Genuine Research Paper Examples

Employee performance in organizations

Managers are given the leeway to recognize behaviors such as these in relation to the needs of the individual. In this case, it means a greater p of control over work to enhance the creativity of the individual and intrinsic rewards such as the recognition of efforts and the provision of recognition β†’

Greenwashing and the two-faced going-green organization

The fact that innumerable companies may be making false declarations about going green can be deduced from research on products labeled as environmentally friendly. According to Walsh , when an environmental marketing company, TerraChoice, set out to evaluate such claims in a retail store, "[t]he results were startling: of the 1, β†’

Essay on a discussion on issues related to nursing research

One of the most common requirement is to have an ethical review of the research prior to the commencement of the research. Therefore, the researcher should be attentive so as to include children in the decision making process during the discussion of consent for research participation. The other ethical aspect for this discussion is that β†’

Learning organization culture

Since management concerns heavily on human personalities, it is not surprising to witness that the traditional management approach fails to encourage innovation and self-improvement. In addition to that today's generation and future generations believe that individuals must " work to live not live to work" hence the claim that bureaucratic approaches overlook the β†’

Charitable organization

To convince the target audience to buy a product or to donate. Posters To inform about their products they selling to their customers. Sales Discounts Half-price Special offers Face to face Sales They talk to the customers personally about what they do, how to donate clothes and how to contact them and also β†’

Foundation of control

To successfully control an organization, managers need to not only know what the performance standards are, but also figure out how to share that information with employees.[pic][pic]Control can be defined narrowly as the process a manager takes to assure that actual performance conforms to the organization's plan, or more broadly as anything that regulates the β†’

Introduction to organization structure

There are several types of organization structure such as functional organizational structure, geographic organizational structure, matrix organizational structure and product organizational structure. In addition functional structure also allows work to be done by qualified and skilled individual in the area concern. Hence, another advantage of this structure is that it reduces cost β†’

Ancol ltd. and gathering employees and management

The idea behind this was that employees will be able to work much freely; realizing management has put certain level of trust in them. Problems and Symptoms of Problems: The main idea behind removing the clocking system was to improve relationships between employees and management. He should also keep an open communication β†’

Improved organizational

It helps to reconcile the gap between what should happen, and desire-targets and standards of performance; and what is happening and levels of work performance. The strengths of this way of appraisal include assessment of the effectiveness of existing practices and the need for change. It allows the team leader to control β†’

How effectively an organization meets the wants

Productivity measures also can be used to judge the performance of an entire industry or the productivity of a country as a whole. These productivity measures are aggregate measures. Or that firm might elect to charge the same price, thereby reaping a greater profit. Government leaders are concerned with β†’

Georgia state troopers

Although the Department of Public Safety has made numerous request for additional State Troopers the state legislature has delayed the passage of a two percent pay increase for all state employees, including the Department of Public Safety. For example the Department of Public Safety in the State of Georgia Commissioner is Colonel MarkW.

The organization kid

The students are being trained to be " The Organization Kid." The Organization Kid is a generation of students who are extraordinarily bright, morally earnest and Incredibly industrious. The origins of " The Organization Kid" re to be found in their upbringing. Parents relied on the achievements of medical and cognitive science to β†’

Btec business. organisational structure in different types of business

Additionally, an organisational structure is to establish lines of control andcommunication. Benefits of a clear organisation structure An organisational structure is the framework that helps employees achieve theirgoalsand do their jobs but a very clear organisation structure will make it a lot easier for the employees of a business to complete their job since β†’

Leadership interview & reflection paper research paper sample

Its sole mission is to enhance, promote and stimulate the economic and aesthetic well- being of the county through promotion of tourism and market Indiana County. 2) What are your responsibilities as a leader. My role as the head of IT is to ensure that visitors and local residents alike β†’

Role conflict in organization

Deviation of a member or members from values of their group or society- If and when a member or members deviate from laid down rules or values of an organization or society, such deviations will no doubt result to value conflict. For instance, " if the value of a construction company is to ensure that β†’

Why study organizations?

