Genuine Research Paper Examples

The ring of the phone made my head pound

I covered my ears as I walked towards the phone in a fragile manner. I opened the door and I was greeted by Will.

Improvements in public health

This meant that people living in the basement and the rest of the house were in contact with raw sewerage and this would also attract disease and vermin and spread infections. The picture is a cartoon drawn at a time when the government believed that looking after the poor, the old and the sick was β†’

Judas at the jockey club

As written in the book, " In near disbelief, a New York Times reporter wrote that Mexicans scarcely understood the use of the wheel.", so it is not entirely difficult to believe that Mexico was still in an ancient lifestyle. One of the next biggest appearances of the ignorance and stubborn acts ofMexicanworkers at this β†’

Managing small business

An analysis of the key success factors for the industry will be presented along with the opportunities and threats within the external market in which MJB operates. As such, MJB is considered a Small business enterprise in the UAE, due to the fact that it operates within the Jebel Ali freezone which was primarily setup β†’

International business for managers

This report is generated in order to identify and analyse the competencies for international managers, as our company is looking to train the managers for international assignments. As the time changes and in order to get the competitive edge, the knowledge and competencies that the firm is based on must also change as: ".even seemingly β†’

Stepper motors and servomotors

We would discuss the characteristics of two of the most commonly used types of motors, i.e.the stepper motors and the servomotors. The stepper motors are those motors that work on the basis of the x/y axis coordinates and works on the basis of a special torch, which can help in pointing at all the directions β†’

Ap world history chapter 12-14 vocabulary

Jihad was the Islamic holy war.* Mu'awiya was the first Umayyad caliph and had a capital was Damascus * Today, Sunnis make up most of the Muslim population.* Today, Shia's make up the minority of the Muslim population * Mawali people had many restrictions, although they were granted the right convert to Islam.* Dhimmis were β†’

The mystic drum

But because of the complexity of the imagery andsymbolismby means of which progression of the lover's understanding of the nature of reality is developed, it seems necessary to visit the lyric in its entirety before proceeding to a phase-bypass analysis of its structure: The mystic drum beat in my inside and fishes danced in the β†’

The influence of michael jordan in the world of sports

It has been said " He" s the most famous American in the World" After winning his sixth National Basketball Association Championship, Michael Jordan has decided to walk away from the world of basketball for the second time in his life. With the NBA labor lockout that has canceled most of this season and now β†’

The difference between moroccan and french media

Enhanced by the technological advancement, especially the rise of Internet, the link between mass media and the public opinion has begun to change to become similar around the world. Moroccan and French media systems are not different from the others as their similarities are displayed in the fact that they are both using hightechnologyfacilities, inciteviolence, β†’

Medical research methodology

Research Philosophy This study will adopt realism because the objectives of the present study is to establish the opinions of designers, engineers, behavioral scientists, and users to assess whether design has strengthened the companies' awareness of different internal and external challenges and how to address these challenges. Qualitative research technique will be critical for this β†’

Business stakeholders marks and spencers

The owners are the people at the top of the business; they are in control of all of M; S, they have an overall say in what happens with decisions regarding the business. They are interested in the business because they would be putting their ownmoneyinto the business and if the business loses money then β†’

Apush dbq 2

In determining that neutrality was the overall focus of American diplomacy, one must assess the deviations from, as well as the success, of neutrality. Jay's Treaty settled the return of confiscated goods and ships to the Americans and established that pre-Revolutionary War debts must be paid as stated in the Treaty of Paris in 1783.

Obesity and its link to polycystic ovary syndrome and infertility

Obesity and its link to Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Infertility Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS is one of the most prevalent endocrinopathies, affecting 5-10% of women of reproductive age and is one of the commonest of anovulatory infertility. The cost of care for obesity and infertility in women with PCOS are costly.

