Genuine Research Paper Examples

What are scientific investigation and non-scientific investigation?

It is a discipline that deals with the systematic process of gathering knowledge about the structure and behavior of the natural and physical world, based on facts that are measurable and can be proven by manipulation of data obtained through experiments, andobservation. Investigation is the process of enquiring into unfamiliar or questionable activities, thoroughly and →

Disorder paper: depression

But the truth is, some people do not recover and becomes enslaved with his/her sadness, uncertainty, depressive thoughts and feelings of uselessness and diminished zest for life that the person is said to be suffering fromdepression. Depression is a psychological disorder wherein the person's depressed state is not in proportion →


After every trial the subject was asked to estimate the number of letters expected to be written correctly in the next trial. SO showed a rise in the curve throughout trials 1 to last.

Fear and anxiety

The direct denotation of a phobia is " a persistent, irrational fear of a specific object, activity, or situation that leads to a compelling desire to avoid it". There is a higher percentage of people with a specific type of phobia than agoraphobia and social phobia (nih, National Institute of MentalHealth). The first diagnosis of →

Facilitating vocation discernment for lifelong commitment

It should " nurture a greater self-awareness for personal growth," and foster a " solid human" formation in addition to spiritual development. In Christian literature, the word wouldiscernment' can be used to describe a faith process of determining the will of God in a situation or indeed for one's life. The task of the accompanier →

Mary the mother of jesus christ in the qur’an

The genealogy of Mary the mother of Jesus according to Ali, 1935, started from the bloodline of Moses and Aaron's father Imran and wife Hannah. After realizing that God must have plans for giving her a baby girl, she was inspired to commit Mary to the care of people who were directly related to →

Five ways to kill a man

All of which have different meanings and a very unemotional tone to them." And one man to hammer the nails home." The first stanza features the phrase above. It refers to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, when nailing a person to wood using nails to hold the victim wascapital punishment. Brock suggests →

Why is it important to know what you believe?

What do you believe about God, the Bible, and Jesus Christ BY abbey0883 It is important to know what you believe so you can make the correct decisions in life based on your personal values, and Judge the best way to solve problems in your life. I also believe the Bible because →

The davinci code

It is for the people to decide whether these theories belong to Brown's imagination or the skeleton of 'facts' that supports the book. The Da Vinci Code novel involves a conspiracy by the Catholic Church to cover up the " true" story of Jesus. In the book, the Vatican knows it is →

J.i. packer reflection paper

There are two primary points that the author stresses to the reader: the divine sovereignty of God and the free will of man, and evangelism and what it means for churches and individuals. The first point J.I. I would explain to my listener that because of the free will God grants us, →

Why did germany lose ww1

The military incompetence of Germany on land and in sea was also an important cause leading to their loss in WW1. Germany's socio-economic condition and the incompetence of the political system in dealing with it was another important cause resulting in Germany's loss in WW1. Thus, there were various reasons as to →

Holocaust: germany adolf

Due to the levels of power and strength, the Nazis easily took over and the Holocaust began. Becoming dictator, Adolf got to feel the power that he always wanted to feel, aiming towards the race who stole his dream; the Jews were now his target. Hitler had the Nazi party behind him →

Did germany cause the world war i

This plan was worked out in the 1890's and completed and changed a little bit by Von Molkte in 1906. The fact that Germany worked out the plan of attack and all the other countries had just plans how to defend themselves, is the reason why Germany was sole accused for causing the war. So, →

Good example of research paper on adolf hitler’s power of words

Hitler was playing on the sentiments of the Germans who were still recovering from the humiliation of the First World War and the repressive nature of the Versailles Agreement which Hitler used constantly as a rallying cry. Several historians who have researched this period have observed the use of rhetoric by Hitler as a way →

Why germany and her allies were defeated in wwi

Some of the major factors were America's entry into the war, low morale in Germany, and Germany's Ludendorrf Offensive. The American entry into the war was a major factor contributing to Germany's defeat. Therefore, the entry of America into World War One was a major factor causing Germany's defeat. The Ludendorrf Offensive, which was launched →

Was germany responsible for the outbreak of ww1?