Weber said that modern society is distinguished from the earlier one by the appearance of the multiplicity of administrative tasks and the need to expertise and carry them. Industrial revolution was caused by development of technologies, which completely changed the structure of most of the organizations, and lead to the transformation of society. β†’

Free research paper about ethics and social justice in a non-profit organization

To do so, various literature presented by different philosophers and experts have been studied and explained in this report which helps to analyze the challenges faced by the organization and helps to suggest proper recommendation to the problems. Objective of the Research The main aim and objective of the research is to study and β†’

Example of recommendations research paper

Analysis of Personal and Organizational Ethics and Values between For-Profit and Not-for-Profit Organizations Introduction Ethics and social responsibility are critical for companies and have an impact on the long-term sustainability of the businesses. Even if the ptofit making is the main goal of the business, it should focus on earning and maximizing β†’

Storytelling and its contribution to organizational theory

The story telling can be used to elicit tacit knowledge and can be used to flow the knowledge about previous events in the organization and any other work related knowledge in an interesting and effective manner. Moreover, the story telling in the organizations can be enhanced by the use of IT tools like intranet, emails β†’

Integrative problems and virtual organization

The owners of a privately held company have a greater interest in the success of the business because of the greater risk the owners face. It would be easier and faster to merge with a company in the same industry.

International maritime organization

The Assembly is the overseer of the Organization, it consists of member states (countries that have adopted the IMO) and meets once every two years. It is also responsible for voting the budget and determining the financial status of the Organization. Pollution has recently become the major focus of the IMO and β†’

Multi-level organizational research

The implication is that any research in to the functioning and performance of a large structure with branches at multiple levels has to incorporate distinct phases of research for individuals at the periphery, for teams that operate within the body of structures, and for the entire organization as an entity. Each of these levels will β†’

The non-profit organisation

The supervisory programmes should motivate the employees to increase their effort and commitment, Commitment can also be measured through daily reports of the activities undertaken in that day. Fostering creativity and innovation in non-profit organisation among the employees present another obstacle. Westport, CT: Quorum Books, 2000.

Organizational cultural competence

It belongs to the Florida Hospital system, which is a group of private hospitals that are operated and owned by the Adventist Health System. The Adventist Health system belongs to the worldwide association of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. In addition, the GetWell network that is responsible for facilitating the process of patient β†’

Types of industrial conflicts

It is a formal form of industrial conflict that is usually organized by a trade union.(Trade unions are representatives of employment that ensure that employee working conditions and earnings are managed according to rule. Work-to-rule oWork-to-rule, another form of formal industrial action, occurs when workers work strictly according to the legal terms of their contract.

Identifying organizational subcultures

The structure used at British Airways is also beneficial to the employees, as each individual knows whom they are directly responsible to and for, and also they have a clear role in the company and understand exactly what is expected from them. It is also beneficial for managers, as they can observe the workingenvironmenteasier and β†’

Mission and philosophy of an organization

The vision statement anchored its commitment on the core competencies and professional capabilities of the people in the organization. On the aspect of the similarities of the mission and vision statements, both echoed a commitment to serve the community. Also, both the mission and vision statement further showed thefailureto recognize the contribution and importance of β†’

Top ten bsc mistakes

It's impossible to know whether you have the right metrics and initiatives until you have lived with them for a while. The pursuit of perfection? an admirable trait in many respects? can also undermine the value of the BBS. As Voltaire said, " The perfect Is enemy of the good." Better Instead try β†’

Five types of organization structures

Another potential disadvantage of the functional organization structure is that it can pose a challenge for top management to maintain control as the organization expands. Farber, 2013) One advantage of a Matrix structure is better coordination and control: - this structure is very much suitable to coordinate and control the functional activities and project activities.