The sister brothers

In the novel " The Sister Brothers" Charlie the eldest brother employs all of these tactics to control his brother and those around him." The wise man does at once what the fool does finally"- Niccolo Machiavelli Charlie uses his intelligence to trick others into thinking that he is a gunslinger that plays by the β†’

Chem sba 1

The meter rule was used to measure the distance of the white cloud from each end of the tube. The cloud formed nearer to the hydrochloric acid end of the tube because ammonia diffuses faster than hydrochloric acid.

Tom’s shoes

I also do not think they will react well to the buy one set of shoes and they will donate a pair on your behalf. They may be receptive to the buy a pair of shoes if another pair gets donated to people in the third world countries.

Importance and development of heritage tourism in city of bath (u.k)

3 The main focus of this dissertation will be to evaluate the feeling of the local people of Bath about the arrival of tourists, it is concerned to identify the major problems faced by the people due to tourism and to rationalize the changes of growth along with the sustainable development. 7 The study of β†’

Diary of anne frank

The Diary of Anne Frank: Literary Essay In The Diary of Anne Frank, we witness Anne mature much more quickly than a normal teenager would, an outcome of the conditions in which she is forced to live by. Anne speaks with passion and honesty, grateful and optimistic in her words, " When I think of β†’

Spirit catches you and you fall down

Lia's parents, Nao Kao and Foua Lee, and much of the Hmong community were skeptical of trusting the " white people" in the medical profession and in the community. Because of this openness to communication and genuine interest in their answers, she explained to the hospital how the Lees, and the Hmong culture, felt about β†’

Respryn and the cornish country-side

In the background we would hear the faint cry of an owl but the main sound was the rumbling and roaring of the cars passing by on the nearby main road. The excitement would start to generate as we got closer to Respryn and as we went through the field at the bottom of the β†’

The debate between essentialism and social construction

Since both essentialists and social constructionists have different perspectives on matters, in order to be able to decide whether or not there was a presence of homosexual persons over time and place certain aspects have to be taken into consideration. A social constructionist would disagree with whether the presence of homosexual persons over time and β†’

Nav is a sodium ion channel that in humans is encoded by the gene

Mutations in SCN9A lead to a complete inability to experience pain, which is due to a lack of protein production. Similarly, Waxman et al.point out that SCN9A is a consequential contributor to human pain sensation and clinical pain ailments and this is as a result of the stimulation of mutation in SCN9A which leads to β†’

Anatomy: oxytocin

Stimulates contractions of the smooth muscle tissue in the wall of the uterus during childbirth.2. Synthesis: In the hypothalamus, oxytocin is made in magnocellular neurosecretory cells of the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei.

Stakeholder mapping

The Directors and Senior Management The board of directors and investors expect the company to grow and make more profits. The board of directors and the management expect to enhance the customer innovation and add cost efficiency in the business model that could boost the level o profits acquired.

Independent evolution vs cultural diffusion

The best explanation for the evolution of the large powerful empires was cultural diffusion. With cultural diffusion and independent invention a gradual change occurred in the empires.

The tudors

In 1531 Henry persuaded the bishops to make him head of the Church in England, and this became law after Parliament passed the Act of Supremacy in 1534. The dissolution of the monasteries was probably the greatest act of official destruction in the history of Britain.

Believing god

I think this is the best way to see the presence of God. I think this influence also helped me to really believe in There are also times that I feel the absence of God.

Analyze the degree of alignment between the walmarts stated values and the organizations actual plans and actions

Analyze the degree of alignment between the Walmart's d values and the organization's actual plans and actions Walmart wants the world to know that it is a values-based and ethically-led company with three underlying beliefs which include respect for the individual, service to its customers and achievement of excellence. It make sense to align values β†’

Why is there unequal division of household labour in most of the society?

With the evidence of previous researches, the situation of division of household labour is explored and evaluated in terms of its degree of gender inequality as manifested. It is this benefit for the capitalist help keeping the division of domestic labour in a way that trapped women in the domestic sphere by decreasing women from β†’

Positive effects of media

Media contribute to a transformation in the cultural and social values of the masses. The persuasive nature of the content presented over media influences the thoughts and behavior of the general public.

