Genuine Research Paper Examples

What impact does tourism have in coastal areas in spain

According to Bramwell a third of the income of the Mediterranean comes from the tourism sector, as tourism is mainly concentrated in the coastal areas of Spain. Therefore, Bramwell maintains that international mass tourism began to develop in the coastal areas and islands of the Mediterranean Europe in the decades of the late 1950s.

Traditional skills are disappearing

If we gain the insight into the history, it is not difficult to discover that when a country develops itstechnology, the traditional skills and ways of life always die out. Some individuals firmly argue that to keep the traditional skills and ways of life alive makes nonsense.

Advanced flight deck technology for safety

Boeing has spent many years with engineers as well as the astronauts from Nasa to incorporate and implement a flight deck design that in its overall abilities will prove to be a much safer, a more reliable " tool" of flight ensuring the safety of all on board their commercial plane as well as ensuring β†’

Libertarianism and redistribution of wealth

The libertarian claim that anymoneygained though employment or business is none that they are fully entitled to is false, therefore the claim that the redistribution of that wealth through taxation Is a form of theft Is also false based on the grounds that no one fully owns all of their wealth. The reason that no β†’

Influence of historical events/ interviewing vs testing

Early Psychological tests and measurements led to the mental test movement by indicating that uniform processes and procedures could assist in disclosing the extent and nature of indications of the brain-wounded and mentally sick patient. Berrios and Hodges assert that a subjective testing method is a method that puts the character of the individual into β†’

Surgical technology research paper

Second step is to take and pass the certification exam offered by the National Board of Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting, which qualifies you as a Certified Surgical Technologist or CAST. And the sixth step is to pass the ratification examination, and you will be credentialed as a certified surgical first assistant, or SFA.

Antigone the protagonists

The widely held view is that Creon and Antigone represent the " Will of man" and " Will of God" as opposing forces. It gets to the stage where Creon orders that Antigone be brought out and killed in front of Haemon.

Network design project

The client desires to have a mobile network with the ability to work virtually anywhere in the house. The two laptops and the wireless printer will all be assigned a static IP address.

Where to use mean, median or mode to make a decision

Consequently, the mean should be used when the teacher is evaluating the degree to which the objectives have to be achieved so that he/she will be able to encourage good study behavior among the students. Mode should be used in research decisions in the sense that for any research to be carried out there must β†’

Vertical structure of japanese society

The Bunyan-kabob-relationship Is a vertical relationship that makes the relationship between an employer and his employee reminiscent of a parent-child relationship. It is a long term and deeply personal relationship that forms the basis of lifetime employment seniority system in Japan.

Positive and negative reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is not just about the behaviors of the child but the reaction of the teacher and the adults to certain behaviors. The main purpose of giving punishments and rewards is to decrease or increase the behavior of the learner.

Simple harmonic motion

In the second part of the lab we used the equation T= 2? mk, where T is the period of the spring. Next we placed a 100g weight on the bottom of the spring and then measured the displacement of the spring due to the weight.

Research essay on the international olympic committee

The IOC is the leader of the Olympic Movement. In these games the world witnessed for the first time the participation of women in the Olympic Games.

Research on the wechsler intelligence scale for children

In the other hand, performance is measurable and it should be of critical importance to the test. Reliability refers to the consistency of a measure over time and across the content of the test, such as the item responses.

Oil pipelines and russia’s involvement

This is the case due to the high levels of insecurity for the pipelines in the region and Russia's influence on the pipeline operations to the major market in the Eastern Europe. Over the years, the debate over the actual cause of instability in the region has led to development of the hypothesis that the β†’

Foreshadows and suspense the lottery

Jackson builds suspense in " The Lottery" by relentlessly withholding explanation and does not reveal the true nature of the lottery until the first stone hits Tessie's head. She begins to reveal that something is awry when the lottery begins and the crowd grows nervous, and she intensifies the feeling when Tessie hysterically protests Bill's β†’

Developmental assets in education

According to Dewey and Tufts, the best kind of help to others, whenever possible, is indirect, and consists in such modifications of the conditions of life, of the general level of subsistence, as enables them independently to help themselves. In the bid to bridge the gap, the school makes use of varying useful alternatives that β†’

The island of bohol: heaven on earth

More so, the sizzling ray of the sun, the hypnotic sound of the sea and warm smile of the natives of Bohol greeted me as I entered nature's hidden treasure. The undulating movements of the waves took me to a place that highlighted my contentment andhappiness.