Theory of organizational culture

Due to the culture and structure of the empire was great enough; the tide was often overcome even after decades long. However, one cannot be in denial that without a strong top leadership eventually would be the cause of the fall of even the great empire.1. Every organization is unique in nature; which β†’

Human resource is the most important asset of an organization

Some of the organization will try to approach the peoples which are lack of working experience and not qualified enough as required for the job, here may cause some of the clients lost theirloyaltytowards the organization due to the poor customer services. Therefore, the organization must be smart to engage, select and retain the talented β†’

Human service organizations

As such, the US Congress extended their effort to protect those who appeared differently in their physical formation making them to pass an Act which is then called as Disability Act. From the wordings itself, this Act empowers anyone who has physical disabilities and deformities from the β†’

Free research paper on utilitarianism

Example is the consideration of the being faithful to the spouse who gives a promise of faithfulness making both to keep this due to a moral obligation and the promise made. The strength therefore maybe based on the human nature and characteristic behavior that evolves from the social life style of an individual. The author β†’

Antebellum steamboats

The steamboats led to an opening of the West and South which were filled with rivers. He built and tested an experimental steamboat on the Seine River in 1803.

Example of research paper on religion and ecology

Accepting a religious and prophetic part religion might then display the natural emergency as an issue of cluttered or vile human relations and give the ideological and authoritative assets to conceptualize these and bargain with them. The field of religion and nature organizes and incorporates an extent of literary works and activities (drifting between the β†’

Rousseau and the concept democracy research paper

The modern sense of democracy implies much more than that, as it contemplates control and limitation of the powers of the State, and representative transmission of power. Modern democracy is now defined as the effective participation of most adults of a society in the control of the political agenda through egalitarian vote based on an β†’

Recrystallization of benzoic acid

Also the boiling point of the solvent must be lower than the melting point of the solute. Then the goal was to determine the melting point range of the recrystallized benzoic acid and compare it to the melting range of the small sample of the impure benzoic acid.1.

Lions: king of the jungle and disney movies

The solution may come as a surprise to some, but I am here to declare once and for all that The Lion King is the greatest offspring of The Walt Disney Company. The music that was written by Elton John and Tim Rice for the Lion King is some of the most awe-inspiring compositions of β†’

My family’s relationship to nature and the environment

My family history naturally reflects the situation in Thailand, as I come from this nation, butI believethat it to a great degree parallels the events in other parts of the globe. My grandparents lived in a rural area in Thailand and made their living by farming. At that time, Thailand's population was not so large, β†’

The innate nature of sin

The short stories " The Minister's Black Veil" and " Young Goodman Brown," written by Hawthorne, reflect these themes through elements of fiction, such as plot, setting, symbolism, and point of view." The Minister's Black Veil" is about a town's minister who walks into Sunday Congregation with a heinous black veil covering his face.

The ideal gas questionnaire

What pressure is contributed by the CHCl3? A study of climbers who reached the summit of Mt. 1 g of N2 at 25 C, the gas exerts a pressure of 10.

Free research paper on california

Some of the activities that are mostly enjoyed by the great number of tourists at Redwood National Park include; sport fishing, kayaking along the watercourses, mountain biking and horse riding. The scenic routes that traverse the forest give visitors an opportunity to admire the amazing waterfalls, wildlife and the vast jungle of redwood trees. The β†’

Natural selection lab

The predators will prey upon the population, with the surviving members reproducing and passing along the genes for color. Problem: How does a population change as a result of natural selection? Materials: 5 different colors of paper cut into 1 cm ? 1 cm β†’


But this site is also meant to highlight a whole lot more interesting aspects on these insects, and feature many species which are NOT pests, and which are rare or will never be found in urban environments or human habitation. Second only to ants, termites are one of the most numerous insects on earth β†’

Diamond and graphite

" In mineralogy, diamond (from the ancient Greek ?????? adamas " unbreakable") is an allotrope of carbon, where the carbon atoms are arranged in a variation of the face-centered cubic crystal structure called a diamond lattice. This conductivity is associated with hydrogen-related species adsorbed at the surface, and it can be removed by annealing or β†’


Shape ; strength & nature of intermolecular interactions impact melting point temperature Melting Point as an Indicator of Purity ; In a pure sample, all surface molecules need the same energy to escape. Stronger intermolecular interactions = more energy required for molecules to " escape". Translates to a higher pm.; In an impure β†’

The english patient

At first glance, war has reduced it to a fraction of its former grace and beauty." The Villa San Girolamo, built to protect inhabitants from the flesh of the devil, had the look of a besieged fortress, the limbs of most of the statues blown off during the first days of shelling." But as is β†’

The nature and forms of commercial organization

These are the owners of shares of a corporation which have a capital stock and whose names appear in the books of corporation as the holders of a share or shares of stock of the corporation. Tertiary: The members of which are secondaries upward to one or more apex organizations.