Dealer satisfaction

This naturally will lead to better sales and satisfaction of the dealers.7. There are number of operators in the industry, and this study helps to know more about dealer satisfaction for Arasu cement.

Mission statement for kansas state university

Professional academic advising is integral to the University, and is vital in the transition of new, continuing and non-traditional students, and in the successful completion of their undergraduate degrees. The delivery outcome of this process would be that the advisors will introduce the nature, purpose, and potential of higher education during recruitment and orientation for β†’

Tattoos in society

Religious tattoos are very common in some religions and in others they are een as a sin or a way to rebel against your religion, for example in the Buddhist and Hindu religions tattoos are a big part of their religion. These are usually done when they get married, the tattoo artist will create a β†’

Depressive disorders in children and adolescents

Depressive Disorders in Children and Adolescents The Essay The present paper aims to discuss the depressive disorders disturbing the children and adolescents in one way or the other. The authors are of the view that depression is affecting 2 percent of pre-pubertal children and 5 to 8 percent of adolescents in the United States.

How to do business with germans

Anyone can contribute as long as they have something to add to the theme under discussion-otherwise they are not expected to participate actively. In brief, they are very direct, short and to the point, and can thus appear to be abrupt and demanding.

Software customization

The main benefit of software customization in a newly discovered mode of production is that the software can minimize possible delays and errors in doing the said procedure because of the fact that its function will directly support the task. On the other hand, a customized software can also provide a form of security for β†’

Black english

In today's world, we are always searching for easier ways to do things, we are constantly trying to fit in and do what everyone else is doing, and no matter what, we always do what we are surrounded with. It is forever changing, but as the language changes with it, it does not mean that β†’

Silic case

Because the building was appraised at 12, 500 and originally bought at 10, 000, the firm needs to make a journal entry to account for this increase in value 01/01/2003 Buildings & Land 2, 500 Revaluation Surplus 2, 500 Land & Building = 12, 500 - 10, 000 = 2, 500 As we learned in β†’

Characteristics and statement

I would bring this passion to my role at your school and I look forward to working as a part of a team of service providers to ensure the success of our students. I would also provide diverse and specialized services to students, families and communities, in order to help students attain axiom benefits from β†’

History harley davidson

In 1903, William Harley-Davidson, Arthur Davidson, Williams Davidson, and Walter Davidson started Harley-Davidson in a 10x15 shed in their backyard in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Richard Teerlink age 59 joined Harley-Davidson in 1981 and was elected to the board of directors in 1982.

Soren kierkegaard: mega mind of the 19th century

Of course a writer's work is an important part of h/er existence, but for the purpose of judgment we should focus on the whole life not just on one part Kierkegaard influenced others as well with his works that were published and unpublished throughout his lifetime. Corbett, 1985) Kierkegaard contributed to this movement with his β†’

Lgbt issues

Your family are the ones who love you and are always suppose to be there for you and when they are not there for you when you really need them at a time like that. At first I was not so pleased that we would be talking about it, but Paula's story caught my interest β†’

Distance still matters

For example In some Muslim Countries they abide by the Shari law and in the u. For example in the U.S.

Talk shows

The need to educate and inform the audience is the voiced rationale for getting the so-called guests to give ever more titillating details of their misdeeds, or of the misdeeds done to them byfamilyor friends. The underlying assumption that most social pathology is the result of a medical problem beyond the control of the so-called β†’

A meaningful place to you

It was a meaningful place because I am the one who organized our trip to that place and it was really a success. It was my very first time to see fireworks in the United States and I felt really happy.

Does the government do enough to punish cyber-attacks & criminals?

This paper explores the effectiveness of measures taken by the UK government in regard to the punishment of cyber-crime, aiming to show whether the current initiatives for the UK government for punishing the cyber-crime are sufficient or not. 0 The punishment of cyber-attacks and criminals government initiatives and effects In the UK, the first law β†’

Invoice sales salaries

The difference between a fitness club and a fitness equipment retailer mainly stems from the type of activities they undertake. Thus when an individual becomes a member or renews the membership this will be the first document to commence the transaction.

