Genuine Research Paper Examples

Whether the economy growing or receding

This therefore means that schools are not going to have high quality up to date facilities due to the fact that they are not receiving a big enough income to be able to afford it. This could mean that people want to move out of Ware and relocate if they do so they may have →

Ascii codes

For example, the ASCII code for A is 65, and the ASCII code for 4 is 52. Computers use ASCII code to communicate with each other. The following table shows the ASCII code for letters, numbers, and commands.

Economics sba

To promote an understanding of the factors that influence the demand for tablets 2. To compare each household income inequality There is a growing argue in the demand for tablets among the students of A level college.

The depth in agnes martin

Treading from abstract expressionism to minimalism, all of Agnes Martin's life, works and story as captured in " With My Back to the World; and, as per the perspective of its director, Mary Lance; and, as per all the insights, critiques, reviews and commentaries are but a symphony of illustrations and expressions as to how →

Online retailing or e-tailing (electronic retailing)

Each of these channels have their respective advantages and disadvantages, but the firm should be wise and conscious about the different channel system they are adopting as there are chances of conflicts which could arise with reference to tapping the same customer base or the same territory or having goal incompatibility. Third Allow the customers →

Huffman trucking: database design and development

The discussions of the different types of mistakes that are made in the design phase that led to a poor database design are also discussed. The ERD for the database will be revealed along with the choice of the program to manage the database and allow for versatility for various platforms, applications, and features.

My life journey

After reflecting on my life I can say I have had the bitter with the sweet. I would like to thank my family for the love and support they have shown.

Crystal diaz enc1102

In contrast, In " Daddy" the fathers was abusive and in " My Papa's Waltz" the father was not abusive towards the son. The difference in " Daddy" is the girl shows hate towards her father and it's not a very pleasant memory of him.

Soft drugs

Soft drugs should not be legal Drugs have been a problem for the society for a long time and it is still a going subject. One is to legalise and regulate the supply, and the other is to leave it in the hands of criminals.

It is never too late to give up our prejudices

People do not like to admit that they are wrong, so the latter are unfortunately the majority In our world. To be Unfortunately people are afraid of those who are not like them and we usually hate nobody ever made happy.

How to invest in the new year

Despite the fact that there appears to be an unending line of equity and bond markets' lasting bull run as well as many fund managers continue to be optimistic about the possibilities in 2018, it seems that some are increasingly apprehensive about comments that investors might have received some unexpected storms as the markets are →

St. augustine and virgil’s influence in dante’s inferno

The structural and operational similarity is an affirmation of Virgil's The Aeneid's influence on Dante's Inferno. Virgil's The Aeneid developed a conceptualization of hell that Dante later adapted to his work.

Research paper on weighing the evidence

In the case study on the relationship between lifestyle changes, physical activity and diet against hypertension, the researchers did a good job in data sampling as can be observed from their work the inclusion of the diverse variables into consideration during their time of the study signifies in a well thought out and well planned →

Can art change the way we view the world

In the book The Mind in the Cave: Consciousness and the Origins of Art by David Lewis-Williams, the author describes these items stating " many of these pieces bear images of animal, fish, birds and, less commonly, what appear to be human figures as well as complex arrangements of parallel lines, chevrons and notches. The →

Medical tourism: study case of ijn

This paper is in agreement with the argument, which is to develop the marketing strategies by focusing on the emotional benefits, and assess the effectiveness of the strategies by measuring the satisfactions of the customer. The main purpose of the council is to coordinate promotional activities of medical and healthcare tourism industry in the country.