This leads to the judgement that although there is some evidence to suggest that Germany did fight a defensive war to some extent, overall German aggression did lead to the outbreak of a general European war. Firstly, the idea that Germany did fight an aggressive war can be seen through Germany's increasing →

What was life like for people living in nazi germany?

All of this made life hard and not pleasant for the Jews, this is what Hitler wanted so that Jews would leave his beloved Germany. The Nuremburg Laws was an important part to the way that Jews ran their life during Nazi Germany, the Nuremburg Laws consisted of things such as; Jews →

The rise of nazism in germany

The rise of Nazism in Germany during the 1930's was not an inconceivable happening, considering the causes and effects in play at the time. He united the German people by assigning to them a common foe, and a goal, to rid themselves of this foe.

International business practices in germany

The greatest one is the high amount of taxation on transactions and the over-regulation of business. Although the government is seeking reform to entice foreign business concerns to reconsider Germany as a trade market, current conditions make doing business there risky from a financial standpoint. The language is the same and many of the customs →

Germany: industrial relations and national development

In addition to this, the terms and conditions of employment have a direct effect on the workers' quality of life both in and out of the organisational premises. Menkhoff asserts that politics and unionism have always gone together but the effects of the association are gross in unstable political environments as they in →

Boost juice in germany

In particular, the issues faced by the organization within the five arenas of recruitment and selection, training and development, cross-culture, performance management, and compensation. Expatriate Recruitment & Selection Involvement of the expatriate's spouse in any pre-assignment, on-assignment and post-assignment training and support, particularly in language and cultural training (Salas et al. Training and Development →

The first world war increased rather than narrowed germanys political divisions

In 1914, as the First World War began, many would argue that the conflict had narrowed political divisions in Germany as all political parties were united, with the common aim of winning the Great War. Although there were slight constraints on their powers, from August 1916, they decided on the strategy →

Child development- visit

Expectation: I expect the child to be able to Paint, to draw and Linking the pictures to its words. Which means that he has to ask if he cannot read the words. Before When I told him that we are going to do some painting, linking pictures to its words and drawing which →

Psy 600

These journals stood out I taught about how it could relate to my live and adolescents at my job. Psychology and aging: The first 20 years speaks about how the aging process through the years of life has change and a few traits are still actively the same as the years went →

Childcare: child development

Areas of development from birth - 19 are : PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT including movement skills gross motor skills, fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination, from 0-6 months a child will turn head towards sounds and movement , try to put everything in mouth, hold and reach out for things and reach to hold their feet whilst →

A child’s psychology research

However, children should not be denied the opportunity to grow in a child-friendly environment. This opportunity would also enable me to be on the front line in advocating children so that we could have a better society and, in global terms, a better world.

Development of child

Between 2 and 5 they develop their vocabulary and by the age of 5 they should be able to hold a conversatlon ana Know tnousanas 0T wards ana tories.ney snou10 De aDle to start At 2 most children should be able to climb the stairs one by one and also to kick a ball. They →

Understand the expected pattern of development for children

As a baby between 0-3 months they go from being only able to move their hands, arms and eggs in a limited movement, to by the age of 3 years being able to run, have hand co- ordination I.E. Generally during the latter stage of this development they will start to have →

7 ways to cool your emotional hot triggers

We must become wise enough to take " time-outs" in lieu of losing our minds, making jerks of ourselves, and causing damage that may potentially be irreparable for our reputation, and the thoughts others take of us. When we are adrenalized we feel like we need to act now. Nothing is an emergency. The →

Elizabeth barlow: child development in the early years

I will discuss specific aspects and theories I consider to be important within infant and child development and I will highlight theories of child development I find to be of more Importance than others referencing these to my practice. I will also discuss how children, young people and their parents benefit from practitioners →

Children and young people’s development

Development of children and young people The development of children and young people. The understanding of moral concepts and the needs and right of others are included in this area. Communication and Language development The capacity for use a common system of symbols Is called language and Is the way →

Certificate and authorizing falcifications

To facilitate the authorization of an officer of the law to contact the child and establish whether there is cause for intervention Authorize certified and procedural medical examination or suitable treatment for the affected child Facilitate the entry Of a police office to access the premise and perform survey and search locations where the child →

Three stages of the child development

First stage: Absorbent Mind This is the period of transformation and the characteristic of this period is known as the Absorbent Mind. This is a good time to learn about the independence and interdependence of nature.