American experiences since 1945

Also the policies that were made during the cold war time, I will also discuss the events that took place in the 1950s: Politics andCulture, the liberal reforms of 1960s, reason why USA crashed with southern Asia and elaborate on the conservatism and the consensus politics. I will also discuss on the happenings of the β†’

Alone on a desert island

If I were alone on a deserted island, the first thing I would wish I had brought with me would be my two boys because they would give me the strength to get through each day. My boys and I would not be able to maintain healthy diets if we ate only fish, therefore, the β†’

North vs. south living

People in the north are generally used to crowded places, because they have a lot of people in a smaller area. While the people in the north are dressed in their best and off to a good time people in the south are sleeping soundly.


At the site of endoscope in ampulla, the cannula passes through the endoscope and into this hollow with injected contrast media and the fluoroscopy taken by the radiographer to study the common bile duct. Fluoroscopy is a radiographic procedure that provides a dynamic image of the inside of the body frequently after the administration of β†’

What i am passionate about

Maybe that is the reason I am better at math andsciencethan reading and writing in school. Drawing has become a major part of me; it has become my anchor and my passion and I am pretty darn good at It.

Value of achievement motives

As a business manager, you have to constantly evaluate your precisely define ' environment", classify business environment on the basis of some criteria; identify some of the critical elements of economic environment of business establish the nature of interaction between economic environment and business management; and analyze the interaction between economic and non-economic environmental variables. β†’

Phnom penh city overview

I was born in Kampong Cham Province and I have moved to live in Phnom Penh since I finished my high school. When I first came here in Phnom Penh, I felt very surprise and scare.

Harry frankfurt

And he argued as follows 1) is true 2) determinism: every event must be the way it is and we couldn t do otherwise is also true Conclusion: and determinism are not compatible This argument is a valid argument but it is not a sound one because the author doesnot agree with the conclusion of β†’

Operation fly trap

In her Ellwood she would study the effects of the justice department and the consequence it has on the community andfamilyof the criminals involved. The time she spent on the inside, with the people of the gangs and the lives they lead, would lead Phillips to question both the success of this operation and the β†’

Research paper on culture & inequality

Considering that occupational segregation based on gender is among the factors that shapes the differences in occupational choice between men and women, researchers have since the 1960s been involved in studying the implication of gender segregation in the job market. London: UCL Press.

The count or monte cristo

Analysis: Monte Cristo is here setting the stage for Calvacanti's entrance to Parisien society where he will be instrumental in the downfall of Villefort, Caderousse, and Danglars. Her stepmother is opposed to the idea of her marrying in general for it means that Madame de Villefort's son will have nothing to inherit, for valentine will β†’

Manolo blahnik

Manolo Blahnik has been designing shoes since 1971 and has received many prestigious awards, including three special awards from the Council of Fashion Designers of America, and the British Council's ' Accessory Designer of the Year' in 1990 and 1999. And the secret of toe cleavage, a very important part of the sexuality of the β†’

The effects of thc, spice, and opiates on the human body

As the THC enters the brain, it causes the brain to release a chemical called dopamine, which in turns gives the user the high feeling. The smoke of marijuana contains of a toxic mixture of gases and other particulates that are harmful to the lungs.

The indian national congress

Ramnath Tagore was the president from 1867 to 1877 after a stormy meeting in 1870 a declaration moved by nationalist adi dharma cabal of babu hemendra nath Tagore was approved to voice the concern of educated Indians to the British governments on issue of favoritism, engagement of Indian in the Indian civil sercice and political β†’

Nicaragua research paper

Nicaragua in Focus: a Guide to the People, Politics and Culture. Nicaragua in Focus: a Guide to the People, Politics and Culture.

