Genuine Research Paper Examples

Conventional, complementary and alternative medical therapies research paper samples

The symptoms would be signs that indicate malfunctioning of a body part that could be diagnosed using laboratory tests of body fluids and technological interventions. Treatment The treatment regime followed in allopathic medicine is unique, and is probably one of the distinctive features when compared to complementary and alternative medical practices. The drugs used →

Childhood and pg

How did Eddie die and why did he put himself in such danger? he got smashed by a fiberglass cart from the drop nd to save a little girl Today is Eddie's Birthday What decade in the 1900s was Eddie born? in the 1920s

Physical activity and childhood obesity

The result of children being more sedentary in current times has led to a greater prevalence of childobesityin society. In order to combat this issue it is imperative that children partake in physical activity. In an article on Children's Physical Activity and Obesity it states that; "[...] the effects of parenting, the →

Research paper on human memory

This sort of information tends to be un-processed in the sense that the visual information stays as a visual etc. It has a big storage capacity due to the eye taking in a lot of information, all the time. The small amount of information that is processed in the sensory register →

Childhood as a general notion

The advantage of specifying normalcy is that it is a device that enables those in control or in charge to specify, sort and handle those who do non suit in." Legislation has been put in topographic point to guarantee that all kids fit in with the best chances for them to make their full potency →

Infancy and early childhood development

The child is shown objects by the parent and the parent tells the child what he or she is seeing, such as a cup, ball, or bottle. Thiscommunicationwith the child is how the family helps the child with language development. The permissive parent is more of a resource for the child to →

Social mechanism, class or money in washington square

Sloper pays her a visit to discuss her brother Morris, and she is persuaded by him to admit that Morris takesmoneyfrom her, returns very little and makes her suffer. Morris is handsome and tall and attracted to Catherine, but Lavinia Penniman, another major character, lazy and a soap operas fun, →

The role of money in a relationship among the couples

Main body: a) The relationship between couples is great because they have money b) Money sometimes can be a disaster, because of its lack c) Money influence on people's power III. The role of money in a relationship is very important to the success orfailureof a relationship.

Childcare cache level 3 unit 1

The Children's Act 1989 gives all children the right to survive, to achieve the best they can do, to be protected from any abuse, to take part in the familycultureand the social life of the family, to have their views taken seriously, play and rest, to enjoy the leisure's they have. The →

Lessee ltd.- lease case

Whether or not a lease is classified as afinanceor an operating lease depends on if all of the benefits as well as risks of ownership have been shifted from the lessor to the lessee. According to IAS 17-10 , a lease must be classified as a finance if either " the lease →

Monetary and interest rates

That is why a clear examination of the subject of the economy, monetary rates, and interests is needed. Without a doubt, the major economic indicators I would look at when seeking to make a large purchase and apply for a loan would be my cash flow and the interest rate of the loan.

Role of negotiable instruments

One of the reason behind the expanding of the trade and commerce so rapidly is also the negotialble instruments. And also if you do not have any other resource to get the money for purchase you can still purchase the products for your business pupose with the help of the negotiable instruments. →

Importance of money in sports

This will be a nightmare for the future generation since the idea of " familylove", which is present in today's society will be eroded due to the fact that the parents will no longer take care of their children since young and the meaning of being a parent may no longer be the same again. →

Q68. would you rather spend gift money on jewelry or concert tickets?

Essay Outline Argument: If I were to choose buying jewelry and buying concert tickets, I would choose buying jewelry. Support 1: Giftmoneywould probably not be the best spent tn buying a concert ticket. Support 2: Spending gift money on concerts denies future generations the →

Pocket money should be given to the teenagers or not

Therefore, the way of giving pocket money will develop a sense to children of how much has to be done to earn money, learn that amoney does not grow on trees', learn what money can buy, how much they need to buy and what they need to buy. They can have their own money to →

Colleges should provide as much money for sports

Yes, it is true that studies are the most important pillar for student's good uture but sports is equally important. Regular participation in sport activities will help a student to keep his/her body fit and mind fresh. Colleges spend too much money for libraries but hesitate to spend money for sports but it →