Some beneficial features of the unix operating system

Some Beneficial Features of the UNIX Operating System CIS 155 Some Beneficial Features of the UNIX Operating System Safety issues have always been one of the major aspects of effective operation of human beings and systems invented and implemented by individuals all over the world in different periods of human history. The memory of the →

Globalization has helped the world in technology

Prof's Globalization and the Advancement of Technology Globalization has both its detractors and its fans some argue that it has increased the economy of the world overall, some insist that it is almost a new form of colonialism, allowing rich countries to get richer without doing much to help the world overall. But the fact →

Stereotypes in the classroom

The responsibility of teachers is to get to know the children and the families that will be entering the program. Teachers need to make sure that they greet each child by name as they enter the classroom at the beginning of the day and to say good bye at the end of the day.

Micro finance sector in uganda

Introduction The aim of the study is to examine the effect of the adaptation of International Financial Reporting Standards in the MicroFinancesector in Uganda and clarify the differences on the financial statements and reports. The major objective of the study is to gain an extensive understanding of the Micro Finance sector in Uganda and to →

Define strategic financial planning

Define Strategic Financial Planning Answer Strategic planning is always in reference to the future which an organization has set for itself and wants to achieve it. Financial planning is a specific endeavor, a small part of a broader strategic planning though very crucial.

Modigliani and miller’s theory

Furthermore, the WorldCom and Enron accounting scandals are two of the reasons that triggered the approval of the Sabarnes -Oxley Law. All the more, many of the stockholders would be too busy to read through the company's detailed plans for the setting up of the new branch.

What ridesharing on halloween can teach you about incentives

As they strive to match the number of cars on the road with the number of passengers seeking rides, they rely on computer algorithms to guide drivers and keep customers updated in real time. Halloween is one of the busiest nights of the year for Lyft," a Lyft spokesperson said in an email statement to →

7 ways to add massive value to your business

The first way to increase value is simply to increase the speed you deliver the kind of value people are willing to pay for. You can add value to a product or service by improving the packaging or the design.

Do young people enjoy life more than older people do?

Young people' passion and energy are enough to enjoy life more than older people do. Lastly, young people enjoy life more than older people because of the reality that they can easily follow thetechnologycompare to the older people.

Root causes of the holocaust and wwii

Several European writers twisted Darwin's Theory of Evolution to suggest there was a hierarchy of races with Jews at the bottom." In addition, misuse of the theory of evolution was an important factor in the extreme forms ofracism, especially that against blacks and Jews, that flourished at the turn of the century and for many →

Beauty theory and meaning

Beauty is not dependent on the shape of a person's body, but it is the unselfish love they have and share to others. Beauty is how a person's hair and makeup looks, but it is a person's happiness.people with happiness are able to show joy and satisfaction in their lives.

Maritime domain awareness

The paper was also of the view that while the NN within its premises could provide the wherewithal to educate her personnel on the tenets of the code, the government must compliment the efforts of the NN with the acquisition of the right size and type of ships and platforms. The paper was of the →

Applied research

2) One of the objectives of problem Identification Is formulating the marketing research problem and determining the information that is needed to solve it. The commercial organization funds the collection of the data, which is wide ranging in its content, and hopes to make its money from selling this data to interested parties.

Teenagers and use of contraceptives

According to the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy one-third of girls in the US get pregnant at least once by the age of 20 and most of the pregnancies are unplanned. Teen pregnancies have been increasing due to the fact that teens are not using contraceptives to prevent any pregnancies and society →

Critique of health related information sources

As a health professional, one needs to be aware of the extensive amounts of new and existing research available over the internet, but also how to valuate, discern and decide which information is reliable. The aim of this report is to evaluate and critique, two health related internet sources, a journal article ' Energy density →

Major theories of human development

According to Erikson, the developing individual must master and resolve, to some extent, a core conflict or crisis during each stage by integrating personal needs and skills with the social and cultural demands and expectations of theenvironment. Kohlberg's six stages of moral development are: 1) Right is obedience to power and avoidance of punishment.

The highland towers collapse and ramp construction

The tribunal held that the designer must take into history the edifice on which is built in the locality of the land, and the land itself, the safety appraisal of the edifice, it must be evaluated.[ In add-on, the tribunal held that as a affair of fact, the designer concerned about the vicinity and the →

Evil surrounds us

In Lord of the Flies, the boys killed to prove their strength and their control. Both children and adults are attracted to the evil side.