Children`s social development

In this stage children will develop awareness and understanding of the durability of their own gender and of others, this is generally focused on the physical appearance and a child may think that a person who dresses in typically opposite gender clothing has also changed sex (Emmerich et al 1977 in Harris and Butterworth 2002).

The wretched of the earth

The Wretched of the Earth Colonialism is an integral part of the history of the planet. Colonization only benefitted the colonists which are the nations seeking and dominating other lands. Successful colonization meant colonist control of the government, the economy, the labor force, and essentially the lives of the colonized.

Post colonialism in skin of a lion

Post-colonial Literature - addresses the problems and consequences of the de-colonization of a country and of a nation. In the novel, In the Skin of a Lion, Patrick who is the main character finds himself an outsider in the society and tries to measure himself through the other's look - Top of Form Bottom of →

Effect of colonialism on gender equality relating to the brief wondrous life of oscar wao

Throughout history, a patriarchal pattern and way of thinking has been passed down from generation to generation; what we fail to see is the reason for this pattern and the ways in which we can remedy the situation. A great example of this issue is displayed in the novel, The Brief Wondrous →

Colonialism and young black kid

Jane is a woman who is not content with herself, she is naive as Roche defines her and out of balance-out of touch with herself and the perception of reality. In consideration of all these factors and circumstances, who is really to blame?

New england vs. the colonies

However, those that chose to reside in the New England colonies were the most fortunate of the colonists in terms of living standards and morals for a series of reasons. Also, these living standards apply to most people groups at the time. However, those that chose to reside in the New England colonies →

Transatlantic change in north american colonies

Over time, the demand for labor remained the same; things needed to be pro educed, which meant labor was needed in order to provide suppliers/ consumers with whatever they wanted/ needed. The source of that needed labor, however, did change. It was the changes (labor source, which crops/ type of agriculture is used, →

The tempest and colonialism

There is much in the topical dressing of The Tempest which relates it to the colonial adventure of the plantation of Virginia and with the exotic Bermuda. Against this, we must say that The Tempest participates in a contemporary cultural excitement about the voyages to that Americas and the exotic riches of →

History: indentured servant and new england colonies

When three years was up, Bennett was to provide Webling with 50 acres of land in the Virginia colonies and all the necessary clothes needed. In the Virginia colonies there was a lot of land to be colonized but not enough people to do so. The plan was to have the wealthier colonists provide the →

The place of the african petty bourgeoisie research paper

This paper therefore seeks to examine the place of the African petty bourgeoisie. The main points to be discussed are: Failure of regional organizations, Fear of African leaders, the failures of the African rulers, boundaries and nature of the negotiated independence Body The expression ' African petty bourgeoisie', refers to the post-independence African →

The people of new england and the chesapeake colonies

The composition of the colonists of New England and the Chesapeake area were nothing like one another during the settlement of the colonies. The people of the northern New England colonies and the southern Chesapeake colonies formed separate and different governments upon arrival in the New World.

Middle and southern colonies

The difference in the geography affects the way the Middle and Northern Colonies were able to thrive economically and socially, and the way they governed their people. The Middle Colonies' social aspects revolved around vast farmlands, ideal for farming. This is due to the fact that the Middle Colonies attracted various groups of →

Japan and capitalism

Finally in 1868 the Meiji Restoration was proclaimed, the Restoration based itself on the transfer of state power from the Shogun to the Emperor. This started a political, economic and social process that, after ten years of turmoil and provincial agrarian revolts led to the modernization of the state and national unity. →

Profit maximization and baumol model

This means that the market conditions are always ideal, not very competitive and the revenue cost declines as a result of discounts made to encourage the customers to purchase the products. In reality it is difficult to accurately measure the cost and revenue within organization and therefore difficult to determine the optimal, profit maximizing level. →

Example of research paper on a theory of global capitalism radical perspective

Hence, an argument can be raised of whether the present stage of globalization is reasonably diverse from the initial period of financial internationalism throughout what the righter has termed as a global preference of semi global fonts. The theme of TCC and TNS are clearly show the relevance of globalization expressed in a theoretical manner. →