Free research paper on should welfare recipients be drug tested

In this paper I will try to establish how drug testing for welfare recipients will not benefit the society as a whole and also not save the money of the tax payers. Welfare programs are state regulated programs to help the needy and downtrodden. This means that the state and heads of the household come →

Government assistance (welfare) in the us research paper examples

Government Assistance in the U.S. Government assistance and welfare programs in the United States are welfare subsidies and grants designed to aid the needs of the United States citizens. It puts across the views and arguments related to both sides of the issue at hand and tries to evaluate the overall effectiveness →

Earning, saving and spending money

In this paper, we will discuss how to handle money so that we can manage to control it and not to allow money to control us. In everyday of our lives, we work to earn money so that we can have something to provide for our needs, both at hand and in the future.

Dorchester ltd mini case solution

S is predicting a 3% inflation rate and 5% for the U.K. Dorchester's expansion possibility to the United States will cost them US$7, 000, 000 to build a factory. For example, in year one, the amount of interest is equal to $1.

The categories of value

When assigning importance or value to individual lives, we are confronted by an overwhelming social dilemma: How does society assign value to someone's life? The essence of life or simply living and given the opportunity to become a contributing member of society is priceless and has an unsurmountable monetary value; →

Law and finance: money launderings laws/cdd

As such, A perfect CDD system should contain tight and secure quality controls There should be effective policies, processes and procedures in place to ensure compliance with the regulatory requirements in the global arena Effective protective mechanisms should be put in place It should be cost effective maximising on benefits while minimising →

Net present value questions

Lease payments are to be made at the beginning of each year. Assuming that Lancer leasing company requires a 9% rate of return, what is the PV of payments? The Mutual Assurance and life Company is offering an insurance policy under either of the following two terms: Make a →

Inflation in indonesia

Based on the origin of inflation Domestic Inflation, inflation stemming from domestic Imported Inflation, Inflation overseas Impact of Inflation Positive If inflation is mild, it has a positive effect in terms of stimulating the economy could be better, which is to increase the national income and get people excited to work, →

Example of walk the line research paper

The film starts off with Cash preparing for a gig at the Folsom State Prison in Arkansas where Cash begins to recollect his earlier life. Probably the most famous episode in Cash's life, this experiment was something which was very daring at the time but it cemented Cash's place in history →

Example of multiple regression analysis: the determinants of cpi in united arab emirates research paper

In addition, several tests seek to establish the nature of the relationship among the variables and between them as well as CPI while establishing the parameters' significance and suitability as estimators of CPI in the economy. Hypothesis: The null hypothesis being tested states that there is a correlation between the variables while the alternative hypothesis →

Spending money on fashion

Everyone can be the best-looked errors, but they might need a lot of money to buy the best clothes. People cannot spend all of their money on their clothes; because fashion is not the only thing that is important, so the best logical way to solve this problem is to buy the things, →

Notes receivables

1Cash1, 000, 000 Notes Receivable6, 000, 000 Land5, 000, 000 Gain on sale of land2, 000, 000 # Dec. 31Cash200, 000 Notes receivable200, 000 # Unearned interest income20, 000 Interest income20, 000 # 2012 Dec.

Guillermo’s furniture store scenario

If we look at the values of discounted cash flows we can find that the discounted payback period for Current project is 9.years whereas High-Tech and Broker project 1. If we look at the project Current, High-Tech and Broker we can find that for project Current, IRR is 6.

Bird in hand

According to the constant growth dividend valuation model, the value of an ordinary share, SV0 is given by: SV0 = D1/ Where the constant dividend growth rate is denoted by g, r is the investor's required rate of return, and D1, represents the next dividend payments. Thus the lower r is in →

Why isn’t money consider a capital in economics?

Money is related to capital, in that it can be used to purchase capital, but it is not itself capital. A) This is microeconomic because it deals with the interaction of only two firms. B) This is macroeconomics because inflation deals with an entire economy.