American latinos: cubans, mexicans and puerto ricans

Moreover, in Latino families, women are traditionally regarded as homemakers, as much as possible they stay in the home to care for the family while the men provide for them. Women are regarded as subordinates to men and are expected to take care of the family while the men work to provide for them.

Ap world syllabus

The purpose of APWH is to develop a greater understanding of the evolution of global processes and contacts, in interaction with different types of human societies. The dynamics of change and continuity across the world history periods covered in this course, and the causes and processes involved in major changes of these dynamics.2.

Research on the paradigms positivism and interpretivism sociology essay

A prime example is the work of Emile Durkheim who aims to ' extend the scope of scientific rationalism' to human behaviour based on the belief that, in light of the past, it is capable of being reduced to relationships of cause and effect. The subject-matter of the social sciences: A main theme of Political →

3 proven ways to grow your business without a lot of money

Q: What is the best way to market to corporations when you are a small business and do not have a large budget and are new to your area of focus? You can automate curate content on social media using tools like for as low as $9 a month, and if you want a →

Introduction to the development of travel + tourism

By the mid 1950's the car was becoming more of a major role in public transport and many people took to driving further away than the original holiday resorts of Blackpool, Scarborough, Brighton etc. The invention of the jet engine then came along and people discovered holidays in the Mediterranean where the weather was always →

The evolution of cancer research

The question now might be why it is so hard to cure and the general answer is that there is more than a 100types of cancer and it would be so complicated to find something that would help all of them without minding where they are located in the human body. Now in the 21st →

It control for data protection

IT control is " A policy that provides a reasonable assurance that the informationtechnologyused by an organization operates as expected, that the data is reliable and the organization is in compliance with applicable laws and regulations". Insufficient IT control means the organization fails to protect the information asset, which means the organization is more likely →

Bilingual education beneficial for kinderkarten

The purpose of this research was to study the benefits of bilingual education, which further helped in recommending marketing campaign for the Canadian kindergarten school to increase enrolments. Keywords: Children, Bilingualism, Kindergarten, Cognitive, Bilingual, Education, Monolingual Page 1 Introduction This report aims to address positive effects of bilingual education on young children and to provide →

Pre-spanish philippines

The early printing press in the Philippine is run and monopolized by the Spaniards friars. Then the Birth of the Propaganda movement and la Solidaridad.

Evaluate types of media that can be used to present your senior project. will you use social media, a powerpoint, or some audio/visual means

Evaluation of a Media Which Can Be Used to present Our Senior Project One of the media that I could use in presenting my senior project is use of PowerPoint presentation. According to Muschla & Muschla, in PowerPoint somebody can combine both visual and audio experiences to enhance the meaningfulness of his project.

Effect of rizal’s writings to the filipinos

His writings sparked the rebellion against the Spaniards and they believed that Rizal was one of the masterminds of the war which was the reason why he was tested and sentenced to death. Rizal is considered as the national hero in the Philippines because he fought for our freedom and he showed the full potential →

Acceptance of islamic hire purchase facility

LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY The first limitation is that the probability of absenteeism of the respondent due to leave or outstation since all respondents is the staff of Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan. 6 Acceptance Of Islamic Hire Purchase Facility: A Case Study among staff In Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kelantan, Kota Bharu 2012 To the bank →

Basic concepts of economics

NOMINAL pricing The real price of eggs in 1970 dollars is calculated as follows: The real price of eggs in 1970 dollars is calculated as follows: The real price of eggs in 1990 dollars is calculated as follows: Public Policy - * Great impact on Economics * Can change course of the market Chapter 2 →

Saturday night at the birthday party

Matthew demonstrated " stranger wariness; by the end of the first year the child becomes wary in the presence of an unfamiliar adult." He ran to his mother and father and hid his face in his mother's lap when someone approached him to try to engage him in a dance. He demonstrated a wide range →