Current state of education in nigeria

Education fosters the worth and development of the individual, for each individuals sake and for the general development of the society/nation iii. Provide the child with basic tools for further educational advancement, including preparation for trades and crafts of the locality.these goals from the basis of primary education in all the states of the federation β†’

Is technology a blessing or a curse?

Technology is part of the life of every human- We can live without a technology and technology cannot exist without us. Technology is a necessary to live and to prove conditions of our live.

Law revision

Soon afterwards, Percival discovered that prior to and during the negotiations for the sale of his shares, another person was negotiating with the board for the purchase of the whole company and was offering various prices for shares, all of which exceeded the price paid to Percival. E is not subject to fiduciary obligations because β†’

The screwtape letters and subjective relativism

As a result, when a manager is able to affect the employees by delivering his/her idea and value to the workplace, subjective relativism can benefit the company. Subjective Relativism can help the employees to be more interested in the work and maximize the innovation of them.

To what extent did russia undergo economic

After the 1905 revolution Russia was in need of reforms both economically and politically, to allow it maintain its role of a great power and to prevent another revolution occurring the answer to this was the October Manifesto. In early 1906 the October Manifesto was published as a result of the 1905 revolution and as β†’

Example of research paper on data analysis and validation

The type of data validation used in this research is called triangulation. In this research, the method of hypothesis verification is testing.

Consumption of alcohol at a young age

Your full November 19, Alcohol- Cause and Effect Essay Alcoholism is an activity which leads to physical and emotional impairment, reduced personal and public safety, and many other social problems that are harmful for both the drinker and people around him. Due to the health hazards, alcoholism is restricted under the age of 21 in β†’

5 huge mistakes that have cost me millions

If you have read my, you know that I had a ton of early success in addition to my financial profits, and it made me way too sure of myself. It is also because I know that sometimes you just need the right push to find success.

Asian business groups

We have firstly to know that the keiretsu has played a pivotal role in the economic success in Japan and it has already been mentioned that the state supported the former of cartels as one element of industrial policy. To have a well-defined cohesion in our plan, we going to explain, firstly and briefly, the β†’

North face

It is also the record of the audit evidence and procedures applied to the audit. In the Matter of Richard Fiedelman, 2003) In order to insure the public that the auditing profession is reliable this kind of punishment is necessary.

Mad about plaid

As for brand image, maintaining the class, thus the quality, is more important than running the risk of a complete closure and a shutdown of business. At the end of the day, it is vital for a firm to maximise profits this is how a business operates.

Electrical sector and chemical engineer

In both the application of basic chemical knowledge and in the electrical design, the use of the chemical engineer principles and the solving skills in electrical manufacturing problems helped to supplement the specialized knowledge of the electric engineer in the processes involving physical and chemical changes. Chemical engineer is a professional skilled in the manufacture β†’

Serving as one

There are a variety of options and all five branches are ultimately serving as one; the United States Air Force and the United States Army are two very different branches, but also have key similarities. In the Army, members will wear a uniform known as the Army Combat Uniform, but in the Air Force members β†’

Minimum of two suggests that family can be both a blessing and a curse

Winton displays his interest in exploring the idea of family within each story differently, containing the positive and negative influence that family has on the actions and emotions of the Nilsam family and his alternative protagonists. In ' Distant Lands', he deals with the feeling of obligation towards and the traditional expectations of family whilst β†’

Eurocrisis and monetary&fiscal policy

This is really a burden for a country and it may bring negative effects to the government policy and function, because the government will have to response the imbalance in both the government spending and policies. And for the country, it is really a risk because the economic imbalance has negative influences on many different β†’

Why invest in adolescent health?

Despite this progress, substantial disparities in health outcomes persist across the country Ethiopia launched the health extension program: a program with package of basic and essential health promoting, preventive and curative health services targeting households in a community, based on the principle of Primary Health Care to improve theFamily's health status with their full participation. β†’

Exercise for balance in the elderly | research

One of the leading health concerns, in case of elderly is falling and which is related to balance Problems. So in order to reduce the rate of falls and to improve the balance the researcher selected the exercise programme as an intervention for elderly people.

My memorable experience paragraph

So I had to quickly wave to one of my friends on the bus and hurry back towards them. I immediately began crying and quickly covered my left eye because of the blood was dripping down from my eyebrow to my face.

I believe in engineering

The experience also improved mycommunicationskills and my ability to work as part of a team. I will also contribute to university life beyond the lecture hall and have the capacity to excel.

Lucent technologies case task

According to the information provided in the case revealing, the current assets in 2003 was 49. Some additional financial information that investors and creditors would need in order to make investing and lending decisions for Lucent Technologies would be the company's financial statements.