Mrs. thomas: holistic end of life care

Quality of life to this nurse is helping the patient to do the best with the situation in life in which the patient finds themselves. Once she is taking said pain medication it must be monitored, adjusted and changed as needed for optimal effect and to support the ability to participate in activities of daily β†’

Offer and acceptance

Placing a notice of the withdrawal in the post does not constitute the withdrawal; it has to be received and understood by the offeree ). If the offer forms the basis for a unilateral contract, it can be difficult to revoke.

Middle age and renaissance art

In the Middle Ages the Roman Empire was spilt into two sections, the Eastern and the Western part of the Roman Empire. The art reflects the differences between the development of Catholic Religion and the Byzantium Empire.

Stella mccartney

From the moment of walking in we were analysing and paying more attention to different things in the store from the lighting, to customer service, music, the design and the layout. Marie Claire Stella McCartney: The Queen of] Available at: [Accessed: 27 Feb 2013].

Uae labor law

1 of 1972 regarding the competence of Ministries, powers of Ministers and Laws bringing amendments thereto; and In accordance with the proposal of the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs; the approval of the Council of Minsters and the Federal National Council as ratified by the Federal Supreme Council, decree as follows: DEFINITIONS ARTICLE for β†’

Sop for mba

This, of course, is the single strongest aspect of my application because of the utility of this terminal scientific degree for the business world, staying abreast of the business aspects of scientific developments in chemistry and micro- biology. Currently, I have the privilege of serving as a post doctoral research associate in the Hematology/Oncology Division β†’

The day you were born

I was ordered to lie down and relax so that the medicine could fully take effect and was urged to let the nurses or doctor know if I was not completely numb within a few minutes. When the doctor came back in to check my progress, we were all happy and relieved to hear that β†’

Health in comminities

10 Introduction Defining the concept of family Structure of the family Types of families Stages of family development The family as social system Cultural values in the family Family functions Roles of the family Conclusion LEARNING UNIT 3: 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3. The dimensions model consists of three β†’

Spanking as a type of corporal penalty

To some pking a child means " slapping a child on the buttock" Spanking a child may stop the child from behaving for the moment but that will only last for a short period of time. There was a study released in 1991 by TheFamilyResearch Laboratory of the Univeristy of New Hampshire that was showed β†’

Decision support for best practices lessons learned

Department of Defense concluded that barriers for the adoption of best practices included: * the lack of selection criteria among practices within cost-constrained programs, * the lack of confidence in the value of such practices by the program offices, and * the inability to relate practices to the risks and issues programs were facing. To β†’

Playboy of the western world

The Playboy of the Western World gains its title from the scene in which Christy cannot be beaten in play at any of the village sports, hence he becomes the " playboy." The phrase " of the Western World" leads the way into Synge's theme of Irish mythmaking, then still especially noticeable in unsophisticated peasant β†’

Kfc unveils new logo

The current campaigns of KFC are mostly covering the customers enjoying the KFC qualityfood. The latest tale re-branding from Kentucky Fried Chicken to KFC is that the commonwealth of Kentucky has enforced legal action on the company for its trademark on Kentucky, despite which the chain is a million dollar; growing business.

Coco-cola and coco frio

The journey of Coco-Cola and Coco Frio In the poem " Coca-Cola and Coco Frio" Martin Espada talks about a boy who travels to Puerto Rico searching for something different, that he himself has never had or tasted before, Puerto RicanCulture. In the text he keeps on referring to himself as the fat boy that β†’

“tartuffe, or the deceiver” – a comedy play by moliere

The principles of the Enlightenment can be found in several of the writings from this time period. In Moliere's Tartuffe, this is articulated all the way through the character of the king.

Socrates and the soul

However, men need to service the body in order to remain here on Earth and because of this the body may distort the needs of the soul to be that of the body. Socrates believed that the human soul was invisible, immortal, and the director of the physical body.

Pros and cons: sales promotion

This strategy is effective because the sales person is able to meet the customer and personally discuss the features and attributes of the product. The company needs to have a connection with different people in public relations and personal selling.