Six dimensions of health

The ones that I have noticed is that you need to be able to maintain a certain level ofprofessionalismwhen interacting with certain people, work staff and clients. Emotional health: To me this refers to my job and my daily life, at times I am extremely overwhelmed and I have to remember not to displace my →

Free research paper on recession and depression

Juglar refers to the contraction period as to the main phase of the cycle, which is a considered to be a sanitary factor leading to an overall decrease in prices and liquidation of enterprises that is called to meet the artificially overgrown demand. A typical recession phase lasts for about a year, and as a →

How robert browning portray’s mood in ‘the laboratory’.

The final line of this stanza leaves us in no doubt of this, as the woman asks, 'Which is the poison to poison her, prithee? ' The repetition of 'poison' emphasises its importance. The narrator is not in a hurry and says she would rather watch the concocting of the poison than be dancing at →

Examine the effects of the impact of human activity on soil

In the context of living in the modern world theenvironmentis very important to study and maintain. In protecting soil we have to consider not only the land but also the land use and the pressures on it, and then find the correct balance of how to help both the land and people.

Variety to calculate cost of equity

Accordingly, the cost of equity should be checked against other cost of equity computational methods and a simple average of the methods may be more desirable to eliminate the inherent risks and limitations of adopting solely the CAPM model. Beta of a stock describes the relation of the stock's return with that of the financial →

Mesopotamia and china

Mesopotamia and China also had economic differences. Mesopotamia and China also had social similarities.

Projects closure

This can be via a formal acceptance test procedure between the client and the project team where the project team demonstrate key features of the project to confirm clients expectations while the client keeps a checklist to ensure compliance with scope equirements. By this, the client fully takesresponsibilityof the project and since this is a →

Operating system information

This setup will allow a server, client computers, and laser printer to be connected to a central switch that can share information across the local area network; in conjunction with this switch, a router, which is connected to a modem, will provide the local area network with an outside source to the internet. CAT cable →

Foundation part ii the encyclopedists

With the Anacreonian revolt and the rise to power of Salvor Hardin, first of the great line of. Yes! He is the Chairman of the Board of Trustees and a personal representative of the Emperor"." Doctor?

Political culture of north korea

During his training period under his father's tutelage in the 1970s, he was often referred to as the " Party Center," and he launched a number of campaigns to take over the daily operations of the Party. In my point of view the personality of Kim Il Sung was a fragment and extension of Stalin.

Pahela baishakh

Pahela Baishakh 1st day of Baishakh is the Bengoly new year counting day. We the people of Bangladesh celebrate it with different types of activities.

Pro terrorist torture

As a result of this unthinkable attack on our country, the lives of thousands of American Soldiers and their families would soon be affected as well The war that 9/11 spun Americans and the rest of the world into was not a regular war in a regular country with regular soldiers. Therefore, the United States →

Collision theory

During a reaction, collision theory states that the higher the concentration of the reactants, the faster the rate of the reaction. Temperature is a measure of the average amount of kinetic energy in a system so a higher temperature leads to a higher average kinetic energy of the molecules in the reaction, therefore, more collisions →

Hume philosophy paper

He covered that reason alone cannot be a motive to the will, moral distinctions are not derived from reason and moral distinctions are direct from the moral sentiments [Treatise of Human Nature, 11]." Reason is, and ought only to be the slave of the passions, and can never pretend to any other office than to →

Economics and market

Firms that would have considered colluding or entering a cartel are unlikely to do so in a contestable market because of the possibility of a new firm that can produce the good at a lower price or a hit and run entry. As a result of the fact that firms, in a contestable market, need →

Advice for startups : in iot people shouldn’t think only about founding, they should have a clear vision

Entrepreneur India interacted with the newly appointedCEO of Reliance Group's IoT business- Juergen Hase, on the market opportunity of this sector and the early adoption methods of thistechnology. India has a huge opportunity to be one of the leading countries of IoT in the coming years, because it already has most of the tools and →

How sir dundlod is bringing a 100 years old sport into mainstream

According to him, in Horse polo it is a horse that plays the game but in cycle polo it is the player that plays the game. It also promotes your business in the market." With the help of brand licensing we will bring Cycle polo to that level where we will not be very far →

Types of story leads

The main functions of the lead, aside from introducing the news story, are to tell the story in capsule form and to answer right away the questions the reader would naturally ask. The lead is the beginning, the most important structural element of a story.