Advertising as a social communication study guide

Advertising any given product is only one part of branding's grand plan, as are sponsorship and logo licensing. Think of the brand as the core meaning of the modem corporation, and of the advertisement as one vehicle used to convey that meaning to the world.6. What was the new consensus that developed →

Capitalism vs socialism

The founder of Capitalism was Adam Smith; he creak Ted Capitalism around the 18th century. Socialism is an economic system in which the government owns and controls manufacturing, and is also responsible for planning the economy. Socialism was created in an attempt to eliminate ate the differences Hernandez 2 between the rich and →

Online shopping versus in store

Now if a company like Kohl's for Instance offers additional savings If a credit card Is used, once again the shopper Is saving usually an additional 15 percent. The trick to shopping In stores with credit cards Is to turn around and make the payment right there Is In the store. In order →

Research question case study examples

Reilly law of retail gravitation follows the following formula Reilly calls the boundary between two trading locations breaking points and play an important role in determining size and population threshold of different locations. Hypothesis: H1: smaller centers are perceived to provide convenience of services and goods as well as fewer types of functions; larger →

Sociology research paper samples

In his response, he posed back the same question. In the third scenario that this submission seeks to highlight and review, the helpless shopper is confronted in the same manner as before and this time close to a ' white' shopper who seemed to be completely distracted by the conversation and after the helpless shopper →

Business tendency survey best buy company

Considering thattechnologychanges so rapidly, Best Buy has had to transform from just being the little electronics store down the way into a competitive, customer-driven, talent-powered company that emphasizes on pleasing the customers as it pertains to the life of technology. In 1993 Best Buy was recognized as the nation's second largest electronics →

Money & happiness research paper

Whereas many people find the peace of mind as the major happiness; for some, money is the most important thing required to stay happy, successful and relaxed. There are several reasons why money can buy happiness. Thus, it can be said that money can surely but happiness and this can have the most momentous impact →

Online shopping: risks and benefits

The customer never has to worry about getting to a store before it closes, or waiting for it to open. This makes online shopping, to most people, the most convenient form of shopping. If someone needs something from across the country that is not available in their area, it is more efficient to order online →

Why online shopping is making a trend?

Millions of people are patiently browsing the web in search for the best online deals of the day and the best online discount websites. Thus, online shopping and online coupon are now very popular and certainly a trend for years to come. Moms, budget enthusiasts, frugal people or will I say wise →

Fastest growing supermarket chain publix supermarket and report that on July 13, 2001, the company voluntarily recalled Publix Premium Coffee Almond Fudge Light Ice Cream half gallon carton with a sell-by date of November 15, 2001 as the product may contain undeclared peanuts which could be dangerous for those who are allergic or gravely sensitive to peanuts.

Big bazaar (project in the making)

The founders of Big Bazaar were from the beginning very clear that they had to reflect the look and feel of Indian bazaars at their modern outlets, so that no customer would feel intimidated with the surroundings. In India most of us are not prepared for the consumerism that is setting in this country. Visual →

Research on real estate coldwell banker essay examples

Yes I do, between 2005 and 2007 as a realtor I was engaged in the stock investing department. 9. As have explained earlier, I developed the passion to work for Coldwell Banker at early age, and I have always identified myself with them. 13.

Corporate social responsability for supermarkets

By acting in responsible manner corporation must facilitate sustainable growth.As a result, corporate performance must not just guarantee returns to shareholders, wages to employees, plus goods and services to shoppers, thus must also accommodate the ecological concerns and values of consumers. An explanation offoodprovenance chart as an example of the influence of →

Can money buy the happiness research paper example

Wealth is the smallest variable determinant of happiness, yet we always value it, meaning it does not bring happiness in the long-run Based in social life issues, wealth will not buy the happiness that we opt for. The deeper thought on issues of insecurity eliminates happiness among the rich people. In every society, →

Sample research paper on luxury fever: why money fails to satisfy in an era of excess book by robert h. frank

