Genuine Research Paper Examples

Quality control and nissan

New Datsun models like the Bluebird , the Cedric and the Sunny helped spur Nissan sales in Japan and abroad, and the company experienced phenomenal growth over the course of the 1960s. Nissan has a broad variety of teams focused on building strategies for almost every aspect →

5 lessons learned from the world’s greatest uber driver

Before meeting Vincent, I would never met a man who was so proud of his accomplishments and of the company that he worked for. He is a model employee because there is no fluff with him. Look your customer in the eye and show them you mean business exactly the way that Vincent did to →

How to be a defensive driver

Most of them pass the examinations and practices, and they become a licensed driver for the State they reside in. Obviously, a good driver is not the one that has received a driver license, but the one that drives defensively. Precaution and avoiding distractions are part of how to be a defensive →

Economic factors affecting automobile sector

In addition, the incremental new capacity in the United States by foreign manufacturers in recent years has contributed, and is likely to continue to contribute, to the severe pricing pressure in that market. Due to the recent increase in the number of multinationals in India, the income level of the employees have risen →

Formula 1 constructor – choose a team – ferrari

The factors responsible for the success of the teams in their respective periods of dominance can be considered through analysis of the organisations core competencies, a form of competitive advantage which s usually a result of " collective learning processes" and are manifested in business and activities and processes. Ferrari's dominance in the mid 1970's →

Drivers ed

Potential Energy- The energy of a body according to the position of the body 4. Kinetic Energy- The energy of a body according to the motion of the body or of the particles in the system. 5.

Pestel: economics and key drivers

These influences determine the future success orfailureof the corporate strategies. The political influence include the role of the governments; economics embraces the macro economic factors such as growth rate, exchange rates and business cycles; the social component stands for changing cultures and demographics; technological influences include innovations; environmentrefers to he " green" issues →

Why own a car when you can rent one

The organizations like us or brands like us are actually working towards building an ecosystem where people can co-share cars and that's what Myles does, the fact that people can co-share cars, the fact that ride sharing is becoming more popular, this is all defining what's going to be the definition of mobility in the →

The first research question research paper examples

This is because, excessive movement densities for cars and people can heighten the process of deterioration of the Old City. The second question that the researcher seeks to address in this research is on the effects of the configuration of street systems on movements of people and cars in the →

China automobile

From 2009 to 2012, the automobile output volume and sales volume in China kept ranking the first in the oral. At present, most automobile AS stores in China only pay attention to promoting automobile sales volume but neglect the management of after-sales services.

Different brands of car dealerships are usually located near one

The mall that I shop at frequently combines the shopping and entertainment experience by expanding the size of the mall and introducing a vast selection offoodchoices in the food court. Recently, they open another food court on the other end of the mall, which also has new restaurants from which persons can →

Driving age

In some states the driving age is 16, I think it should be raised to 18 because most, Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death among 15- to 20-year-olds. I think it would be better, to get your driving license at 18 because if the teen as a job, the parents would have →

What’s the right car for hauling 2,000 burritos?

So we use solar panels and green cleaning products at HQ and recyclable shipping, and we chose the Toyota Prius for our company cars. We chose white to portray a sense of and : We are not trying to hide any dirt with a white car". - Russell Diez-Canseco, president and COO Jeep →

Patronage during the italian renaissance

Throughout the Italian Renaissance, the artists who achieved the most success were the artists who acquired the most notable patrons. Probably the most famous of these patrons were the Medici's and, like other patrons, they were rich and powerful. One example of prestige is the tabernacle for the Church of the Annunziara →

Life in elizabethan england during the renaissance

Queen Elizabeth I, her reign extending from 1558 to 1603, was one of the most prominent powers of the world and her legacy is still remembered today. " London became a cultural and commercial center where learning and literature thrived" while she was in power, as she believed the arts should remain intact →


He was " one of the greatest portrait artists of all time and one of the greatest painters of classical figure groups" l Gerard El grand in his studies of Renaissance Art agrees with this statement." He helped to define the Italian High Renaissance." 2 Repeal's artisticeducationbegan early. His father Giovanni Saint was →

Dbq the renaissance

The Renaissance was primarily thought of as being a period in which the revival of learning flourished, and the arts changed for the better and ideas became more focused life on earth. The medieval times was filled with ideas based just around the church. As the Renaissance began, the arts developed →

Music in renaissance period

For instance, opera was in its infancy when Gigolo Canine started writing the first opera and now operas can be found in all around the world and in different cultures. There are tremendous aspects to talk bout of the transition from Medieval to Renaissance period, however this essay will only limit →

Perception of women in the renaissance

Perception of Women in the Renaissance Perception is the point of view a person or groups of people have towards a specific idea or thought. Women were looked at as second-class citizens through the eyes of poets and playwrights in the era.