My special place

This short essay is written to prove that a beach is more than just nature's gift that comes with sand, shells and pebbles. Millions of people across the world frequent the beach especially in summertime. For me, the beach is my special place. The beach has been many things β†’

Conservation of natural resources

It is indeed a pleasure for all of us to be celebrating the 25th Year of the Foundation of the Museum. I am happy to see that a number of children have participated in various activities of the Museum.

Tok: subjective nature of perspective in arts & science

This functions perfectly for Artists, since they have the advantage to create the ultimate theme or setting for certain periods of time in society with the help of their subjective nature of perspective. This is proven over time; Artists have created themes that develop from renaissance to abstract, to pop art, to post-modern art that β†’

Green computing research project part 5 case study examples

Proper deployment of the SPC aids in the creation of an environment where in the whole organization aims for improvement of quality and productivity. Among the seven tools, the Shewhart control chart is the most technical. Using one of the quality tools would ensure that these outputs and ideas are feasible and up to the β†’

Bioportal study guide

This means that: is more basic than water. B.water is more acidic than coffee. C.the H+ concentration of coffee is seven-fifths that of water. D.the H+ concentration of water is one-one hundredth that of coffee. E.the H+ concentration of water is one-hundred times that of coffee. The reactivity of an atom arises from the β†’

Man vs. nature conflicts

This growth eventually requires yet more cultural adaptations to increase resources, and the alteration of the natural environment and the rate of cultural evolution is accelerated. The paving of this road would have dire consequences, both to the migrating herds and the local environment itself. The effects could be devastating to the β†’

Can hybrid cars reduce the dependency on fossil fuels

Toyota and Honda introduced hybrid cars to the American markets in the beginning of 1999. Hybrid car are a combination of gasoline and electric powered car. This development of lithium-ion batteries on hybrid cars allows the capability of the cars to be plug in hybrids.

The nature of international politics

He illustrates this best in The Melian Dialogue through the actions of the war-loving Athenians. In their effort to maintain their stance of power against their rival Spartans, they travel to the island of Melos with the goal of conquering the Melians; either through force or through the Melian surrender. In the β†’

The truth and nature of love in β€˜shakespeare in love’

It is through these techniques that as a twenty-first century viewer I became able to understand the harshness of " the truth and nature of love" in sixteenth century England and began to appreciate more the risks Will and Viola took to defy these truths. However I admired and appreciated the two protagonists for going β†’

Research paper on most female clients prefer services by male beauticians

From my point, I observed that most female clients first scanned the salon for the available attendants. They even asked for suggestions on how their styles can be improved and readily took the recommendations. In conclusion, I realized that the female actually preferred male attendants.

Fossil fuels

While fossil fuels have proven essential to the industrial revolution and the creation of society as we now know, fossil fuels pose a danger to the world, to the ecosystem, to animals, to plants, and to humans. The exploration and extraction of fossil fuels cause destruction to the naturalenvironmentand upsets ecosystems which can not only β†’

Mangroves and their importance

Mangroves are fish nurseries as they serve as a source of food for fish and crabs that live in rivers and the shallow areas of the sea/ocean. More than 35% of the world's mangroves are already gone. The figure is as high as 50% in countries such as India, the Philippines, and β†’

The florida panther research paper examples

The evolution of the Florida Panther is a tale of an animal that is well equipped to handle its natural environment, but not the interference of humans that has put it on the Endangered Species List. The taxonomy of the Florida Panther is as follows; " Kingdom- Animalia, Phylum- Chordata, Subphylum- Vertebrata, Class- Mammalia, Order- β†’

Life science research project

5 and 8.5. Method- Hold the strip under the water for 5 seconds making sure all 3 pads are submerged, shake it off and compare the colours with those on the ph.colour chart. Temperature of water: The temperature influences the survival of plants and animals. Method- Hold the thermometer 10cm below the surface for 2minutes, β†’

Factors affecting solubility

Properties of Solution Concentration The concentration of a solution is the measure of how much solute and solvent there is. Vapor pressure is the measure of the pressure of the evaporated vapor, and it depends on the temperature of the solution and the quantities of solute.

