinesthetic. The author use to think that she learn best from reading and writing β†’

Adult learner assessment

In layperson's language, the typical activities of a teacher and where they fit into the characteristics of student-achievement learning include: Teachers will use various techniques and tools to facilitate the learning of the students which is learner-centered. The assessment on the part of the teacher comes from goal-setting at the beginning of the quarter, semester, β†’

Industrialization and urbanization of indian society

In the recent years, the industrialization and urbanization of Indian society has led to an increase in the concentration of pollutants in the atmosphere. An air quality index is a parameter used by the government agencies to communicate to the public how polluted the air quality currently is and how polluted it is forecast to β†’

Gene editing in rabbits: unique opportunities for translational biomedical research

In the late 1970s, rabbit models provided insights into the molecular and cellular mechanisms of atherosclerosis and contributed to the development of Statins, the most potent class of lipid-lowering drugs prescribed annually for millions of patients worldwide. In terms of application categories, while a quarter of these reports are about the development and optimization of β†’

Why was malthus wrong about japan?

Thunberg commented on Japan, 'Of all the countries that inhabit the three largest parts of the globe, the Japanese deserved to be ranked first, and to be compared with the Europeans.' It stands to reason therefore that Japan's history merits such a wealth of discussion amongst academics. One of the earliest and probably the most β†’

Marketing/advertisment and weight body image

The influence is mainly because people pay great attention to the way that the different characters on the different programs and advertisements are portrayed on the basis of their body types. This is however not to mean that men are immune from the pressure for the ideal body image.

British imperialism in india

Originally intended to consolidate their hold on India by establishing a population that spoke the same language as their rulers, the British decision in the 1830s to educate Indians in a Western fashion, with English as the language of instruction, was the beginning of a chain of events, including a rise in Indian nationalism, that β†’

Bill to law at malaysia

When a Bill is introduced to MPs in the parliament, it is called the First Reading. The title of the Bill is read out and copies of it are copied out, no debate takes place, but there will be a vote on whether the House wishes to consider the Bill further.

Constitutional law: pam v. state x

According to Ranjan, " The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America...filed suit in the District Court of Maine". From a purely procedural context of the case, the court should not base whether the prior authorization of these drugs a function of part of State X's program is legal or not.

About hotel pokhara grande

Once our new location is complete, Pavitra will become one of the finest spas in Pokhara and all of Nepal. The gym has stgate of the art equipment and well-appointed congenial staff have the expertise to guide you towrds a thorough and befitting workout.

Trade manufacture

Whilst I accept that there must be some lee-way given inrespectto the individual facts of a case, the badges of trade and definition of a trade must be made clear for there to be any legal certainty a principle of utmost importance in large scale business transaction. I accept this as it follows the badges β†’

Marx on wage and capital

The productive forces at the disposal of society no longer tend to further the development of the conditions of bourgeois property; on the contrary, they have become too powerful for these conditions, by which they are fettered, and so soon as they overcome these fetters, they bring order into the whole of bourgeois society, endanger β†’

Aig case solution

In this corporate leadership style, the manager works with the team and not over the team, which is why he can determine even the minutest errors of the processes that have to be executed. In this corporate leadership style, the manager works with the team and not over the team, which is why he can β†’

Editorial: progress in episodic memory research

The Editorial on the research topic Editorial: Progress in Episodic Memory Research Episodic memory refers to the ability to mentally time travel into the past and to remember personal experiences in terms of what happened and where and when it happened and to be autonoetically aware of it. This research topic on the Progress in β†’

Media law in south africa

Under the South African Constitution, in the Bill of Rights it is stated that every person has a right to freedom of expression, which includes freedom of press and the media, the freedom to receive or impart information or ideas, freedom of artistic creativity, academicfreedom and freedom of scientific research. The relationship between the government/ β†’

Research paper on database design

According to Gordon, when designing a database there is a need to think of a field data type as a set of qualities that apply to all the values that are contained in the field and that determines what kind of data the values can be. Unicode is designed to make extended characters that are β†’

Nursing leaderships ethics research paper

In all my nursing endeavors, I have tried to indeed incorporate ethical practices and leadership behaviors but I have found that they are five sources of shadow when it comes to the assumption of leadership roles in this profession. Finally, I have found that in my personal attempt to assume ethical practices and leadership behaviors β†’

Aig scandal

After a twenty-second spiel about his worries, the father says, " Buddy, we are with AIG" and he goes, " Oh! and walks out of the room and back to his bedroom.[1] AIG, established as a Delaware corporation in 1921 by Maurice " Hank" Greenburg, is primarily engaged in insurance-related and financial activities in the β†’

Crown point cabinetry

Compensation Packages and Benefits The compensation and benefits scheme for production employees derivesmotivationand increases the employee's productivity Quality of Products The company's drive to produce high quality products contributed to its success and popularity Manufacturing and Production Process The company has evolved from an ineffective work process to a highly efficient process. Safety The company β†’

My dream career: dental hygienist

Whilst shadowing the dental hygienist and therapist I gained a lot of knowledge about the career overall from the skills needed to the variety of treatments that they can conduct. Ultimately, through being considerate and diligent I am determined to prosper in this degree and then the career of a dental hygienist and therapist.

Why did people vote for the nazi party

He believes in a brighter future for our country. He wants to show us that we have made the wrong decisions in the past and that there can be a new future.

Pseudo individualism

The argument implies that the rise of the popular music to mass status is a consequence of the symbolic strategies invested in it rather than the actual quality of the music. A principal factor in the understanding of Madonna messages is the language of cultural experiences and perceptions that she speaks to her audience with.

Grafitti: art or crime?

Examples of first graffiti drawing were found in the walls of Pompeii and Catacombs of Rome, and considered as an art form. Graffiti as one of the street art forms uses special materials for drawing, it has certain techniques how to draw and the overall outcome of graffiti drawing differs from any other form of β†’

Hamer v. sidway case briefs (1891)

Hamer acquired the right from the nephew through assignment and presented a claim of $5, 000 to the executor of William E. Is the act of refraining from engaging in vices a valid consideration?

The difference between a figurative and a literal analogy

The two types of analogies are Literal Analogy and Figurative analogy. If the purpose is to give logical reasoning and sound conclusion, Literal Analogy is better.

Justice and inequality in oedipus rex and antigone research paper

For instance, in the case of Oedipus Rex, the origin behind the tragedy can be traced to the belief of King Laius in the words of an oracle. On the other end of the spectrum, the issue of Antigone can also be traced to the problem of inequality in Greek society at the time.

Intellectual property rights protection in china

of the of the Concerned 12 January Intellectual Property Rights Protection inChina With the globalization of the world economy and the emergence of China and India as the primary consumer hubs capable of consuming respectable amounts of goods and technologies created by the Western firms, sanctity of intellectual property rights in countries like China is β†’