The renaissance

" The Renaissance was a cultural movement that pned the period roughly from the 14th to the 17th century'. It also a revival of the classical art and intellect of Ancient Greece and Rome.

Northern renaissance paper

The portrait is not beautiful, it shows warts and all, but at the same time it shows the exquisite detail of the fur and of the jewels, which was so important for rulers to show in order to show their status and wealth Hans Holbein the Younger did a variety of portraits for Henry VIII. →

The history of italian renaissance

More emphasis was put ontoeducationas a means of freedom from ignorance instead of a reason to serve God. There was a shift in power from the church to a general secularization in all areas of life, with the main focus being on the enhancement in the studies of the arts. The world was changing and →

The renaissance period and ideologies

This is an example of religious, and political ideologies, because the Pope Julius wanted the ceiling to promote Rome at that time and also to promote his own name, to make the rest of the world believe hat he was superior to his rival Pope Alexander. It also promoted religious ideologies by depicting →

Development of the renaissance in italy

According to Soppy , humanism can be defined as a movement that encouraged the study of the form and content of lassie learning and that movement was the core of the Renaissance." Italian society was characterized by a revival of antiquity, specifically the classical world of Greece and Rome". The aim of the Counter-Reformation →

Free research paper on michelangelo

The completion of the pieta marked the beginning of his great career in Rome. Some of his most famous works include the statue of David and the Sistine chapel ceiling. Michelangelo made other works of art like the drawing of the judgment, and the sculpture of Moses among many others. Michelangelo live at the beginning →

Good example of research paper on harlem renaissance

Although the center of this movement is within the Harlem neighbourhood in Manhattan, New York City, many black writers that were from Africa and the Caribbean who were in Paris were also got influenced by the New Negro Movement or the Harlem Renaissance. During the start of the twentieth century and the mark of the →

The villancico

These short songs included a refrain and one or more stanzas. Meanwhile, in Italia the counterpoint to this was the Frottola, which was a four part strophic song that is set syllabically with the melody in the upper voice, that include marked rhythms and very simple diatonic harmonies. However, as history progresses new things are →

Renaissance and reformation

Medici was important at the beginning of the Who led the split away from the Catholic Church in England? The patronage of the pope B.

European renaissance

Empire and the Pope Renaissance is the name traditionally bestowed upon the remarkable outpouring of intellectual and artistic energy and talent that accompanied the transition of Europe from the middle ages to the modern epoch. More exactly he or she sees in the minds eye Botulism's Birth of Venus, Michelangelo David, Leonardo →

Marco polo in renaissance

However, when Genoas merchants, rivals to the Italian Polo's, took over trade in Constantinople, Nicola and Miffed were forced to find alternative trade opportunities. Thus, in 1260, they set out to the north of the Caspian Sea and reached Babushka (which was on the caravan route to China) and remained there for 3 →

Crictical examination of the main features renaissance humanism

The relatedness between the church and the state or civil society has ever brought a kind of exchange in operations and thoughts. Thus, one of the causes of the renaissance humanism is not far from what happened and was happening in the church as at that time. The Renaissance also witnessed the →

Synopsis of renaissance play, the roaring girl

He takes them on a tour of his home and then tells them a story of a man who is in love with a Moll! (Mary and Sebastian were betrothed until his father discovered how low the dowry was, and then he decided not to allow the marriage. Sebastian then pretends to be →

Alberti on renaissance painting and technique

What is significant about this selection is that it summarizes many of the technical and metaphysical principles that have come to define the renaissance, especially the dominance of Plato and the rule of Form. Hence, this selection is not merely a matter of painting technique, but a →