This chapter aims at putting emphasis on the effects of the luxury spending boom and the effects it has on daily activities and the future spending patterns of both individuals and the country. Why Now? This chapter gives an outline of the essence of concentrating on the spending patterns. The →

Siemens bribery case

Then when the law changed, Siemens still utilized bribery, and employed bribery tactics in other countries where it was also illegal. In thiscase studyI am going to analyze the rationale and high levels of corruption that transpired in the Siemens bribery scandal and utilize the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's →

Gatsby, corruption of wealth

While Tom and Gatsby are talking, Gatsby exclaimed, " After that, I lived like a rajah in all the capitols of Europe". Gatsby was constantly living the life of extreme leisure and luxury, having no responsibilities, and no problems. Although Gatsby tells people that he had " inherited" his wealth, Nick believes he made the →

Behind prisons walls

The members of the society who are found guilty for violating the rules and regulations governing the members of the society are confined in prisons and thuds are denied the opportunity of committing more crime to the society. While in prison the offenders are usually reformed so that they can be better members of the →

Political corruption

In Hong Kong for instance, through a SchoolEducationProgram, students are now better aware of the problem of corruption and do not tolerate it any longer. The International Youth Network against corruption This network links you to other young people worldwide and gives you the possibilities to air →

Free research paper on the caspian sea region towards 2025

Because of these, this issue that talks about the possible outcome-scenario of the countries in the Caspian Sea's economy cannot only be considered an interesting topic but also a significant one since one of the major issues in the world today is the non-stop increases in oil prices and other →

Correctional officer

What words did you use to find this article? Summarize the article Respond to each of the following questions: What is an abstract?

Eradication of corruption

They have failed, however Eradication of corruption should be the nation's number-one priority in view of the ever-increasing horizon of political and administrative corruption and its baneful multifarious effects on the society-at-large. It needs to be understood by all that eradication of corruption is only possible if strong political commitment exists. We →

The causes of commercial bribery crime

This way, " If you want to earn more profits from the others, you should give greater reward" is taken for granted.From the reality of power distribution situation, there has too much monopolistic industry in China, some of the management and the staff has too much power, which gives commercial bribery great road system laid →

Gerhard cromme and resigning corporate governance commision

S securities listings. The companies need to be more careful in their dealings because of the very strong check is now kept over the company transactions and other issues and also because the consequences are very harsh. The strong check on companies andglobalizationis responsible for the increase in such scandals as these →

Stop-time’ by frank conroy: an overview

By not specifying who said the phrase " son of a bitch," it leads to the assumption that that either Frank or the Italian or both, are expressing their anger towards the police officer. Frank and the Italian feel resignation towards the police officer. As the police officer approaches Jean and Frank's fruit stand, Jean →

Why fair trade is so important in this day and time research paper examples

Why fair trade is so important in this day and time Fair trade is a structured social movement whose aims are to help producers in developing countries to enhance better trading conditions and promote sustainability. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005.

Narendra modi

We require this technology to be installed especially where the key responsible authorities work in our country at all levels of government. We should have integrated systems to view the work done by various departments in the organizations.

Example of race and capital punishment research paper

Proponents for the continuation of this type of punishment adhere to the fact that it relieves the world of inhuman and bad people. When the death penalty is in the offing, a lot of time is taken in the appellate, appeals and hearings.

Congestive heart failure research paper examples

Congestive heart Failure Overview of the condition Congestive heart failure develops when the heart cannot pump sufficient blood to the body. Systolic dysfunction occurs when heart muscles do not contract with enough force to pump enough oxygen rich blood throughout the body. According to Med resource, Inc., , the major lifestyle →

Heart failure alert system using rfid technology

The pump house of our body pumping the blood to every corner of our body every moment, thus sending oxygen and nutrients to each and every cell. Over a period of time, the heart muscles go weak, the arteries get blocked and sometimes because of a shock a part of the heart stops →

Current research that links patient safety outcomes to adn and bsn nurses essay

The authors of the study concluded that the quality outcomes were associated to a larger extent to investments in remarkably educated and qualified nurses, and also involving a significant proportion of BSN qualified nurses. Also a recent published article in health care research studied the →