Athens vs. sparta

Sparta was a better place because the women had more freedom, they were prized for reproduction, and they did not have to worry about raising their hildren after age eight because they had to go off to the military. I would rather live in Sparta because the women were prized for their reproduction, they stayed β†’

The color purple research paper analysis

Alice Walker's The Color Purple explores the negative stereotyp of the 1920's against women and blacks, detailing Celie's mental and physical fgh happiness and freedom while learning to please herself without regard for othe opinions of her, instilling in Celie a strong sense of self-confidence and self- determination. In Walker's The Color Pur Celie refuses β†’

Economics test questions

A) Using the basic Keynesian model, provide a detailed analysis of the likely impact of the changes described above for Japan's real GAP and rate of unemployment.b) Suppose the government responds to what you have outlined in part with a change in fiscal policy. As planned investment is a component of planned injections, a fall β†’

Chef satisfaction

For the hospitality industry, it is important to validate and analyze the influences of the above factors on employees' job satisfaction, organizational commitment and job performance. In 2 the research model, the R of job satisfaction, organizational commitment and job performance were respectively 0.

Becoming a captain

I believethat I would make a great captain because I possess all of these skills. And, I have a positive attitude.


The quantities to be supplied for each price level is like below: P = 4 MN type 2+ 3 MN type 1 = MN $ P= 4 MN type 2 +0 MN type 1 = 4 MN $ P = O MN Suppose that the world demand curve for copper is expected to be given β†’

Needs of ifrs education in india

To broaden the pool of trained resources, it is important to incorporate IFRS training in colleges, universities, and the professional accounting syllabus of the ICAI. This paper throw lights on importance and need of IFRS education in India, the extent to which IFRS are recognized around the world and explore the possibilities of implementing IFRS β†’

Job satisfaction and its impact on employee intention to leave

Recommendations One of the reasons why employees tend to have low levels of satisfaction in their work and opt to leave to other places of work is the low pay given to them by their employers. Conclusion It can be concluded that job satisfaction does in fact influence the decision by employees to leave their β†’

My research over seminole wars

According to Ron Soodalter, " The Second Seminole War erupted over broken treaties that repeatedly changed the boundaries of the Seminole reservation and finally sought to push the Seminoles out of Florida altogether". AcademicSearch Complete, EBSCOhost." Outline of the United States History".

Kodak- competitive advantage

An analysis of the company in the light of Porter's five forces reveals the following dynamics: Rivalry The industry has seen the entry of large number of firms like Fuji, Hewlett Packard, Lexmark International, and General Electric. Barriers to entry With the technological advance in the photo industry many companies that have the edge have β†’

Rainy season

The wet season, monsoon season or rainy season is the time of year when most of a region's average annual rainfalloccurs. For example, the wet season period of the year in Mexico is known as storm season.

Moments of my life

If I was asked to describe the meaning of the word " life", I would compare it with making a movie which consists of enormous amount of shots. If I was asked to describe the meaning of the word " life", I would country and being aware of that you will not see her in β†’

Middle class and hard work

They want to be the diamond in the rough, but only a few of them can ever be such a thing. Sometimes people do not see how big of an impact they have to the society, but everyone is essential in order for the society to function properly.

Golden oaks rehabilitation center

She wants to end her life and is requesting that the one thing that's keeping her alive, her pacemaker, be disconnected. The top priority of the doctors, nurses, social worker, and ethics committee is to make sure that nonmaleficence is not being implemented while considering Margie's right to make her own decision about wanting to β†’

Niccolo machiavelli: about liberal countries

In Machiavelli's opinion, the best political strategy to govern such principalities or cities would be establishing the system of strict control of the ruler and making new colonies obey the laws which were already existing in the empire. However, the Roman Empire was following another tactic: in such colonies of the Romans as Numantia, Capua β†’

World civilization notes

This Judaeo-Christian Old Testament is captured in the book of Genesis 2: 6-7 in which it is written ' But there went up a mist from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground.' And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath β†’

Tristan gonzales

The first person that comes to mind when I hear the word integrity is Nick Carraway from the movie and the novel " the Great Gatsby'. Nick Carraway as a narrator is honest and reliable because he explains all the Judgments from characters in general and is unbiased in doing so, he presents original plots β†’

Market based accounting research impacts

Over the past three decades, a significant amount of research in market-based accounting research has emerged to evaluate the usefulness of accounting data to investors and the association between the accounting numbers and security return. Examine the role of market-based accounting research and the importance of disclosure of accounting information on capital markets Examine how β†’