Macroeconomic factors

9 billion for the year.The last 12 months performance of the company was overwhelmed as the figures have been positive in spite of adverse macro economic factors prevalent in the market. The company has been successfully innovating and designing high teach gadgets to attract consumers.The company is not concerned regarding recession as →

Macroeconomics impact on business operations

Macroeconomics is reflection of performance and structure of economics of a nation or a region. Gross Domestic Produce , consumption, unemployment, inflation, international trade etc come in ambit of Macroeconomics. Other than Business Operation or ' Corporation', other key elements of macroeconomic cycle are ' household', ' workforce', ' government' and ' financial →


Section 3 discusses macroeconomic objectives of a budget, role of government and how it intervenes, tools available to government and the practical considerations (lags in the effects of fiscal policy) The next part of the assignment the team selected the 2009 South African budget proposal and listed all revenue and expenditure proposal 2. →

Benefits to international policy

At this new coordinated policy mixture, represented by point C, both countries are now expanding from the original Nash equilibrium which as a result produces Pareto efficiency. The Hamada diagram clearly shows that there are benefits to be gained for both parties if some form of policy coordination is undertaken. This is known as the →

Key terms of macroeconomics

In contrast, microeconomics is primarily focused on the actions of individual agents, such as firms and consumers, and how their behavior determines prices and quantities in specific markets. While macroeconomics is a broad field of study, there are two areas f research that are emblematic of the discipline: the attempt to understand the →

Macroeconomic goals

Furthermore, it is normal for it to shift to the left or the right depending on the services and goods. The concept that a decline in themoneysupply by the Federal Reserve or a surge in price levels will make a shift in the collective demand curve to the left is also a false →

Consequences of unemployment on society

Hysteresis means " to be behind" and it relates to the economic costs of unemployment because of the damage that unemployment does to the skills and employability of those people out of work. The incentives to prolong the search for work are damaged and the end result can be an increase in " core" structural →

Lads & lassies

When constructing the 2005 income statement for Lads & Lassies, I will be using a multi-step income statement as this is the format that " includes other important revenue and expense classifications makes the income statement more useful". Also included in this rule is the requirement on how to report costs and expenses associated with →

Kevin phillips criticizes the reagan administration

Kevin Phillips criticizes the Reagan administration for grossly redistributing wealth from the poor to the rich. This trend has resulted in widening of the economic divide and slow degradation of the middle class in America. Middle-class Americans becoming wealthier in the 1980s was primarily due to a surge →

The basic principles of reganomics

They also wanted to rely on the wisdom of the of the market, meaning that the market is smart enough to take care of and troubleshoot itself, and they tried to use a policy of deregulation which would allow companies to make their own economic decisions with out the government limiting their choices. This is →

Dbq: us constitution

From 1781 to 1789 the Articles of Confederation failed to provide the United States with an effective government. The states possessed more control than the central government, as the Articles of Confederation forbade the government to command, coerce, or control.

Rice tradin

DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS LOCATION OF THE OFFICE The location of my business is in Malanday Marikina City because the owner of the business is a resident of Malanday Marikina City. 00 ROI The computation shows an average of 35.

Blaine case

Supporting Material: Case Exhibit 1 Income Statement| | | | | | With Repurchase Option| | | | | | | | | | | Operating Results:| | | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2006 | | Revenue| | | | 291, 940 | 307, 964 | 342, 251 | 342, →

Minimum alternate tax

As per section 115 JA of the Income Tax Act, if a company's taxable income is less than a certain percentage of the booked profits, then by default, that much of the book profits will be considered as taxable income and tax has to be paid on that. MAT Credit Under this system, if a →


As the officer offing Leone state that the Muslim employees is not the staff of Hong Leone Bank. The Muslim officials In the Human Resource Ministry, the Government and the authorities failed to protect Islam and Muslim employees. Besides that, 27 employees in the Hong Leone Bank were sacked because they did to →


If he decided to go ahead, the general contractor would be in charge of the day-to-day operations of the well. Brad Thomas estimated the probability of this kind offailureat the Bailey Prospect to be about 10 percent. If they were successful, SLUR would sell the gas to pipeline distributors who would →