Mumbai dabbawalla

During the various challenges in life, I am sure that the values followed by the dabbawalas will give you strength to rise above the toughest odds. The procedures could have been laid down over a century ago, but it is the implementation of the procedures that makes the system work.

Emerging business model in it companies

Linear Model: In the earlier years of IT revolution, the Indian IT impasses exponentially increased their employee base, which resulted in the linear growth of the company. Brief History The TTS was incepted in the year 1968 as the " Data Computer Centre" for the Data Group, the main purpose of which was to provide →

Jean piaget

The first stage that happens between the age of O and 2, it is called Seismometer Stage. The last stage of Piglet's theory is called Formal Operational Stage, in this stage teenagers are Individual and know how to make complete Judgment by themselves.

Work harrastment

For workers, It can lead to deterioration of performance, which in turn oppresses the level of productivity and affect the welfare of all workers and their families. The program is intended as the company's efforts to participate in the process of sustainable development in which there is expected to be a balance between the company →

Purple short crabs

The purpose of our investigation is to determine whether there is a relationship between the relative distance to the shore and the population density of Purple Shore Crabs. To calculate the population density of Purple Shore Crabs, the number of Purple Shore Crabs within each quadrat was counted and recorded.

Understanding of participant observation

The discussion part of this essay will explore the strengths and limitations of this method. Finally, ethnographic method was appropriate for my research question since this helped me form an objective and detailed description of what is happening in the tube.

Earnings management: the continuum from legitimacy to fraud

To focus on the basic concepts and to clearly be aware of the essence of the concepts is the first and foremost step in research development. It is very easy to understand and discuss the concept of fraud in relation to earnings management and refer to it as to cheating the process of gains management →

Introduction to examination situations module

You will notice that the self-test and demonstration case solutions provided in this module and other modules attempt to cover all possible solutions and to provide an example of an " exceeds" solution. You may wish to use the Competency Area Checklist to help you sort through the case data.

Keynesian economics and multiple choice points

00 Assessment Time: 2462 minutes Question 1: Economics began as a field of study in 1776 with the publication of An Inquiry into the Wealth of Nations by Points awarded: 1. 00 Your answer: 400 Correct answer: 100 200 Question 10: In this example of the Classical adjustment process, the recession is avoided when is →

Stem cell research is bad essay

Since they can be manipulated into any Of the two hundred and twenty human cells, stem cells can be injected into a person with a degenerative disease with hopes of becoming healthy replacements to any of the sick cells. Embryonic stem cells will not only save human lives but the lives of many animals used →

The executive selection: patravi traveltec ii

A worthwhile addition to your watch collection, it was designed with the passion and craft of renowned watchmaker The Patravi TravelTec II features a distinctive chronograph with three time zones, and boasts water resistance up to 50 metres. Finished with a rose gold case and lightweight titanium pushers, this watch will ensure that you are →

Laughter is the best medicine

If you want to associate a child with a book, try not to visualize the child reading the book that's too simple and forgettable. You may remember the information for your exam the next day, but you will barely recall the unit when it's time to take the final.

Tess of the d’urbervilles

Some of the readers of the literacy circle argued that Tess is responsible for her fate in the end because of her decision to kill Alec. Are there times when Tess does have a choice and her decisions and actions are the result of her character?