The dotcom bubble and the stock market fall in 2000-2001

In that testimony he tried to explain the causes of the recent financial and economic crisis to the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, highlighting the vulnerabilities in different sectors of economics. To sum up, experts claim that flaws in evaluating the perspectives of new technologies in the 90ies caused the dotcom bubble burst in 2000, while β†’

Negative impacts

The response to the problems outlined Lies In enabling output to continue to grow while minimizing growth in inputs of materials and energy, and they can support the establishment of institutions meeting the standards in monitoring the development of environment related In affecting trade, identify gaps In normative laws and regulations and other policies which β†’

History of beverages/soft drink

It was the first very successful method of keeping the bubbles in the bottle. Automatic Production of Glass Bottles In 1899, the first patent was issued for a glass-blowing machine for the automatic production of glass bottles.

Related literature-inventory system

This is true even of stand-alone systems that are not integrated with other areas of the business, but many analysts indicate that productivity and hence profitability gains that are garnered through use of automated systems can be increased even more when a business integrates its inventory control systems with other systems such as accounting and β†’

Three branches of government

The legislative branch, one of the three branches of government, is made up of two groups- the Senate and the House of Representatives. The head of the House of Representatives is called the Speaker of the House.

A little about me

Livelihood of the people often sung to go with the movement of workers such as the kalusan, soliranin or the mambayu, a Kalinga rice-pounding song; the verbal jousts/games like the duplo popular during wakes. Other folk songs are the drinking songs sung during carousals like the tagay; dirges and lamentations extolling the deeds of the β†’

Chapter 16 the goblet of fire

I had no idea he was still at school!" As they recrossed the entrance hall with the rest of the Hogwarts students heading for the Great Hall, Harry saw Lee Jordan jumping up and down on the soles of his feet to get a better look at the back of Krum's head. When all the β†’

Why there should be prayer in public school

Nicholson Why there should be prayer in public school Interestingly, the same reason why prayers are banned in public schools is actually the same reason why prayers should be allowed in public schools. Inhibition of prayers in public schools would be a violation of the First Amendment.

The host prologue: inserted

As the whispers of the Healing students buzzed in the far corner of the operation room, his lips pressed together into a tight line. But not enough for Fords Deep Waters, who was a true Healer to the core of his being.

Is tribology approaching its golden age? grand challenges in engineering education and tribological research

The availability of a subject is strongly associated with its complexity, and the complexity of the mechanics and physics of interfaces is notoriously high. The difference between them is in the availability of models used to describe them: For the basics of mechanics of materials students only need proficiency in analysis of one variable and β†’

Tea shop

Introduction In recognition of the great albeit highly varied demand for tea in this parts of the country, this plan seeks to describe the strategies that will be used to ensure the success of the tea shop that falls within the highly competitivefoodbusiness market. The Mission of the tea shop will be to provide the β†’

Language development and reading disabilities

A series of research have always been carried out to develop and identify the key factors that can facilitate language development in the bid of curbing reading disabilities. Of all the suggestions on language development, the recent research by Adriana and Anne tend to be the best because it explored language development in a natural β†’

Study feedback

There was a description of the people involved with the client's life and their role and involvement with the client and the client'sanxietydisorder was clearly stated. And more importantly, the self-assessment of the client was stated on the client's profile.

Congressional earmarks

This project is a humiliation to the people of Alaska and the U.S. Some people view the bridge as an object of national ridicule and a symbol of the fiscal irresponsibility of many in Congress toward the money entrusted to them by the taxpayers.

Problems facing by warwick town

In the event of a Danish onslaught all the work forces from the country could garner together in the local burh. The palace stimulated the growing of the town because the fort provided a market for the towns goods.

Augustine medical case

The Hosworth-Climator is a product very similar to the Bair Hugger Patient Warming System and it is predicted that this product could be distributed in the United States next year. The system is comprised of two components: the heater/blower unit, and the plastic blankets.

Federalism and separation of power

With cognisance to the American democratic structure, the constitution provides for separation of powers by stipulating the functions of the various arms of government and also the jurisdiction of the different tiers of government, whereby the executive cannot meddle in the affairs of the legislature and vice-versa. The first stage of the bill is the β†’

Points about a crafting business

This is entrepreneurial in the sense that it involves looking to the future and seeing things before they are actually present. Another reason this is considered a battlefield is that organizations are competing to win the same thing, namely the consumer dollar.

Florence nightingale

Florence really did not neglect God's call to her and this really demonstrated the passionate side of her. Florence is a good leader because she is understanding to the other nurses and all of them will really follow her orders.