New jersey legislature

The " upper house" which is what the Senate is referred to, is made up of forty members and the qualifications for its members is that each must be thirty years of age, must live in the state for at least four years as well as reside in the district that he/she is wanting to →

China huiyuan juice group limited

Huiyuan gained 149 percent from the time before the offer announcement to the day before the ministry's announcement. In mid 2008, in preparation for negotiation with Coca-Cola for a possible deal, the chief financial officer of Huiyuan, Mr. Both common stock and long-term debt will remain unchanged during →

Goods and services tax

It then looks at the Goods and Services Tax design in India which has been adapted to suit the Indian taxation system. The report ends with the probable impact of GST on Indian economy and the limitations of the implementation of GST.? Laws allow the seller to collect funds for →

Outline of marijuanna

Preview statement: Legalizing marijuana has been successful in other countries and once our government understands and believes in the use of marijuana it will destroy the black market in the US. There are many pros of legalizing the use of marijuana. 27 Feb 2013. .e.

Cigarette tax

The change impacted the consumers , the suppliers/producers, retailers/tobacconists, charity workers and the government. The sudden publication of the price increase would lead to a majority of smokers purchasing larger amounts of cigarettes than usual, in an attempt to purchase the product at a cheaper price rather than at its increased price. The suppliers →

Coast4life inc.

Option#1: Divesture of the Fraser dry dock Pro : Gain on sale of $7, 274, 000; in favour of BOD preferences and in line of providing the necessary funds to maintain incremental financial targets for upcoming economic downturn. Con : Against general manager's preference, as can affect the reputation of the company →


In the above situation I would say that the type of consent they are seeking is the implied consent because they are trying to get the patient to sign a consent form for surgery. However she is, in my opinion not able to comprehend the facts of what she is consenting to →

Leveraged buyout model

In addition will se the diverse features companies must have in order to be a leveraged buyout target and the consequences after the buyout is accomplish in order to reach a better level of efficiency with and obvious benefit in capital gain for its investors. The Boom in Leveraged Buyouts During 80s →

Progressive proportional and regressive tax system

The tax base is the amount to which the tax rate is applied to determine the tax due. The tax rate is basically a percentage rate applied to the tax base, and it can be progressive, regressive, or proportional.

Value added tax of the philippines

The AAB receiving the tax return will stamp mark the word " Received" on the return and machine validate the return as proof of filing the return and payment of the tax.3. Importation of personal and household effects belonging to residents of the Philippines returning from abroad and non-resident citizens coming to resettle in the →

The potential worries of individual visit scheme

To commence with, for resource allocation, IVS greatly makes the distribution of resources in Hong Kong become chaotic. After the implementation of IVS, more and more Mainland visitors go to Hong Kong and cause disorder of resources in medical services, local products and housing prices. For the Mainland visitors going shopping in →

The second war for independence and the upsurge of nationalism, 1812–1824

What do the authors say at the outset is the " supreme lesson" of the War of 1812? A national literature developed in the works of Washington Irving and James Fennimore Cooper and in the construction of a new capitol building in Washington A revived Second Bank of the United States was established in 1816 →

Tim cook attacks eu’s tax bill in a scathing letter

The head of tech giant Apple has hit back at the European Commission's ruling about its tax operations in Ireland saying that it has " serious, wide-reaching implications". Responding to the Commission's decision that , Tim Cook said that " in Ireland and in every country where we operate, follows the law and we →

The impact of tax havens on business decision-making

A 100% owned abroad subsidiary of a multinational company can manipulate their interests, management fees, transfer prices and royalties charges, which can cause the subsidiary to avoid some tax payments in home country. Generally, a MNC could minimize taxable income arising in high tax countries, increase investments in low tax countries to reduce →

Fort myers

However, the advantage to a congregate housing option would be building fewer units and services, and more returns in a shorter timeframe after selling the units. While it is probably not feasible to capture the full potential gross income from a congregate care facility given the higher price and time to sell, tables →

Microeconomics homework

Tate & Lyle is already on the process of putting more manufacturing plants to further increase their production capacity to supply the high demand of artificial sweeteners in the market which eventually to the acquisition of more profit out of their production. This high profitability in the monopoly of Tate & Lyle of sucralose made →