Distributed system failure types

The second type of failure within a distributed system is network failure. Network failure is the failure of any single link within the entire distirbuted system network. Network Failure One of the key characteristics of a distributed system is the use of a network as a common link to share applications, data, →

Example of research paper on congestive heart failure in the united states

This paper covers the topic of CHF in the United States by reviewing the degree of the problem, the psychosocial risk factors, and current research. High blood pressure and coronary heart disease are two common causes of CHF Other causes of CHF include decreased size of arteries so less blood passes through and/or →

Reading research literature 1 essay example

Three, how do these decisions affect the family members, the caregivers and the sick person? This study contains a lot of characteristics that show that the study is qualitative in nature. The strength of the sampling strategy is the assurance of the clarity and truthfulness of the records.

Can failure lead to success

In the same sense, an averagehuman beingwho makes mistakes, like the rest of us, must fail in order to reach the level of success that he or she is determined to. A transient feeling of doubt may come across after or during the breakdown, but learning to be optimistic in such situations will abet one →

Caveat emptor

Just as in the case ofa purchaser of a business the rule is caveat emptor, so in the case of taking the lease of property the rule is caveat lessee; he must take the property as he finds it. Just as in the case ofa purchaser ofa business the rule is caveat emptor, so not →

The mcdonald’s scalding coffee case

The McDonald's Scalding Coffee Case is a case for compensatory and punitive damages filed by a 79-year-old woman, Stella Liebeck, who suffered from third degree burns as a result of spilled McDonald's coffee on her body. In the case described above, it is clear that Liebeck did not exercise due diligence in her handling →

Traco vs arrow

Issue Appellant supplier sought review of a Judgment from the 45th District Court of Bexar County , awarding appellee subcontractor damages, plus attorneys' fees and prejudgment interest, in an action brought for promissory estoppel and negligence for appellant'sfailureto supply glass doors at the quoted price. Rule The court affirmed the Judgment of →

Legal studies

This case is a result of information, misinformation, direction, and misdirection as to the physical presence of an adult to accompany children to a particular movie in that theatre. In this case the district court used the Saucier test to determine if Solomon's constitutional rights violation was established and was the officer's action reasonable by →

What is the meaning of responsibility

It is a moral belief that as individuals we must behave ethical and be accountable for our actions, and be conscious of our decisions and the impact it has on society. As soon as you stop taking responsibility for what you do in life, it is almost certain you will be doing things that will →

Mystery of free will and moral responsibility

If you may know, determinism is the theory that the universe at any point in time is entirely fixed by the state of the universe at a prior time, in combination with the laws of nature. So the reason why this threatens the ' garden of forking paths' model of free will →

The responsibility to protect

For clarity, the rest of the paper is divided into the following sections: definition of terms; the UN and the changing world order: quasi states, failed states and the responsibility to protect; the UN, R2P, and sovereignty as a non-absolute right; and conclusion. Definition of terms Before we proceed with the rest of the →

Good higher education civic responsibility (in the u.s) research paper example

The higher education should take control of the civic disengagement by focusing on promoting civic education and community involvement through introducing learning opportunities for university students. The problem of lack of civic responsibility poses many challenges to a society. The program plays a beneficial role to Dallas community. Non-profit and NGOs also contribute positively to →

Social responsibility of business

Due to the costly nature of CARS related activities, I doubt that all organizations will truly support CARS activities, and will continue to take reactive and defensive stances regarding CARS. Being realistic, however, we can see that CARS is becoming a hot topic mongo firms around the world, which means Coos and other →

Responsibility cost control system

I will also compare the changes in the Chinese management accounting practices and give opinions on the possible future outlook of the cost and management accounting landscape. According to the research on contemporary management accounting in China by Jason Zezhong Xiao and Rong-Ruey Duh, the most widely used techniques are, cost behavior →

Taking responsibility

Parents should be held responsible for their children's crimes because parents should teach their children what is right from wrong at a young age and they should be more involved in their children's lives and be concerned with the people and places that he or she is associated with. On the other hand, some people →

God’s responsibility for the fall of man

God's first mistake leading to the fall of man lies within decisions to create an entity upon the earth similar to him." And God created the human in his image, in the image of God He created him, male and female He created them". And God's decision to do so emulates that the fall of →