Marrying for money

These shocking words that came out from a sociologist only suggests that in modern times, money should still be not the reason for marrying. It is a fact however that money is a big driving force for someone who wants to get married. People who want to make money out of marriage are the ones →

Anlysing of tv commercial

The TV commercial in details: Here on the add Sokhina is the main actress who is a garments worker and uses bKash regularly to send money home to herfamily. She narrates how bKash has made her life so much easier, and how it is transforming the lives of everyone around her too. →

How to calculate retirement funds

To calculate the present value of interest and principal payments, you will need to use the NAP function, rather than the UP function, since the cash flows in the principal and interest columns are not constant throughout time.] What do you observe when you look at these numbers? Explain.Suppose that you had →

10 ways to save time and money while traveling for business

This saves you from the wait to check in a bag and then on the other end, the wait for it to arrive in baggage claim. You can replace renting a car, using public transportation or hailing a taxi by learning to love Uber. Not only does Uber save you time (I order a ride →

Factors outside the influence of the architect

As the beginning of the procedure, clients are the most of import outside factor which impact the undertaking. The negative facet is that the brief usually can non be decided at one time it will be changed with the development of undertaking.

The us national debt

The deep recession of the early 1980s reduced revenues, raising the deficit and forcing the Government to spend much more on paying interest for the national debt at a time when interest rates were high. In the 1980's when the huge deficits were adding up, the actual additions to the public capital or increased productivity →

Advert and thus saving money

This advert uses many close-up shots, because the change in expression of Wycliffe as he is continuously being held captive is where the majority of this adverts humour comes from. What happens is, we see the establishing shot of the middle aged Texan women telling Wycliffe of how badly she's sweating in the heat to →

School find ways to save money

Oxnard School District, Las Virgenes Unified School District as well as the school districts in Ventura County have taken a bold step in hiring energy educators and managers. The risk that these school districts have taken proved to be a worthwhile endeavor as the savings generated from limiting energy use was rerouted towards the improvement →

Renting vs owning a home

Once you have the home you continue to pay bills like your mortgage fees and maintenance. Think about all themoneyyou have to come out of pocket to take care of some of the fees that will come when making a ecision to buy a home. The decision to rent now and buy later can give →

Current information for the first quarter of 2011 research paper

The individuals whose nominal personal income is calculated constitute the households, being made up by summing up all the individuals. Nominal personal income is calculated as follows: Nominal personal income = Wages and Employee Benefits Received + Interest Received + Rent Received + Dividends + Proprietors' Income + Transfer Payments to Households The summation →

9 ways to make money while on vacation

Rent out your parking space. If you have a parking space or have a driveway in a high traffic area, such as near the city center or train station, you can turn that unused spot into a money maker while you are out of town. Plus, there are where you can find gigs ranging from →

People money markets

Why? Answer: Monoplane's should consider Independent central bank over the gold standard. In the long run, the Independent central bank will be most suitable for a country with a volatile economy. To get the currency of Conclave to decline, it is required by the central bank to decrease lending rates.

Free commentary number research paper example

The income tax revenue may rise with the rise in income, as pointed out by a consultancy in London. The article cites the example of the USA where the government has been able to churn out enough revenue to close the deficits in spending. As we have seen in figure 1, a fiscal expansion leads →

Argentinas financial crisis research paper example

In terms of macroeconomic crisis began with the decrease in real GDP in 1999 and ended in 2002 with the return of GDP growth, but the reasons for the collapse of the Argentine economy and its impact on the population can be seen today. In 1999, the GDP of the country once again began to →

The needs of american cities for policing policy

Numerous civil disturbances in recent decades can be traced to tensions between the police and the black community, from the riots of the summer of 1965 to the riot in Los Angeles after the first Rodney King verdict, from the problems in Crown Heights in New York to any number of disputed police shooting incidents →

Research in criminal justice essay sample

Research is a very important part of the technological advances and information gains in the world of criminal justice. In the criminal justice field, information is constantly changing due to research, so it also very important to be familiar with the flow of that information and research in order to stay on par with the →

Factors that lead to fire research in the united states

The fire researches are conducted in order to check the efficacy of the fire department in reducing any threats of fire outbreak. The fire researches are also there to make the performance of the fire department better.