The policy to include sen pupils in mainstream education

The policy to include SEN pupils in mainstreameducationhas failed to address many of the key issues for these pupils and as such fails to be effective Introduction and Background The broad policy which involves the inclusion of pupils who are considered to have special educational needs within mainstream schooling across England and Wales first originated →

Example of research paper on working and living abroad

It is wise to expect the problems and trials you will experience along the way as you struggle in a foreign land. It will also show the potential that one is adapt and work in a diverse environment.


Products and Target Market Crocs currently targets multiple market segments ranging from boaters to gardeners to simply individuals wanting a comfortable pair of sandals. Crocs' initial foray into the market was an effort to provide a comfortable pair of nonslip boating shoes to a niche market.

Zeus and poseidon

When comparing and contrasting Zeus and Poseidon based on powers, place of rule, and marriages, it is clear that Zeus is the better choice. Zeus is the god of the gods and thunder.

Emotional intelligence and job satisfaction: research method

The research questions and objectives mentioned in Chapter 1 will be identified and analyzed via appropriate research instruments to accomplish the main purpose of the research, which is to examine the relationship between emotional intelligence and job satisfaction among individual employees in the workplace. The items and description of the five categories of JSS are →

Advances in cancer research

The most interesting part of this article was that it talked about how currently, cancer research is done in basically the same way it was done when Farber began working on his own research ideas. Because of Farber's huge strides in the field of cancer research, it is easier and more hopeful for patients with →

History of real madrid cf

In 1931, with the establishment of the Second Spanish Republic, Real Madrid was stripped of the title of " Royal" and renamed to Madrid Football Club again. They also participated in the first two editions of the European Cup, which they won by beating Stade de Rennes in the French league in the Parc des →

Conflict between john proctor and elizabeth

In the beginning of Act Two, Miller portrays the tension in the Proctors house by the awkward atmosphere between John and Elizabeth when John returns home late. In addition, the tension between John and Elizabeth Proctor is accentuated by Elizabeth's distrust and suspicion towards John, based on her knowledge on the affair between John and →

The kiss: brancusi and rodin

He was schooled in a traditional manner on the Ecole de Beaux Arte in Paris but in his work he was in the vanguard of the movement toward modern sculpture. The sensuality of the Rodin work is manifest in the texture of the piece and the rendition of muscle and bone.

Canada’s history: richard bedford bennett

To answer the question;" Was Bennett the primary figure in his own demise or were there other historical developments and forces that influenced the rejection of his New Deal? In the beginning Bennett had a great chance of changing the economics and fixing the way the government worked, he sadly failed as he was " →

Future of more energy efficient planes

This is a little different in case of the research and development of future energy efficient cars. All in all, the future of air travel, especially the research and development of air planes focuses on energy efficiency.

Upsee 2009

1) 1 only 2) 2 and 3 3) All 4) None of these 4. 1) 1 and 4 2) 2 and 4 3) 3 and 4 4) None of these 13.

Organizational controls

The company openly shares information with the workers throughout the organization about the company's operations and finances. The incentive and control system was powerful with incentives that the company offered to employees.

A brief history of hci

Abstract This article summarizes the historical development of major advances in human-computer interactiontechnology, emphasizing the pivotal role of university research in the advancement of the field. The technologies covered in this paper include fundamental interaction styles like direct manipulation, the mouse pointing device, and windows; several important kinds of application areas, such as drawing, text →

A place that gets worst from time to time

The country has never stood a chance to develop and become a player in the emerging economies of the world due to poor politicalleadership. It is this political turmoil that has caused regression in the country.

Marketing research and external factors essay sample

The aim of a wide target market to attract more potential consumers is a viable option with the Gazelle trainer, due to the use of new technology and a healthy brand image. This means that the design of the shoe and the need for the technological advance of the pedometer do in fact play a →

Shopfitting bench joinery

If this ever happens, the incident must be reported to the employer and the HSE.- Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 The Health and Safety at Work Act is the main act that all workplaces conform to. All employers are required " to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and →