Energy transference at hypersonic velocities

Force travels through solid objects at roughly the speed of sound in that object, if you force a piece of an object to move at greater than the speed of sound through that medium it will simply tear whatever is holding it together without transmitting force to the surrounding structure. So when a solid slug β†’

Oil & gas management

Among the errors that led to the incident is the fact that the two pods of control on the BOP of the Deepwater Horizon showed that there was an error in a vital valve in one of the pods of control, and that the other pod of control did not have adequate charge on the β†’

Oedipus – a true leader is born

He is a great king and leader, as shown through the eradication of the Sphinx and the cleansing of the city's miasma. While Oedipus is ultimately the source of the city's woes, he still did all he could to find and purge thepollutionfrom the city. Oedipus, on the other hand, proves himself β†’

Original writing: how grave am i

If I was able to gather my thoughts and brag to how life was golden, I would not be able to, as your life ended as soon as it started in a way, as you were not even given the opportunity to live it; now you leave me with a loneliness feeling like a long β†’

Oedipus reader’s log

Explain the irony present in Oedipus's resolution. Oedipus is talking about what the killer might do; while unbeknownst to him he's actually the killer. - - - - Section Line Questions Reader's Commentary Parados 151-215 11. What request does Oedipus make in lines 858-860? He requests to see the peasant/witness. - - - - Section Line β†’


" Out Of My League" it's her hair and her eyes today that just simply take me away and the feeling that i am falling further in love makes me shiver but in a good way all the times i have sat and stared as she thoughtfully thumbs through her hair and she purses her β†’

Oedipus rex pgs. 159 – 198

When Tiresias is trying to tell Oedipus that he is the cause of the plague, Oedipus snaps back, not believing a single word. The chorus is also trying to convince Oedipus to stop this outrage towards Creon.

Modern adaptation of oedipus rex (scene)

The servant leaves the baby to die in the sun. A shepherd saves the baby and names him Oedipus.*optional to adapt Characters King Laius / Lionel von Hudson Jared Lionel von Hudson is a wealthy and powerful businessman. Cassandra. Lionel and Cassandra exit the car and walk towards the office entrance when β†’

“how the glass menagerie illustrates the breakup of family structures.” research paper

This is evidenced by the family's ultimate failure to communicate or understand each other thus making the audience to identify with the happenings. As we read the play and the events unfold, every character seems to seek sympathy and the family breaks up before our own eyes and we are surprised more when the characters β†’

Child observation

In terms of language, it seems like the kids understands and knows how to speak but with just little words. They were surrounded by a lot of toys but they only play with the ones that are near them and they arrange the toys to where they can reach it.

The external conflict of the story β€žmy oedipus complex” by frank o’conner

He is not ready to share his mother's attention with the father, who is returned from the war and with new-born brother. Larry is strongly connected with his mother and wants her to belong only to him. In the story Larry wanted to get rid form his father and become more closer with β†’

Oedipus and freud

This is a never ending fight between reason and feelings. In order to clarify my point of view I will use some examples from the play Oedipus The King: A) The intelligence and sides of Oedipus I think, is the representation of our desire to control things according to our own schemes, we β†’

Oedipus: a tragic hero

Through the play we see that Oedipus posses many of the characteristics of a tragic hero such as: he is of noble stature, his downfall was his own fault, and that his punishment was not wholly deserved. The Priest depicts when Oedipus defeated the Sphinx, which is the task that gains him the position of β†’

Organizations in project managed environments

The research also looked at how the image of an organization is affected by failure of a project or a program. The reputation of the organization also affects the share value of the corporate organization and the ability of the organization to catch the attention of excellent employees and be able to β†’

Internal environment, the micro environment and the macro environment

Technological will have an affect on the mentoring program as the mentors need to keep in contact with the youth and phone calls, emails and keep are not capable withouttechnology. Legal is defiantly meeting to keep in mind as the mentors are dealing with people from the age of 7, there is theChild β†’

M&s’s business and economic environment

The level of which corporation tax is set at can effect a business hugely, as if they are set low it means that M&S will not have to pay as much interest on their profit and will have more money to re-invest into the business. This would apply to M&S as they have the self-service β†’

What is the point of saving endangered species?