Social and pychological affects on a rookie police officer

I feel that there is a lot of stress that is put on them and I am going to prove to you, that being a police officer has a lot more stress than you could have imagined. I stated that the job is so stressful on some officers that it breaks up →

Structures of legal restraint, oh police powers in india

The helplessness is such that even if an offence has been committed in view of or in presence of Commission, the Commission needs to forward the case to the Magistrate for trial as provided in Criminal Procedure code. The appointment of retired Judges, as head of the Commission is very much suitable →

Taser-gun heist trio sent for trial

During the attack they also beat their victim, kicked him and stabbed him. At a 13 April preliminary hearing, District Court Judge Gregory J Ryan was told that Crystal Grace Harris had taken their victim back to her motel room after she and their victim had spent the evening together at a →

Military drinking age

I wanted to explore why age 21 was chosen and when the age was lowered and then raised again and why. For many people In the military I am sure have a different stance on this than clansman or maybe not, but this Is why I researched the information that I did. The →

Impacting police policies

In addition to focusing on innovation technology and the professionalism model using COMPOSTS and surveillance imaging. The margins of police include: intelligence and privacy, security and crime control, cultural and roommate changes, and the expansion of the institution of formal crime control. The implementation of expansion of police work and innovated security technology →

Impact of police brutality

Many of you are probably wondering why I chose this topic, and it is simply because it has probably touched every single person in this room, whether you witnessed it, heard about it or were a victim of it yourself but nothing Is being said or done to stop it. I am not →

Police powers and safety of citizens

They should therefore have the right to unlimited power because it allows for them to be able to stand above crime in the country to be able to efficiently put out wrongdoers and their actions. This Is based on the assumption of course that policemen themselves are not corrupt and would not abuse →

Merits and demerits of police identification

From a legal point of view the question that an identification parade attempts to answer is whether the suspect is in fact the culprit. First of all, I would like to discuss about the ' video identification'. Secondly, the identification parade that will be considered here is the →

Example of research paper on lack of employment opportunities for war veterans

The reasons for the increased trend include increased levels of individual needs and risks from war veterans, lack of the requisite skills, knowledge, and academic degrees to qualify war veterans for civilian jobs, and war-related illnesses and injuries that are likely to hinder war veterans from performing their duties. The →

Undoubtedly considerable changes in policing

In fact the first police in UK was the city of Glasgow police formed under the Glasgow police Act in the 1800. Additionally, committees were appointed to investigate of the policing in these areas from 1812-1822 and their findings and recommendations paved way for the incorporation of the metropolitan police Act 1829 under the instruction →

Police brutality: raw unfinished

Police is the largest gang of all, most organized, and the most manipulative. From somewhere a bomb is thrown into the midst of the police.

Delhi police achievement

Once they used to get the user name and password of Account through hacking, they used to track the major transaction of the victim. As soon as the accused persons used to have a substantial amount in that Account, they used to approach the service provider of the Mobile Company of the →

Knowledge sharing

To retain the knowledge base within the organization, there has to be a knowledge sharing culture within the company. Knowledge sharing comes to the rescue once again by not only conserving the knowledge base, but also upgrading the same What is the role of technology in sharing knowledge?

Social network, knowledge management and innovation at unilever

There is the need for Unilever to integrate social media with other traditional media like television. Furthermore, to effectively exploit social media, the company needs interactivetechnologyand marketing skills. ORGANISATIONAL LEARNING AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT Organisational learning is " the process of change in individual and shared →

Jit in service sector

Implementation of KIT in Service Sector The key principles of KIT in any system are: no wastage, total visibility, and flexibility in the use of human and material resources. In any environment these principles translate into three simple rules: do not start any work unless the demand signal indicates a need for more →

Multiple sclerosis research paper

The MS condition has been attributed a spontaneous and progressive attack of the myelin sheaths that insulate the axon of nerves by the immune system resulting in the scaring of the white matter of the spinal cord and the brain which mainly comprises the myelin. MBP is a complex protein that is thought to be →

Case 275

Based on my analysis of the companies strengths, weaknesses and external environment, I can confidently say that the company was in dire need of a savior and could no longer operate the way it was. I have illustrated the situation below: There is a very unique correlation between the company's strengths, weaknesses →

Change and innovation in the work environment

Also most may find it highly difficult to manage the adjustment in using electronic medical records , because that's training that present and future employees would have to complete in order to be certified to use this new technology. Also acknowledge that many of these facilities today rarely offer on-the-job training, →