Microeconomics research paper sample

It is in this professional environment that I was able to gain a deeper understanding about more complex microeconomic elements, such as the cost and revenue of firms in different markets and the role of the government in promoting greater efficiency and equity in the economy. Concepts learned through the coursework from this class include →

Microeconomics and faber-castell

Note that our keyword for this point of discussion is that a quantity should not be differentiated from other goods because if it is so, then it would theoretically be able to define the market price in its own, and not because as an effect of other factors imperfect competition. We then come to the →


The dollar should continue to weaken against the yen in 2008. As an exchange rate is the rate at which one country's currency can be traded for another country's currency, the rate is influenced country's income, a country's prices, the interest rate in a country, and the country's trade policy. That →

Microeconomics of automobile industry research paper examples

Second, the industry is dynamic and undergoing a lot of changes in the recent past. The objective of this paper is to understand the microeconomics of the automobile industry. The section will discuss the demand and supply factors of the industry and how these factors impact the industry.

Microeconomics market structures

We know this since lower competition increases the producer's surplus; in return it decreases the consumer surplus. The loss in the consumer's surplus is means it will be greater than the increase in the producer's surplus. The equilibrium point is where the supply curve and demand curve intersect and establish the market →

Microeconomics market theory

All factors except Pix either shift or rotate the Demand for good x. Therefore, the linear demand function or good x is written as QED = a - Pix or, a - boxed Consumer Surplus : technically it is the area below a demand curve and above the market price. Therefore, the →

Principles of microeconomics

Gasoline In your analysis, please make sure to explain your reasoning and relate your answers to the characteristics of the determinants of the price elasticity of demand. In your analysis, make sure to relate an example for each of the market structures listed and how it elates to the particular characteristics. Discussion 2, →

Ocean spray cranberries, inc.

Although Ocean Spray's transportation capabilities to be able to support the expansion of their logistic network can be challenging, investing in a third-party logistics provider will allow the focus of core competency and revamping of transportation logistics. Benefits of 3PL The result of an increasing trend →

Level of responsibility in my company

Although the levels of my responsibilities are not those typical of a non-degreed manager, I have worked twice as hard and derived much pride in an extremely successful management career despite not having a bachelors degree.. In addition to promoting my sense ofhard workI have over than 3 years of increasing management →

Carrington and virgin atlantic

These changes consisted of a complete analysis to all aspects of Virgin Atlantic's relations with the public. Considering that this was a period of economic crunch the major airlines industry was facing catastrophic revenue losses due to the raising fuel cost, unstable economy, and poor business practices, tightening the belt seems to →

Cost leadership and differentiation strategies

A combination of cost leadership and differentiation strategies should be distinguish from ' stuck in the middle' where firm fails to successfully pursue both.. A combination or hybrid strategy has been proved to be viable and profitable (Kim et al., 2004; Miller & Dess, 1993; Wright et al., 1991). Cost leadership enables →


Business strategy concerns: to gain and sustain a competitive advantage for a single line of business. B.defining what set of businesses to be in and why. C.selecting a business model to use in pursuing business objectives. D.selecting a set of stretch financial and strategic objectives for a particular line of business. E.choosing the most →

Agile electric: quality issues in a global supply chain

The manufacturing process for the actuator assembly has four. First, BIPL is the 4th tier of the supply chain for the actuator that recommended by the tier 3 suppliers ECPL and makes the PCB part of the actuator by ISO 9000 certified. Second, ECPL is the 3rd tier of the supply chain for the actuator →

Transition metal

Group 6: What are the THREE contemporary designs you can develop In this business. Give examples on how you can do It. Group 9: When you Intend to CHANGE the behavior of your people and foster Innovation In your business, what are the THREE types of change you can take and lead.