Corporate social responsibility research paper

Attention to organizational culture lost ground as organizational science, and the discipline of social science in general, became progressively more quantitative to the extent that research on organizational culture survived but its focus shifted to its more measurable aspects, particularly towards the employee attitudes and perceptions which delves more into understanding of individual participation, the β†’

Tourism course issue

PLAN OF THE THESIS The primary purpose of the study is to identify and to understand the factors why do students choose their Tourism Management course. Later, it describes the primary purpose of the study, which is to investigate what drives the students to take the Tourism Management course and to understand the possible reasons.

Is there water and life on mars?

The search for life on Mars has become more urgent thanks in part to probes by the two rovers now roaming Mars' surface and another spaceship that is orbiting the planet. The best and largest example, photographed by the Mars Global Surveyor, is at the end of a valley network that drains into Eberswalde Crater β†’

The dangers of radio isotopes

Radiation warning symbol The greater the dose of radiation a cell gets.the greater the chance that the cell will become cancerous. Alpha.beta and gamma radiation The degree to which each different type of radiation is most dangerous to the body depends on whether the source is outside or inside the body.

Extreme nationalism

It was from the common ground of extreme nationalism that the Nazis were able to build their empire. It was from the basis of extreme nationalism that the Nazis were able to be a factor in the causes of WWII.

The motorcycle diaries

It is an irony that the guerrilla Ernesto " Che" Guevara, one of the most intriguing figures of Latin America, has come to be immortalized as an icon of popularculture a pin-up, poster boy of sorts that lends face to the mass-produced " Che" shirts and pins. Retracing such route to a decisive era in β†’

Lars and his psychosocial development in life

Based on Erikson's Psychosocial Theory of Human Development, Stage 1, the lack of dependablefamilymembers during Lars'childhoodresulted in Lars developing a sense of mistrust and insecurity. In treating Bianca as a real person, Lars is able to deal with issues that occur as the relationship develops.

Discuss and justify the methodology used research methodology

Firstly, this chapter outlines the research process, then the aims and objectives of the research, and then moves to justify the research design, the data collection and analysis methods. Although I believe that there were various other number of techniques, yet the simplest way is the effective literature review of data collection and then analyze, β†’

Establishing a correct dose of beta-blocker medication for older women after myocardial infarction and ruling out ties between physical activity and cardiac risk factors

This is to establish a standard dose of beta-blocker medication for older women after myocardial infarction and to rule out the relationship between physical activity and cardiac risk factors. Thus, the results of the study will lead to the conclusion that demographic variables have a correlation with cardiac disparities in older women while beta-blocker medication β†’

Seat belt laws

It is up to the motorists to decide to wear a seat belt, yet law enforcement officers are the ones who are there to enforce seat belt laws. Every state has a different law about who does and does not have to wear them, but in the state of Indiana if you are in a β†’

Cultural and disease

Five million of those affected by this disease are under the age of 18, making asthma the most common chronicchildhooddisease. Asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases in children, with increasing morbidity and mortality.

Medium formulation

Fermentation media must satisfy all the nutritional requirements of the microorganisms and fulfill the technical objectives of the process. According to Cruger W and Cruger A; on a large scale, the sources of nutrients should be selected to create a medium which should meet as many as many possible of the following criteria: It should β†’

Paul marcartny

The need for a cover up The reason for the cover up was simple since the Beatles were one of the majormoneyincomes for Britain if they broke up or the fans did not like the band since Paul was dead Britain will lose one of its most financial incomes of the time. The cover up β†’

Advantages and disadvatages of modern technology

My paper will discuss some advantages and disadvantages of technology on society. We would not be able to cook many of the foods that we enjoy and that are nutritional.

Problems of a new futures contract

The most important aspects of the design of a new futures contract are the specification of the underlying asset, the size of the contract, the delivery arrangements, and the delivery months. At the end of one day, a clearinghouse member is long 100 contracts, and the settlement price is $50, 000 per contract.

Tragic flaw

The tragic flaw of a character is influenced by many factors, leading to the character's downfall. At times, when the condition of the character is at its worst, the tragic flaw will influence the character's decision, and which will eventually lead to the downfall of themselves.