If we just put that trash in the right place then the extinction rates would start declining. A small group of people would argue that a lot of the already extinct species should be extinct. But the fact that the environment is changing so quickly and the animals cannot keep up is mostly our own β†’

The global environment

Developing States and International Environmental Law: The Importance of Differentiated Responsibilities. Developing States and International Environmental Law: The Importance of Differentiated Responsibilities.

The continuity of life and the natural environment

This quandary provides the principle for the principle for the survey presented in this survey, which is an scrutiny of the utility of APCS-ANN coaction for beginning allotment. An of import challenge for scientists is to develop analytical tools that could be used to understand the interaction and behaviour of factors involved in a multidimensional β†’

Explain the importance of environment for slc

If a setting has a warm and welcoming atmosphere along with polite and approachable staff, this would help in creating an environment for speech, language and communication development. To ensure the right environment is set, you should consider looking from a child's view and should reduce noise and distractions, having a lot of symbols and β†’

Natural resources and environmental ethics

Sum all of these individuals altogether by the millions and the decline in the quality and quantity of the natural resources will proportionally decrease or perhaps even more than that. This and other related issues involved in the dwindling of the natural resources have caught the attention of the world. In fact, β†’

Natural fires

What we do not realize is that large-scale fires have existed way back in the history of our planet, and that these fires are considered as natural occurrences. Because of this increase in temperature, the trees in the forests become more susceptible to these fires.

Monsanto balances environmental & ethical factors

They also have certain guide lines to follow, and a role is a representation of a set of access right to resources/data that corresponds to duties associated with a business function. This is how Kroger organization measure efficiency and effectiveness. Kroger know how to treat the knowledge component of business activities as an β†’

Leardership in a global environment writing

If a business safety coordinator is required to participate in all trainings provided by the organization regardless of whether or not they are actually performing that duty on could assume that a training could be reared to teach them how to access causality in order to verify clinical cases as well. Since they β†’

Biotic and abiotic structure and function of an ecosystem

Describe the structure of the ecosystem: List both the abiotic components and biotic components Describe the function of the ecosystem: How do the abiotic and biotic components interact in biogeochemical cycles? Explain the damage to the ecosystem, including how the abiotic and biotic characteristics of the ecosystem changed.

General environment segments and porter 5 forces

For Intel the most important of these is the technological dimension. The environment is uncertain, to be competitive and efficient, Intel needs to review its focus and by changing it Intel shows that it is ready to adapt to the new environment.

Organisational environment

Therefore, the aim of macro-environmental analysis is to aid the organization in discerning trends in the general environment which might impact upon its industry and markets. The organization is then able to formulate a strategy and use its internal resources and capabilities to position itself to exploit opportunities as they arise. Scanning, β†’

Transition to a new cultural environment

For a person to truly find out the real history behind a culture, a person must ask the people of the culture. It's the only way to find the true history. Results Leaning the language will connect a person to the people of a different culture. This gives a person the ability to socialize with β†’

Environment and crime

If this is indeed the case, it would seem quite plausible to assume that, in terms of an individual's criminal activity, the neighborhood environment is a leading correlate of crime. Granted that this is true, why is it that a large majority of those who live in even the most crime ridden β†’

Basic ecological concept

The scope of the biology includes the study of all these and may extend to the level of the organism such as behavior, and the organism mechanism for interacting with itsenvironment. Ecology started from the study of the organism-a group of organisms that is similar in appearance, behavior and genetic make up β†’

The interaction between heredity and environment

The question I will ask is: How much of the variability observed between different individuals is due to hereditary differences between them, and how much to differences in the environments under which the individuals developed? The purpose of designing a unit on ? They will explore plants with the exact same heredity β†’

Technology vs. values & environment

To determine the effect that technology has on the true evolution of a society needs to be considered from two angles. The extensive power consumption by factories in the USA is a matter of great contention in the United Nations, as it is a major contributor to global warming.