Quinn and rohrbaugh model

While Quinn and Rohrbaugh agreed with the fact that effectiveness or performance is a core element that calls for consideration in organizational analysis, they are of the opinion that the definitions of the factors contributory to effectiveness bring about confusion rather than clarity in understanding the underlying principles of →

Similarities and differences of buddha and christ

And today, Buddha's teachings still followed by a lot of people throughout the world." Christ" as the identification, Jesus is not accepted within Judaism. Christians are called " Nazarenes" in Talmudic Hebrew because in the New Testament, Jesus is described in as being from the city of Nazareth. Lastly, if there are →

Buddhists beliefs, temples, and monks

On the top part of the sign it says Hsi Lai Temple which again means " coming west" and then on the four pillars it says the four universal vows, which are " to save all sentient beings, to eradicate all worries, to study the boundless Dharma, and to attain supreme Buddhahood." After you walk →

Buddhist ethnography

The Buddhist Experience Buddhism is a religion that focuses more on the individual and the actions of that individual, which was prevalent to me when I made my way into Portland and set foot in a Buddhist temple. They repeated this feat of leaving the castle walls on 3 more occasions, seeing a sickly →

The zen of listening

This contrast, and the existence of the radio and the ways we listen have important temporally bound characteristics that are important in understanding times, the medium itself and our relationship with it as it becomes engrained or interwoven into our everyday lives. The text examines the social implications and reasons for being →

Buddhism in other countries

Schools of Buddhism The moment Siddhartha recognized the cause of suffering, he attained enlightenment, or the great awakening. From that point on, Siddhartha was known as the Buddha, the " enlightened one." He spent the rest of his life teaching in India. As the teachings of the Buddha spread from India to →

Buddhist beliefs

Buddhism, like most of the great religions of the world, is divided into a number of different traditions. Suffering has many causes: loss, sickness, pain, failure, the impermanence of pleasure.) Samudaya: There is a cause for suffering.(It is the desire to have and control things.

Buddhism- a religion or a philosophy?

Similarities of traditional religions : Religion " suggests the joining of our natural, human world to the sacred world". Buddhism revolves around the life and lessons of Buddha, and Christianity revolves around the life and lessons of Jesus Christ, who are the two prophets present in both fields of practice (Los →

Buddhism and education

This dissertation is divided into eight sections: 1) Survey of History and Definition of Education Concept- this section recaps the milestones in the course of human development throughout history and incorporates the education background in each significant point in history. 2) The Problem of Education in the →

Buddhist website

Future research on the matters stated above is expected to clarify what kind of information people from the particular cultural region expect and how it should be designed. Literature Review Mayhew once compared a website to a book which anyone can display on The World Wide Web which is " →

Hinduism and buddhism, and their respective elements

The word was actually derived from the river " Indus", from an area of which it originated. The daily practices of the area's inhabitants gradually turned into a religion or concept, upon which it revolves around the peoples' religious, philosophical, and cultural practices native to the Indian sub-continent. A Slight Taste of →

Spread of buddhism

From the point of view of a Daoist the reader would have been better able to understand the writer's loyalties on the statement. Buddhists positively responded to the Spread of Buddhism because they obviously believed in the values of Buddhism and they wanted to share their beliefs with others. The bias in →

Buddhist religious traditions: sacred elements and meanings

Siddhartha Gautama is generally recognized as the Supreme Buddha and his teachings are considered sacred. Middle Way, Dependent Origination, Four Noble Truths, and Noble Eightfold Path These are practices common to all Buddhist schools. The Middle Way is their practice of non-extremism which means " →

Zen mind, beginner’s mind

The significance of acquiring and owning the Zen mind can help people to determine and therefore practice the right way of living, the right manners, postures and the beliefs which would hone the totalpersonalityof an individual. ZenPhilosophyteaches that there is just a thin line marking the difference between the Zen mind and the Beginner's mind. →

Hinayan and mahayn

To gain liberation or enlightenment, both Hinayana and Mahayana assert that one needs nonconceptual cognition of the lack of an impossible " soul." Such a lack is often called " selflessness," anatma in Sanskrit, the main Indian scriptural language of Sarvastivada and Mahayana; anatta in Pali, the scriptural language of Theravada. The →

Military nursing

The core values means the principles or standards to be followed during the course of job. Courage is the bravery, which gives us strength to face every problem without fear. Commitment: The last core value of navy is commitment, which means dedication, obligation and promise towards all the people a job assigned.

Can military force promote humanitarian values?

This paper utilises acase studyfrom the Libyan conflict to assess whether there is a politicised nature in the push for military led humanitarian operations, and examines whether there is a political undertone in the increased usage of military forces. Contrary to this, the earlier reference to cherry picking provides a casing point when the political →