Philips matsushita

In conclusion, Philips should pursue transnational structure, where the main role of corporate headquarters is to scan business ctivities across countries for resources and capabilities that might be a source of competitive advantage for other geographically diversified companies of Philips. In conclusion, Matsushita should change its role of corporate headquarters form dictating decision making to →

The effectiveness of pharmacotherapeutics and behavioral interventions research paper examples

The effectiveness of a treatment means that there is assurance for the effects due to an administered intervention. Apart from the professional experience by the health care, the use of methods of research in evaluating the effectiveness of interventions is the best tool. Helsinki Psychotherapy gives an account of a scientifically supported evidence that a →

Technology in nursing research paper example

The objective is not instituting technology for the sake of technology but the creation of a more effective and safe system of health care that gives nurses a chance to take care of the patients more efficiently ultimately reducing errors. Main Argument - Technology In Nursing Documentation Since our Healthcare organizations have nowadays become →

Good the contemporary style of teaching and learning research paper example

The modern teaching as a concept develops around the need of integrating the freedom into the educational system in order to make the experience enjoyable for students. The teacher has to engage the students into the class discussions so that they can have the opportunity of participating in the proceedings.

Infection control: nursing models and evidence-based practices research paper examples

For example, the partnership care delivery model a modification of the primary nursing model, and modular nursing is a modification of the team nursing model. According to a systematic review by Fernandez, Johnson, Tran, and Miranda , team nursing proved to be the most effective model for decreasing medication →

Nucor – porter’s 5 forces

With the help of competent distribution and other measures, the company was successful in raising the willingness of the customers to pay even if the price was increased. The components had to operate with more than 96% reliability for it to be cost-effective.3. Raw Material: Nucor used scrap as its raw material, →

Patent for eli whitney’s cotton gin research paper examples

It shows the document that Whitney received for his invention to help increase the production of cotton in the United States. Despite bringing the case against the owners of these pirated versions to court, loopholes in the wording of the 1973 patent act prevented Whitney from winning any suit until 1800, when the law was →

Tradition & innovation (history of architecture)

This essay will first discuss invention and tradition in the development the Grecian temple from its beginnings to the mid-fifth century BC and so research invention and tradition in the Periclean edifice programme itself, associating these to the wider context of Grecian temple architecture. For the Greeks, architecture was a term reserved for public and →


Cannon an innovative company Founded in 1937 with the specific goal of making the best quality camera available to customers, Canon's passion for the power of image has since extended itstechnologyinto many other markets and has established it as a world leader in both consumer and business imaging solutions. Its solutions comprise products, ranging from →

Saudi aramco ipo to bring transparency and innovation to saudi arabia

Gone are the days of the stratospheric oil price in excess of US$100 a barrel, which have made Saudi Arabia one of the wealthiest nations in the world. With the budget suffering a large deficit since 2014 and around 80% of budget revenues generated by oil, the Saudi Government has recognized that it urgently needs →

Building organisational culture that encourages innovation in higher institutions in the uk

Organisational culture in the higher institutions influences the quality of students produced by a school and the level of knowledge sharing determines how innovative the students are in their learning. The reason why I am looking into the education sector is that the kind of student produced by a school will determine the kind of →

Innovation and leading change

Defining innovation is the key of setting the strategy for it, which will imply the needed changes accompanied with it. For instance, an innovation project that I monitored in one of the telecommunication companies in Middle East targeted was launched to change the company culture to be more innovative and lots of →


Michelin also needs to streamline the application process and to use recruitment " ambassadors". Key ambassadors are, for example, the employment officers in Aboriginal reserves: Michelin needs to maintain close ties with these individuals, and make sure that they have all the tools to perform their role. Finally, Michelin should partner →

Satiation and motivation: a discussion of experimental findings research papers examples

Motivating operations that result increase of effectiveness of a stimuli are referred to as establishing operations. On the other hand, those that decrease the effectiveness of a stimulus by a reinforcer are referred to as abolishing operators. Establishing operations hence indicate increase in effectiveness of a reinforce while abolishing operations imply →

Training practices in japan

For a country with companies that " were next to Western firms in popularity', Japan now has a smaller economy than China and has a less practical workforce compared to the skilled and specialized talent of the young in China, the West, and India. Beyond Japan's poor performing economy, Japan has also faced →