The tuskegee syphilis research study

People in today's society are also more aware of the researches that are taking place to not allow this type of study to be conducted. I think that in order for this type of experiment not to happen again we, as the public, should step up to the researchers that are wanting to perform this β†’

The advantages and disadvantages of technology

We cannot escape from the absolute need of technology in our daily life. The use of technology has made our life comfortable.

Red handed

I was nine and I remember feeling, no, knowing that I had forgotten something. What was it, the thing that I had forgotten?

Sociology & suicide

I also discuss the sociological perspectives of the variations in suicide rates that Durkheim's theory is able to explain. The type of work the person does and if they are depended on by others for their work can push these people to suicide.

Interviewing and observational strategies

The first stage in the interview and observation process is centered on the establishment of rapport with the client, as well as structuring. These stages rely heavily on listening and observation on the part of the interviewer, and will help us to gauge the wants and needs of the client so that the process may β†’

People in the long house

This article " People of the Long House" is about the life of the Iroquois people. Hiawatha was sick of all the killing and the cannibalism.

Chapter 4 – primary research findings

For this reason, each question will be analyzed, each under the specific theme it addresses, and a further discussion of the analyzed questions given in relation to the literature review in the discussion section Remarks: From this point forward, the CEO and the Vice President are the used names to represent Firm A and β†’

Expectations gap in auditing

This is realized when the role of external auditors is compared to the expectations of the general public and various user groups regarding outcomes and the process of the external audit. After viewing the above arguments and prescriptions, expectation gap in auditing can be said to be the difference between the auditor's actual performance and β†’

Khmer new year in cambodia

The majority of the Cambodians are still farmers and Khmer New Year marks the end of the harvest season when farmers enjoy the fruits of their labor and relax before the start of the rainy season. The history of the Khmer New Year is closely connected to the seven signs of the zodiac for the β†’

Me against the media

The few students who have actually done the reading chuckle because they know that today's class is about the pervasiveness of consumerism in popularcultureand in the schools. But this is no easy task, and activists would be well advised to work on the issue of Generation Y and consumerism.

Research literature of showing resilience

The biological and neurological mechanisms on mental health as they relate to Crisis experience involve the reptilian brain, the limbic system, the neo cortex, and the amygdala. One of the most important things is the recognition of our own strengths and ways in which we can use those frequently.

Marginal utility and pricing strategy

From point A to point B there is a total utility increase of 5 units, meaning the marginal utility is 5 units as well. Draw a marginal utility curve corresponding to the total utility curve depicted in Problem 20-9.

Lost sales forecast

48 May 2.32 2.39 2.57 2. 37 July 2.13 2.27 2.40 2.

Approaches to research in art therapy using imaging technologies

In the profession of art therapy, art making is an integral part of treatment and takes place in the context of a facilitative/therapeutic relationship with a trained art therapist. In the field of art therapy, art making occurs in the context of a facilitative/therapeutic relationship with a trained art therapist and is considered reparative and β†’

Adulthood by nikki giovanni

It has small towns there and so Just by this we can figure out that girl is not from a richfamilyor the next line it says " sitting on the doctors porches with post dawn pre debs". It describes how the place where girl lives has people, who have not much t do and β†’

Research college essay

Plus, the product is great because she is very confident to sell the Attic insurance and tactful off." If I can covey the message to the people very well, It Is the most satisfied for me. Once, the Usually, in order to ensure the buyer is listening, she will follow the flow of the customer β†’

Jim morrison as the byronic hero

In this paper I am going to describe in what way Jim Morrison projects the majority of the characteristics of the Byronic Hero. Thorsley, the influential researcher of the Romanticism, gives the following account of the Byronic Hero: "...the Byronic Hero is the one protagonist who in stature and in temperament best represents the [heroic] β†’

A mystery note

She did not have time for the pain; she had a Spanish test first thing and with a bit of luck she would be able to catch the early bus to school so she could fit in a bit of revision before class. Amber managed to squeeze in a few minutes of revision before the β†’

Invertebrate questions true/false indicate

Which part of the squid shown in Figure 27-3 is the foot? a.A c.C b.B d.D. In the earthworm shown in Figure 27-4, what part is analogous to the stomach in humans? a.A c.C b.B d.

Top gun

Frank Dully, and relating it to the characters of the movie by identifying theirpersonalitytraits of naval aviator described in the Dully Article " The Life Style Keys to Flight Deck Performance of the Naval Aviator." As mentioned above, this movie portrait around the character Maverick. As Dully mentioned, the first ingredient of a naval aviator β†’