Hp financial services

Christopher and Towill quoted Lowson et al's definition as:...a state of responsiveness and flexibility...[that]...provide[s] a highly diverse range of products and services to a customer/consumer in the exact quantity, variety and quality, and at the right time, place and price as dictated by real-time customer/consumer demand.... Mutual co-operation among all partners in the supply chain →

Performance-based healthcare and its effect on cost access and quality in the us research paper

Being the first study to tackle the " relationship between the use of performance-based financial incentives and changes in patients' experiences over time in the US," the first and most compelling piece of evidence that improvements can occur as a result of one of these programs is provided. In " Performance-based financing for better quality →

Sunbeam case

The diversification strategy was aimed at offsetting the seasonal nature of the sheep-shearing industry. In 1 914, the company purchased the Australian operation, and the company Cooper Engineering Co.was born. The first 12-months replacement guarantee was implemented by Sunbeam across its entire product range, demonstrating Sunbeam's ointment to quality and performance.

Research paper on cooling systems in computers

Many more overtly sophisticated systems have been developed off late like water cooling, liquid nitrogen cooling with each of these finding specific uses and applications. Cooling systems are broadly divided into two types namely: Air Cooling Liquid Cooling While air cooling is primarily sufficient and enough for low end CPUs, Water cooling is →

Innovation and reliance

Managing is the term which is connected with the way to handle things and innovation is the term which reflects meaning as thinking new ideas for development. Process innovation: Process innovation is the innovation related to the way and process how products and services are created or delivered. Position innovation: →

Emergence of new entrepreneurs in the startup ecosystem

And more importantly when you have overseas investors they also help young startups to go global as they have networks in their market which will allow companies to go beyond India". According to a recent venture capital funding report released by CB Insights, India has outpaced China in the number of deals struck →

Why immersing yourself in the entrepreneurship community can get you ready for the future

During his time studying at UCLA as a double-major in Biology and Economics, he experienced firsthand how difficult a lack of entrepreneurial support can be to initiating a startup. This guide is going to introduce you to the importance of immersing yourself in an entrepreneurship community. No Background No Support During his sophomore year →

what makes a good entrepreneur?

I would rather primary information than secondary information, because I understand more when heard from the person explaining. Goodpersonality: I am always positive, and happy if I am at work I never have a dull attitude I do what I have to do and I enjoy what I do, →

One entrepreneur’s 4 keys to exceptional leadership

To succeed, he needed to hire and foster an exceptional team. " I do not want to do it alone," Birch admits." I have even started realizing I do not want to be the star of the team. For Birch, it's about looking the part, being reliable and always over-delivering. One of the biggest keys to →

How entrepreneurs impact an economy

Innovation Individuals often resort to entrepreneurship for one of the following reasons, because they find a market niche and have the solution to profit from such niche, because they have been unable to find suitable employment or a suitable means of income and therefore have resorted to using their creativity to →

Relationship between entrepreneurship

Refer to both theory and examples from the business world to support your discussion." Introduction In today's business world, the increasing focus on entrepreneurshipeducation, innovation, economic development and sustainability are issues interrelated to business success. Although an optimal balance between these relationships is hard to attain, the cooperation among nations is undeniably crucial →

A bucket list for entrepreneurs to follow

And who knows what kind of gems they might pass on to you in terms of business advice that might help you see things in a whole new light? As for how you do it, that is up to you, but the schedules of the business giants are often made public. And if you really →

Bill gates: a man of magnitude

In schools that cannot keep up with the ever evolving technology, the students will fall behind and not have all the same opportunities that students in more affluent areas may have. Bill and his wife, Melinda, are the founders of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation which gives many grants including the →

A dream of a social entrepreneur

" I have a dream that in the near future, Ecolife Cafe will become the bridge of knowledge for people in Phu Long and promote Community Ecotourism for the Protection of Mangrove so that tourists and foreigners will know and love the community initiatives to protect the greenenvironmenthere, and then have a chance to experience →

Henry ford

Henry Ford was an American industrialist, the founder of the Ford Motor Company, and sponsor of the development of the assembly line technique of mass production. As the owner of the Ford Motor Company, he became one of the richest and best-known people in the world.